'brat2am. INDEPENDENT AND PROGRESSIVE 4'. .9 0 7:i LANCASTER CITY, eA. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1809. Economy, Retrenchment, Faithful Collection of the Revenue and Payment of the Piddle Debt.—G RAP T. BUSINESS NOTICE. Mn. S. BARER YOUNG, the Lancaster News Dealer, who everybody knows, is agent for FATHER ABRAHAM, and is authorized to take subscriptions and receive money for the same. 46 THE UNEXPENDED BALANCE." Thomas Nicholson, Esq., Chief Clerk and Cashier in the State Treasury Depart ment, in reply to a letter of inquiry ad dressed to him by Wm. 11. Frazier, Esq., of Frankford Springs, states that "the balance on hand, November 30th, 1569, amounts to one million, four hundred thousand, eight hundre 1 and sixty-three dollars and forty-eight cents ($1,400,503.- 48)." No wonder the Bing is becoming desperate iu their determination to hold on to the money bags. Mr. Nicholson deserves credit for mak ing this statement, and thus giving the people light on the subject from the proper source. NO REPUDIATION. Mr. Mungen, (Cop.) of Ohio, addressed the House, last week, criticising the fi nancial policy of the Government, and advocating repudiatian. Ile met with no support, but very much condem nation. Mr. Garfield then, by unanimous consent, submitted the followin! , , which was agreed to all but, unanimously, there being but one dissenting voice: Rtsoltid, That the proposition, direct or indirect, to repudiate any portion of the debt of the United States is unworthy the honor and good name of the nation, and that the House, without distinction of party, hereby sets its seal of condemna tion on any and all such propositions. 'Where's Pendleton and "sich?" CAMERON AND FOItNEY. A contemporary truthfully says: "The acti-su of Senator Cameron, the other day, upon the resolution providing for the cloying of the accounts of Colonel John W. Forney, as Secretary of the Senate, is deserving of all praise. The people do - yet owe a copper whether these two gen tleyen are friends or not; but they will appilaud any public officer who, out of his own pocket, makes up a deficiency caused by the rascality of a subordinate, and will endlorse the remarks of any man—friend or foe—who acknowledges the propriety of the transaction, and the honesty of pur pose that prompted it. Mr. Cameron did all of this, and did not lose any popular ity by it." RESUMPTION OF SPECIE PAYMENTS. A late number of the New York Tri bune, in an editorial article opposing the proposed increase of salaries of Govern ment officers, says: A resumption of specie payments would give all the functionaries, with very few exceptions, from twenty to forty per cent. more compensation than they have re ceived for the last seven years. Such re sumption we have steadily advocated since 1865: we call for it now, and insist that it may just as well be affected now as at any future period. The considerations adverse to its present achievement will be just as forcible next year, and for the next year, and for the next dozen years, as they are to day; the interests which resist it now will be as strong and as clamorous evermore as at present. If we ever re sume we shall do it over their heads, not with their concurrence. Yet there is just that one way to increase safely and equally the compensation of underpaid officeholders—resumel " We are not a candidate for this (Ap praiser) or any other office, and would not accept it if tendered."—John A. Hiestand, per E. M. K., in Lancaster Examiner. We heartily congratulate the Republi cans of Lancaster county upon this very important announcement—the assurance in black and white that he will annoy the public no more. For years past he has been a standing, greedy, hungry candi date for this, that and the other office— Representative, Senator, Congress, Audi tor General, Deputy Secretary of Com monwealth, Notary Public, Consul, Col lector, Assessor, Marshal, State Commit tee, (Pickings) Delegate, Treasurer Edi torial Association, Paper Contracts, Overland Mail Contracts, and for how many more the powers that be only know. .lack has evidently become convinced that under the present administration, which requires sobriety, competency, character, &c., as qualifications for office he stands no chance, and that he has therefore no thing to lose by publicly declaring that he wants and would accept none. But, let as wait, and see what we shall see. As long as this chronic office-seeker is able to navigate, or occupy a scat be fore his office in an arm chair,during warm weather, so long will lie appear like the same Jack Thestand, with an unnuencha ble thirst for—office. Looking over the last