ja4,et braaiu. INDEPENDENT AND PROGRESSIVE. LANCASTER CITY, t'A. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1869. Economy, Retrenchment, Faithful Collection el the Revenue and Payment of the Public Debt—GRANT. BUSINESS NOTICE. MR. S. Bezza Youzu, the Lancaster News Dealer, wbo everybody knows, is agent for Irz , zuza ABRAHAM, and is authorized to take intbsCOMINM Mitt *vasty.° money for the same. li . ..\ , TO CAMPAIGN SUBSCRIBERS. IMPORTANT NOTICE, - 7/ All Subscribers whose names are written on the margin of the paper with a blue pencil are notified that the time for which they have subscribed will expire with the present issue, and that the paper will be discontinued unless subscrip tions are renewed according to our terms, which are as fol lows : TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. 1 copy, one year $1.50 5 copies (each name addressed,) 7.00 16 10 copies 13.00 15 copies " tt 18.00 20 copies And $l.lO for each additional subscriber, with an extra copy to getter up of club, and, also, one for every additional twenty. FOR CLUBS, IN PACKAGES, WITH OUT ADDRESSING EACH NAME. 5 copies, (to one address,) $ 6.50 10 copies " 12.00 15 copies " 16.50 20 copies " 20.00 And $l.OO for each additional subscriber, with an extra copy to getter up of club, and, also, one for every additional twenty. Igr" All subscriptions must invaria bly be paid in advance. Address RAUCH & COCHRAN, Lancaster, Pa A. Mait,eireil Cortee3r , I 144:1 1303;i330344 -AND FATHER ABRAHAM, And Splendid Steel Engravings of GRANT AND COLFAX, FOR ONLY $8.24 I We will send from this date, to all new subscribers, THE INDEPENDENT, published at New York, the subscription price of which is $2,50, and FATHER ABRAHAM, for THREE DOLLARS AND A QUARTER PER YEAR. In addition, we will send to each subscriber (to both papers) a SPLENDID STEEL ENGRAVING OF GRANT AND COLFAX, the price of which in the print stores is TWO DOLLARS EACH. Spe simens of these Engravings can be seen at the office of FATHER ABRAHAM. Cash must accompany the subscriptions. Address, RAUCH & COCHRAN, Publishers of Father Abraham, Lancaster, Pa. COUNTY COMMITTEE MEETING. The members of the Republican County Committee will meet at the Orphans' Court Room, in the city of Lancaster, on MONDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER IsT, at 11.1 o'clock. A full meeting is desired, as business of importance will be brought before the Committee. A. J. KAUFFMAN, Chairman THE OFFICIAL VOTE.—The following is the official vote for Governor and Judge of the Supreme Court Geary, - Packer, - Geary's majority, Williams, - - - - Pershing, - - - - Williams' majority, ATTORNEY GENERAL lion. F. Carroll Brewster, Associate Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of Philadelphia, has been appointed Attor ney General of Pennsylvania, vice Bon. Benj. H. Brewster. The acceptance of the appointment by Judge Brewster, made a vacancy on the bench, which has been filled by the appointment Edwin M. Pax son. Esq. IVnzzi your neighbor comes to borrow this paper, just whisper in his ear that it is every christian man's duty to subscribe and pay for his own paper. EFFECTS OF THE REGISTRY LAW The good effects of the Registry Law are very strikingly shown in the result of the election in Luzern county. That region has been the great centre of the naturalization frauds. The Republican gain in the county is about 2,500. In Scranton, Col. Morris, the Republican candidate fo'r Mayor was elected. Last fall the Democrats carried the city by sev eral hundred majority. There was not much coffee used by the Democracy at the late election. THE LEGISLATURE. The next Legislature of this State will stand politically as follows : Republicans Democrats.. Republican majority HOUSE OP ILISPRE,ENT Al IV SS Republicans Democrats Republican majority Republican majority on joint ballot A MGR COMPLIMENT. The Pittsburg Commercial, of the :20th inst. says : " Senator Billingfelt, of Lan caster, was in the city yesterday, on his way with his flimily to Ohio, to make a brief visit. Senator B. is the only retir ing member of the Senate who has been re-elected this fall. He will return to llarrisburg strongly endorsed not only by his own constituents, but by the people of the whole State, by whom his course has been watched with an approval, of the like of which few of our public men can boast." Certainly the chivalry are the chivalry still, though it has been sometimes imag ined that the serious business of the war had knocked a good deal of that quality out of them. Georgia still clings to her ante-rebellion traditions with a most un commendable pertinacy. She still objects to liberty of speech, as the treatment of the venerable Bishop Simpson, at Atlanta, (where he was not allowed to preach,) proves, and she still speaks of a cold blooded murder as "a little difficulty." For instance, "a difficulty" occurred be tween two citizens of Augusta, which re sulted in the instantaneous death of one of them. The whole affair is summed up in a four-line despatch by the Associated Press, as if the deliberate shooting to death of a human being was one of the most or dinary occurrences, and, probably, it is— in Georgia. 