veßntiovanigh peito6. BRIM FUM SCHWEFFLEBRENNER. SCULIFFLETowN, I)ec•. 1:;t, 1569 .7.416TER FODDER. ABRAHAM t hn letslita Sontslalog owet lien mer a :a:cling g'hot doh im shteddle un hen cans :iutt dentin Littcrlichy lnshtitoots organiz ed. leh bin nei gonga derfore, %veil so an Inslaitoot a guot ding tva,r !Or practissa _u der leckter bisness. Do Bevvy, du weasht. hut yetz aW ear t. kup ful fan der luckier hisuess, aver sell wutuman's rites nit mich net recht. Anyhow, ich bin noch net guns ready tOr all mei cayene rites tstt surrendcra tsu de welbsleit, un wann', net wier dos de Bevvy orrick pop 4lar i , . un kent a ordlich gooter pilegreen- Wax macha on seller bisness, donn deat ich's gur net slitanda dos se sich ob gebt mit seller woman's rites society. Awer, ich mus der do perceedings gevva k fun it er,lnshtitoot meeting. Mer sin im meia • la-shteanich brick shool house :somm kumma, under G'shwire Law buck; hen se President g'leckt, under Joe Muckailiggle Seckrittery, un ich bin der Dresherer. Der G'shwire lint an speech glmacht we er sci sitz g'numma hut int shool meash ter seim shtool dort hinnich cm desk, un tier Seckrittery hut de perceedings in so a klea • nei ob g'shrivva. D'no hut tier Bill SensawcUer proposed dos mer a übject, of nemma setts, for debeata un hut a motion g'macht dos mer setta amohl de roke, doh of nemma: •`li'trr warder greasht molly, der Krist tl, Kulltunbus oder der General Jackson?" Der Mucka!lig& hut awer g'meant -e.ler subject war nix mert, fun weaya weil do leit in unscr nochbcrshaft gor nix wissa funi Kullumbus, un weil er cans fun derma Fedderalishta war wu geayals loud ~ !'froelita hut sellaraohls we de Anglender lialdimere g , numma hen, deata se aw nix uin can gevva. Der Scnawetzer but demi a moshen ;In:it:lit dos mer debeata set well dos de :nutter is, es kinkle wu's oy lent odder -ell wu ts ous breet ? hut de keerls all g'soot, under :Vshwire hut g'oawt se mista now deseida Aclly uf der 'fermata!' side shpeetcha wetta, un donn kennta se ahead gea mit cm debeata. Sell 'Cartuatill:AUl Witelia . Off sett se awer net fershtea kenna, un ich aw ;let. I)er li'sitwire huts dorm expjitin:4l.. dos.Ce !irtuatjr4l4l67 - 0. - hrerrwu wit urknleibtlin4t uu leagt's oy, for Sell, Cr, do Ifareastfif side—an posititly At—yoss fir weil koa, oy tsu seana is so long dos es nosh net nu nesht is, un wann's hinkle donn uf shteat un week .awft uu gockst, sell is kea neckatitr, awer Au 'farmtilf act. Un donn hut er's aw explain'd uf der neckatiff side. An oy, odder a sous nesht foil oyer ous tsu breea, -echt er, is a neckatiff g'sheft, weils gor ':ea shollitS braucht, awer yusht shtill belciva bis des tnea, operashun :crticli is, un donu huts yung hinkelly nix tsu du dos yusht ous der shawl rouse :su shluppa. Sell, Becht er, is neckatiti, in durum setta all de wu uf der kluck cara side sin, de neckatiff pussisheu nem ma. Uf course, tiler hens aw all fersh :ouni, awer der Sam Solaklupper hut proposed tiler set nix tsu du hawa fun - veaya denna neckatiffis, un 'farmatiffs, .twcr yusht nei gea for debeata fun weaya .ier oyer un mutter question, un mer wara's aw all agreed. lch under Muck atliggle hen donn de 'farmatitlside g'num ma, un sell mehnt dos es hinkle wu's oy 'east de mutter is, uu der Sensawetzer un der Solaklupper hen de neckatiti side .I'numma, so dos do kluck wu's oy ous breet de mutter is. D'no huts debeata amohl aw-g'fonga, uu ich konn der sawya, es war about Intresting. Der Mucka diggle hut behawpt uf course, dos es hin kle wu's oy leagt vver de real mutter, un de kluck wus ous breet sci yusht so a sort fun a silted' tummy. Der Solaklupper hut awer contend doe wanns net for de kluck weer donn cleats oy sci dog