Venntsplvantigh peitoch. BREEF FUN SCHWEFFLEBRENNER. SCIILIFFLETOWN, Nov. 9t, ISO 9 MISTER FODDER ABRAIIA : Kensht du der lawns Jack dort in der -htadt wu selly Tseituug druckt net weit fum eck grawd nivver him plate wu do Revvy als cam morrickt slitand g'hot hut we se ols bohna, tin sullawd, un shmeer liase, un tswivvella un ollerlea so sacha ferkawft but A dell kit heasa can der eholly Jack, un ich hob aw shim heara sawya dos er so ivvcr ous gout g'noddoord un is otitifort in a tip-top gooter yoomer 1m so tillossoffical nu public shpiritted. Do Idea woch bin ich amohl bekannt warra mit ern Jack, un ich parnounce can 311 an bully gooter awer doch mus sawya, dos ich gor nix abbordich 1:hollys on ears hob seana keuna, Er hut :ner a breef g , shrivva dos er mich seana set, of privaty bisness, un ich aw grawd un oh in de shtadt nei. Iff course, ich hpb net g'wist was er mit mer will, awer bob gedenkt, doh gent mer onna and tint amohl ous. We MI in sci otlis nei bin war er dort huckt, gons ellea, mit cans fun seina )ea uf em dish tins onner so shreaks neava BOW g'shtreckt tit' an seed weshtliche .iirection his uf der budda. Er war in so awrm shtool g'huckt mit em elbohya em awrm fum shtool under kup so a wennieh side ways uf der 'loud. Es war About tsca uhr formiddogs, un e'er weg er mer fore kumma is, so shwcar meet :uh, tin down-hearted, konn ich aw sawya Jos according tsu meim hcshta judgment observfeashun hut er aw seller morya nosh ken druppa fun eye-opener, odder hnifter, odder jigger, odder shmeiler, c.dder ennich ebbas fun der aurt dorrich acs hols in sich nei g'numma. De fact is, r war evva we so kterls sin ebmohis yusht el) dos se sich uf feint un uf toona for his aess. Well, des ding war Boot, we ich nei bin sci office, hut er net amohl weitallilty cohot for of tsu slitea un hands sheaka un sich so a wennich soashel macha mit mer, awer dort is er hucka geblivva we er war un hut mer g'sawt ich set mich onna hucka. "Pit" secht er, " husht mei breef grickt ?" Yah," sog ich, " ich hob.” " Luss amohl scan" Becht cr, •°ich wb du bisht • eans fun donna wu nix ked bitters tut nix-a-so." "Well nay" hob ich g'sawt " ich du ow) Well dorm" secht or, "du musht mich a wennich excusa—bleibyusht hucka kumm grawd tin 3cr of un tin der hinnera deer nous, un in a pear iiinuutta war er widder tsurick. Awer ich hob shun a differens genotist, for sei lawk is mer grawd a wennich men cholly :ore kumma—so a wennich dos waun er a , ]ssly bobble wasser g'shluckt het we er dort hinna Brous war. Donn is er awer Jatohl on bisness, un mer hen for fullens hoiway shtuud mitnonner g'shwetzt fun awer ich konu der uet olles breiva was g'sawt is warm. Ea mohl is tr widder of un so hinna nous, un aw Kidder tsurick in a paar minnuta, gons an ouncrer monn—decidedly cholly un ]eabhaft. Er hut mer proposed dos ich des breefa shreiva. in dor FODDER AnnA iwi's Tseitung uf gevva set, un warm it du donn wet er mich dings, for feinan ahel un kommarshel edditor un misael leanus mannetsher fun seiner Tseitung, ibr er hut behawpt dos er mist an gooter relelable mono haws for sei bigness tau rnnna—eauer deer gor net sauft, un kom pitent is der goota korrockter fun der 'beitung widder uf tau shtella. konns net Flu, Becht er, for es holt can bissy de arat-door terwet tau shoffa, so we de loft warta un mit eana ebmohls a wennich dort hinna nous gea un in aely rear en trans nei in der saloon dort neava draw. Er hut aw feel truvvel oUeweil fun weaya denim Sennaters un Semly kit, for er Jam nix men du mit eana. Forram yohr, secht or, wars se all hunky dory, an hen earn a chance gevva for ebbas =elm, awer des yohr, secht er. sin de prospects orrig poorly, un sell But cam zw feel shawda, fbr de shtory is now in Filldelfy un in Harrisborrick un ivverall ;'circulate dos or nix du konn om