voinoovanifich pit the ( 5 - 711 * { 7 '2" I ' / .. ..s, I I , •. • , ' • . , . s .' ' - i. Ai. '-:'':. - kil BREEF FUN DER BEYVY. SCHLIFFLETOWN, Nov. L!1, 1569. MISTER FODDER ARRADAM: Es is now shun long Bidder dos ich eich an brecf r.;'shrivya hob, un den middog we mer om essa want hob ich ern Pit g'samt dos de woch wet ich amohl shreiva, for ich will aw amohl au chance hawa, un doll geats now, un wanu der's net in eier Iseitung nei duhnet, donn meayet der eier hmoke-pei f mit aw shtecka. Der Pit war's aw agreed, fir er weas besser dos sich of shtclia geaya mich. De leit doh sawya ols ich trawg de hussa. Sell is ar:er net wohr. Alles was ich insist druf Is dos de weibsleit aw eara rechta hen, un wann se net'ebmolds ols eara eayner bort nemma, donn kumma so om kortza end Awer, icli inns lit' del subject ktllllllla. Was ich now sawya will is des: For geshter hob ich a breef grickt fun der Sus Andonny—cans fun denna shtrong-meind edy waiver, un se will wissa eb mer net an ordlich sooty woman's rights meeting doh of krecya kent in unserm shteddle, un weil se aw wissa will was my opinion is derweaya, un weil ich awfongs ordlich Boot bekannt bin, un intluenshal, hob ich gedenkt ich wet now olles was ich tsu sawya hob on cich shreiva, un dos ders aw ui eier tseitung net duhnet. Now, Mister Brinter, es hut feel leit in der welt de =elm yusht fun ivver uns weil mer druf insista dos mer aw entitled sin tsum shtimm-recht. • Awer ich contend dos weibsleit so feel wissa, un so fit sin for vota, un cmter holta dqs de monsleit. Un now dank yusht amohl tsurick for tswea yohr. Sel lamohls bob ich ols de terwet g'shant der heam; hob ols coat reeva, kraut, bohna, sehnitz, tswivvella, shtink-kase un shmeer kase un ollerlea so sach g'iaised un fer kawft for a living tsu macha, tin der Pit s mer ols oily dog un olly nada ons Kitzelderfers ruin geloaft un olly cent was er kreeya hut keuna fersuffa un fergam bled mit bensa pitcha, tut korta shpeela. Wanns net for my port shoillts weer ,'west, donu hetta mar evva doh week missa—der Pit ferleicht in de jail un ich ins orma-house. _ewer icli hob net in' gevva. No sir. Ich bob my mind uf onaeht dos ich sel wer amohl der Pit runna will, un ich hobs aw gedu. ich hob tan macha an Beevel aid neunna nix men tsu saufa, un funs Kitzelderfer's week tsu bleiva, nu ca mold doh forram yohr we cr such fergessa hut un war shun uf cm weg ius house nei for widder drom tsu sauth mit sellam Read inger lawyer wu can drecta hut wella, bin ich sewer dertsu kumma un hob can aw grawd heam gea macha, tin sell but can aw g'safed. D'uo, we er :Imola an soberer monn war, un noch dens dos de demo krata cam sei watch g'shtola hen Oa in Nei Yarl.i.okorarre., ',"l/ 1 0.iiio'briiiiTeuga but eier rousiche gooty tseitnng tsu leasa,donn is er aw rivver kumma uf de Republican eara side. Ich bob shun !ilea dos eamohl acht gevva tin genotist dos wanu so kterls amohl uf gevva tsu saufa, un gamla, un onliery shlechty sacha treiva, un aw in de kTrrich gonna, un earn wciver mit nem ma, un eara kinner in de Sundo! , shoot shicka, donu duna aw eara demok'ratishe notions se gons ferlussa. Now, weer wars dos der Pit uf de recht side gebroeht hut? Ei ich wars—dc Bevvy sei fraw. l'n warm a fraw all sell du koun, uu gooter li!rslitond genunk but so au monn tsu regulata, un reconshtructa, donn frokc ich, hut se net aw fershtond genunk for a vote in dc box nei tsu du? Un noch cans. Suppose do weibaleit fonga amohl aw tsu vota, donny uf course, kenna se aw 'leckt wrerra for in der curter. Un ich geb now aw public notice dos wanns yeamohls so weit kummt dos mecr vota kenna, donu run ich selwe, for kuush-thweller, for doh in Schliffic town hen mer de mehrheit un a yeade fraw im ahteddle deat aw gea for much, except de Kitzelderferissy, for so therraft net. Un wann ich yeamohls in sell omt nei kumm, donu, wet ich aw seana cb ich se net