un des 'caws ne kea hinkelly macha, awer es deat ferfaula un weer for gor nix tau usa, except for picka um oashter Mondog. Der Sensawetzer hat aw gons greiselheftich ~, ,,s peeelit in favor fun der kluck-mommy. Tsuletsht awer bin ich amohl draw ons debeata. Ich hob mei shpeetch kortz awer ich bin uf amohl on der point kumma. Uf course, ich hob cam all eara points g'anserd, un donn hob ich t:ana amohl au sookdolletcher gevva. Now suppose," sog ich, "es oy wter gor kea kinkle oy, awer an ends oy, un suppose mer deat sell oy nemma uns in a hinkle nesht du un deat de hinkle kluck druf bucks, uns ous breea lussa, un sup pose wann amohl de shawl uf crackt un onshtatt dos a yungs beebelly rouse shlup- N, so an dicker breeder enda shnav yell deat rouse kumma, we denksht dos Belly kluck feels deat? Wier sell now do mommy—an hinkle de mommy fun a yungy end, mit'a broader shnavvell, hready fees un shtump-tail shwantz? No sirree, sogich. Wann amohl an olty ku de mommy sci konn fun ma long-ohricha easle, donn will ich admitta dos an hinkle de mommy sel konn fun a yungy end." Sell hut se awer gleteht. Uf course, se 'tens uf do 'fitrmatiff side ei gevva, for mei argameut war de besht, un ich bin now aw tr'satistied dos ich about so soot leektera _ionn dos der negsht monn. in hob nech nix glued fun der Nei Vorrieker leckter committe sider MI on se shrivva hob, awer wann ich fun eana fuer will ielt eich's wisss lussa. De Bevvy !!,*stilid alleweil, under A b'y aw. SC/iIVEFFLEBRENNER A YOUNG wife of seventeen, in Chicago, has got a divorce. She married a fellow who said he had $200,000 when he hadn't cenr. Besides that, he pinched her. AN OLD MAID'S VIEWS. Some one Who avows herseAr tut old maid take , a very elieei k i an,l satisfacto ry viow 1d h v r social :.itu.ttion in the Troy Iler views gill of interest to DEB 39 It alwav,: a,t(ali:,lii.:, m %%lull I take a realizin e ,mam sense of the tact that I an old maid ! Why, you'll scarcely believe it when I confess that I once had lovers by the legion, and offers were as numer ous as flirtations are now-a-d tys. I was always in love. 1 don't remember the time when I had not some William or Frank to dream about and write love let ters 10; and as I donned r:y long dresses some handsome Charles Augustus was sure to keep my thoughts employed until another with greater fascinations super seded him. You need not imagine I re gret them now. No, indeed ! My life is a pleasant one. No one annoys me. No husband flirts with other men's wives or young girls, breaking my heart. No hus band calls me " my love" in company, an old brute" at home ! Ile does not growl at milliners' bills or extravagant ward robes. Ile never sits looking at me, wish ing I were as handsome as Mrs. B or Miss .T- --. He does not wish my eyes were as divinely blue and my hair as charmingly golden as Katie's over the way. He never casts sly glances at pretty girls, throwing them kisses when my back is turned. He doesn't marvel how he ever came to marry nie when there were so many handsome women in the world. If I am ill, lie•is not wondering hoW weeds would bet:mile him, and if he should be obliged to have an expensive funeral. He isn't thinking what a' jolly' widower he would make, and how eager pretty Jennie F-- would be to marry him, or how gladly Flora' J--- would lift up her he? witching brown eyes and promise to be his. He does net complacently fondle his elegant moustache before the mirror, and think every one must pity him, and regret (girls especially) that so handsome a man should be bound to so plain-looking, a wo man. He isn't watching me continually to see if I fulfill all my duties as a wife ; to criticise my every movement, to be an