set-up -Isness for Shpeeker fhm House un for Atate Dresherer. Now meant er warn - Jch mich on can din_ga dent, un eier FOD -DER ABRAHAM'S T seitung droppa, un ti sitshe breefa sbreiva, in set Eggsammin -Iff Tseitung nei, donn dents earn korrock art, un presstitch un frisher confidens ovva, uu donn dent or ferloicht aw influ rsa un shtanding kreeya we er ols g'hot hat. Der weg we ich can fershtonna hob hat era ols beim yohr g'hot for 'em alta em on , tau deena, un but aw ols Boot ous ' 4 - macht, awer dorrich des dos de letay terla in de Sennet un Semly nei kumma iin—soddiche we der Billingfelt, under Warlll, un Reineel un Herr, un Gutshock an der Wiley un soddiche, hut cr ufs wennichsht a dausset dahler ferlora l for -jell het er easy macha kenna, clear of ex pens, warm ter a *ennich influence ivver • Let. Was mich now bcddert is des. Wann ich now do pusaishen fun feinanshel un kenmarshel edditor un miaselleanus man -ietsher fpm Eggsamminer nemma dent, dorm mist Lou evva de Shlinktowner Mkt Office reseina, un sell, sogt de Bevvy, weer an sartonty uf gevva for an onsartenty. Un noch cans, secht so, wenn eh mich dinga dent in so a crowd, dorm - "lot mem gor net we mer's gea deat—fcr- Jeicht noch gor we in Nei Yorrick sella reohls we de demokmta, mer mei watch I, 7 thtola hen. Om negshta Durmershdog ivvcr acht deg is aw was so der Dankagiving day Imam. Doh im Shteddle soll der dog of ollerlca weaya gleiert wrerra. De Mad- dadislita wella meeting !lawn, moryots ten (sea uchr. Der tiotisawetzer• nu der Wsbwire Litwin - telt wella n( ch Kutztown , seller dog ; tins •Kitzclderfers gelits a raf thug match for weishhinklc, enda un hinkle, un aw a shooting match for tswca , fetty sci, 1111 covets soli aw an frolliek dort sci, tin (101111, 100 k out tbr node-downs nu drag-outs mit uine-shtrike whisky. Es is aw a report allaweil dos der long-bchniek hill tf , :elmeekafoos tin de Joe l'xareider fechta wella om same dog—uf der shtyle fun a prise-tight, for lint' dallier de side. Der MI war doh de yohr als an ivver ous tuffer ding tsu handla, abbordich in ma ruff un tumble. We's cam aver gent unuich em rule fum ring konn ich net sawya. .loc Uxreider sawya se weer gedrain'd un g'seienst. A wer fun so Finch (lu ich midi net ob gpvva we ich als hob. Pollytieks, tin in Slitate bisncss, un lit tcrretshoor un seiens, sell sin de subjects for dei hummbel sarvent un exdingwish ter fellow-sitisen. PIT SCIIWEFFLEIIIIENNEIL N. B.—Wealth'. nemond (her first-rate shtink kfes kawfa will, un aw dierre bohna nn seesy ebble shnitz soddiche wu se kocha nut de k'nep. De Bevy hut an gooter shtock of hond alleweil. Der ktes is so Beal we gold, un so shea un tseitich dos tiler en reecha konn on a dista,na fun tswansich yard. Se hut aw noch about a dutzend het% full lodwierrick on drei ficrtle dahler der limn. P. S. THE JOSH BILLINUS PAPERS. The District Schoolmaster. There is one man iu this basement world, that I alwuz look upon with mixt eelings ov pity and respect. Pitty and respect, az a general mixtur, don't mix well. You will lind them both traveling around among folks, but not often grow ing on the same bush. When they do hug each other they mean sumthing. Pitty, without respect, hain't got much more oats in it than disgust haz. I had rather a man would hit me on the side of the head than tew pitty me. But there is one man in this world to whom 1 alwus take oph my hat, and re main uncovered until he gets safely by, and that is the distrikt schoolmaster. IVhen I meet him I look upon him az a martyr just returned from the stake, or on hiz way there tew be cooked. Ile leads a more lonesum and single life than an old bachelor, and a more anxious one than nn old maid. lie is remarked just about as long and affectionately az a gide board iz by a traveling pack pedlar. If