A DETECTIVE AMONG THE WHISKY 'PEOPLE—IMPORTANT SEIZURES : QUito a flutter prevailed last night and this morning among certain distillers and dealers in whisky in this city and county. Mr. J. J. Brooks, the well-known Revenue Detective, arrived in town a day or two since, and at once set to work to ferret out certain parties whom it was believed were defrauding the revenue. Yesterday afternoon the extensive distillery of Jacob B. Good, in Ma rtic- t wp., was seized, and lark, evening the extensive establishment of Hartman & Co., manufacturers of Misbler's Herb Bitters, in this city, was also seized. The specific ground upon which these seizures were made is not yet known, as the detec tives as well as the officers connected with the revenue department here, are exceedingly reticent about the matter. The facts, how ever, will no doubt be brought out in a day or two. We learn that the officers are out investi gating the business of other distilleries, and it is probable that more seizures will be made. It is hinted around that an extensive "whisky ring" has existed in this county for some time past, and that some very imper tant disclosures are about to he made.--.E.c. press of Wednesday. REAL ESTATE SALES : The mill proper ty of J. E. Kreyhill, in East Donegal town ship, sold for $14,375. Benjamin Breneman, purchaser. T. R. Torr sold a one-story brick dwelling house, situated on Mary street, near \Vest King, to Stephen J. Hart, for $1.075. The Mt. Joy Herald reports the following sales : Farm of George Hambright, of 88 acres, Rapho township, at $135.25 per acre, to Rev. Henry Brubaker. Farm of Eli Hollinger, deceased, of 9 acre;; and 148 perches, in Mount Joy township, to Benjamin Shelly, at $l7O per acre. Farm of Geo. Graty, deceased, of 96 acres, in Rapho township, to Jacob Graty, at $169 per acre. Small house and lot of Mrs. Elizabeth Hart man, deceased, in Mount Joy borough, to Maria Hartman, at $502.50. House and 114 acres of land of John Ross ler, in Rapho township, to Samuel Hossler, at 1. 4 3,161. House and half acre of land, in Rapho t wp., of John Hossler, to Wm. Robinson, at $490. Farm of Peter Kraybiil, deceased, of 102 acres, in East Donegal township, to C. Sny der, at $l6 : per acre. Farm of Christian Flory, 100 acres, in East Donegal township, to Samuel Erb, at $177 per acre. House with 12 acres of land in Rapho twp., of Rev. Henry Brubaker, to David Myers at $3,160. One acre of Chestnut sprouts in Rapho township, also of Rev. Henry Brubaker, to Mr. Haines, at $lOO. No Humntio.—We do not wish to inform you, reader, that Dr. Wonderful, or any other man, has discovered a remedy that cures all diseases of mind, body or estate, and is designed to make our sublunary sphere a blissful paradise, to which heaven itself shall be but a side show, but we do wish to in form you that hr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy has cured thousands of cases of catarrh in its worst forma and stages, and the proprietor will pay $5OO for a case of this loathsome disease that he cannot cure. It may be procured by mail for sixty cents, by addressing B. V. Pierce, M. D., Buffalo, N. Y. For sale by most drug gists everywhere. ATTENTION is called to the advertisement of Best's Insect Destroyer in another column of to•day,s paper. The preparation is well worth a trial. HALL'S YRORTARIAE SICII,IAN HAIR RE NEWER iM endorsed by the first medical au thority. Its instrinsic merit alone, introduces it into general use. PERIODICALS THE LADVA FRIIRICD for November.—The No vember number of this popular monthly has a life-like steel plate of "THE SI , TER , ," such sisters as may be found in many a sweet Amer ican home. The Colored Fashion Plate is gay, graceful will stylish. A romantic picture, illus. tratirg H irrieles "Night Piece to Julia," and a group of " Dresses for Young Ladies," in which that important portion of humanity will find some loves of toilettes, introduce a series of uncommonly taking illustrations. The music and other contents are highly interesting. The publishers offer great inducements to new sub scribers, and we recommend our readers to in close ten cents for a sample copy, to Deacon & Peter on, 319 Walnut street, Philadelphia. Price $2.50 a year (which also includes a large steel