noyed at the weakness of the tea, the toughness of steak, or the lateness of the breakfast. Thank the gods—no ! lam a free woman. Idoas I please, go where I please, think, breathe, sneeze, wink, cat, and sleep, as I please. Old Mother Hub -1 bard had her dog, Dame Crump bad her pig, but I have my cat ! An intellectual animal, too, one that has more natural intelligence than many children. Tabby 1 and I enjoy ourselves in a rational man per. She never sneaks a cross word ; neither do I. Together we sit and think hours at a time, by the open . gate, aad draw morals from the tire within. Tabby has a quiet temperament, and we never quarrel. I often hear people, exclaim that old maids are always gossips. Not so. I i ll i don't care if y Jane has stolen anoth er girl's beau. 4 never feel interested in the cost of 4usa s new bonnet or Jennie's silk dresses. Ido not wonder that Mrs. . C-- should be extravagant, or that Miss C--- should flirt so much. What do I care ? Tabby and I occasionally remark upon the fo •n , upidity of certain per ' lions, biltlite: I ne mention it outfif . our own &wily. My •;:i: St nri i et eourknea. , veal tuatiter 'a. .. Yesterday I met, One of my old lovers. Once he praised my eyes, my lips, the beauty of my hair, the freshness of my manners. He professed to love me, but 1 he met a prettier girl and I a gayer young man, and so we parted. Ile is married now, has a cross, faded wife and seven children. Ile looks old and weary. I felt sorry for him, but I smiled at my folly i in even wasting one thought upoii him. Would I give up my jolly life of an old maid ? Never ! My hair is growing gray. My face has wrinkles in it. My lingers are not white and soft and dimpled, but I do not bathe them with "cold cream" and wear old kids. I don't wear long trails that sweep the ground for half a mile. I do not wear lumps on my back, and double up with the fashionable ' Grecian bend.'' I don't have to wear eye glasses and pre tend lam near sighted. lam not obliged to wear a butterfly's wing on my head in February, freezing my ears until they are purple. I don't have to go shivering in low-necked dresses, nor howl opera music until my throat is sore, nor study attitudes before my mirror, nor twist my tongue out endeavoring to learn German, nor fall in love with my dancing master. I am not under the painful necessity of squeez ing my hands in No. 6 gloves when seven is my number, nor do I pinch my feet in little shoes until existence seems a burden. I do not have to sinc? e' Italian ditties in a languishing manner to some sentimental youth in tight pants and waxed mous tache. lam far more independent in my plain merino, with my hair in a little knot, than Miss Flora McFlimsey is in her silks and sparkling diamonds. I can look at a gay young man, and he does not flatter himself that I am dying for love of him. I can go to church and listen to the ser mon, not caring for the stylish hats and handsome dresses of my neighbors. I can enjoy my friends' successes and riches, feeling no envy. I can see lovers kiss their sweet-hearts good night without a pang. HOW TO COURT IN CHURCH. A young gentleman visiting Lancaster six months ago happening to sit at church in a pew adjoining one in which sat a young lady for whom he conceived a sud den and violent attachment, was desirous of entering into a courtship on the spot, but the place not being suitable for a for mal declaration, the case suggested the following plan: He politely handed his fair neighbor a Bible opened, with a pin stuck in the following text: Second Epistle of John. verse s—" And I beseech thee, not as though I wrote a new command ment unto thee, hut that which we had from the