22.00 The Pittsburg Commercial says truly that to keep unsullied the record of 'Elie Republican party of Pennsylvania, many radical reforms at Harrisburg are neces sary. The result of the election must be practieally interpreted in legislation, be ginning with making the State Treasurer a salaried officer, removing from his con trol the public funds, and placing them beyond the contingency of their being gambled for by politicians or others, and where, if they can be made to earn any thing, it will be for the benefit of the State and not individuals to corrupt the Legisla ture and ply the demagogues' arts. Nc th ing less than this will should be thought of. The people expect it. The report of the United States Treas urer shows that in comparing the receipts and expenditures of the treasury, the six months ending September 30, 1869, with the same period in 1868, the income has increased $19,233,953.01, while the ex penses have fallen off $35,801,014.59, a total of $56,034,967.60 in favor of the government. This is the i ifference be tween Grant's management and that of Johnson—between Republican rule and Democratic rule. The steadily continued reduction of the, public debt for the next six months is anticipated at Washington. Our national debt will doubtless be de creased more than onc-fourth during Gen. Grant's administration. PRESENTING' THEIR CLAIMS We learn that Sheriff Fry is a candi date for Flour Inspector at Philadelphia. He is, or claims to be, one of the particu lar special friends of Gov. Geary, and succeeded in "scratching" Senator Bil lingfelt twenty-two votes in Lancaster township—taking advantage of his posi tion as a member of the County Commit tee. lie has good backing, being a warm friend of George Brubaker, who will no doubt press his claims with his usual per sistency. Samuel Slekom, however, has much stronger claims even than Fry. lle is also a member of the County Com mittee, and succeeded in "shoveing" eighty-four "scratched" tickets on the unsuspecting voters of Sadabury. But not wishing to damage the prospects of Fry, we propose Slokom for Leather In spector, or something of that sort. Fry's hatred of Billingfelt, it is well known, arises from the fact that the Senator de feated a bill increasing the fees of the Sheriff's office. 290,552 285,950 - 4,596 291,278 282,575 8,703 Let the friends of these men go to work at once, and preseat their claims in proper form. Let them call on the clerk in the Secretary of the Commonwealth's office, who claims to he the principal proprietor and director of State affairs, so far as Lancaster county is concerned, and if ho will lavor their applications, all will be well. 1533313 CHIVALRY EXACTLY SO. GOOD NEWS. A FARCE. The Southern Commercial Convention which met at Louisville on the 12th, ad journed on the 15th, after indulging in a few days of twaddle which amounted ab solutely to nothing. These Southern conventions never have accomplished any practical good. This one was very prop erly presided over by Ex-President Fill more, a man with antediluvian notions, who seems to have been enjoying a Rip Van Winkle dose for the last few years, for the only thing he talked about of any consequence was the Fugitive slave law, which he favored, but which seems to haunt him like au ugly ghost. If the South is to be developed as it should be, it must be done by live men from the North, who are accustomed to labor and are not afraid of it. It is work that is wanted there, and not resolutions. ANDY JOHNSON A "DEAD DUCK.” Telegraphic dispatches from Nashville announce the defeat of Andy Johnson fpr the Tennessee Senatorship. henry Coop er, a young lawyer of that State, was chosen on the 4th ballot—the vote stand ing Cooper 55—Johnsou rd. —just four votes too short ! This is a terrible blow to the Ex-Presi dent. 11e can never recover from it. In stead of going back to Washington iu triumph—he will have to remain in Ten .nessee in comparative obscurity. To use his own expressive language—he is em phatically a "dead duck!" This disposes of another Presidential aspirant—Packer--Pendleton--Johnson —all killed off within the last two weeks'l If A. J. is a "dead duck," he can boast of being a true prophet. Ills own fate veri ties his