THE REAL ESTATE MAREET The farm ef John Wade, dec'd, in Strasburg-twp., con taining 21 acres, with buildings, was sold at $254.50 per acre. Adam Mowery, of Stras burg-tivp., purchaser. A lot of ground, with two-story brick dwell ing house, a barn and other buildings, on the Litiz turnpike, in Manheim-twp., belonging to Henry Erb, has been purchased by E. S. Hoover, at $4.150. Fifty and a fourth acres of land, without buildings, in East Hempfleld-twp., belonging to Adam Bair and Henry Hoffman, sold to Wm. Binkley, at 8134 an acre. A farm containing 35 acres in Drumore twp., and belonging to the estate of Harvey McPherson, deo'd, sold to Mr. Dellinger for $ 85 . 70 per acre. Fifty acres of unimproved land belonging to the same estate and located near the above tract, was sold for $lO per acre. Mr. W. Showalter sold a farm of 109 acres, situated near Drumore Centre, Drumore twp., to Mr. Eshleman. Price $B9 per acre. The house and lot of ground in West Lam peter-twp., belonging to the estate of Peter Baker, dee'd, sold for $3,800. Abraham Lea man purchaser. The property of Dan'l G. Eckman, 41 acres, in Strasburg-twp., sold to Jacob Eckman, for $255 per acre. The farm of Martin K. Mylin, in West Lampeter-twp., 122 acres, sold for $230.23 per acre. John Mylin, purchaser. PREMIUMS AT THE STATE FAIR : Among the awards of premiums at the late Btate Fair at Harrisburg, we find the following which were given to exhibitors from this county : Philip Oldweiler, Elizabethtown, for a draught horse, the first premium of ten dol lars ; a sow under one year of age, a premium of five dollars ; two Durham cows, (superior animals) a special premium of ten dollars. Eberly, Lutz & Baker, for thresing machine model--special mention. Keeler & Sheaffer, a large crusher cider mill, well worthy of special mention Watson & Wilson, Lancaster, for stovepipe shelf, diploma. Engle & Brother, Marietta, for collection of pears, three dollars ; for collection of apples, fall varieties, a premium of ten dollars ; for oollection of peaches, a premium of four dol lars. Dr. S. Keller, Elizabethtown, for second best collection of apples, a, premium of five ,lollars. . _ A. B. Landis, Mount Joy, for six seated two-horse family carriage, a bronze medal ; for light trotting wagon, a bronze medal. Mrs. J. Itudy, West Orange street, Lancas ter, a wedding apron used at her mother's wedding, 85 years ago, worthy of notice from its antiquity, and the committee recommend a premium of two dollars ; for a display of .inen, one sheet one bag, and two tablecloths 145 years old, the first premium, three dollars. The committee on cultivators, grain drills and sowers, in their report, say " Among the many drills of exhibition, the single grain sowers all possess many good qualities that especially recommend themselves to particu lar persons in different localities. The class of forded-feed drills claim more regularity of distribution of grain, particularly those of Erismau & Buralef, of Lancaster, and Osborne, Foster & Co. It seems impossible for them to clog by any foreign matter that may be in the seed." REPlTubicAs CITY PRIMARY ELEC TION : The Republican Primary Election for , the selestion • of candidates fur city officers and school directors, was held in the several wards on Wedpesday evening of last week. Excellent ward tickets were noniinitt4sl. At o'clock the delegates selected 6y the SaVetal wards, met in the rooms of the County Com mittee. Carpenter McCleery, Esq., was called to the chair, and James H. Marshall and \Vm. B. 