Father Abraham. (Reading, Pa.) 1864-1873, December 17, 1869, Image 2

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    jaqer ,_Ahr4ani.
Beonomy, Retrenchment, Faithful Collection
of the Revenue and Payment of the Public
MR. S. BARRA 'Vora°, the Lancaster News
Dealer, who everybody knows, is agent for
FATIIIf.R AsaAnzm, and is authorized to take
4tibscripttois and receive money for the sainee
1 copy, one year.
5 copies, (each name addressed,)
:0 copies,
.5 copies,
20 copies,
And sll.lofor each additional subscriber,
.eith an extra copy to the getter up of the club,
and, also, one for every additional twenty.
5 copies, (to one address,) $ 8 50
10 copies, " 12 00
.15 copies, " 14 16 50
20 copies, " 20 00
And $l.OO for each additional subscriber,
,cith an extra copy to the getter up of the club,
etnd, also, one for etery additional twenty.
lair All subscriptions must be paid in Ad
vance. Address,
Lancaster, Pa.
Clubbing with Periodicals!
For am We will send FATHER ABRAHAM
and Godey's Lady Book, (the subscription
price of which is $3) for one year.
For $2,75 We will send FATHER ABRAHAM
and Peterson's Ladies' National Magazine, (the
subscription price of which is $2,50) for one
For $2.50 we will send FATHER ABRAHAM
and Arthur's Home 2fagazine, (the subscrip
tion price of which is $2) for one year.
For $2,65 we will send FATHER ABRAHAM
and Once a Month, (the subscription price of
which is $2) for one year.
For $2,15 we will send FATHER ABRAHAM
and Children,'B Hour, (the subscription price
which in 51.'60) iv: OW> 7555.
For $2,75 we will send Fir HER ABRAHAM
and the Lady's Friend, (the subscription
price of which is $2.50) for one year.
For $2,75 we will send FATHER ABRA
HAM and the Saturday Erening Post, (the
subscription price of which is $2.50) for one
For $4,00 we will send FATHER ARRA-
Him and either harper'.. Magazine, or Her-
Wukty, or Harper's Ila.laar, (the sub
..cription price of each of which is $4) for one
Send your orders, accompanied with the
f abh, to
Lancaster, Pa
AL "1-sibei-cti. C3lE7c3r,
d 4i
And Splendid Steel Engravings of
FOR ONLY $3.23 !
Ws will send from this date, to all new
subscribers, THE INDEPENDENT, published
at New York, the subscription price of which
is 112,60, and FATHER ABRAHAM, for
PER YEAR. In addition, we will send to each
subscriber (to both papers) a SPLENDID
COLFAX, the price of which in the print
stores is TWO DOLLARS EACH. Spe
cimens of these Engravings can be seen at
the office of FATHER ABRAHAM.
Cash must accompany the subscriptions.
Publishers of Father Abraham,
Lancaster, Pa.
Three more States have been secured
for the ratification of the fifteenth amend
ment, making it safe, whatever New York
and Ohio may do. Georgia, Texas, and
Mississippi give us more than the requis
ite three-fourths. The great amendment
saves universal suffrage in the South and
North—gives us several heretofore doubt
ful Northern States, and seals to the Re
publican cause Alabama, North Carolina,
South Carolina, Mississippi, Texas,
Louisiana, Arkansas, Florida, and pro
bably Georgia, Virginia, and Tennes
see. But for that the local Legis
latures would have enacted property
or educational tests, by the machinery of
new constitutions. Now the great ex
periment will work out its own salvation
Hon. William McKennan has been
appointed by Grant, Circuit Judge of the
Third Circuit, comprising the States of
Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware.
He is a resident of IVaahington, in this
State, and son of Hon. T. M. T. McKen
nan, a gentleman some years ago promi
nent as an influential member of the old
Whig party. There is some opposition to
his confirmation.
We are reliably informed that our jolly
neighbor of the Lancaster Examine,. is an
applicant for the office of Appraiser at
Philadelphia, made vacant by the resi
gnation of Dr. Worthington. What his
prospects are we don't know, but as he
has been left out in the cold so far, it is •
about time that his many home friends
take a decided stand for him, and as one
of them we shall insist upon his appoint
ment. He must have an office, and uo
be put off any longer, and if the powers
don't give him one, and that, very soon,
say within ten days or two weeks, Gen.