he undertakes tew make hiz skollars luv him, the chances are he will neglekt their laming; and if he don't lick them now a,ad then pretty often, they will soon lick him. The distrikt skoolmaster hain't not a friend on the fiat side of earth. The boys snow ball him during recess; the girls put water in hiz hair die; and the skool com mittee makes him work for half the money a bartender gets, and board him around the naborhood, where they give him rhy coffee, sweetened with molasses tow drink, and kodflsh bawls 3 tiznes a day for vittles. And wlth aall thlksibftei b riefer beard ' ov a diStrikt skoolMatter, Swearing enny thing louder than—condem it. Don't talk tow me about this pashunce ov anshunt Job. Job had pretty plenty ov biles all over him, no doubt, but they were all ov one breed. Every yunc , one in a distrikt skool iz a bile ov a different breed, and each one needs a different kind ov poulties to get a good head on them. Adistrikt skoolmaster, who duz a square job and takes his kodfish bowls reverent ly, iz a better 41an to-day tow hav tieing around loose than Solomon would be ar rayed in all ov hiz glory. Solomon wuz better at writing proverbs and managing a larger family than he would be tew navigate a distrikt skool hous. Enny man who haz kept a distrikt skool for ten years, and boarded around the naborhood, ought to be made a mager gineral, and hav a penshun for the rest ov hiz natral days, and a boss and waggin tew do hiz going around in. But az a general consequence, a dis trikt skoolmaster hain't got any more warm friends than an old blind ox hza. He is just about as welkum as a tax gatherer iz. He is respekted a good deal az a man is whom we owe a debt ov 50 dollars to and don't want tew pay. He goes through life on a back road, az poor az a wood sled, and finally iz missed —but what ever bekums ov his remains, I karat tell. Fortunately he iz not often a sensitive man; if he was, he couldn't enny more keep a distrikt skool than he could file a kroes-cut saw. 'Whi iz it that these men and women who pashuntly and with crazed brain teach our remorseless brats the tejus meaning ov the alphabet, who take the fust welding heat on their destinys, who have to lay the stepping atones and en kurrage them tew mount upwards, who have dun more hard and mean work than enny klass on the footstool, who have prayed over the reprobate, strengthened the timid, restrained tle. outntgious, and flattened the imbecile; who hf&V Jived on kodflsh and vile co.*, and *WI been heard to swear—whi is it that they are treated like a vagrant fiddler, danced to for a night, paid oph in the morning, and eagerly forgotten? I had rather burn a coal pit, or keep the flys out ov a butcher's shop in the month of August, than meddle with the skool bizzness. Tun friends of Dr. Paul Schoeppc (who was convicted of the murder of Mary Steinnecko by the Cumberland county court) have made application to Governor Geary for a pardon. Some distinguished physicians, it is said, have examined the testimony, and are convinced that the prisoner should not be hung on the medi cal and pharmaceutical testimony elicited during the trial. THE jewelry store of R. E. Shapley, in Mechanicsburg, Cumberland county, was broken into and robbed' of about 81,000 worth of jewelry, on Tuesday night of last week. The safe was blown open with powder, and although a young man slept in a room over the store, and there were dwellings all around it, the robbers were apt heard. „father lbrahatteo A LI'CICY clergyman in New 1 - 90. ;t $5,01.)0 wedding fee last week. Oxli: farmer in Chester county has made :27,000 gallons of cider this sea:,on. TII ERE are thirty slate quarrriys in 1. vs High county, worth two millions dollars. ( A NORTH CA IzoLINA clergyman has{ invented a mouse-trap ; sold his patent. for t'. 