, Vennomtvanioch pritoth. BREEF FUN SCHWEFFLEBRENNEIt. SCHLIFFLETOWN, Oct. 14t, 1869 MISTER FODDER ABRAHAM: Ich biu happy! De Bevvy is happy! Der klea Altey—ich wens net el) er exactly happy is, awer cc ish any how Boot olle well un hut sheints kea Leib-wea. 011 es is recta gonga geshtcr to. der leckshun. bier hen tswea votes gegained doh in sechlillietown, un sell war eni laiwbuck an eni Sensawetzer earn, for se hen 01l tswea for tier (leery gevote well der Coun ty Cotutuitty nionu eana nix gevva hut ous sella sivva dausend Packer's leekshuu eer 6eshter nummidog, urn 4 uhr bin Mt ob-g'slitart tin• in de shtadt tut bin dort aw geland on ti uhr—yusht on der tseit we de news rei kumtna is fum Shtate. Es war au gwitter shtorram in der shtadt, un gereayert uu gedunnert un geblitzt huts dos Is tam sheer bong warra is. Awer, der weg WC'S ous geturud is, wars der pot litticle clear-up shower. We's om ter ricksht gereayert hut hen se tit" news grickt dort iu der 'Publican lletquarters office dos der Attly for mare nei gonga is yusht we g'shmeert by ean-a-tswansich. war an close lit, a wer is hut dock g'longt. Now wella se aw au guns ucier crowd fun a pullets nei du wit blohe mitza un hussy uu coppa twit brass k'nep tlruf so dos wann de bummers skit net bcheafa (Lunn !Tana se evva ins Lock-up, un wann sell nix hot doun wierra se ins gross sand shlone house g'shickt for dreisieh dog. Awer weil's so close gonga is sawya se seller alt groh-keppich Santerson wu net eons votes g'nunk grickt hut for Mare bet im sin de leckshun tau detesta, wells eam so orrig hort goat seller Mare's tits wu er so lotig g - suekled hut now of tsu gevva. Awer, ale leit hen g'mehnt er wter about olt genunk g'west for can amohl ob tsu g'weana ' un niciopiuion is dose reeht hen g'hot. Anyhow, warm sell enitly net betzahlt, odder wann , s nix weft is, donu set mers earn ninmly uf'lawda; awer wauus Boot is, un betzahlt, dorm geb ma onnera aw amohl a chance draw. Awer, es is an alt shprich wart dos `misfortchennever comes single-handed," un de wohret derfu hen de demoltrata aw gleelt de letsht nacht. Denk amohl draw, an yeadas fun eana hort gecharged mit uine-shtrike wisky, un about on der tseit we se's ob shlofa hetta sella--we der wis ky oni doat Bea war in earn shtommick's, is Eeller kalt g'witter un reaya shtorram aw kumma un hut eana amohl an porter chill govva. Don sin do rittorns ei kum ma fun der city, un sell hut se ols noch meaner ob gekeelt. Donn is de band moo sick rouse un hut eaua noch an dose gev va. Der negsht misfortchen for se is fun Fildelfy kumma mit free dauset for der (leery, un grawd noch der hond hut's evva g'heasa der Geery is wilder elect bei about sex dausset. Awer his selly tseit warn do demokrata about all derheam— anyhow selly ivu noch at all navigata hen keuna. Awer ea ding truvvelt niich a wennich, tin sell is de hunnert dahler wu ichg'man netcht hob ous 'cm Mutchier tsu greeya. Dcuksht er konu niich's natant tsurick gevva, weil IA nix gedu bob for der 1 Packer? 'eh hobs geld about all g'shpend for hussa un onnery kleader for mich, un frocks un so each for de 13evvy tins bub belly. Now ich hob aw nix except was de law mer erlawbt—net meaner dos drei hunnert dahler wtert, un kenua mer nix nemma. Now froke ich, kenna. se sich =Lelia, sell geld widder tsurick betzahla of de principle fun common law in de shtatute bicher dos es cans fum Packer seina mistaken investments war? Dc 13evvy meant se kenna nix du mit mer derweaya, tin se sogt doi es gor kea het dos se mer truvvel inaelia der -we:l3'a. De fact is, se lien's deco alta Packer g'inacht yusht exactly we ich in shpect hob--se