,Venuoplvattioch titsch. UaIiMULLLAIIUaII.II..2IU_AS )1' :!•.k 111.11•Tf,14:Ti)WN, Sopt. (ler I't. 111sTE1 Popi)Ei: .11:11AnAm Es sin shrattwa lofts. un ich Lin letz. OINIT kb bin kea 1 . 1111 planlan Ilia lir. Der geld howfa !nits obnctimm, odder der nit Packer un commit ty natun, dcr Nlutchler, gettna hack uf !Melt. Anyhow, om Fridog war (:11 widder iu Fildelly, according tsu unser understanding, awcr Mt bin inn kortza t•ml rouse kummtt. Onslitot dos ich sctly hunnert dahler grickt hob, hen se mer (sit fershtea . l.eVVa dos se scana wetta tlerweaya, un sell kummt mer fore deat de prospect a wennich drulderich tmcka macha. We left mintier bin un in (IC Packer's hedtivarters nci, want about a dntzcut demokrata dont rum g'huckt. Pint' lehry wisky buttla wara uf em dish nu tswca want ouch so about holwer ful. Eaner hut tit' em settee ttleaya un g'shlofa, uu rani ich an juege bin fun genuine de mocracy—lt-min mei maws 'Melt net dis seeft, Bonn but cc aw an ordlich grassy load in sich ! , 'hot. Noch caner war dort im eek glinat tin sellam sei awya want :aw holwer tsu, tin according tsu seim _cruel' dent ichjutcha het er for an gonsy woch nix g•fressa dos limborricker kits nu tswivvclla, un nix g'sulla dos frisker unrcektitieder wisky un kockelas iddigos higer beer. Er war aw decidedley ful-ce •ichtich- so coat rund is er mer fore kumma we de sun wann Sc yusht om utt :ter gea is. Men hut aw gor kea ruutzla ~n calla scana henna, for sei haut war iv verall orrig tight aw g'slipont. telt bin sheer golly tsu der conclusion kumma dos we se seller ding g'manufacterd hen sin se draw gonga uu hen sei dicky, roaty haut's rsht g'inacht un donn deaf ich juteha, hetta se a lot Ileash, odder hash, odder eb ,has fun der ort tsumma g'shmulsa in ma grossa kessel, uns in de haut nei gegussa his se full war. Der floor fun de hedquar ters war full chaw-duwack bree un cigar shtumpa, orrig kortz nunner g'shmoked. About de helft fun denna kierls hen weise heet aw g'hot mit crape drum rum, un caner but a shwartz awg g'hot un an on miter hut a grosser shwartzer patch uf cm kup g'hot grawd owich seim awg. In fact, olles was felt dort g'sea hob but an decidedly demokratishe appearance u:'- macht. Es hut anyhow em Kitzelderfer sei bar shtub gebutta all hollow. We ich nei bin 'war der Mutehler bissy mit earn dort, un hut can tsuletsht uf do side g'numma un hut cam ebbas in de bond nei g'shlipt—was es war konn ich net sawya, awer es war green, un ich in shpect es wara air tsiffera druf. Donn is er ufg'shtept un hut amohl hands g'shaked mit mer, un sogt: " Well, Pit, aw widder in der shtadt— we goats ols?" Yah," sock ich, " Ich hob gedeukt Ali wet widder amohl kumma for seana we's doh liter goat Donn sin men widder itt sell ouuer sh ti velly nei un hen uns onna g'huekt, tin aw grawd amohl on bisness. "Ln we husht dOllll ours : , 'lllaCht mit ,•rn. George?" seclit cr. " Ei, so weft,'' sog ich, hub ich noel' nix welters gedu. Iclt bob can g'sound, awer bin tsu der conclusion kumma dos nix mit cam tsu du is Aria an ordlich grosser howfa geld, for :er is evva uf der meanung dos der Ueery anyhow leckt wterd, uu dos er net afforda keunt sich uf der klea howfa, du ohna plenty shtamps. For about a dausend sog ich, kennt ich eau ferleicht runt bringa." _ewer sell kenna, finer net afforda tsu .zes va," seeht der Mutehier, "der alt Asa Man& net, for icr hut de letsht woch sivva dausend dahler noch Lenkeshter county g'shickt on der County Committy rnonn, un Amr geld will mus bel eam aw rufa. Der George, secht er, dents anyhow yusht in der sock shtecka, un sell dent der Packer doch nix botta. noch cans, — er, " even de hat fun denna coin rnitty Incliner polta slicer ones was se kreeya—gevva so hea un doh a paar dah- ' ier un betzahla a imar drunks, un :mer de grossy shtamps polta se in earn eayener poeka-bicher." Amer, Mr. Mutchler," sog ich, "mer wella donn