Common—Finance—J. W. Jackson, John A. Shultz. Water—J. IL 'Baumgardner, Daniel Mc- Laughlin, John Arnold. Streets—J. wartzwelder, Wm. Best. Police—H. B. Parry, M. Trimsler, Frederick Brimmer. Buchanan Relief—John Tessler, Joseph Hoover. City Property—David Bair, jr., John Leib ley. Fire Engines and Hose Companies—P. W. Gorrecht, P. B. Fordney, Fella Senn. Markets—Conrad Gast, A. J. Eberly. Lamps—t Anthony Lechler, John Hum phreyville. The Mayor is chairman of the joint Watt r Committee. THE Republican County Committee metin the Orphans' Court room on Monday morn ing ; but few of the members were in attend ance. The chairman submitted his report, when, on motion, an auditing committee was appointed, consisting of Win. A. Wilson, Esq., Dr. J. C. Snavely and J. S. Clare. J. W. Johnson, Esq., city, submitted a petition signed by some forty or fifty members of the Republican party of the First Ward in Columbia, charging Mr. D. J. Walliegs, member of the Committee for that district, with working for and voting the Democratic ticket at the last election, and conelnding by asking the Committee to expel Mr. Wallings. Mr. W. denied the allegation. After some little wrangling tke petition was laid on the table, and the Committee adjonrued. FINE COHN: We saw two ears of corn left by our friend Mr. Johnson Miller, of War wick-twp., one of which contains 1280 and the other 1215 grains. The corn is of the common yellow gourd variety, and the grains are large and well-formed. Mr. Miller has about a thousand bushels of this variety of corn, ten bushels of which will average 1000 grains to the ear. Warwick can't be beat for big corn and largo and increasing Republican majorities. REnrctorTs service will be conducted un der the auspices of the General Baptist Asso ciation of Pennsylvania, in the new Temper ance Hall, Orange street, near North Queen, every Sunday morning and evening. Seats free for all. Rev. H. G. Weston, D. D., of Chester, Pa., will preach next Sunday, Nov. 7th. {CORILESPONDENCE,.] EPIIIIATA, Oct. 31st, 1869 The Ephrata Literary Society met on Fri day evening, Oct. 29, and was called to order by the President, Mr. D. It. Hertz. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted. Under miscellaneous business the following officers were elected to serve for the next four weeks, viz.: President, D. R. Hertz ; Vice President, J. K. Boyer ; Secre tary, C. L. Ziegler ; Treasurer, Geo. R. San senig ; Editor, J. K. Boyer ; Executive Com mittee, A. C. Ranck, S. L. Fry and J. S. Noble. Referred questions were answered by J. S. Nolde, S. L. Fry, A. Bowman, E. A. Hertz, Sallie Feather and M. S. Fry, after which the following question, Roared, •' That our country is more indebted to her warriors than her statesmen"—was discussed in general debate by Messrs. J. K. Boyer, E. A. Hertz and U. B. Kline in the affirma tive, and Messrs. M. S. Fry, S. L. Fry, A. Bowman and A. C. Ranck in the negative. The decision was in favor of the affirmative. The paper entitled "The Literary Casket," was then read by the editor, Mr. Bowman, after which the Society adjourned to meet again on Friday evening, Nov. sth, 1869. The resolution for debate at the next meet ing is as follows : Resolved, " That the U. S. should recognize the independence of Cuba." A MOST PERFECT REGULATOR for the whole human system is found in Dr. Pierce's Alterative Extract, or Golden Medical Dis covery. It cures 'Female Weakness, Weak Back and all irregularities. It is a great restorative tonic, and nerve force generator, and hence in all cases of Nervous or General Debility, nothing can equal it. Sold by drug gists, or send three dollars and twenty-five cents to Dr. B. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y., and get three bottles, free of express charges. VFH take pleasure in recommending the use of Hali'd Vegetable Sicilian Hair Re newer as a Fate and reliable preparation for restoring gray hair to its natural color and promotiag its growth. PERIODICALS. Orrell-A - MONTH and TRH ILDRRN'e HOUR for November, are filled with the purest and best reading for old and young, and are happily il lustrated. The high literary excellence of Ar thur's publications have been everywhere ac knowledged by men and women of intelligence and culture all over the country. The price of " Once-a-Month" is $2 per year; The Children's Honr" $1.25 per year. Address EONS, 809 and 811 Chestnut-st., Philadelphia. ;;;;4 ; ; ; ; ; TO THE WORKING CLASS.