4 11,000, and quit preaching. FEMALE school teachers in Ilannibal,i Mo., are in great demand for wives. Five; have been married within a short time. A YOUNG man at - Bloody Run, last week, died from the effects of eat Mg chest nuts and drinking cider. BRIGHAM YOUNG does the divorces in his dominions for the extremely small sum of tun dollars, and no questions asked. THOMAS JOHN PENN, the last male de scendant of William Penn. the founder of Pennsylvania, is dead. A. WESTERN paper heads its notices of births, marriages and deaths, with the terms "hatcned,watchedand despatched." SEVEN millions of acres of public, lands were entered under the homestead , laws during the• past fiscal year, yielding the Government over $4,000,000. PHILADELPHIA has an estimated port , lation of 785,000 souls, which makes it the fourth city as regards size in the civilized world. FUNERAL services over the body of Mr,, Peabody have been ordered by Queen Victoria, to be held in Westminster Abbey. RECEIPTS amounting to $81,239.50 are acknowledged by Mr. H. Gaylord, Treas urer of the Mondale fund, up to the 4th inst. THANKSGIVING DAY is to be made an occasion of enjoyment and banqueting to the inmates of the various Soldiers' Or phans' Schools. SENATOR CAMERON and several dis tinguished Pennsylvanian agriculturistg and horticulturists purpose visiting the Georgia State Fair. IT is announced that two-thirds of the Presbyteries have ratified the re-onion of the Presbyterian churches by the required majority. REAR ADMIRAL CHARLES STEWART, United States Navy, died at his residence in Bordentowu, N. .1., on Saturday, in the ninety-second I;ear of his age. A JERSEY shore hunting party of three men returned home after five days ab sence with eight Huge deer. They caught their game ou Pine Creek, Lycoming-co. Gov. FENTON has taken rooms in Washington for the session at $350 a week. When first he was in Washington as a member of Congress, he and Senator Wilson boarded at one dollar a day. SPECIE isn't very abundant in Nevada., The Grass Valley Union says that " the jingle of a half-dollar can be heard from one end of the State to the other." THE grain fields in most parts of the,; State look very promising. A great maul fields were sown later than usual, but t sRi recent heavy rains oa - • sprang up. rapidly, and 0 • s- ( 1 fields are now green and thrifty. GRAIN has fallen in price in the West, and that fact has caused a depression in business, iu that region. High prices cannot longer be maintained, and busi ness men might as well trim their sails for the altered wind. THE report that appeared in the New York and Philadelphia papers that Secre tary Boutwell had determined that the government would resume specie payment on the first of the year is authoratively denied by the Secretary. Art infant child of Mr. F. S. Giles, of York, Me., was recently poisoned to death by sucking a green veil which the nurse had thrown over its face to keep the flies THE Philadelphia Inquirer has been en larged by the addition of a column to each of its eight pages. We are not surprised at this unmistakable evidence of success. The Inquirer is in every respect a news paper of the first class. . THE .death warrants of John Fields and Zachary Taylor were issued by Governor Geary on Saturday last. Their execution is set down for the 4th proximo, the for mer to be hung at Williamsport, and the latter at Butler. GEORGE PEABODY, the eminent Ameri can tinancierand distinguished philanthro pist, died at London near midnight on Thursday of last week. History will hardly fail to give him a line iu the records of a period more than usually pregnant with great and stirring deeds and active, if not illustrous men. MAN—Bo ,y, art thou endeavoring to entice the onths the barbed hook on whose