ordlich grawd holta cleat dort ons Kitzelderfers. Awer der alt Joe Muckafliggle is about hort opposed de weibsleit earn rechta tau gevva. Geshter owet war er ons Sola kluppers, under Pit war aw dort for sei shtiffle wu er flicker hut lussa. D'no hen se so fun ollerlea awfonga tau shwetza un tsuletsht sin se of der IVomanls Rights subject kutnma, un donn hut der alt fer suffa ding amohi lolls g'lust, partickalar ly ivver mich, un hut behawpt dos de weibsleit hetta kea bisness sich tsu med dla mit so sacha ; dos so eara eayene bis ness meinda setta, so we ous keara, better macha, seaf kecha, g'sharr wesha, hussa tlicka un kinner heeta. Er hut aw be hawpt mer set de weibsleit•gor net in de ehool shicka, un dos de laming yust for monsleit sei set. Er hut aw behawpt c'os es sick gor net suita deat for weibsleit de meetings tsu tends wu de left for common ole un flucha un fechta. Wonn awer der alt Muckafliggle nicer amohi a chance gebt on can donn will ich amohi mei meaning gevva. Was ter sogt fun weaya saufa, un flucha un fechta, so we so ols dune for common on de demo kratishe meetings, prooft dos se gor net besser du kennta dos uns aw vota lussa un mich kunsh-daweller 'lecta, for wann weibsleit derbei sin donn dune se net baufa un flucha, un fechta, except yusht tap wus meener sin dos es rinds-fee. Awer wann de monsleit olleanich sin, un plenty drom sank donn, of course, gebts aw plenty onnery shlechty . Bache, un eara weiver derbeam missa suftera. Ich bin anyhow draw olleweil for a meeting of tsu kreeya doh int shteddle, fun 'enter weibsleit, un wann de Sus An dony kwnmt don mus se tins aw an speech macha. Se wterra mich woll Secretary fun der meeting macha, wcil ich so goot ahreiva konn. Der Pit mus mer derheam bleiva uns bubbelly heeta, awer wanner will mog ers mit nemma in do meeting, provided er nemmt sich an hinnerer sitz, un geat aw nous un nemmts bubbelly heam wanns ung'fear kreeya set un awfonga tsu kreisha. Wenn ich's aw selwer sawya mus, der Pit is ivver ous handy ont huhhcli3 hccht, f'4,l• a inonnielt nlohl dot cr selwer ois der kat za-kraut ttc machaun gel)t. 'on kleana dim!, do: skint z er ins maul tut ni:kylit can :;111014 1)e fact is, (ler Pit gunk 1, slimarter !noun, yuslit mean jell I Ins ter aw ebmohls derlicAni blviva m't fors hithlwlly lieet,a, su , 1 0,0.: 1(.11 aW 1I V MI 111( . 1111(1118 gta k1;111, on 41e meetings, unnich de 14,ollytisheners un ate on de lee shuns flu. vols. l'os sin now my principles—Wonlan's Rights—for sell gea, ich Mt all de wciver doll in Schliffletown, un Wallll nier de meeting raisa,, un waun do Sus kununt cite a speech macha, donn will ich rich es am wissa lussa. BEN' s'Y Sun wEVF LEBRENN EI:. NEIGHBORM COUNTY NEWS. BRIMS COUNTY—The Reading. Libra ry Association are trying to induce Hon. Charles Sumner to deliver a Lecture m that city Hon. Israel 11. Diehl, will lecture this (Friday) evening, in the Pres byterian Church of Re 'ding, on Travels in Oriental and Bibte Lands tn En campment of Odd Fellows has just Leen instituted at Birdsboro George Lesher and James B. Gettis were convicted in the Court of Quarter Sessions for writing a libelous and indecent letter to Matilda Bierman. Fined each $-'2.:i and costs of prosecution. Cheap A fearful accident happened at Barto's iron mines near the terminus of the Colebrookdale Railroad, at Mount Pleasant, on Saturday inorni.ig last. A young inan, named Philip Frank, a miner, while being drawn up from the mine, and when at the top, by sonic mis chance lost his hold of the rope, and was precipitated to the bottom of the shaft, a depth of about 90 feet. Help was at once on hand, and ongoing down he was found to be still alive, although terribly injured. The poor fellow was at once drawn up, and death put an end to his sufferings in about fifteen minutes thereafter 'There are nine lodges of the Order of Knights of Pythias in