fonogivaniott gaitult. SCRWFLETOwN, Nov. 17t, 18 . 69. MISTER FODDER ABRAUAIs: . Now ewer shiftier amohl in truvvel, for se maims seller tamest Andy het eich reshta lussa mit so a rit beim Shreef, un dos er eich compella will an leeya brief on can tsu shreiva. Is sell now wterklich wohr, odder is RS yusht tans fun donna pollittiele reports was se ols uf kreya, dort in der shtadt ? Wanns wohr is donn bes ser gevvat acht. De Bevvy is ordlich unruich drweaya, un meant es kennt fer leicht noch so happena doe der null in sell gross aond-shteanich gebei nei mist un for sex moonat odder a yohr uf drucka brod un halt wasser leaiva i _un sell weer dseh ordlich tuff uf der alt FODDER ABRAEAM. Se behawpt aver dos wanes so 'Weft kummt donn wet se eich oily woch an lot first rate's essa shicka—fun earam deitsha kies, un shnitz, un lodwiesTick, tin fos nachts kucha un olleries. Awer we is es ? Sell is de froke. Denk't er der misset wierklich in de Jail ? Mind, was ich eich now sog—der onnest Andy is ears fun dams deer Bich nix shleehtes noch sawya lust, for ich kenn can goot— hob in gekennt we er ale noch so a sort fun a inerricha menu war, un donn is er in de Semi) , nei 'leckt warra, un weil er olsfort so ehrlich, un ufrichtieh un kon shienshus war hut ter der nawma fun on neat Andy grickt, un ich mus aw sawya dos ich de shtory fun weaya, Belly ninetsich dahler extra meiletsh gor net glawa konn. Under weg we se racer's explained hen dort in der shtadt, hut er im sin es tsu proofa dos es net wohr is. De law is, du weasht, dos so an case de cide wierra mus according tsu der weight fum teshdimonyt Der George hut mer cites derfu g'sawt un explained, un wanu ich draw denk dos ter an orrig hoch ge iternder lawyer is, donn kummts mer fore dos es eich aw noch orrig feel truvvel macht. For instans, der George sogt der wuret net im shtond meaner dos twee, odder drei tseiya bringa de sawya kenna dos der Andy so feel geld grickt hut, un dos uf der onner side kent der Andy meaner doe a dutzend bringa dos an Beevel aid nemma kenna dos se gor nix derfu wissa, un weil a dutzent meaner is twea odder drei is : w de w." . ht fum uf sel wog •-• r e . • oil deele e wierra geaya cid'. Der cholly Jack meant aw t 4.1, un sell is WM de Bevvy so unruich .nacht derweaya. Now suppose es goat geaya eich, was d 'no ? Donn misset der evva so an leeya breef gevva, un sell wter dock an ferdei henkerty shond, wars now net? Isn was for an ding is donn so an leeya breef ? Iret ear shun yea mohls caner gevva ? Was fur leeya duna se donn nci shreiva ? IVann der an raler gooter wide awake ligner hawa wellet for eich helfa, donn luss mich es yusht wissa,. tin icn will tsu seller bis ness tenda, fur ich bin sure dos der alt Muckafli(ile doh im shteddle yusht der very in ester for so an job. Awer O t t ch mus a wennich fun ma onuera subject shreiva—a wennich fun weaya we's doh har geat in unserm shteddlo heitich's dogs. Der G'shwire Lawbuck tin der Joe Muckatliggle un a paar onnery sin draw alleweil lbr a neie 'mulch uf tsu kreeya, tin se sawya se hetta der Kitzel (leder under Bill Sensawetzer, der Sam Kreiselbach, der Jonny Kotzafonger un sei fraw un noch about a dutzend onnery uf der lisht for de ka3rrich tsu jeina. MI veils lauter demakrata sin wella se aw real demokratishes eflongealium hawa. Ilf course es geat direct geaya de madda dishta, well Belly oily gebut amohl ohs caner nivver uf ears side kreeya un se be keara, un donn, wan se amohl one singa un bxta geweant wterra, donn geana se ols grawd ous der demokratish party un jeina de Republicans. Sell kenna de ktcrls net shtanda, un tinna dos se aw an kxr rich doh hawa missa for democratic prin ciples uf tsu holta. Der Lawbuck hut •mer de grundsetza fun eara