—We arc now prepared to furnish all classes with constant employment at home, the whole of the time or for the spare moments. Business new, light and profitable. Persons of either sex easily earn from 50e. to $5 per evening, and a propor tional sum by devotin f their whole time to the business. Boys and rlp earn nearly ilsmiith as men. ' That all wh see this notieb may send their addrees f and test-gte, bpainesa, we make this unparalleled °ltem TOsugh aware not well satisfied, we will spill el Pay the trouble of writing. Full piatMulags,uValliable sanoe, whials will do tfteslllMenue wild WI, arilkillfi of The Peoples' LAterary Cklmpan/ on—ono of tt e largest and best family newspapers puhlished— all sent free by mail. Reader, if you want_per manent, profitable work, address E. C. ALLEN & CO. Augusta, Blaine. (0ct.29-3m MARRIED. PARMIIII—KUTTZR. Oct. 31st, at the residence of the bride's parents, by Rev. Darius W. Ger hard, Wayne Farmer o Kate Rutter, both •of Upper Leaeock. NISEILTIV—Fax. Oct. 31st, in Mount J0y,19 , the Rev. David Gerlach, Elias N. Niesley, of East Donegal, to Rebecca N. Eby of Rapti°. . SHOP'—KaurvgAn. Oct. 312 t, by the Rev. A. IL Kremer, Jacob Shopf, of Mountville, to Mary Kauffman, of Silver Springs, this county. Loose—Hestia. Oct. 22th, by Jacob Reinhold, Henry Loose to Fanny Is. Huber, both from Warwick-twp. SzAeuaism—Ftoay. Oct. 28th, by the same, Martin S. Seachrist, of West Hemptleld, to Lizzie S. Flory, of East Donegal. Shawl—thuds. Nov. 2d, In this city, by Rev. T. Koehl, John Sebum, of Lancaster, to Miss Mary Jane Hillis, of Christiana., pa. SITItLA I n—IIRVEs. Nov. 2d, at the residence of miss Eliza Gitnion,• by Rev. K. T. Kenney, pastor of St. Paul's M. V. Church, John L. Sin clair, of York-ed., 1.6" Miss Belie T. Hewes, of Lama-ter city. LANDIS—BAKU. November 20, by Rev. Dr. Greenwald Abraham h. Landis, of East Lam. peter, to Miss Barbara M. Baer, of East Hemp deld. SHIIINK—CHARLES. November 20, by Rev. Dr. Greenwald, Benjamin M. Shenk, of Lancaster twp., to Miss Leab G. Obarles, of Manor. DIED. BARTON. Nov. Ist, in this city, Miss Est her U. Barton, in the 79th year of her ago. Qtrior.zr. October 29111, in this city, Thomas Jefferson Quigley, aged 44 years, 6 months and 12 days. RUTTER. October 30th, in Leacock-twp., John Rutter, aged 74 years, months and 18 days. STEEL. October 27th, Harriet Steel, daughter of Hugh M. and Ann I. Penny, of Drumore•twp., Lancaster-co., Pa., in the 26th year of her age. LEMMAN. October 28d, at Mount Umion, Pa., Benjamin Franklin, :son of B. li. Lehman, aged 17 years, 3 months and 24 (lays. tharzzu. October 26th, at Germantown, near Philadelphia, Sarah A. Snitzer,formerly of this sity. 111zytax. October 270,_ in this city, Sophia Wynn, aged 33 years and 17days. Liao. October 26th, in this City, Anna M. Lind, in the 84th year of her age- ECKERT, October 27th , Lizzie A. Xekert, wife of Albert E. Carpenter, in the 29th year of her age, • FRORART. OCtOtleitbf /au F'rosart, in the . 84th year ends air THE MARKETS. Lancaster Household liarketo. Itutter,VlD Lard, VI tt, • . • • • Eggs, V doz.. Dressed Chickens V pair. Live Chickens Vlpair Live Turkeys Dressed Ducks sausages V lb Beef by the quarter—front. Beef by the quarter—hind.. small 'Pot k by the quarter.. PotatoesV bus V Potatoes peck Turnips Onions Apples IQ IA peck Cider % quart 20c.—per bbl Buckwheat meal V quarter. Corn in the our, per bus ....... Outs V bag of 3 bus Philadelphia Prodnee Market. PHILADELPHIA Nov. 3.