UEITLER—SI'EaA. Dec. 71b, by Jacob Rein hold, James A. Heiner, to Mary Ann Spent, Loth of Warwick. ENS MIRO EM—MA RKLEY. Dee. 16th, by Rev. M. M. liarpel, H. M. Ensminger to Louisa K M., only daughter of Abraham Markley of Lexing ton, this county. SUTTON—ECKERT. Nov. 24th, by Rev. James Roberts, of Coatesville, George Sutton, of High land twp., Chester co,to Bathe. daughter of Peter B. Eckert, of Intercourse, Lancaster co. STARK-31 UMMA. Dee. 16th, by the Rev. J. J. S trine, at Yundt's Hotel, Elias F. Stark. of Penn, to Kate°. Mumma, Of Warwick. SAUDER—EABY. Dec. 16th, by the Rev. E. Greenwald, Sau.uel G. Sander, of Caernarvon, to Lizzie Eaby, of East Earl. Bancsaitt.—lfzusn EY. Itec. 16th by the Rev. E. Greenwald, Elam H. Brackbill' to Barbara Hershey, both of Paradise. MARTIN—ZUCKERMAN. Dec. 16th, by the Rev. E. Greenwald, Tobias W. Martin to Mary W. Zimmerman, both of East Earl. Gattoza—Rountoo. Nov. Seth, in Philadelphia, by Rev. H. S. Hoffman, pastor of the 2d Mora vian Church, John P. Gruger, formerly of Lan caster, Pa., and Bessie, youngest daughter of the late I'rof. J. Rodrigo, of New York. DIED. • ALLEN. Dec. 4th, Barbara, wife of John Allen, of Salsbury twp., aged 54 years and IS days. De:gramma. Dee. 10th, at his residence in Upper Leaeock twp., Henry E. Denlingor, aged 30 years, 2 months and 23 days. WI rsox. Dec. 20th, in this city, Naomi S., wile of it. S. Wilson. DIMMELSBACIL Dec. 19th, in this city, Lewis Ilinunelsbach, in the 35thyear of his age. scn El D. DCC. 20th in this city, Henry Scheid, in the 41st year of his age. itE On the morning of Pee. 20th, sud denly, at his residence, Em'l C. Reigart, Esq., rn t 74th year of his age THE MARKETS. Lancaster Household Markets. LANCASTER, Dee, , t!. 45 44 5o 19 eg 10 et 45 '4 (0 lu 11 (0 12 10 (0 12 15 (4 16 0) 643 00 cot 23 50 (TO 70 ro 0? 10) 35 ov 53 20 (0) 25 50 (0 60 S 40 9 s 0 20 IS 0') 20 10 () 12 0 30 3 ov 90 105(0.1 73 ter,lll tip Lard, 'tt 11 :cgs, ift do, Beef by the quarter—front Beef by the qua rter—li im . Veal by the quarter Small folk by the quarter. Turkey. i;eese Ducks Live Chickens N i l pair Dressell s per lb Potatoes rebus Pot aloe, per peek Turnips Tt peek I in ions.... 1p t1e..7 1 ~ peek Walnut per I peek •••weet Cider per gallon Corti in the ear, per liti tats 'tl bler of :1 ImQ I'l►iladelpl►ia Produce Market. AllEl Dec. 22.—The Flour market rema ins dull!, ill III(' uh,cueo ofuuy demand tor shimuent only I'M bid,. sieve latter in lots by the home crude at $1.504,4.75 for superfine; extra=; tOr lowa, Vi cousin ;old Minnesir a extra family, the latter rate for choice; ti5.•25.t:0; for Pa.. do. do.; 41.5.75@ 0.50 for Dh to do. do., and ;.73@7.50 for lancy brands, according to quality. Rye Flour is steady at per bbl. Ti, , Wheat imalcci 4, i Neeedingly fiat, but prices reumin without change. Sales of 2,000 bus. Penn'a anti Delaware red at $1.25@1.20. ltye may be quoted at 4101.03 for Penna. n is qulet at vesterdt y's quotations. Sales of 100 bus. old yellow at $l.Ol, and 4,000 bus. new ,10. at SiFibSoc., according to dryness. Oats ILre without improveMent Penn'a soh( at sr.iii:rine. No sales were reported in Barley or Malt. In the absence of sales we quote No. I Quer citron bark at '430 per lon. Clover:wed is less lie: ive, and only 100 bushels sold at is. - Tinnaby i 5 nominal oil $4. Flaxsectd is +miet Whisky is nominal. - 'The Cattle Market. MON DA Y, Dee. 10.—The market for Beef Cattle was moderately active to-day, but prices favor ed buyers. We quote choice at 81410 3 ,4c.;prinie at 7%@8%c.; fair to good at 63;,@7%c.; and com mon at 41446%c. IR S. gross, as to condition. jieceipts, :1268 head. The following sales were Verirtett: , 75 head, Owen Smith, Western 7 @ i;%4 117 " A. Christy & Bro., Virginia.. 