Kmrrich ge wises, un hut gedu dos ich eam an grosser glfolla cleat wonn ich eich se shicka deat for se tsu publisha, un ich war's aw grawd willens ' un doh sin se : First—De kterrich soil beim 'Alma be kannt sci fuu "De Independent Freheits Wmea Kterrich fun Shlillietown. Secondly—De members solla parfecty treiheit hawa tsu giawa was se wells, pro viding dos se gor nix tau du hawa solla mit denna maddadishta wu old rum geana, un duna sings un beata in onner leit eara heiser. Drittens—Dos der Renner Ifawermes ser der Form sei soil, under Joe Mucka tliggle der Fore-shteaer. Finftes Article—De members fun der kwrrich solla's recht hawa leeder tsu singa, awor des bseta is shtricktly ferbutta, except der Porta, for sell is sei bisness un for sell mud ter betzahlt. Article der Sext—olly Sundog om tsea Wilt formiddogs soil's naehtmohl gl numma *terra, un for a shtorricker impression tsu macha uf de g'mea, soil oily mohl Ann Kitelderfer Beira beshta brondy-wine o alused wwrra. Sevensly—Ennich ebber dos ea dahler betzahlt, an aw net wennicher dos an ftertle dohler der moonlit, kann set nawma ins 'mulct's' buck nei du ois an member, provided rer betz,thlt oily mohl tsea cent extra fors nacht-mohl, for so feel is der brondy-wine wort. Nummer B—Weilsy_usht unneatich geld kosht soils kea leedie bicher Fused ve•tera, ewer der Perm soil de leedb.n ole wart for wart ous gevva. Neint—Ennicher member fun der kwr rich deg etch ob gebt mit donna madda dishta, odder refined brondy-wine tsu nemma om nochtmohl, odder saner dyer do temperance society jeint, odder ennich ebbas sogt geaya bensa pitelia, odder bus sla for retty sei odder welsh-innkle, odder caner churls republican ticket vote odder nei geat for neayer un frei shtloia, soli 0110141Shellany ftXpellt !MIS. Om tswetta Krishdog wella se der eek shtea leaya for de nei kterrieh. Se soil gebaut wterra grawd ivver de shtrose funs Kit7elderfiroe, un doh geb ieh der aw a lisht fun orticles wu so unnich der gross shtca uei du wella. Der nawma fum porra, fum foreshteaer un do billing committee; der nawma fum postrneashter fum shteddle (sell is mach un de Bevvy under klea Abey;) an copy fum Iteadinger Adler un de leckshuu returns fun Barricks county; an Anglish bichly fum life of General Jackson un aw eans fum Andy Johnson; an nickle cent fum yohr 1.669; an copy fun der Kutz tovrner deitsh Demokratish tseitung; an fotograff fum General Macklallin un eans fum Jeff. Davis; an medal fum Seimoyer and Blare wu se forram yohr rouse gevva hen dort in Nei Yorrick wu se mer mei watch g'shtola hen, un cans fun derma Koorall's Shtommack Bitters kollender fum yohr Der Lawbuck sogt se hetta aw proposed so an pint buttly full wisky net tau du, awer selly notion hen se widder of gevva, weil's shawd war for so feel fum goota shtuft seller wen g ferlora gea lussa. Der eantsich boddereashun dos se hen is for geld tau raise, for de kernels WI baua. Sex odder slvva ftin eana With obsolut tresherer wrerra, awer kens fun eana will meaner dos tswea dahler gevva, un sell geat evva net weit. Dock meana se wann se so an bichly ufkreeya, un rum Deana mit, kenta se ferleicht gsnunk raisa. Ferleicht wann se beim Packer aw roofa cleats, kenta se an ordlich gooter hawl macha, for sei leekshun expenses sin nintmy gous so hock we se wahra doh fergonga we er sheer gorly ins Gufferneer omt nei gleekt is warra, awer net gons. Wann se's raisa, un de kterrich baua, du ich eich es aw wissa lussa. PIT SCRWEFFLEBRENNEE SnAtatsvlLLE, Nufiember der 12t, )69. ISTEIt FODDER ABRAHAM: Du kusht uns doh im letshta summer a mar copies fun deina ivver ous goota seitung g'shickt, mit 7 em Pit seina breefa, n ich hob grawd glseana, dos ebbas in lellam ktnrl is, for der weg we er shreibt