declaration made in better days, that " Traitors must take back seats IVELL AND TRULY SAID. A cotemporary says with much point and force that the people have lost confi dence (if they ever had any) in the ability of the Democratic party to remedy any of the wrongs or corruptions of legisla tion. In Pennsylvania they were estopped from effective assaults upon the miserable, blundering and petty larceny at Harris burg last winter, by the factpro portion to numbers, the Democrin mem bers were deeper in the mud than the Republicans were in the mire—and for the further reason,' *tat while Republican journals, with the exception of a few blind party hacks, denounced the renomination of corruptionists and advised their defeat even when nominated, the Democrati in dorsed nearly all their ring members with out even the shadow of a protest. In the face of these facts, denunciation ofetie Republican Legislature, bad as it was, carried with it but little weight. We can not recall a Democratic paper in Pennsyl vania that made war on Democratic ras cals, or tried to prevent their renomination. They were all allowed to slip through, but fir Republican party was held to a strict accountability for the acts of a ring, comprising a majority of the Democratic members and a minority of Republicans. The people were not so blind, but they could see retrenchment and reform was no more a Democratic principle than it was the rule of action of the ring mem bers, Republicans and Democrats. For the defeat of a number of the moat noto rious tricksters in the lost Legislature, the people are indebted to the Republican party acting within itself. They owe no thanks of this kind to the Democracy, with all their sounding professions. GRANT'S ADMINISTRATION. Honest, earnest old Ben Wade has paid General Grant's Administration a tribute of admiration in words so evidently fall of his own hearty. convictions, that it has a value due both to the man and the ma iler of its expression. In a recent speech he said : "'Why, sirs, fifteen years will wipe out every dollar of this great debt, if other Administrations do as well as the admin istration of President Grant has done so far. I believe that. under God, the Ad ministration is performing its duties with an honesty of purpose and a determina tion to do right ; to save every dollar that can be saved, and apply it to the liquidation of the debt ; and that is my idea of financiering. It is a kind of home ly way, but I know of none better; and Grant's Administration has entered upon it with triumphant success, and ought to be sustained. I admit that I would like to have voted for a tried statesman when 1 voted fur him, but I did not know how firmly he held the great principles of the Republican party, and I would part with my life quicker than I would part with those principles to-day. I have never yet swerved one single inch from them t and never will. I &ared President Grant might not hold to those principles as firm ly and safely as I did, because he occupied no position which had called upon him to bring them out. I would have chosen a man, if I could have had my own choice, who had been tried by fire and in whom we knew there was no shrinkage. But, sirs, President Grant has been tried. You see his dealings with tle. South; you see his appointments in the agents of the Government, and you find them all of the glorious stripe you and I would want put in. We know, now, his heart is steeped in the great Republican doctrines. lam glad to ascertain that fact beyond a doubt. 77 ALLEUHENY "SET-UP." Mr. Mackey, State Treasurer, remarked the other day that he had the Allegheny county members all right and " set-up 77 for his re-election. We don't believe it. According to our information the mem bers from Allegheny are on the side of reform. BNCOURAti INEL The New Yorker Journal, a German Democratic paper acknowledges the en thusiasm of the German element for the New York Republican ticket since the nomination of General Sigel fin• Secretary of State, as follows: "The German Republicans are entering the campaign with greater enthusiasm for their candidate Sigel than we expected, and to our astonishment wo hear that also a great many German Democrats vote for THAT'S SO Naturalization alone has kept up the Democratic party in this State. With out that element the party would have been dead and buried years ago. As school houses and churches are extended, and intelligence is more diffused among the rising generation, modern Democracy necessarily dwindles. The result shows that the great Republican party is this day much stronger than it was three years since, when Gov. Geary was elected by 10,000 majority. CONVICTED. The Brooks' trial in Philadelphia