Father Abraham. (Reading, Pa.) 1864-1873, September 17, 1869, Image 2

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'Economy, Retrenchment, Faithful Collection
of the Revenue and Payment of the Public
For Governor
For Judge of the Supreme Court,
- -
Assembly—A. C. REINOEHL,
Prothonotary—WlLLlAM D. STAUFFER.
Clerk cl Sessions—W lLLlAM BARTON.
Clerk aJ Orphans' Court—GEORGE W. ESE N
Treasurer —WILLI A M. ROBERTS.
Cmuniseioner—JOHN ARMSTRONG.
Poor Direetort—BENJAMlN F. COX,
Prison impeders—CHRISTIAN GAST,
For the purpose of placing this popular cam
paign paper as far as possible in the hands of
every voter, we offer the following LOW RATES
OF SUBSCRIPTION, from the oth of August
next until after the October election.
One copy $ 4 0
Five copies, (to one address) 1 50
Ten copies, 2 50
And I wenty-flve cents for every additional sub
scriber to the club of ten.
tine copy, six months, ...k 75
Five copies, six months, 3 25
Ten topics, six months.. 6 00
Fitteen copies, six months, 8 25
Twenty copies, six months,. 10 00
And fifty cents' for each additional subscriber
over twenty, with an extra copy to getter up
of the club.
will contribute his popular letters weekly. '
tar All stibtleriptions must be paid in advance
Lancaster, Pa.
MR. S. BARER Yet's°, the Lancaster News
Dealer, who everybody knows, is agent for
FATHICR ABILAIIAM, and is authorized to take
subscriptions and receive money for the same.
John G. Worth, of Ephrata township,
publishes an affidavit in the Express of
Monday last, denying that he was en
gaged in the attempted fraud at the pri
mary election.
The Wilmington city election, held last
week, resulted in a glorious Repub!ticau
victory, having carried the Mayor and a
majority in both branches of the City
Councils. Pennsylvania is alt right.
Glorious Vermont just voted. Result:
Twenty thousand Republican majority for
Governor. State Senators elected, all Re
publicans; Representatives elected, all Re
publicans except four. Copper stock is
very low in Vermont. Pennsylvania
will re-elect Geary by an increased ma
Every Republican in the State should
see to it at once, that he is regularly re
sistered. The lists are now nearly all up,
and every voter should be certain that his
name is on them. The most careful as
sessor may make a mistake, and the only
certain way is to examine and see that
your name has not been omitted. And
while you are examining the list for that
purpose, it will do no harm to look at the
same time if there are names on it that
should not be there.
The Township Elections will be held
this fall instead of next spring; the new
election law requires it. A ticket will have
to be settled for township officers, and
voted at the October election. Every
township should have this ticket printed,
the same as the State and County tickets
are—it will avoid mistakes and careless
voting. See to it Republicans, of every
township, thaty au organize on your town
ship elections.
FATHER ABRAHAM and his many "re
sponsibilities " are under special obliga
tions to Henry M. Engle, Esq., for a box
of his best Donegal peaches, sent by Ex
press and safely delivered.
Also, to Adam Doerstler, jr., of Manor,
for a similar favor.
The following paragraph from the letter
of General Hosecrans declining the Dem
ocratic nomination for 17cvernor of Ohio
we commend to Judge Packer, Mr. Per
shing, and the men who nominated them
at Harrisburg:
"Should there be Democrats Whose
mental organization or temper does not
permit them to recognize existing facts,
or to conform their action to great Popu
lar changes, let them, for the public good,
abdicate leadership, and leave the energies
of the people free to act in the line of life
and progress.''
Accounts from all sections of the State
agree that the theling in favor of Governor
Geary's re-election is increasing daily,
while it is conceded that Packer's is the
weakest nomination the Democrats could
have made. his twenty millions of dollars
will not tide him over the sea of defeat, in•
the waves of which he will be overwhelmed
in October. The progressive young men
of the Democracy arc without enthusiasm,
(for their choice was llancock,) while
they despise the ante-delavian platform of
principles framed by Frank Hughes, and
adopted at Harrisburg.