7 et/ 9 47 " Dengler & MeCleese, Western 7 el 1 ,4 111 " P. McFillen, Western 7 eV 9% 55 " P. Hathaway, Western Pa.... 7 @9% 58 " B. McFillen, Western 7 0 100 " J. S. McFillen, Western 7 4 80 " E. S. McFillen, Western 7 8 124 " Ullman & Bachman, Western t% 9% 181 " Martin, Fuller & est'n. 6 9% 170 " Mooney & Smith, Co., Western..... 6% 9 so " Thos. Mooney & Bro, Virginia 6 Cp 8 , 4 45 " U. Chain Western Penn's.... SlAtil 7 NO " John Smith & Bro., Western 7 @ 9 % 95 6V " L. Frank, Virginia atax 105 " G. Schamberg, & Co. Virginia 7 1 Acji 8% 1 " L:0 " Hope & Co., Virginia 6 %0 9 % 52 " M. Dryfoos & Co., Virginia.... 6%10 7 65 " 11. Frank, Virginia 6 ep 8 67 " Elkon & Co., Virginia 6f4@ 7% 26 " B. Baldwin, Chester co WA 9 % 65 "J. Clemson, Western 411 9,x , „' 24 " Blum & Co., Virginia 6 8 56 " Chandler & Alexander, Ches. 6 9 1 4 30 " A. Kimble, Chester co 6 ii/ 9 24 " L. Horne, Delaware 51x.d0 6% 40 " Jos. Hull, Western 6 7 54 " S. Frank, Virginia 6 7 120 " 11. Elliuger, Virginia 7 9 15 " .1. Rowland, Chester co 5 eV 8 102 " R. Mayne. Western 5 @ 7% 50 " C. Welker ," Virginia 43.6© 6 18 " .1. Gorthrop, Chester co 6 Y4@ 8 % 22 " John Christy, Virginia 554(a/ 6 15 " Jesse Miller, Chester co is c@ Cows and Calves—the demand is br s and well maintained ; 150 head sold at 8.500100. Sheep are active and higher ;sales of 50:0 head at 5%1P)7 , /,c. Hogs are in better demand and prices arc 500. It 100 lbs. higher ; sales of 3248 head at $14 1 ,@15 7 #l 100 its. uet, for corn-fed. New Advertisements. INSTRUCTIVE AND AMUSING ! IN THE COURT HOUSE During holiday Week, Dr. McCLINTOCK (its courses nightly on the Interesting topic " What We Are and May Be," (Peculiarities of Life and Varieties of Character.) First lour evenings for Ladles and Gentlemen Lust two evenings to Gentlemen exclu sively. Part of proceeds for ben efit of 4thildrens , Home. The undersigned being personallYasquamted with Prof. James McClintock, M. L., as a prac tioner of Medicine and Surgery, and being fa miliar with his history, testify to his high Cha racter as a teacher and as one of the most suc cessful physicians and surgeons of this city, and recommend him to the public In the various towns and cities he may visit. Philadelphia, March le, 18M. Rev. Joe. CASTLE, D. D. " CoOMBE, " G. D. ()ARROW. M. D. JOHN WALKSHJACKPON, " J. CUNNINGHAM, M D. " 11. 11. NADAL, I). D. " C. contra, D. D. " It. W. My 31.1.11111K8, And others. Dec. 114-11) .JZ7je -'7 l I _L' S a; Lie -\ VEGETABLE SICILIAN RENEWER. ITS EFFECT IS MIMtA.C3t7LOaTg. IT is a perfect and wonderful article. Cures baldness. Makes hair grow. A bet ter dressing than any "oil" or " pomatum." Softens brash, dry and wiry hair into Beautiful Silken Tresses. lint, above all, the great won der is the rapidity to which it restores GRAY HAIR TO ITS ORIGINAL COLOR. The whitest and worst looking hair resumes its youthful beauty by its use. It does not dye the hair, but strikes at the root and fills it with new life and coloring matter. The first application will do good; :you will see the Natural Color returning every day, and BEFORE YOU KNOW IT, the old, gray, discolored appearance of the hair will be gone, giving place to lustrous, shining and beautiful locks. Ask for Hall's Sicilian Hair Renewer; no oth er article is at all like itin effect. See that each bottle has our private Govern ment Stamp over the top of the bottle. .411 others are imitations. R. P. HALL, & CO., Proprietors Nashua, N. H. For sale by all druggists Deo. 24-Im. New Advertisements. ADJOI 7 RNED COIIITS