Grant may expect to get such a broad
side through the columns of FATHER
ABRAHAM as will make him tremble in
his boots. The idea of seeing our neigh
bor suffering and shivering out in the cold,
and without even a single home member
of the Legislature to fall back cu in the
present State Treasury crisis, and with
out any other kind of a show, is too bad !
Should the President continue to ignore
the claims of our friend, we respectfully
suggest the propriety of calling a general
town meeting of the supporters and back
ers of our candidate, in order to present
his claims in the most earnest anti posi
tive manner. This we propose in the
name of humanity. Jack shall and must
have an office, and if he can't make the
Appraisership, then get something else
for him—anything to keep him from freez
ing to death.
Since writing the above, we have suc
ceeded in extorting a pledge from a mem
ber of the Pennsylvania Legislature to
secure his appointment as one of the pages
of the House, should our efforts to make
the Appraisership for him prove unsuc
.;," I 50
7 00
• 13 00
18 00
22 00
Petitions are now in circulation, and be
ing signed y hundreds and thousands
throughout the State, praying the Legis
lature for the passage of a law submitting
the question of license to sell intoxicating
liquors, or prohibition, to the qualified
voters of each ward, borough and town
ship, thus removing the question of tem
perance from political party and placing
it directly into the hands of the people
themselves. Whilst the temperance men
are nearly or quite unanimously in favor
of such a law, the proposition is also
favorably received by citizens generally—
even by a number of the most respectable
hotel keepers, who seem to be ready and
willing to trust their business interests to
their immediate neighbors, and it is not
likely that under the operations of such a
law the people would fail properly to dis
criminate between respectable hotels, kept
for the accommodation of strangers and
travelers, and the mere drinking shops
and schools of vice and crime with which
almost every city, town and village in the
State is so seriously afflicted. The keepers
of these mere drinking and tippling shops
only will be likely to oppose the proposed
As the people will, in the end, decide
this, as well as all other questions of pub
lic interest, we can see no reason why the
system proposed should not be adopted by
the Legislature. It is certainly fair, rea
sonable and just. As the temperance
men cannot reasonably expect the enact
ment of prohibitory laws iu opposition to
the popular will—the deliberate judgment
of the people—the keepers of drain drink
ing saloons should have no right to carry
on their demoralizing traffic in open de
fiance of the majority of the people. Let
the people have a chance to decide this
question in each locality for themselves.
Whilst the " Hon " 31. S. Quay is
strutting about Philadelphia, " settling up
the affairs of the State Committee " and
giving orders and directions to the Sena
tors and Representatives, whom he
claims as his own, his neighbor of the
Beaver Argos tells some very interesting
stories about him at home. In the last
number of that paper we find the follow-
" * * * The election of Mr. Mackey was Just
as free from any sordid inducements as that of
Mr. Kelley.—Radical.
"If the election of Mr. Mackey %vas free
from sordid considerations, the public
would like to know why Mr. Quay, as the
representative of Mr. " Don " Cameron,
so frequently waited upon General Irwin
—dnring the closing hours of the last
Legislature—and importunately insisted
that the latter should honor the check of
the said Cameron for Two Hundred Thou
sand dollors of the State funds ?—alleging
that the Penna. Railroad had gone
back' on them in permitting the defeat of
the Tax Bill iu the Senate 'by which un
called for and infamous measure the above
amount was not only to have been realiz
ed, but which was to have been a perfect
mine of wealth to a select few in the future
—and declaring also, in language more
forcible than classic, that the Legislature
was about to adjourn, the members had
not been paid their respective prices, and
some of them were 'raising h-11. , And
in thus calling upon Gen. Irwin to ad
vance the money out of the State Treasury
to pay the debt by which his own defeat
was purchased, was there not exhibited
an assurance almost incredible, verging
on the sublime 7,1
akr The last issue of the Philadelphia
Sunday Republic, says : " There is no
longer any doubt that the policemen have
been compelled to contribute a goodly
portion of a month's pay to a corruption
fund with which to buy the number of