'Wiley, Esq., appointed secretaries. On motion the Convention proceeded to nomi nate candidates for Mayor. Geo. F. Brene man, Esq., nominated Wm. Aug. Atlee, Esq.; John B. Warfel, Esq., nominated Col. Wm. L. Bear, and Geo. Bret:akar, esq., nominated John Ponderemith. A vote was taken which resulted as follows : Atlee, 18 ; Fondersmith, 9 ; Bear, 8. The nomination was then made unanimous, and a committee appointed to so inform Mr. Atlee, and request his presence in the Convention. The committee having returned with Mr. A., he was formally noti fied of his nomination by the President of the Convention, and responded in a few perti nent remarks, accepting the nomination, and promising to do all in his power to make it a sucecess. . - - The following gentlemen were nominated for school directors: For Thrse•Years: R. A. Evans,Win. B. Wiley, H. A. Rockalield, John . Johnson, D. G. Baker, William L. Bear. For Tiro Years: Luther Richards J. J. Cochran, John I. Hartman, John B.War fel, H. S. Gars, Dr. M. L. Herr. Convention then adjourned. We trust the Republicans of this city will poll their full vote for the city ticket. Let none scratch a single name, but vote the ticket entire. Mr. Atlee will certainly be elected Mayor by a handsome majority if the Republicans but do their dny. THE GREAT FRBSBBT: The rain storm of last Saturday and Sunday was one of the most violent ever known, and produced a freshet greater even than the freshet of 1850. The destruction of property along the Cone stoga valley was very great, a number of bridges, fences and buildings being swept away. About noon on Monday the water reached the highest point at Graeff's landing, this city, the water being exactly even with the tops of the, piers of the bridge. Duriitg the forenoon the poor -house bridge was swept away, and next the Reigart's landing bridge, and the two floating down togetber seriously threatened the Greed's landing bridge. But the old structure stood the shock, and the wrecks came off second best. The bridges at Eden, and at Housepekoes mill. were also swept away, and much other damage done to buildings, fences, &c. At Beading, and all along the Schuylkill valley, the freshet was very great, and an immense amount of property was deetroyed. The Lehigh, also, at Bethlehem, Allentown, Catasauqua, and all along the valley, and the Delaware, were higher than ever before known. ' At Kansytnik, Norristown, nut other localities of the lower luylkill, the destruction of property was very great. The storm extended over hundreds of miles, prin cipally north and exit Balm Towlemur: At a meeting held by the Republicans of Earl -t ,nt the pub4e house of Win. Barstle.x, in Neer Aolland, on . Saturday, the dd day of October, for the pus pose of settling candidates tbr township odious, to be supported at the,el ion ou the 12th lust ! , nu moth:mo :Lanai eiritp tbelol T , lowing °Moses were appOiated: Yvan nvdtt ing was chosen Chairman, Christian Johns and George Rana; Secretaries. The follow ing ticket vnte Nettled: Judo ; Adam Geist; Inspector, Henff rigle;'Supervisorti, Amos Yohn and Heril7 augdpir; &bool Directors, B. F. Kinzer and Martin Bitzer; Constable, Wm. Norris; Township Clerk, G. W. Smith; Auditor, Samuel Bob, Esq. The following Executive Committee was appointed by the Chairman to serve the ensuing year for Earl township: A. J. Bowers, James Diller, Chr'n Johns, Abni. DeAaven.jr., Christian Musser. THE CRYSTAL SOCIAL CVOS Of Reading announce their Third Annual Reception at the Keystone Opera Rouse, on Tuesday even ing October the 19th inst. 'The reception Will dovietleas be the most brilliant and select ever given in our neighboring city. • Mr. E. Liv. ingston Jones is President of the olnb, and John D. Mishler, Secretary, and Messrs. E. A. Reinhold of this city, and E. A. Hertz. of Ephrata, are on the committee abroad. We wish them a "gay and happy" time. Is you have a discharge from the nose, of fensive or otherwise, partial loss of sense of smell, taste or hearing, eyes watering or weak, feel dull, stupid or debilitated, pain or pressure in the bead, take cold easily, you may rest assured that you have the Catarrh. Thousands annually, without manifesting half of the above symptoms, terminate in consumption and end in the grave. No dis ease is so common, more deceptive or less understood by physicians. It. V. Pierce, M. D., of But%lo, N. Y., is the proprietor of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy—a perfect Specifie for Catarrh, "cold in the head," or catarrhal headache, which he sends to any address, post-paid, for 60 cents, or four packages for $2. Sold by most druggists everywhere. WHAT is the surest remedy for itching scalp, and to remove dandruff from the head? Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewer. PERIODICALS AWE/11;10S HOME MAGAZINIC for October, has reached us, and its contents areas selectand ac oeptable as ever. The " Little Angels" is the frontispiece. All should have it address T. S Arthur & Sons, Philadelphia. Trig CHILDREN'S Hoes, edited by T. S. Arthur, Philadelphia, is the very magazine to suit the wants of the little 01M% Terms, *1,25 per year —every parent should subscribe for a copy. °NCH A MONTH is a neat lively and popular Magazine of 100 pages, published by T. S. Arthur & Sons, Philadelphia. Only 42,00 per year. Everybody likes it and everybody should have it. POLITICAL. 46i-We ale authorized to announce HUGH O'NEAL as an independent candidate for SHERIF? at the ensuing October election. * MARRIED. N,,z. r—ii YAR. On the 25th inst., by Rev. J. .1. Strtne, at Moiling . t Bcblott ' s Hotel, John W. Nolt, of Earl, to Miss Annie H. Hess t of Penn. WoLr—Cos HA D. September 26, by the Rev. J. J. Strine, at has residence, Emanuel S. Wolf to Elizabeth Conrad, both of Petersville, Conesto ga t DIED. • SkI01:61:. October dth, suddenly, Emanuel Shober, in the 62d year of his age. K ELLKR. September 29th, in thiscity, Harriet Brown Keller, only daughter of George L. and the late Catharine Keller, in the 18th year of her age. LEONARD. October dth, in this city, Ellie R., daughter of tho late Wm. P. and Harriet Leon ard, aged 15 years 8 months and 20 days. LI PPOLD. October dth, in this city, Laura Frances, daughter of Charles If. and Louisa Lippoid, ageillo months and 11 days. THE MARKETS. Lancaster Household Markets. LAINCASTICR, 1 /ct• 6. Rutter, 18 11) 10 Q 45 Lard, ia it 20 fii), 23 Eggs, 1p doz.. 2,4 0 30 Pork by the quarter . 16 (e 8 18 Sausages, /I it 20 0 2.5 Dressed Chickens pair. .. 10 kV 6 , ) Live Chickens #1 pair 50 46 100 Potatoes 71 bus 10 k 8 60 Apples 11 1 1 2 ' peek S 1 , .0 12 Country Sweet Potatoes ? Li peek 12 q 24 Onions, 21 Tomatoesl9 ',4 pecklo 0, 12 % Peaches 11 !i peck ........ ..... ... 20 V 31) Green Corn,'#.l doz 15 0 20 Concord Grapes 10 Chicken Grapes 4 0 6 Chestnuts Tyl qt 21i Olt 30 Winter Beans, '#l qt 10 New Corn in the ear,(double)busii. 100 Oats, V bag of 3 bua. (new crop)... 1.80 0 2.00 Philadelphia Produce Market. l'ltiLAnstrn A, Oct. G.—The flour market re. mains quiet, there being little demand except from the home consumers, who purehsal 1500 bids. in lots at 55.50@5.72 for superilne;ss,7 (P 6.25 for extras; $6.90@7.50 for northwestern extra family; .6.5067 for Penn'a do. do.; 16.75417.60 for Ohio do. dO., and for fancy brands, according to quality. Rye flour is held at $13.37 1 ,4 per bbl. One thousand bbte. caloric corn meal sold on private terms. The Wheat market continues very dull, and prices favor buyers,• sales of 3090 bus. western red at 51.40@1.43, and .3600 bus. Indiana white at 41.46g1.50. Rye is steady, with sales of 1000 bus. western at 11.10. Corn is but little sought after; sales of 400 bus, yellow at 411.054 1 1.10, and 3000 bus. western mixed at g11R1.02. Oats are without change; sales of 3000 bus. western at 60642 1 ,...;ci. Nothing doing in Barley or Malt. In the absence of Sales in bark we quote NO. 1 quercitron at *39 In ton. Cloverseod ranges from 4i7.60 to $7.7.5 W 4 bus., and Timotny at $4.2664.136. Flaxseed sells at 19.55. Whisky is scarce and firm at $1.1141 el gal. Philadelphia Cattlo Market. Mon DAN, Oct. 4.—Netwithstanding increased receipts the market for beef cattle was quite firm this week and prices were without quo table change. We quote choice at 90.1 prime 1it.#268)49.; fair to good, 7(68c., and common, 3 1 ;... V 19. gross. Receipts, 2780 head. The following 66:08 were reported: 180 bead, Owen Smith, Western 6 61 a% 56 " a.. Christy A Bro., Virginia.. 7 fp 8 30 " Dangler 4111Weeee,Ckee. 4301 VI 8% 123 " P. Hcrillen, Western 98 . 1 P. Hathaw_ny, Writ ..... .. 7 103 " James 8. Kirk, .11211111241,.. 7 60 " B. F. IffelFillon, ......7 8 4 1.20 " Jamee 8. MeFillettern.. 7 9 90 " 8. Hofrillen Western 7 8,4 104 " man k Eva ii, West i n. It 8.4 219 . i . , i o n,V a u t ti m ei t t Westin. i 7 l rg 180 .k:, 727 " has. looney & Aro ! . 'mai 6 7 50 " H. Chain, Western antis— 5. 