engraving.) Feur copies, $ Five copies (and one gratis,) . "The Lady's Friend" and "The Saturday ening Post" (and one en graving) $4.00. Specimen numbers sent for ten cents. We will send either the Lady's Friend or the Post, and FATHER ABRAHAM for $2.73. HARPERN MAGAZINE —The November number of this great periodieal presents the following table of contents: Beast, Bird and Fish, (illus tra, ed,) Mountaineering on the Pacific, (illus trated,) A Healthy Trip to the Tropics, (illus trated,) A Brave Lady lizabeth's Refer, The PalmerP Janissaries, Francis versus Fate. My Enemy's Daughter, John Clare, the Peasant Poet, Border Iteminiseenees, On Digestion and Food, Tice New Alchemist, Early Inventions of the hinese, The Boat Brice, Editor's Easy Chair, Book Table, Monthly Record, Drawer, See prospectus In this week's FATURR ABRA HAM. The price for a single subscription to this magazine is $4. We will send it and FATE ABRAHAM one year for $4.10. For the same _,priee we will also furnish either Harper's Weekly or Harper's Bazaar and FATHrE AB Li A gem one year. A wrnea's HOME MAGAZINE.—This excellent home periodical seems to be widening its circle of Influence year by year, and to take a stronger hold upon the hearts of the people. It seeks to make wiser and happier every household that receives it, and it is claimed that it is doing this work in American homes alt over the land. The November number is fully equal to any of its predecessors. Terms *2 per year, pubitelied by T. s. Arthur & Sons, Philadelphia, Pa. We will send Arthur and FATaita ABRAHAM one year for C. 50. Rglßgeig)qPqg TO THFI WORKING CLASS.—We are now prepared to furnish all classes with constant employment at home, the whole of the time or for the spare moments. Business new, light and profitable. Persons of either sex easily earn from 50e. to $5 per evening, and a propor tional sum by devoting their whop time to the business. Boys and girls earn nearly as much as men. That all who see this notice may send their address, and test the business, we make this unparalleled otter: To such as are not well sattstlod, we will send $1 to pay for the trouble of writ lug. Full particulars, a valuable sample, which will do to commence work on, ands copy of The Peoples' Ltterary Companion—one of the largest and best family newspapers pu'ilished— all sent free by mail. Reader, if you want_per inanent, profitable work, address E. C. ALLEN & CO. Augusta, Maine. (0ct29.3m MARRIED. BAUM—FROHLICH. Oct. 24th, by Rev. A. 11. Kremer, at the parsonage. Jacob Baum to Mary A. Froelich, both of East Lampeter. Sept. 19, at the residence of the bride's parents, in New Holland, by licy.„H. B. Manger, Moses fife to Annie M. Geist, both of N e w Holland. nzeg—Srzu may. Oct. 19, by Rev. T. D. Stem, Abraham G. Beck, of Franklin county, Pa., to Adeline Stehley KHKRAN—WATKINS. Oct. 10th, by Rey. .1. J. Strino, James C. Keenan, of Chester Delaware county, Pa., to Annie Lizzie Watkins, of this ci Munem—Einoxn. October 21st, by Rey. 111. Greenwald, Henry D. Rohrer, of East Lam peter, to Mary Kreider, of West Lampeter, Lan caster county. Ll.vsymx—Kasinza. On the same day by the same, Isaac D. Lefevre to Lizzie L. Kreider, both of East Lampeter, Lancaster county. G F F-91.0117 KY. On the same day, _by the same, Christian M. Groff, of t' olerain, toldary 'Hoary, of Eden, Lancaster county. Poirrn stt—C Ms ream.. On the same day, by the same. Benj. F. Portlier to Annie E.' Campbell, both of East Donegal, Lancaster county. ZIIIGLHII-.4.41.ADMM.• Oil the same day, by the same, at Michael's Hotel, Emanuel K. Ziegler, Esq., to Margaret 'Leader, both of York, Pa. DIED. SCRLAUCII. Oct. 6th, in New Holland, Eliza beth Selauch, (widow) in the 67th year of her age. QUIGLEY. Oct. 21st, of pneumonia, John Quig ley, in the 68th year of his age. FORGERY. Oct. 21st, in this city, Catharine Fordney, aged 60 years, 11 months and 2 days. NENNINGER. Oct. 18th, Frederick H. Nenning er, in the 76th year of his age. Banton. Oct. 17th, in Manheim bor., Catha rine Bealor, in the 80th year of her age. WEAVER. Oct. 18th, in l'een.twp., George Weaver, in the lath year of his age. Mimi - AMU 11. At the reshlence of Meno:-lautrer, in Cerro Gordo, Platt county, 111., of dropsy, Sophia, wife of George Mellinger, formerly of Lancaster county. 