Republican legislators necessary to kill
the police
With the exception of a paper here and
there owned by and "run" in the interest
of the ring of corruptionists, the Republi
can Press throughout the State, with re
markable unanimity, is squarely ou the
side of radical and positive reform. W e
cannot believe that the errors of last year
will or tan be repeated during the coming
session, or that the voice of the Republi
can people, so emphatically expressed at
the last election, will be disregarded. Yet,
it is well to keep the subject constantly and
prominently before the public. The ring
is reckless, powerful and crafty, and needs
constant watching. The only safety is in
having nothing at all to do with it; to
' work and vote against its candidates; to
knock down its "set up" and to demolish
whatever "slate" it may present at tiiu.;
of organization. On this subject, that
excellent and high-toned paper, the Pitts
burg Commercita of Friday last, says:
"If we do not put the ring down it will
break down the Republican party." This
is the warning of a veteran Republican
whose name is honored throughout the
State. Last fall's election was an admoni
tion to the party on the subject. The sins
I of last winter's session came near crush
ing the party. It would have been crush
ed, but for the fact that Republicans gen
erally took ground against the corruptiori
ists and boldly proclaimed for Economy,
Retrenchment and Reform. The people
were promised better things in the future
—a promise between which and its fulfill
ment the Treasury Ring are arraying
themselves with determined energy. They
are making a desperate struggle for the
"unexpended balance." It is the means
whereby they control legislation, dispose
of the offices and enrich themselves. To
get into position last winter it cost the ring
Fifty thousand dollars. It was as corrupt
a transaction as ever disgraced a State
Capitol. During the year the "unex
pended balance" has averaged one and a
half million dollars. To continue this in
their hands they are making desperate
efforts. Wit h the power it will give them,
the ring expects to pass the infamous tax
bill—of which it failed last winter—where
by at least one million more will be appli
ed to the "balance." Their next cam-
pain is laid out on an extensive scale,
and there is no safety either for the party
or the State, except in putting the l'ivas
ury Ring down from the start. Such is
the will of the people, and we do uot be
lieve that all of the "unexpended bal
ance" will suffice to defeat it".
A late number of the New York Tribune
contains the concluding portion of Horace
Greely's exceedingly able articles on the
subject of political economy. As the
articles have been regularly entered for
copy right, they will no doubt 1)e repro
duced in book form and should find a place
in ovory gentleman's library. We gib
the last paragraph in full :
" XV. Finally, the great truth, so flJrc
bly set forth by Mr. Clay in 1532, that
Protection has been to us a sheet-anchor
of Prosperity, a main spring of Progress,
his not been and can never be explained
away. Our years of signal disaster and
depression have been those in which our
ports were most easily flooded with foreign
goods—those which intervened betwixt the
recognition of our Independence and the
enactment of the Tara of 17S0—those
which followed the close of the Last War
with Great Britain and were signalized by
immense importations of her Fabrics—
those of - 1837-42, when the Compromise
of 1833 began to be seriously felt in the
reduction of duties on imports ; and those
of 1854-57, when the Polk-Walker Tariff
of 1846 had tim2 to take full effect. No
similarly sweeping revulsions and prostra
tions ever took place—l think none could
take place—under the sway of efficient
Protection. Said Mr. Clay in 1842, after
premising that the seven years preceeding
the passage of the Tariff of 1824 had been
the most prosperous that our country
had ever known : " This transformation
of the condition of the country from gloom
and distress to brightness and prosperity
has been mainly the work of American legis
lation, fostering American industry, instead
of allowing to be controlled by foreign legis
lation, cherishing foreign industry.” God
frant us the wisdom and virtue to press
orward on the shining path thus opened
plainly before us, to the end that our
Labor may be fully employed and fairly
recompensed, and that age after age may
witness the rapid yet substantial progress
and growth of our people in all the arts of
Peace—all the elements of National well
being !
SIIANESVILLE, Deatsember der Ot, 1;9.
Job bin aw amohl tsu der conclusion
kumma for au breef on dich tsu shreiva.
