gitimsmivaniorit peitoch. =EU FUN SCHWEFFLEBRENNER. SCELIFFLETOWN, AUGSHT der 24 t, 18(39. MISTER FODDER ABRALIAM: Do kit meaya sawya was se wella, d. Bevvy is an gooier pollytishener. Ns fer shteat de ropes. Se konn so wcit in a meelshtea uei gucka dos der negsht monn, un wier se aw seat for yusht so a dummy, nix wisser fun a bush fraw (her is mis taken. Se least tscitunga, un se least mit understanding. So fershteat de Bricks fun de copperhehds so wohl dos de (kicks fun Duck-ring. Ebmohls mehn ich se wist meaner dos a fraw wissa set, awer wan ich draw denk we se mich shun direct un uf gepost hut, un olly mob! uf der rechta weg, nuts felt sawya dos mer Bich entirely uf se ferlussa konu. Oat letshta Dunnershdog hut se mer =told cant Opinion gevva fun weaya de pollitticle slikalliwacks wu uf nix ous sin dos yusht shteala, leeya un rauwa. Sod dichu, secht de Bevvy, huts aw in der Re publican party so wohl dos in der demo kratish party, yusht in der Republican party hen se kea bisness, weil su shtock bei uoddoor demokratish is, un eara plawn is dos mer se ous der party nous un ins onner camp nei kick 4 d. Un now, sidder dos de copperheads a kondidawt hen mit plenty geld, dter uf der welt kea chance but tsu gwiuna except er konn votes genunk kawfit, is a first raty chance for 30 shtuft iOllB tsu wrerra, for se geana so Ina Meet-licit 'cm geld howlit noch os dos de Corky bussards ferreekty kreddoora Hoch geana. buss se yusht amohl wissa dos se nimmy tenger shteala un rawa kenna, un dos ehrliche kit uf de ltepubli %in ticket runna, un donu, my wart der fore, Becht se, ob sin se in arshta boat for in oe copperhed party wu se by right onna g'heara. De Bevvy is aw an tip-top guter tack tishneuer. Om same owet, n9ch dem dos ae mer de sacha explained hut, is se aw tsu der sonclusion ktuuma for tiler direc tions gevva for ebbas tsu du. " Now Pit," seeht se, "morya free muslit amohl nun ner noch Fildelfy gea un den Mutchier uf mart, seller Packer's Shtate Committy monn wu der seller breef g'shrivva hut, nn wanner der fum Packer sehn geld aw beet, donn nem yusht olles was du kreeya konslit, un wann du heam kummsht donn sogsht mer olles was du hearsht un seasht. Awer, Becht se, wens widder unniell de demokrata geat, lusht du dei neic watch derheam so dos se der se net shteala." Well, om Fridog morya bin ich tsu foos tswea mile on der shtation un war yuaht in tseit for de cars. We ich in Fildelfy aw geland bin hob ich grawd noch ~,f roked for der platz wu ins breef awgevva war, un hob aw kea difficulty g'hot es tsu inn e, un we ich nei bin warn about sex odder sivva radder suspishes gookiche kterls dort rum g'huckt un hen siggars 7shmoked un ich suspect aw a wennich wisky g'sutlit, any how es wahra drei so shwartzy buttla uf cm dish, un glesser un aw an wasser pitcher. Eans fun eana war so an orrick dicker un roat-g'sichticher ding mit ma weisa hoot uf un a shwatza crape druf, un an onnerer hut mer ordlich feel geguckt we so an back-leg, for er hut nw an weiser hoot of g'ilot un a ivver ous sheany un glitzeriche bresht pin aw un a fancy ring uf em linger un a shponishe ssiggar im maul. Ich hob uf course noel) 'em Mister William Mutehler Esquire g'froked, un er hut•aw grawd of g'shwetzt un g'sawt er wter der moan, un we ich caul g'sawt hob war ich bin hut er liter de bond gevva un awfonga deitsh shwetza. Eris an feiner monn—sell mus ich sawya, -an er hut tnieh heasa mit earn in so a back 3lttivvelly nei gea, un dort hen mer amohl unser bisness transact mit nonner. "Now Pit" secht er, "ich hob shun feel Ina deer ~00 l uert uu aw geleasa, un bin orrig: froh dos du kumnia bisht. We gents donn ols any how ?" " Ordlieh Boot" hob ich g , sawt. "Un was macht donn dei olty, de Bevvy, - ens bubbelly—sin se aw g , sund " sog ich, " se sin, yusht der klea Tua noch uet gone ivver eel dorrich-foll." " Un we sin donn de pollyticks druvva in Shlittletown olleweil ?" " Well" hob ich g'sawt, olleweil is es 'web ordlich still film Gufferneer, awer dort in Lenkeshter county sin de leit gons greiselheftich ufreerish fun weaya demo )uck Ring." " Yah" secht er, " so we ich liter sin se ordlich of gemix'cl dort," fun weaya de Senuaters un Setnly lcit. Awer Pit, luss ups amohi fun ebbas sunsht Shwetza. Ich _glawb du warsht aw als an guter demo krat un ich hob on did' g'shrivva for amoid a conferseashun haws mit der for ouslinna eb mer net so a wenuich tsu an - anderstanding kumtua kenna so dos du widder for de goot alt party gea kennaht, for wan du dusht, donn konn ich's so Lisa dos es tau deiner advantage wter, for der Mister Packer is cans fun denua wu tsu seina freind shtickt. " Well," sog Mt, " was kennel der donn du for earn wann mer for Packer geht?" "Well," seciat er, "was denksht dos mer about du set for dich warm:du widder de party joinsht? , " Sell," hob ich g'sawt, "is now an ordlich plainy froke; sell taut mer sheer we bisness. Wan ich sell du donn dung se naich evva gram.' ous der Posht Offis nouse.mooffi,, un noch cans, donn kent ich aw nix mea du mit meim freind George, unser chief fum Duck-ring," sog ich. " Awer sell Posht emtly," secht er, "is anyhow net feel wtert, uu ich konn dich inshura dos du kea shtanding mit em George ferleersht wann du for Packer geasht, for ich hob de argument doh in meim sock olleweil forean seiwer of unser side tsu fetcha." "El kennsht du donn der George?" "Eb ich ean ken?" " iff course kenn ich ean," .secht •er4 "un es war dorrich eau dos ich de directions grickt hub for seller breef on (hell tsu shreiva." " Well," sog kb, "ich kotin of course net fu• Packer gea eb kit weas dos ich aw be tzaht wter derfore. " Was denksht dos ich about hawa set?" " Well, l'it," seat CP , "se sawya mci dchta votes kaw fa —sell is net wohr. Awer der alt Asa is willows a wennich tsu stipends munch scina freind. Now will ich der sawya was ich du. Ich geb der now amohl linf-a-tswansich dahler, un wanus recht goat du ich aw noch meaner noch der leckshun." " Sell awcr is dock rather tsu wennich," hob ich g'sawt. `• Well donn waund's net shtatida konnsht on sellam, donn, sog fuftsich," secht or, " un donn, wann du meaner hawa musht for expenses, dorm luss mich es yusht wissa un ich mach's Boot." " Well done," sog lch, " mer wella's so fershtonna hawa," un ter graved rouse mit seim pocka-buch un gebt mer lief greenback tsea dahler noM." "Now," secht or, "Pit, now husht anaohl an inshtallment. Now will ich der ouch an offer macha." Es kuimut orrig tiel of de breimery leckshuns aw dort, in Lenkeshter county eb der Gecry an grossy odder a gleans majority grickt. Wann se seller Billingfelt widder of nemma, donn dung se aw widder sivva dausend black Republican majority gevva. Awer warm s,: an gutes ring ticket nominata, dorm is es tins tun drei his fear dausand votes wtert, for donn wtera de wu gcaya der ring sin Ikish un btes, un kumnitt net on de leckshun. Now konnst 'cm Packer ken bessere decushta du dos mit em George tsu gea, un bei all means der Billingfelt ous der nomineashun bolts, under eant sieh weg sell tsu du is can roux tsu tseala. Now wann du manneteha konnsht der Billingfelt tsu beeta, don geb ich der noch a hunnert dallier extra." Ich hob eam g'sawt ich wet tioch-a.nold der George sehna derweaya, un er hut mer aw recht gevyra,un der weg we er g'shwetzt hut is er ordlich goot of gepost mit em George. • We mer ftertich wara shwetza hut er mich