point is tied a BOY—No sir, I'm fishin. our gime gar . __What word will make you sick if you leave one of the letters out? Music. ---A delicate parcel to be forwarded by rail—a young lady wrapped up in herself. --John, (lid Mr. Urceit get the medi cine 1 ordered :"•I poesy so," replied John, " for I ~ , ;tov (Tapp on the door the next rooming." —Texas papers say that if " those con founded greasers don't stop stealing cat tle, there'll he some chawing up done some night, and it won't be us that will get bit." --Tom asked a% old " ten-per-cent'' what he wanted to itcumulate so much money for. Says he, `• You can't take it with you, and if you could it would melt." —A Milesian horn on the last of the year, felicitates himself on his narrow escape of not being born at all. "lie jabers," says he, " and if it had been the next day what would have be come of me?" —A. lady asked a pupil at a public ex amination of the Sunday school, " What was the sin of the Pharisees ?" " Eating camels, man n," quickly replied the child. She had read that the Pharisees "strain ed at gnats and swallowed camels." —" The blessed man that preached for us last Sunday," said Mrs. Partington, "served the Lord for thirty years—first as a circus rider, then as a locust preacher, and last as au exhauster." —A gravestone in the Itockville, Con necticut, cemetery, has this epitah: " In memory of Jane Bent, Who is mourned by her kindred dear, Who kicked up her heels and away she went, And we planted the old gal here." —An exchange paper has the following: "It is said that there are more editors unmarried than any other class of profes sional meu.” For the reason, we suppose, that the majority of them are men of fine sentiment, and do not wish to starve any body's sister. —When Anna Dickinson was at Salt Lake City, a crowd gathered at the hotel to serenade somebody, when a call was made for "Miss Dickinson." A dispute took place as to whether it was a " Miss" or "Mister," when a ccmpromise was effected by an individual who shouted, " Bring it out !" A charming young friend of Judy's, who has got tired of the prevailing fashion of short dresses, recently horrified her friends by declaring she would putan end to herself. She subsequently explained, to their great relief, that she only meant to resume '• long trails." RATHER FOGGY.---" One day, ofl• the coast of North Carolina," writes a corre spondent, "we got into a fog that lasted us the three day watches, so dense that we could not see the channel ; the steamer cut through it three miles astern, like a new road cut through a cedar swamp. Lounging along forward, about seven in the forenoon watch, I drifted in earshot Of two jolly tars, as one of them put out a • feeler i■ this wise : " say, Bob, did you ever see such a as thts 'ere before ?, •of rraata, I tione tii*A e wen 6 Opler4 along the TehliCl3anifts and ...',Mato that this 'ere stuff wouldn't be more than a bit of mist alongside of.' " 'How thick was it, Bob ?, M 'Well, once when I was in the old Rifleman, and we were goin' out to Quebec after deals, we run into a thg-bank olio day that carried away our jib-boom and stove in our bulwarks. There was a lbt, of gulls and other big birds stuck fast alltn among the fog, jest like sheep in a big snow drift ; not a bird of them could move a wing. We'd been on allowance of water thr two weeks, and the carpenter sawed chunks enough out of that 'ere fog tosil every cask in the ship. It was tip top water that fog made ; but it didn't melt very fast. Some of it wasn't incited wt.en wo got back to Liverpool, three months afterwards.' "This was his story, and a mighty foggy one it was, too." COL. E. L. DRAKE, the original dis coverer of petroleum, dlod last week in a I n Connecticut poor hou The Titusville Herald says : " About