De Tseitung eat uns gor ivver ous doh
huvva, abbordich sidder dos mer der
Bevvy eara likeness g'seana hen, un now
setsht uns aw noch so a fotograffly rum
Ahoy gevva, un sell deat de fomelia com
plete macha. Sog awer der 13evvy se set
tsum duekter gea, odder braucha for 'elle
kleana, sei dorrieli-fol.
bier sin aw orrig geplcest mit der weil
du seller Icier] wu fun fum Pit g'maeht hut
amohl reckt ous gebutzt husht. De leit
doh huvva deata all doat gee in demi%
dully tseita warms net for der Pit wwr, for
sei breefa dune ols de gone nochbershaft
of toona.
tar The Lebanon Courier of last west
says: "The members of the Legislatune
owe it to their own good names to expel
from the floor of the House and the Senate,
the coming winter. every professional
borer who obtrudes himself upon then.
These practiced scoundrels do much to
debauch the Legislature, and frequently
bring a worse name upon that body than
its conduct would fairly subject it to.
Out, then, with the borers."
A curious calculation is made concern
ing the reduction of the national debt.
During the nine months of President
Grant's administration it has been reduc
ed at the following rate:
Reduction from March 15t.... ...... 471,903,625 00
Reduction per mouth 7.989,261 00
Reduction per week. 1,843,680 03
Reduction per der 262,421 63
Reductionper tteur 10,934 20
ltedeothat Minute_ .. .......... . 182 23
Reduotion per 0000thi ••• • • 8 04
sr The following is a succinct account
of the gifts of the late George Peabody :
" For Institutes in, Danvers and Peabody,
$250,000; Peabody Museum in Salem,
$150,000; Newburyport for a library,
$30,000; Memorial Church in Georgetown,
Mass., to the memory of his mother, and
a free public library in the same place,
$100,000; Phillips' Academy, Andover,
$30,000; Massachusetts Historical Society,
$20,000; Harvard College, for Museum
and Professorship of American Archteo
logy and Ethnology, $150,000; Yale Col
lege, for Museum and Natural History,
8150,000; Peabody Institute in Baltimore,
$1,000,000; Maryland Historical Society,
$20,000; Kenyon College, 825,000; Public
Library in Post Mills, Thetford, Vt.,
$10,000; Southern Educational Fund, $3,-
000,000; London poor, $1,750,000; his kind
red, $1,500,000."
.Jude, Pearson has refused a new
trial in The Credit Mobilier Case, against
whom suit was brought by Auditor Gen
eral llartranft, who employed able counsel
and obtained a verdict in the Court of
Common Pleas of Dauphin county, recent
ly, in favor of the State for $407,000. Gen.
ilartranft is deserving of the thanks of the
tax payers for his care and watchfulness
of the financial interests of the State.
We are compelled Logo to press this
week without our Philadelphia letter.
Trust our correspondent will he more
prompt in future
ROIIERSTOWN, Nov. 24th, 1869
Mews. Editors: Some time ago quite an
excitement was occasioned at this place, con
cerning the far famed J. B. Whisky, by the
arrival of sone of the Revenue Officers of this
District, and we deem it a simple act of jus
tice to ourselves, that some of the proceedings
on that Sabbath day should be made known
to the many friends of J. B. and to the read
ers of your paper. After they had attended
to summoning every person to appear in
.Philadelphia on the following morning, to
assist as they supposed in condemning Mr. J.
B. for intended fraud of the Government,
they even went so far as to summon persons
who purchased some of the J. B. on the re
commendation of Physicians, and also per
sons who purchased before the Revenue Laws
went into effect. What their motive was for
doing this we cannot tell, unless it was to
show what an immense amount of authority
They posseBBol. So great was the excitement
in the Outside Assistant Deputy Collector,
(for such he called. himself) that he openly
declared, that before he returned from Phila
delphia he would purchase a new suit of
clothes on the profit of his trip, resulting from
the sale of J. B. Whisky. We very much
fear that his new suit don't lit, at least we
have not, seen him wear it yet, but probably
were he again to visit Mr. Erbs' residence in
quest of Mr. Flostetter's Whisky, he might
probably procure the necessary article as
those he wore on a former visit to that place
we presume were considerably damaged dur
ing the search. But we do not propose to
confine our remarks to any one particular
person, for the fever ran quite high iu several
uninterested persons, who willingly and un
asked for said that they also had purchased
some of the Whisky. We presume their mo
tive was a trip to the Philadelphia Court, but
we do not blame them, for no doubt they ex
pected to do the Outside Assistant Deputy
Collector a great favor, and no doubt he
thought so himself considering the terrible
Whisky excitement he was laboring under
that Sabbath afternoon. But suffice it to say,
we trust all who went were well paid for the
trip, but we very much fear that they did
not receive the boasted twenty cent mileage,
when paid they calculated to receive. The
case has now been tried and, Mr. J. B. and
his Whisky dealt with fairly, and to the satis
faction of all his many friends, but very un
satisfactory to the gentlemen who made the
We understand that quite au amount of the
Whisky is missing, and can not be accounted
for by Mr. Baer, and he calls upon the Watch
man to know whether he can account for it
or not, as it was in his charge during that
lime. A CITIZEN.