nix men sawya fain George. ,LUSS can droppa, for ter gent anyhow for der Geery. _Amer we is es mit cm Law buck, un em Kitzelderfer un em Sam Sen sawetzer? Say geana all for der (leery wann der nix dut for sc. Eara price is sivva hnnnert, un se hen meer orders gcv va fors geld tau kreeya fun eieh doh, un's graved mit bringa." "Pit," secht der, "se fuddera tsu feel. lch konns net du, for der Packer is aw longs shtuvverich. Er sawgt wanuls noel ea woch so fort macht donn shleest er sei e 1 d kisht tsu uu shteckt der shlissel in der sock tin lust de gons party un olles tsum deifel gea, for er suspect olleweil dos der Geery anyhow elect wterd." " Un was macht eau donn so denka " Ei Becht Cr," well se so an ferdeivelter fuss macha fun weaya sellam tox." `• We is es donn mit sellam tox," sog ich " de Bevvy hut mer ebbas g'leasa iu der FonnEn AIIItAHAWS Tseitung der weaya, un so feel ich hob kenna ous macha hut evva der Mister Packer re fused der tox tsu betzahla, un is oh ge krotzt noch Fidelfy . we der collector kum ma is derfore, hut sick doh assessa lussa, un is sellerweg rouse g'shlipt. Is du nn sell now aw wohr ?" " Pit" secht er, " veil du an confiden heler freiud bisht will ich ders now exact ly sawya we's war. Doh for a paar yolir we se de bounties betzahlt hen dort in Mauch Chunk wu der Packer woont, is der alt kterl evva falsh warra derweaya, weil sell boUnty, under greek geaya unser demokratishe breeder au meeny bisness war, un geaya de constitution. Well, des bounty betzahla hut evva an grossy shuld g'inacht, un well so feel fun donna Mauch Chunker in der greek gonga sin huts aw orrig feel ormy leit gevva dort, un sell hut der orma tox orrig noch g'maeld. doh for sivva yohr, we se so hock wasser g'hot hen (tort bei Mauch Chunk—we's all de bricka uf der Lehigh week g'numma hut g,ebeier week g'shwemmt, shtrosa ous gewesha nu feel onuery damages gedu tsu property, huts evva orrig feel geld g'numma, for repairs, un for de slmlda tsu betzahla hen se evva kea onnerer weg ,g'hot dos der tox druf tau leaya, un sell is fbrdeihenkert hort uf der Packer kumma, • for we's amohl ons assessa gonga is hen se evva atuold sell hunnert dausend dahler house nunner gedu wu er drin woont, tin i seller gross block heiser wu er cayent dort int center fum town grawd nivver fum Court ;House ; donor hen se aw de roy heiser dort in der Race shtrose assessed, un aw sei coal mines, tin sei shtock im Lehigh Valley Rail Road, im llazletonßail Road, im Eekley Rail Road, im Beaver Meadow Railroad un int Quakake Rail road, un aw sei onnery shtocks uu bank shares un sei feely heiser nn shops—in tact's ions shteddle fun l'ackerton wu er or eayent; itu aw sci lend un feely heiser in Stockton, in Bettlehem un onnery pletz in a der A - alley. 1 - f course or is an orrig reich er mon n— hut ivver tswansich milliona dahler wart flail Roads un onucr property, un sell nenunt aw geld for Lox tsu betazhla, un sell hut or uf course net shtanda, wella, un fiir clear tsu kumma derfu hut er amain sci carpet bag ci gepockt, hut sei goldiche watch in der sock g'shteckt un is ob Hoch Fildelfy—hut awer sci family der hearn g'lust in Mauch Chunk. Donn is er ins Merchant Hotel nei, hut a t•htub grickt for drin shlofa, un hut sich a wesh fraw gcdingt for sei dreckiche hemmer un shtand-up rollers tsu wesha, for du weasht, wu mer sei weshas grickt dort woont mer aw, un sell is de law. Donn hut or sich assessa lussa in Fildelfy, un hut aw olles ehrlich aw gevva was er bci sich g'hot hut in seiner neia heamet—sei watch un etlich onner articles , uu sell but sei tox so uf about dreisich dahler gebrocht, uu or huts aw betzahlt we an ehrlicher monn, un hut a rissect derfore in shwartz un Weis. Donn is er widder nufnoch Mauch Chunk gonga, yusht of b'such, un oily paar wocha is or ols widder heart kumma doll in Fildelfy—moryats runner un owets widder nuf, un sell hut or aw goot du kenna for nix, well :yr der Railroad sel wer eayent un branch nix betz thin, for druf fithra. 