1111.zaevitsv. Oct. 21st, at his residence, in Ma rietta, James Mehatfey, in the List year of his age. THE MARKETS. Lancaster household Markets. LANCAHTER, Oct. 27. Butter, 71 ilt. 45 eV 50 Lard, I 4 Ilb • 20 0 22 Eggs, 141 doz. 30 0 95 Dressed Chickens 18 pair. .. 40 0 03 Live Chickens slti pair 50 691 00 Sausages 1 10 lb ...... 20 g 25 Beef by the quarter—front.-- . 10 a 11 Beef by the quarter—hind 12 .1) 13 Potatoes 11 bus 0 64 1)5 Potatoes IR ?..; peek 8 0 10 Turnips . 8 64 10 Onions 20 4 Apples 18 !,,•;. peck 12 0 114 Cider ill quart. 20e.—per bbl 0 00 06 1,0 Chestnuts per qt .... 15 a 20 Buckwheat meal Is quarter 1.25 6 - 4 Corn in the ear, per has 00 qo oo oats i , ) bag of 3 bus ... 1 t'o 02 00 Pltiladelphia Produce Market. Pit I LADE,. PHIA, Oct. 27.—Bark Is steady at the recent decline; the lust Yale of No, 1 Oftercltron was at 432.50 per ton. The Flour market remains in a dull and unsatis factory condition, and only a few hundred Wits, were taken In lots by the home consumers at 45.50 d 5.75 for stiertine,464l3.2s 10r extra5,40.375;67 for old and new wheat northwestern extra family, 40,25 Q/6.75 for Pa. do. do., 43 5 , 1@7 for Ohio and Indiana do. do.,and $7.50(0.50 for fancy brands, according to qua lity. Dye flour sells at 4,6 per bid. The depression noted lu the Wheat market yes terday still continues, and the volume of business effected Is light. Sales of 3,500 bus. Penna. and Western red at 41.37@1.39, and 500 bus. choice Del aware do. at 41 50. Rye ranges from +1.05151.10. Corn attracts but little attention. Prices remain as last quoted. Sales of 1,000 bus. western yellow at 43.03, and 3,500 bus. western mixed at 9igkaBc.—the latter rate Ibr high mixed. Oajs are not very active, but the recent advance Is well sustained. Sales of 2,500 bus. Western and Pa. at sSa6oe.—the latter rate for choice. Barley is In demand. 3000 bus. two-rowed New York sold at g1.15@1.25, and 5,000 bus. four-rowed do. late yesterday afternoon at $1.441. Whisky ranges from $1.1841.20 fur wood and iron bound western. Philadelphia Cattle Market. MONDAY, Oct. 25.—The activity noted in the Cattle market last week has somewhat fallen off, and for common to medium grades the tendency is for a lower range of figures, but for the choice qualities prices were well maintain ed. We quote choice at 9(59 1 4e.; prime at 7Xfh 814 c.: fair to good at 6%@7 1 40.; and common at 4%@514e. I lfl is. gross. Receipts, 3077 head. The following sales were reported : 130 head, Owen Smith,Western........ W 442 814 135 " A. Christy Sllro., Virginia.. 71% 964 59 " Dengler & McCleese, Chester. 7 @ 8 1 4 107 " P. MeFillen, Western 7 0 8% 126 " P. Hathaway, Western 139 " James S. Kirk, Chester co 7 ?il/ 60 11 B. F. Meleillen, Western 81 % 8 80 " E. S. MeFillen, Chester c 0.... 9 es 9 135 " James S. Itteilllen, Western. 8 @ 9 135 " Ullman & Buchman, Virginia 8 es 9 315 " Martin, Fuller & Co,. Weet'n. 6% 94 180 " Mooney & Smith, Western... 7 9% 65 " Thos. Mooney & tiro, Virginia 6 7% 75 " IL Chain, Western 6 7 84 11 John Smith, & Bro., Western 5 8% 114 " J. &L. Frank, Virginia 6% 8 1 j 60 " 11. Frank, Western a @7 l 140 6 ' Hope & Co., Virginia 6 %44) 85 8 27 " M. Dryfoos & Co., Western.... 8 0 7 150 44 G. Schamberg & Co., Virginia 61%t0 81% 12 " Elkon & Co., Virginia 0 Sy 7 41 " B. Baldwin, Chester co 0 @ 8 49 " J. Clemson, Western OSC 8 1 4 12 " B. Branson, Chester co .. 6 7 14 40 " Blum & irginia 5 7 55 " Chandler & Co., 'Alexander, Ches.. 6 84 20 " L. Horn, Delaware 5 es 6 106 " H. Mayne, Western 51% 7 1 4 20 " James Hull, Western 57 15 " Jesse Miller, Chester c 0...... 7 8 1 4 56 " John MeArdle, Western 6 , 4 864 39 " J. A. Wallace, Chester co 8 1 44* 8 1 4 41 " S. Frank, Western 6,41 71% 911 " G. &Banger, Virginia a 8 17 " H. John, Western 5 6% 5 SO " A. Gallagher, Western Penn'a 4 1 1 5 28 " L. W. Gimmell, Delaware.... 4 8% 52 " J. Golthrop, Western 62% 8% 14 " Preston &Saunders, Chester. 81 7% 20 " John Christy, Western...—. 