beginning, tint we love one another." She returned it, pointing to the second chapter . of Ruth, tenth verse:—" Then she fell on her face and bowed herself to the around, and said to him: Why have I Found grace in thine eyes, seeing I am a stranger?" He returned the book,pointing to the thirteenth chapter of the Third Epistle of John:--"Having many things to write unto you, I would not write with pen and ink, but I trust shortly to come unto y.ou and speak ilice to Dice, that our joy may be full." From the above interview a marriage took place the ensuing week. cftlertd. DROVERS vs. FOPS. 1 --Dentist., deal in real e..itate they pull Mum r was spread in the cabin of that mit the acres. peerless steamer the " New World," and a —Quilp intimates that lie believes in splendid company were assembled about.. Abe woman's movement -on washing day. the table. Among the passengers thus --..‘ Who took care of the babies ?" art preparing for a gastronomic duty was a fessly inquired a little girl, on-hearing her little creature of a genius fop—decked mother say that all people were once daintily as an early butterfly, with kids of children. an irreproachable whiteness, " miracu- -: , --A child iu Macon county, Ky., has lous" neck tie, and spider-like quizzing been born without a tongue, but sad to glass on his nose. The delicate animal late aside with _ it is a boy. But Mistakes will hap turned his head affectedly Waitah l n. "Bwring me a propwellah of a female —Prentice advises, if the time passes woostah." tediously with you, provoke some big fel " Yis, salt." low to knock you into the middle of next "And waitah, tell the steward to wub week. my plate with a. wegotable called an onion, —here is a "personal' , advertisement which will give a delicious ilawaw to my in a French newspaper: "Eliza: you can ditmah. return to the house. The boil on my While the relined exquisite was giving nose is gone." his order, a jolly western drover had list--4 —"Why (lid Joseph's brethren put him ened with open mouth and protruding in a,pit?" asked a Butlitlo sunday school eyes. When the diminutive paused, he teacher: and the reply he got was, "Be brought his fist upon the table with a cause there was no room for him in the force that made every dish bounce, and „stray circle.'' then thundered out : —A Quaker said to a gunnel.: "Friend, " Look here, you gaol darned ace of i counsel no bloodshed, but if it is your spades ?'' Aesire to hit the man in the gray jacket, is sah." point thine engine three inches lower." "Bring me a thundering bi; plat • of • k. —A man attempted to spell crockery skunk's gizzards : " Sah !" N , other day, and proceeded thus: "And, you old ink pot, tuck a horse raughkearreighe, but expired in a spasm before he cculd make a y, with which he blanket under my chin, and rub me down while I feed !,' intended to end the word tailhe poor dandy showed a pair of coat 4 —A Southern exchange tells of a negro s instanter—and the whole table join- i 'who insisted that his race was mentioned ed in a tremendous roar. ifst the Bible. Ile said he heard the , cher read how "Nigger Demus want [From Josh Billing's " Alinnnex.yj to be born again." . : RELIABLE 'WEATHER SIGNS. "That's very singular," said a young l' yto a gentleman who had just kissed - When roosters are observed before day- !' er. "Oh, well, my dear Miss," was the lite in the morning, soreing amung the , reply," I'll soon make it plural. And the klouds, and uttering lamentachuns, then villain did. look out for sum sudden wether, and a —A fashionable young lady, sporting severe pucker in the money market. ' the prevailing style of switch, was some- When you see 13 geese walkin injun file, what startled