working order in Berks county, and several more are about being instituted A Young Mens' Christian Association has been organized in Read ing The Concert and Ball of the Young Mtennerchor was held in Auleubach's Hall, Reading, Monday night A plot among the convicts of the County Prison to assassinate the under-keeper has just been discovered Captain Rider, of Har risburg, of the Canal Boat "Fanny," fell through the coal schutes at Schuylkill Haven, on the 13th inst. and broke his leg A carpenter named William Cole, was accidentally struck with an axe on the 18th, while working at the Lancaster Bridge The Baptists held a Sunday School Concert on Monday evening. CHESTER COUNTY—G/C(ti,tysfrOM the V lunge Eceortl : The store of Frederick A. Bickel, in Coatesville was entered on Tuesday night (the 16th inst.) and goods to the value of $4OO were stolen. The supposed burglars were arrested next day, and some of the goods found with them On the same day, Mrs. Turner, the mother-in-law of Thomas Cooper, Esq., editor of the Delaware County American, whilst on a visit to Philadelphia, in get ting out of a street car, was run over by a wagon which was rapidly driving by, and one of her legs was broken in two place's, and she sustained other severe injuries. She is an elderly lady William Cooper was arrested in West (;liest,eria few days ago, on ft charge - of robbing a Philadel phia jewelry store of goods to the value of $2.000 The Good Templars of Lionville announced 4 highly iateresting entertain ment on Wednesday evening last The extensive hog-pen and work-shop of Messrs. .1. W. &, M. Irwin. at Pcnninr ton ville, was destroyed by lire The Wil mington &, Reading Railroad Company will erect machine shops at Coatesville.... Religious revival at the Marshalton M. E. Church Pennington N ille is infested with thieves 1 little boy, son of Law rence Breneman, broke his leg in jumping off a car whilst iu motion Frederick Martin, aged 11 years, in West White land, had his nose nearly bitten off by a • horse a few days ago. YORK COUNTY—The farm of John Evans, Esq., near York, was sold on Friday last, for 823400—51G0 per acre-- Revivals of religion are in progress in the United Brethren and Methodist churches of York Burglars are operating in the " ancient borough" The military com paniep attended the Moravian church on Thanksgiving Day—sermon by the pastor, Rev. Mr. Rice The property of Mrs. Lydia Diller, deceased, in Hanover, has been sold to Jesse Kohler, for the sum of 55,025 Jeremiah Kohler, of Hanover, has purchased the Flickinger farm, near that town, for 812,050 A new Lodge of Knights of Pythias was organized in York on Monday evening last, and a new Ma sonic Lodge is to be instituted in that borough shortly A steam boiler at the ore mines on the farm of Daniel Minnie, in Heidelberg township, exploded recent ly, throwing it and the engine about fifty feet from where they were stationed. No one injured The First Reformed church of York, Rev. Mr. Ziegler's, has recently been repainted and refitted. What pleas ant associations linger around that old church The Court reports of the York papers are rather slim and unintelligible. , Behind the age. A MONUMENT to General Lyon, killed at the battle of Wilson's Creek, Missouri, is now bein e i erected at St. Louis. ;Ve are glad of this. General Lyon in 1861, then only a poor infantry lieutenant, was one of the f..w officers of the regular army who comprehended .the trouble be fore the country. His brief administra tion saved Missouri to the Union, and we have made great men, soldiers and states men, out of material since then that Lieu tenant Lyon could have furnished with brains from a little finger. lie died too early in the war for his great merits as a soldier and patriot to be fully understood. MORRoW & DOUGHERTY, the despe radoes who a short time since attempted to assassinate