eigelawda widder tsu kumma, un donn deat er mer amohl an inderduckshun taunt Packer gevva. We mer widder 'louse iu de fudder shtub sin hut er mich interdoost tsu eans noch earn (miler fun denim wu dort g'lluckt hen. Eaner war der Mister 011dertnan Bill Mackmullin, Esquire; au ounerer hut er Sam. Joseff g'heasa awer eb sell sei forenawma odder sei tsu nawma war weas ich uet—fcrleicht kennsht ean, er is on ordlich dicker ding, un war ols druvva in Ilarrisborrick, awer ich konu now net sawya eb er au French Backer is odder yusht a Scully monn. De onncry wara all Eirishe, un hob ears nawma fer gessa. We ich drouse war in der feela loft bob ich ordlich goot un we ich beam kumma bin under Bevvy ollea g'sawt hob, un de greenbax onna getzealt hob, donn Itetslit awer derbei sei sella, for ich konn der sawya, de Bevvy war about gepleast dos ich den Bill Mutchler amohl so shlick ous sella fuftsich dabler g'flanked hob. " Pit," Becht se, "sell war about der shmartsht drick dos du in all dehn leawa noch gedu husht, for ich weas kea besserer plawn dos derma kterls ears geld yusht olniernma un donn vota tin shotfa for Geery un Billingfelt, un onnery ehrliche lelt." PIT Sett WEFFL EIIRENNER. j N. B.—Om Somsdog war ich widder in der shtadt beim George ; un hob aw der Shteamy g'sca. De shtadt war full fun shkallywacks, on tint* dahier shtick, un selly hen eara ammunition un eara rashens grickt. Ich hob ordlich toot gedu, for moor hen se tsea dahlcr gevva of de Slitate dreshery account, donu hut der George mer finf gevva for Wiley ols seinlyinonn, un we ich nuf ous eck bin is der shrnart Duckter kumma un hut mer aw noel) fiat' dahier wart pastor un foolder shtock iu der jacket sock g'shteckt, uu der Shteamy hut mer noch tswansich meaner gevva fors maul holta, un sell macht all together fiertsich dahier un ich hob de watch noch. Des Ntzahlt. De Bevvy is flush olleweil—geat morya in der shtott for a neier dress uu ucie socks fors bub belly. Ich trick mer aw an neier hoot un a paar neie ahtittle. P. S. MAKE HOME H iPPY Beading, declamations, pantomimes, simple games, acting and rehearsals, are innocent amusements, and can be enjoyed at home with far less expense than to go abroad for them. This course will give you the love and confidence of your chil dren, which you must have to serve them well, and to make them feel that home is the best place in the world. It is the course that will save your sons from the haunts of vile companions, and your daugh ters from being enticed, through the hope of pleasure, into rude and forbidden ways. For your children will seek pleasing assc ciates; if they can't have them at home they will abroad. Your young folks will have fun and frolic, and if you make them leave it outside of your dwelling, they will go out to find it and enjoy it. Home, then, is the safest and most profitable place for amusements. here bring your music, your gambols, and carols; here let the merry voices rino• r' in social merriment, while you, if you have cares and sorrows to weigh down your heart during the day, lay them apart from yourself for the time, and put on it glad spirit and live over again your gay and happy hours. It's no use to carry a sad face always, and it is not right to cloud the sanshine of the young heart; it should have its spring time and harvest. A child without a childhood, a youth without a youth, is a sad picture for the world to look upon. THE Harrisburg telegraph relates the following incident: "When the unterri fled Democracy were returning from Har risburg to Philadelphia, after they had nominated Asa Packer for Governor, a muderous assult was made by a gang of them upon a gentleman connected with the