lien sei geld g'uunima, hen de notes shea tsommageruilt un in de seek g'shteckt, un hens aw gepolta. Es weis%;:dos de leit noch net guns reddy sin for sich body un britches ousferkawia, un a rule adopta dos mer nemond inea in an omt uei du konu except yusht reiche leis mit plenty greenbacks. Awer, ich hob kea tscit all mci gedonka tsu shreiva olleweil. Ich will yusht noels sawya dos ich goot g , satistied bin, un un thick aw moi konngrattileashuus on de Republicans from Pennsylfawny. now propose ich aw dos mer Boot acht gevva dos es noel dent kea mistakes gebt, un dos unser Scmly manner recht acta dort in Ilarrisborriek. Dc rechty sort leit sin now leckt, un ich bin aw g'satis fled dos se eary dutty duns. WI hob aw im sin noel dem oily woch an breef in eier butnmerishe gooty tseitung nei shrei va, un ich huff aw dos all de campain sub scribers fum FODDER ADRARA3I de tsei tung widder nemma for's yohr. Es soil nemond gereia dices dut. Yusht shickt for de tseitung, bei single subscriptions odder in klupps, for mind was ich tog, der Pit Schweffiebrenner is an lewendiche institution, un de Bevvy aw. Ich shreib ne nix dos de wobret. tell bin aw inde pendent, un geb nix um nemond wann ich recht hob. I geb nix um omt, ewer ieh mind yusht met bisness in meim per feshen, mit feddor un dinda un shreib bobbeer. Uf sell hob ich im sin tsu taav vella. IVmr decent is, un getrei, bet em shtea ich. Wier awer yusht nei goat for rahwa, un shteala, un leeya, for can travel ich der onner weg. De robbers and bum mers kenna aw uet ob kawfa fors maul tsu holta, un ich bin g'satisfled dos es freia Republican folks aw bei mer shteat. Se hen a goty tewart g'shafft do campaign—an first rates ticket of g,num rna uns aw elect bei a sheeny majority. Pennsvlfawny is getrei—des Republican folk henna se not hawfa. aver se sin true t:,ue eara Loss uns now nw (le patty mannot:-Iri, in der shtatit, im uuuty tiu int gons:‘, Hittite, (10 - 4 turn der Willa funs folk 1111 noeli longer fer d*ena. Nocliamoin suz icli. gent widder tri!,ll nei for der Fopnriz IIi:ARAM, 1111 zeta ior frit nil PIT SCIiIVEI=I,I4:I:ItENNER 11CWS 2:lla , rt fun Ohio? Dort hIILS flWeig'shlawga! According tsu de telligaff dispatcha wars so a wennich Alms we an wollkcanic irrupshun, odder so an yung,er terd-beawa. Es gookt orrick feel dos waun se des fuftseat mendment aw noch Fossil wetta. e. s. STATE NEWS YonK CousTv.--The York County Fair last week was largely attended and pickpockets abounded The Presbyte rian Synod of Pennsylvania commences its sessions in York ou Tuesday next The Laurel Fire Company of I ork start on an excursion to Allentown on the 20th inst The 7rtic _Democrat says that the largest premiums at the York County Fair went to horse-,jockeys. That's true of other places "The steeples of our churches point to heaven, while their members, very often travel in the opposite direetiou"—says the Tree Deg im:rut Joseph Ucntzler, of Warrington twp., fell under his wagon while ascending " Cad wallader's hill," one day last week, and passin:2 over his head, killed him instant ly The flood on the Codorus and Creitz creeks, on Monday of last week, was very destructive. A great deal of damage was done in York, and the railroad bridges between York and Wrightsville were so much injured as to prevent travel for several days ..... Samuel Bare, an old citi zen of Newberry twp., died suddenly on the ith inst Charles Underwood, aged 81 years, died at Rossville, on the 6th inst James McAbee, an enterprising young merchant of York, died suddenly of heart disease, a few days ago Benja min Geipe has been appointed postmaster at Glen