Detective Brooks, and were recently tried and convicted, the pub lic will be glad to learn, received the heaviest sentence (lacking seven days) which the law permits. On Saturday last, Judge Ludlow, after he had over-ruled a motion fur a new trial, sentenced them to pay a fine of $l,OOO each, and undergo imprisonment in the Eastern Penitentia ry for six years, eleven months and twen ty-three days—seven days short of the limit of the law. Tho only regret is that their principles were not discovered and subjected to a like penalty. It is to be hoped, however, that justice may yet get its due in their case. HON. F. CARR'OLL BREWSTER, . /data. LIFE ON THE FRONTIERS-THE TRIALS OF A NEW GOTERNOR. A quarrel has sprung up between the Le gislature of the new Territory of Wyoming and Governor Campbell. No one seems to understand what it was all about or what the Legislature expects to make by its hes. tility. The Omaha Herald, a Democratic paper, is the leader of the Legislative partly, though published hundreds of miles from die sceneof the conflict. It charges the Gov ernor with trying to thwart the wishes _of the people, and with removing the jeist traders at the forts because they would not attempt to control the votes of the soldiers in the interest of the Republican party. The correspondent of the Chicago Tribune, at Cheyenne, tells the following amusing story of the Governor's first appearance before the people of Wyoming : It appears that the Governor cud his suite arrived at Cheyenne late in the week, and on the following Sunday these gentlemen, as was their custom, appeared in their bst clothes and longest faces. The Governor inquired if there were services, and was in. formed by a citizen that "they didn't do ; that sort of thing out there much." On ' further inquiry the pious man learned there was "a sort of meetin' house up town, but it was not used often, though theyd npiled I one of the best lots in the city to fld it." Soon after breakfast a commit ' called on the Governor and informed' him there was to be a big Sunday " hos 7 and they would like to have .1 ect as "judge." The Governor 40teli ti, _Wind that committee ottt. and they at held, ti4onsultation, when it was mwl mously agreed that as the " Goyerpor ( 11 ( 1 not like boss racing they would arrange a prize fife," and the chairman returned an I addresse his Excellency thus : " I say, Gov. nor, we bay konklooded not to have a ho;= race, but to hey a prize fife, and would lilac: you to jedge it." The Governor again di.. dined, with thanks, when the committee d, parted in high dudgeon, and one of them said : "That feller is mighty stuck up, and is tryin' to play Grant on us by refusin' of all our honors; but he kin co to the devil, for all wee keer, so he kin." All day com mittees kept calling, inviting the Governor to foot races,;dog fights, cockpits, and other Sunday games peculiar to the frontier, when, at length, worn out and disgusted, his Ex cellency put on his hat, and, accompanied by his staff, walked out to stroll about the city and escape annoyance. Going above the town, the party entered the graveyard, and was surprised to notice but a few grave. stones put up, while a large number of boots were sticking out of the ground. The Governor inquired what it meant, and a citizen explained that when a man was hung by the vigilantes they buried hint so as to have the feet sticking out, while only these who died naturally were buried in the re u. lar way and entitled to gravestones ! The Governor gave a look at the many boot soles sticking up all around him, and then at the scattering headboards, and, with a shake of the head left the place, evidently not very favorably impressed with the peaceful and orderly character of the people he had come to preside over. A CERTAIN butcher oftiteubenville (cal/ him Mr. B.) h le been very much annoyed