number of the Lancaster Examiner—once a very re spectable and high-toned paper—we are forced to the conclusion that an inebriate asylum is needed in the immediate vicinity of that office. LIBEL PROSECUTIONS. There arc three libel prosecutions now pending in this State, based upon publica tions calculated to expose the political corruptionists who have plundered the public treasury, swindled the people and are now organizing and planning to cor rupt the Legislature about to convene a s they did before. One of these prosecu tions is against the Pittsburg Commercial, another against the Beaver Argus and the third and last, and probably least also, against FATnEtt AtmAtiAm. In the two first named cases, Col. M. S. Quay is the prosecutor, and referring to the case against the Comnarcial, which was heard before a Pittsburg Alderman a few days ago, that paper remarks : " We are well aware that so far, in contest ing the libel suit which has been brought by the ring against the Commercial, we are only fighting the shadow. We have hopes that we will yet be able to grasp the reality. Col. Quay is of the smallest possible importance, personally, iu this matter. It is his backers, those who to a certain extent have controlled, and whenever they have controlled have dis graced and demoralized the politics and pub lic service of the State, that we wage war against." Judging from the testimony in this case, as published, Mr. Quay has entirely failed to impress the public mind either in his own favor or against the defendants. He being himself the editor of a newspaper, and as he sets himself up before the public as the leader and keeper of the representa tives of the people, and has openly boast ed of his influence and proclaimed his pur pose to Felt through his slate at the coin ing session ; it seems to us he should have fairly and squarely answered al/ questions asked him by defendants and not permit "counsel fin• the Commonwealth" to stand technically between himself and the public. here are a few questions asked him at the hearing before the Alderman : Question: Have you any knowledge, direct ly or indirectly, of a purse of money being raised by a party of gentlemen of Philadel phia to promote the election of C ov. Curtin as United States Senator, and yourself as Speak er of the House at the Session of 18137 ? Col. Quay declines to answer the question Question : At and about the time of the election of Speaker in 1867, did you have the command of $13,000 to be used in your own election as Speaker, or in the election of any person as United States Senator" Col. Quay destines to answer the question. Question : State whether in the latter part of 1860 you did not have a note discounted at the Mechanic's Bank of Harrisburg for $6000? Col. Quay declines to answer the question. Question : Did you not, about three weeks after the election of Senator in 1867, take up that note for $6000? Col. Quay declines to answer the question. Question : Prior to your going into the Leg islature, were you owner of any passenger railway stock or railway bonds? Col. Quay declines to answer the question. Question : State whether during the time you were a member of the Legislature, you became. the,ovner of $lO _OOO or $12,000 worth of stook of CM union. moiler* OoMpaug of Philadelphia? Col. Quay declines to answer the question. Question : State whether you have not pur chased property inPhiladelphia to the amount of $15,000 or $18,000? Col. Quay declines to answer the question. Question : Did you propose last fall, to Mr. A. P. Tutton, Supervisor of Internal Rev enue, in Philadelphia, that if he would not seize two or three distilleries in Philadelphia, $OO,OOO could be realized by the operation. Col. Quay declines to answer the question. Question : Were you present, at any time when an offer was made to Mr. Tutton, that if he complied with the proposition made in the foregoing question, he would be handed an envelope containing $lOOO every Saturday evening for some weeks? Col. Quay declines to answer the question. Question : When you made the information against the Commercial, did you do it for the purpose of having the truth brought out ? Answer : I was excited, and did it for the purpose of having the truth brought out. Notwithstanding Mr. Quay's answer that he wants to bring out the truth, there seems to be considerable difficulty in get ting it out before the Alderman. The par ties interested may meet with better suc cess when they come before the Court for that purpose. A similar prosecution is also under way against the Beaver Argus, for telling bad stories about Mr. Quay. As that is a case for damages there