the other day as a kindly and toeing in, yu kan deliberately bet yure old lady, not "up to the style," all last surviving dollar on a hard winter, and proached her with theinforination, "Your a grate fluktuousness during the next b ack is coming down, Miss." season in the price of cowhide boots. —One of our Methodist exchanges says: If pigs squeal in the nite, and morass Take your religion with you to the sea hoppers cum oph ov their roost, and min- . shore, the springs and the mountains; gle in a free fight, yu may hope fir high 'retain its spirit, and in order to do this winds in a few weeks, and also the typos . zalously maintain its form. Too many of fever in yure naberhod. I us are like the little girl, who, at the close When spiders areNeen climbing up the o! her evening prayer, one night, said: wall backwards, aad frogs kough as thu , they had the kickups, look out for rain ;• r ,' N / 0°(1-1 1 e "°d; good-bye Jesus Boston to-morrow." this iz also a share singe that children will , `-'hIA , I'm going to have the measels light.- - Little ,--Little four year old Carrie went with If bees hung around their hives, an d 1 her aunt to church. The preacher was mules are seen in a brown study, a storm i very earnest in his delivery, and she was ov some kind iz cookin and yu will notis MU 311 interested. "Mother," said she, the market for herring is very cadaverous Nikon they came home, "1 heard such a and shifty. led minister. Ile stamped and pound- Jist before a heavy sno storm, uv 3 foot ; c , and made such a noise; and then he deep, chimbly swallows are unkommon got so mad he shook his fists at the folks, skarse, and in the moral world there iz a,, aud there was not anybody dared to go grate lazyness in the agitashun of the{ Op and fight him!" temperance question.„ L. —Saxe, the joker and poet, was once When liens lay 2 eggs a da , and mew Bilking a trip on a steamer, when he fell in cease "brag, and wimmin ICY tack si 1t a lively young lady, to whom he le a su i noviraws ' d ' '' • f -, gel**. Of course critter ' t l -r- mmi the - dtirnsl; - who said at parting : ” Good-bye, Mr, Saxe. 1 fear you'll soon be forgetting roe." " Ali, Miss," said the inveterate punster, "if I was not a married man already you may be sure I'd be fia. , etting you." A FASHIONABLE PHAVEIL Dear Lord, have mercy on my soul, and please let me have the French satin that I saw at Stewart's this morning, for with black lace flounces and overskirt that dress would Le very becoming to me, I know. If you grant my request, please let me have a new black lace shawl also, dear Lord. I kneel before Thee to-night feeling per fectly happy, for Madame Emile has sent me home such a lovely bonnet A most heavenly little bijou, comp.;scd of white satin, with coral ostrich tufts. For this favor I am feeling very grateful. Give me, I pray Thee, an humble heart and a uew green silk, with point lace trim mings. Let me not grow too fond of this vain and deceitful world, like other wo men, but make me exceedingly gentle and aristocratic. When the winter fashions come, let them suit my style of beauty, and let there be plenty of puffing, plait ing, ruffles, and dounces, for I dearly love them all. Oh, Lord, let business detain my hus band at H--, for he is not wanted at home at present. I wish to became ac quainted with tle tall, dark-eyed foreign er, who is staying at Col. Lougswallow's opposite. Bring about an introduction, I beseech Theo, for Mr. Longswallow will not. Bless my children, and please send • them a good nurse, for have neither time nor inclination to look after them myself. And now, oh Lord, take care of me while I sleep, and pray keep watch over my diamonds. Amen. —Why does