—The flour market re mains quiet, and in the absence of any demand fur shipment only 1000 bids. were taken in lots by the home consumers to supply their Immediate wants. Prices of all descriptions have a decidedly down ward tendency; sales of superfine at it5.50@5.75; ex tras at 45.7566; northwestern extra family at iti0.37,!060•87 1 4; ,renna. extra family at $0.2560.75; Ohio and Indiana 110. do. $0.256b7, and fancy brands at $7.2542/9, according to quality, Including 500 ibis. Delaware Mills on secret terms. Rye flour may be quoted a tip tift The Wheat market remains in an exceedingly doll and unsatisfactory condition, anil prices IHViH' Inners; sales of western reil at sl.3i 1.88, and red at $1,34,41.38. Itye ranges from '1.1.65 to $l.lO 111 bus. for western. Corn Is very (lull; sales of Penn'a and southern yellow at iiillo.o2; wetern yellow :it to;(5) ; ;N.., and western mixed at 9:.;e4 . 95.., the latter rate for Ili.2;11 mixed. Oats are without linprovelornt; r.ilce of NYCt.r.`7ll and l'en n'a at sC@sge. Barley is quiet, but no sul :Ire rep, rte.:. In the absence of sales we qa N 1 QW:reitr , ,n bark at 43•2,.50 'V too. WhiPky is dull ata further ,:eoline; it doff ered at i;' , 1.14 for wood, and $1.1 , 1 tor iron I, , ,urd western. Philadelphia Cattle Market. MONDAY, NOY. I.—The market for Beef Cattle was exceedingly dull to-day, and prices of all descriptions have declined fully 1,.; cent. V a. The receipts were large, reaching 3,443 bead, But the general quality of the offerings was in ferior. Choice may bo quoted at ft :y 4 0,9 ; prime at 714p814 ; fair to good, 647 ; and common at 4@sc. i 6 Th., gross, as to quality. The follo*lng sales were reported : 117 head, Owen Smith, Western........ 7 @ 8% 125 " A. Christy & Bro., Virginia.. 7 (V 8% 4:1 " Dengler &McCleeso,Western. 6 tgl 7% 144 " P. McFillen, Western 6 eS 8 130 " P. Hathaway, Western 7g By 196 " James S. Kirk, Chester co— 7 8 130 " James Mennen, Western.... 8 tr 3 / 4 102 11 E. S. Melillen, Western 7 tj 8% 100 11 Ullman & Bachman, Virginia 7 04 9 1 23 '' 6 " Martin. Fuller & Co., West'. 7 B'. 150 " Mooney & Smith, Western... 7 8' .L 0 " 'rhos. Mooney & Br°, Virginia 6 7% 40 11 11. Chain, Western Penn'a . • 5 !444 6 V , 120 " John Smith, & Bro., Virginia 7 04/ 9 , 2, Ito 11 .3. &L. Frank, Virginia ' 6%6 8 70 " H. Frank, Virginia 6 a 7 160 " Hope & Co., Virginia 61 / 0? 8 20 " M. Dryfoos & Co., Western.... 6 @6% 145 " G. Schamberg & Co., Virginia 6448 8% 80 " Elkon & Co., Virginia 6 ( . 4 7 36 " 13. Baldwin, Chester co 6 48 8 53 " J. Clemson, Western 6 tO 7 1 ,4 38 . " D. Branson, Chester co 6 '40 7 57 ' 1 Blum & Co., Virginia 6 @ 8 60 " James Hull, Western 6 @ 7 47 " • Chandler & Alexander, Chest. 6 @ 8 46 " A. Kimble Chester 430 6 4 4) 7%, 24 " L. Horn, Delaware SCO 8 68 "S. Frank, Western 6i 7 20 " John Christy, Western....... 6 7 38 " S. Blumenthal, Virginia 51 4 5 % 36 " Thomas Duffy, Virginia 4 74 9 " Jesse Miller, Chester co—... 78 56 " John MoArdle, Western 5 48 i 99 7 % 20 " J. Latta Steward, Chester co. 5 48 73 100 " G. Ellenger, Western 6 8 71 " George Stewart, Western 6 @6% 18 " P. Duffy, Western 5546 6 11)2 "R. Mayne, Virginia 41/ 2 / 7% 18 " B. McGarvev Western 5 1 4 7 54 1, C. Welker, Virginia 5% 6% 40 " M. Ket ter, West Penn"a 5 8 18 " J. A. Me/Fetters, Western Pa. 4%@ , 5% 15 " J. A. Alexander, Delaware... 4%01 5 1 / 4 21 " J. Golthrop, Chester co 6l fiti' 7 '4 10 " Preston & Saunders, Cheater. 6,W 7% Cows and calves are firmer, and prices have advanced; 150 head sold at 00690; springers sold at 5i114865. Sheep are steady at last week's quotations ; 7000 head changed hands at the Avenue Drove Yard at prices varying from 5 to bye. V Z. grs. Hogs are active and prices are well maintain ed ; 3,398 head sold at the Union Drove Yard at $144815 V 100 lbs. for corn fed. • Netv Advertisements. A COMPLETE PICTORIAL HIS TORY OF THE TIMES. " The Best, Cheapest, and most Success ful Family Paper in the L nion. I) HARPER'S WEEKLY. SPLENDIDLY ILLUSTRATED In November will be commenced "Man and Wife," a new serial story, splendidly Illustrated, by Wimus CoLrms (Author of "The Woman in White," "No Name," " Armadale," and "The Moonstone.") New subscribers will be sup plied with lIA uPaaos WREELY from the com mencement of the Story to the end of 1870 for Four Dollars. Critical Notices of the Press. The MODEL NEWSPAPER of our country. Com plete in all the departments of an American Family Par, HARPHIR'B WEEKLY has earned for itself a rig ht to its title, " A JOURNAL OP CIVI LIZ ATION.