by a large dog, which bad several times stolen meat from his stall. Going to Law yer Tappan, he presented his (*se thus: " Mr. Tappan, I have had beef stolen from me at various times by a dog in 4110 torn. What shall Ido ?" " Sue the owner of the dog and recover the price of the hoof,' was the answer. "Mr. Tappan, it was your dog," said Mr. 8., exultingly. `•Ah! it, was. Well, what was the value of the beef?" "Three dollars," replied the butcher. "Very well," said Mr. Tappan and he paid the money. With a smiling countenance the butcher was closing the office door, when he was startled with, " Hold on. Mr. 8., I charge you five dol lars for consultation." Good hamoredly paying the fee, Mr. B. departed with two dollars worth of "legal advice:' A sun COMMITTEE of a school board not a thousand miles from Boston were exam ing a class in a primary school. One of the committee undertook to sharpen thier wits by propounding . the following ques tion: If I had a mince pio, and should give two twelfths to John, two twelfths to Isaac, two twelfths to Harry, and should keep half of the pie myself; what should there be left? "There was a profound study among the scholars, but finely one held up his hand, as a signal that ho was ready to answer. " Well, sir, what would there be left," Speak up loud, so that all can hear. said the committee-man. " The plate!” shouted the little fellow. The commit teeman turned red in the face, while the other members roared aloud. That boy was excused from answering any more questions. THE total repeal of the Income Tax is growing in favor with the press and people. Attorney Gene, of Pennsylunla —At Lansing, lowa, a club of thirty young men have vowed a solemn vow that no member shall marry any but a widow. — Don't trouble yourself to stretch your mouth any wider," said a dentist to his patient; "I intend to stand outside to draw your tooth." —A Miss Lucy Lee advertises in a Mis sissippi paper that she is "of good birth and education, and is willing to marry an editor believini: herself able to support one." -- A canal heat at Oswego, N. V., has a sign. "I want a mother-iu-law." The captain's friends are trying to get him in a lunatic asylum. -- -A person who was sent to prison .for marrying two wives, excused himself by saying that when ho had one she fought him, but when he got two they Ibught each other. ---A Western paper publishes the fol lowing notice: "Lost or simile from the scriber, a sheep all over white— oJe leg black and half his body—all persons shall receive five dollars to bring him. lie was a she goat." —A smart little Boston urchin, whose aunt was unwell from a kidtiey affection, was asked what ailed the old lady. lie said she had "caught cold, and it had set tled on her kid gloves—that's all:' The boy is getting along very well. --Henrietta," said a lady to her new girl, "when there's bad news, particularly private affliction, always let tit,. boarders know it hethre dinner.• It may seem strung::: to you, but such thin:4s make an atnazim_ difference in the eating in the course of a year.'' --Young lady (to Fred with thin legs) --"Fred, I. always admired your courage; I know when I 1114 laid eyes on you that you were bras-c to rashness." Fred, (coming up smiling) "Oh, don't my dear. Why do you say that?" Young lady-- - •`Why any man has courage who can trust himself long at a time on such legs as yours." A gen lenlan, in riding through one of the pine wastes so common in middle Georgia, overtook a young man, whose sack of corn under him, on the farm-horse he bestrode, gave evidence that he was bound Ibr the - nearest grist-mill. some conversation developed the fact that the new acquaintance was a son of Kr. Grier, of Taliaferro county, a relative of justice Grier, of the United States Su preme Court, but better known as the author of the famed " Grier's Almanac," and uncle