Lanna, and here and there a village peering from behind a dark !lend, and the people be .ow hallooing all arodird us ; and d heard a voice distinctly cry, " Charley, come down— come down—pcome down." We repeated these cloud scenes five or six - .lmes, going up and down, and I was al most led to believe that when we shall aiabge from mortality to immortality, it will be our happy destiny to soar through ...he realms of space, visiting, on spir mai wing, this globe and that globe ; for the good book tells us that, "in my Father's Louse there are many mansions," and I verily !elt, when I was away up above the clouds, - ..hat I was in the house of God—it was so solemnly grand and sublime. I shall dream of this all my lifetime. I can Low hardly realize it—it seems tome more tike the shadow of a vision—a trance of posi tive things. I don't think anybody could make such an adventure without becoming getter, and particu:arly grateful to the Crea -or for the privileges he has granted us. We landed safely one hour audten minutes after we left the earth, 9n the farm of Mr. J. Hoffman Hershey, about 9 miles northwest of :he city. Mr. John Herr invited us to his louse, where we took supper. LOUISA WISE LANCASTER, Sept. 20, 1869. A. Destructive Storm—Hain, Hail and Light- Wing—Number of Barns Burut The rain and thunder storm which passed ,over this county on Friday of last week, it seems, did much damage to property in some sections. Fences were swept away, barns struck by /lightning and destroyed and other damage done. But little or no injury was done in this :•ity, so far as we have been able to learn. Below we give such facts as have reached us In Marietta and vicinity the storm seems 'o have raged with great fury and destructive ness. It set in about 11 o'clock in the morn ing. The rain fell in torrents, accompanied by hail, thunder and lightning. The streets of the town were overflowed with water,and a number of persons were compelled to eave :heir houses and seek refuge elsewhere. Seve ral made narrow escapes with their lives. Bridges, fences, chicken-coops and hog-pens were floating about the streets of the town. The Pennsylvania Railroad track at the lower end of the town was completely submerged, and the noon passenger train, due at the Up per Station at 1247 p. m., ran off the track and was delayed several hours. At the height of the storm an alarm of fire was raised, which was found to be caused by the burning bf a barn at the lower end of the borough, be .enging to Jas McCormick, of Harrisburg, and occupied by Mr. George Hippie as tenant. The barn had been struck by lightning. Be fore assistance could be rendered, the barn and most of its contents were entirely destroy -4.d. A calf perished in the dames. The loss -s not known. The barn of Jaoob 'Huber, one and a half :niles northwest of Rohrerstown, in East flempfleld township, was struck by lightning during the storm and completely destroyed. The crop of wheat, threshed and laying on the floor, and all his hay and straw were burnt up. The h•rses and other stock, with the exception of three small pigs, were got out, but all the agricultural implements in the barn were lost. John Brickhart's barn, about one and a half miles west of Balungs, and the barn of Mr. Koontz, *ear Maytown, were also struck uy lightning during the storm and destroyed, 'jut the particulars, at this writing, have not reached us. The house and barn of Benj. Rutter, in Warwick-twp., one mile east of Litiz, were struck by lightning during the storm. The lightning struck the rod on the house, ran down to the ground, cut a hole through the foundation wall, ran along a copper pipe one 'uundred and fifty feet to a b,ydrsadie. ram, which it bursted, then ran along st,leagi pipe about twenty feet to box contwininewater, which it also bunted, and here the fluid pass ed away. Fortunately, no one *as in the house at the time, else loss of life might have resulted, as things were considerably shat tered. The lightning rod of the barn was also btruck and torn to pieces. Both rods were rendered useless. The storm seems to have exetaded south ward only some