ltock, in place of E. Sheaffer, re moved The barn of 7.aehariall Loucks, near York, was destroyed by tire on Sat urday morning last, together with its contents. The live stock was saved. The barn and contents were pretty fully in sured 1)r. ,1. T. Dale, of York, made an ascension to Prof. Light's balloon, from the public square, on Saturday last. Ile was au amateur at the business, and de scended safely near Liuglestown, Dauphin county, having traveled thirty miles Sabbath school celebrations have been unusually numerous in York county, this year. There is sonic hope of redeeming York county, when the youngsters grow up ! The fear of this result is probably the reason why there is so much opposi tion to them in Codorus, Manheim, Dover, &c A fatal disease prevails among the swine in Wrightsville and neighborhood. AMERICAN FACTS The greatest man, " take him for all in all," of the last hundred years, was George Washington, an Au/c.a./can. The greatest metaphysician was Jona athan Edwards, an American. The greatest of living sculptors is Iliram Powers, an American. The greatest of living historians is William If. Prescott, an Amceican. The greatest living ornithologist is John James Audubon, an American. The greatest living painter, in portrait ure, is Asher B. Durand, an American. There has been no English writer in the present age whose works have been mark ed with more humor, more refinement, or more grace, than those of Washington Irving, an American. The greatest lexicographer and philolo gist, since the time of Johnson, was Noah Webster, an American. The inventors, whose works have been productive of the greatest amount of bap= piness to mankind, in the last century, were Godfrey, Fitch, Fulton, Whitney, and Morse—all Americans. If one of these facts or estimates is doubted, we can prove them by forcijn authorities, and so prevent all controver sy.—Bro. Jonathan, 11;46. TUE DISPUTED MARRIAOE AT RICH INIOND.—A marriage certificate has been received by the 'Hustings Court of Rich mond front the Philadelphia records, proving the marriage there of Mr. Wm. 0. George, of Richmond, to a colored woman, named Caroline Jackson. A correspondent of the Lyriclibney ginian, writing from Richmond on this subject, says : The marriage took place on the 33d of April last, and was a secret until Mr. George's death, a few weeks ago. His brother was about to qualify upon the estate, when a lawyer, representing this woman—who now resides in the city of Brotherly Love—appeared and claimed the property. Everybody thought it only a mean influence to extort hush money front the deceased's relations, who are people of great respectability, but now there seems no doubt that the two were lawfully married. As might be presumed, Mr. George had lived with Caroline Jack son for a number of years, and she is the mother of four or five children. The es tate amounts to about one hundred thou sand dollars. A suit is inevitable, but the result is certain, as the property must pass to the wife and children, there hav ing been no will." DANIEL WEBSTER wrote, after contin ued provocation, to the editor of a news paper which referred to his private affairs, and especially to his not paying his debts. lie said substantially : "It is true that I have not always paid my debts punctu ally, and that I owe money. One cause of this is that I have not pressed those who owe me for pay. As an instance of this, I enclose your father's note, made to me thirty years ago, for money lent him to educate his boys." FATHER llrAcixTitz has left the Church of Rome, the doctrine and practi ces of which, he says, are not