—New York Evening Post. HARPER'S WEEKLY may be unreservedly de clared the best newspaper In America.—E: Y. htdependerti articles upon public questions which ap pear in HA npmet; WEEWLY from week to week form a remarkable series of brief political es says. They are distinguished by clear and pointed statement, by good common-sense, by independence and breadth of view. They are the expression of mature conviction, high prin ciple, and strong feeling, and take their place among the best newspaper writing of the time. —North American Review, Boston, Mum sUBSCRIPTIONB.-IS7O. 83333 /IA EPEE'S WEEKLY, one year An Extra Cbpy of either the MAGAZINE, WEEK LY, or BAZAAR wilt be supplied gratis for every Club of Ft v x Sunsoatozas at 14.00 each, in one re moittancep or, 4ix Copies for *20.00 without extra c. Su y becripti,ns to BAR.TER'ri MAGAZINE, WEEKLY, and BAZAAII, to one address for one year, .10.00; or, two of Harper's Periodicals, to one address for one year, $7.00. /ladle Numbers can be supplied at any time. The Annual Volumes of HARPER'S WEEKLY, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by express, free of expense, for *7 each. A complete Set, comprising Thirteen L'olumes, sent on receipt of Sash at the rate'bf $&25 per vol., freight at ex pense of purchaser. Volume Xlll ready Janu ary Ist, 1870 The postage en 11AnrEIV8 WEEKLY i 8 '2O cents a year, which . must be paid at the tubsoribei 's post-oftioe. Address, noys-2t] HARPER & BROTHEMS, New York Banking. I= BAIR & SHENK, BANKERS, NORTHEAST ANGLE OF CENTRE SQUARE LANCASTER, PENNA n0.20-Iy] Motets. TT S. HOTEL, U • OPPOBITB PRIMA. R. R. DEPOT, HARIIISBURG, PA W. IL- EMMLWGER, •t Pr4prietors. LANCASTER, Nov. 3. 45 It 50 2,) a 22 30 0 35 40 a . 6) GO (4 90 1 25 a 1 50 50 a GO 20 a. 25 10 a 11 12 0 13 13 co liS 00 a 65 S 10 7 Q 11 15111 15 k 20 6 60 1.15 it 20 GO 1 00 1 80 2 00 FABM ERS LOOK TO Y 01.711 FRUIT TREES. Bust's Improved Fruit Tree and Vine Insect Destroyer is the Greatest Discovery of the Age! The Teachers, Directors and friends of edu cation in Lancaster county, are hereby inform ed that a Teachers' Insti tute will be held in Fulton Hall, Lancaster city, commencing at 10 o'clock A. M, on MONDAY, the Bth of NOV., and continue during the week. The following named persons are expected to be present and give instructions: Prof. B. O. Northrup, of connecticut; Mrs. Anna T. Randall, of New York; Prof. Jerome Allen, of Iowa; Hon. James P. Wickersham, Hon. Thos. IL iturrowee t Prof. Edward Brooks, Prof. J. W. Westlake, Prof. J. V. Montgomery, Prof. S. S. Haldeman, Prof. Theodore Appel. Essays will he read on the following subjects: Physical Training; not " How Much," but " How Well;" Self-Improvement of Pupils; The Pleasures of Teaching; Fixedness of Purpose; The Old and the Mew system; The Eye in Teaching; l'ho Teacher out of school House. The following subjects will be submitted to the Institute for discussion: • How can Parents and Oir 'eters be induced to •visit schools more frequently? What is the proper function of the Text Book? 4CO I= Miscellaneous. BRADBURY'S AND OTHER PIANOS. Taylor & Farley's and E. P. Needham & Son's Organs and Melodeons. WM. G. FISCHER, Gen'l Wholesale Agent, lois arch street and 21 North Eleventh street, Philadel phia. ioet29.6nt The following gentlemen, with their Post °ince addresses, have given it a thorough trial, and all speak of it as the best preparation that has ever been used, and any one desiring their Certificates (which we hold,) can have them by writing to us: S. G. Wet:wider, Rotbsville P. 0., Lancaster co.; Wm. Burgess, Briekerville, Lan caster co.; henry Brackbiti, Leaman Place, ban. co.; John Stoltzfus, Churchtown, Lan. co.; Joseph shertz, same; Cyrus Fox, Iteinholds vine, Lan. co.; 11. K. Stoner, Lan. City; Bon. John C. Evans, Morgantown, Berks co.; Jos. Broadbent, same; John Plank, same; Adam Stye'', same; David Plank, same; Joseph Min ker, Birdsboro', Berks co.; Geo. Masten, Mt. Airy, Berks co.; Col. Thos. Bull, Longs, Chester co ; M. Roffman, same; Christian Kurtz, Blue Itock, Chester co.; John Mingle, Morgantown, Berks co., and many others. The preparation should be used in the