GOLD has been arriving at the Phila
delphia Mint for several months past
from a tract of land in the Guayana, Re
public of Venezuela, said tract being
owned and worked by residents of Phila
delphia, under the title of the Orinoco
Explorin.c.; and Mining Company. Alto
gether $114,000 have been sent to the
Mint since April of this year; $50,000 of
this amount was thr product of fifty-eight
days' work of one mill running twenty
THE Chicago Journal has the following
startling item of local news: " A terrible
warning to fast , young men is found in
the case of John P. Purck, a bank clerk
of this city, who, having become demoral
ized by wine and women,' committed
suicide at a house of infamy early this
morning. There are scores of young
men, of respectable standing, outwardly,
who are going to destruction in the same
way, only less precipitately.”
DE. PAUL SCIREPPB, under sentence
of death, has presented a petition to the
Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, earnest
ly asserting his innocence of the murder
of Miss Steinecke, and asking a new hear
ing on a writ of error, Attorney General
Brewster has assented to the granting of
a writ of error, returnable on the first
Monday in January, which will be issued.
Ills execution on the 22d inst. will there
fore not take place.
" HoonAV) for the Women A dis
patch from Cheyenne, Wyoming Terri
tory, dated Dec. Gth, states that the
Female Suffrage bill had passed both
branches of the Wyoming Legislature.
What an exodus of the busan B. An
thonye, Anna Dickineone, Elizabeth Cady
Stanton, eta., there will be to that Wo
mans' Rights' Paradise.
THE Pope has ordered a statue of Geo.
Peabody to be erected in Rome.
e father Abrakasfo Chip.
THERE are 70,000 Indians in Alaska.
TILE Arondale Relief Fund, amounted,
up to Nov. 27th, to the sum of $95,200.
rbwA has built 643 miles of railroad
during 1.869.
MARRYING and settling down is now
called co-operative house keeping.
DIVORCES may be had for $5 of a color
ed Justice in Florida. 0, ye unhappy
ones 1 thither wend your way.
lowa has now over three hundred thou
sand dollars in her treasury, and does not
owe a dollar!
THE Liberal Christian asks if the prin
ciple of sleeping cars can't be successfully
introduced into church architure.
CHESTER county is a good place for
partridges to emigrate to. They cannot
be shot there for five years yet.
THE full vote ou the lay delegation in
the Methodist Episcopal church, stands
103,476 for and 51,606 against.
TIIE Internal Revenue receipts for last
month were ? , 13,1-15,570 ; an excess of
i.f3,505,570 over that of November 1868.
Tit E world produces 713,000,000 pounds
of coffee per annum—the greater portion
of which comes from Brazil.
kr has been suggested, since President
Grant's reference in his message to Geor
gia, that Sherman march from Atlanta to
the sea again. •
AT a recent municipal election Bodwin,
England, two women voted, of whom one
was 92 and the other 94 years of age. Let
our American sisters take courage.
TEXAS has gone for the Republicans,
notwithstanding the split in the party.
The Governor, Lieutenant Governor and
Legislature are all Republican.
THE Spanish4nboats have been re
leased, by the rnment authorities at
New York, and will proceed to Sea at
A VI:NEI:AISLE individual in Scotland,
some 10G years old, has just left off the
use of tobacco, because " its effects are in
jurious and it tends to shorten life.,,
A MISSISSIPPI journal says : The other
day a negro tried to outwalk a locomotive,
and " he leaves a wife and six children in
straightened circumstances."
" DEAD HEADS'' will please take notice.
The accidents on the Pacific Railroad are
causing a diminution in the number of
applications for free passes to California.