In 1863 Pennsylvania was invaded from
the South by the rebel General Lee, who
came to pillage and destroy our property
and subvert our Government. Ile was
met by loyal men and driven back in dis
Pennsylvania is again invaded in 1869
by a rebel from the North. Packer comes
with the same principles, and with the
same objects as did Lee.
Lee came with arms and ammunition,
to force submission. Packer comes with
the demoralizing and corrupting influences
of money.
Loyal bullets drove Lee from the Com
monwealth he invaded. Loyal ballots
will do the work for Packer.
The Democratic press throughout the
State is urging the election of a Demo
cratic Legislature on the ground of reform
and retrenchment in the expenses of the
State government. But the record of that
party in the last Legislature, and particu
larly on the question of increasing the
salaries of the members to $1,500, is
against all economy in the administration
of State affairs. On the motion to in
crease the compensation of members to
$1,500 a session, the record stands thus:
Of the sixty-two Republican members of
the House, twelve, less than one-fifth,
voted aye. Of the thirty-eight Democratic
members, sixteen, almost one-half, voted
We hope every reader of FATHER
A BRATIAM will constitute himself a com
mittee-man, to see that every Republican
he knows is REGISTERED, and also to
make sure that he votes on the day of
REMEMBER, that in 1867 our excellent
candidate for Supreme Judge lost his elec
tion by the insignificant Majority of 900.
REMEMBER, that a full vote secures the
election of Gov. Geary and .Judge Wil
liams, by a large majority.
REMEMBER, that Copperheads always
vote, and that the only hope they have
now of electing Packer and Pershing is
that Republicans will not vote.
us all work for GEARY, WILLIAMS
There is now going the rounds of the
Democratic papers a statemeht copied
from a smut machine at llarrisburg, inti
mating that there is a deficiency in the
Auditor General's accounts, during two
years of Governor Geary's administration,
of $7,200,000. Our first remark is that if
Governor Geary has paid cfr nearly two
millions a year, and yet has stolen seven
millions, what shall be said of the thirty
years of Democratic rule in Pennsylvania,
when no reduction was ever made on the
public debt. Of course, on their own
showing they must have annually stolen
some six millions. The ridiculousness of
this charge is shown by the fact that the
entire revenue of the State would not ex
ceed $9,000,000 in these two years, and
the annual interest on the debt is nearly
two millions. The charge is so ridiculous
that it merits no answer.
"Have you heard the news from Maine,
boys?" The annual election in the State
of Maine took place on Monday and re
sulted in the re-election of Governor J. L.
Chamberlain. Besides the regular cop
perhead candidate,there was a prohibitory
liquor candidate on the track, and he drew
off several thousand votes from the Re
publican ticket, and it was hoped by the
copperheads that this division of Repub
lican votes would secure the election of
their nominee. The trick did not succeed,
however. Chamberlain is elected by at
least 6000 majority. This is but the fore
runner of the results on the second Tues
day in October next. Pennsylvania, Ohio,
&c., &c., will be on hand proclaiming the
re-election of their faithful Governors.
'See to it that you are registered.
That is the only way to insure your vote.
Republicans attend to thii matter at once.
The Ikmocrats of Frankling county, at
their Convention last week, said:
" That the efforts of our opponents to
give the Ignorant negro the ballot is sub
versive of the beg interests of the white
J. Q. Ad mis, the - Democratic candidate
for Governor of 31assachusetts, says;
That "dead issues are to be abandoned
in accepting the established fact of uni
versal suffrage.',
You pay your rn hey aud you take your
A cotemporary well says that the De
mocracy themselves have furnislteWe
most satisfactory vindication of Presnint
Grant, by their ridiculous attempts to ridi
cule his visits throughout the country
during the summer months. If it were
possible to find any real, valid, objections
to any of his official acts, how gladly
would they turn from the former, and ar
raign his administration before the people
for the latter. That they are unable to
produce anything whatever, has tilled
them with frantic despair. Each monthly
statement of the National finances adds
to thefr discomfiture and mortification,
and though a misfortune to the whole
country, they would hail a season of fi
nancial ruin and embarrassment with
genuine satisfaction. Rs so!