will be no hear ing before an Alderman. The libel case against FATHER ABRA HAM, instituted by the Honorable An drew Armstrong, of East Donegal town ship, Lancaster county (which is 30 miles East from the State Capital) is also progressing. Some time ago FATTIER ABRAHAM'S lawyers took out a rule to ap point arbitrators, but up to the day so ap pointed the Plaintiff did not tile his decla ration, when the rule was dropped or with drawn, to give more time for him to file such declaration. Ile has since done so and laid his damages at 510,000, and a new rule will now be taken out to appoint arbitrators so as to prevent this highly interesting and important case from dying out by mere neglect. HON. JOHN A. HIESTAIVD This gentleman, to whom we referred last week, as a candidate for the Appraiser ship at Philadelphia, in place of Dr. Worthington, resigned, is out in the Ex aminer of Wednesday denying that he is after that office, and says: " FATHER ABRAHAM has started the falsehood.” In the very same paragraph, and in the next sentence he also says: "We (John A. Iliestand) heard this story for the first time, a few days ago, in Philadelphia." Now, surely, " FATHER ABRAHAM" could not have " started the falsehood' for our neighbor admits that he heard it, for the first time, in Philadelphia. And we would also inform him that in Philadel-' phia we, too, heard it for the first time, and from a perfectly reliable source. We rather guess that Jack was down there, looking up for the grapes, but finding them a little beyond his reach, concluded that they were sour! ,: t. 1,, / c . ~c _ ig4 - 6 7/ N \ ,_1( -/ A h 1( _ . -) ....---- 9, ....- - - szz QV 9 T , l- C.,* 4, I -' 4 EM Once more we wish our readers tile compliments of the season. Before m other issue of our paper, Christmas mill have come and gone, and we staud.on th . e threshold of another year of the world's history, as well as of our own individual being. Christmas! the golden day of all the year, when our hearts join the universal gladness that surround us on all hauls, and are made to rejoice iu the reception of kindly greetings and tokens of love old regard, gathering of family connectiats, and drawing closer again those band; of kindred hearts, which the cares and plats ures of the world are continually opemt- ing to cast assunder Christmas ! By common consent it las been fixed as the anniversary of the brth of Him, who was to be the Savior of nen, and the event was heralded by angelic voices, chanting the anthem ; " icy on earth; good will to men. To th 3 Cl.ris tian hearts it is associated with every thing sacred and attractive; hailed as the dawn cf the world's redemption, and cherished as the birthright of immortal and imperishable souls. To the horn's of the rich comes Christmas, their wialth bringing all they want ; they feast, ;hey shout, they sing, they dance. And the holy influences of the day and season will Also cluster around the dwellings of the poor, whose hearts sadden as they realize that the enjoyments of Christmas' season live only in the memories of the past. And while we think of this, the thought also suggests itself, that while many repose hi ease and luxury in comfortable homes, there may also be those in our midst to whom the forthcoming Christmas may be fraught only with sad memories and bitter experience, whose table unpro vided with the necessal' ;e, and wbeee . • cold blasts of poverty • t: ' nue. 'Reader, if you would e' 'I is anni versary set apart for the special commem oration of Him who healed the blind, the sick and the lame, seek at this early day for some such instance, that you may cheer some stricken heart and cause the light of happiness to beam in the counten ances of some afflicted family in your midst. Then may all hearts return the deepest gratitude to Him who croirneth our lives with unnumbered blessings, as we hail the Christmas morn—and may the pleasures of the season lift the mind to higher scenes of enjoyment—the Christ mas of eternity, the glorious indwelling of everlasting light and living hope in the soul, thrilling all with the ever blessed welcome forever in the Land of Light. We wish again to all our readers " A MERRY CitRisTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR.) RETRENCHMENT UNDER (RANT'S AD MINISTRATION. In nothing has President Grant's Ad ministration done better, says, the Wash ington Chronicle, than by teaching the young men of the nation that they shpuld rely upon themselves and not upon office. That is the eloquent lesson of his official integrity, retrenchment and economy. When Secretary Cox says he can do the work of the Interior Department with a