six or eight miles. In East and West Lampeter it was very destructive. Nine stacks of wheat belonging to John Hau ser, in West Lampeter township, were top pled over. Several cows belonging to Mrs. Barbara Kreider, in the same township, were killed by lightning. The roof of MM. Girvin's barn, in East Lampeter, was blown off. Fences were blown down, trees uprooted, and fields badly washed. The WNW. co crop was much injured by hail. In Manheim township a barn, owned by Samuel Groff, of this city, was struck by lightning. The elec tric fluid entered the upper end of a lightning rod down to the valley on the roof, where it split, one portion going down the rod and the other passing along the vallv. No damage was done, except knocking off some shingles. —Express. ixons : Rev. Bishop G. F. Babnson, for ten years pastor of the Moravian Church in Lancaster, died on the evening of the 11th inst., at his residence at Salem, N. C., aged 64. He bad just returned from a sojourn of several months in Europe. Robert Clark, of Drumore township, informs us that by careful measurement one of his potato rows, planted with the Harrison va riety, yielded a bushel to 24 feet. Allowing the rows to be three feet apart, this would give upwards of 600 bushels to the acre. Conrad Brick, the young man who was arrested for stealing spoons from Mrs. Meter- Icy, it has been aeoertained, was insane; his brother, who resides in Philadelphia. appear ed before the Mayor on Friday last, and tes tified that he had escaped from a lunatic asylum. He took him in charge. The real estate of Henry Hess, deceased, sold as follows: No. 1, a farm of 130 acres, with improvements, in Peonea township. at ¶131.25 per acre. Michael L. Hoover, of Lan caster towmibip, purchaser. No, 2, a farm of 100 acres, in Now* township, with improve ments, at $15846 per sore. Cohn Rinehart, of West Lampeter township, purchaser. The property of John Kreider, deceased, in West Lampeter township, has been sold. The farm containing iff acres was purchased by Jacob Herr; the lot ot grotad and house on the east side of the Willow Street turn pike, was paste kr Agnes • Ow 81,350. and a piste 4- , , . ..,, 4 •11 3 acres, iy Abralmo t, , , , , .. , , acre. The Cott , „, IT'•• , ,ur •,''r ...- es* decided ths4 11 ,w, "' r1 0 ,..,_:_, • Olt? journeymen , Ate: .'"i . Ira ,at h. homes. Gigue .' " 4 ' ' l ' 67 " tiIIMI is • shop, or nos at Ili . : ."... . , 3 :,,,„.„-• t it Among the •'' '.' of the American , .1 . , a ~ ,", slognii, at Philadelph ' ~, ..:` -. ..r 7 . ~.s u e v ' lig; WOO H. M. Engle, of att.; .. B. estetter, of Mount Jar; J. ff. rb, of the Verver Vair ley Fruit Gardens, and. ; Peter S oy, of this' city. Mr. 'Engle drew the following priers, for native grapes: $1 for sli bunches second best Concord, and $1 fbr six benches second best Cleveliog. • J. Hartnum Hershey hM been appointed Assistant Alisessor of the 7th Division of this district, in place of John Brady; and George Owen in place of E. G. Grog of the sth Division. The Washington Fire Corn e ,, No. 3. of Paterson, N. J., visited our on. Wednes day last, remaining until F riday afternoon. They were under the °barge *tour " Washy" boys, and were received at midnight of Wed nesday by a torch-light parade of our Fire Department. They visited Lids on Thurs day, escorted by some of our *man and citizens. They made a fitvorable impression on our community by their good deportment. John Mack, of West iitiMPstAr toinua this season raised akW of potatoes of t e Monitor variety, one of which weighed MN and another 2W ounces. A vein of black marble has been discover ed on the farm of Samuel L. Leaman, on the Conestoga creek, opposite the city mills. The marble - lies near the surface, and will be easily quarried. Mr. James Duffey, of Marietta, last fall sowed twenty-four bushels of a new kind of wheat, received from New York State, the product of which he has recently had thrash ed yielding six hundred and eight bushels. The dwelling and contents, and vinegar factory of Philip Burger, i n Millersville, was destroyed by fire, on Wednesday night of last week. The masonry for the new