The Philadelphia Post truly says that
in less than three years the Democratic
party of the South will be a unit in its de
mand for an entire repudiation of the Na
tional debt, and there will never be two
Democratic parties in this country. What,
then, will be the position of the Northern
wing of this organization? It will be 4otn
pelled to throw away its cloak, and stand
out in the sunlight as the enemy of the
national honor. It is to-day shrewd
enough to be quiet upon this point. It
knows better than to openly endorse such
sentiments. But its duplicity makes its
position the more contemptible. Asa
Packer and his colleagues are to-day as
deeply in sympathy with their Southern
allies as they were when Lee was hurled
from Pennsylvania. The Democratic party
means repudiation, and every vote cast at
the ensuing election for its nominees will
be construed as an endorsement of its in
famous designs, and if it triumphs the
cause of freedom and justice will receive a
blow, the disastrous effects of which can
not be easily over-estimated.
Forney's Press of a recent date, point
edly remarks that General Grant for long
years, against the fate of fields, doubt,
treachery and vituperation, carried the
weight of th. 2 war on his own shoulders,
and now, under detraction and calumny,
he bears the burden of the great work of
saving from the wrest of traitors the blood
bought blessings of that terrible struggle.
Every vote against the Union cause is an
added heaviness to that burden. That he
feels a deep interest in the success of the
ticket led by one of his old and most bril
liant lieutenants, no sane man doubts.
The comradeship of the army calls for
More than this, the reverse of this state
ment is the unpleasant truth. A vote for
the Democratic ticket is a personal stab
at Grant. His record has placed a great
gulf between him and either of the candi
dates of the Democracy. He could not
accept with comfort the hospitalities of
Mr. Packer, cr shake hands with Mr. Per
slting. Why? When Grant, during the
long night of the war, was marshalling
the legions of the Union and drawing them
around the deadly swamps of Itichmomi,
Asa Packer, the millionaire, fled the coun
try, withdrawing his influence, his pres
ence, his money; and Mr. C. L. Pershing,
the attorney from Cambria county, safe in
his scat in the Assembly at Harrisburg,
voted steadily against the armies of thu
country. Is not the ticket of the Democ
racy an ill-starred combination? Is it not
an insult to every soldier, let alone the
leader of them all?
The Republican Conferees of the Sena
torial District composed of the counties
of Bedford, Somerset and Fulton, have
nominated the celebrated "rooster," Alex
ander Stutzman, for re-election. The
gentleman representing Bedford county
finding that the thing was "set up,"
withdrew from the Conference, and in
justification of their course, publish a card
to their constituents, from which we copy
the following:
" For four years he has been a member
of the Senate of Pennsylvania, and, in
our opinion, and in the opinion of a large
number of his constituents, showed b
his conduct in Harrisburg that he ought
not to be re-elected. We were satisfied
from the views expressed to us by a con
siderable number of Republicans that, if
nominated, he could not be elected, and
that if he could he ought not to be elected,
and we, therefore, declined to assist in
placing his name before the people. ,,
Comment is unnecessary. As the dis
trict is a close one, we shall doubtless lose
a Senator unless Mr. S. gives way to a
new candidate.
'A large and spirited Republican rat
ification meeting was held in North Duke
street, this city, on Wednesday evening.
Our large edition compelled us to "lock
up the forms " on that evening, and we
are unable therefore to give particulars.