17f course, er hut aw refused sei Lox tsu betzahla dort in Mauch Chunk, weil er doh in Fildelfy woont, tin is yusht ols dort bei seiner fraw tu Mauch Chunk uf b'such. " Sell'' hob ich g'sawt, " nmeht awer au ordlich smatter fuss, fur de lei( be hawpta er het evva sella &rite= bleiwa un sci Mauch Chunk tax betzahla." " lA' course machts an fuss," secht or, un de Mauch Chunker geaua aw now sheer all mitnonner for der (leery. Eans fun de beshty demokrata dort hut mer selwer g'sawt we or in der Shtadt war doh forgeshter dos an moral Bier Mauch Chunk ous seim share fun tox shwindled, deer konn net inshpeeta feel votes in Mauch Chunk tsu kreeya, for Gufferneer. Un noch cans," secht der Mutchler, der Packer suspect aw dos de kterls wu's geld 4rickt hen so weit gor nix um can evva, for a delil fun eana kumma sheer °Ay on nery dog, un wella ols noch mea, yeadas mohl. " Demnoch” sog ich "will er nix men, du, un wann sell so is, donn, according tsu mein er opinion, deat or yusht so goot uf gevva. "Ich will nix welters g'sawt hawa," secht Cr, "awer mei opinion is dos cr noch tsurick tseegt, for er hut shun a proposition g'macht tsu sellam Cass wu de nomineashun hawa hut wella dos wann cream ytisht finf un tswansich cent fum dahler gebt was es shun gekosht hut, donn megt or de nomineashun nemma awer, somehow, der Cass will net recht, I wed er evva aw suspect dos nemond der (leery beeia koun. Doch ca advantage het der Cass ivver der Packer, for se ken na's cam net noch sawya dos er sich yea molds ens em shtaab g'macht hut fun weaya seim Lox, awer er dut can oily mold betzahla wann der colleetor aw rooft bei cam. 'Leh hob uf course nix du kenna unnich derma, umshtenda, tin es delft much gor net ferwunnera wann tier Packer noch gnus ob gea cleat fum track, un wanner sell dut, dorm is unser greenback game aw Otis g'elipeelt. felt hob mich aw gor net long in Fildelfy uf g'holta un bin beam. Der Lawbuek is kumma der same owat, un du konsht denka, ter is down hearted derweaya, under Kitzelderfer , sagt er het olsfort, suspect dos seller Pack er an humbur , is, un now trier er sure derfu. Under Sam Sensliwetzer behawpt dos de Republican party by a tarnation sight de besht is, for er hut (101 l fergonga sivva dahler g'ivacht for yusht an gons commoner Republican sex mile fun doh noel( lionnoy tsu fahra in der nocht, un so jobs hut er ucch ne net ous ma demo krat gemacht. Der Sam, uf course, will now aw gor nix mit demokrata tsu du hawa—anyhow net mit soddiche wu ob shkiddaddla wann der tox collecter ruin kummt. Uf course, warm der Packer tsurick tseegt, donn is olles om end. Warm awer net, donn geb ich's net uf, awer proweer noch amohl for de shtamps. De Bevvy sawgt se kept sich es goot fore sittella we de ka3rls dem Packer noch travella for geld, un a yeader mehnt evva or mist an ordlich gooter grab secura kenna. Awer de committy meaner shtecka's evva for common ols in der sock un de ormy huttle in der demokratish party de gcana ohua. So an party, uf course, konn net shtea, under werret sehna dos der Geery widder nei kummt mit iswanich dausend majority. a SC 11 WEFFLEBRENNE Tim Copperhead press and cotte,c-pot holders are loud in denouncing Governor Geary for using the pardoning power. lie has thought proper to exercise his au thority in the pardon of sonic minor criminals who are evidently entitUd to some degree of leniency, or whose crimes prove to be less aggravating than former ly appeared. But these scamps forget that they applauded Johnson whenever he turned loose upon society hordes of far greater criminals who had no mitigation to plead and no leniency to expect. Ilad he opened Pandemonium and turned out every occupant, the Cops would have ap plauded him all the more—because their party would have secured them as mem bers.