ile below Titus ville the first oil well d ick that was ever built, in this or any other country, is still to lie seen. It is sad to reflect that the man who first bored for oil, and by his pluck and perseverance not only flooded a community with sudden riches, but in crowd the wealth of the world, died as a common pauper.), Pr is said that after the first of Novem ber ja reduction of 20 per cent. is to be on the wages of the laborers on the vlvania and other leading railroads. tribe to engulph into the allurement? S, M. MVERS. JACOB 11.ATIIMON. I 001) NE WS FOR 'I'II E PEOPLE! GRAND OPENING OF THE sEASON! sub-criticni have just returned from tin Eastern 'Mork - cis with the largest and best assortment of OVER AND DRESS COATINGS, All colors and all grades; Cassimeres in great variety—all the latest and best styles in the market, suitable to all tastes, and the prices within the reach of every one. All of which we are prepared to shake up in the best style, and at, the shortest notice, and at the Lowest Cash Prices. Our stock df MEN'S, YOUTH'S AND BOY'S READY. MADE CIA;THINV, is very large, and gotten up with great care, and will be sold very low, (READY-MADE DEPARTMENT on 2d Floor.) We have a fine line of GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS. All our goods have been selected with care, and purchased at the very lowest cash prices. All we ask of you 18 to call and examine our stock for yourself, and you will say truly the half has not boon told. MYERS & RATIIFON, Southwest corner of Centre Square, Lancaster, Penu'a Oct&tf.] REMOVAL To BEAU MONDE HALL! 531 PENN SQUARE, 531 READING, PENNA., BEAVERS, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, SPRING AND SUMMER WEAR ALSO, BOY'S CLOTHING, GENTLEMEN'S, FURNISHING GOODS! LEVI O. COLEMAN, Cntter. BUCH .86 BRO., MAI] PROPRIETORS MARSHALL SON'S BOOT AND SHOE STORE, CENTRE SQUARE, LANCASTER, PA ANOTHER FRESH ARRIVAL-01u Us A CALL The only place for good and substantial work sat Where can be seen the largest and best assort ment of Men's and Boys, BOOTS AND SHOES lOW 11, • tee i'llettNllA 4.1." 464 T 4614k -and am t *, Shoes, Balmorals ,Chiliren 8 Pban • and uttoned Gaiters. .11.• Also, RUBBERS OF EVERY RIND, which we invite you to call and examine; feeling eon fitlent that we can warrant all to no 20-Iy] REINHOLD & STUBBS, No. 104 North Queen St., f Square above the It. R. Depot. BOOT AND SHOE DEALERS. Have just arrived from the city with a large and elegant stock of Boots and Shoes, Gaiters, etc., superior to any ever before brought to this market, which are offered at• the fol lowing astonishing low prices : Men s Calf Boots $B.OO to $7.00 Box-toe Congress Gaiters.... 3.00 to 4.00 " Bal m oral Gaiters MO to 3.00 '• ms 2.00 to 8.00 " Lasting Congress Gaiters 3.00 to 875 " Oxford Tie 2.75 to 3.50 Boys' Gaiters , 2.00 to 8.00 Calf Balmorals 1.30 to 2.00 Youtns Calf Balmorals 1.26 to 1.75 Ladies high-polish Lasting Gaiters. 2.50 to 3.25 " Lasting Balmorals L 25 to 1.75 " Lasting Con Gaiters 1.50 to 2.00 " fine Glove Rid Button Boot.. 3.26 to 4.00 i• 44 g_We Kid Polish 800 tr... 2.60 to 8.25 " " llerooso Button 800 t.... 2.25 to 9.00 " " Goat Balmoral 9.09 to 2.00 " " Turkey Morocco Button. 8.00 to 8.75 " Kid Heel 51ipper5......... 1.96 to 1.75 " " Goat Slippers 1.00 to 1.23 Misses Goat high-polish 1.75 to 9.60 " Lasting high-polish 2.00 to 9.25 Children's shoes of all kinds 50 to 1.50 416 -An inspection of the stock is solicited. 461-Our work is all warranted. 41;i-All kinds of custom work manufactured in the very best style at short notice, at the lowest sash prises. may?-Om) BBINHOLD I STUBBS. FRUIT JARS! FRUIT JARS! FRUIT JARS! The best Fruit Jar is the MASON JAS. SAFE, RELIABLE AND SIMPLE. EVERY JAR WARRANTED. 