Pennsylvania railroad. They forced themselves into a car in which were ladies, knocked him down, and would have killed him outright, had not a commanding voice arisen above the noise of the rolling wheels of the cars, and the wild yells of the ruffians. "What yer 'bout, ther. Stop that! Don't yer know that Packer's only 'nominated! He's not geeted set. Yer haint forgot Jerry Eaton, have yer? Geary's gov'ner yet, and will hang every one of yel Wait till Packer's 'lected, and then you can pitch in!" These fellows are an ticipating a jolly time when the fear of Geary and the gallows are removed by the election of Packer. Mully will do up the pardon business to theirentire satisfaction. NEwsuov.--Say„fim, how diles Packer's stamps atliwt your trade? BOOT - -Doesn't affect it at all. That crowd don't shine up, you knot% NEwsnov.—No i or it isn't the crowd thak reads. nether. *Wei RESULTS OF REPUBLICAN RULE Ilere are some of the results of four months' administration of afillirs by Presi dent Grant, gathered from a speech recent ly make by General Garfield, at Colum bus, Ohio. The first three quarters of the present fiscal year, which ended yesterday, yielded in revenue $250,000,000. The last quarter of the fiscal year, ending to-day, will yield $100,000,000, or $20,000,000 more than any single quarter under the ,Tohnson reign. In May, 1868, the total manufaetnres gave to the revenue but $150,000,000, whereas, in the same month this year, it produced (not including a number of districts not heard from) $4,- 500,000, an invieftie of $3,000,000 over the same month last year. —And now for the expenses. During the first three quarters of the present fiscal year, the expenditure amounted to $356,000,000, or an average exceeding $5,3,000,000. On the other hand, i•i the quarter ending to-day, they will not exceed $00,000,000, or $25,000,000 less than any other quarter of the year. Not only will the Congressional appropriations, reduced as they were, meet the wants of the Government under General Grant, but there will be a surplus of some $37,000,- 000, and the nuisance of deficiency bills appear likely to be avoided for the first time in years. These are eloquent figures for the people, who cannot but discover in them the fact that the President is lit erally redeeming his promise to faithfully collect the revenues and to expend the public money economically. The exhibit is one of which every American should feel proud. If in four brief months, such an in crease in receipts and such a diminution in the expenditures is apparent, what may we not expect of the three years and eight months vet to come of President Grant's administration? Surely the future is full of promise to every man who loves his country. ASS PACKER The Lehigh Register announces its de termination to light Asa Packer with its whole strength; " to bring facts up on facts to show that he is not lit to be Governor of Pennsylvania; that Ids promises are to be scorned as worse than stuff; that he acquired his wealth as other millionaires have acquired theirs, and that in trying to delude laboring men into voting for him by declaring that he was once one of them and acquired his fortune by honest toil, he displays a weakness the people of Pennsylvania don't admire." It also says: " There will be dead men arising from their tombs to give in their testimony, and the people, notwithstanding the false swearing of Democratic newspapers and the pleadings of Democratic orators, shall bring in a verdict of guilty and sentence him to stay in private life, where he will have more opportunities to invent Lehigh Valley freight companies and compel the people to pay higher freights than the