in accord ance with the principles of Christianity. Thus a burning and a shining light has been lost to that church—which can't harm him by way ofretaliation. The fire and-fagot argument, which used to be so logical, has fallen into disuse, owing to the degeneracy of the human race, which objects to being baked, or even roasted, for the good of the faith. The warm oki times never will return. Mur zttk okto. r-There a r two inconsistencies in this rid that are hard to understand. Every person is anxious to get to heaven. yet 110 one is in a hurry about it. --A bachelor uses the tollowing modifi cation of a hacknied phrase in congratu lating a newly-married friend : I wish you much Jaw.'' --Two French friends met : "Alm, good day! How are you?" "Pretty well." "And your wife?" "she is traveling." "For her health?" "No, for mine." —A new mode of dispersing mobs has lately been discovered, and it is said to act "like a charm." The mode is ro'pass round a contribution box! —"how came such a greasy mess in the oven?" said a fidgety old spinster to her maid-of-all-work. " Why," replied the girl, "the candles fell into the water, and I put them into the oven to dry." —The photographers of Milwaukee have cleared the streets of that city of loafers by photographing the groups and exhibit ing them in the windows as "City Loaf ers." —"Mamma's &failing didn't hurt his little cousin purposely, did he, dear? It was all an accident, to be sure." " Yes, mamma, and all I want is a chance to crack him again." —Lady Montague, the famous wit, on being asked whether she would not have preferred to belong to the other sex, re plied sternly in the negative, because in that case she would have been obliged to marry a woman. --If a shoemaker in drawing to his end, waxes cold, and gives up his awl before pegging out, what will become of his sole if he is not able to breathe his last? That is the question. —At no moment of difficulty does a husband, knowing his own utter helpless ness, draw so closely to his wife's side for comfort and assistance as when he wants a button sewed on his shirt collar. " Is your brother-in-law really such a lazy man?" asked one gentleman of another. "Lazy !" was the reply, "why, he's so lazy that he has an artist employ ed by the month to draw his breath with a crayon." —A IV ILI, IMAM NATION.—" I do not say," remarked Mrs. Brown, "that .lones is a thief; but I do say that if his farm joined mine I would not try to keep sheep." —Touching obituary notice in a Chi cago paper : "Amos skeeter, a well-known resident of this city, and a line singer, was instantly killed at the Tremont house last night by a guest who became angry at his attentions. lie leaves a large fam ily.'' --An exchange, commenting on the fact that a number of Cincinnati young ladies have lately been married away to other places, says no city has a better claim to spare ribs for the universe. —.losh Billings recently wrote to a lec ture committee that the price of one of his lectures was $90.40 ; that he had in some instances been careless enough to throw off the $9O, but the 40 cents he must have to maintain his reputation. —A grim, hard-headed old judge, after hearing a flowery discourse from a pre tentious young lawyer, advised him to pluck out some of the feathers of the wings of his imagination and put them into the tail of his judgment. —Blessed arQ they that are ignorant, for they are happy in thinking they know everything. Blessed arc the orphan chil dren, for they have no mother to spank them. Blessed are they that do not ad vertise, for they are not bothered with customers. —A minister was