of Alexander 11. Stephens. The gentleman asked : "And do you ever make calculations on the weather like those for which your father is so celebrated ?" Oh, yes," was the ready reply, Thu gentleman continued : "And how do your calculations agree with those of your father P" "Very well indeed," answered young Grier, 'we are never more than one day apart." " Why, that is wonderful, indeed !" said thegentleman, "only one day difference?" " Yes," said Grier ; he can always tell the day before when it is going to min, and I can tell the day oftertcards." Too SHARP BY HALF. --An enterpris ing business man of this city runs two branches of trade, to wit, a grocery and a fish market. The grocery he runs him self, the market by a deliuty, and every night the latter makes returns of the pro ceeds of the tjay's business to the proprie tor. A day 4.r two since the grocer found in his fish returns a counterteit live dollar bill. He didn't want to take the chances of trying to pass it. •Sp he called an old darkey, who was hanging about the pre mises, and said to him : "Sam, here is a live dollar bill that is a little doubtful. If you will take it and pass it I will give you a dollar out of the change." " Very well," said Sam, and he took the bill and went off. Later in the day he returned, having accomplished the feat, and handed over four dollars in good money to the grooer. That night the grocer, in counting Over the cash i eturns from hie fish market, was more surprised than delighted to find the identical five in the pile. " Look here," said he sharply to his clerk, " here's a counterfeit bill—who did you take it of—didn't you know it was bad ?" The clerk took it and looked at it for a moment. "Oh, yes," said he, " I remember now; I took it of Sam, the tlarkey. I thought it was a little noubtfel, and wasn't going to take it, but he skid he got it of you, so I thought it was all right."—Exolutage. Our gitut gokto. Clothing. =I G 001) N EWS FOR Tll E 1'E01)1,E! GRAND OPENING 01.".1711E SEASON! = ilastern Markets with the largest aml best assortment of OVER AND DRESS COATI All colors and all grades; cassimeres in great variety—all the latest and beet styles in the market, suitable to all tastes, and the prices within the reach of every one. All of which we are prepared to make up in the best style, and at the shortest notice, and at the Lowest Cash Prices. Our stock of M EN'S, YOUTH'S AND BOY'S R E A DI MA DE CLOTHING, Is very large, and gotten up with great cure, and will bo sold very low, (REA fly-MADE DEPARTMENT on 2d. Floor.) We have a fine line of GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS. All our goods have been selected with care, and purchased at the very lowest cash prices. All we ask of you is to call and examine our stock for yourself, and you will say truly the half has not been told. MYERS & RATRFON, southwest, corner of Centre Square, Lancaster, Penn'a OclB tf I REMOVAL BEAU MONDE lIALL PORTICO ROW, 531 VENN SQUARE, 531 READING, PENNA., =3 BEAVERS, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VESTINGS, &c., &c., FOR SPRING AND SUMMER WEAR ALSO, BOY'S CLOTHING, ME GENTLEAIEN' FURNISHING GOODS! LEvI G. COLEMAN, Cutter RU CH Sc BRO., PROI'METORS ME Groceries, &c. FRUIT JARS. FRUIT JARS! FRUIT JARS! TLr l x •rt Fruit Jar is h.! MASON JAR SAFE, RELIABLE AND SIMPLE EVERY JAR WARRANTED. 