the bridegroom always put on the ring at a wedding ? Because bell (e) a cannot ring themselves. ES - A certain minister of Maine, who was noted for his long sermons, with many divisions, one day when he was ad vancing among the !cols, and had thoroughly wearied his hearers, reached, at length, a kind of resting place iu his discourse, when, pausing to take breath, and looking about over his audience, he asked the question : " And what shall I say more ?" A voice from the congre gation—more suggestive than reverent— earnestly responded : " Say Amen !" G., of Sycamore, 111., is a capital hand at a joke. Riding in the country one day he saw a sign on a gate-post read ing thus : " This farm for Sail," Stop ping his horse, he bailed a little old wo man who stood on tiptoe hanging out clothes. "I say, madam, when is this farm to sail'" " Just as soon, sir," re plied he old lady, placing her thumb to her nose, "as anybody comes along who can raise the wind !" The doctor drove thoughtfully on. --A story is told of a late storm, which runs as follows : An old gent with his aged wife tried to escape from a flood, which surrounded his house and stable, by wading, but his wife's strength and re solution were not equal to the task, so he helped her up intp a tree and made his way alone to a knoll a short distance away. Here he stood, lamenting his situ ation in this wise : "Oh I if I only had my wife here I wouldn't vally giving live dollars ! And there's the pig ; I'd give ten dollars this minit if he was only safe!" OUT SHOPPING. Our 47ittle Oakco. Clothing. BUCK & BROTHER, MERCHANT TAILORS, 531 PENN STREET, RE.IDAVG. P.I Have 011 hand at tine line ol CLOTHS cAssIMER vEsTING:-. BEIVEIIs, Together with a lary line or Gentlemen's.Furnishing GOODS. Their establishment Is the most complete in all its departments of any, outside of Philadel phia, in the State. UUCII & BROTHER declo4 1 S. M. MYERS. JACOB RATH YON. GOOD NE WS FOR THE PEOPLE! GRAND OI'ENING OF TIIE SEASON! The subscribers have Just returned from th. Eastern Markets with the largest and best assortment of OVER AND PRESS COATINGS, All colors and all grades; Casslmeres in great variety—all the latest and best styles in the market, suitable to all tastes, and the prices within the reach of every one. All of which we are prepared to make up in the best style, ii i rk and at the shortest a Lice, and at the Lowest Cash Prices. Our of MEN'S, YOU ND BOY'S READY MA LOTHINUr, Is very large, and gotten up with great care, and will be sold very low, (READ Y-MADE DEPAR a li T ofn 2 (1 41 Floor.) W have no lMineEN GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS. All our goods have been selected with care, and purchased at the very lowest cash prices. All we ask of you is to call and examine our stock for yourself, and you will say truly the half has not been told. MYERS & RATHFON, South west corner of Centre Sqyare, Lancaster, Petait'a. Oets-t I.] Mouse _Furnishing Goods. Claim Agency. JAM4S BLACK, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND MILITARY AND NAVAL. CLAIM AGENT 1 No. 56 East King-st., Lancaster, Pa. Being duly licensed as a Claim Agent, and having a large experience, prompt attention will be given to the following classes of claims: MI)UNTY and PAY flue discharged Soldiers and Sailors. BOUNTY (additional) to Soldiers who enlisted for not less than ti or 3 years, or were honora bly discharged for wounds received. BOUNTY (additional) to Widows, Children, or Parents of Soldiers who died from wounds re. ceived or disease contracted in said service. PENSIONS for invalid Soldiers and Sailors, or to their widows or children. PENSIONS for ihthers and mothers, brothers or sisters of deceased soldiers, upon whom they wore dependent. PENSIONS and GRATUITIES for Soldiers or their Widows from Pennsylvania, in the War of 1812. PAY due Teamsters, Artificers and Civil em ployees of the Government. PAY due for horses lost in the tutted States service. CHARGES.