— Lelvislniry Chronicle. MAJOR A. C• REINOEIIL. Republican Nominee for the House of Representathes. Ihn s tOPOndenCt. OUR PHILADELPHIA LEVIER. Political—Parade of the Ineineibles—The New Democratic Ticket—A Cool Request—More Cutting—Death in the ,Slate House Steeple— General News, &c., &e. PHILAD,EL.PLUA, Sept. 22d, 180. DEAR ADE : The political caldron has com menced to boil, and that world occupied by our city politicians, has assumed an activity equalled only by the campaign of last fall. With the assessors in session, public meet ings, a parade or two, and the grand sommer sault of the Democracy, we have had enough excitement for one week. On Saturday night last, that old and effective organization, the Republican Invincibles, the veterans of six victorious campaigns, made their first parade of the season, with full ranks, and locking as handsome as ever. At the League Rouse on Broad street, they were reviewed and ad dressed by Governor Geary. The grandest event of the season, however, has been the " Reconstruction" of the Demo cratic city ticket. As predicted in this cor respondence last week, an entire new list of aspirants has been placed in the field, but it has by no muses proven a very popular move. The Sunday Transcript, whose editor was the President of the late Democratic Convention, in its last issue, makes some remarkable dis closures as to how this new ticket was placed in nomination, and among many other things says that " the Democracy has had no iu stance so glaring in impudence and so impo tent in power, as that which was consummated last week at the gambling .hall at Arch and Ninth streets." Col. Green also denies that the new ticket is a victory of the " respects bles" over the " roughs"—that this very " re spectable" ticket was placed in the field solely through the exertions of such men ae Bill McMullin, Sam Randall, Lew Cassidy and Sam Josephs, and finally appeals to the real democracy to support nellsbily but the ticket nominated by the ,regular Convention". Of course we can do no nto 'pan dby and admire this row, for 'with dissatiffiliietion in the ranks of our opponents, and ten'thoti sand fraudulent votes cut liff by the Registry Law, our majority for Geary and Williams will be but the greater next month. The Schuylkill Navigation Company have done a cool thing in sending in a bill to the city for a quiet four hundred thousand for water supplied during the late drought. It appears this company has, by its charter, the exclusive right to use the waters of the Schuyl kill, and in keeping eight hundred thousand people from thirst they have suffered to the tune of $400,000. Whether the city will pay this little claim remains to be seen. As usual, I am unable to complete my let ter without relating another attempt at mur der. A man named Tripp, residing in the Sixth Ward, was fiercely attacked ou Monday morning last by another named Barnes, who occupied the same house with him. Itipp was cut and beaten in a shanieful manner, and it is considered altogether doubtful wheth er he will recover from his injuries. You may possibly inquire the cause of the great num ber of murders we are having of late, and in reply I would say that Mayor Fox's police are entirely too bast' attending to the extra assessments to pay any attention to the row dies and assassins with which our city is in fested. Mr. William Elliott, took a young friend from the country, up the State House steeple, and after reaching the cupola, was seined with palpitation co' the heart, and in a fen• moments after died. The fund raised for the relief t;l* the Al 011- A Philadelphia I'uurtl► Warder - `salv Packer, and appears in hisnew rig, washed and combed ; wonders why the deir creatures look sit him- thinks there must be something, very attractive about his figure. dale sufferers has reached $28,000 in round numbers, and is still on