force one-third less than is now employed —when Secretary Belknap reports that the officers of the Freedmen's Bureau have been cut down from nine hundred and one to one hundred and fifty-eight— that the number of civilians hired by the War department has been reduced..from nine thousand to four thousand—that an army of nearly a million has been broaght down to less than fifty thousand—when Secretary Boutwell's plans are even stern er for the lessening of expenses—and when the Navy and Postoffice Depart ments complete the surprising records by facts and figures not less astounding—we gather more than the fruits of a Republi can Administration. We realize that of fice is no longer a reward for party service, and that there are other roads to fame and fortune than the paths of patronage. CHIEF JUSTICE CHASE delivered an opinion last week, in the United States Supreme Court, sustaining the authority of Congress to tax State banks, affirming the powers of Government to create a National Currency, and the constitution ality of the act for the issue of Treasury notes. Two of the Justices—Nelson and Davies—dissented from that part of the opinion relating to the taxation of State banks. TnE British show a disposition to re open negotiations on the Alabama claims. The President's message may afford them a few hints on that subject when they ap proach it again. A Republican paper in an adjoining county, where the Republicans are largely in the minority, and according to mod ern usage have no right to be heard in the Legislature, has just stripped, thrown down its hat, and jumped into the prize "ring" to fight a round on behalf of the present State Treasurer. What considera tion moved it to the act, or whether its action w is voluntary--entirely disinter ested, or prompted by "pure cussedness," it is hard to tell. The gist of its defence of its favorite may be found in the fol lowing extracts:— •a'~. ~' -.-/ V-/ "It is claimed that Mr. Mackey is the 'head centre' of a 'ring,' and that his sole object is to make money at the expense of the State. This it is charged he is able to do by the large 'unexpended balance' he has con tinually on hand, and for which he receives interest from the banks in which it is de posited. Granting this statement to be true," &c. And again:— .. / "If the office of State Treasurer is worth a hundred thousand dollars a year, that cer tainly is no fault of the Treasurer, but of the law, under which the finances of the State are managed, and a change of men cannot effect any reform. Every Treasurer will of course favor his friends. And is there crime in this? What difference does it make to the State whether A. or B. has the State funds deposited in his bank? They each pay inter est, not to the State, but to the Treasurer," &c. In reply to this, I say that if the state ment of this paper be true, there is "crime in this." The law is not in fault. It pro vides a salary the amount of which is known to the Treasurer before he takes the office. If he does not choose to take it at that price he can let it alone—there is no compulsion. But the law declares these very acts, the doing of which is ad mitted by the paper iu question, to be criminal, and prescribes a punishment for them. "If any officer of this Common wealth," it says, "shall loan out, with or without interest or return therefor, any money or valuable security received by Lim," " by virtue of his office, lie shall be guilty of a misdemeanor in office, and on conviction be sentenced to pay a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars, and undergo an imprisonment, by separate or solitary confinement at labor, not exceeding five years," and lie is to be adjudged thereafter incapable of holding his office, which shall be declared vacant. So if any such officer shall make any contract or agreement with any bank, corporation or individuals, by which he is to derive benefit, gain or advantage from the deposit, &c., of any money, &c., held by him by virtue of his said office, he shall also be guilty of a misdemeanor, and punished by a line not exceeding E l lOOO, and imprisonment not exceeding one year, with like adjudication of incapacity. These laws are easily found, and "are put to the purpose." Mr. Mackey may well exclaim, "Save me from my friends!" when such as the paper in question by their damaging admissions make him ob noxious to the penal code and would con sign him to the inside of the walls of a jail or penitentiary, instead of the com fortable quarters of the State Treasury. I do not assert these things to be true—l take them as they axe'but. I do assert that the fault is not in the law, but if there be any, in the officer. Things have come to a bad pass if men cannot be found who will obey the law while they hold office. Cry is. HAIR combs are now made out of old boots. NEW Yonx has 315 religious, moral and charitable institutions. 