has resulted in the conviction of two of his would-be murderers, Dougherty and Marra. They were convicted at half past twelve o'clock Saturday night. Neal Mc- Laughlin, who drove the carriage in which the assailants escaped, went back on his statement to the Mayor, and was held in 520,000 bail, to answer the charge of per jury. Bill McMullin, and a host of his fellow copperhead rowdies, tried to make out an alibi, by false swearing, but the jury did not believe them. The people of Philadelphia can well rejoice over this victory of justice, in spite of rings to thwarL its ends. ta - We have been again disappointed in not receiving our Philadelphia letter. We hope our correspondent will be more punc tual in future. e fAtha. 4braltatu'o Chip. PENDLETON goes to Europe. 'Tis well. Packer has "been there." PACKER'S very good for packing con ventions, but his Gear(y)ing's to loose for a State election. "ComE, ye disconsolate," can now be appropriately sung to the Penns'yank% Democracy. Two young men in an lowa town took out a license to marry the same lady one day recently, with results as yet unre ported, "Ou, ever thus from childhood's hour I've reen my fondest hopes decay," is now the Democracy's favorite poetical production." Ix Kossuth county, lowa, the vote stood at the late election for Merrill, Republican, 345 ; (lillasdy, Democratic, none. Seed wanted out there. KANSAS CITY, Missouri, claiming to have a population of 32,000, has but 1,300 registered voters ; a little more than one to twenty-five. EIGHTEEN LADIES are announced as public lecturers for the coming winter. The number who will give private lectures is not stated. THERE is no ex-President, chosen to office by the votes of the people, living to day, a state of things that has not existed before in this century. Tim fashion for coats this fall will be a good deal like that of last fall, particular ly with those who are compelled to wear last fall's coats. THE New Jersey cranberry crop this season, in Ocean county alone, is valued at $2,500,000. The income this year is not far from $50,000. A NEW BEDFORD woman drew the dead body of her infant in its little carri age to an undertaker the other day to have it measured for a coffin. A CONSIDERABLE reduction in the force at the Philadelphia Custom House will be made soon, which will effect a saving of 615,000 annually, in salaries. WILD ducks are said to be plenty in the vicinity of Goldsboro, York county. One gentleman shot forty-two ducks in two doys in that vicinity. THE Knoxville 'Whig, formerly a vio lent radical newspaper, has turned Cop perhead. Brownlow, who gave it a na tional reputation, is no longer connected with it. THE St. Joseph (Mo.) Unioa says : " They have a new way of making morn ing calls at Kansas City. The driver stops in front of a house, knocks, and if there is no response, hurls a brick through the window. The St. Joseph delegation witnessed the performance." A MAINE paper objects to the way fairs are conducted, and wants to know if there is any Consistency in paying $5OO for the fastest trotting horse, and only $lO for the best wheat field in the county. That query is very timely, and in More latitudes than that of Maine. MAYOR Fox, of Philadelphia, has de clined to accept the sureties of the city officials recently declared elected by the courts, and so manages to keep Demo cratic officials in office a short time longer. THE Reformed Constitution of the State of New York is to be ratified or rejected by the votes of the people at the coming election in November. The main feature of it is impartial suffrage—giving colored men the right to vote without a property qualification, as at present. RESULT of the elections in Pennsyl vania and Ohio: Exit Pendleton as a Presidential possibility. Packer the pe cunious, packs his portmanteau for pro pulsion to political perdition. Why can't we have Ps. THIRTEEN of the Philadelphia legis, lators met at the Girard House yesterday, and agreed to support Robert J. Mackey for retention as State Treasurer. * * Supervisor Tutton and General Cameron were at the G irard Ifouse.—Sunday Re public. THE wives at Cairo, 111., have formed themselves into a society whose ruling is to lock all doors at 10 P. M., after which hour "dad" don't get into the house. Wno were the founders of the Repub lican party? It is well known that the Saratoga Convention at its adjourned meeting at Auburn, in 1855, were mainly instrumental in the formation of the Re publican party. The original call for the Convention may be seen at the office of the Phrenological Journal, in the hand writing of Horace Greely.