the increase. George W. Childs, proprietor of the Ledger, heads the list with a donation of one thousand dollars. The steamship " Hornet," about which so much has been said and written, has again been in print. A telegram announcing a low black steamer with eight guns, off Mar blehead, taking in a cargo from a schooner, is said to be the identical "Hornet " detained both at this port and at Halifax. She left the latter port on the ltith inst., since which time nothing has been heard of her, and now the inference is she is taking ou supplies and ammunition from the schooner, and will soon be heard oil the shores of Cuba. No decision in the contested election case yet, and Yours, WARWICK. Mu gime 4oketi. --Salads, like the heads of ladies, ne6d a good deal of dressing to go down well. \ --When does the rain become too fa miliar to a lady? When it begins to pat her (patter) on the back. --A gentleman in Quincy found a pack age addressed to "A -dam Sell, Chicago." lie opened it, and found it was. —An ice-house laborer being killed by a lump of ice falling on his head, the verdict was: "Died of hard drink.,, —lf you can't coax the fish to bite, try your persuasive powers on a cross dog, and you will be sure to succeed. —"Well, Tom," said a grocer tO his apprentice, "as you have seen the differ ent departments of my business, what part of it do you like the best?" "The .hutting vp pad, sir!" —Toast—The Ladies—Their eyes kin dle the only flam.fs which we cannot ex tinguish, and against which there is no insurance. —"I go through my work," as the needle said to the idle boy. "But not till you are hard pushed," said the idle boy to the needle. —I don't believe it's any use, this va.cei nation," said a Yankee; "I had a child vaccinnated, and lie fell out of a window a week after and got killed." --A disappointed old bachelor says it makes little difference whether a man commits suicide or matrimony. In one ease he loses his life, and in the other his influence. --A couple of fellows who were pretty thoroughly soaked with bad whisky, got into the gutter. After floundering about for a few minutes, one of them said: "Jim, let's ~ c ) to another house: this hotel leaks." --"1)o you ever take auythiug?" asked Sharp of Sozzles. "Never, sir, except I'm unwell, and then my weakness is cognac. Just now I'm troubled with hollowness, and don't care if I do." —"That's very sittgallx,” Said a young lady to a t;o tim nilan who had just kissed her. "t Ya, well my dottr Miss," was the reply. I will as 4la make it plural." And the villain did. Clothing. FREE EXHIBITION! Everybotly their Clothing MYERS & RATII FON, AND SAVES MON El MYERS .45 RATHFON keep the largeNt agsortment of READY-NIADE CLOTHING, FOR MEN, YOUTHS AND BOYS, All our own manufacture. We guarantee the goods us represented or money refunded. We have Just returned from the east with a fill and complete stock of CLOTHS, TRICOTS, PIQURS AM) COATINGS, CASS/MERES In great varieties which we are prepared to make up to order in the best style and the shortest notice, and at the very lowest Cash Price. Onr stock of GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS is full. Sir Thankful for past patronage we hope by selling goods low to merit a continuance of public patronage. MYERS & ATRFON, Rout ea,t 4:orner of Centre :Square, Lancaster, Pcnn'a 1869. NEV :!