FOR LANCASTER COUNTY FOIL W7O It is ordered by the Court that adjourned Courts for MO for the I riel and decision of eases in the Common Pleas, Orphans , Court and Quar ter Sessions, are to be held as follows: One week commencing Monday, March 21st " June 20th. " Sept. 19th. Deer. 19th. To continue one week from the said days re spectively, and ns much longer as the business may require. All the cases on the list for ar gument in the Common Pleas will be taken up on the first days of said terms, and be proceed ed with until disposed of, unless continued by consent as for cause shown. The cases on the argument list in the Or phans' Court will be taken up immediately upon the cases in the Common Pleas having been gone through with. The cases in the Quarter Sessions will be commenced when the cases in the Orphans' Court shall have been heard or continued. It furthei ordered that the absence of counsel at the time appointed for bearing the cases mentioned In the proceeding order, shall be no cause for suspending proceeding therein, un less by consent, or legal ground for a continu- Hance be shown. ADJOURNED JURY TRIAL. It is ordered by the Court that adjourned Courts for Jury trials in the Common Pleas will be as follows: One week, coin Mending 5111 Monday in Jan. 31st. ~ :11l Feb. 21st. o ~ 4111 " Feb. 28th. ~ " 4111 " May 23d. " stll " May 30th. 6: • ' 501 " Aug 211th. " 14 311 Ocd. 17th. " • • 4th " oet. 24th. Ist " Dee. sth. And at such other periods as may be appointed at the aforesaid Courts, or at regular terms. The foregoing t o be published in all the news papers in the city and county of Lancaster, by 0110 insertion in each, at the expense of the county. Bill to be presented at Commission la's ()ince. Court orders defaulting JurorA to be tin rd +l5. W. D. STAI 'FP Eli, Prot It v. Dec. 22, 180 THE PEST IN THE WeKEI ! The scientific American $1,500 CaQt. / . 0 r I:1 j $1.400 Cash. A VALUABLE Volt ALL. rpius splendidly Must rated wo , kly journal of POPUL \lt :-I:IENCE, ME -4.IIANICS, INVENTION, ENGINEI:“ING, A( M - 11 UL TUBE. and the kindred arts, enters its W EN TY-FIFT It YEA on the first of January next, having n circulation far exceeding I hat of any similar journal now published. THE EDITORIALDEPARTMENT of the Scientific American is very ably conducted,and some of the most popular writers in I his I 'Ol.lll - and Europe are emit ribu ors. Ev e ry num. her has IG imperial pages, embellished wlth tine Engravings of AL AL N I.W INVENTIGNS, To“Ls FOR THE W.P.KSIMP, FIRM AND HOUSE HOLD, ENGIN 'AMINO WORKS, DWELLING BOUsE PUBLIC BUILDINGS. A Journal of so much intrinsic value, at the low prier, of ti 3 a year, ought to have, in th thriving country, A MILDION READER'. hoe v r reads fhe Scientific A merican is entertained and inst Fueled, without being La hexed with hard words or dry details. TO INvEN runs AND MECIIANICi this journal is of especial value as it contains it weekly report of the Patents issueil at Wash ington, with copious notices of the leading AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN INVENTIONS. The Publishers of the Scientific American are the most Extensive Patent solicitors in the world, and have unequalled facilities for gath ering a complete knowledge of the progress of Invention and Discovery throughout the world: and with a view to mark the quarter of a cen tury, during which this journal has held the rst place in Scientific and Mechanical Litera ture, the Publishers will issue on January ft rst the large and splendid St eel Engraving by John Sartain of Philadelphia, untitled : "MEN OF PROGRESS—A MERICAN INVEN- 2 suo b 1.1 TOILS," tle,plll te Costing nearly 14,000 to cograve, and contraltos nlnfstech Ilkentrawca or Mo.