bridges to be erected by the county, at Groff's Store, in Leacock township, and at Itupp's Mill, in East Cocalico township, has been awarded to Allen Breneman, at two dollars and ninety cents per perch. Mosely's wrought. iron gir ders are to be used. Samuel Wakefield fell dead while thrash ing rye in the barn of Michael Musser, near Silver Spring, this county, on Tuesday of last week. The first annual fair of the Lancaster County Park Association will be hell at the Park grounds in this city, on the sth, 6th, 7th and Bth of next month. The Befits County Fair will be held on September 28th, 29th, 30th, and October let. The Intelligencer says that an old gentleman named Josiah Reynolds, aged 87 years, of Little Britain township, this county, visited Lancaster for the first time in his life on Mon day of last week! He had never seen a train of - cars or a locomotive, and had lived all his life within two rods of where he was barn. Putting np stoves will soon be in order. Hunt up the stray pipe. Putting old joints together always St better if a little rough lan guage is used on the sly. A man named Thomas McCully was killed on Saturday afternoon in Columbia, by being run over by a train of empty truck cars, in Bruner's coal yard. He was 79 years of age. J. J. Houston, Esq., General Superintend ent of the Empire Transportation Company, died in Philadelphia on Friday last. He was a native of Columbia and leaves a large circle of relatives and friends to mourn his loss. Mr. John Shank, who resides near Cone stoga Centre, fell from the over-mow of his barn to the floor below, Saturday last, there by causing a fracture of the thigh a little be low the joint. Miss Annie Garber, of Manbeim township, now on a visit to f riends near Davenport, lowa, was badly hart by being thrown from a carriage, on the Bth inst. The di splay of Apples and Peaches on our market on Wednesday was unprecedented. The latter fruit was a drug, and prices tum bled considerably. The house and lot of ground belonging t') the estate of Peter Baker, deceased, near John Musselman's mill, was sold by Dr. J. H. Musser, executor, for $3BOO. Abraham Lea man, purchaser. NEW PATENTS: Reuben R. Royer, of Eph rata, has received Letters Patent for improve ment in water wheels, dated Sept. 14, 1869. Henry Bonboltzer and Jacob S. Shopp have also received Letters Patent of the same date, for improvement in Harvesting Machines. This consists in the manner of making and attaching the knives to the cutter bar, so as to be easily removed for grinding and replac ing them, without bolts, screws or rivets, and also in the manner of constructing the heel and connection of the pitman, in order to save time and expense in repairing. Joel E. and Eli Siegel, of Reading, Assfgn ore to self and Dr. John E. Hertz, of Ephra ta, have also obtained a patent for useful improvement in a stay and guide bar for El liptic springs on vehicles. These three patents were obtained through he agency of Jacob Stauffer, of this city. TR4 FRUIT Exrunirfox of the Lancaster Ceinats Agrioultural and Horticultural Sod sty in the Orphans' Court Room, this city, on Monday last, was a grand success. There were over fifty exhibitors, and every variety of fruit was displayed. Our limits preclude an extended notice of the affair. We rejoice in the increased interest manifeeted in this unpretending society. The room was visited during afternoon and evening by many ladies and gentlemen, who were all enthusiastic in their admiration of the display. We hope the gentlemen engaged in the laudable effort to increase the interest of the people in this direction, will not flag, and that they may soon realize their fullest expectations. PROP. A. W. WOODWARD has occupied the room lately vacated by the Moeda Bros., No. 22 West King street, and Is prepared to furnish to the public, at the lowest cash rates, all kinds I:If musical merchandise. Bee ad• vertisement in another column. PZBEIONAL : We were visited on Monday last by our esteemed old friend, .Major D. D. Jones, of Slatingtoti, Lehigh county, one of the proprietors of the celebrated Franklin Slate Quarries. MsJ. J. is