railroad company could legally charge." A PROUD RECORD On tho 28th of June, 1861, at the be ginning of the late war for the preserva tion of the Union, John W. Geary was mustered into the service as a Colonel. On the 23th of April, 1862, he was pro moted to Brigadier General, and on the 11th of January, 1863, was made Major General. He was wounded at Bolivar, Cedar Mountain and Chancellorsville. To the present day he carries rebel lead in his body. Ile has been Mayor of San Fran cisco, Governor of Kanas, Military Gov ernor of Savannah, and Governor of Pennsylvania. lle discharged the respon sible duties of each and all of these ool tions with honor to himself and credit to his native State. Few Pennsylvanians have ever made a nobler record. THE Readinc , Dispatch says: "It is of the first importance to the people and to the future of our party, (not only of our own State, but of the whole family of States,) that Republicans shall triumph in this campaign. If Packer isolected, our Gubernatorial chair becomes the furniture of the railroad monopolists, and its influ ence and power is forever gone fro .fie masses of the people; if Packer is succes ful we shall also lose the Legislature, and the Copperheads will so apportion the State next winter as to forever preclude the possibility of our getting the Legislature in our hands again. These are calamities which we do not wish to see befall the party now in power, and if we would avert them we must be up and doing." 'WOULDN'T' it leave an eternal stigma upon the fair fame of the State should her people, at the coming election, eject John W. Geary (a gallant officer, who served through the whole war, with the highest distinction,) from the executive office and put in his place Asa Packer, a man worth twenty millions of dollars, who never contributed a cent in aid of the govern ment during the whole struggle and sym pathized all that time with the rebel States? Our Xittle Ocitteo. --Bacheloric exelaimation around here —a lass! Maidenly ejaculation—an men! —Men the fondest of enrrent news— and women of the matrimonial noose. —Velocipede candy is now sold. The manufacturer finds it necessary to give notice that it is not worked with the feet. —The individual out at the Round Rouse who was bent on his own purpose, has become round shouldered. —A Lynn grocer advertises "factory cheese, just lovely." The "devil" un doubtedly set up an o for an i. —Queer philosophers, these children. "Ma, do combs eat?" "No, child." "Well, what do they have teeth for?" —The first question that disturbed man was the woman question, and it bids fair to be the last. —Josh Billings says life iz like a moun tain—after climbing tin one side and slid ing down the other side, we put up the sled. —What part of Scripture would two ladies fulfill when kissing each other? Do ing unto others what they would that men should do unto them. —Loving wife, at Long Branch: "The horrid surf makes me keep my mouth shut." Sarcastic husband: "Take some of it home with you." —"Wouldn't you call this the calf of a leg?" asked Bob, pointing to one of his nether limbs. "No," replied Pat, "I should say it was the leg of a calf." —"What makes you 80 glum, Tom?" "Oh, I have had to endure a sad trial to my feelings." "What on earth was it?" "Why, 1 had to tie on a'pretty girl's bon net while her ma' was looking on." —Gent on horseback to a boy on donkey —"Get out bf the way, boy; my horse don't like donkeys." Boy—" Don't he. Then why don't he kick yer off ?" —A line in one of Moore's songs reads thus: "Our couch shall be roses bespan gled with dew." To which a sensible girl replied: " 'Twould give me the rheuma tiz, and so it would