We find in the . Mincr's Journal a report
of a speech made by our Mayor, at a Cop
perhead meeting at Pottsville, ono evening
last week, which for chasteness of expres
sion, and depth tl reasoning, we think can
not be excelled, We give a few speci
men bricks," published by the Journal,
with the remark that if the Mayor can
not get off anything better than the vulgar
balderdash with which he entertained his
audience, we advise him never to repeat"
his first visit to Schuylkill county. We
extract from the Journal:
"Mr. Sanderson said, give the negro the
right to vote and you will have to elect
him to the Legislature, and I don't know
but what he will be as good as some who
go there, (glancing at Nice who was sit
ting near;) then he will go on until he
marries your daughters. These modern
Democrats seem to have a chronic fear of
negroes marrying their daughters. (A
compliment to their daughters!) Mr. San
derson then narrated an anecdote, the
pointlessness of which is only equalled by
its sacrilegiousness. An Irishman and a
negro convicted of murder, were sentenced
in Summer to be hung. The Irishman
was hard hearted and impenitent. The
negro was penitent. The clergyman said
to the Irishman, "You are a hardened
sinner. Look at your companion. Ile is
penitent. In a few minutes he will 1)e. in
Abraham's bosom." " Well," said the
Irishman to the clergyman, "Abraham
won't thank ye for stuffing his bosom with
naygars this hot weather." In speaking
of the President and his Cabinet, he al
luded to Mr. Creswell, by saying. " Cres
well broke his arm lately—pity it hadn't
been his neck." Also, in alluding to the
negro, he said, " His instincts are not
ours, neither are his outstiuks." Such
language as this coming from a person
professing to be a gentleman, carries its
own comments with it. We cannot spe xk
of his arguments because there were none.
Throughout it was a political harrangue,
directed to the prejudices of the people
and not their judgment. If Mr. Sander
son is a fair specimen of the leaders of the
Democracy of Lancaster, the Lord pre-
Rerve us from any contact with the mem
We assure the Journal that the Mayor
is a "fair specimen of the leaders of the
Democracy of Lancaster," and in oratory
is their representative man!
When Asa Packer was nominated as
the Democratic candidate for Governor,
says the Pittsburg Commercial, the people
of Pennsylvania were told that he was a
high-minded, honorable gentleman—a self
made man, who by his own exertions had
amassed a large fortune, and whose high
standing in his party as a representative
business man, would make him a suitable
and popular standard bearer. He is per
haps worth pecuniarily all that is claimed
for him—s2o,ooo,ooo—but his conduct in
the matter of his Government taxes shows
that he is neither liberal nor high-minded.
Nay, it proves that he is neither an hon
orable man nor a good citizen. A resident
of Mauch Chunk, his first assessment
there on incomes was $32,500, which he
paid. Not wishing to contribute his full
share in shpport of the Government, and
the discharge of the obligations incurred
by the war, lie takes lodgings at a second
or third rate hotel in Philadelphia, and
the next year escapes with a tax of $32!
His next yearly assessment to the Govern
ment is only $8,05! ! Some years he ap
pears to have paid nothing at all!!! What
a fearful record is this for a millionaire !
It indicates the deepest moral tur
pitude. It stamps the man as mean, dis
honest, and unpatriotic. It stamps him
as a sneak if no worse, because his sole
purpose in changing his residence was to
dodge taxation, and in so doing he was
morally if not legally, guilty of perjury.
Does any body doubt that this is the
character of Asa Packer? It may be said
that such conduct would be utterly incon
sistent with his munificent gift to the
Lehigh University; but this suggestion is
met by the assertion that his donation was
purely a selfish one, to further a land
speculation. Be this as it may, the charge
that he changed his residence for the pur
pose of defrauding the government is too
well substantiated for successful refuta
tion. Not only so, but the allegation will
soon take the form of facts and figures,
taken from the official records, and the
voters of the State will have proof positive
that Asa Packer, with his $20,000,000 ac
tively employed, declared that his income
was less than that of a common clerk or
mechanic! With such a stigma upon his
character, what sincere man would believe
him? what honest man would trust him?
what patriotic man would vote for him?