7 100 " John Sm ith, & am, Western 616 8 123 " L. Frank, Virginia.— .. 55 " 4. Frank, Wmitern 6 188 " Hope & Co.. Western...—. ... . 6 108 " IL Dryfoos & Co., Western Pa 5 611, 61 .. Bikini .& Co s Ylrginia 6 7 42 .. Blum 0., Virginia 6 7% 38 " B. Bal dwin, Chester Co 6 8 40 " J. 8. Clemson, ; 6 73,; 20 " D. Brannon - , Ch e r.= co 6 7 40 .. James Hall, Western 5 SO 41 .. J Oolthrop , Chester co • 7 . 37 " Chaudter It Alexander, Ches. 7 8 4 20 '. A. Kimble Chester oo 04 8 16 .. L. Horn,iraware ser ex 44 " 8. Frank, astern 40 " P. Duffy, Western.— ........ 5 6 6 61 1 68 " G. Welker, Virginia PA 6 60 .. Amass Duffy, Virginia 8 7 1 1 74 " John licArcile, Western 54 8h 80 1. G. 13ahambertri CO., Western 6 8 81 1, O. Itilonger, Ohio 6 8 17 . 1 Jesse Miner, Chester c 0...... 6% 8 Cows sad Calves n nuti&engerll 126 seed sold at prices ranging from 645 tb 675 In bead ; springers sold atiW . filhee 13,4-4643 market riti at km week's quo. tations ; 5000 bead changed hands at the Avenue Drove Tiatar 2tlM6e& vm / 1 11.. iptiLei t ... ity. HQ te pa....... 0011 tlAve g itidifitSan ; rat the UnWriove Yard of 2478 head, at 615 50014 for slop, and 404.50015.60 for corn fed ' , V 600 36, no, •a, to condition. New Advertisements. a. Y. 11 1//aili• .141C9BRATHFON. .1 0 011, TIIE PEOPLE! GOOD NEWS 441143 1 / 1 ORENLIAt'w T/lE, The subscribers have just retwiined from the Eastern Markets witirehelatieest and beat assortment of OVER AND DR P.: , +B cUATIN GS, Ail oolors nod 0.11 grades i Cinosigaeres ingreat variety—all the latest and beet styles in the marke minable to all tastes, and the prices within the reach of every' One. All of which , we are prepared up in the beet style, and at the snorteat notice._ and at the Lowest Cash Prices. Our stook or DIZIPS, YOUTDEH'S OJAYTHI2 AND BOPIO, S ILKADT IIA is very Urge, and gotten Up with greet care, end will be sqld very WW I (READY-IX/DK DCPARTM line of EINT on Id Flobr.) We haves tine GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS AIX our goods have been selected with care, and purchased at the very loweat cash prices. All We aslt of you Is to call and examine our stock for 'ourself. and you WILL say truly the half has not been told. MYNAS At EATIIFON, Sonthwee - t corner of Centre mipare, Lancaster, renwa. OctS4f.) New Adrertisemnt. FALL, ISO 31 EIK'S WEAR CLOTHS, cAssimEHEs, COATING!", HAGER & BROTHERS Have new open a choice selection of Foreign and Domestic COATINGS, In Blue, Dahlia, Olive and Black. EDRIDON, MOSCOW and CASTOR BEAVERS for OVERCOATINGS, game 9hadeft. MELTONB AND CASSIMERES FOR SUITS Goods for Boy's Wear at the price of Goods in 1860. HEADY-MADE CLOTHING For Alen and Boys, of our own manufacture; the materials carefully selected, am! satisfac. lion guaranteed: GENT'S FURNISHING GOOD.", MERINO SHIRTS AND DRAW MO, small to extra sizes. GENT'S SHIRTS OF APPROVED MAKE, NECK TIES, HANDKERCHIEFS GLOVES, HOSIERY, &C. The above stock will be found complete and at low down prices. We invite inspection. HAGER t• BROTHERS. 1869. PALL. 1869. ir) R Y GOODS. HAGER S IIItOTHERS Have now In store a full stock of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS for Fall Sales, and invite an examination. LADIES' DRESS GOODS, ALL WOOL POPLINS', and SERGE PLAIDS for Ladies , and Children's Suits, in New Choice Designs and Colors. PLAID AND WATERPROOF' CLOAKINGS, NEW FALL SHAWLS, OPERA FLANNELS, Plain and Plaid, BLACK AND COLORED SILK S, from tine to extra qualltie,,, SILK POPLINS, WOOL EPINOLINES, BARMY/ EMPRESS ( LOTUS, DELAINEs `.ND A I.P.M:AS, In all I le new Of 20.•. upwar.l MOURNING GOODS. lILALK ROMMAZIN ES, CI:ETENE CLOTH, (a new material.) '1':1M1 ESE CLOTH, EMPRESS POPLIN, MERINOES, WOOL. DELA IN ES, AND Ai. 4 oc.ts Black Thibet Lon , ' & Square Skiffs BLAK CRAPE VEILS AND COLLARS, MERINO VESTS for Ladies and Children. Foreign and Hotneetie HOSIERY and GLOVES. THOMPSON'S IMPROVED CORSETS. I{ ID GLOVES, new Fall Shades, Waite, Red, and Grey FLANNELS, Shaker and Ballard Vale FLA NN ELs, in low and tine. BLANKETS IN ALL QUALITIE6. House Furnishing LINENS AND COTTONS. /fir The above goods were purchased in the New York and Philadelphia. 