( victim American Inventors. It is a superb Work of art. Single pictures, printed on heavy paper, will be sold at $lO, but any one subscribing for the Scientific American, the paper will be sent for one year, together with a copy of the engrav ing, on receipt of $lO. The picture is also ()t -iered as a premium to clubs of subscribers. M 111,500 Cash Prizes... 42 In addition to the above premium, the Pub lishers will pay Isl,tibo in E ASH PRIZES for lists of subscribers sent in by February 10, 1870. Per sons who want to compete for these prizes, should send at once for prospectus and blanks for names. Terms of Scientific American,one year $3.00; six months $1.50; four months. $l.OO. To clubs of 10 and upwards, terms $2.50 per annum. Specimen copies sent free. Address the Publishers. MUNN & ' 37 Park Row, New York. How to get Patents.—A pamphlet of Patent Laws and instruction to Inventors sent free. Dec. 24-It. Now is the time to Subscribe FOR. THE NEW YORK WEEKLY, Tuu. PEOPLE'S FAVORITE JOURNAL The Most Interesting Stories Are always to be found in the NEW YORK SIX GREAT STORIES running through its columns; and at least ONE STORY IS BEGUN EVERY MONTH. New subscribers are thus sure of having the commencement of a new continued story, no matter when they subscribe for the NEW YORK WEEKLY. VACII number of the NEW YORK A WEEKLY contains several Beautiful Il lustrations, Double the Amount of Reading Matter of any paper of its class, and the Sketch es, short Stories, Poems, etc., arc by the ablest writers of America and Europe. The NEW YORK WEEKLY does not confine its usefulness to amusement, but publishes a great quantity of really in structive mutter in the must condensed form. The N. Y. Weekly Departments have attained a high reputation for their brev ity, excellence. and correctness. THE PLEASANT PARAGRAPHS are male up of the concentrated wit and humor of many minds. Tim KNOWLEDGE Box is confined to useful in formation on animaters and subjects. THE NEWS Iruns give in the fewest words the most notable doings all over the world. TER GOSSIP WITH CORRESPONDENTS contains answers to inquiries upon all imaginable sub jects. An Unrivalled Literary Paper 13 THE k si!, AlO 1:4 5) Di :4 fall Each issue contains from EIGHT to TEN STORIES and SKETCHES, and H ALF A DOZ EN POEMS, in ADDITION to the SIX SERIAL STOR/E,Sand the VARIED DEPARTMENTS. The Terms to Subscribers. One Year—single copy Three Dollars. " " Four copies (x•_'.so each) Ten Dollars. " " Eight copies Twenty Dollars. Those sending $2O for a club of Eight, all sent at one time, will be entitled to a copy FREE. Getters up of clubs can afterward add single copies at $2.50 each. STREET & SMITH, Proprietors, Dee. 244 f. No. 55 Fulton-st., W. Y. Book and Job Printing. RAUCH & COCHRAW, BOOK AND JOB PRINTERS PLAIN AND FANCY PRINTING OF ALL HINDS. From the largest POSTER to the smallest CARD or CIRCULAR, executed to the best style, and at reasonable prices. e d SfirOrders from a distance promptly o attend- OFFICE.—NO. NI, SOUTH QUEEN STREET LANCASTER, PENNA. FOR ARGUMENT WEEKLY. At Present there arc 1114scellaneous. BRADBURY'S AND OTHER PIANOS, Taylor I Farley's and E. P. Needham 1 Soh' Organs and Melodeons. WM . G. FISCHER, Gert'l Wholesale Agent, 1018 4 reh street and 21 North Eleventh street, Phlladel ph la. roc t 29-Gm LEWIS POTTER, REAL ESTATE AGENT, NEW BLOOMFIELD, PERRY CO., PA A large number Of valuable farms for sale on reasonable terms, located in Peril , county, Pa. Send for a Circular giving a full description of each farm registered. Also, price. [octS-3in