6 @ 7 Cows and Calves are in steady request, and prisms are a shade higher; 170 head sold at prima ranging from $45 to X 80; springers are firm at s4o@fls. Sheep are quiet, but prices are steady; 7000 head sold at the Avenue Drove Yard at 115(18.25. Hogs are in active demand, and we advanee our quotations; 3088 head chand hands ut the Union Drove Yard at $14@16 1 100 214. for corn fed. New Advertisements. BRADBURY'S AND °TITER PIANOS. Taylor & Farley's and E. I'. Needham & Son's Organs and Melodeons. WM. G. FISCHER, Gen'l Wholesale Agent, 1018 Arch street and 21 North Eleventh street, Philadel phia. 10ct29.6m F ARMERS LOOK TO YOUR FRUIT TREES. Best's Improved Fruit Tree and Vine Insect Destroyer is the Greatest Discovery of the Agel Tho following gentlemen, with their Post Office addresses, have given it a thorough trial, and all speak of it as the best preparation that has ever been used, and any one desiring their Certificates (which we hold,) can have them by writing to us: S. G. Weach ter, Rotheville P. 0., Lancaster co.; Wm. Burgess, Brickerville, Lan caster co.; henry Braokbill, Leaman Place, Lan. co.; John Stultzfus, Churchtown, Lan. co.; Joseph Shertz, same; Cyrus Fox, lieinholds lan. co.; H. K. Stoner, Lan. City; Hon. John C. Evans, Morgantown, Berks co.; Jos. Broadbent, same; John Plank, same; Adam Styer. same; David Plank, same; Joseph Min ker, Birdsboro', Berko Co.; Geo. Maxton, Mt. Airy, Berks co.; Col. Thos. Bull, Loags, Chester co; M. Hoffman, same; Christian Kurtz, Blue Rock, Chester co.; John Mingle, Morgantown, Berks eo., and many others. The preparation should be used in the Fall, We have a powerful ingredient added since Spring. Hit will not do all our circulars set forth, we will return the money to all who buy of us. dealt will be paid for the conviction of any one using the preparation without having purchased ofus. Township and Single Rights for sale. For Circulars, address__, with postage stamp, EVANS & CO., Proprietors. oct29-4t9 Reading, Pa. HOW TO GET A HOWE! CALL ON C. FATE, Agent, NO. 2fii4 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA. T II E Howe Sewing Machines Are the oldest established of any In the world! And ha;re taken the HIGHEST PREMIUMS at all the great exhibitions of the world. oeriet superiority. uretti any other, E it i nVe ne e: i t i 4n fu e l eU e tli f Xctv Advertisements. “vvNQUF,STIONABEA” THE BEST SUSTAINED WORK OF TILE FIND IN THE wouLD." II AR PE It ' S MAGAZINE HARTER'S MAGAZIN apart from the illustra tions, contains from fifty to nor hundred per cent. more mutter than any similar periodical issued in the English language. CRITICAL NOTICRet op Tok: PRERI. 'I he most popular Monthly in the 11 orld.— New Fork Observer. We must refer in terms of eutoey to the high tone and varied excellencies of HA [MEWS MAO AZ I E-11 journal with a monthly circulation of about 120,000 copies—in whose pages are to be found some of the choicest light and general reading of the day. We speak of this work us an evidence of the cult arc of the American peo ple; and the popularity it has acquired is mer ited. Each Number contains fully 144 pages of reading matter, appropriately illustrated with good wood cuts; and it combines in itself the racy monthly and the more philosophical quar terly, blended with the best features of the daily journal. It has great power in the dissemina tion of a love of pure literature.—Tituattaa's Guide to American Literature, London. It is one of the wonders of journalism—the editorial management of HARPERS. • • • All the periodicals which the Harper's _publish are almost ideally well educated.—The Nation, N. Y. We can account for its success only by the simple tact that it meets precisely the popular taste, furnishing a variety of pleasing and in st ruct ve reading for alt.-147°We Herald, Boston. SUBSCRIPTIONS.-1570. TER 8: 11 M Ai; AZIN it, ono year ...131.00 An Extra Copy of either the MSG A Zilcx, WENN.' IX, or It AZ A Alt, will be supplied gratis for every Club of Fly St ssoauKils at $4.00 each, in one re mittance; or, Six Copies for $2O, without extra copy. Subscriptions to It ARP Freti MAO AZI NH, WEEKLY, and 13 Az A A 1., to one addressor one year, $10; or, two of _Harper's Periodicals, to one address for one year, $7.00. Back numbers can be supplied at any time. A Complete : , et Of liwiter.a's MAGAziss, now comprising 39 Volumes, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by express, freight at expense of pui ehaser, for $2.25 per volume. Single Volumes, by mail, postpaid, 0.00. Cloth