51uxkets for Cash, at :ow prices, and AV tll be sold accordingly. II AG FIR & BROTH CARPETS! kiARPETSI lIEST ENGLISH AND AMERICAN BRUSSELS. LOWELL & HARTFORD 3•PLY and INGUA IN BRUSSELS AND 3-PLY VENETIAN STALE CARPETS. WOOL, I►LUTUH, HEMP AND RAG CA.RPLTS COCOA MATTING, RIMS AND DOOR MATS. FLOOR 0.11. CLOTHS, IrOM 1 to 4 sards wale. WALL PAPERS! PLAIN AND DECORATIVE, —Won— PARLORS. HALLS. LIBRARIES, DINING move, CHA3f,REES, 4c., The largest stook in this city. WINDOW BReDICS, DAMASK AND LACE CURTAINS, IIt3FE AND (MEER SHADE HOLLAND. For sale by oetttf) RAO ER &Rols, HERRING'S CHAMPION SAFES. TIIE BURNING OF EABLES' ART GALLERY. Psttaristrists, Sept. 1,1089. VSIIII,EL, HERRING & CO., ON Chest nut street. GYNTLIMIX ; We have just examined, with the very greatest satialkotlon, our Safe, pur chased of you some year" ago, and which pass. ed through our destructive fire /apt night. We And the contents, without exception, en tirely unharmed, merely slightly damp, and we feel now to a condition to comment* our busi ness again, having every book perfectly safe. We shall in a few days require larger one, and wilt call cP9n Yew. JAMES I..:ARLE & SONS. PRILADICILPHIA, Aug. 27, 11 9. Idassas. Fhitli s Kl.„ HERgAliti & Co. ~ Gistrrtemes: In the year IBM, I tuttortnnately . ..twas in Wildness ha the Artless Build inm which was, destroyed by fire O a the , /Op Of. Apsil. I had then in use what I suppo d ite Fire proof Safe, bet upon °peeing , it ibtihd 'eVery4 thing wardestroyed'. entilkerintraimmerein. You will recollect gentlemen, there were several of your Safes in that fire, also several in the fire at Sixth and Commerce streets, the next May, live weeks afterwards, all of which upon being opened proved they were lire-proof in deed, for I witnessed the opening of the most of them, and in every case the contents were , preserved, while Safes of rr makers were partially or entirely destro ed. lat once con cluded to have something t at I could depend v n , and purchased one of your Safes. e Safe I purchased of you at that time was sub Med to a white heat (which was witnessed by eral gentlemen that reside in the neigh bor ood) at the destruction of my Marble raper yske ry, 94 Wallace street, on the afternoon and evening of the 2ith lust. After (luging the Safe from the ruins, and opening it t his morn ing„l was much pleased to and everything, con sisting of boo ,ks papers, money and silverware all right. I shall want another of your Safes as soon as I can get a place to continue my boat 'Moll in. I mild not rest contented with any other make of safes. CHAR LES WILLI A MS, Marble Paper Manufwaturer HERRING % PATENT CHAMPION sig.pllg, the most reliable protection from Are now known. HESEINti NEW PATENT BANK ERS' SAFES, combining ha. dened steel and iron, with the Patent Frank Unite, or SPIEGEL EISEN, furnish a resistant against boring , and cutting tools to an extent heretofore unknown. FARREL, HERRING & CO., PHILADELPHIA HERRING, FAIIREL & SHERMAN, NO. 5'..11. BROADWAY. cOR. MURRAY ti T., NEW YORK. HERRING & CO., onicAclo HERRING, FARREL & SHERMAN oct&ly*) NEW ORI,KANS. , 1 - LW I POTTER, SEW I:LoOMFIELD, PERRY CO., PA A large 'lumber of valuable farms for sale on reasonable terms, located in Perry county, Pa. Send for a Circular giving a full description of each farm registered. Also, price. locca-Sm FALL, 180 A t DITOR'S NOTICE Estate of HETTIE ISTOBEH, lute of Eliza beth township, Lancaster eounty, deed. The undersigned Auditor, appointed to dis tribute the balance remaining in the hands of Daniel F. Hittner, Administrator, to and among those legalty entitled to the same, will attend for thati.gurpose on TUEs DAY, OCT. 19th,11391, at 9 otdlWok, P. M., in the Library Hoorn of the Court House, In the City of Lancaster, where all persons interested in said distribution may attend. PHILIP D. BAKER., ..ep2l-4tl Auditor. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. Estate of OTTOMER s. ECKERT, late of Lea cock-twp., Lancaster county, decd. The undersigned Auditor, appointed to dis tribute the balance remaining fil the hands of Isaac Bair, Administrator, to and among those legally entitled to the same, will attend for that purpose on FRIDAY, OCT 2.4 1809, at two o'clock P. M., in the Library Room of the Court liolse, In the city of Lancaster. where all per sons interested in said distribution may attend. sep24-41t] PHILIP D. BAKER, Auditor. - - - E STATE NOTICE. Estate of BENJAMIN FLlchlNti ER, 14te of the township of West Cocalico, deceased. Let ters of Administration with the will annexed on the estate of said deceased having been granted to the undersigned, residing in the same township, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate pay ment, and th ose having just claims against the same are requested to present them duly au thenticated for settlement. 13. I'I.IrRINGEH, seu.l7-01*) Administrator. CUN ESTOG A COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE, SEMINARY FOR YOUNG LADIES AWE FIFTH ANNUAL SESSION iiEUINS For T EH MS, he., see CIRCULARS; to be bad at the Rooms, No. N omit' PRINCE atur,l;;4ll VOR SALE. PURE BRED 1101;S AND BOWL-. WINTER SEED WHEAT, ! Asti other FARM SEEDS, In PEITZ'S EN i'liltl MENTAL FARM, Cliambersburg, Pa. tiebPs and Boughton Bearolless; Week's anti Treadwell , s Bearded White Wheats; French White and Bed Chuff :Purple Straw Bearded BO Mediterranean, and German Amber Beard less, are the best, earliest, hardiest and most productive Wheats that can be recommended for genera: cultivation. Price *5 per bushel. 4 pounds of any kind by Mail, post paid, for $l. Twenty heads of different varieties sent, post paid, for Id. Twenty other varieties of Wheat, Barley and Oats, of last year's importation. See DXITZ'S EXPERI SN TA FA ttlit JOURNAL; send and subscribe for it; only $1.50 per year; the most useful Journal printed. Address GEO. A. DEITZ, Imuabersburg. I'a. The Earliest, Hardiest, and most productive Red Wheat is the French White Chaff. soplo-4t VALUABLE FARM AT PUBLIC SALE. On FRIDAY, OCTOBER Ibth.lBBo, at 2 o'clock P. M., will be sold at public sale, on the premi ses, in Warwick township, I ancestor eonnty, half a mile north-west of Millport, and three miles from i.itig, on the road from Litiz to iliport, a tract of land containing 48 ACRES and about SIX rEactlhs, adjoining lands of Andrew Hack tnnn, Jacob Meise and others, having thereon erected a large TWO-STORY FICA ME DwELLI.NG HOUSE, con taininig ten rooms in all, a Frame Kitchen attached, Wood- Shed, king Sty, a large Bank Barn, Corn Crib, Wagon Shed and other buildings. The house and barn are new, having been erected only last year. At the door of the house is a never failing well of water wi - h pmnp therein. On the property is it_young Apple Orchard, and a large number of Peach, Plum, Pear and Cherry trees, all in fine bearing condition. The pro pert: is all under good fences, much of it being railing fence, and is under good cultivation, having been lately well limed. The property vill be sold together or divided to suit pur chasers. If not sold, it will be rented to the highest and best bidder. Any person wishing_to see the property will please call on Aaron K. Buob, on the premises. Terms and conditions made known at sale by ISRAEL 0. HOSTETTER. Alio, at the same time and place will be sold the following tracts of land : !to. 1. Containing T 0 ACRES AN D 122 PIitCRES, with a ONE-STORY DWL'LLING ROUSE, (containing four rooms,) Stable, Hog sty and o t her outbuildings, a well of never haling water, and a number of Apple, Pear, Petah and other fruit. trees. _ . No. t._. Containing tN 4: ACRE., with a ONE STORY DWEI,LINGI liOUtiN, hog sty and other bu/diuga with Apple, Pear, Petteh, Cherry and otter fruit trees thereon. No. S. Containing 10 8 4 ACRES more or less. These throw properties, all adjoin I. 0. Hostet ter, George Melee, John finch and others, and arpituated in Warwick township. Conditions wade known at sale by lactide] JACOB Musical Instruments, ttc. WOODWARD'S VIIIOLESALE AND RETAIL MUSIC STORE, NO. 22 WEST KING STREET. da/Unos Organs, Meli:xleons, Piano and Melo an Stools i aiad Covers Violins, Guitars Ban- Ic , T in a a mr a riaza,Acco:deo ot z, Con:wit:is:rat:S. pe , TRiangtes, strings of all kinds, Bow % Haft T ing fork., Mob Pipes, Violin Bows, Cello B s, Violin and guitar Boxes, Music Port fol s, Instruction Books of all kinds, Sheet M lc, Music Books, and every description of llf !cal Merchandise. AU urders tilled prompt ly a c t i onual Retail or Wholesale Prices, and sa guaranteed. to. A. uning and repairing promptl ARD, y_ attended W. WOODW se,p2l-131 No. 22 W. King-st., Lancaster. j B. KEVINSKI, e./ • sHAET MUSIC, PIANOS, ORGANS, 4 IariOMMT I s. menu, neratby. Agen; LA'', x /11 * 440 ! ^ 1 410 101 ? WORLD itaitiO*ollo4KASOS. Also, 411hirafti . *Br 'vises & co.'