•11tINL: GOODS E . O. B. COLEMAN, Nil. 11 NORTH QUEEN. STREET, (Late Wiley's Shoe Store,) hats itt store a Fine .Issortme»i of French, English and American CLOTHS, COATINGS AND CASSIMERES, which he is prepared to make up to order in the latest styles for SPRING AND SUMMER WEAR, (N THE MOST REASONABLE TERMS GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION ON HAND iY 9 t. • REMOVAL To BEAU MONDE HALL! PORTICO RO 531 PEN . .N" SQUAI E, 531 ME READING, PENNA =I BEAVERS, CLOTHS, CASSIN/ERES, VESTINGS, &c., &c., SPRING AND SUMMER WEAR ALs,), BOY'S CLOTHING, GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS? LEVI G. COLEMAN, Cutter. BUCH & BRO., PROPRIBTORe je tf] Boots and Shoes. MARSHALL & SON'S BOOT AND 8110 E STORE, CENTRE &WARE, LANCASTER, PA. ANOTHER FRESH ARRIVAL—CavaUs A CALL. The only place for good and substantial work S at MARSHALL'S, Where can be seen the largest and best assort ment of Men's and Boys' BOOTS AND SIIOES over brought to this city. Ladies', Atlases' and Children's plain and fancy Slums, Delmorels and Buttoned Gaiters. Akie.Also, RUBBERS OF EVERY .WIND, which we invite you to call and examine; feeling; con tideut that, we can warrant all to WEAR WELL no 20-13 J REINHOLD Lt STUBBS, No. 10.44 North Queen St., Square above the R. R. Depot. BOOT AND SHOE DEALERS. Have just arrived from the city with a large and elegant stock of Boots and Shoed Gaiters, etc., superior to any ever before brought to 'this market, which are offered at the fol lowing astonishing low prices Men s Calf Boots $3.00 to *7.00 Box-toe Congress Gaiters.... 3.00 to 4.00 " Congress Gaiters 2.50 to 3.00 ‘g llahnorals 2.00 to 3.00 " Lasting Congress Gaitert; 9.00 to 375 " Oxford Tie 2.75 to 3.50 Boys' Gaiters 2.00 to 3.00 " Calf Balmorals 1.50 to 2.00 Youths Calf Balmorals 1.25 to 1.76 Ladies high-polish Lasting Gaiters. 2.50 to 3.25 Lasting Balmorals 1.25 to 1.75 " Lasting Congress Gaiters ..... 1.50 to 2.00 " tine Glove Sid Button Boat.. 3.26 to 4.00 " " Glove Kid Polish 800 t... 2.60 to 8.25 4, " Morocco Button 800 t.... 2,25 to 3.00 44 " Goat Balmoral 2.00 to 2.50 " " Turkey 'Morocco Button. 8.00 to 3.75 " " Kid Beet 51ipper5......... 1.26 to 1.76 44 GOat 1811ppers 1.00 to 1.23 Misses Goat high-polish L 75 to 2.50 " Lasting high-polish 2.00 to Lib Children's shoes of ill kinds 50 to 1.50 u-An inspection of the stock is solicited. iliPOur work is all warranted. lii' All kinds of custom work manufactured in the very best style at short polies, at the lowest cask rrrices. man-6m) BBINIiOLD & STUBBS. Groberies, &c. FRUIT .TARS! FRUIT JARS! 'Vie be4t Fruit Jar ia tito MASON JAM SAFE, RELIABLE AND SIMPLE EVERY JAR WARRANTED 50 GROSS FOR SALE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Al;:o, other good Jars, and the choicest selection of GROCERIES in the city, AT NO. 18 EAST KING STREET jy 16-tf -0 '- in all colors 1869. -ALSO Gil MEI FRUIT JARS! D. S. BURSK, Proressioll al. J. DICKP,Y O • ATTORNEY AT LAN% OFFICE: SOUTH QUEEN ST.,seconit honsel” low the " Fountain Inn," Lancaster, Pa. T B. lIVEsiGSTON, t." ATTORNEY AT LAW. OFFICE: No. 11 NORTH DUKE ST., West shit north of the Court House, Lancaster, Pa. riIIARLES DENUES, ATTORNEY AT LAW. OFFICK: No. 3 F 401: TII DUKE STREET, Lit:, Caster, Pa. JOHN B. GOOD, ATTORNEY AT LAW OFFICE:: No. 56 EAST KING ST., Lancaster, Pa T W. JOHNSON, c..sr • ATTORNEY AT LAW Orric•a: No '25 SOUTH. QUEEN ST., Lanett I ter, Pa. TA P. ROSENMILLER, JR., • ATTORNEY. AT LAW. OFPICE: With A. HERR SMITR Esq., South Queen St., oppoNito the offlee of "Father Abrn ham," Lancaster, Pa. Ac. REINOEITL, • ATTORNEY AT LAW. OEvict:: N 0.3 sOUTII DUKE ST., Lancaster t j OIT N P. ILEA, ATTORNEY AT LAW OrricE: With Hon. O.J. DicaEr, N0.'21 SO'C T QUEEN ST., Lancaster, Pa. M A"T " A l T T o rl iaEv AT LAW. °Friel.: of the late lion. 'DCA 1/DErl STEve,N, , Igo. 26 South Queen St., Lancaster, Pa. A MOS IT. AL YLIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Darter:: No. S SOUTH. QUiEN 19! K. RIJ T T ER, ATTORNEY AT LAIN - • OFFICE: With General .J. NV. FISHER, NORTIi DUKE ST., Lancaster, Pa. lot F. BAER, • ATTORNEY AT LAW, OFFICE: No. la NORTH DUKE Strept, Lanca. ter, Pa. [dee It]-tyr Reading Advertisemesets. H. MALTZBERGER, ATTORNEY AT LAIN No. 4P NORTH SIXTH ST., Rea111;114, Pa Ar GEORGE SELTZER, • ATTORNEY AND COL;N:SELLER. AT LAW. No. 604 COURT STREET, (opposite •thy Cou House,) Rending, Pa. Sewing Machines. WHEELER & WILSON'S FAMILY SEWING MACHINES Willi all the Latest haproveme•its -The Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machin was awarded the only GOLD MEDAL given for Sewing Maehines over eighty-two competitor at the Universal Exposition held in 1'ai1:4,1867 Machines sold on Lease Planet the Cash Priew MONTHLY PAYMENTS, ONLY TEN • DOLLARS. PETERsON & CARPENTER. General Agents, el N. Queen-st., Lancaster, Pa. P. S.