19,000 acres of coal lands are ollered for sale in Kansas. A WELL executed counterfeit $2O bill, on the National Bank of Commerce, New York, is now in circulation. THE Army of the Cumberland held a re-union last week at Indianapolis. Gen. Phil. Sheridan presided. AN employee, connected with the Sub- Treasury, New York, has been arrested, charged with embezzling $22,000. ALL doubts as to the confirmation of Mr. McKennan for the Third Circuit have disappeared. Ex-Gov. FLETCHER, of Missouri, has been admitted to practice in the United States Supreme Court. Durum, the year ending 30th Novem ber, 1869, the sum of $1,725,587.97 inte rest, and $362,763.09 principal of the pub lic debt has been paid. HALF a ton of nitro-glycerine exploded near Titusville, on Thursday of last week, killing one man, and doing considerable damage to the city. ANDREW SLADE, a bright mulatto boy, son of Slade, the late colored steward at the White House, has been appointed a page to the Senate by Sergeant-at-arms French. GEN. O'NEILL, head of one branch of the Fenian Brotherhood, talks about a contemplated movement on a large scale against the British Government, tut the officers of the rival branch scout the idea. A FRI(IIITFUL accident occurred at Stockton, Luzerne county, near Hazleton, on Saturday morning, the ground over a mine giving way, carrying with it a block of houses, in which were eleven persons, all but one of whom perished. THE decision of Chief Justice Chase atilrmi n , Y the constitutionality of the tax imposed by Congress on the circulation of State banks, is regarded here as an indi cation that the Court will sustain the con stitutionality of the Legal Tender act. A FIRE broke out in the engine house of the Jersey Coal Mine, Scranton; on Thursday of last week. Three men were shut up in the mine, but succeeded in getting out safely. A man, who went down to search for them, was suffocated by the foul air. COMMISSIONER Delano has decided that officers of Internal Revenue shall not be allowed to charge citizens for making out papers which the latter are required to furnish, and gives notice that those who make such charges will be instantly dis missed from the service. A BREACH of promise case in Detroit turns upon the question whether the de fendant intended. by enclosing a leaf of rose geranium to the lady, to use the lan guage of flowers, in which case the inno cent leaf would have said, " Thou art my choice." For Father Abraham.] THE STATE TREASURERSHIP. GENERAL NEWS goat gen ITEMS : Abraham Bitner, Jr., of this city, has received letters patent, dated December 14th, 1869, for an improved wagon and chute for delivering coal direot to cellar. The Children of the Home were on Thurs day of last week the recipients of a feast of "good things," given by our fellow-citizen, Mr. Godfried Zahm. Rev. W. H. Steck, for the past four years pastor of the E. E. Lutheran Church of Co lumbia, has 'accepted a call to take charge of a parish in Kansas city, Missouri. Work ou the Lebanon and Pine Grove Rail road between Manheim and Lebanon, is pro gressing. Peter Ruth, of this city, slaughtered two hogs one day last week, which weighed together 1139 pounds. On Monday afternoon week, a drunken man named George Strohm, fell off the Fast Line at Mount Joy, and was badly injured. F. G. Pennell of Mount Joy, while skating on Friday, the 10th inst., broke through the ice, and in falling dislocated his shoulder. On Tuesday of last week, a young man named Jacob Habecker, had the fingers cut off of one band by a circular saw at the wood yard of Jacob Scheetz, in Elizabeth-twp. On Sunday week, a son of Henry Huber, in Warwick township, was severely injured by being kicked in the head by a colt. Last week we noticed the arrest of a man named John Baker, charged with horse steal ing. The animal found in his possession has been recognized by a Mr. A. Horst, of Wash ington county, Md., who has taken him home with him. Baker, is still confined in our County Prison awaiting a requisition from the Governor of Maryland. The annual meeting of the Pennsylvania Fruit Growers' Society will convene in this city, January 12th, 1870. The meetings to be held in the Orphan's Court Room. A fair and festival, for the benefit of the Presbyterian Parsonage of Strasburg, is now being held in Massasoit Hall of that borough. The route for a railroad from Columbia to Port Deposit has been viewed and staked out. The opinion is general that the road will be built. On Friday, the 10th instant, Richard lining of Elizabethtown, attempted suicide, but the rope breaking the attempt was unsuccessful. Peter Fraley, Esq., has been appointed Deputy Coroner for Columbia. The Reading and Columbia Railroad have under contemplation the construction of a branch road to the furnaces below Mariet ta, thence to Marietta. It is supposed that it will intersect the main road near Kauffman's Furnace. 