T RADE, TRADE, TRADE! ot on ott! 0!!!! MONEY I MONEY I I MONEY !!! howl! How 1! ! How!!!! Get! Get!! Get!!! Singer! Singer Sewing Machine! ! First! First!! First!!! First!!!! Get boot ! Get boot ! ! Get boot I!! liir By trading 1t off on a Howe and write a Card agaimt the Singer Agent. [not 26-3 t QM BBERTOLETTE, • NDERTAKE NO. 18 NORTH FIFTH STREET, READING Always on hand Earley's Patent Wooden coffins, Raymond & Co.'s ➢[ctallic Coffins, Fisk's Metallic Coffins Always prepared to attend to the dcad and furnish Coins, burial eases, &c., at the very shortest notice. B. BEHTOLETTE, No. 13 North Fifth street, Reading, Pa novl2,tfl Cabinet Ware. JAS. F. RICKSECKER, MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN CABINET WARE, - Windsor & Cane-seated Chairs, TIM GENERAL UPHOLSTERER, NO. 29 EAST KING STREET, Nearly opposite the Court. House, over Jturr%; Book Store, LANCASTER, PA. Ordera and Repairing promptly at tended to [Nor2G-6m Furnishing Goods, &c. 4 BEST KID GLOVES, zi _,_ ______ LECHLER & BRO., , ilt i 1 , 4 (: Manufacturers and - j„..± . , );! ill .. -- Dealers in :1 . (4 1 L 1 ' 4i,... - -'" l Fine White Shirts, J , - \ t - : : BoOm, 1 -, - e-= .- i COLLARS, % - - -;,;', CUFFS, - Patent Saring4 -- - - i. _ OVER OAINE NECK TIES, BOWS, REGALIA, —AND— GENTS FURNISHING GOODS SHIRTS MADE TO ORDER. Formula of Man agement anti list of prices sent on application (A PERFECT FIT WARRANTED.) A fine assortment of UNDERCLOTHING, LADIES MERINO VEST, SUSPENDERS, HANDKERCHIEFS, GLOVES, HOSIERY, SLEEVE BUTTONS, PERFUMERY, POMADEs, TOILET ARTICLES, WALKING CANES, UMBRELLAS, ac NO. 3 EAST NINO STREET, LANCASTER, PA. 1 1h;; . 17-CLASS GOODS ONLY (sep2/-ly] HEADQUARTERS von UNDERCLOTHING, STOCKINGS, GLOVES, COLLARS, CUFFS, SLEEVE BUTTONS, (ieut , s ware generally, at NO. 41)i NORTH. QUEEN ST., Lancaster Ani ever ous grosser slitock goods—suitula for Krisbdogs, Nei-Yohrs un onnery Presents— SO we Hols-Richer, Schnup-Richer, Collars, Hen termel li'nep, g'shtickte Hemmer-fronts, Poolot Bieber, Perfumery, Ho Cigar Casa, rn ornery fancy articles ons E. J. EILISMAN'S, 414 North Queen Street, Lancaster. (Om sign fum gross Shtreaflch Street [no2o-ly Dentistry. LeneenTEß, June nth, 186 EDITORS EXPRESS: Dr. Win. M. Whiteside, •he enterprising Dentist, has all from ins a large stock of teeth and all the fixtures, the in• struments formerly belonging to me, and also; those used by my father, Dr. Parry, in his piacJ flee. In the purchase, the doctor has provi•td himself with some of the most valuable and IX pensive instruments used in dental practoe, and has beyond doubt one of the best and zr gest collections of teeth and instruments in be State. Persons visiting the commodious otties of Dr. Whiteside, cannot fail to be fully scot modated. The Doctor loses no opportunit.' f furnishing himself with every late scien c improvement in his line of business. 11. B. PAM'. WIXT N. WHITESIDE, V • DENTIST. OFFICE AND RESIDENCE, EAST KING STREET:, Next door to the Court House, over FaLakes- tack's Dry Goods Store, LANCASTER, PENNA Teeth Extracted without pain by the .tse of (Nitrous Oxide) Gas. no2o-tf _Motets. - yr S. HOTEL, U • OPPOSITE PAM. R. R. DZPOT, HARRISBURG, PA =C=I W. H. MONGER & CO., mhl3-1y) Proprietors BUCK & BROTHER, MERCHANT TAILORS, Have on hand a floe line 01 CLOTHS, Together with a large line of Gentlemen's Furnishing Their establishment is the most complete in all its departments of any, outside of Philadel phia, in the State. S. M. MYERS. JACOB RA TII FON. GOOD NE WS FOR ' i ' IIE PEOPLE! The subscribers have Just returned from the Eastern Markets with the largest • and best assortment of OVER