you." —During the present season Lehigh county, Pa., boasts that a gushing damsel of that section, picked and sold $lOB worth of cherries. Boys, she's worth going af ter. —lt is stated in the Cincinnati Com mercial that the Hon. H. Greeley is not only a pillar of the lieu. Dr. Chapin's church, but also one of its soundest sleep ers. —Customer—Do you call that a veal cutlet, waiter? Why, it's an insult to every true calf in the country! Waiter— I didn't mean to insult you, sir." —ln Chicago husbands are said to be so fearful of curtain lecturers, that they add to their announcement of future move ments the letters "W. P.," which means "wife permitting." —A boy who heard the quotation, "A little learning is a dangerc us thing," wish ed to stop going to school, because he was afraid lie should not live long enoagh to get past the dangerous point. —ln 1852 the colored barber at the Cat aract House, :Niagara Falls, said he lived in a village in Canada where all but him self were white persons. "I feel," said he, "like ono huckleberry in a bucketful of milk." —"Can't pass, marm,” said a stern sentinel of the navy yard to an officer's "lady." "But, sir, I must pass; I'm Captain W.'s lady." "Can't help it marm; couldn't let you in if you were his wife." —A lady in Louisville, Kentucky, was robbed by a fellow who secreted himself in her chamber until she retired. The box containing her jewels and that con taining her rouge were just alike, and the thief took the wrong box. She looked pale on discovering her loss, but her color came again. —An amusing affair happened be tweeen a coal dealer and a purchaser. The latter was very anxious to see that the former did not cheat him, so he (the pur chaser) inspected the weighing of the coal himself and felt satisfied that he had got his full allowance without any desire on the part of the coal dealer to "shave." However, while the coal was weighing, the driver of the team could not help laughing. aware at the time that the pur chaser was particular about his full weight of coal. The purchaser noticing the laughing of the driver, asked him when he received his coal what it was all about; so the driver told him. "Why," said he, "when your coal was weighing you were standing on the scales and was weighed with it." "Is it possible? why I weigh nearly two hundred pounds!" "Well, sir," said the driver, "you are sold." "Yea," was the reply, "and I hove bought myself, too." Jewelry. ZAHM & JACKSON, DEALERS IN WA7'CIIES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SILVER AND SILVER-PLATED WARE, SPECTACLES AND FANCY GOODS, No. 15 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA A~REPAIRI•NOjATTENDED TO. no2o-1y) WATCHES! CLOCKS, CLOCKS, CLOCKS The undersigned keeps:constantly on hand a large and full assort mentiot the GENUINE AMERICAN WATCHES, of different weight and finish, to suit all, which are sold upon the most reasonable terms, and guaranteed to give :attisfaetion. Keeps also on hand a good assortment of KJICS. ' Call and examine the goods before purchasing, elsewhere. Thankful for past favors, I solicit a contlnu ance of the same. HENRYF. ANDREW s, Jan 1-1 y *1 Strasburg, Lancaster co., I'a. WE CONTINLE TO MANUFAC TURE our WM-known Manures, PHOSPHATE OF LIME ZEM MEiliMElMilialli and also have for sale PERUVIAN GUANO, No. 1 Gonuine Government, Fish Guano, Land Plaster and Hydraulic Ce ment. together with a complete assortment of Burning fond Greasing OILS, at fair market rates. Super-Phosphate of Limo, - - - 00 per 2000 lbs. Ammoniated Fertilizer, - - - - $35 do. A DISCOUNT TO DEALERS. ALLEN & NEEDLES, 42 SOUTH DELAWARE AVENUE, PHILADELPHIA E. , .TABLIsIIED IN 18V. GEO. M. STEINMAN