on his way to church one Sunday morning, and saw a boy on the river bank fishing. "My boy," said the clergyman, "don't you know that it is wicked to catch fish on Sunday?" "Guess I hain't sinned much yet," said the boy, without taking his eye from the cork, "hain't had a bite." Minister coughed and went on. —A merchant who was absent from his home received a telegram of his wife's safe delivery of a little boy; at the same time a letter from his partner, advising him that a draft had been presented for five thousand dollars, and that the signa ture seemed rather doubtful. The mer chant replied to both dispatches, but mis directed them. The astonishment of the wife may be imagined when she read, " It is a swindle; I know nothing about it." The partner received hearty congratula tions eipon his "safe deliverance." A TRUE PICTURE. What good thing has the Democratic party achieved or proposed to achieve in the last twenty years? Can one be named? Since 1860 it has been a party of negations. It opposed every measure to putdown the rebellion; it opposed every measure in the way of progress and reform; it has op posed every attempt to amend and perfect our National Constitution; it has opposed every attempt to extend the boundaries of human rights; it has opposed every at tempt to improve the National credit or protect the National honor. For ten years before 1860 it was an affirmative party, but affirmed the worst possible things. It affirmed the rightfulness and beneficence of slavery; it affirmed the repeal of the Missouri Compromise, which was a great breach of National faith, and was the be ginning of the war; it affirmed the infa mous doctrines of the Dred Scott decision, by which our National Constitution was converted from a charter of liberty into an indenture of slavery; and' in genval terms, it affirmed all manner of wicked ness, corruption and extravagance in Na tional and State administrations. The Democratic party cannot be divorced from its historical and traditional character. Kum is Mark Twain's latest account of himself: " I have but little character, but what I have I am willing to part with for the public good. I would have been a better man if I had had a chance, but things have always been against me. I never had any parents, hardly—only, just a father and mother—and so I have had to struggle along the best way I could. I do not boast of this etaracter, further than that I built it up myself, at odd hours, during the last thirty years, and without other aid than I was able to pick up in the ordinary schools and colleges." Jewel ry. ZAHM & JACKSON, DEALEiv- WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, ILVEIi AND SILVER-PLATED WARE, SPECTACLES AND FANCY GOODS, No. 15 NOHI'![ QUEEN TIIEET, t..►NCASTEH. siritErAIRINOIATTENDED T 0.154 no2o-131 WATCHEs! WATCHES! CLOCKS, CLOCKS, CLOCKS The undersigned keeps constantly on hand a large and full assortment of the GENUINE AMERICAN WATCHES, of different weight and finish, to suit all, which are sold upon the most reasonable terms, and guaranteed to give satisfaction. Keeps also on hand a good assortment of CLOCKS. Call and examine the goods before purchasing elsewhere. Thankful for past favors, I solicit a contlnu ance of the same. HENRY F. ANDREWS Jan 1.1y9 Strasburg, Lancaster co., 11a. Fertilizing. WE CONTINUE TO MANUFAC TURE our well-known Menure4, PHOSPHATE OF LIME IMEI AMMONIATED FERTILIZER and also have for sale PERUVIAN GUANO, No, 1 Gen Line Government, Fish UMW°, Land Plaster am! Hydraulic Ce ment. together with a complete assortment of Burning and Greasing OILS, at fair market rates, Super-Phosphate of blow, - - - 450 per 5000 lbs. Ammoniated Fertillmr, - - - - 435 do. A DISCOUNT TO DEALERS ALLEN & NEEDLES, 12 S.OUTII. DELAWARE AVENI% HULA DELPHIA lti PzIS. GEO. M. STEINMAN & CO., auga-to Sole Agents at Lancaster, Pa Books and Stationery. QellOol, BOOKS. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL! We would reupeetfully call the attention of all MERCHANTS, SCHOOL DIRECTORS. TEACHERS, PARENTS AND SCHOLARS To our LARGE STOCK of SCHOOL BOOKS AND STATIONERY! Willett will be sold at the LOWEST CASH. PRICES PAPER AND ENVELOPES GREATLY REDUCED RATES. Call before purchasing elsewhere. J. H. SHE AFFERIB Cheap ('ash Book Store, No. 52 North Queen-at., Lancaster, Ponna HEADQUARTERS FOR SCHOOL BOOKS, -AT RIDDLE & COCHRAN'S, No. 40 NORTH QUEEN STREET, (Two Doors North of Inquirer Building,) LANCASTER, PA We would respectfully call the attention of 4CHOOL DIRECTORS, PARENTS, TEACHERS AND SCHOLARS To our new and complete stock of SCHOOL BOOKS AND SOIIOOL STATIONERY OF EVERY lUNORIPTION, 12=1 LOWEST PRICES. Having purchased for 4 we can afford to offer inducements. Air (UVE I.'S A CALL. IKO, HEADQUARTERS -FOR SUNDAY SCHOOL BOOKS AT FULTON ROW, WEST KING STREET All the latest helps for Superintendents Teach ers and Bible Students, new Charts with Ob ject Lessons, a new System of Rewards, mak ing every Scholar a worker in the interest of the School. I= SUNDAY SCHOOL MUSIC BOOKS, LIBRARY BOOKS, RECORD BOOKS, CLASS BOOKS, &c. Common School dt Miscellaneous Books, STATIONERY AND FANCY GOODS, HITCHCOCK'S HALF DIME SHEET MUSIC, BIBLES AND TESTAMFNTM, AT PHILADELPHIA WHOLESALE PRICES .g• Call and see for yourselves. myl4-tf] D. S. BARB Hotels. U.s. HOTEL, OPPOSITE l'fiN:i A. IL IL DBPOT, HARRISBURG, PA W. H. EMMLNGER & (X)., inbl,ly) Proprietors I=l 1'1001) NEWS E()1; TILE p};()pi,E: (il:ANI) ()PENIN(i 'I'III sEASON! The subscribers hare just returned tram the Eastern Markets with the largest and best assortment of OVER AND DRESS COATI N GS, All colors and all grades ; eassimeres in great variety—all the latest and best styles in the market, suitable to all tastes, and the prices within the reach of every one. All of which we are prepared to make up in the best style, and at the shortest notice, and al the I.owest Cash Prices. Our stock of MEN'S, YOUTH'S AND BOY'S R Ain WATCHES! is very large, and gotten up with great care, and will be sold very low, (READY-MADE DEPARTMENT on 2d Floor.) We have a fine line of GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS All our goods have been selected with care, and purchased at the very lowest cash prices. All we ask of you is to call and examine our stock for yourself, and you will say truly the half has not been told. MYERS R RATIIFON, Southwest corner of Centre Square, Lancaster, Penn's. OctB4t.] 1869. GEO. B. COLEMAN, No. 1.1 NORTH QUEEN STREET, Ilan In store a Fine Assortment of French, English and American CLOTHS, COATINGS AND CASSIBMILS, which he is prepared to make up to order in the latest styles for SPRING AND SUMMER WEAR, ON THE MOST REASONABLE TERMS GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING 00013•4 OF EVERY DEsCRIPTION ON HAND R EMOVAL BEAU MONDE HALL! 531 PENN SQUARE, 531 READIN(;, PENNA., CLOTHS, CASS IME RES, vEsTiNGs, &c., &C., SPRING AND SUMMER WEAR ALSO, BOY'S CLOTHING, GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS! LEVI O. COLEMAN, Cutter je4 tf] MARSHALL & SON'S BOOT AND SHOE STORE, CENTRE SQUARE, LANCASTER, PA. ANOTHER FRESH ARRIVAL—GPTEUs A CALL The only place for good and substantlnl well( $ at Where can be seen the largest and best assort fluent of Men's and Boys' BOOTS