—Nor 'York Sun. ANNA DicknisoN, at Philadelphia, on Tuesday evening the 19th inst., declared in the course of her lecture on "Whited Sepulchres," that "at noon of night, with as much safety as at noon of day, ladies can walk the streets of Salt Lake City, which is more than they can do in our well-governed city of Philadelphia." We presume it would not be very difficult to cipher out the reason. THE Speakership of the House of Rep resentatives at I larrisbu rg,, is already at tracting attention among the politicians. The name of lion. Henry C. Johnson, of Crawford county, is prominently mention ed in this connection, and it is not im probable that that. gentlr, man will be suc cessful. He was Speaker of the House four or five years ago. The " roosters"— Davis, of Philadelphia, and Strang, of Tioga—are also after it. These two should be laid out. Xocat ltavo. JOB PROTING. Handbills, Cards, Bill Heads, Programmes, Posters, &c., &c., printed in the best style and At reasonable rates, at the FATHER ABRA HAM Job Printing Office. Orders by mail promptly attended to. THE NEW CITY GOVERNMENT—ORGANI ZATION OF COUNCILS—INAUGURAL AD DRESS OF MAYOR ATLEE : The members of the two branches of the City Councils met on Wednesday of last week, for organization. Robert A. Evans, Esq., was elected Presi dent of the Select Council, and J. K. Barr, clerk. In the lower branch, Gee. K. Reed was chosen President, and E. E. Snyder clerk. The officers are all Republicans. After the transaction of some preliminary business, the two branches met in convention, and a committee was appointed to wait on the Mayor and Mayor elect, and invite them to the convention. They shortly after ap peared, and on being introduced, Mayor Sanderson made a brief address, in which he returned his grateful thanks for the kindness which he had received at the hands of Coun cils during the ten years he bitirpretided as Mayor of the city. He had endeavored to faithfully discharge his duties, and on re tiring he hoped the same courtesy which he had always received would be extended to his successor. Hon. William A. Atlee, the Mayor elect, was then qualthed, and addressed the con vention as follows : INAUGURAL ADDRESS FELLOW CITIZENS : Feeling deeply, as I do the obligations of the oath I have just taken, and the responsibilities of the office to which I have been called, I can say to you that I acoept them with a determined pur pose, so far as in me lies, to do my whole duty. That in the performance of my duties I shall please all is not to be expected. En tering into this office without much practical experience of what is required, I am only too conscious that there will be many shortcom ings, many sins of commission and of omis sion for which I shall have to ask your indul gence; but I assure you that I shall faithfully endeavor to find the right path and steadfast ly to pursue it. Trusting in your forbearance I shall strive to merit your approbation. Gentlemen of the Select and Cr SIMOU Coun cils : In the official relations which we are about to assume toward each other,l know that I can confidently look forwar to uni form courtesy and Wellness. I feel that the citizens of Lancaster look to you, as well as to myself, for certain changes and improvements in the affairs of our city. Its peace, quiet and good order depend much upon the char acter and efficiency of itspoliee force. In my nominations for pceitioe• on Oils force I shall strive to be candid in my selettions, so that, eo far as I can oonl, it shall consist of good men, and I shall taU care that, they perform their duty. They owe their services to the city, and I shall hold the policemen, as well as all my other appointees, to a s trict ac countability. But there are some deficiencies which cannot be remedied without your assistance, and I most earnestly ask action from you at the earliest day. One of the draw backs to its efficiency is the absence of power in a policeman to serve a criminal warrant. This defect can only be remedied by the Le gislature of the Commonwealth, but I have little doubt that such laws as may be bene ficial to us will be cheerfully passed. I find also that by the present police regulations, there are but three policemen on duty in the daytime. This, in a city of 25,000 inhabit ants, with a large floating population, must be acknowledged, on a moment's reflection, to be totally inadequate. Some other ar rangement of the force, so as to give a greater number to the day service, will, I hope, be made by your police committee when the same shall be constituted. But above all, gen tlemen, our policemen should be uniformed. Many object to this en the ground that it is a badge of servitude and incompatible with our democratic institutions. This I cannot agree to. The police force is sot apart for the preservation of