CO., augl3-tfj Sole Agents at Lancaster, Pa Books and Stationery. . _ H EADQUARTERS —Fon— SUNDAY SCHOOL BOOKS AT FULTON ROW, WEST KING STREET. AB the latest helps for Superintendents Teach ers and Bible Students, new Charts with Ob ject Lessons, a new System of Rewards, mak ing every Scholar a worker in the interest of the School. I= SUNDAY SCHOOL MUSIC BOOKS, LIBRARY BOOKS, RECORD BOOKS, CLASS BOOKS, &c. Common School & Miscellaneous Books, STATIONERY AND FANCY GOODS, ItITCLICOOK'S HALF DIME SHEET MUSIC, BIBLES AND TESTAMFNTA, AT PHILADELPHIA WHOLESALE PRICES Call and see for yourselves. my 144,11 D. 8. BARE. REMOVAL J. H. SHEAFFEB, BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER, Has removed Ida large stock Ml= BOOKS and STATIONERY, MIMI NO. 52 NORTH QUEEN STREET, Opposite Shober's Hotel, FOUR DOORS NORTH OF ORANGE-STREET ap9-tf] LANCASTER, PA Coal, Lumber, tee. EIMER, BRENEMAN & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALICIIB IN COAL, OF THE BEST QUALITY. YAIw—COR. WATER ST. AND PA. R. R. Drams—NO. 2 EAST ORANGE ST., LANCASTER PA. [dec 184 y .. • .M.: .•, 5,000,000 FEET OF DRY LUMBER. MARTIN, THOMAS & CO., COLUMBIA, LANCASTER CO., PA., Manufacturers' At LOCK HAVEN, CLINTON COUNTY, PA., AND WHOLESALE LUMBER DEALERS• WHITE PINE, HEMLOCK, POPLAR, WALNUT ASH, • FLOORING, SID ING WEATHER BOARDS, PICKETS, LATH, - B BOX OARDS,'&c.oic ni4l2-Iy] Varnishes, &c. AUG. RP:INGRID,. JAC. REINOEHL, JR. A &J. REINOEIIL, MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS COPAL, WHITE, COFFIN, BLACK AND JAPAN VARNISHES, LINSEED OIL, TURPENTINE, Ac., Ac. NO. 109 NORTH WREN STREET, (In the Keystone Building,) LANCASTER, PA. Also, Mahogany Boarde r Veneers and Mouldings of different sizes and pat terns. All kinds of Turning, such as Bed Posta, Table Legs, Spokes, Hubs, Fences, &c, ace., Also, ARLaS, SPRINGS, ie. Ulla Slyr WATCHES! :WATCHES I As a Holiday Gift to a Sister, Wife or Friend they are unsurpassed. The Farmer wants it for his Family. The Dress and Cloak Maker prefers it. The Seamstress wants it, because its work is sure to give satisfaction. The Tailor has long ago decided it to ho the best for his business. The Carriage Trimmer cannot do without it; and the Shoe Titter finds that, after all, the HOW E is the machine for him. Sooner or later, everybody will have the 110 W F. MACHINE. Every Machine is warranted. Every one may be the possessor of one of those unrivalled machines, as we endeavor to make the terms of sale suit all our customers. We earnestly invite all whether they purpose purchasing or not, to call and get specimens of the work executed by us on the HOWE MA CHINE, and compare it with the work done by other machines. lire are willing to abide by the result. THIS INFALLIBLE REMEDY iioes not, like the poisonous irritating snuffs and strong caustic solutions with which the people have Icrig been humbugged, simply palliate for a short time, or drive the disease to the lunge as there is danger of doing in the use of such nostrums, but it produces VEX/MOT AND PitRN ANENT CORES oIP TUE WoHET 05855 ON CHRONN CATARRH. 011 thousands can testify. " COLD /N THE HEAD" is cured with a few appli cations. CATARRHAL HSADACHS is ToHo7ect at td cured us if magic. It removes offensive Breath, Loss or Impairment of I,l>o sense of taste smell or hearing, Watering or Weak Eyes, andlmpaired Memory, when caused by the vio lence of Catarrh, as they all frequently are. I offer in goad faith a standing reward. (We for a ease of Catarrh that I cannot cure. FOR SALE BY MOST DRUGUISTS EVERY- Ask your Druggist for the REMIDY ; but if he has not got it ou dotet be put off by ac cepting any mmerable worse than worthless