one of the leading Republicans of the Lehigh Valley, and he gives a very encouraging account of the politi cal feeling all along the valley. I= ATTENTION is directed to the advertise ment of the Lechler Bros., to another column. They have a large aqd varied assortment of Gents furnishing goods which they dispose of at reasonable rates. Being young th men of enterprise and thrift, they deserve e patron age of the public. Give them A call at their stor3 in Bast Bing street, opposite the Court House. AGRICULTURAL FAIR : The Fiat An nual Exhibition of the Carroll oountt Agri cultural Society will be bald at Westminister, Md., on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, the 28th, :Mb and 80th of September, dust., and the Ist of October. The grounda' Are in fine conditiop,.the premiums offered are liberal, and.the Fair promises to be a great success in every respeot.. Taxan are Mllll7 hair preparations in the aaa►rket, but noup have so desirable effect up on the hair altdt 001 P, a* HAW*. Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewer. PzstPute, Patches, ptpttatie t o e ,, i rs appearing ilpgai the 'face aye pi, eta ,ane nee of Dr. Bierces. Mtaratiae 7Rsidyi4, or Golden Medical Discovery. Por Weds Back, geniale Wealigeld, or Irrecynlii, Situ e u, it. go li; druggists, t i •#ittio , and wieder .40liare to Dr. . ,pia, 41 O, ati P.; tor time.' bott au. 2 _ .......ft. ..rt ri-. .., is MU. Bela thee In ' wag:taco be seen sad lii =gaii, He tten a new work_entaeg igionspee , and demotes th ei rit, TMAir/lesollesloas et Orem Om , eta . .ecc Ins received t evidently Ai;tt, .. eof sae wl'illatil ip pap,. nlar and mils Pi , 'Sr the day. Written by himself, Barnum will be done up in his most unique and felicitous wilf ys• , ponere on the "Arc of Money Gettingj. th mieroltules for fineness in Business," will also mew In the voiumi shoat to be pabilshed, **eh will necessarily add to is. vslue. The work will be sold by subsoription only, and manta are mailed in every county and town to canvass for it. For full particulars and terms address the üblishers, J. B. Burr & Co., 18 As lsmi street, Hartford, Conn. POLITICAL grWe are authorised to announce HUGH O'NEAL as an , independent candidate for Haan, Pr at the ensuing October election. • DIED. Ilsaa--tiept. 10th, at his residence in Stras burotwp., Lnos B. LI srr, aged SS years, 9 months and 16 days. Btooz. Sept. 17th, in this city, Santa Mtn. daughter of Mary and the late John Block, aged 10 Mrs, 9 months and 1 dar t pipparmassust. Sept. 34, in liarrhiburg, cat 10 barine Pierce Diffenderfer, aged 40 years am) month& Musa. Sept. 16, in Masheitn. Levi Uhler, in the fietb year of hM age. MARRIED. BLITeMM-1-IIIMM. Sept. sth, by Rev. A. H. Kremer, A. J. Bletcher, of Lancaster, to Emma E. Huber, of Lancaster-M . l). HAWK—SWARM September 21st. by the same Rolandis Hauck, of Winchester, Va., to Sue M. Swarr, of Hanheitn-twp., this county. HisieltY—Ltcarry. Sept. 1, by Jacob Reinhold, Abraham B. Betsey to Barbara Llchty, both of Rapho-twp. CUNXIBOHAM—DAvin ,,, :c. September 11, by the same, Francis Cunningham to Sarah David son, both tJ this city. NISSLET—HeFFER. Sept. lit by the Boy. J. J. Strine, Jacob L. Nissley, of Dauphin eotszo7, to Susan Boner, of Lancaster. LOITMENECKER—SciILEGILLIVILeti. At the Woe time by the same, J. H. Longenecker, of SCAB Garden, Lancaster county, to Mary r'eli mileh, of the same place. 't'id E MAILKETS. Lancaster llousehold Markets. I.ANCASTI:I2, Sept. Zi. Batter." lb 19 4V 41 Lard,ll :13 fp .3 Eggs, VI doz .25 0) 2S Dressed Chickens by the piece.... 40 Ft) 00 Live Chickens 'iti pairoo Orl.oo Tomniocsvp ~ perks ei) 8. Apples ift i 5 peek 8 in 12 Peaches r 1,, peck lo sO :4/ Grapes V 1 qt. G J 10 'Sew Corn hi the ear 7 f p bus 106 alt 8, i 1 hag of 3 bus. (new crop).. 1.85 1.90 Philadelphia Produce Market. PIIILAoi LPIII A, Sept. 22.