oases, for bind ing, 5S cents, by mail, postpaid. The postage onIIARPKR'sIIIAO zi NE is 24 cents a year, which must be paid at the subscriber's post-office. Address, HARPER & BROTUERS, 2tl New York. Miseeflaneous. ESTATE NOTICE. Estate of BENJAMIN FLICKINGER, late of the township of West Cocalleo, deceascd. Let ters of Administration with the will annexed on the estate of said deceased haying been granted to the undersigned, residing in the same township, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate pay ment, and those having just claims against the same are requested to present them duly au thenticated for settlement. JACOB B. FLICKINGER, ilep.l7-6t9 Administrator. DES IRAI3LE PROPERTY AT PUB LIC SALE. On SATURDAY, the 30th da: of OCTOBER, 1869, the undersigned will oiler at public sale, on the premises, in York-twp., about three miles from the borough of York, on the York and Chanceford Turnpike Road, the farm ad joining lands of Jason H. Slusser, E. C. Greve meyer, Jacob Weiser and others, containing 145 AC NES, well tile drained, and under good cul tivation and good fencing—much of it Osage Orange Hedge. The improvements are two Peach Orchards, containing over 1000 trees and two Apple Orchards, of over 400 trees—all se looted fruit. Also, variety of Pears, Grapes and other fruit. large DWELLING , 1101.LsE, with surrounding grounds, laid off and ter raced. A building near it used for boarding and lodging bands, with a well of good water and pump at the kitchen door and a cistern from which water is drawn in the kitchen, a large Bank Barri, with root cellar, additional stabling and shedding, Pig Pen, Corn Cribs, Wagon Sheds and an Barracks for Grain and Ray. There is a permanent spring of excellent water near the building, with a sinning Hona4l; and the water is conveyed to the barn yard and pig pen. There are also on the premises small Cottage Building, a Green House and drapery. The sale will open at 1 o'clock p. m., and the terms be made favorable to purchasers. Pos session and a good title will be given on the first day of April next. P. B.—At the same time a TEN AttRE WOOD LOT, half a mile from the above, will be offered. JOHN EVANS, Cuasast ALHXAPIDIat, Auctioneer. foctl6-ts -- TEACHERS' INSTITUTE. The Teachers, Directors and friends of edu cation in Lancaster county, are hereby inform ed that a Teachers' Institute will be held in Fulton Hall, Lancaster city. commencing at 10 o'clock A. M., on MONDAY, the Elth of NOV., and continue during the week. The following named persons are expected to be present and give instructions: Prof. B. U. Northrup, of Connecticut; Mrs. Anna T. Randall, of New York; Prof. Jerome Allen, of Iowa; lion. James P. Wickersham, lion. Thos. H. Durrowes,Prof. Edward Brooks, Prof. J. W. Westlake, Prof. J. V. Montgomery, Prof. 8. 8. Haldeman Prof. Theodore .Appel. Essays will be read on the following subjects: Physical Training; not " How Much; but "flow Well;" Self-Improvement of Pupils; The Pleasures of Teaching; Fixedness of Purpose; The Old and the New System; The Bye in Teaching; the 'reacher out of School House. The following subjects will be submitted to the Institute for discussion: How can Parents and Directors be induced to visit schools more frequentlyt What is the proper function of the Text Bookl Can Corporeal Punishment be dispensed withl Are the Classic Languages necessary in a course of studjl What are the immediate wants of the schools? Should studies be arranged to suit the future pursuits of Pupils? Should Rules be discarded in Teaching? In addition to the usual exercises of Lec tures, Dribs, Essays, Discussions and Addres see, it is the purpose of the Superintendent, be fore the close of the Institute, to submit a series of questions on the Theory of Teaching," to the members for answers, and to award several prizes, according to the merit of the answers. No effort will be spared to arrange the exer cises in such a way as will afford the most pro fessional benefit as well as enjoyment. Vocal and Instrumental music will form a promineut feature of the proceedings. The distieguisheil lecturers that have been engaged for the Institute, and the matter that will be pi etiell tett for consideration, should give ample assurance of the great benefit to be de rived by all who will attend during its sessions. It is most heartily desired that all the teach ers be present at the opening and remain all week. Then, only, will the object of the In stitute be fully accomplished The School directors of the different districts arc respectfully requested to grant their Teach ers the time to attend the Institute, and in struct them to attend. 