11. 14. North, Esq., of Olunibia, has been appointed a Solicitor for the Pennsylvania Railroad, at that place. The Keystone Club will give their first annual ball at Fulton Hall, on New Year's Eve. On Thursday of last week, a shucking drowning accident occurred in Newark, New Jersey. A party of workmen who were en gaged in putting up the iron trestle work of the draw bridge of the New Jersey Railroad, were coming ashore for their dinner in a small boat, when the boat being shallow and over crowded, and the water rough, the boat was swamped, and the men thrown into the water. Five persons were drowned, and among those who narrowly escaped the same unhappy fate were seven men, three of whom live in Marietta and two iu Columbia, this county. James L. Fariere, Esq., of this county, was admitted to practice law in the District Court and Court of Common Pleas of Phila delphia, last week. George B. Coleman, of this city, had one of the bones of one of his legs fractured by a fall on the ice on last Saturday. A very pleasant affair took place on last Sabbath evening at the Shlffier Hose House, in South Queen street. The officers and teachers of the Presbyterian Mission School, which meets in the building, gave to the scholars of the school an agreeable surprise in the way of treating them with presents and sweetmeats. Charles Hambright and John Frank ford, who escaped some time since from the Lan caster Connty Prison, were arrested in Har risburg on Saturday last, charged with the larceny of goods belonging to the Pennsylva nia Railroad Company, and committed in de fault of bail to the Dauphin County Prison. David Beard, of this city, has also been ar rested charged with being implicated in the above larceny. He was held in the bail of $3,000 to answer the charge at the Allegheny County Court in January. A mare belonging to Dr. John Kendig, of Conestoga Centre, died last week, and on ex amination, as to the cause, a hard solid, con cretion like a stone, of an oval shape, weigh ing 10 pounds was found in her intestines. Let us have better gas. If the consumers of it have to pay for it, why should those who furnish it give them an inferior article. Com plaints are general as to the quality of gas now furnished by the Gas Company. We trust the officers of the Company will at once take steps to remedy the matter. A little girl aged about four years, daughter of Mr. Jno. Bryson, living near May Post Office this county, met with a painful accident on Tuesday, the 14th inst: While alone and playing, her clothing took fire,but fortunately she was discovered a short time after and the fire put out. She was badly burned, but is expected to recover. Persons desiring to consult Dr. McClintock or have him operate, will find him daily from 10 to 3 o'clock at rs. McSorley's, No. 23 West King St., Lancaster, from Dec. 27, 1869 to January 3d, 1870. Dr. McClintock was born in Lancaster county. The Reading and Columbia Railroad wil 1 issue Excursion Tickets to and from all points of their road and Philadelphia, commencing Dec. 24, 1869 to Jan. 3, 1870. The annual ball of Hancock Lodge, No. 28, Ancient Order of Good Fellows, will be held at Fulton Hall this evening. Mr. Baxter Black, of this county, has pur chased and brought to this county, a bay colt, one year old last Spring, got by Ham bletonian, a mare by Long Island Black Hawk. The case of James Pettit vs. Smith, Presi dent of the Philadelphia and Reading Rail road, which had been on trial in our Court, during last week, creating great interest, was brought to a sudden termination on Tuesday morning last, by the plaintiff taking non suit, owing to the fact of one of the jurors having had conversation with one of the witnesses. DEATH OF AN ESTEEMED CITIZEN : Hon. Emanuel C. Reigart, one of our most promi nent and respected citizens, died on Monday morning last, of apoplexy of the heart, in about the 74th year of his age. Mr. Reigart was a lawyer by profession, having been ad mitted to practise in the year 1822, and was the oldest living member of the Lancaster Bar, from which he retired iu the year 1848. He was in the years 1834-5, elected by the Anti-masonic party to the Legislature of