—The flour market It without improvement, and in the absent* of any demand for shipment only a few hundVad bbls. were taken by the borne consumers at .5:45.75 for superfine; $5.756 1 4.25 (Or off .7567175 for north western extra fandlys 25 for Penna. do. do.; $3.75@7.75 film Ith do., and $OB3lO for fancy brands. according to quality. Rye flour sells at $3.371,r, bbl. There is not much activity in the wheat mar ket, but prices are unchanged; sales of 000 bus. western red at $1.60; 100) bus. southern do. for shipment, on private terms. Rye is steady at $1.15 $1 bus. for western. Corn is quiet, but prices remain without change; sales of western and Penna. yellow at $1 16'01.20, and 1000 bus. western mixed at $ l .ll @USIA, the former rate for low mixed. Oats are firmer At former rates; sales of 6,000 bus. southern' Penna. and western at 64005 c. Nothing doing in barley or malt. I Whisky is more active; 250 barrels wood and iron bound western sold , at $11501.30 ql gallon. PhlladelPMa Cattle Market. MONDAY, Sept. 20.—The cattle market was dull this week, and prices were fully lie. 13 b. lower; 2,832 bead arrived and sold at 8%08%c. for extra Penn's and western steers; 9u. for a few choice; 654(380. for fair to good, and 54g60. iii h. gross, for common as to unty. The fol lowing are the particulars of the sales : 130 head, Owen Smith, Western Va... • 7 ei B '4 67 " A. Christy & Bro., WesVn Va. 7 CD 8% 54 " Dengler & MeCleese, Ches. co 6 tf 8 121 " P. Mennen, Western 6 0 8 /xi 120 " P. Hathaway, Cnelfter co 7 @ 6,4 119 " James S. Kirk, Chester c 0... 6l' 8 30 " B. Mcrillen, Chester co 6 Q 8 102 " James MeFillen, Western.... 79% 85 " E. S. Mennen, Western 7 8 100 " Ullman & Bachman, WesVn. 7 4]) 8% 251 " Martin, Fuller & Co., WesVn. 7 igi 8% 140 " Mooney & Smith, Western... 65,@) 814 81 " Kitler, West Penna.— 51 6 19 " T. Pocimey, West Penna 5 7 49 " Preston Saunders, Chest. co. 6 8 60 " James Anil, Western 5 6 1 ,4 10) " Thos. Mooney & Bro, Virginia 5 411 8%. 80 " H. Chain Western Penna.... 5%0 7 110 " John Smith, £ Bro., Western 6 a 9 103 " L. Frank, Virginia 6% 7,'.4 90 " Schimberg £ Co. Virginia.. 6 8 150 " Hope & Co., Virginia 6 8% 33 " M. Dryfoos & Co., Virginia.. 6 9 55 " H. Frank, Western 6 7% 63 " Elkon ICo , Virginia 6 7 55 " B. Baldwin, Chester co 6 8% 45 " J. Clemson , Chester co 740 8 56 " 131 tin 1 Co., Virginia 5§ 7 69 " Chandler & Alexander, Ches. 0 13% 29 " A. Kemble, Chester oo 5% 7 ' 4 )6 " L. Horn, Delaware 5 CI 7 2l " Jesse Miller, Chester co 74 8 20 " John Christy, Vi:ginia 6 8 45 " C. Welker, Virginia 5 6% 60 " L. Bloomingthal, Virginia .... ls l 6 43 " S. Frank, Western 8 / 4 73. f 76 " 0. Ellenger, Ohio 6 ; a i l Cows were unchanged 178 howl sold at 60 for springers, and 4404070 1 1 3 head for cow an calf. Sheop were in fair demand; 10,000 head ar- Yved and sold at the Park and Avenue Drove ards at 4(pl Ip Ito, gross, as to condition. Hogs were ya rd sll lower ; 31000 head sold at the different 81240134 for slop, and VW 14.23 ip 100 fe. net for corn fed. New Advertisemut. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. Estate of HETTIE STOBER, lute of Eliza beth townshikLaneaster 'aunty, deo'd. The unders ed Auditor, appointed to dis tribute the b ace remaining in the hands of Daniel F. Bittner, Administrator, to and among those legal* , entitled to the same, will attend for that purpose on TUESDAY, OCT. 19th, 1830, at 2 ceclock, - 1 2 . M. in the Library Room of the Court House, in the City of Lancaster, where all persons interested in. entld distribution may attend. PHILIP D. BAILER, sepild-it 1 Auditor. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. Estate of OTTOILER B. IiCIIHRT, late of Lea. Or t :twltt Lancaster county. deold. he undersigned Auditor, appointed to dis t to the Delano° remaining In the hands of Isaac Bair, Administrator, to and among those legally entitled to the same, will attend for that puripose on FRIDAY, OCT. Ls, 1869, at two o'clock P. M, in the Library Room of the Court House, In the city of Lancaster,. where all per sons interested In said distribution may attend. sept4-4tl PHILIP D. BAKER, Auditor. WALL'S VEGETABLE SICILIAN ."