A DETROIT woman attempted to smug
gle twenty-three pounds of butter across
the line under her dress. It melted and
betrayed her.
I'r is said that Mr. Richardson, whose
death we noticed last week, was worth
$75,000. His interest in the Tribune was
valnial at 840,000. He left no will.
PERE lIYACINTHE delivered an ad
dress for the benefit of the French Benevo
lent Society in New York, on Thursday
evening, 9th inst., at the Academy of
Music, and left for France on Friday.
IN the Alabama Legislature the Demo
crats elected a colored Clerk in preference
to a white man. We always said they
would do so when colored men got the
right to vote.
THE Kings that rule the city—smo
king, Drin-king, Tal-king, and Thin-king.
The latter occupies a very inferior posi
tion, however, which is not as it should
be by any means.
B171:61-A us entered the Erie County,
(Ohio) Treasurer's (Alice tin Saturday
morning, blew upon the safe and made oft
with its contents, the value of which is
not yet ascertained.
JUDGE BALDWIN, of Nevada, who was
killed in the railroad collision on the
Western Pacific Railroad, neglected to
wind his watch, and so missed the train
he intended to take from San Francisco.
His life was insured for i. 45,000.
A LAUNDRESS has advertised in one of
the daily papers, for a situation in a
family ; and, as proof of being properly
qualified, mentions, that she has washed
one lady for iliac years l
A CHICACiO lady advertises that she
would be pleased to form the acquaintance
of a gentleman with the view of a ton of
coal. A fine chance for some of our young
bachelor coal dealers.
THE Senate Chamber and House of
Representatives .at Harrisburg are all
ready for the rkeption of members and
present a very neat and comfortable ap
MRS. LINCOLN has returned to Frank
fort for the winter. It seem there is not
a word of truth in the story of her intend
ed marriage with a German baron. She
is living in retirement.
THE success of the Newsboys and Boot
blacks' Home, of Chicago, may be inferred
from the statement that it has received
during the year, 334 boys, 178 of whom
were orphans, and seventy-eight have but
one parent.
A YOUNG man named Vincent A. Q.
Vandever, of Rising Sun, Md., commit
ted suicide on Friday last, at his father's
residence, by shooting himself through
the heart.
THE Wyoming Legislature adjourned
sine die on Saturday. Gov. Campbell has
signed the Woman's Suffrage bill, and it
is now a law of the Territory.
MRS. BLACKWELL said in Detroit the
other day OW there are 15,000,000 women
in America who wanted their rights, and
were going to have them with the aid of
their 15,000,000 tongues.
THE pork packing season in Indiana is
nearly closed, more from the want of cur
rency than the failure of hogs. There
will not be as many slaughtered as last
season, but the superior weight may make
the product about the same.
Ix Philadelphia on Tuesday last the
Court disposed of another of the vil
lains hired to take the life of Revenue
Detective Brooks. McLaughlin, whose
testimony in the former cases was clearly
suborned, was found guilty of assault and
battery with intent to kill, and sentenced
to six years imprisonment.
JUDGE FOWLER" of New York, in ac
cepting a nomination recently, took oc
casion to say that he was entitled to some
thing, for he had voted ever since he was
of age with the Democratic party; where
upon one of his audience observed in a
gruff but very audible voice, "What's the
use of talking about twenty-eight times in
a life ? I voted thirty in one day. What
ought I to get, say ?"
As EVIDENCE that American ideas are
getting foothold in Italy, a correspondebt
cites the fact that American rocking
chairs are now in high favor, though
when first introduced by American fami
lies, they were looked upon by the natives
as something ridiculous.
THE Schuylkill Navigation Company
have prosecuted the city of Philadelphia
for $500,000 damages, alleged to have
been sustained by them during the draught
last summer,
by the city consuming the
water of the Schuylkill river and thereby
suspending navigation.
FRENCH statisticians assert that the
mortality among women has decreased
181 per cent. since corsets went out of
fashion, but that brain diseases has in
creased among them at the fearful rate of
721 per cent. since chignons and other
pyramidical ornaments came into vogue.
TonAcco is now paying the bulk of the
internal revenue tax. At no time since
tobacco was taxed .lid it contribute a
larger proportion of the total revenue than
for the last two months. Eighty per cent.
of the gain for the first quarter of the pre
sent fiscal year is on tobacco. Some of
the Virginia districts show an increase
over last year of 400 per cent.