Fall. we have a powerful ingredient added since Spring. If it will not do all our oirculars set forth, we will reinrn the money to all who buy of us. WO will be paid for the convVition of ally one using the preparation without having purchased of us. Township and Single Right s for sale. For Circulars, address,. with postage stamp, EVANS & CO., Proprietors. oet.z.u-It' i Reading, Pa. T r N(21: ESTIONABLY TIIE BEST SU!srI'AINED NVORK OF THE RIND IN TUE WORLD." HARPER'S MAGAZINE. irmirEß , B m AGAZIN Ft, apart rom the illustra tiomr, cpntains from fifty to one hundred per cent. more matter Man any similar periodioal issued in the Englisk language. CRITICAL NOTICES OF THE PRESS The most popular Monthly in the world.— Ncw York Observer. „ . e must refer in tenni of eulogy to the high tone and varied excellencies of IlAttesn's MAO- Azois—a journal with a monthly circulation of about 120,000 copies—in whose pages are to be found some of the choicest light and general reading of the day. We speak of this work as an evidence of the culture of the American peo ple; and the popularity it has acquired is mer ited. Each Number contains fully 144 pages of reading matter, appropriately illustrated with good wood cuts; and it combines in itself the racy monthly and the morephilosophical quar terly, blended with the hest features of the daily journal. It has great power in the dissemina tion of a love of pure literature.—Tnuassa's Guide to American Literature, London. It is one of the wonders of journalism—the editorial management of 11AacKas. * All the periodicals which the Harper's publish are almost ideally well educated.—The Maim, N.Y. We can account for its success only by the simple tact that it meets precisely the popular taste, furnishing a val hay of pleasing and in structive reading for all.—Zion's Herald, Boston. SUBSCRIPTIONS •-1870. TERMS: II A RrEn's MaciAzirta, one year An Extra Copy of either the MAGAZINE, WEEK LY, or BAZAAR, Will be supplied gratis for every (Nub of lyric SUBBOIMICKS at 94.00 each, in one re mittance; or, Six Copies for $2O, without extra copy. Subscriptions to HARPER'S MAGAZINE, WEEKLY, and BAZAAR, to one address for one year, $10; or, two of Rarper's Periodicals, to one address for one year, 97.00. Back numbers can be supplied at any time. A. Complete Set Of HARPER'I4 MAGAZINE, now comprising 89 Volumes, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by express, freight at expense of purchaser, for s2.2sper volume. Atingle Volumes, by mail, postpaid, 48.00. Cloth oases, for bind ing, 58 cents, by mail, postpaid. The postage on II Aar zu , s MAGAZINR, is 24 cents a year, which must be paid at the subscriber's post-ofiloe. Address, HARPER & BROTHERS, 2t] New York. TE A OILERS' INSTITUTE. Can Corporeal Punishment bo dispensed witbi . . Are the Classic Languages necessary in a course of studyl What are the immediate wants of the schoolst Should studios be arranged to suit the future pursuits of Pupilift Should Rules be discat ded in Tettehingt In addition to the usual exercises of Lec tures, Drills, Essays, Discussions and Addres ses, it is the purpose of the Superintendent, be lore the close of the Institute, to submit a series of questions on the " Theory of Teaching," to the members for answers, and to award several prizes, according to the merit of the answers. No effort will be spared to arrange the exer cises in such a way as will afford the most pro fessional benefit as well as enjoyment. Vocal and Instrumental music will form a prominent feature of the proceedings. The distinguished lecturers that have been engaged for the Institute, and the matter that will be presented for consideration, should give ample assurance of the great benefit to be de rived by all who will atteud during its sessions. It is most heartily desired that all the teach ers be present at the opening and remain all week. Then, only, will the object of the In stitute be fully accomplished The School directors of the different districts are respectfully requested to grant their Teach ers the time to attend the Institute, and in struct them to attend. They are also invited to be with us all week