`" Il k. \, - • RENEWER. RENEWS THE HAIR TO ITS ORIGI NAL COLOR WHEN GRAY. • Renews the nutritiVeMetsrewhioh amaxisbeg the hair. RENEWS THE OIkOWTH OF 'THE HAIR *HEN BALD. Renews the brash, wiry hair to silken sat een. BEAUFIFBL HAIR DRESSING. One bottle shows its effects. R. P. HALL & CO., Nashua. N. H., PrOprietere. For sale by all druggists. Ispralin Tti" A ::,,,,' • ~ • BOIT K i l t# l .4o/ 18 1;: *: : ' siiiirj.,: , ‘LECII:O46SIO4 --/-. anufaetEreeseatt4E4es . v yokuttoioo,,:,,, IPISE-,1131111A1,914,;,„' 'old Mt"! ' Bosoit* `r'' - 1 _-- bent t. .1.0L4A1184••• ' '''.., applt :,: • ,vitslik, co t PERNICT FIT P aten t s pgag _.--1:. Fp, - ~ W..4IIititANTED.) OVZH 6411 1 0418 ',I NECK TIES, BOW, , 111114411 A,, -AND GENTS Fu.a.wissmq GOODS, • inesillOrLlMpt of UNDERC LADIES VAIVD SUSP • " • S k H. (M 3 ~~ PERU Rlty 4 ; OTtriARTIULES, WAL•mu CAS% UMBRELLAS, &c. 5 Z AST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA. I. GOODS ONLY. [wept!-1y) ,New Adlver•tisements. WOODIVARD'S \VIIOLESALL AND RETAIL C sTcyNE, NO. 22 WEST KING STREET. Pianos Organs, Melodeons Piano and Melo deon Sto o ls and Covers, 'Violins, Guitars, Ban jos, Acoordeons, Concertinas, Fifes, soFlutes, Flageolets, Harmonicos, Clap pers, Triangles. Strings of all kinds, Bow Hair, ti Tning Forks, Pitch Pipes Violin Bows, Cello Bows Violin and Guitar !Boxes , Music Port folios,ipstruction Books orall kinds, Sheet hittsle, MUM Books, and every description of Muldiedifetehandise. urktellit tilled prompt ly &Oho usual Retail or Wholesale Prices, and I.mi/001°th:in guaranteed. Air Tuning and repairing promptly attended to. A. W. WOODWARD, N 0.2/ W. Ring-st., Lancaster. _lffscella.ateorts. E STATE ,NOTICE Estate of BENJAMIN FLIc RINGER, I , ite of the township of West. Oxalic°, deceased. Let ters of Administration with the wilt annexed ou the estate of said deceased having been granted to the undersigned, residing in the same township, all persona indebted - to said estate are requested to make immediate Ixty meet, and those having Just claims against the same are requested to present them duly au thenticated for settlement. JACOB B. FLICKINGER, sep.l7-4t*] Administrator. CON ha rt)('. A COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE, =1 SEMINAR) FOR YOUNG LADIES THE FIFTH ANNUAL SESSION BEGINS SEPTEMBER oth, ItKlB For TERMS, &c., see CIRCULARS; lobe bad at the Rooms, Is o. 32 NORTH PRINCIL street, Lancaster, l'a. . _ REV. H. H. HRITNING, Principal augls-ti] NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that au appli cation will be made at the next session of the State Legislature of Pennsylvania for the crea tion of a corporate body with banking privi leges, to be located in the village of New Hol land, is Lancaster county, to be named and styled the "NEW HOLLAND EXCHANGE, DISCOUNT AND DEPOSIT COMPANY," the specific object of which shall be to receive moneys on deposit, and to do a general bankin business, and the amount of capital of whic h shall not exceed the sum of 040,000.00. By the Committee. D. P. ROSENMILLER, JR., ly2-Can] Attorney. Tfrolksfreund Lancaster, and Harrisburg Weekly Te.egraph copy. FOIL SALE. PERE BRED HOGS AND FOWLS. WINTER SEED WHEAT, And other EARN' SEEDS, from DErrzte EXPERI MENTAL FARM, Chambersburg, Pa. Diehl's and Boughton Henriless. Week's and Tread well's Bearded White Wheats; French White and lied Chaff :Purple Sttaw Bearded lied Mediterranean, and German Amberßeard less, are the best, earliest, hardiest and most productive Wheats that can be recommended for generai cultivation. Price $6 per bushel. 4 pounds of any kind by Mail, post paid, for $l. Twenty heads of different varieties sent post paid, for $l. Twenty oth'r varieties of Wheat, Barley and Oats, of last year's irnpprtation. See DEITZ'S EXPERIMNNTAL FARR . JOURNAL; seed and subscribe for it; only $1.60 per year; the most useful Journal printed. Adfteas, CEO. A. DEUTZ, Chambersburg,Pa. The Earliest, Hardiest, and most prod u ctive lied Wheat isthe French White Chaff. seplOrlt AGENTS WANTED FOR CRAM BERLIN'S \ °. FOR THE PEOPLE! Containing full Instructions and Practical Firms adapted to every kind of ituaineas, and to all the States of the Union. By FRANKLIN CHAMBERLIN, Of the United States Bar.' "There is no book of the kind which will take rank with it for authenticity, _intelligence and oompleteoess.”—Hpringjield (Mtn.) seb.