—Fees fair and moderate, and in no case will charges be made until the money is collected. [doe 25.1yr* Musical Instruments, &c. WOODWARD'S AVIIOLES ALE AND 'RETAIL MUSIC STORE, NO. 22 WEST KING STREET. Pianos, Organs, Melodeons Piano and Melo deon Stools and Covers, Violies, Guitars, Ban jos, Tamborines,Accordeons oncertinis, Fifes. Drums, ( Flutes, Flageolets, ' Harmonloos, Clap pers, Triangles, Strings of all kinds, Bow Cello Bows, Forks, Pitch Pipes, Violin Bows, Cello Bows, Violin and Guitar Boges, Muffle Port folios, Instruction Books of all kinds, Sheet Music, Music Books, and every description of Musical Merchandise. All orders filled prompt ly at the usual Retail or Wholesale Prices, and satisfaction guaranteed. SerTuning and repairing promptly _attended to. A. W. WOODWARD, sep2i-1y l No. 22 W. Xing-et., Lancaster. - - - _T B. KEVINSKI, tI • DEALER IN SHEET MUSIC, PIANOS, ORGANS, MELODEONS, Amti Musical Instrutnenta Goteray. Sole Agent for sTEINWAY & SONS' WORLD RENOWNED PIANOS. Also, Agent for PRINCE R CO.'S ORGANS and 3IELODEONB WI-Music sent by ?doll Free of Pobtage So. 3 NORTH PRINCE STREET, Lancaster, Pa GOOK AMOHL DOH! Rooft aw ini J. B. KEVIZISKI BEIM MUSIC BUTORE. ICI.OIPFZICRA, ORTELLA, MELODEONS, 11111 ells aorta musio Inshtrunaental Der Kevinski Agent tor de bereetrity Stain wehr Pismos—Kloffeent heast n e t se of deltsk. Der platgis No. 3410 RD PRINCE STREET, LANCASTER. N. B. For a first raty gooty Getg, odder an Acoordeon, odder a Tswcarrich-Peif odder en nich miners musical Inshtrument, hies odder gross, shtept yusht ni ons Revinskts, No. 3 Nord Prince Shtrosc, Lnneasts. , [no2o-ly •ofessiona J. nl. D ICKE Y. • Arco RLi AT LAW. Orr;cr: S UTII QUEEN ST., second house , o low the Fountain Inn," Lancaster, Pa. J . B. LIVIXGSTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW. OFFICE: No. 11 NORTH DUKE ST., west ship, north of the Court House, Lancaster, Pa. INE2I2MI!!!ffI OFFICE: \0.3 SOUTH DUKE STREET, Lan castor, Pa. JOHN B. GOOD. ATTORNEY AT LAW OFFICE: N 0.58 EAST KING ST., Lancaster, P 3 E=MORMEM • • . - Opro:r.: 'Si SOUTI-1 QUEEN ST., Laneal ter, Pa. D. ROSFNMII LFR, ATTORNEY AT LAW OFFICE: With A. HEen Swim Eq., South Queen St., opposite the office of "Father Abru brun,,' Lancaster, Pa. A C. Ii EINCOEHL, ATTORNEY AT LAW OEFIci.: No. 3 AOUTIi DUKE ST., Lancut..: JOAN P. REA, ATTORNEY AT LAW Opxier:: With lion. O. J. Dwain', N 0.21 SOUTI QUEEN ST., Lancaster, Pa. MARTIN RUTT, ATTORNEY AT LAW. OFFICE of the late HOU. THADDEUS STEVAHS No. 20 South Queen St., Lancaster, Pa. A DIOS H. MYLIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. OFFICY.: No. 8 SOUTH QUEEN ST., Lancaster K. It TTEII ATTORNEY AT LAW Orrick.: Willi General J. W. FISHIER, NORTH DUKE ST., Lancaster, Pa. BF. BAER, • ATTORNEY AT LAW. _ . OFPICE: No. 19 NORTH DUKR Street, Lan . ea4 ttr Pa. Oleo 18-Iyr A O ectding Advertisements. • ILALTZBERGER, ATTORNEY AT LAW No. 46 NORTH SIXTH ST., Reading, Pa. JGEORGE SELTZER, • ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLER AT LAW. No. 604 COURT STREET, (opposite the Coll: House,) Reading, Pa. Medical. INVALIDS "II YGEIAN HOME. N. R. ADAII.3S, M. D., Physician-in-Chief. Dr. Adapts has Studied and attended Medico' Lectures and Hospitals, both in New York and Philadelphia, and been a successful practitioner of the "Healing Art" for many years; he i• 4 therefore eminently gaalitied by Medical Edu cation, Surgical 8411, and great