—Energetic Business Men Wanted to eel the Wheeler A, Wilson sewing Machine int owl and country. Good Inducements. Rv2B4nl G ROVER & BAKER'S FIRST PREMIUM ELASTIC STITCH FAMILY SEWING MACHINES, 495 BROADWAY, N'EW YORK. 130 cHESTNuT STREET, PRILADELPD POINTS OF EXCELLENCE. Beauty and Elasticity of Stitch. Perfection and Simplicity of Machinery. Using both threads directly from the spools. No fastening of seams by baud and no wastt of thread. Wide range of application without change of adjustment. The seam retains Its beauty and firmness elle washing aud ironing. Besides doing all kinds of work doneby other Sewing Machines, these Machines execute tin moat beautiful and permanent Embroidery ant ornamental work. itif-The Highest Premiums at all the Fair, and exhibitions of the United States and Europe, have been awarded the Grover & Baker Sewing Machines, and the work done by them. wherever exhibited in competition. 14 The very highest prize, THE CROSS OF THE LEGION OF HONOR, was conferred o!, the representative of the Grover & Raker Sew ing Machines, at the Exposition Universelle. Paris, 1867, thus attesting their great superiority over all other Sewing Machines, For sale by 'GEORGE SPURIII.EIt, North Queen street, Lancaster, Pft lily 28-ly I T FIF HONE SEWING MACHINE MB E E It YBODY: As a 11011 day Gift to a Sister, Wife or Friend they are unsurpaesed. The Farmer wants it for his Family. The Drees and Cloak Maker prefers it. The Seamstress wants it, because its work i• sure to give satisfaction. The Tailor has long ago decided it to be the best for his business. The Carriage Trimmer cannot do without : and the Shoe Fitter Iludm that, after all, (ht. W 1, is the machine for hint. Sooner or later, everybody will have the HOWE MACHINE. Every Machine is warranted. Everyone may be the possessor ofoue of the:4• tinrivalled machines, as we endeavor to mak , • the terms of sale suit all our customers. We earnestly tnviteali, whether they purpose purchasing or not, to call and get specimens 01 the work executed by us on the HOWE MA CHINE, and compare it with the work done by other machines. We are willing toabide by the result. C. FATE, Agent, 254 North Queen aree dee le t f] 3fectieal. ►T' HIL doe_ snuffs and Arcing cans& solutiond with which the people have long been humbugged, simply palliate for a short time, or drive the diaeaie to the hoists as there is danger of doing in the use of Binh nostrums, but it producer rintirsoy Ali]) FIXERANENT CORNS 0 V THR WORST CASES Or CHRONIC CATARRII, as thousands can testify' . "COLD IN , rs it Haan" is cured with a few app 1- cations. CATARRHAL ii EADAORR 13 relieved and cured as if by magic. It removes offensive Breath, Loss or Impairment of the EIRUBO of taste smell or hearing, Watering or Weak Eyes, antilmpaired Memory, when caused by the vio lence of Catarrh, as they all frequently, are. I offer n good faith a standing reward t fo:. a ease of Catarrh that I eamiot cure. FOR SALE BY MOST BRUGULSTs - ER 1- WHERE.. Imes ONLY 50 CENTS Ask your Druggist for the limitair ; but if he has not got it on sale, don't he put off by ac cepting any miserable worse than weithless substitute, but enclose sixty cents to me, and the Remedy will to sent you post paid. Four packages or one dozen for co. Send a two cent stamp for Dr. Sage's pamphlA on Catarrh. Address the Proprietor R. V. PIERCE, M. D. ; Buffalo, Is . Y. IY9-gull
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