AND SHOES ever brought to this city. Ladies, Misses' and Children's plain and fancy Shoes, Balmorals and Buttoned Gaiters. Sir Also, RUBBERS OF EVERY KIND, which we invite you to call and examine; feeling con thlent that we can warrant all to no 20-Iy] REINUOLD & STUBBS, No. 104} North Queen St., Square above the B. H. Depot. BOOT AND SHOE DEALERS. !lave just arrived from the city with a large and elegant stock of Boots and Shoes, Gaiters, etc., superior to any over before brought to tills market, which are offered at the fol lowing astonishing low prices : Men s Calf Boots $3.00 to $7.00 " Box-toe Congress Gaiters- . 3.00 to 4.00 " Congress Gaiters 2.50 to 3.00 Balmorals 2.00 to 8.00 " Lasting Congress Gaiters 3.00 to 375 " Oxford - Tie 2.75 to 3.50 Boys' Gaiters 2.00 to 3.00 " Calf Balmorals 1.50 to 2.00 Youths Calf Balmorals 1.25 to 1.73 Ladies high-polish Lasting Gaiters. 2.50 to 3.25 Lasting Balmorals 1.25 to 1.75 " Lasting Congress Gaiters 1.50 to 2.00 " fine Glove Kid Button Boot.. 11.25 to 4.00 " " Glove Kid Polish 800 t... 2.60 to 8.25 " " Morocco Button 800 t.... 2.25 to 3.00 " " Goat Balmoral 2.00 to 2.50 " " Turkey Morocco Button. 8.00 to 3.75 Kid Keel 51ipper5......... 1.26 to 1.76 " " Goat Slippers 1.00 to 7.25 Misses Goat high-polish 1.75 to 2.60 " Lasting high-polish 2.00 to 2.25 Children's shoes of all kinds 30 to 1.50 Sir An inspection of the stock is solicited. .Our work is all warranted. WAll kinds of custom work manufactured in the very best style at short notice, at the lowest oath prices. may7-6ml RBINHOLD a sTUBBS. FRUIT JARS! The best Fruit Jar is the MASON JAIL. SAFE, RELIABLE AND SIMPLE. EVERY JAR WARRANTED. 50 GROSS FOR SALE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Also, other good Jars, and the oholeeet selection of GROCERIES in the city, AT No. 18 EAST KING STREET jy 16-tf D. S. BURSK. Cloth big. 11= MADE CLCTHING, NEW SPRING GOODS (Late Wiley'm Shoe Store,) -AL FO,- PURTICO ROI% I= BEA V ERS, MEI ITM BUCII & BRO., PROPRIETORS Boots mul Shoes. MARSHALL'S, WEAR WELL. Groceries, tec. FRUIT JARS! FRUIT JARS( T. DICKEY, `1,.." • ATTORNEY AT LAW. opFn E: SOUTH QUEEN ST., second hou,e low the " Fountain inn," Lancaster, Pa. JB. LI VINGSTON, . NrrowsEy AT LAW. OFFIrE: No. 11 NORTH DUKE ST., wet , t side, north of the Court House, Lancaster, Pa. CII IiLES DEN U . ES, ATTORNEY AT LAW OFlrt( L: : , 01:Tit DUKE sTHEET, caster. Pa. TWIN' B. GOOD. AfrrouNEy AT LAW OFFIcE: No. 3; EAsT KING 5T., LancaAer, Pa JW. JOHNSON, • ATTORNEY AT LAW. OFFICE: No •2:i SOUTH QUEEN ST., Lamas ter, Pa. P. ROSEN MILLER, JR. • ATTORNEY AT LAW OFFICE: With A. HERR SMITH, Esq., South Queen St., opposite the office of "Father Abra ham," Lancaster, Va. Ac. REINOEHL, • ATTORNEY AT LAW. Oaricr: N 0.3 SOUTH DUKE ST., Laneastt•r MiIeNEMNIII °levier: With lion. 0.3. incice.y, N 0,21 SOUTH QUEEN ST., Lancaster, MARTIN IRITT, ATTORNEY AT LAW. 1869. OFFICE or the late Hon. THADDEUS STEVICE9, No. ;!6 South (Queen St, Lancaster, Pu. A mos 11. MYLIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. OFFICE: No. 8 SOUTH QUEEN ST., Lancaster. JK. BUTTER, • ATTORNEY AT LAW. OFFICE: With General J. W. FISHER, NORTH DUNE ST., Lancaster, Pat. BF. I3AER, • ATTORNEY AT LAW. ()prier:: No. 19 Nolan DUKE litreet, Lanetts ter, Pct. [dec 18-Iyr Reading Advertisements. MALTZBERGER, 11. ATTORNEY AT LAW No. 41; NORTH SIXTH ST., Reading, Pa. JG EORGE SELTZER, • ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLER AT LAW. No. MI COURT sTREET, (opposite tle• Court llouse,) Reading, Pu. Sewing ifarhines. WHEELER & WILSON'S LOCK-STITCH Family Sewing Machine. OVER 400,000 NOW IN USE. EXAMINE IT BEFORE BUYING ANY OTHER. SOLD ON LEASE PLAN, 010 Par Mouth. PETERSON & CARPENTER, Genera! .71gents. General Office for Lancaster County: 64 North Queen St 64 octl-8m WHEELER & WILSON'S FAMILY SEWING MAUIINES, With all the Latest Improvements. SarThe Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine was awarded the only GOLD MKIML given for sewing Machines over eighty-two competitors at the Universal Exposition held in Paris, 1867 Machines sold on Lease Plan at the Cush PTICQ. ONLY TEN DOLLARS. Y.s.