experience, for the position of Physician and Surgeon in • - t large Health Institute. Invalids seeking healt! will find at our cure every facility for the re covery of health. Pure, soft, bpring water, healthful diet, and excellent bathing facilitie. combined with Swedish Movements, and aju dicious application of Electricity, and all Na ture's great curative Agents, regulated by • skillful Physician, enables us to cure when a cure is possible. The 101 l a!: d Winter months are coasitierC best for treatment, e.pecially in our mild and genial climate. StranicAr. OPERATIoNS of all kinds performer according to tl.e latest, anti most approve.: methods. AGPORSTETRICAL cases and all PRIVATE I)i.i. awsse, as well as Dyspepsia, Rheumatism an Liver Complaint, are treated with success. For Circular, address the Proprietors, Brow:, Middlekautr, Wernersville, Berks Co., Pa. Oct. 224 ri • 'it DR.SACE'S . I PATARR4 : .(,, v ,) - gEMEbI. ~ ),-, We do not a ish to inform you, reader tha : Dr. Wonderful, or any other man, has disco , . ered a remedy that cures Consumption, when the lungs are half consumed, in short, will curt all diseases whether of mind, body or estate. make men live forever, and leave death to play f.r want of work, and is designed to make on: sublunary sphere a blissful paradise to which Heaven Itself shall be but a side show. Yoc have heard enough of that kind of humbuggery, and we do not wonder that you have by this time become dis.osted with it. But when tell you that Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy wit' positively cure the worst ruses of Catarrh, I only assert that which thousands can testify tr. Try it and you will be convinced. I will pay *5(O REWARD for a case of Catarrh that I cannot cure. FOR SALE By mosT ouumasTs EVERY WM PRICK ONLY 50 CENTS. iNent by Mail post paid for Stirly Cents ; Four packages 41.2.00, or one itoz en. for ifia.CO. Send a two cent stamp for Dr Sage's pamphl 4 on Catarrh. Address the Proprietor, R. V. PIERCE, M. D.. 0et..1-Zin] Buffalo, N. Y PURIFY YOUR BLOOD! LONDON BLOOD PANACEA. The Great Alterative and Blood Purifier. For the cure of SCROFULA or Km -- IL, CUTANEOUS DISEASES, ERT MIAS, BOILS, PIMPLES, an•t &creams on the FACS,SORE 'lO, YELLOW JAUNDICE, WHITT. rELLINGS, Mattousw, Die d3ZB, GENERAL DIDILITT, PAL 2ATION and FLUTTERING at the BART, CONSUMPTION, ASTHMA. realm and SYPIIILITIO AFFEC • OAS, Bminnitz and KIDNEY CIS ass, GRAVEL, DROPSY, DISPEP x, LI V ItaCOMPLAINT,SICIE FEWALS COMPLAINTS. To the broken down female it Lees life and energy by restoring le lost powers of nature. Person:, a weakness and lassitude, by use ig the PANACEA are soon re ored to perfect health, bloom and Igor. Try it. Price $l.OO Per Bottle. S. A. FOUTZ, Manufacturer and Proprietor. BALTIMORE, MD. For Bale by druggists and storekeepers .throughout the Vatted States. ALFRED A. HURLEY, Druggist WEST RING STREET, 0022-Iy] LANCASTER, PA. For sale by Photographs, der. GOLDEN GIFTS. Parents to Familiar; Father to Doughtey, Mother to .S6l'. GENTLEMEN TO LADIES When the light has left the house, memoria such a 9 these compound their interest. GILL'S SUPERB PHOTO. Miniature or Opal Pictures, admitted to he the best in:the city and no superior in the State Constantly' increasing demand and great expe rience in this style of miniature give us greater facilities and better results than any establish ment outside of large cities. STEREOGRAPHS OP HOME VIEWS torte Centro Table. Also, prismatic instruments. Large Colored Work by *owe of the bent A l . Usta in Philadelphia and eltiewhere in the high, oat style of the art. India Ink, Pastille, Crayon and colors, at GILL'S CITY GALLEILY 3 N0..20 East Kin z.4t. Jan 14yr]