1 hey are also invited to be with us all week and take part in the ex ercises. They are especially requested to attend on Thnrseay, November 11th, when the Mate Su perintendent will address them. Wednesday evening of the meeting, will be taken up with exercises by the "Permanent Teachers , Society." The public are respect fully invited to attend. DAVID ANANS, octl6.4te] County Superintendent. Book and Job Printing. 11AUCH & COCHRAN, BOOK AND JOB PRINTERS. PLAIN AND FANCY PRINTING OF ALL HINDS. From the largest POSTER to the smallest CARD or CIRCULAR, executed in the best style, and at reasonable prices. Air - Orders from a distance promptly attend ed to. OFFICE.—NO. IS, SOUTH QUEEN STREET LAIMASTER. RENNA. Banking. DAVID BAIR. BAIR & SHENK, BANKERS, NORTHEAST ANGLE OF CENTRE SQUARE, LANCASTER, PENNA no2o-Iy] ZATIM JACKSON, WATCHES, OLOCKS„IEIVELRY, AND SILN'ER-PLATED WARE, SPECTACLES AND FANCY GOODS, No. 15 NORTH QUEEN STREET, g-ItEPAIILING ATT E N IrE I) TO.- - 64 no2o-4) WATCHES! WATCHES! WATCHES I CLOCKS, CLOCKS, CLOCKS. The undersigned keeps constantly on hand a large and full assortment of the GENUINE AMERICAN WATCHES, of different weight and finish, to suit all, which are sold upon the most reasonable terms, and guaranteed to give satisfaction. Keeps also on hand a good assortment of CLOCKS. Call and examine the goods before purchasing elsewhere.. Thankful for past favors, I solicit a contlnu atice of the same. HAINRY F. ANDREWS, Jan 1-Iy*j Strasburg, Lancaster co., Pa. Books and Stationery. .iCIIOOL BOOKS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL! We would respectfully call the attentlou of all [I.:I2CHANTS, St HLOOL DIRECTORS, TEAcIIER, PARENTA AND SCHOLARS To our LARGE STOOK of SCHOOL BOOKS AND STATIONERY! LOWEST CASH PRICES PAPER AND ENVELOP} —AT— GREATLY REDUCED RATES. before purchasing elsewhere. J. IL SHE AFFE'R'S Cheap Cash Book Store, No. 52 North Queen-st., Lancaster, Pen ea HEADQUARTERS FOR SCHOOL BOOKS, —AT— RIDDLE & COCHRAN'S / No. 40 NORTH QUEEN STREET, (Two Doors North of Inquirer Building,) We iftOuld respectfully call the attention of To onr new and complete stock of SCHOOL BOOKS AND SOHOOL 4.4 —AT TEE— LOWEST PRICME3. Having purchased tor CASII, we can afford to offer inducements. Air . GIVE US A CALL. "tell H EADQUARTERS -'OR SUNDAY SCHOOL BOOKS AT FULTON ROW, WEST KING STREET. All the latest helps for Superintendents Teach ers and Bible students, new Charts with Ob ject Lessons, a new System of liewards, mak ing every Scholar a worker in the interest of the School. SUNDAY SCHOOL MUSIC BOOKS, LIM ART BOOKS, Common School & Miscellaneous Books, STATIONERY AND FANCY GOODS, HALF DIME SHEET MUSIC, BIBLES AND TESTAMENTS AT PHILADELPHIA WHOLESALE PRICES .69- Call and seo for yourselves. inyl44fl D. S. DARE. Musical Instruments, tee. WOODWARD'S WHOLESALE AND RETAIL MUSIC STORE, No. 22 WEST RING STREET. Pianos, Organs, Melodeons Piano and Melo deon Stools and Covers, 'Violins, Guitars, Ban jos, Tamborines,Accorticons, Concertinis, Fifes, Drums, Flutes, Flageolets, Harmonicos, Clap pers Triangles,St rings of all kinds Bow Bair, Tuning Forks, Pitch Pipes, Violin Bows, Cello Bows, Violin and Guitar Boxes, Music Port folios, Instruction Books of all kinds,Sheet Music, Music Books, and every description of Musical Merchandise. All orders tilled prompt ly at the usual Retail or Wholesale Prices, and satisfaction guaranteed. u-Tuning and repairing promptly attended to. A. W. WOODWARD, sep24-Iy] No. 21 W. King-st., Lancaster. J• B.KEVINSKI, SHEET MUSIC, PIANOS, ORGANS, Anil Musical Ltstrunzen4s Generally. STEINWAY & SONS , WORLD RENOWNED PIANOS. PRINCE & CO.'S ORGANS and MELODEONS airMusie sent by Mail Free of Postage J. B..KBVINSKI SHIM MUSIC SIITORB. KLOTtiItERA, ORTELLA, MELODEOIIS, 1111 M/0 sorta music inslitrumental EIMEMEMI . _ Der Kovinski is agent for do bereomty Stein wehr Pianos—Kiellora