The Harrisburg 7eiegraph says that
murder is the means, acknowledged so to
be by the leading spirit of the Democracy
of this State, by which Packer is to be
elected Governor. The man who claimed
the honor of his nomination declared open
ly and boldly, in the Jones House in this
city, that he would commit murder before
Geary should again be Governor; and be
gore the board of alderman, of which he
Is a member, in Philadelphia, he has as
severated that the registry law would be
resisted, and those who attempted to en
force it in the Fourth ward would be
murdered. The only hope of electing
Packer is a free use of his money, resis
tance to the law, and cold-blooded assas
sination. Murder is a "Democratic 17
argument, and the party will no more
hesitate to resort to it to accomplish their
ends, than a majority of its members will
hesitate•to take a drink of whisky. All
history proves this.
" Da( lay " A BRAIIA M has to say
in reply to the half column of labored
explanation, or whatever it may be called,
in the Examiner of Wednesday, is that
every body knows that its senior editor,
known by the familiar name of "Jack,"
is and has been for years the superserviee
able tool and operator of the bummers
and rings that surround the people's tre
ury at Harrisburg—that last year he was
one of the principal managers of the ring
that " set up'' the legislative ticket in this
county, to which object he has not denied
that from two to three thousand dollars
were contributed from dig aforesaid Har
risburg Treasury ring--that "our fellers,"
as he called them, were used for the pur
pose of violating all justice in displacing
Gen. Irwin, the then State Treasurer, and
electing the present magnificent individual
who occupies that position, B. W. Mackey,
who,it is well known, threatened to defeat
the re-nomination of the only candidate
for re-election who had manifested a de
termination to look into the management
of the State Treasury, and who boasted
in Pittsburg that Lancaster county would
be all right. If "Jack "is not the confi
dant of Mackey, aid has never been con
sulted by him, pray will he tell his readers
how he knows that he did not interfere in
our primary election, and that he (Jack)
"supported at least two whom Mr. Mackey
preferred not to see nominated?" You
attempt to prove too much, Mr. Jack!
But, enough for the present. Our desire
now is, since we have contributed in our
humble way to burst the ring of Thug
gery and political villainy in this county,
to turn our attention to the great question
of whipping copperheads in October. If,
when the great battle is over, Jack wishes
to compare notes, and have a general
" ventilation " of persons " not unknown
to fame even in their own county," we give
him notice that we will be ready for him,
and " d—d be he who first cries, hold,
The copperhead papers are trying to
raise a great howl over a statement made
by some reckless editor that Gov. Geary's
administration has been lavish in expendi
ture of the public money. " Behold how
a plain tale puts them down." In Gov.
Geary's speech, recently made at Mon
trose, Susquehanna county, he disposes of
the matter thus:
"Our Democratic friends charge us with
spending five hundred thousand dollars
more annually in Pennsylvania than did
William F. Packer, the Democratic Gov
ernor, in his administration. They make
a mistake—an unpardonable mistake, and
an unfortunate one for their reputation as
statisticians and ready reckoners. It is
true that we have spent five hundred
thousand more every year than did Packer;
but that is not the whole truth. We have
actually spent seven hundred thousand
more. We may as well meet the accusa
tion face to face, and plead guilty. There
is no getting out of it. We hare exceeded
the expenses of Wiz,. P. Packer's admin
istration. Seven hundred thousand dol
lars is a large sum. But you are perhaps
not unfamiliar with the fact that we have
had a huge war upon our hands. In this
intestine war our fathers and brothers and
children were slain in battle by a certain
party known on the stump as the 'Demo
cratic party.' This party left us as a legacy
the children of those dead soldiers—orphan
boys and girls, innocent and helpless,
numbering thousands upon thousands in
Pennsylvania. Thus we have now fully
ten thousand of these orphans. On the
recommendation of my noble predecessor
and myself we took these children and aro
providing for them, feeding, clothing and
educating them until they shall arrive at
the age of sixteen years. For this pur
pose, my friends, we have appropriated
five hundred thousand dollars per annum
out of the treasury of Pennsylvania. And
this is all to the glory of our own Com
monwealth. [Applause.] . She was the
first Commonwealth to devise and adopt
this beneficent system. Not a day passes
that I do not receive letters from other
States of this Union asking for informa
tion as to the plan we are working upon.