the State. In 1837-8, he was a member of the State Convention, and took a prominent part in the debates. In 1847, he was the Native American candidate for Governor against Skunk, Democrat, and Irwin, Whig. In 1851, he was appointed by President Fillmore Co issioner to the World's Fair at London, the . titles of which he fulfilled, making a tour o f Europe ere his return home. He was the first one to nominate Hon. Thaddeus Stevens for Congress, which he did at a public out door meeting in 1848. A few years since he w as appointed U. S. Commissioner for this District, and held that position at the time of his death. The latter years of his life have been spent in the management of his exten sive estate and in retirement. On the announ cement of his death, on Monday morning last, the Court of Common Pleas adjourned, and a meeting of the members of the Bar was held in the Orphans' Court Room. Appro priate addresses were made and a committee appointed to draft resolutions expressive of the feelings of the Bar on his decease. Mr. Reigart, as a private citizen, was highly es teemed and always lent his aid and means in promoting the welfare of charitable and other institutions, and the many public positions he held during life he fulfilled with fidelity and honor. His death severs another link in the chain that binds the present with the past. REAL ESTATR MARKET.—SamueI L. Rhoads, of Reading, has purchased a fine meadow farm of 113 acres, belonging to the estate of Frederick Koch, dec'd, situated near Reinholdsville, Lancaster county. A two-story brick dwelling house in West Orange street, between Mary and Charlotte streets, this city, belonging to Casper Forrest, was sold on Saturday evening at public sale by Jacob Gundaker, Auctioneer, to Sebastian Gran for $1,360. The two-story brick dwelling house in North Queen street, this city, belonging to the estate of William Frick, esq., deceased, was sold on Monday evening, to Julius Loeb, for $9,210. The farm of Jacob C. Stauffer, in Manor township, containing 180 acres, was sold at assignee sale fur 8180.50 per acre. Eli Kendig, of York county, purchaser. No. 1, Mill pro perty of same, in West Hempfield township, to Benjamin Rutt, for $5,057. No. 3, Five and a half acres of ground with house, &c., in the village of Millersville, to Jacob S. Wit mer, for $2,212. No. 4, The undivided half of a timber lot, in Manor township, to John G. Brush. for $397. A LITERARY AND MUSICAL. ENTER TAINMENT: Mr. John Hart, of our city, whose ability as an elocutionist is well known to our citizens, will give an entertainment in Fulton Hall, on to-morrow (Christmas) even ing. Mr. Hart will be assisted by Miss Nellie Johnston, Prof. Joseph Steinhauser and the City Cornet Band, and the exercises will consist of choice selections from various au thors and vocal and instrumental music. To those of our readers who are desirous to spend an evening pleasantly and at the same time: profitably, we would urge their attendance, feeling assured that the time will be well spent and they will never regret it. Ir you have a discharge from the nose, of fensive or otherwise, partial loss of the sense of smell, taste or hearing, eyes watering or weak, feel dull and stupid or debilitated, pain or pressure in the head, take cold easily, you may be sure you have the Catarrh. Thou sands annually, without manifesting half of the above symptoms, terminate in consump tion and end in the grave. No disease is so common, more deceptive or less understood by physicians. Dr. ii.. V. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. V., is the proprietor of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy—o perfect specific for Catarrh, "Cold in the Head," or Catarrhal Headache, which he sends to any address by mail on receipt of sixty cents. Sold by most druggists every where. Ir you do not want gray hair, use Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewer, which will nut stain the skin, or soil linen. PERIODICALS. We have received from Messrs. Claxton, & lieffeltinger, of Philadelphia, a ropy of a new work issued by them, entitled "WEsT wttooK PARSI , NAOK," Wthiell by Harriet 11. M'- Keever. From a cursory reading of the book, we cheerfully recommend it to the perusal Of our readers, embodying us it does, in the shape of a narrative, the various differences existing between the two branches of the Protestant Fpiscopal Church. The volume abounds in wholesome Christian truths and will not fail to interest the reader. We have received from the same publishers, copy of a work entitled ' • NANNY'S CHRIST mAs,,, a book adapted for children, which we recommetel to parents as a