subatitute, but enelose sixty omits to me, and the Remedy will be sent you postpa id. Four packages AO, or one dozen for . Send a two cant stamp for Dr. ea pamphlst on Ustarrk. Address the stor, R. Y. N. D. J 19411 11 Bakal*, ii. Y. Professional. O• J. DICKEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. °Fries: SOUTH QUEEN ST., second i.lOllBO low the "Fountain Inn," Lancaster, Pa. B. LIVINGSTON, ffi • ATTORNEY AT LAW. OFFICE: No.ll NORTH DUKE ST., west side north of the Court House, Lancaster, Pa. CHARLES DENUES, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Oppicx: N 0.3 SOUTH DUKE STREET, Lan easter, Pa. JOHN B. GOOD, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Owner.: N 0.56 EAST KING ST., Lancaster, Pa T W. JOHNSON, V • ATTORNEY AT LAW. OFFICE: No 15 SOUTH QUEEN ST., Lancas ter, Pa. TA I'. ItOSENMILLER, JR., ATTORNEY AT LAW. OFFICE: With A. HERR SMITH, Esq., South Queen St., opposite the office of "Father Abra ham,” Lancaster, Pa. C. REINOEHL, • ATTORNEY AT LAW. thiFICE: N 0.3 SOUTH DUKE Sl'., Lancastei MMEIMME Ouptcn: With Ilon. 0.. J. IneKnv, N 0.21 SOUTH QUEEN ST., Lancaster, Pa. • MARTIN RUTT, ATTORNEY AT LAW. OFFICE of the late 11011. THADDEUS STEVENS, No. 26 South Queen St., Lancaster, Pa. A MOS H. MYLIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. = J• K. RUT TER . ATTORNEY AT LAW Oppica: With General J. W. FISHER, NOUTII DUKE ST., Lancaster, Pa. BP. BAER, • ATTORNEY AT LAW. OFFICE: No. 19 NORTH DUKE Street, Lances ter, Pa. [dee IS-lyr Reading Advsrisements. MALTZBERGER , ~ ATTORNEY AT LAW N 0.46 NORTH SIXTH ST., liewling, Pu _T GEORGE SELTZER. ur • ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLER AT LAW. No. 604 COURT STREET, (opposite the Court House,) Reading, l'e. Se?ri»g Machines. WHEELER & WILSON'S FAMILY SEWING- MACHINES With all the Latest Improveme•its. *it - The Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine was awarded the only 61 /1.13 MEDAL given for sawing Machines over eighty-two competitors at the Universal Exposition held in Paris, 1867. Machines sold on Lease Planet the Cash MONTHLY PAYMENTS, ONLY TEN DOLLARS. PETERSON & CARPENTER General Agents, 64 N. Queen-et., Laneuter, Pa P. S.—vmergetle Business Men wanted to sell the Wheeler /it Wilson Sewing Machine in town and country. Good inducements. [Jy2B-lut G UOVER & BAKER'S FIRST PREMIUM ELASTIC STITCH FAMILY SEWING MACHINES, 1915 BROADWAY, NEW YORK 130 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA POINTS OF EXCELLENCE. Beauty and Elasticity , of Stitch. Perfection and Simplicity of Machinery. 17sing both threads directly from the spools. No fastening of seams by hand and no waste of thread. Wide range of application without change of adjustment. The scam retains its beauty and firmness afte r washing and ironing. Besides (lonian!' kinds of work doneby other Sewing Machines these Machines execute the most beautiful anti permanent Embroidery and ornamental work. Are The. Highest Premiums at all the Fairs. and exhibitions of the United States and Europe, have been awarded the Grover & Baker Sewing Machines, and the work done by them, wherever exhibited fu competition. iar The very highest prize, yuk; CROSS OF TIM LEGION of , HONUH , was conferred on the representative of the Grover dt Baker Sew ing Machines, at the Exposition Universelle, Paris, 1867, thus at testing their great superiority over all other Sewing Machines. For bale by GEORGE t3PURRIER, North Queen street, Lancaster, Pa. Iny2s-15 , 1 THE HOWE SEWING MACHINE, EMI EVERYBODY! C. FATE, Agent, 2514 North Queen street deo ]S-ti] 3fedical. ..s.' ;..Dlt .S .A.O E ' S ~ ... , C , ' --- ' ATA R Rl, -r. WHERE. rltlelll ONLY 60 CUM