ut er deans shlechty leit ears sacha of • ecka un exposa dos an caution is. De tseitung hut mer so Boot g'falla dos ich hold draw g'numma hob un of amohl 0 subscribers grickt for sex moonat, un tow is de subscription ball ous, un mer in all so first rate gepleest mit em Pit seina breefa dos mer Bich an feel gresserer lub shicka wella, awer yusht ea ding fuddera mer fum Pit, un sell is des: Er hut sei pickter om head fun seina breefa shtea de goes tseit, un sell is all right, awer ter sets net all monopoleisa, awer aw amohl platz macha for der Bevvy ears picture. Doh hous denka mer orrig feel fun der Bevvy, un ich glawb so g'wiss now dos warm so amohl ears picture scans keuna dos ich a club fun mea dos a bun ! nert raisa konn doh. Mer hen nix neies doh olleweil. Der Steaf war geshter in der shtadt, under shtorm hut earn so ins g'sicht geblosa un er h wards missa for heam gea bis tti 'Atom evaihruck lA. TIIE Tr.L E FLAG.—An eminent physi cian tells the following story for the benefit of young mothers. He says : An intelli gent young mother inquired some days since how she could best preserve her child's linen clean and sweet when chang ed frequently during the day. I directed her never to dry it before the fire, but in the sun and open air, if the weather per mitted. You thus not only avoid satu rating the air of your rooms with the volatile and poisonous gases driven out of the linen, but the sun's rays have poyers of cleansing and disinfecting which artifi cial heat has not, and will purify and pre serve the linen. She followed my direc tions. but, as is too often the practice, dried and aired it in the nursery window. Her fastidious husband remonstrated in vain against this unseemly exposure. Believing that if she saw her practice as others saw it she would desist, he so directed their afternoon walk as to bring the nursery window into full view from a central part of the town. Stopping abruptly, he pointed to the offending linen flapping conspicuously in the breeze, and asked sarcastically: "My dear, what is that displayed from our window?" " Why," she replied, proudly, " that is the flag of our Union I" Conquered by this pungent retort, he saluted the flag with a swing of his hat, and pressing his wife's arm closer within his own, said, as he walked homeward, "And long may it wave." THE selection of Prothonotaries of the Supreme Court will take place at the meet ing in Philadelphia, in January next, and will supply the gap to be left vacant by the expected resignation of Col. J. Ross Snow den. The latter's alleged distinguished efforts in adding largely to the number of naturalized citizens in 18GS will be remem bered, and these suggest that he will re sign rather than be removed. DEATH has been busy among the great men of the day during the last tWo weeks. In addition to the death of George Pea body, the great philanthropist, which we announced last week, we have to name those of Corn. Charles Stewart, Gen. John E. Wool, Hon. Robert J. Walker and Hon. Amos Kendall, who have occupied prominent positions iu the history of our country. HON. FRANCIS JORDAN, Secretary of the Commonwealth, authorizes the state ment that no commissions will be sent to, or made out for, the newly elected Alder men or Justices of the Peace, prior to the time at which their commissions were for merly issued. The registry law only changed the time of election, nut the terms of the officers formerly chosen at the spring election. A RECENT publication on the prices of wild beasts for shows states that a first class hippopotamus is worth $5,000 or $6,000 : a lion, $l,OOO or $2,000 ; an ele phant, $3,000 to $6,000 ; a giraffe, $3,000; a Bengal tiger, $2,000 ; a leopard, $6OO to $9OO • a