AN!) DRESS COA'T'I NUS, All colors and all grades; cassimerts in great variety—all the latest and best styles in the market, suitable to all tastes, and the prices within the reach of every one. All of which wuire prepared to make np in the best style, mind the shortest notice, atul at the Lowest Cash Prices. Our stock of MEN'S, YOUTH'S AND READY. is very large, and gotten up with great care, ;old •will be sold very low, (WA )Y-ALA I) D EPA RTM ENT lin 2d Floor.) We have it line line of GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS. All our goods have been selected with care, and purchased at the very lowest cash prices. All we ask of you is to call and eXaMiIIC our stock for', ourself, mut you will auy truly the half has not been told. . . _ Oot% , tt J MUM Being duly licensed as a Claim Agent, and having a large experience, prompt attention will be given to the following classes of claims: BOUNTY and PAY due discharged Soldiers and Sailors. BOUNTY (additional) to Soldiers who enlisted for not less than 2 or 3 years, or were honora bly discharged for wounds received. BOUNTY (additional) to Widows, Children, or Parents of Soldiers who died from wounds re ceived or disease contracted in said service. PENSIONS for invalid Soldiers and Sailors, or to their widows or children. PENSIONS for fathers and mothers, brothers or sisters of deceased soldiers, upon whom they were dependent. PENSIONS and GRATUITIES for Soldiers or their Widows from Pennsylvania, in the War of 1811.. PAY due Teamsters, Artificers and Civil em ployees of the Government. PAY due for horses lost in the United States service. ERISMAN'S, CHAItGES.—Foes fair and moderate, and in no case will charges be made until the money is collected. [dee in-lyr* Musical Instruments, dtc. WOODWARD'S Pianos, Organs, Melodeons Plano and Melo deon Stools and Covers, Violins, Guitars, Ban jos, Tamborines,Accordeons, Conoertinis, Fifes, Drums, rlel utes, Flageolets, Harmonicos, Clap pers Triangles, Strings of all kinds, Bow Hair, Tuning Forks, Pitch Pipes, Violin Bows, Cello Bows, Violin and Guitar Boxes, Music Port folios, Instruction Books of all kinds, Sheet Music, Music Books, and every description of Musical Merchandise. All orders filled prompt ly at the usual Retail or Wholesale Prices, and satisfaction guaranteed. /Sir-Tuning an repair A ing_ promptly to. attended . W. WOODWARD, sep24-Iy] No. 22 W. King-st., Lancaster J. SHEET MUSIC, PIANOS, ORGANS, PRINCE @ CO.'S ORGANS awl MELODEONS J. B. BEVINBKI BEIM MUSIC BUTORE. KLOIMEKRA, ORYELLA, IIELODEGNB, un alle aorta music Institrumental Der Kevinski is agent for de bereemty Stein. wehr Pianos—Kloffeera !least mer so uf doltish. Der plats is No. 8 NORD PRINCE STREET, LANCASTER. N. B. For a first raty gooty Oeig, odder an Aocordeon, odder a Tswmrrioh-Poil, odder en. nioh onners musical Inshtrument, isles odder gross, shtept yusht ni ons Kevinaki's, No. Nord Prince Shtrose, Laucasit " [no2o.ly Cloth4ng. 531 PENN STREET, READING, PA., CA SSIMERES, VESTING S, BEAVERS, CUINCHILLAS, GOODS. BUCH & BROTHER deciOtf GRAND OPENING OF TitE SEASON! MADE CIA)TEIN6, MYERS E RATImoN, southwe, t corner or Centre square, Lancaster, Penn'a House _Furnish' ,«I Goo( Claim, Agency. ATTORNEY AT LAW, AND MILITARY AND NAVALCLAIM AGENT, No. 5G East King-st., Lancaster, Pa NVIIOLESA LE AND RETAIL MUSIC STORE, NO. 22 wEsT KING STREET. B. KEVINSKI, DEALER IN MELODEONS, And Musical Instruments Generally Sole Agent for STEINWAY SONS' WORLD RENOWNED PIANOS Also, Agent for airMusie sent by Mall Free of Postage No. 3 NORTH PRINCE STREET, Laucaster, Pa GOOK AMOHL DOH ! Rooft aw im Jewelry. ZAHM & JACKSON, DEALERS IN WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SILVER AND SILVER-PLATED WARE, SPECTACLES AND FANCY GOODS, No. 15 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER. PA AITE!iIIED TO.