and take part in the ex ercises. They are espeelally requested to attend on Thurseny, November Mb, when the stale Su perintendent will address them. Wednesday evening of the meeting, will be taken up with exercises by the "Permanent Teachers' Society." The public are respect fully invited to attend. DAVID AVANS, octitt-itar] County superintendent. l'ertidixt yap. WE CONTINUE TO MANUFAC TURE our well-known Manures, PHOSPHATE OF LIME KEE AMMONIATED FERTILIZER and also have for sale PERUVIAN GUANO, No.l Ger nine Government, I. Fish Guano, Land Plaster and Hydraulic Ce ! moat, together. with a complete assortment of Burning and Greasing OILS, at fair market rates. Super-Phosphate of Lime, - - - 450 per 93001b5. Ainmoulatcd Pertallzer, -- - - 35 do. A DISCOUNT TO DEALERS ALLEN & NEEDLES, 49 SOUTH DELAWARE AVENUEI PHILADELPHIA 2:BTABLISIIED IN lea GEO: M. STEINMAN & CO., *meld? pOle Agents at Lanasatiar, Pa. ZAHM & JACKSON, DEALERS .N WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SILVER AND SILVER-PLATED WARE, SPECTACLES AND FANCY GOODS, No. 15 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA. 4611-REPAIRINC4 ATTENDED T 0.114 no2o-131 WATCHES! WATCHES? WATCHES! CLOCKS, CLOCKS, CLOCKS. The undersigned keeps constantly on hand a Dirge sad full assortment of the GENUINE AMERICAN WATCHES, of different weight and finish, to suit all, which are sold upon the most reasonable terms, and guaranteed to give satisfaction. Keeps also on baud a good assortment of CLOCKS. Call and examine the goods before purchasing elsewhere. Thankful for Past favors. I solicit a continu anoe of the Same. HENRY F. ANDREWS, Jan 1-13 ,9 9 St rasburg, Lancaster co., l•a. Books and Stationery. SCHOOL BOOKS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL! We would respectfully call the attention of all MERCHANTS, SCIMOT, DIRECTORS, TEACHERS, PARENTS AND SCHOLARS To our LARGE STOCK of SCHOOL BOOKS AND STATIONERY! Which wlll be soli at the LOWEST CASH PRICES PAPER AND ENVELOPES GREATLY REDUCED RATES. Cell before purchasing elsew•hcre. J. H. SHE diFFE I R , S Cheap Cash Book Store, No. North Queen-st., Lancaster, Penns HEADQUARTERS FOR SCHOOL BOOKS, —AT— RIDDLE & COCHRAN'S / No. 40 NORTII QUEEN STREET, (Two Doors North of Inquirer Building,) LANCASTER, PA $4.00 We would respecttully eall the attention of SCHOOL DIRECTORS, TEACHERS AND SCHOLARS, To our new and complepe stock of SCHOOL BOOKS AND SMOOT. STATIONERY OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, LOWEST Z'RICEB. Having purchased tor ()ASH, we can afford to offer inducements. sir GIVE US A GALL. ii3l:l H EAD Q UARTERS -FOR SUNDAY SCHOOL BOOKS AT FULTON ROW, WEST KING- STREET. All the latest helps for Superintendents Teach ers and Bible Stndents L new oi Ch it trta with dai 01) : ies ug t e L v esso ery I S s ch a ol n a e r w alga m er the w irter'e l s i rof the School. ALL THB LATEST SUNDAY SCHOOL MUSIC BOOKS, LIBRARY BOOKS, RECORD BOOKS, CLAN BOOKS, acc. Common School & Miscellaneous Books, STATIONERY AND FANCY GOODS, HITCHCOCK'S lIALF DIME SHEET MUSIC, BIBLES AND TESTAMENTS, AT PHILADELPHIA WHOLESALE PRICES. Air Call, and see for yourselves. m'l4-tfi D. B. BARE. Musical Instruments, Ade. WOODWARD'S WHOLESALE AND RETAIL MUSIC STORE, NO. 22, WEST KING STREET, Pianos, Organs Melodeons Piano and Melo deon Stools and Lavers, Violins, Guitars, Ban- Tarnborines,Accordeons, Concertinis, Fifes, Drums, )Flutes, Flageolets, Harmonious, Clap pers, Triangles, Strings of all kinds, Bow Hair, Tuning Forks, Pitch Pipes, Violin Bows, Cello Bows, Violin and Guitar Boxes, Music Port folios, Instruction Books of all kinds, Sheet Made, Music Books, and every description of Musical Merchandise. All orders filled prompt ly at the usual Retail or Wholesale Prices, and satisfaction guaranteed. /a-Tuning and repairing W g proOOm_ptlyDWAßD, to. attended sep24-Iy] No. 21 W. K W. ing-at., Lancaster. T B. KEVINSKI, J` SHEET MUSIC, PIANOS, ORGANS, MELODEONS, And Musical Instruments Generally Solo Agent for STEINWAY & SONS , WORLD RENOWNED PIANOS. Also, Agent for PEINCE & CO. , s ORGANS and MELODEONS laTMusic sent by Mail Free of Pos - tage. No. 3 NORTH PRINCE