hyena, $5OO, and that a New York house in the last three years has sold $112,000 worth of these animals ex clusive of a lively trade in monkeys, birds, &C. ffitietteit GRANT AT NONE—BUT NOT 44 AT BO , TO POLITICIANS. No living man is more successful, while in company, of getting rid of a subject he does not choose to converse upon than Gen. Grant. Many a Galenian who called upon him during his three months' stay here, while the Presidential canvass was in pro gress, can attest this fact. While sitting in the parlor of an evening, with his family around him, little Nellie perhaps sitting on his knee, and a few neighbors passing the evening with them, some politicians, just arrived on the evening train, would drop in. These hours Gen. Grant devoted to his family and personal friends. They were hours of relaxation from care and anxiety and were not to be disturbed by political debates, or conjectures as to the result of the great contest. Our politician would open out on the prospects of the election. No response from General Grant. If the politician happened to be a man of sense, 1 a few more words from him closed the con versation on that topic. If, on the other hand, he was a persistent bore, he con tinued till an answer was given, the mean ing of which he could not mistake. Gen erally, however, the General's silence was sufficient evidence to the talker that the. subject was not agreeable. This sam. course the General is pursuing at the I White House, and it saves him a world of , annoyance from politicians. The Wash- I ington correspondent of the New York . 1 Tries says : ' "There was never an Administration so completely independent of control by `per sons of influence' as the present. There was never a time, probably, when the Ex ecutive Mansion was so free from lova on and kitchen-Cabinet arrazerenenfts erally. After 4 o'clock in tiseatigaisoott building assumes all the appela s igioe o $ private residence. The Presidmit we to see callers on business in the evening The people who do call pay their respeets or spend the evening in the private parlor with the President and Mrs. Grant, and the intercourse on such occasions is never allowed to approach business, save when some public necessity brings a proper re. presentative of the departments or Con• gress, with a mission the importance of which the President himself fully reoog. nizes. A pure atmosphere, inspiring a conviction of honesty and truth, prevails at the White House, and only those who know what contamination prevailed under the previous occupant can sully appreciate the change. Never was a President more free to do what is best for the country and the people at large, and never was a President apparently more determined to do that duty.—Galena Gazette. A QUEER WEDDING. Rev. D. a Methodist minister, statton ed at Meadville, some years ago, onedtve- Ding received a note stating that a couple living in the suburbs of the city &Aired to be united in the bonds of matrimony, and requested his services at nine oyclock next morning. At the proper time he went to the house designated and entered. He enquired of a young' lady w was busy washin:dishes, tf th . is le time - lady," said s e blushing, "John will be in in a moment." The minister was sur prised to see no preparations, and stepped to the door to view the surroundings. Two men were hard at work grinding scythes in the yard, and another, who proved to be "John," was tending a cow and calf in the barn yard. The young lady came to the door pretty soon, and shouted, "John, John, hurry up, the preacher's here! John leaped the fence and rushed to the house, the girl wiped her hands on her apron, and afterjoining hands, said they were ready. The min ister proceeded, and had just got through questioning the young man, when the old lady rushed into the room, shouting, " John, John, you didn't turn the cow away from that calf!" John let go his sweetheart's hand instantly, and rushed to the barnyard, put the old cow through the bars, and then returned to the house, again took his position, when the balance of the ceremony was gone through with. The minister went on his way, John went to the hayfield, and the lady resumed her dish-washing.