THE Kansas City Journal says a con
siderable number of Mormons from Salt
Lake have come to Jackson county and
settled near Independence, where they
formerly resided. They have recovered
some of their old property, including the
temple ground, on which si e they pro
pose to erect another place of worship.
These Mormons repudiate polygamy.
Nothing of importance has yet been
done by either Senate or House. A num
beeof bills and petitions have been pre
sented in both Houses and the Senate has
acted on a number of appointments.
The work of the President is expressed
in the reports, which show that, in addi
tion to the hatch of circuit judges, he
has sent in three hundred and sixty
nominations for Army, Navy, and Trea
the tenure of office bill it is expected
will be repealed this session.
Senator Cameron and family, are stop
ping at the Arlington House.
If no legislation is had before January
1, the bill under which the census of IMO
was taken will be again revived, and the
taking of the census will proceed under it.
The United States Marshal will then
have the matter in char g e.
Hon. D. J. Morrell introduced into
Congress a bill to fund the debt of the
United States at a lower rate of interest,
to make the National Banking System
free and for other purposes.
A correspondent writing from Wash
ington, says that the idea of the free bank
ing system has many supporters in both
houses of Congress, and present indica
tions arc that such a system will be estab
lished during the session. Further indi
cations arc that Secretary Boutwell's re
commendation for contraction at the rate
of two millions per month will not find
many supporters. The demand from the
south 1/)r more money appears to be very
The Internal Revenue Bureau has pre
pared a list of grain distillers in the United
States. it comprises eleven hundred and
seventy-live names, though only about
four hundred are now in operation.
The first reception of the season was
given by Secretary Fish and Mrs. Fish
and took place las tFriday evening. There
was a large attendance of ladies and gen
tlemen, the latter including the Cabinet
officers, foreign ministers, Senators, and
prominent army and navy officers.
The Senate has confirmed the nomina
tions of General Belknap, Secretary of
War, and Mr. Robeson, as Secretary of
Senators and members are able to secure
accomodations in Washington this winter
at at twenty-live to fifty per cent. less than
last season.
It is probable that the House will agree
to the increase of the House of Represen
tatives to three hundred.
Negotiations are now in progress to
secure a reduction of postage on all mail
matter for the continent of Europe, which
does or can be sent via England.
On Tuesday of last week, Paul Gerard,
a brother-in-law of the Portugese minis
ter, was married to Miss Maria Bareka
Wormley, a quadroon of some notoriety
and rare beauty. The occasion caused
considerable stir in social circles.
Senator Cragin, of New llampshire, has
introduced a bill in the Senate on the sub
ject of polygamy, which aims at the de
struction of the pernicious system of
Brigham Young, in Utah. The bill puts
the whole machinery of the courts in that
Territory in the bands of the United
States officers ' and declares null and void
all laws passed in the special interest of
the Mormon system.
A committee of colored men from the
Labor Convention, called on the President
last Friday to express the thanks of their
body for the course he had pursued to
wards the blacks and for the whole course
of his administratin in its effort to protect
the loyal citizens of the South.
Efforts are being made to abolish the
franking privilege.
The soldiers of 1812 are presenting pe
titions, asking that they may be put on the
pension lists, and two or three bills to
grant their prayer have been introduced
in Congress.
Congress will adjourn over the holi
Visits of Indian delegations to Wash
ington are forbidden. All business must
be done through the agents.
Eulogies were pronounced in both
branches of Congress, on Tuesday, on the
late Senator Fessenden.
An effort to increase the tax on whisky
is apprehended.
An couestrian statue of General Grant
is shortly to be erected on the terrace of
the Treasury Department. Senator Sher
man and Representatives Garfield, Kelly,
Butler and Logan, and General Spinner
and H. D. Cooke are the leaders of the
The trial of Porter-Farragut prize and
bounty cases will begin on the 22d inst.,
in the Supreme Court of this district, be
fore Judge Wylie.
Commissioner Delano on Wednesday
authorized a reward of one thousand dol
lars for the arrest of the Missouri distiller
who killed Assistant Marshal Mooney
lately, near Sedalia.