suitable present forr the season. We acknowledge the receipt from the author of a work entitled "ARTIFICIAL SOMNAMIIITLISM, KNOW X lIERTOFORR AS MESMARISM, (IR ANIMAL M A ONATISM.," Written by Dr. Wm_ (taker Falm estock, M. D., formerly of this city, now of Ma rietta. The subject is presented in all various phrases and bearings, and we would recom mend all interested in this subject to peruse the work. We have received the first number of a new journal in the field of Sabbath school labor, entitled "TILE SUNDAY SCHOOL WORKMAN."It is published in New York City. Subscription price $1.50a year in advance. Rev. Alfred Tay lor is the Editor, and its contributors embrace the names of leading Sunday School men throughout the country. We wish it success in all respect, and trust that it will receive the support of all interested in the success of Sab bath Schools. THE SPRIGHTLIEST AND MOST ATTRACTIVE BOYS' AND GIRLS' MAGAZINE--." DEMOREST' , 3 YOUNG AMERICA."—The January number of this beautiful Juvenile Monthly must prove a real prize to all the boys and girls securing it. The elegant Chromo Pictures of the birds of Ame rica, and numerous other fine engravings, to gether with its entertaining stories, music, prize pictures, puzzles, etc., make a combina tion of attractions seldom found in one period ical. Yearly, 51.50, with a beautiful premium tO each subscriber.—Address W. siNos DEMUREST, 838 Broadway, N. Y. 4;;; ; 4 4 ; TO THE WORKING CLASS.—We are now prepared to furnish all classes with constant employment at home, the whole of the time or for the spare moments. Business new, light and profitable. Persons of either sex easily earn from toe, to per evening, and a propor tional sum by devoting their whop time to the business. Boys and girls earn nearly as much as men. That all who see this nottee may send their address, and test the business, we make this unparalleled otter: To such as are not well satisfied, we will send $1 to pay for the trouble of writin Full particulars, a valuable sample, which will g: do to commence work on, and a copy of The Peoples , Literary Companion—one of the largest and best family newspapers pu'Aished— all sent free by mail. Reader, if you want per manent, profitable work, address E. C. ALLEN & CO. Augusta, Maine. [oct29-3m TO CONSUMPTIVES The advertiser having been restored to health in a few weeks, by a very simple remedy, after having suffered several years with n severe lung affection, and that dread disease Con sumption—is anxious to make known to his fellow-sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it,he will send copy of the proscription used (free of charge,) with the di rections for preparing and using the same, which they will find a sons CURE FOR CONSUMP TION, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, &C. The object of the advertiser in sending the Prescrition is to benefit the afflicted, and spread information which he conceives to be invaluable; and be hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a bless ing. Parties wishing the prescription, will please address. RI v. EDWARD A. WILSON, nov2iAy] IVilliamsburg, Rings co., N. Y FURORS OF YOUTH. A gentleman who suffered for years from tier vous Debility, Premature Decay and all the effects of youthful indiscretion Will, for sake of suffering laumanity, send free to all who need it, the receipt and directions for making the simple remedy by which be was cured. Suf ferers wishing to prOfit by the advertiser's ex perience, can do so by addressing, with perfect oonfidence. JOHN B. OGDEN. nov26.lyi No. 42 Cedar street, New York MARRIED. iIAUCK—SCHWERILET. Dec. IGth, at Paradise, by the Rev. P. J. Timlow, D. C. Hauck, of Salis bury, to Katharine Schwerket, of Milwood. ‘Vcrozn—Wtrisza, Dee. 21st, by the Rev. E. Greenwald, Daniel L. Witmer, of Mellor, to Hattie Witmer, of Laneaster-twp. APPLE—SHIRK. Dec. 19th, by Rev. W. F. Ger hard, at the house of Samuel .Schenck, of Clay twp., Peter Apple, of Manheim, to Lydia B. Shirk, of Indiana. CAttscoza—Sosepsen. December 9th, by Rev. Joe. It. Taylor Gray, M. Montgomery Caracher, to Miss Anna B. Shearer, all of Manheim. EBERHARD—PPEPIPICRLE. December 19th, by Rev. William Hoppe, at the Luthgran parson age, In East Vine street, Christianberhard to Mary Pfererle, both of Lancaster. OVERLY—KLINIL On the same day, by the same, Henry N. B. Overly to Eleouore Virginia Kline, both of Lancaster. Foazy—Boaen MID. On same day, by the same, John J. Forey, of Washington bor., to Lizzie Bombard, of Rohrerstown. Baussaaa—Fziontwozn. Dec. lath, by Jacob Reinhold, Isaac B. Brubaker, of Rapho, to Mary Flickinger, of South Annvllle twp., Lebanon Co.