50 GROSS FOR SALE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Also, other good Jars, and the ohnieest ecloot ian of GROCERIES iii the city, AT t 8 EAST K INCA STREET jy 16-tt (Mahn Agency. JAMES BLACK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, rall MILITARY ANI) NAVAL CLAIM AGENT, No. 56 East King-st., Lancaster, Pa. Being duly licensed as a Claim Agent, and having a large experience, prompt attention will be given to the following classes of claims: BOUNTY and PAY due discharged Soldiers and Sailors. BOUNTY (additional)jo Soldiers who enlisted for not less than 2 or 3 years, or were honora bly discharged for wounds receiver]. BOUNTY (additional) to Widows, Children, or Parents of Soldiers who died from wounds re- ceived or disease contracted in said service. PENSIONS for invalid Soldiers and Sailors, or to their widows or children. PENSIONS for fathersand mothers, brothers or sisters of deceased soldiers, upon whom they were dependent. PENSIONS and GRATUITIES for Soldiers or their Widows from Pennsylvania, in the War of 1819. PAY due Teamsters, Artificers and Civil em ployees of the Government. PAY duo for horses lost in the United States service CILARGEB.—fees fair and moderate, and in no ease ntil ehargea be made until the money laeolleoted. (dee 9blyr• Musical Instruments, dte. WOODWAROJ'S WHOLESALE AND RETAIL MUSIC STORE, NO. .22 WEST KING STREET. Pianos, Organs, Melodeons, Piano and Melo- deon Stools and Covers, Violins, Guitars, Ban jos, Tamborines,Accordeons, Conoertinis, Fifes, Drums, Flutes, Flageolets, Harmonica', Hair, Tuning Triangles, _Strings of all kinds, Bow Hair, Tuning FoOls, Pitch Pipes , Violin Bows, Cello Bows, Violin and. Guitar Boxes,Music Port folios, Instruction Books of all kinds, Sheet Music, Must* Books, and every description of Musical Merchandise. AU orders Oiled prompt ly at the usual Retail or Wholesale Prima, and satisfaction guaranteed. rTnning and repairing promptly to. A. attended . WO, sep24-Iy] No. Si W. King..t., Lancaster. j B. K V SK I, J • DEALER IN SHEET MUSIC, PIANOS, ORGANS, MELODEONS, And Mustical Instruments Generall?, Sole Agent for STEINWAY & SONS' WORLD RENOWNED PIANOS Also, Agent for PRINCE & CO.'S ORGANS and lIIILODRONS Mueio sent by Free of Postage. No. 3 NORTH PRINCE STREET, Lancaster, Pa GOOK AMOHL DOH ! Roan aw im J. B. ICEVINBSI BEIM MUSIC BRTORIL Kw7mm4, Ox/sLtA, Ku.omms, no elle aorta mule institxumentat Der Revinskt is agent for de bereemty Stein wehr Pianos—Kloffeera beast mer se of deitsh. -• • • Der plats is NO. 3 NORD PRINCE STREET, LANCASTER. N. B. For $ fret raty Booty Gem, odder an Aooordeon, odder a Trworrieb-Peil odder m ulch omen musical Inehtrunient, klea odder gross, ahtept ynekt ni one Kevinskt'e, No. 3 Nord Prince Parma, TA rnits*." (no2o-ly n I. DICKEY, v-• • ATTOIZNEY AT LAW =EI OFFruE: SOUTH QUEEN ST., second house!. low the "Fountain Inn," Lanca,tcr, Pa. TB. LIVINGSTON, el • Arrow,: T r,AII , . OFFicx: No. 1.1 NORTH 1411.i.E ST., woal sigh , north of the Court Housv, Lanclo-tcr, J. CHARLES DE Nl7 ES, ATTORNEY LAW. BEMNiiiIE=IMI JOHN B. (-OW), ArroliNEY .11` I,A W OFFICE; N 0.56 EAST KIN; ST., I,anemter, P:t T W. JOHNSON, u • ATTOICNEY AT LAW. OFrols: No :5 SOUTH QUHEN ST ., Lanetti ter, Pa. P. ROSEN MIL LE lt Jit. • ATTORN AT LAW. Orricz: With A. lIKRB. SMITH Esq South Queen St., opposite the office of Father Alma barn," Lancaster, Pa. AC. REINOEIT • ATTORNEY AT LA W. than= No. 3 SOUTH DUK,E ST., Lanciattot e j 011 N P. REA, ATTORNEY AT LAW OFFiev.: With lion. O.J. DicitEr, N 0.21 soeTli QUEEN ST., Lancaster, Pa. MARTIN HI I I, ATTORNEY AT LAW. OFFICE. Or the. lute RCM. THADDEUS STKVEN!+ No. 2G South Queen St., Lancaster, Pa. A MOS IL MYLIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Opt , lcy.: No. S SOUTH QUEEN ST., Laneaste: JK. RUTTE • ATTORNEY AT LAW OFFICE: With General J. W. FIBIIA.R, NORTH DUKE ST., Lancaster, Pa. Ipt F. BAER, • ATTORNEY AT LAW. Orries: No. 19 NORTH DUKE Street, Lanea.4 ter Pa. Idec 18-1 'r Reading Advertisements. HMALTZBERGER, . ATTORNEY AT LAW GEORGE SELTZER, tr • ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLER AT LAW. No. 604 COURT STREET, (opposite the Cou House,) Reading, Pa. INVALIDS " ITYGEIAN lIOM E N. It. ADAMS, M. It., Physleittn.in-Chief. Pr. Adams has studied and attended Med ica Lectures and Hospitals, both in New York and Philadelphia, and been a successful