-p, no?.0 13 WATCHES! WATCHES! CLOCKS, CLOCKS, CLOCKS. The undersigned keeps constantly On hand a large and full assortment of the GENUINE AMERICAN WATCHES, of different weight and finish, to suit all, which are sold upon the most reasonable terms, and guaranteed to give satigfaction. Keeps also on hand a good assortment of CLUCKS. Call and examine the goods before purchasing elsewhere. Thankful for past favors, I solicit a continu ancc of the same. HENRY F. ANDRENVS, jan ;...itrasburg, Lancaster co., Pa. Sewiuq Mitchines. WHEELER & WILSON'S LOCK-STITCII Family Sewing Machine. OVER 400,000 NOW IN USE. EXAMINE IT BEFORE BUYING ANY OTHER. SOLD ON LEASE PLAN, 010 Per Month. PETERSON & CARPENTER, General algents. General Office for Lancaster County: 64 North Queen St. 04 0(.11 Gm HOW TO GET A HOWE ! ( . .11,1, C. FAT E, Agent, NU. .25L; QUEEN sTitEL'i I,ANCAwI'EIZ, 'l' II E Howe Sewing IVlaohines .1 r e the oldest established of any in the word! And linvti. taken the HIGHEST PREMITJMF3 at all the great exhibitions of the world Akr- Examine carefully, before purchasing any other, and be conytnecilor their superiority. oet29-tf i ti GROVER & BAKEI , S FIRST PRE Hilif ErABTIC :5 kTi l tilt FAMILY SEWING MACHINES! 495 BROADWAY, NEW YORE 730 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA POINTS OF EXCELLENCE. Beauty and Elasticity of Stitch. Perfection and Simplicity of Machinery. Using both threads directly from the spools. No fastening of seams by hand and no waste of thread. Wide range of application without change of adjustment. The seam retains its beauty andlirmness after washing and ironing. Besides doing all kinds of work done by other Sewing Machines, these Machines execute the most beautiful and. permanent Embroidery and ornamental work. air The Highest Premiums at all the Fairs and exhibitions of the United States and Europe,have been awarded the Grover & Baker Sewing Machines, and the work done by them, wherever exhibited in competition. • The very highest prize, THE CROSS OF THE LEGION O} HONOR was conferred on the representative of the Grover dt, Baker Sew ing Machines, at the Exposition Universe lles Paris, 1867, thus attesting their great superiority over all other Sewing Machines. For sale by GEORGE SPURRIER, North Queen street, Lancaster, Pa. mr2B-Iy] Books and Stationery. SCHOOL BOOKS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL! We would respectfully cull the attention of all MERCHANTS, SCHOOL DIRECTORS, TEACHERS, PARENTS AND SCHOLARS To our LAItUE STOCK of SCHOOL BOOKS AND STATIONERY! Which will be seta aL the LOWEST CASTE PRICES PAPER AND ENVELOPES —AT— GREATLY REDUCED RATES Call before purchasing elsewhere. J. 11. SHE AFFEWS ►'heap Cash Book Store, No. 52 North Queen-st., ►auncaster, Penna H OLIDAY BOOKS AND FANCY GOODS, REDUCED FROM 10 TO 20 PER CENT BOOKS FOR THE ORAVE, BOOKS FOR TILE GAY, BOOKS FOR THE OLD, and BOOKS FOR TILE YOUNG BIBLES, TESTAMENTS, HYMN BOOKS, WRITING DESKS, FRENCH AND AMERICAN WORK BOXES, LADIES , COMPANIONS, ALBUMS, STEREOSCOPES AND VIEWS. (Thacker Boards, Games in great variety, Sun day School Hooks and Rewards of all kinds, Teachers' helps, Stationery and Initial Letter Paper cheaper than was ever offered in Lan caster. New Green Backs given to all purchasers 1). 