—Forest Republican. Fnox all accounts the " tnan and broth er" is still the subject of all manner of outrages and atrocities. At a convention of colored men held recently at Macon, a committee appointed to glean facts con cerning outrages perpetrated upon the colored people in Georgia, reported twen ty-nine murders as having actually been committed in Bevel counties, besidew " the numerous murders in Tatman coun ty." The list of outrages embraces all the deviltries practiced during the war. • N •• • • .‹N him that she's not in. —A young farmer, who inquired how best to start a nursery, was told to get married. —" Marriage," said an unfortunate husband, " is the churchyard of love." "And you men," replied his wife, "are the grave diggers." —Bachelors are a much abused class of persons, but Quilp says it is better to be laughed at, for not being married than to tunable to laugh yourself because you are. —" I'll give that girl a piece of my said a young fellow. " Don't you do it," said his uncle, "you have none to spare.', —Dumas returning from a day's sport at the country seat of a friend with a per fectly empty game-bag, was asked: "Well, Dumas, what haveyou killed?" " Time, l'as the quiet reply. —" Ephraim, this baby's legs are mon- Orous fat, ain't they? What temperament do you think the child has?" " Rather vy, Simon—decidedly of the limb-fat " "Well I guess so, too." • —The last case of indolence is related in New York, ournal: It is that of a man / med John Hole, who was so lazy that I writing his name, he simply used the l.terJ.,and then punched a hole through i, .e paper. —An old resurrectionist, in Cincinnati, easily provoked, and when so he fixes is one eye on the aggrieving party, mu • ring: " Wait till they plant' ye; PH veye; Pll keep track of ye—your hearse 'de shan't be yer last!" . —A gentleman sat down to write a deed, and began with " Know all women by these presents." " You are wrong," said a bystander, " it ought to be, know all men." " Very well," answered the other, "if all women know it, all men will of course." —At a railway station an old lady said to a very pompous looking gentleman, who was talking about steam communi cation, " Pray, sir, what is steam?" "Steam, ma'am, is —ah!—steam is steam. "I knew that chap couldn't tell you," said a rough looking fellow, standing by; "but steam is a bucket of water in a tre mendous perspiration." —" A little more animation, my dear," whispered Mrs. A., to the t - rentle Susan, *ho was walking languidly through a quadrille. "Do leave me to manage my dwn business, mamma," replied the pru dent nymph.. " I shall not dance my ringlets out of curl for a married man." ‘ 0 Of course not my love, but I was not aware who your partner was." —People who are resolved always to please, at all events, frequently overshoot the mark. A lady of this sort, going to a fsitud's house, one morning, ran to the ciadle, as soon as she came in, to see the tine " boy." Unfortunately' the eat was occupying the baby's place, but before she could discover her mistake, she ex claimed, with uplifted hands, "Oh what a sweet child—the very picture of its tither." -4 son one day had given some offence g lll o t rOmitp , italca, was r r 0.4 , o • A Ment onus. elan ber. After wh ihe at *Me thought asufticient duration of his pun ishment, she sent for him. Ile returned in a very sullen humor. " What have you been doing?" " Rending." " What book?" " The New Testament." " Very well; what part?" " Where it is written, • Woman! why troublest thou me? , " Virginia, where the law fixes the marriage fee at one dollar, there is a re miniscence of a couple who many years up called on a parson and requested him to marry them. " Where is my fee ?" said the old func tipnary.