• Wan. This is the 0 N LY NEW ROOK of the kind pub lished for many years. It is pre red by an able PRACTICAL LAWYER, of twenty-eve years' experienee, and is just what everybody needs Ibr daily use. i i rii It A trig y recommended by many eminent Judges, is ng As Mkt Justice and other Judges of assachusetts, and the Chief Judie e anti entire eneh of Connecticut. Sold only by subscription. AG"NTS WANT ED EVERYWHERE. Send for Circulars. 0. D. CASES CO., Publisher*. Hartford, Crum; No. 1 sprnde street, New York; Cincinnati, 0.; and Chicage, 111. CAUTION An old law-book, published many years ago, has just been hastily re-issued as ." a new book' s without eyen a suitable revision of its obsolete statements. Do not confound that work with CHAIIIIHRLIN'S LAW-BOOK 1018 THB PHOPLIt. seplo-"_m Claim Agency. JAMES BLACK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AND XILITANY AND NAVAL CLAIM AGENT, No. 56 East King-et., Lancaster, ra.. Being duly licensed as a 'Claim Agent, and having a large experienon, prompt attention will be given to the following classes of claims: BOUNTY an* PAY due discharged Soldiers and Sailors. i BOUNTY (adllitionalUe Soldiers who eglArtssil for not leas Ilan 2 or 3 years, or wMom . bly discharged for wounds reeciv ' E ivek, BOUNTY (additional) to Widows , or • Parents of Soldiers who died Pout wo re ceived or disease contracted in Said . PENSIONS for invalid Soldiers and Sail ,or to their widows or children. PENSIONS filthers and EpotberS, brAleg or sisters of 4 sed soldiers, upon irimpo.o.7 were depen ent. PENSIONS a GRATUITIES forlgel r lior their Wido s from Peumilyihrimailk SO of 1812. PAY due Te eters, AlO4l -- 41141 Civil Ora ployees of (!overt PAY due fo rsea los t` : . 11121401 WIWI ' . service. ,CILLEGES. eel fair ntrease will , arges be dna 11' ' ~ Pa taif 4908841, fre• ` --- 11 BAD' UARTERS nos UNISICIte I .II • , STOCKINGS, GLOVES, COLLARS, ttrss, SLEEVE BUTTONS, ' AL cwt's ow • erally, at ERISMAN'S, NO 1!; NORTH QUEEN ST., T.nneaster. Atli ever ousigrOsaer shtock goods—suitable tar Szishdogs, Nol-Yohrs un onnery Present.— DO We Hoes Schintp.Dicher, He mm e r -fronts' Rem sermel g'htickte Hemmer-fronts, Pocket Eicher, Perfumery, llohr.(Ehl, Cigar Casa, en onnery fancy articles one le. J. FAISMAN , S, 414 North Queen Street• 'Lancaster. (Om sign fum gross Bkt:snitch Hem.) [ Jewelry. ZAIIM & JACKSON, DEALERS ..N WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SILVER AND SILVER-PLATED WARE, SPECTACLES AND FANCY GOODS, No. 15 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA ak•REPAIRIN(.4ATTENDED TO. no2o-1y) WATCHES! CLOCKS, CLOCKS, CLOCKS. The undersigned keops•constantiy on hand a large and full assortmentlot the GENUINE AMERICAN WATCHES, of different weight and finish, to suit all, which are sold upon the most reasonable terms, and guaranteed to give satisfaction. Keeps also on hand a good assortment of CLOCKS. Call and examine the goods before purchasing elsewhere. Thankful for past favors, I solicit a continu ranee of the same. HENRY P. ANDREWS, Jan 1-1 r) Strasburg. Lancaster co., 1 Fet•tilking. WE CONTINUE TO MANUFAC TURE our well-known Manures, PHOSPHATE OF LIME ZEE AMMONIATED FERTILIZER, and also have for sale PERUVIAN GUANO, No. 1 Genuine Government, Fish Guano, Land Plaster and Hydraulic Ce ment together with a complete assortment of Burning and Greasing OILS, at fair market rates. Super-Phosphate of Lime, - - - $5O per MOO lbs. Ammoniated Fertilizer, - - - - $OO do. A DISCOUNT TO DEALER',. ALLEN &NEEDLES, 42 SOUTH DELAWARE AVEN-014 PHILADELPHIA ESTABLISHED IN IS4S. GEO. M. STEINMAN & CO., Sole Agents at Lancaster, Pa augla , tf) Books anti Stationery. SCHOOL BOOKS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL! We would respectfully call the attention of all MERCHANTS, SCHOOL DIRECTORS, TEACHERS, PARENTS AND SCHOLARS To our LARGE STOCK of SCHOOL BOOKS AND STATIONERY! Wbieb will be Bole at the LOWEST CASH PRICES PAPER AND ENVELOPES —AT— GREATLY REDUCED RATES. Call before purchasing elsewhere. J. H. SUE AUFFER'S Cheap Cash Book Store, No. 52 North Queenat., Lancaster, Penna IIEADQUARTERS FOR