practitioner Of the "healing Art" for many years; ho i therefore eminently qualified by Medical Eat/ cation, Surgical skill, and great experience, fry the position of Physician and Surgeon in t , large Health institute. Invalids seeking healt! will find at our cure every facility for the re cove - .7 of health Pure, soft,spring water. healthful d let, and excellent, bathing faellit ies combined with Swedish Movements, and a ju dicious application of Electricity, and all Na turoN great curative Agents. regulated by •i sl.illful Physician, enables Us to cure when cure is pthaolble. The F all and Winter menths are eons blere. best for treatment, especially in our mild an.. genial climate. Sr RA: IC A 0 P , P. A 'Pies of all kinds performe.l according to tte latest and most approve , methods, 15r01;STKTRICAL cases and all Pro v Are 1) - nAses, as well as Dyspepsia, Rheumatism an Liver Complaint, are treated with success. For Circular, address the Proprietors, Bro.; Middlokaufl, Wernersville, Berks Co., Pa. Oct. 22-ttl D. S. BURSK e do not wish 10 inform you, reader, tha Dr. Wonderful, or any other man, hits dtseov eras n lenled V that cures COTISIIIMption, wh. the lungs are half consutwal, in shot t, will curt • ail diseases w hether of mind, body or est at, make men live forever att.d leave death to pia: w,,nt, of work, and is designed to make ou , sublunary sphere a blissful paradise to which Heaven itself shall be but a side show. have heard enough of that hind of humbuggerN and we do not wonder that you have by this time become ditntitstel with it. Rut when Lo 11 you that IT. sage's Catarrh Itemedy positively cure the worst eases of Odurrh, I on l Y assert that which thousands can testify to Try it and you will be convinced. I will pa: 45'0 it LwAno for it ease of Catarrh that I eanno• cure. FOR SALE BY MINT t)RU((HSTS F.VERS PRICE ONLY 50 CYSTS. Rent by Mail post paid for Sixty Cents; tour packages s2.s o, or one doz en for $5 CO. Send a two cent stamp for 1): Sage's parnphlA on Catarrh Address the Propvet or R. V. PIERCE, M. 1).. oct::2-Ftn] Buffalo, N. Y PURIFY YOUR BLOOD! BLOOD PANACEA. The Great Alterative and Blood Purifier. For the cure of 901010 LA twitted's "Y IL, CUTATIMOUB D/1111AMS5, Ell - .ILAB, BOILS , PrIEPLIBB, and totenss on the FAC3.Sose 11, YELLOW JAUNDICE, WEtTE FILLINGS, DIROUEZ•L Die- JIB, OiNBEAL DEBILITY, PAL TATION and FLUTTERING at the BART, CONSUMPTION, ASTWMA , rentals and Breaturto RITIc ONE, BLADDIC and KIDNEY Die ,ims, Muria, DITITST, Drees?. a,LI SR CORP L• INT, SLOE 'ADAM!, FEMALE CoNPLAINTS. To the broken down female it red life and energy by restoring e lost powers of nature. Persons AI weakness and lassitude, by use lug the PANACEA aro soon re. •ores to perfect health, bloom and Manufacturer and Proprietor, 13A.11.TIBIORE, DID. Per tale by druggists end storekeepers throughout the trotted Shaw, For sale by ALFRED A. HURLEY, Druggist, WEST KING STREET, cost.22-1y) LANuAsTXR, PA. GOLDEN GIFTS Pare,* to Families, When the light has left the home, mernorta such as these compound their interest. Miniature or Opal Pictures, admitted to bn the best faille city and no superior in the State Conatautly increasing demand and great expe rience in this style of miniature give us greater facilities and better results than any establish ment outside of large cities. STEREOGRAPHS OF HOME VIEW , 4 tor thd Centre Table. Also, prismatic instruments. Largo Colored Work by some of the beat At Usts in Philadelphia and elsewhere in the high est style of the art. India Ink, Pastille, Crayon and colors, at GILL'S CITY GALLERY , Jan I-Iyr] No. 90 East Sing-at Peofessirmal. No. 44 NORTH SIXTH ST., Reading, Pa Medical. DR.SACE'S C A"RRII REMEDY. WHEItt, I-1 ON"3:101NT UM Pelee .1.00 Per Bottle. S. A. FOT.JT,Z, Photographs, ite. Father to huteghte Mn(hrr to Son InINTLEMEN TO ',Alin>. GILL'S SUPERB PHUT(,