• The parties who were to unite their for times did so at once, and found the joint ount to be twenty-seven cents. "I can't marry you for that sum," said irate old if eutleman. A little bit of service will go a long ;way," suggested the male applicant. • Ah, no," said the parson; "you don't pay for the size of the pill, but for the mood you hope it will do you." The lass, intent on marriage, began to weep, • but the parson was inexorable, and the couple turned sadly to depart. Just then a happy thought seemed to strike the forlorn maiden, and she turned and cried, through his tears— " Please, sir, if you can't marry us full up, won't you marry us twenty-seven cents' worth? We can come for the rest some_ other time." he 44 This was too much for the parson. He married them "full up,” and they went on their way rejoicing. MI Our gime gokto. MARRIED "FULL UP.” Clothing. R. M. MYERS. JACOB RATITYON. GOOD NEWS FOR THE PEOPLE! GRAND OPENING OF THE SEASON( The subscribers have just returned from the Eastern Markets with the largest and best assortment of OVER AND DRESS COATINGS, All colors and all grades; Cassimeres in great variety—all the latest and best styles in the market, suitable to all tastes, and the prices within the reach of every one. An of which we are prepared to make up in the best style, and at the shortest notice, and at the Lowest Cash Prices. Our stock of MEN'S, YOUTH'S AND BOY'S READY MADE CLOTHING, is very large, and gotten up with great care, and will be sold very low, (READY-MADE DEPARTMENT on 2d Floor.) We have a fine line of GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS. All our goods have been selected with care, and purchased at the very lowest cash prices. All we ask of you is to call and examine our stook for yourself, and you will say truly the half has not been told. MYERS A RATHFON, Southwest corner of Centre Square, Lancaster, Penn , a. OctB-tf.) REMOVAL TO BEAU MONDE HALL! PORTICO ROW, 531 'PENN SQUARE, 531 READING, PENNA., A LARGE LOT OF BEAVERS, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VESTINGS, &c., &c., FOR SPRING AND SUMMER WEAR. ALSO, BOY'S CLOTHING, AND GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS! LEVI G. COLEMAN, Cutter. BUCH Sc BRO., jO4-111 PROPRIETORS. Groceries, &c. FRUIT JARS! FRUIT JARS! FRUIT JARS! The best Fruit Jar is the MASON JAR. SAFE, RELIABLE AND SIMPLE. EVERY JAR WARRANTED. 50 . GROSS FOR SALE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Also, other good Jars, and the choicest selection or 41911UXIOn tikoAdtv, AT Ne. 18 EAST KING STREET jy1.641' D. S. BURSK. Claim Agency. JAMES BLACK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AND MILITARY AND NAVAL CLAIM AGENT, No. 6 East King-st., Lancaster, Pa. Being duly licensed as a Claim Agent, and having a large experience, prompt attention will be given to the following classes of claims: BOUNTY and PAY due discharged Soldiers and Sailors. BOUNTY (additional),to Soldiers who enlisted for not less than 2 of - 3 years, or were honora bly discharged for wounds received. BOUNTY (additional) to Widows, Children, or Parents of Soldiers who died from wounds-re ceived or disease contraoted in said service. PENSIONS for invalid Soldiers and Sailors, or to their widows or children. PENSIONS for fathers and mothers, brothers or sisters of deceased soldiers, upon whom they were dependent. PENSIONS and GRATUITIES for Soldiers or their Widows from Pennsylvania, in the War of ISM PAY due Teamsters, Artificers and Civil em ployees of the Government. PAY due for horses lost in the United States service. CHARGES.