STREET, Lancaster, Pa GOOK AMOHL DOTI 1 Roott aw im J. B. BBVINSKI SEIM MUSIC 811 TORE. KLOPFIIRA, ORYILLA, 11111L0D11018, un elle sorts muslo Inabtrttraental Der Kerb:mad to agent for de bereetnty Stein webr Planoe—lnoffeera beast mer so uf ()Mat. Der plats is No. V NORD PRINCE bTREET, LANCASTER. N. B. For a first raty Booty Goig, odder an Accordeon, odder a Towterrtob-Pell . , odder en nigh onnere musical Inslitozagi Idea odder cross , otept yind,tt ni ,oee Vitu3loa, :No. 3 lkorelortneit ShtrOae, Leen ..' [noMly Jewelry. PARENTS, 1:1=1 DEALER, IN Dry Goods. FALL, 1869. NOW OPENING -AT JOHN D. SKILES' BLACK SILKS, COLORED SILKS IRISH POPL INS PARIS DRESS GOODS, COLD ALPACAS, ENGLISH DRESS GOODS, FRENCH MERINOS AND WOOL DELAINS, BLACK BOMBAZINES & CRETONE CLOTH, PAISLEY AND BROCHE LONG SHAWLS, BLACK THIBET LONG & SQUARE SHAWLS 500 PLAID AND STRIPED LONG AND SQUARE WOOL SHAWLS, CLOAKING CLOTHS, WATER-PROOF cioTrIS. 100 PAIR BED CRIB AND CRADLE BLANKETS, ENGLP 4 II ANL) AM ERR4AN PRINTS, LINEN DAMASKS, WHITE RED GREY FLANNELS / IN ALL QUALIFIES. A lull le of Ladies' Mcrinl Vests, llasicry, Cloves, Ilmoral Skirts, &c., Carpets. Oil Cloths, and Window Shailep FALL 180. MEN AND EIDYSI WEAR, JOHN D. SKILES is now receiving a flue as sortment of CLOTHS AND C ASSIM EKES, Eng lish and Americau Coatings iu all shades., Mos cow and Castor Beavers, all shades. Goods for Boys' wear, for sole by the yard, or made up to to aer at short notice, and warrant ed to give satisfaction. READY-MADE CLOTHING. Suits for Men, suits for Boys. • 100 OVERCOATS for Men and Boys , of our own manufacture. Gents' Furnishing Goods, Merino Undershirts and Drawers, Hosiery, Gloves, Neck Ties, &c., &c. JOHN D. SKILLS, No. 24 East King street one door east of the Lancaster County National Bank. [oett-tt Wants. AGENTS WANTED FOR CHAM BERLIN'S \t 4.°° FOR THE PEOPLE! Containing full Instructions and Practical Forms adapted to every kind of Business, and to all the States of the Union. By FRANKLIN CHAMBERLIN, Of the United States Bar. " There iA no book of the kind which will take rank with it for authenticity, intellisence and completeness."—Springfield (Afars.) Repub. Wan. This is the ONLY NEW 1100 R of the kind pub lished for many years. It is prepared by an able PRACTICAL LAWYER, of twentyflve years' experience, and is just what everybody needs for daily use. It is highly recommended by many eminent Judges, including the Chief Justice and other Judges of Massachusetts, and the Chief* Justice and metre Bench of Connecticut. Sold only by Subscription. AG NTS WANT ED EVERY WHERE. Sand for Circulars. 0. D. CASE &CO.. Publishers, Hartford, Conn.; No. I Spruce street, New York; Cincinnati, 0.; and Chicago, 111. CAUTION An old law-book, published many years ago, has just been hastily re-issued as a new book' without even a suitable revision of its obsolete statements. Do not confound that 'work with CHAMBERLIN'S LAW-BOOK FOR THE PEOPLE. seplo-2m Sew 1,2 ty Mach Ines. HOW TO GET A HOWE! CALL ON C. FATE, Agent, NO. 2354 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA THE Howe Sewing Machines Are the oldest established of any in the world I And have taken the HIGHEST PREMIUMS at all the great exhibitions of the world Sir Examine carefully, before purchasing any other, and he eonvineedof their superiority. oct29-tf WHEELER & WILSON'S LOCK-STITCH Family Sewing Machine. OVER 400,000 NOW IN USE. EXAMINE IT BEFORE BUYING ANY OTHER, SOLD ON LEABN PLAN, 810 Par ]Month. PETERSON & CARPENTER, General Agents. General °Mee for Lancaster County: 64 North Queen St 64 ciet.l4lm GROVER & BAKER'S FIRST PREMIUM ELASTIC STITCH FAMILY SEWING MACHINES, 495 BROADWAY, NEW YOILE 730 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA POINTS OF EXCELLENCE. Beauty and Elasticity of Stitch. Perfection and Simplicity of Machinery. Using both threads directly from the spools. No tautening of seams by hand anti no waste of thread. Wide range of application without change of adjustment. The seam retains its beauty and firmness after washing and ironing. Besides doing all kinds of work done by other Sewing Machines these Machines execute the most beautiful and permanent