What a grand and glorious example have
we reason to boast of Even Great Britain
is inquiling int) the system. Her Minis
ter, Mr. Thornton, sat by my side in my
office at Harrisburg for two hours, making
earnest inquiries into our manner of con
ducting these schools. France, too, has
manifested much interest in these insti
tutions. In fact, we are the first nation,
and Pennsylvania is the first State in the
world and in history, to devise and adopt,
and carry into execution, a plan by which
the orphans of deceased soldiers are, as a
specialty and at the cost of the public,
maintained and educated. Here, then, is
our extra expenditure of $500,000 annu
ally. We are not responsible for it. It is
not through us that these children were
left shelterless.
" And we do more. We spend two hun
dred thousand more a year on common
schools, by which we educate eight hun
dred thousand children, free. And we
propose to continue doing so. [Applause.]
Free schools are the rock upon which the
nation is founded. There can be no dan
ger to society and.to free civil government
where common schools prevail.
"Here is where the $700,000 additional
have gone, and so long as Republican rule
shall continue, so long shall the soldiers'
orphans be cared for and the millions edu
cated." [Applause.]
To that last sentence the people of
Pennsylvania will say "Amen 1 77 at the
proper time.
IlirThe Examiner is distressed because
somebody is " abusing prominent members
of the party." No wonder—" the flesh
will quiver where the pincers tear!" Jack
does not operate openly. He stabs in the
dark, by intrigue, secret canvasses, sets
candidates up and then knocks them
down ; or if lie sticks to them until they
" go through," noes them, and then kicks
them overboard! People know and un
derstand him, and his tricks!
At a meeting of the Board of Alder
man in Philadelphia on Monday a week,
held for the purpose of tilling the appoint
ments under the Registry Law, quite a
spirited dehate took place between Billy
McMullin (himself an alderman) and the
chairman, in which Billy threatens that
if an attempt is made to hold an honest
election, according to the meaning of the
Registry act, club law will be the order of
the day. But, in order that our readers
may understand exactly what Billy rtifl
say, we quote from the Proceedings:
McMullin—They can never go there.
I will bet a hundred dollars on it.
Alderman Jones—We will have to
move the ward out then.
McMullin—When the day of election
conies we will crowd the pace with men.
The Chair—Alderman, you should be
ashamed of yourself. 1 am surprised
that you make threats.
McMullin—On election day don't let
them go in. There will be murder it
they do.
Let the people of the State in general
and of Lancaster county in particular re
member that it was this same bombastic
individual and his crowd of roughs who
nominated Asa Packer for Governor.
Will the honest old Democrats of such
counties as Berks, York, &c., vote for such
a man who is under obligations to such
men as this McMullin?
Winding up of the Contested Election CaAe—A
Sharp Dodge—Celebration of Humboldt's Cen
tennial Anniversary—The Assassination of
Detective Brooks—Demoralized Democracy—
Reconstruction, rte.
PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 14, 1868.
DEAR ABB: The argument in the contest
ed election case closed on Saturday last, and
now everybody is on the anxious bench await
ing the decision of the Court. Ex-Judge
Strong made a powerful speech in favor of the
contestants, and strongly urged the throwing
out-of the precincts where votes were received
in direct violation of the act of Assembly. It
has been conclusively proven that Snowden
naturalization papers,nutnbering nearly seven
thousand, were issued—the extraordinary
number of seven hundred and eighty in a
single day, men vouching for large numbers
when they knew only one or two. Mr. Mann
argued that the entire Republican ticket had
been elected by majorities of over one thou
sand each; and now, as a matter of course,
the result of this tedious trial is anxiously
At the Central Station on Monday last, all
immense crowd assembled to be present at
another hearing of Messrs. Hamilton, Egan,
Keenan and Stockton, charged with the as
sault upon the late Detective Brooke. The
three last named were admitted to bail, and
Hamilton committed upon the charge of
driving the chaise in which the assassins
escaped. Mr. Brooks, whose life was attempt
ed, was improving during last week, but to
day I hear that he is again in a critical condi
tion, the pistol hall having passed through his
lungs. Up to the time of writing it has been
impossible to gain a clue as to who fired the
shot, and a dispatch from Washington says
that the whisky ring have probably outbid
the reward of $5,000 which was offered by the
government for the detection of the murder
ers, and urges that the reward should at onci
be increased to $20,000.