beast aner se of deitsli. Der plats is No. 8 NORD PRINCE STREET, LANCASTER. N. B. For a first raty gooty Gout', odder an Aecordeon, odder a Tsurierrieh-Peli, odder en nieb onners musical lush trumen t, klea odder gross, shtept yusht ni one KeyinskiN, No. 3 Nord Prince fildrose, La , !aster. [notiO-1y Jewelry. I)F; ALEIiS .X SILVER LA NC A STF, It, PA Which will be sold at the LANCASTER, PA SCHOOL DIRECTORS, PARENTS, TEACHERS AND SCHOLARS, STATIONERY. OF EVERY DEsORIPTION, I= RECORD BOOKS, CLASS BOOKS, !cc HITCHCOCK'S DEALER IN MELODEONS, Sole Agent for Also, Agent for No. 3 NORTH PRINCE STREET, Lancaster, Pa GOOK AMOIIL DOlll Roan, aw im Dry Grvoods. FALL, 1869. NOW OPENING -AT JOAN 1). SKILES' 'BLACK SILKS, COLUE ED SILKS POPLIN, PARIS DRESS AMODS, BUR& COL'D ALPACAS, ENGLISH DRESS GOODS, FRENCH MERINOS AND WOOL DELAINS BLACK BOMBAZINES & CRETONE CLOTH: PAISLEY AND BROCHE LONG SHAWLS, BLACK THIBET LONG & SQUARE SHAWLS 500 PLAID AND STRIPED LONG AND SQUARE WOOL SHAWLS, CLOAKING CLOTHS, WATER-TROOP CLOTHS. 100 PAIR BED CRIB AND URA DLE BLANKETS, EN G Llski AND AMERICAN LINEN 'DAMASKS, WHITE REF GREY FLANNELS IN ALL QUALI A fulill le of La lies , Merino Vests, Hosiery, Glove ,4, Ihnorai Skirts, &e., Carpets. Oil ClfiCr , . lm 1 Window Sliatle ,, FALL, IH6v. MEN AND BOYS' WEAR. JOHN D. SKILES Is now receiving a fine as sortment ofCLOTHS AND I ASSIIII ERES, Eng lish mid American Coatings in all shades, Mos cow and Castor Beavers, all shades. Goods for Boys , wear, for sale by the yard, or made up to of Ger at short notice, and warrant ed to give satisfaction. READY-MADE CLOTHINtE Suits for Men, suits for Boys. 100 OVERCOATS for Men and Boys , of our own manufacture. Gents' Furnishing Goods, Merino Undershirts and Drawers, hosiery, Gloves, Neck Ties, Sc., ..tc. JOHN 1). SKILES, No. 24 East Klug street one door east of the Lancaster County National Bank. [octl-tt. Wants. AGENTS WANTED FOR CRAM BERLIN'S \\\ o o . ..... FOR THE PEOPLE! Containing full Instructions and Practical Forms adapted to every kind of Business, and to all the States of the Union. Ily FRANKLIN CIIAMTIERLIN, Of the United States Bar. "There is no book of the kind which will take rank with it for authenticity, intelligence and completcress."—Springfidd ALM.) Repub lican. This is the ON LY NEW BOOK of the kind pub lished for many years. It is prepared by au able PRACTICAL LAWYER, of twenty-five years' experience, and is Just what everybody needs for daily use. It is highly recommended by many eminent Judges, including the Chief Justice and other Judges of Massachusetts, and the Chief Justice and entire Bench of Connecticut. sold only by Subscription. AG" NTS WANT ED EVERYWHERE. Rend for Circulars. 0. D. CASE & CO., Publishers, Hartford, Conn.; No. I Spruce street, New York; Cincinnati, 0.; and Chicago, lii. CAUTION An old law-book, published many years ago. Wm just been hastily re-issued as " a new book" without even a suitable revision of its obsolete statements. Do not confound that work with CHANIIICHLIN'S LAW-BOOK POR THE PROPLII. seplo-13i WE CONTINUE TO MANUFAC TURE our well-known Manures, PHOSPIIA.TE OF LIME AND AMMONIATED FERTILIZER, and also have for sale PERUVIAN GUANO, No. I Genuine Government, Fish Guano, Land Plaster and Hydraulic Ce ment. together with a compile assortment of Burning and Greasing OILS, at fair market rates. Super-Phosphate of Lime, - - - $lO per 2000 lbs. Ammoniated Fertilizer, - - - - 885 do. A DISCOC yr TO DEALERS. ALLEN & NEEDLES, 42 SOUTH DELAWARE AVENUE), PHILADELPHIA . ESTABLISHED IN 1848. G EG. M. STEINMAN & CO., augl3-ttl Sole Agents at Lancaster, Pa. Sewing _Mitch i nes. WHEELER a WILSON'S LOCK-STITCH Family Sewing Machine. OVER 400,000 NOW IN USE. EXAMINE IT BEFORE BUYING ANY OTHER. BOLD ON LEASE PLAN, XlO Per Month. PETERSON & CARPENTER, General agents. Conan! Office for Lancaster County: 64 North Queen St 64 ocil-Um THE HOWE SEWING AIACHENE, FOR EVERYBODY! As a Holiday Gift to a Slater, Wife or Friend eley arc unsurpassed. The Fanner wants it for his Family. The Dress and Cloak Maker prefers it. The Seamstress wants it, because its work is sure to give satisfaction. The Tailor has long ago decided it to be the beet for his business. The Carriage Trimmer cannot do without it; and the