8. BABE, West King-et., corner of Fulton Row WENTZ' BEE HIVE STORE 110 W Ol•6N AT "WENTZ BEE 111VE, ,, An extensive and choice assortment of Foreign and Domestic DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, ' A complete B assortment of B i Jr; Black and Colored IC ~- E Silks, Irish Poplins, 'N Black A lpaca Poplins, II French Merinos, £ll-wool H • i Delainest. A large variety of I I V CHOICE SII A W L 5, French V E Broche SHAWLS. All the latest R novelties of Plaid and Striped S WOOL SHAWLS, VELVETEENS, S ' T all Shades. DOMESTIU GOODS. I' I I An the best makts of Bleached and l'• It UNBLEACHED SHEETINGS, PIL- It E LOW CASE & SHIRTING MUSLINS. E Bleached and Unbleached CANTON FLANNELS White, Red and Gray, Plain and Twilled, All-wool Flannels„ All-wool Hbufkets, all Qualities. Cradle and Crib Itlankets, Counterpanes. A complete and well selected stock of HOUSE- K EEPING DRY GOODS GLASS AND QUI:ENS WARE. Special attention paid to this our new department. /fir GIVE USA CALL. THOS. J. WENTZ, No. 5 East King street. [Sign of the Bee Hive."] doe.3-fl WATCHES FURS! FURS!! FURS!!! HAGER & IHIOTHERs have now open 1111'0.: from the importers a choice selection or FANCY FURS FOR I.A DIK- , AND CII/LIIEN HUDSON BAY SABLE, MINK SABLE, ASTRACBAN, 'sIBEHIAN SQUIRREL, FITCH, tic., Lt Etigenins, Berthas Martilettas, Boa, ;trio 31ui14. A large assortment of CIIILDRKN'S 411" The above are all fresh gootis, and will ix sold at a great reduction from last year's prices.. HAGER & BROTUER74. ILOAKS, Nk. ' SHAWLS. AND CLoAKINGs. ASTRACHAN, CHINCHILL AND BEAVER, CLOAKS AND CLOAKING'S, BLACK AND COLORED VELVETEEN. BROf'HA, CASHMERE AND WOOLEN LONG AND SQUARE SHAWL pRESS (if mllS for Ladies' and Children. ail - A large assortment of the abovit at low prices at HAGER it BROTHERS FALL, 1 cL(ans, ('ASs lIAGEP Have now open a and Domesti Dahlia, EMU DON, moso for OVER' O Meltons and Cassi 11.,y , s Wear at ' READY for . Of our own maim. fully selected and : CENT'S In MERINO SliniTs extra sizes. CE make. Neok Ti Hosisry t &c. The (Move stock f at low (Iwo prices. nov tr 7 ..... 7 JACOB VARNISH, HARN No. 27 WEST Kr Dealers in 1 DR GLASS A. Cloths, Cassimeres, Lindseys, Flannels Alpaccas, Nress Muslins and Drills, White Goods, N MEN AND BOYS' WEAR, Made up at astonishing low Prices. Sir - Cull and examine Our stock benne •pur chasing elsewhere. febliP6B-ly FALL, 1869. JOHN D. SKILES' BLACK SILKS, COLORED SILKS, IRISH POPLINS, PARIS DRESS GOODS, BEAK & COL'D ALPACAS ENGLISH DRESS GOODS, FRENCH MERINOS AND WOOL DELAINS BLA.-K BOMBAZINES & CRETONE CLOTH, PAISLEY AND BROCHE LONG SHAWLS, BLACK THIBET LONG & SQUARE SHAWLS, 500 PLAID AND STRIPED LONG AND SQUARE WOOL SHAWLS, CLOAKING CLOTH.% W A TER- FROOF CLOTHS, 100 PAIR BED CRIB AND CRADLE BLANKETS, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN PRINTS, LINEN DAMASKS, WHITEREDI GREY FLANNELSi IN ALL QUALITIES. A full oe of Ladies' Merino Vests, 110 E i‘!Y y Gloves, tluioral Skirts, &c. Carpets, Oil Cloths, and Window Shades. TALI. 1869. MEN AND BOYS' WEAR. JOAN D. SKILES is now receiving a fine as sortment of CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES, Eng lish and American Coatings in all shades, Mos cow and Castor Beavers, all shades. Goods for.Boys' wear, for sale by the yard, or made up to order at short notice, and warrant ed to give satisfaction. READY-MADE CLOTHING. Suits for Men, suits for Boys. 100 OVERCOATS for Men and. Boys' of out own manufacture. Gents' Furnishing_ Goods, Merino Undershirts and Drawers, Hosiery, Gloves, Neck Ties, &0., Re. JOHN D. SKILES, No. 24 East King street one door east of the Lancaster County National Bank. [octl-tf Devin liAin B AIR & SHENK, NORTHEAST ANGLE OF CENTRE Eir LANCASTER, PENNA no2o4y] Dry Goods. FALL, ISti!'t CH NOW OPENING -AT Banking. R. W. SUENE. BANKERS,