--Ene*rgetic Business Men wanted to sell the Wheeler St, Wilson t , .ewing Machine in towb and country. Good inducements. (.1y284m (4110 VER BAK ELASTIC sTiTcH FAMILY SEWING MACHINES, 494 BROADWAY, NEW YORK 130 UHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA POINTS OF EXCELLENCE Beauty and Elasticity . of Stitch. Perfection and Simplicity of Machinery. Using both threads directly from the spools. No fastening of seams by band and no wash f thread. Wide range of application without change of adjustment. The seam retains its beauty and firmness after washing and ironing. Besides doing all kinds of work (101)0bl other Sewing Machines, these Machines execute the most beautiful and permanent Embroidery and ornamental work. air The Highest Premiums at all the Fairs and exhibitions of the United States and Europe, have been awarded the Grover & Maker Sewing Machines, and the work done by them, wherever exhibited in competition. Air The very highest prize, THE CROSS OF THE LEGION 01. HONOR, was conferred on the representative or the Grover ft Baker Sew ing Machines, at the Exposition Universelle, Pails,lB67,thus attesting their great superiority over all other Sewing Machines. For sale by GEORGE SPURRIEII, North Queen et reet , Lancaster, Yu. !THE HOWE SEWING bIACHINE, my:U-Iy] E V E It Y 13 0 I) Y ! As a Holiday Gift to a Sister. Wile or Friend hey are unsurpassed. The Farmer wants it for his Family. The Dress and Cloak Maker prefers it. The Seamstress wants it, because its work is ure to give satisfaction. The Tailor has long ago decided it to be the sest for his business. The Carriage Trimmer cannot do without it; and the Shoe Fitter finds that, after all, the HOWE is the machine for him. . _ Sooner or later, everybody will have the HOWE MACHINE . Every Machine is warranted. Everyone may be the possessor of one of these unrivalled machines, as we endeavor to make the terms of sale suit all our customers. We earnestly invite all, whether they purpose purchasing or not, to call and get specimens of the work executed by us on the HOWE MA CHINE, and compare it with the work done by other machines. IVe are willing to abide by the result. deo 18411 Photographs, &e. GOLDEN GIFTS. Parents to Families , Faer to Daighter, Mother to Son. When the light has left the house, moutons such as these compound their interest. GILL'S SUPERB PHOTO. Miniature or Opal Pictures, admitted to be the hest ht : the city and no superior in tho State Constantly increasing demand and great expe rience in this style of miniature give us greater facilities and better results than any establish ment outside of large cities. STEREOGRAPHS OF HOME VIEWS for the Centre Table. Also, prismatic instruments. Large Colored Wort by some of the best Ar. ;Asti in Philadelphia and elsewhere in the high, est style of the art. India Ink, Pastille, Crayon and colors, at GILL'S CITY GALLERY' Jan l4yr] No. 90 Nast Bing-et. • Professional. moNTimy r.,YMENTS PETERSON N. CARPENTER General Agent:4, 64 N. Queen-st., Lancaster, Pa FLUmT PRE 1L M IMMI C. FATE, Agent, Xix North Queen street GENTLEMEN TO LADIES