—Pees fair and moderate, and in no case will charges be made until the money iscollected. [dee Z-lyr* Musical Instruments, &c. W OODWARD'S WHOLESALE AND RETAIL MUSIC STORE, NO. 22 WEST KING STREET. Pianos, Orgasm, Piano and Melo deon Stools and Cover; Vio s Guitars, Ban jos, Tamborines,Accordeons, eertinis, Fifes, Drum's, !Flutes, Flnets, Harmonicas, Clap pers, Triangles, Str of all kinds, Bow Hair, Tuning relit', Pitch pes, Violin Bows, Cello Bows, Violin and Guitar Boxes, Music Port folios, Instruction Books of all kinds, Sheet Music, Music Books, and every description of Musical Merchandise. All orders filled prompt ly at the usual Retail or Wholesale Prima, and satisfaction guaranteed. AMP , Tuning and repairing promptly attended to. A. W. WOODWARD, septi-lyj No. 22 W. King-st., Lancaster. B. KEVINSKI, cr• DEALER IN SHEET 17USIC, PIANOS, ORGANS, MELODEONS, Anti Musical Instruments Generally Sole Agent for STEINWAY & SONS' WORLD RENOWNED PIANOS. Also, Agent for PRINCE & CO.'S ORUANS and MELODEONS MlPllfusle sent by Mall Free of Postage No. 3 NORTH PRINCE STREET, Lancaster, Pa GOOK AMOHL DOHS Rooft aw Lea J. B. HBVINSKI SEIM MUSIC BEITOBIL KwiniusA, OZYSLLA, MILLODNONII I I/1 alle aorta Dingo Insbtrunsental Der Kevinski is agent for do beroatety Stein webr Pianos—Eloffeera beast mar se of deltsb. Der plats is No. 8 NORD PRINOB STREET, LANCASTER. N. B. Per a first raty gootr Gecder an Aoeordeon. odder a Trw‘brrielb-re odder en slob onners musleal laabtran2ehti ol der =shtsPt rnebt n 1 one ReTbBB Es. $ I'Prinee Sbtroee , Lameaster. MOO-1y PPofessioital. n J. DICKEY. • ATTORNEY AT LAW. ()Fries: SOUTH QUEEN ST.,seconil house be low the "Fountain Inn," Lancaster, Fa. j B. LIVINGSTON, • ATTORNEY AT LAW. Omer:: No. H NORTH DUKE ST., west side north of the Court House, Lancaster, Pa. CHARLES DEN VES,_ ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ornes: No. n SOUTH DURK STREET, Lan caster, Pa. JOHN" B. GOOD. ATTORNEY AT LAW. OPPICE: No. 511 E AST KIM; ST., Lancaster, Pa JW. JOHNSON, to • ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ownce: No 26 SOUTH QUEEN ST., LarkeaA ter, Pa. DP. ROSENMILLER,_JR., •ATTORNEY AT LAW. Owes: With A. Hsu* SMITH, Esq., South " Queen St., opposite the office of Father Abre bam," Lancaster, Pa. A. C. ItELNOEHL, ATTORNEY AT LAW. esrms: No. 3 SOUTH DUKE ST., Lancaster, JOHN P R E A, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Opines: Wll It lion. 0. J. Dumy, N 0.21 SOUTH QUEEN ST., Lancaster, Pa. MARTIN MITT, ATTORNEY AT LAW. OYPICII of the late Hon. TITADDEVB iTNVISS, No. 28 South Queen St., Lancaster, Pa. A mos 11. MYLIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. OFFICE: No. 8 SOUTLL QUEEN ST., Lancaster _T K. RUTTER, u• ATTORNEY AT LAW OPPICE: With General J. W. Flamm, NORTH DURF, ST., Lancaster, Pa. BF. BAER, • ATTORNEY AT LAW. Or VICE: No. 19 NORTH DUKE Street, Limon* ter Pa. Mee IS-13-r Reading Advertisements. HMALTZBERGER, . _ ATTORNEY AT LAW No. 46 NORTH SIXTH ST., Reading, Pa JGEORGE SELTZER, • ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLER AT LAW. No. 604 COURT STREET, (opposite the Court house,) Reading, Pa. Medical. INVALIDS " lIYGEIAN HOME.,, N. IL ADAMS, M. D., Physician-in-Chief. lir. Adams has studied and attended Medical Lectures and Hospitals, both in New York and Philadelphia, and been a successful