Shoe Fitter finds that, after all, the HOWE is the machine for him. Sooner or later, everybody will have the 110 W E MACHINE. Every Machine is warranted. Every one may be the possessor of one of these unrivalled machines, as we endeavor 10 make the terms of sale suit all our customers. We earnestly invite all, whether they purpose purchasing or not, to call and get specimens of the work executed by us on the HMV E MA CHINE, aid compare it with the work done by other machines. NV° are willing to abide by the result. C. FATE, Agent, 25% North Queen :street Icc 18.tfl moms. -u-s. HOTEL, • OPPOSITE, PENNA. E. R. DaroT, lIARRISTILTIZG, l'A. 11'. TI. H. MIDI I NGER & inh12,151 Proprietors. Dry Goode. FALL, 180 MEN'S WEAR CLOTH'S, CASSIMERF-S, COATINGS, &C HAGER & BROTHERS Have now open a choice selection of Foreign and Domestic COATING, in Blue, Dahlia, Olive and Black. EDRI DON, MOSCOWAnd CASTOR BEAVERS for OVERCOATINGS, safhe shades. MELTONS AND CASSIMER , ES FOR SUITS. Goods fur Doyle Wear at the price of Goods in IRA , READY-MADE CLOTHING For Men and Boys, of our own manufacture; the materials carefully selected, and satisfac tion guaranteed. GENT'S FURNISHING 0001 H, MERINO SHIRTS A ND mtAwEits, small to extra sizes. GENT'S SHIRTS OF APPROVED MAKE, NECK TIES, HANDKERCHIEFS GLOVES, 116SIERY, etc. The above stock will he found complete and at low down prices. We invite inspection. HAGER tt.! BROTHER:. 1869• FALL. 1869. DRY GOODS. HAGER a BROTHERS Have now in store a full stock of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS fer Fall Sales, and Invite an examination. LADIES' DRESS GOODS, ALL WOOL POPLINS, and SERGE PLAIDS for Ladies' and Children's Suits, in New Choice Designs and colors. PLAID AND WATERPROOF CLOAKINGS, NEW FALL SHAWLS, OPERA FLANNELS. Plain and Plaid, BLACK AND COLORED SILKS, front Eine to extra qualities, SILK POPLINS, WOOL EPINOLIN ES, BA RRITZ, EMPRESS CLOTHS * MERINOS DEL INES ' AND ALPACAS, In all the new shades. DRESS GOODS—from 20e. upward: MOURNING GOODS. BLACK BOMBAZINES, ettETENE CLOTH, (a new material.) TAMTESE CLOTH, EMPRESS POPLIN, MERINOE, WOOL DELAINES, AND ALPACAS. Black Thibet Long & Square Shawls, BEAK CRAPE VEILS AND COLLARS, MERINO VESTS fur Ladies and Children. Foreign and Domestic HOSIERY and GLOVES THOMPSON'S IMPROVED CORSETS. KID GLOVES, new Fall Shades, White, Red, and Grey FLANNELS, shaker and Ballard Vale FLANNELS, in low and tine- BLANK. rs IN ALL QUALITIES. House Furnishing LINENS AND COTTONS. Air- The above goods were purchased in the New Turk and Philadelphia Markets tot Cash, at :ow prices, and will be sold accordingly. AC ER & BROTHERS. CARPETS! BEST ENGLISH AND AMERICAN BRUS.,ELS. CARPETS! LOW ELL &HARTFORD 8-PLY and INGRAIN BItUSsELB AND BPLY VENETIAN STAIR CARPETS. WOOL, DUTCH, HEAP AND RAG CARATS COCOA MATTING, RUGS AND DOOR MATS. FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, from I to 4 yards wide. WALL PAPERS! PLAIN AND DECORATIVE, —you— PARLORS, HALLS, LIBRARIEII, 1100 MS, CHAMBERS, &c., The largest btoek in this city. WINDOW SHADES, DAMASK AND LACE CURTAINS, BUFF AND GREEN SHADE HOLLAND. For sale by HAGER & octS-tt) THOS. J. WENTZ, NO. tit EAST KING STREET, SIGN OF THE BEE HIVE, Now offers a full assortment of DRESS GOODS, SILKS, SHAWLS, WHITE GOODS, GLOVES and HOSIERY, CARPETS, Floor & Table Oil Cloths, GLASS AND QUEENSWARE AT THE LOWEST INDUCING PRICES. Kind attention paid to all. Special care taken to show our stock. WENTZ BEE HIVE, No. 5 East King street my2S-u7 JAOOB MANNISH, IL S. BARSTOW, JOHN L. HILLER HARNISH & CO'S CHEAP STORE, No. 27 WEST KINO-ST., LANCASTER, PA., Dealers in Foreign and Domestio DRY GOODS, GLASS AND QUEENSWARE, Cloths, Cessimeres, Sattinetts, Jeans, Tweeds Lindseys, Flannels, Tick - Ingo, Chmks, Plaids, Alpaooas, Dress Goods, liingliams, (aliooes, Muslims and Drills, White Goods, Notions, &No. l Feathers, MEN AND BOYS' WEAIt, Made up at astonishing Low Prices. sir Cull and examine our stock before pur chasing elsewhere. [febl2,BB-1y LE IV IS POTTER, REM". ESTATE AGENT, NEW BLOOMEIFT.,D, PERRY CO., PA A large number of valuable farms for sale on reasonablr torus, located in Pi , rry county, Pa. Send far a Circular giving' a full description of each farm r(!gibtereti. Also, price. [octB.3m FALL, 1869.