® 011046,41**nd IBBIDoBLBONS ratflC GOOK AMOHL DOH! noon aw im J. B. KEVINSKI SEIM MUSIC 8E1T0.112. gweriggA t ORYELLA, MELODY/44114 nn One aorta innate turbtrumentat Der g ev i ns ki is agent for de bereeenty Stadn wehr Pianos—Kloffeera heart MOW se ea dettah. Dor plata it No. 8 NORD PRINCE ETREST, LANCASTER N. B. For a first rely gooty Cleig, odder an Asoordeon, odder a Tswierrioli-Peit, odder en nion miners musical Inshtrument, [lea odder gross ehtopt yasht ni one Kevinski , s, No. 3 Nord ' Prince Shtrose. Lancaster. [no2Ody Ne w Advertisements. REAL. ESTATE AtiENT, Miscellaneous. A YllibT CLASS SErTEmiiEtz 6th, I RA" E\'. IL 11. PRI*NING. Principal DEALER IN Jewelry. ZAHM & JACKSON, DEALERS ♦Y WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SILVER AND SILVER-PLATED WARE, SPBCTACLES AND FANCY GOODS, No. 15 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA xis-REPAIRINGIATTENDED TO.'l* 110204 y ) WATCIIES! WATCHES ! WATCHES ! CLOCKS, CLOCKS, CLOCKS. The undersigned keepeeonstantly on nand a large and full assortmentiol the GENUINE AMERICAN WATCHES, of different weight and finish, to suit all. which are sold upon the most reasonable terms, and guaranteed to give satisfaction. Keeps also on hand a good assortment of CLOCKS. Call and examine the goods before purchasing elsewhere. Thankful for past favors, I solicit a continu ance of the same. HENRY F. ANDREWS, Jan 1-Iy*) Strasburg, Lancaster co., 1 Fertiti~in y. WE CONTINUE TO NIANI7FAC TURE our well-known liinnores, PHOSPHATE OF LIME MEI AMMONIATED FERTILIZER, and also have for 4ale PERUVIAN GUANO, NO. I GODUJUC Government, Fish Guano, Land Plaster and Hydraulic Ce ment together with a. complete assortment of Burning and Greasing OILS, at fair market rates. Super-Phosphate of Lime, - - - 00 per 2000 lbs. Ammoniated Fertilizer, - - - - 435 (10. A DISCOUNT TO DEALERS ALLEN &NEEDLES, 42 DELAWAUE AVE 11k1, PHILADELPHIA 11:‘ , ;TABLISLIED IN IS4, GEO. M. STEINMAN & CO., tuelll-tfj Sole Agents at Lancaster, Pa Books and Stationery. SCHOOL BOOKS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL! We would respectfully call the attentiou of all MERCHANTS, SCHOOL. DIRECTORS, TEACIIHRs, PARENTS AND SCHOLARS To our LARGE Slbe of SCHOOL BOOKS AND STATIONERY! Which will be sola at the LOWEST CASH PRICES PAPER AND ENVELOPES —AT— GREATLY REDUCED RATES. Call before rural:lasing elsewhere. J. H. SHE A.FFEWS 'heap Cush Book Store, No. 52 North Queen•st., Lancaster, Penns HEADQUARTERS FOR SCHOOL BOOKS, -AT RIDDLE & COCHRAN'S, No. 40 NORTH QUEEN STREET, (Two Doors North of Inquirer Building,) LANCASTER, PA We would respectfully call the attention of SCHOOL DIRECTORS, PLIENTS, riSACHERS AND SCHOLAILV To onr new and complete Mock of School Books & School Stationery OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, ICOMEI33 LOWEST PRICES. Raving purehaaed for CANN, we owl afford to offer indnoemente. eiP GIVZ US A UALL. 'VA HEADQUARTERS -IPOR SUNDAY SCHOOL BOOKS AT VULTON ROW, WEST KING STREET. All the latest helps for Superintendents Teach ers and Bible Students, new charts with °b leat Lessons, a new System of Rewards, mak ing every Scholar a worker in the interest of the School. ALL THE LATEST SUNDAY SCHOOL MUSIC NOUNS, LIBRARY BOORS, ItECARD BOOM., Common School Miscellaneous Books, STATIONERY AND FANCY GOODS, HITCHCOCK'S HALF DIME SHEET MUSIC, BIBLES AND TEST-43MM AT PHILADELPHIA WHOLESALE PRICES ICIP Cll6ll and see for yourselves. 