practitioner of the " Healing Art" for many years; lie is therefore eminently qualified by Medical Edu cation, Surgical skill, and great experience for and the position of Physician an Surgeon in f; large Health Institute. Invalids seeking health will find at our cure every facility for the re covery of health. Pnre, soft, spring water, healthful diet, and excellent bathing facilities combined with Swedish .Movements, and (Melons application of Electricity, and all Na ture's great curative Aents, regulated by ft skillful Physician, enables us to cure when a cure is possible. The }all and Winter months are considered best for treatment, especially in our mild anti genial climate. Sritole At. OP PatATloNli of all kinds performed according to the latest and most approved methods. SirOssTicraicer. cases and all PRIVATE Du- EASES, as well Iv; Dyspepsia, iihetunatWn amt Liver Complaint, are treate,l with success. For Circular, address theProprictors, Brown .t Middlekauff, Wernersville, Berke Co., Pa. Oct. il2-tf,l We do not wish to inform you, reader, that Dr. Wonderful, or any other man, has CUSCOV ered a remedy that cures I.:!onsumption, when the lungs are half consumed, in short, will cure all diseases whether of mind, body or estate, make men live forever and leave death to play for want of work, and is designed to make our sublunary sphere a blissful paradise to which Heaven itself shall be. but a side show. You have heard enough of that kind of humbuggery, and we do not wonder that you have by this time become disgusted with it. But when I tell you that Dr. sage's Catarrh Remedy will positively cure the worst cases of Catarrh, I only assert that which thousands can testify to. Tr yit and you will be convinced. I will pay WV REWARD for a case of Catarrh that I cannot cure. FUR SALE BY MOST DRUGGISTS EVERY WHERE PRICB ONLY 50 CENTEL Soil by .ffailpostyaid, for Sixty Cents; Four packages a 2.00, or one doz en for Send a two cent stamp for Dr. Sage's pamplil.t on Catarrh. Address the Proprietor, R. V. PIERCE, M. D. oct22-3ml Buffalo, N.Y. PURIFY YOUR BLOOD! LONDON BLOOD PANACEA. The Greg Alterative and Blood Purifier. For the cure of ScaorULA or KING'S EVIt,CIITANIODB DISMASSS, EST. PILAS, BOILS, PIMPLIS, and ..olonze on the Facs,Soas 'as, Irmo , " JAIINDIOS, Wnirs rimawas, lasso °nisi Dm -IEII, OZNIZAL DIBILITY, PAL :ATION and llmirrimisra at the IA T, CONSCIAPTION, ASTHMA, riquits and SYPHILITIC BLADDIR and KIDNIT Ga►TAL, DROPSY, DTaPaP .,Li via COMP LA INT, &CZ ;ADACHI, PENAL], COMPLAINTS. . To the broken down lassie it rea life and energy by restoring I lost powers of nature. Persons weakness and lassitude, by use ; the PANACEA are soon re ,red to perfect health, bloom ant tor. Try it. Pelee $l.OO Per Bottle. S. A. FOUTZ, M•aaf•otarer •ad Proprietor, BALTIMORE, MD. For sale by druggists and storekeepers .throughout the United States. ALFRED A. III.:BLEY, Druggkt, WEST KING STREET, 00t32-lyj LANCASTER, PA. For sale by Photographs, £c. GOLDEN GIFTS. Parents to Families, Father to .Daughte,r, Mother to So:-. GENTLEMEN TO LADIES When the light has left the house, memori.t such as these compound their interest. GILL'S SUPERB PHOTO Miniature or Opal Pictures, admitted to b e the best in:the city and no superior in the State Constantly increasing demand and great expe rience in this style of miniature give us greater facilities and better results than any establish ment outside of large cities. STEREOGRAPHS OF HOME VIEWS for the Centre Table. Also, pristnatic instruments. Large ColorediVork by some of the beat Ar tists In Philadelphia and elsewhere in the Mgt, set style of the art. India Ink, Pastille, Crayon and colors, at GILLerl CITY GALLERY' 1-Iyrl No. 20 East King-et.