order, and should be known, that those seeking them may know them at a glance, while those disobeying the laws may desist on the appearance of the uniform. Our firemen and volunteer soldiery assume a dis tinctive dress that they may be known when on duty, and I cannot see why a policeman should feel it ally mark of degradation to be known and distinguished. It will make the men more self-reliant, more circumspect and attentive; while those, whose duty it is to observe their conduct and actions, can the more readily do it. I would recommend, also, that some action could be taken by your honorable bodies looking to a different mode of laying out new streets and alleys in our oity. Those now opened are either opened by a jury viewing one isolated street, or by some private indi vidual, without reference to the general plan of the city, either in direction, position or width. The consequence of this is that there is no uniformity, and that portions of our city are almost out off from the centre of the town. For instance, the whole Seventh Ward from Ann street to South Queen, can only reach the centre of the town by going through an alley ; there is no street crossing Middle-et. from one end to the other, and be yond Middle street lies one of the healthiest and most beautiful portions of our city. It seems to me that this can only be avoided for the future by laying out the whole of the ground now within the city limits properly with streets and, alleys, conforming to the general plan of the city. If authority be given by Act of Assembly a commission could be appointed to do this, assessing the damages and filing a draft in the office of the Recorder of Lancaster county, which would be notice to all. Then when Councils order a street or alley to be opened the damages so assessed could be paid, and the street or alley given to public use. Unless some such plan be adopted I fear the time will come when questions of drainage and conveying water and has will present difficulties not easily overcome. These are several of the many subjects which have presented themselves to me as of paramount importance. I might touch upon others, but will reserve them for future com munications, should the welfare of the city require it. When informed that Select Council has re turned to its chamber, 1 shall be ready to make nominations for the offices to be filled by the Mayor. And now, gentlemen,hoping that our united action may result in a wisely economical ad ministration of the affairs of our beautiful and prosperous city, and that the coming year may be filled with all that is beneficial to each and all of us, I leave you, that we may enter upon the active discharge of the duties of the situations to which we have been called by the suffrages of our follow-citizens. In concluding 1 desire to return my warm est thanks to the late Mayor for the kind manner iu which he has spoken of me. It much increases the difficulties of my posi tion that I follow in the footsteps of one who stood so high in the estimation of his fellow-citizens for his fidelity, honesty and purity. And now, gentlemen, farewell. James If. Ricksecker was re-elected City Treasurer, and the re-election of the balance of the city officers was postponed for one week, the redoubtable Geo. Brubaker having discovered a mare's nest, because somebody he hated was the Republican nominee for one of the offices. The following persons were nominated to the Select Council by the Mayor, and con firmed as city policemen : Capt. John K. Rutter, Captain of Police, and Samuel Huber, Jacob Gundaker, Peter Lutz, James L. Messenkop, John Flory, Jno. Conner, Wm. Powell, Henry Miller, Samuel L. Fisher, Wm. M. Deen, Isaac Kauffman and Wm. J. Fisher, city constables. Mayor Atlee has also appointed Alderman Joseph W. Fisher, Mayor's clerk, and Geo. Huffnaglc, Market Master. ITEMS : Tho well known Krug property, on the corner of West King and Prince-sts., this city, was offered at public sale last week, and withdrawn at a bid of $20,100. Henry Franke, the well known beer brewer of this city, had his pocket picked in the cars between Philadelphia and this city, on TlAura day night of last week, while indulging in a snooze. Luckily there was no money in the pocket book taken. A horse was stolen from the premises of Daniel Minnich, in Penn-tvrp., on Wednes day night of last week. Dr. Benj. Mishler has commenced the pub lication of a weekly newspaper called the "Commercial Exchange and Medical Re view." It is designed as an advertising sheet, to be particularly devoted to the in terests of Mishler's Bitters. Mr. D. C. Ilaverstick, the foreman of the Express press rooms, has issued the first No. of a new weekl y, entitled "The