112 7144f] D. S. BARE. Hotels. TT S. HOTEL, •,..) • OPPOLTO PaarmA. S. R. DIIPOT, HARRISBURG, PA W. H. BIIIIINGER & CO., wihli-ly) Piropriioors JOHN D. SIMES' BLACK SILK P•, FRENCH MItIVINOS AND WOOL DELAINS, BLACK BOMBAZINES & CRETONE,CLOTH, PAISLEY AND LONG- SHAWLS, BLACK TRIBET & SQUARE SHAWLS, 500 PLAID AND STRIPED LONG AND CLOAKING CLOTHS, LINEN DA4IA`.IO , , WHITE, RED' GREY FLANNELS/ A lull line 01 Ladles' Merino Vests, Hosiery, Gloves, Balmoral Skirts, &c., &e. Carpet.;:, Oil Clot and IViudow Shadeq o(41-t I) THOS. J. WENTZ, SIGN OF THE BEE HIVE, Now offers a full :Isorluit..nt of DRESS GOODS, SILKS, SHAWLS, WHITE ooDs, GLOVES and HOSIERY, CARPETS, ' Floor dr, Table Oil Cloths, GLASS AND QUEENSCVARE AT THE LOWEST INDUCING PRICES. Kind attention paid to all. Aerial care taken to show our stock. WENTZ BEE HIVE, inyti,S4 j No. 5 East King street JACOB BABNISH, M. H. HAKNTE4II, JOHN L. IMMIX HARNISH & CO'S 10. 27 WEST KING-ST., LANCASTER, PA., t lotus, Cashmeres, Sattinetts, Jeans, Tweeds Lindseys, Flannels, Tickings, Cheeks, Plaids, Alpaoea and Tress Goods, Ginghatus, Calicoes, Muslimsrills, White Goods, Notions, & No. 1 Feathers, MEN AND BOYS' WEAR, , Made up at astonishing Low Prices. Air Call and examine onr stock before pur ! chasing elsewhere. AGENTS WANTED FOR CHAM. BERLIN'S containing fun Instructions and Practical Forms adapted to every kind of Business, and to all the States of the Union. " There is no book of the kind whieh will take rank with it for authenticity, intell Bence , and oompleteness."—Sprinalleid (Man.) Repea -1 bean. This is the ONLY NEW BOOK of the kind pub lished for nearly years. It is premiered by an able PRACTICAL LAWYER, of twenty-Ave years' experience, and is just what everybody needs for daily use. It is highly recommended by many eminent Aaiun, fnetuding the Chief Justice and other Judges of Massachusetts, and the Chief Tustiee and entire Bench of Ctonnectietd. Sold only by Subscription. AG NTS WANT pO.RR Sond for Circulars. D. CASE CO., Publishers. Hartftml, ikon •I No. I spruce street, New York; Cincinnati, O.; and Chicago, 111. An old law-book, published many years ago, has j ust been hastily re-issued as " s now book" without even a suitable revision of its obsolete statements. Do not confound that work with Cii•mak:RLlZOB LAW•BuOE Peat THE PHOTLI. seplo.2m A GENTS! And now a now interest is felt in the Great West by everybody. We have issued a new edi tion of our popular work, "BEYOND THE MISsISsIPPI,” by Albert 1). Richardson, writ ten up by the author to the summer of DM. Nothing out will compare with this book now. New text, new engravings, new index, new maps. It contains I pages, and 216 line illustrations. We sell it, with all addi tions, at its original price. It is the only book that can show THE OLD WEST AT IT WAS, AhD THE NEW WEST AS IT IS. Agents should not attempt to sell imitation books, or those which cover but a small portion of our Western territory and a limited space of time, but give people what they really want, the full and complete history of the whole West from tso7, down to the present time. We shall pay large commissions on this work, and agents can get circulars with terms by apply ing to the publishers. AMERICAN PUBLISHING CO., 0e 11.44 ) Hartford, Cunu. CLASS BOOKS, ac BOOK AGENTS WANTED FON NEW BOOK, with 234 Engravings, THE INNOCENTS ABROAD; The moss readable, valuable, /aughab/e, and pop ular book printed ,or year:. l 43 you want to make money faster than °vet before in 3 our life! Fell this book. NO volumes told in New York City in one day. 20,000 vol. urn.•: printed in advance and now ready for &seine. bend for Circular to H. W. BLISS & CO., Toledo, Chia. octl-4tl Dry Goods. FALL, 1869. NOW OPENING -AT 'OLORED IRISH POPL/NR, PARIS DRESS GOODS, BLK& C 012.1) ALPACA, &VW- t ENGLISH DRESS GOODS, SQUARE WOOl, A W wATER-FRoor (Tutus 100 PAIR LWli CLUB AND CB A BLE BLANKETS I , :li(a.lsti AND 1 M. ERIGA N PRINTS, IN Al.l, tjUALITIES JOHN D. SKIMS, No. '24 Ent King Btreet No. RING STREET, CELBAP STORE, leulern in Foreign and Domestic DRY GOODS, GLASS ANI) QUEENSWARE, Mints. A n\ 416 O t 11 \ ‘ \ \ W - - FOR THE PEOPLE! By FRANKLIN CHAMBERLIN, Of the United State. Bar. CAUTION THE PACIFIC RAILIWAD OPENED! MARK TWAIN'S Or, The New Pilgrim's Progress AGENTS