Embroidery and ornamental work. lir The Highest Premiums at all the Fairs and exhibitions of the United States and Ruropo, have been awarded the Grover & Baker Sowing Machines, and. the work done by them, wherever exhibited in competition. .q- The very hifheat prize, TRU CROSS OF THE LEGION ok 14.0N08 1 was conferred on G the representative of the rover & Baker Sew ing Machines, at the Exposition Universelle, Paris, MT, thus at testing their great superiority over ull other Sewing Machines. For sale by GEORGE SPURRIER, North queen street iny2S-Iyl Lancaster, Ye. • Dry Goods. FALL, 1869. MEN'S WEAR. CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, COATINGS, &C. HAGER & BROTHERS Have now open a choice selection of Foreira and Domestio COATINGS, in Bltve, Dahlia, Olive and Black. EDRIDON, MOSCOW and CASTOR BEAVERS for OVERCOAT/ MOP, same shades. MELTONS AND CASNIXERES FOR SUITS. Goods for Boy's Wear at the price of Goods In 1860. READY-MADE CLOTHING For Men and Boys, of our own manufaCtum the materials carefully selected, and satisfac tion guaranteed. GENT'S FURNISHING Gpowi f MERINO SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, small to extra Fixes. GENT'S SHIRTS OF APPROVED MAKE NECK TIES II AND K Eitell I EFS, GLOVES, HOSIERY, .LC. The above stock will be found complete and at low down prices. We invite inspection. HAGER (C.' BROTHERS. 1869. FALL. DRY GOODS. ItAGEIt & BROTHERS Have now In store a full stock of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS for Fall Sales, and invite nn examination. LADIES' DRESS GOODS, ALL WOOL POPLINS, and SERGE PLAIDt; for Ladies , and Children's Snits, in New Choice Designs and Colors. PLAID AND WATERPROOF CLOAKINGt; NEW FALL SHAWLS, OPERA FLANNELS, Plain and Plaid, BLACK AND COLORED SILKS, from fine to extra qualities, SILK POPLINS WOOL EpINGLINEs, BARRITZ EMPRESS CLOTHS, MERINOS, DELsINEs AND ALpACAIz, in all the new shades. DRESS GOODS--from 20c. upward MOURNING GOODS. BLACK BOMBAZINES, CRETENE CLOTH, (a new material.) TAMIESE CLOTH, EMPRESS POPLIN, MERINOEs, WOOL DELMNES, AN!) ALPACAS. Black Thibet Long & Square ShawLl, BLAB CRAPE VEILS AND COLLARS, MERINO VESTS for Ladies and Children. Foreign and Domestic HOSIERY and GLOVES THOMPSON'S IMPROVED CORSETS. KID GLOVES, new Fall Shades, White, lied, and Grey FLANNELS, Shaker and Ballard Vale FLANNEL, in low and line. BLANKK PS IN ALL QUALITIES. House Furnishing LINENS AND COTTONS. Sir The above goods were purchased in the New York and Philadelphia Markets for Cash. at low prices, and will be sold accordingly. HAGER it BROTHERS . CARPETS! CARPETS? BEST ENGLISH AND AMERICAN BRUSSELS. LOWELL & HARTFORD 8-PLY and INGRAIN I3RUSSELS AND 3-PLY VENETIAN STAIR CARPETS. WOOL, DUTCH", HEMP AND RAG CARPETS COCOA MATTING, RUGS AND DOOR MATS. FLOOR OIL CLOTRS, from 1 to 4 yards wide. WALL PAPERS! PLAIN AND DECORATIVE, —POE— PARLORS, HALLS, LIBRARIES, DINING BOOMS, CHAMBERS, &c., The largest stock in this city. WINDOW SHADES, DAMASK AND LACE CURTAINp BUFF AND GREEN SHADE HOLLOD For sale by HAGER it IMO'S. octB-tf] THOS. J. WENTZ, No-8 EAST KING STREET, SIGN OF THE BEE HIVE, Now offers a full assortment of DRESS .GOODS, SILKS, SHAWLS, WHITE GOODS, GLOVES and HOSIERY, CARPETS, Floor & Table Oil Cloths, GLASS AND QUEENSWARE AT THE LOWEST INDUCING PRICES. Kind nit(' elion paid to all. spf , elal c., • taken to show our stook. WENTZ BEE HIVE, No. 5 East King street uir'A-tf] • z HARNISH & CO'S CHEAP STORE, N 0.27 WEST KING-ST., LANCASTER, PA., Dealers in Foreign and Domestic DRY GOODS, GLASS AND QUEENSWARE, Cloths, Cassimeres, Sattinotts, Jeans, T,weede lAndseys, Flannels, Tickings, Cheeks, Plaids, Alpaocaa s ad Drills, ss Goods, (iingbams, Calicoes, Muslims White Goods, Notions, & No. l Feathers, MEN AND BOYS' WEAR., Made up at astonishing Low Prices. .11Eii- Call and examine our stook before pur chasing elsewhere. [feblirdS•ly LEWIS POTTER, REAL ESTATE AGENT, NEVV BLOOMFIELD, PERRY CO., PA. A large number of valuable fame for sale ea reasonable terms, located In Perry emus , Pa. Send for a Circular giviag a full deaeoeipittogot each farm registered. Also, pries. ioctl.3lll FALL, 1889. i 1869.