About eight months since a couple of New
York sharpers came to town, opened an office,
and going to the office of Messrs. Whelan &
Bros., purchased five thousand dollars' worth
of government bonds,requestiug the same to be
sent to their office, when they would be paid
for. Upon arrival at the office, ono of the
sharpers took the bonds, placed them in a
pigeon hole of a desk, and taking up some
money and a check, went to bank to make a
raise to pay for his purchase. The messen
ger seeing the securities in the desk before
him, suspected nothing until the party remain
ing away rather longer than was necessary,
ho went to the desk, and instead of finding
his securities, found nothing but papers, and
upon an examination it was found that a hole
had been bored through from another room,
and the sharpers going into this room abstract
ed the money from the desk, and then de
camped. The matter was kept as quiet as
possible at the time, in order, if possible, to
gain a clue to the robbers, and lately they have
been successful in arresting the sharpers in
New York.
Democracy is demoralized, and have been
in this condition ever since the Democratic
city convention. Last week S. Gross Fry, the
man who received the nomination for City
Treasurer by such "gross" frauds, seeing de
feat staring him in the face, "respectfully de
clined the honors," &c. Ahern and the rest
of the party, it seems, have, or are about to
follow suit, and it is said we are to have an
entire new shuffle, as the shrewdest of the
party predict their defeat under the present
color bearers. The new ticket, as recon
structed, is as follows: City Treasurer, Wm.
C. Patterson; Clerk of Quarter Sessions, D.
W. Sellers; Recorder of Deeds, John G. Bren
ner, of the firm of Handy, Brenner 8c Co.;
Prothonotary, John 0. James, of the firm of
James, Kent, Santee & Co. This is the ticket
as made by the Democratic City Committee,
but it can't win, as the roughs pulled off only
when they saw no ghost of a chance. Phila
delphia is sure for Geary, Williams and the
whole ticket.
On Monday last the centennial anniversary
of Humboldt was - celebrated here by our
German citizens in grand style. About one
hundred organizations, including some seven
ty-five singing societies, paraded our streets
with banners and music, and proceeded to
Engle 8c Wolf's farm, where a grand pic-nic
wal held. The procession halted on the road
to the farm at Fairmount Park, where a statue
to Von Hulmboldt was dedicated.
I hear this morning that another shooting
affair took place in a street car last night at
Sixth and Arch-sts., by two parties who were
indulging in a quarrel. Dennis Quinn shot
Bernard Hagan, and the man will in all
probability die. Quinn is at large yet, but
will in all probability be captured to-day, as
the detectives are on his track.
We are now rivaling New York, as we
have bad one murder daily for the past week
or two. Yours,
Messrs. Editors: Why cannot honest Jack
Hiestand offer his services to President Grant,
as successor to Gen. Rawlins, deceased, late
Secretary of War? John is a fighting fowl,
and distinguished himself by his nimble re
treat at the battle of Bull Run. He would no
doubt be bolstered up by two U. S. Senators,
sixteen members of Congress, and two letters
from Gov. Geary! (And then he wouldn't go
back on the Gov. neither.) How Gen. Grant
could refuse him a third time upon such re
commendations is hard to tell. Jack has bed
the trouble all his life time of carrying water
on both shoulders, and being good, bad and
indifferent on every subject he was connected
with, is therefore entitled to something, even
if it should be a suit of old clothes, or a keg of
lager beer. Besides, he could attend to bean
contracts, and etch! LANCA-STEL