Weekly Ad vertiser." The following farms have lately been sold at Ephrata, viz.: That of Samuel M. Landis, of 71 acres, to Michael Keller, for $175, and that of Charles Bowman, dec'd, to Reuben Mohler, for $162.50 per acre. The indomitable George Brubaker is af anny man, and has any amount of assurance. He complained in City Councils last week of special legislation for this city, when every body knows that George commenced that whole business. That was an apt remark made to George by the President of Common Council, when he said in reply to George's impertinent complaint, that he (George) only asked for that kind of legislation when he had a jee in it! The Lancaster and Litiz Turnpike Com pany has declared a semi-annual dividend of one dollar and fifty cents on each share of its capital stock. Rev. Win. A. Fleming, Pastor of the Pres byterian church at Marietta, this county, was a few nights ago robbed, at his present residence at Johnstown, Pa., of a suit of clothes, gold watch, and pocket book con taining all his money. John Eby, late of Pequea-twp., deceased, made a residuary bequest in his will of about three thousand dollars, (one-half his estate) to "Jacob Harnish, (miller) one of the Elders of the Society of Reformed or New Mennonites, in trust for the use of poor mem bers of that society, to be paid and expended by him or his successors for that purpose, ac cording to hie discretion and judgment." On Saturday morning last two horses were taken from the hotel of Jonathan Sprecher, this city, and after being used for a while were abandoned in another part of the city. J. E. Risser, of Mount Joy, has a pumpkin growing in his garden that measures five feet two inches in circumference. Go to Riddle & Cocbran's book store No. 40 North Queen-at., this city, for stationery, school books, miscellaneous books, news papers, magazines, pens, pencils, inks and everything ‘in that line. Don't be afraid to go in and look around anyhow—no harm done if you don't buy. The venerable Father Boehm, now in his 92d year, and well known in this county, preached in the Methodist church in Potts vile, on last Sunday a week, from the text " God is good." A gentleman from Idaho, who never before was in a school house, visited one of the pub lic schools on Duke-st., in this city, a few (la) s ago. Chas E. Wise and wife, were prevented from making their proposed balloon ascen sion from Reading on Saturday last, on ac count of the rain. An ascension was adver tised for yesterday, from that place, when Mr. W. was to be accompanied by Mr. Jahn D. Mishler. Five hundred dollars were contributed at the meetihg of the Eastern Synod of the Ger man Reformed Church, at Danville, last week, to erect a monmutnent over the re mains of the late Rev. Dr. Harbaugh. Mr. Adam Warfel, of _Safe Harbor, this county, aged between GO and 70, went out in the river in a boat on, Sunday morning last, to visit a fish-pot. His boat was found at Shank's ferry, two miles below Safe Harbor, during the day. It is feared that he was drowned. Jennie Downey, daughter of David Dow ney, residing in Mulberry-st., this city, was run over by a horse and buggy on Sunday evening, near where she resides. She was severely bruised but not seriously injured. It is a wonder that more accidents of this kind do not occur, from the way some of the "sports" drive hrough the streets of this city. This is something deserving the atten tion of the new regime. Winter is coming. Last Monday morning was keen and cold, and ice was formed very abundantly. There is a great complaint of a scarcity of small bills about our town—while with some people there is always a scarcity—both of large and small denominations. Norristown merchants are annoyed by loaf ing loungers who congregate in front of their stores. Ditto, Lancaster. ALMANACS : Riddle & Cochran have just received, at No. 40 North Queen at., a large lot of Farmer's Almanacs which they are selling at half the usual price. Call and see them. A large amount of coal is now being ship ped into canal boats from the coal schutes of the Columbia and Reading Railroad, at Co lumbia. CHILDISH : The miserable growling of the Intelligencer since the advent of the new Mayor. During Sanderson's administration it never gave any attention to rowdyism in the city—spite I A horse and buggy were stolen from the stable of S. P. Gall, of Willow Street, this couuty, on Monday night last. 0. F. Voigt, formerly et' this city, but for several years past employed in the New York Custom House, has had his salary raised from $1,200 to $l,BOO per annum. Mre. J. S. Finley, of Erie, Pa., has been elected Matron of the Homer for Friendless Children, of this city, itti;dace of Miss Ellen Spence, resigned.