50 GROSS FOR SALE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Also, other good Jars, and the choicest selection of GROCERIES in the city, AT Nc. 03 EAST KING STREET jy 16-tf D. S. BURSK. Claim Agency. JAMES BLACK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MILITARY AND NAVAL CLAIM AGENT, No. 56 East King-st., Lancaster, Pa. Being duly licensed as a Claim Agent, and having a large experience, prompt attentien will be given to the following classes of claims: BOUNTY and PAY due discharged Soldiers and Sailors. BOUNTY (additionallbto Soldiers who enlisted, for not less than 2 or 8 years, or were hosua hly discharged for wounds received. .• BOUNTY (additional) to Widr Parents of Soldiers who dises om it valved or disease ntraoted PENSIONS for inva idlers to their widows or o ren. PENSIONS for fathers d mot sisters of deceased soldiers, were dependent. PENSIONS and GRATUITIEI their Widows from Pennsylv of kilt. PAY due Teamsters, Arttdeet ployees of the Government. PAY due for horses lost In tl servioe. CHABONS.—Fees Mr sad 1 ao ease will charges be made iseolleoted. Clothing. PORTICO ROW, =I VESTINGS, &c., &c., EiM BEE Boots and Shoes. MARSHALL'S, WEAR WELL Groceries, Atc. ITEI Prolesettonal. oJ. DICKEY, • ATTORNEY AT LAW. OFFICE: SOUTH QUEEN ST., seeotal house he low the " Fouh lain Inn," Lancaster, JB. LIVINGSTON, • ATTORNEY AT LAW. OFFICV.: No. 11 NORTH DUKE ST., west skit. north of the Court Douse, Lancaster, Pa. CHARLES DENITES, ATTORNEY AT LAW. OFFICE: N 0.3 SOUTH DUKE STREET, Lan caster, Yu. JOHN B. GOOD, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Or Pies: N 0.56 EAST RING ST.; Lancaster, Pa JW. JOHNSON. • • ATTORNEY AT LAW. Oltrzez: No :!5 SOUTH QUEEN ST., Laneto ter, Pa. P. ROSENATILLER, JR., • ATTORNEY AT LAW. °mos: With A. Henn S vrn Esq., South Queen St., opposite the office of "Father Afire. barn," Lancaster, Pa. AC. REINOEITL, • ATTORNEY AT LAW. FicE: No. 3 SOUTH DUKE ST., Lancaster JOHN P. REA, ATTORNEY AT LAW Orrice: With lion. 0.. T. DICKEY, N 0.21 SOUTH QUEEN ST., Lancaster, Pa. MARTIN BUTT, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Omen of the late Hon. THADDEV STEVENS No. 28 South Queen St., Lancaster, Pa. A MOS H. MYLIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. OFFICE: No. 8 SOUTH QUEEN ST., Lancaster j K. RUTTER, to_• ATTORNEY AT LAW OFFICE: With General J. W. FISHER, NORTH DUKE ST., Lancaster, Pa. .13F. BAEIt, • ATTORNEY AT LAW. OFFICE: No. 10 NORTH DUKE Street, Lasea• ter Pa. Mee 184.1-r Reading Advertisements. T_T MALTZBEIVER, ATTORNEY AT LAW No. 4J NORTH SIXTH ST., Reading, Pa GEORGE SELTZER, to • ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLER AT L.W. No. 604 COURT STREET, (opposite the Court House,) Reading, Pa. Medical. IN VALIDS " HYGEIAN HOME." N. It. ADAMS, M. D., Physielan-in•Chief. Dr. Adams has studied and attended Medical Lectures and Hospitals, both in New York and Philadelphia, and been a successful practitioner of the "Healing Art" for many years; ho is therefore eminently qualified by Medical Edu cation, Surgical skill, and great experience for the position of Physician and Surgeon in a large Health Institute. Invalids seeking healtl. will find at our cure every fluidity for the re covery of health. Pure, soft, spring water. healthful diet and excellent bathing facilities combined with Swedish Movements, and a ju. dicious application of Electricity, and all Na ture's great curative Agents, regulated by a skillful Physician, enables us to cure when a cure is possible. The tall and Winter months are considered best for treatment, especially in our mild and genial climate. SUROICAL OPERATIONS of all kinds performed according to tie lstest and most approved methods. airOBSTETIUOAL cases and all PRIVATE Pte. HAMM as well as Dyspepsia, Rheumatism err! 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