SCHOOL BOOKS, -AT RIDDLE & COCHRAN'S, No. 40 NORTH QUEEN STREET, (Two Doors North of Inquirer Building,) LANCASTER, PA We would respectfully call the attention of SCHOpL DIRECTORS, PARENTS, TEACHERS AND SCHOLARS, To our new and complete stock of School Books & School StalloneTy OF EVERY DFACRIPTION, =I MOW-MST RICMS. Having purchased for CASH, we can afford to offer induoements. - Gxvir, US A CALL. "li4 TT EADQUARTERS -FOB-- SUNDAY SCHOOL BOOKS AT FULTON ROW, WEST KING STREET. All the latest helps for Superintendents Teach ers and Bible Students, new Charts with Ob jeot Lessons, a new System of Rewards, tusk ing every Scholar a worker in the interest of the School. ALL TR. LATIN? SUNDAY SCHOOL MUSIC BOOKS, LIBRARY BOOKS, RECORD BOORS, CLASS BOOKS, ha. Common School & Miscellaneous Books, STATIONERY AND FANCY GOODS, HITCHCOCK'S HALF DIME SHEET MUSIC, BIBLES AND TESTAMENTS AT PHILADELPHIA WHOLESALE PRICES air Call and see for yourselves . D. D. B. BABE. Hotels. U. S. HOTEL, v OPPOSITZ RUINS. 8. A. DZPOT, HARRISBURG, PA W. H. EMMINGER & CO., Tribl2-Iy] Proprietors WATCHES! WATCHES ! Dry- Goods. DRY GOODS FOlt FALL 1869 HAGER .& BROTHERS Are receiving daily from the New York - and Philadelphia Markets, goods for Fall gales, and invite inspection. FLANNELS—White, Red and they, from:low est to finest qualities. OPERA FLANNELS in all colors COTTON FLANNELS from low priced to extra quality. 10 OOP yards New Style DARK PRINT* at 121,01.8. Also a full aortment of STAPLE IND FANCY DRY uouris, LLOTII ,, , C SSIN HES, I.NII READY-MADE CLOTHINtI CARPETS, WA LL PAPER AT LOWEST MARKET RATES A ug274l'd THOS. J. WENTZ No. EAST KING STREET, 1 SIGN OF THE BEE HIVE, !cow offers a full assortment of DRESS GOODS, SILKS, SHAWLS, WHITE GOODS, GLOVES and HOSIERY, CARPETS, Floor & Table Oil Cloths, GLASS AND QUEENSWARE AT THE LOWEST INDUCING PRICES. • Kind attention paid to all. Special care taken to show our stock. WENTZ BEE HIVE, No. 5 East King street. in y2B-11] JOHN D. SKILES, AT HIS NEW STORE, NO. 24 EAST KING STREET, Has just opened TilE MOST ELEGANT STOCK -OF SPRING AND SUMMER DRY GOODS Ever offered to the CITIZENS OF LANCASTER LADIES' DRESS GOODS Of every dieseriplion. 599 pg. CALICOES from 9 toiwie. per yard SHAWLS. A line assortment of SQUAteI SHAWLS of every description. BLEACHED MUSLINS! All the Best and Popular Makes GENTLEMEN'S WEAR A tine assortment of FRENCH, ENGLISH & AMERICAN CLOTHS, OASSINBRES AND re VESTING% . Which we will make up to order at short notice, best style, low prices. READY-MADE CLOTHING. A large assortment of our own Manufactute for MEN AND BOY'S WEAR, AT LOW PRICES CARPETS I 1! CARPETS I!: 60 pc BRUSSELS TIIBEE-PLY, INGRAIN, RAG AND HEMP CARPETS, -ALSO OIL CLOTHS, MATTINOS, RUGS, &c WINDOW SHADES! A line assortment of Window Shades at very Low Priem Inin4Y JACOB BARNIBR, Y. B. HARNIBH, JOHN L. WILMS. HARNISH. & CO'S CHEAP STORE, i No. 27 WEST KING-ST.; LANCASTER, PA., Dealers in Foreign and Domestic DRY GOODS, GLASS AND QUEZNSWARE, Cloths, Cassintereo, BattWatts, Jeans, Tweeds Lindsey., Plumsls, Ticking', Cheeks, Phdds, Aimee's, Dress Goods, Gingham', Canines, Muslims and Mills, White Goods, Notions, &No. ] Feathers, MEN AND BOYS' WEAR, Node up at astonishing Low Prices. Sir Call eat examine our stook before pur chasing elsewhere. finbigeFly Photographs, &c. GOLDEN GIFTS. Parents to Families, Father to Daughter, GRNTLEMEN TO LADIXB When the light has left the house, memorta such as these compound their interest. GILL'S SUPERB PHOTO. Miniature or Opal Pictures, admitted to be the best iulthe city and no superior% the abate Constantly _increasin demand and groak:c. rience in th is style o fminiature give us r facilities and better results than any es Ws meut outside of large cities. STEREOGRAPRE OF ROME VIEWS for the Centre Table. Also, prismatic instruments. Large Colored Work by some of the best Ar ' Usti lh Phliadelphia and elsewhere in the high, est style of the art. India Ink, Pastille, Crayon ' and colors, at GILL'S CITY GALLEitY , Jan l-lyr) No. TO East King-et. AND QUEENSWARE, Mother to Son..
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers