Father Abraham. (Reading, Pa.) 1864-1873, August 20, 1869, Image 2

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R4onomy, Retrenchment, Faithful Collection
of the Revenue and Payment of the Public
Debt.—OßAN T.
Increase Since LW Week's Issue, 8001
For Governor,
For Judge of the Supreme Court,
For the purpose of placing this popular cam
paign paper as far as possible in the hands of
every voter, we offer the following LOW it A TES
OF ?•••13 BSultipTlON, from the nth of August
next until after the October election.
One copy $ 40
Five copies, (to one Address) 160
Ten copies, .6 2 50
And twenty-five cents for every additional sub
scriber to thE dub of ten.
One copy, six months, ...4 75
Five copies, six mont his, .... ..... .. 3 25
Ten copies, Mx months.. 6 00
Fifteen copies, six months, 8 25
Twenty copies, six months,... 10 00
And fifty cents for each additional subscriber
over twenty, witbian extra copy to getter up
of the club.
Will contribute bib popular letters weekly.
riS r " All subscriptions must be paid in advance
Lancaster, Pa.
We bad expected that the large extra
edition OfFATHER ABRAHAM printed last
week, would supply all orders for back num
bers. The rush of new subscribers, how
ever, has exceeded our most sanguine ex
pecta tions,and all our edition is exhausted.
We will furnish to all such as do not re
ceive the No. of August 13, an additional
number after the election, so that all will
be supplied with the fall number to which
they are entitled.
" Brick" Pomeroy, the great apostle of
Democracy, says he " would repudiate the
national debt in two seconds if he had the
power." Again he says, "we dare urge
repudiation, we dare head a mob and bat
ter down the vaults where our masters
keep the notes which they say we must
pay." This same " Brick" was sent from
New York to Harrisburg to engineer
Packer through the Democratic Conven
tion, and you are asked to support men
who hold and endorse the same principles
that the unscrupulous Brick has the bold
ness to advocate through the columns of
his paper. Working men, look to your
interests before you surrender yourselves to
the enemies of your country.
Harper's Weekly well says that the De
mocracy as a party of principle has ceased
to be formidable; but as a conspiracy against
honest elections it still challenges the vigi
lance of every man who values true
popular government. It is to be remem
bered that all who justify the rebellion and
pledge the " lost cause"—all who would
repudiate the national debt and dishonor
the national name—all who disbelieve in
popular government—all who would per
petuate hostilities of race—all who oppose
a registry and its strict enforcement—the
ignorant and the dangerous part of the
population—instinctively ally themselves
to the party that is responsible for the vast
system of election frauds.
We learn that the distinguished repre
sentative from Philadelphia, Elisha W.
Davis, is already in the field as a candi
date for Speaker of the next House of Re
presentatives. Would it not be as well
•for the " rooster" to wait awhile ? By
the-way—what will that other " rooster,"
Strang, of Tioga, say to it ? He is also a
candidate, and will have to be on the
alert. Altogether, they are a pretty pair
of worthies, and we hope, that if returned
to the Legislature, neither will be allowed
to occupy the Speaker's chair.
An interesting letter from our Phila
delphia correspondent is unavoidably
crowded out this week.
What good thing has the Democratic
party achieved or proposed to achieve in
the last twenty years ? Can one be nam
ed ? Since 1880 it has been a party of
mere negations. It opposed every measure
to put down the rebellion ; it opposed
every measure in the. way of progress and
reform ; it has opposed every attempt to
amend and perfect our National Constitu
tion ; it has opposed every attempt to ex
tend the boundaries of human rights; it has
opposed every attempt to improve the
National credit or protect the National
honor. For ten years before 1860 it was
an affirmative party, but affirmed the
worst possible things. It affirmed the
arig,htfulness and beneficence of slavery ; it
affirmed the repeal of the Missouri Com
promise, which was a great breach of Na
tional faith, and was theteg,inning of the
war ; it affirmed the infamous doctrines of
Dred Scott decision, by which our Na
tional Constitution was converted from a
charter of liberty into an indenture of
slavery ; and in general terms, it affirmed
all manner of wickedness, corruption and
extravagance in National and State ad
ministrations. The Democratic party can
not be divorced from its historical and
traditional character.
That we have a common country, bound
together by stronger ties than ever, grow
ing more rapidly than ever, with brighter
hopes and prospects than ever before; that
more than ever excites the admiration,
hopes and wishes of the oppressed millions
of other lands, and that all this we owe to
the Republican party ; and but for that
party the Union would have been broken
into fragments, slavery would have tri
umphed, and the sun of liberty set in
blood; and where now we have bright and
glorious prospects, and beautiful vistas of
the future, would be darkness, despair and
death. The people will take care of their
friends and enemies, and the second Tues
day of October will tell the tale in the
Keystone State, by the triumphant re
election of John W. Geary.
We caution the people to watch the
polls in their districts on Saturday week,
and see that the primary elections are
honestly conducted. That the managers
of the "Ring," are determined to ac
complish their purpose, by any means,
fair or foul, is beyond all doubt. It is
said that Earl, East Earl, Ephrata, West
Cocalico, Conoy, Penn, Fulton, Drumore,
West .Elempfield, Pequea, Manheim-twp.,
Mount Joy, and several other districts,
are " set up" by the Ring masters, to go
solid for the Oily Gammon, John M.
Stehman, for Senator, any how. Now
this cannot be done, unless there is cheat
ing around, and we call upon the honest
Republicans of those districts to wATert
In his speech at the Republican meeting
at Reading, a couple of weeks ago, lion.
T. J. Bigham, of Pittsburg, got off the fol
lowing good one :
I said the Democracy were awfully
hungry. They will light down upon Pack
er worse than tie locusts In Egypt. Let
me illustrate by a story: Some years since
I was down the Mississippi river. I wanted
to go to a point :n Arkansas, which led
through a swamp said to be animated with
mosquitoes. I went to a livery stable to
get a horse • they would not g ive me a
horse unless I would pay some five dollars
for greasing, his head, neck, ears, body
and legs with lard, to protect him against
the mosquitoes. The hungry ,Democrats
are far worse than the Arkansas mosqui
toes. Col. Mutchler who does the groom
ing for Mr. Packer, will have to use a
hogshead of lard to protect him from these
blood-sucking Deincici`a,ts.lf
George Brubaker and a toady of his,
who thinks he hides his tracks, made a
proposition the other day to a prominent
candidate for Senator, to withdraw from
the contest for that position, and they
would guarantee his nomination to the
House of Representatives. They were
ready to pledge a number of townships to
him solid, Diu., ttc. The bid did not take,
however. These smart men think they
own the Republican party of the county.
They'll have their eyes opened before they
are two weeks older.
How do Democrats like the " great vic
tory )7 in Tennessee, after &titer's Nash
ville speech? He emphasized the follow
ing in a abort address delivered before an
immense audience on Tuesday evening.—
" There must be no proscription on account
of rebellion, race or COLOR! Suffrage and
the f ullest political and civil rights must be
FREE TO ALL!" That "civil rights . ”
means office for the negro; and the election
of Seater is hailed as a great Democratic
victory. Well may ever Irish Democrat
exclaim, "Am I I, or who am 1102
Asa Packer is worth twenty millions of
dollars; eighteen millions are invested in
the interests which go to make New York
city the empire city of this continent, and
a very small portion identified with any
interest in Pennsylvania. The declaration
of scripture is undoubtedly true, " That
where a man's treasure is there will his
heart be also." If, then, Asa Packer is
not a native of Pennsylvania, and nine
tenths of his investments centre outside of
the State, he is not a safe occupant of the
Executive Chamber.
BRlbigfelt—The State Treasurer on Nasal
With the Reserve Funds.
In our last article on Thuggery we gave
an account of the manner in which the
members of the House of Representatives
from this county were bought up, after
the last election, by a candidate for United
States Senator; t hie price paid ($3,500 each)
to Slokom, Driest & Co.; the additional
sum of $3OOO brokerage or commission, Ste.
Later developments suggest the neces
sity of another article on this subject, to
the end that the Republicans of Lancaster
county may more fully understand the
true character of the bad and desperate
men who have for years controlled Ow
party nominations, sold and resold thei
representatives, plundered the public
treasury, and in various ways and dodges
swindled the tax-p iyers in the most bare
faced manner imaginable.
Our readers may not all be aware of
the fact that the real Thug headquarters
at this time, is in Harrisburg—in the office
of the State Treasurer. The Thug lead
ers of this county have considerable inter
est in the two millions of dollars reserve
fund constantly on hand, and supposed to
be in the treasury, but in reality out on
interest and yielding handsome for
tunes to those who run the Treasury
Department. The sum paid for the
present State Treasurer's election—
s7s,ooo—may seem large, but so is the
interest on the millions constantly under
his control—enough to enable him to pay
said sum and secure himself a princely
fortune besides.
During the last session of the Legisla
ture, it will be remembered, Mr. Billing
felt, in the Senate, offered a resolution to
apply $BOO,OOO of this reserve fund
towards the payment of the State
debt, and thus annually save about
fifty thousand dollars interest to the tax
payers. But the Treasurer was too
strong for Mr. .13illingfelt. By using his
peculiar kind of "arguments" very liber
ally, lie succeeded in "convincing" a suffi
cient number of members to defeat the
resolution, and thus the plunderers con
tinue to enjoy the full amount of interest
on the two millions or more of the public
money! A liberal share of C., plunder
is drawn by parties in this city, and goes
far to keep alive the corrupt ring organi
zation now under consideration.
The State Treasurer, some time ago,
threatened to defeat the re-nomination of
Senator Billingfelt, and openly boasted
that he would do so at any cost.
He and the other public plunderers
nterested, can well afford to spend
fifty thousand dollars of the people's
money, if necessary, to prevent the re
election of this honest and faithful Sena
tor. It has been openly and defiantly
proclaimed, not only at Harrisburg, but
also at Pittsburg, where the State Trea
surer resides, that Mr. Billingfelt shalt be,
and will be defeated. And the money
thus filched from the State Treasury has
arrived—at least one very liberal instal
ment! The agent of the Treasurer was
"round" here, and moral bankrupts and
scalawags are now at work, using this
same cash belonging to the people, to buy
up votes against Esaias Billingfelt. And
why? Simply and only because he has
been faithful to his constituents—a true
representative matt of the honest and in
dependent Republican voters of Lancas
ter county; because he won't join the
Treasury robbers; because he conscien
tiously believes it to be his duty, on the
floor of the Senate, to protect the public
Treasury and represent the best interests
of the tax-payers! Because Mr. Billing
felt's record is pure; because he is not a
thief; because he cannot be bribed; be
cause he cannot be coaxed or dragooned
by rings, cliques and public plunderers,
the present State Treasurer has under
taken the job, with funds that justly be
long to the people, to corrupt our ballot
boxes, and if possible, to bribe the Repub
lican voters of Lancaster county.
But, we tell this • corrupt State official
that he is mistaken in the character (dour
people. They are not the contemptible
creatures be takes them to be, as he will
find out to his sorrow before he is two
weeks older.
We accept the issue presented by the
State Treasurer, between honesty, thir
ness, decency and manhood on the one
hand, and speculation, corruption, trick
ery and plunder on the other. Let him
help himself to as much money as he may
be able to take from the Treasury with
out risk of iindictment for embezzlement,
and let him send it to the county chiefs of
Thuggery. They will need it all, and
more too, to satisfy their bummers and
hangers on, but we tell the State Treasurer
of Pennsylvania, that the entire two mil
lions of reserve fund would not be enough
to change the determination of our people
to send Esaias Billingfelt to the Senate for
three years longer.
The Republicans of Dauphin county
did well on Tuesday last, by nominating
Hon. David. Mumma, for State Senator,
against A. J. Herr, a member of the last
House of Representatives, defender of the
Fasters and Folder's dodge and constant
supporter of the ring generally. The
nominees for the House are A. C. Smith
and John E. Parsons. Well done, Dau
phin. Now, Lancaster!
The editor of the Beaver Radical, who
is also Sectary of the Republican Stite
Committee, is doubtless a very wise man
—wise even beyond what is written.
Judging from his big paper he knows
all about Lancaster county politics !
For instance, he says,with an air of
great wisdom, and with apparent serious
ness, that "some of Mr. 13.1 s friends
are apprehensive of his defeat." How
ever much this may be the wish of the
editor aforesaid, we assure him, and the
"rest of mankind," that Mr. Billingfelt , s
fries& have no such apprehensions, and
hie leorifeation, by a very large majority,
itooseeadaven by his enemies.
A cotemporary says truly that where
the messes are educated, Republican
doctrines universally prevail ; and vice
versa, it is only in districts where ednca
tiou is neglected and the commluitities
grope their way along in intellectual dark
ness that Democracy grows and flourishes.
This fact is demonstrable to every intelli
gent man who will open his eyes and look
around him. We need sosrcely refer to
the Fourth ward, Philadelphia ; the Five
Points, New York; or the filthy and
wretched lanes and alleys in every large
city, where immorality, vice, crime and
abject poverty, the offsprings of ignorance,
prevail ; but to every section of the coun
try where the common school system is
neglected and contemned. It is in the
best informed neighborhoods, both in city
and country, that Republicanism, beyond
all question or cavil, finds its firmest sup
porters and its strongest holds.
Andrew Armstrong again appears in
a card published in the Express, denying
.e charge that ho drew more mileage than
t ie law allows, and challenges any one to
prove it. We accept the challenge, and
for the proof we refer to Mr. Taggert,
now residing at Litiz, who was then the
Cashier of the State Treasury, and paid
Mr. Armstrong the $91.80 instead of :;! , 9.
The House Journal is doubtless all right,
as Mr. A. says; but the warrant Was for
and before Mr. Taggart paid it, lie
called Mr. Armstrong's attention to the
apparent mistake, when the latter said it
was "all right," and received the money.
Mr. B. does not deny having received the
money as stated.
How long will Mr. A. continue to
parade this very unfortunate matter be
fore the public? Why don't he keep quiet
about it?
The Examiner cams to the rescue
as the organ of the State Treasurer:
"We" (Jack Iliestand) "have more re
spect for the State Treasurer than to be
lieve that he attaches so little va,lue to
money as to squander it so foolishly, and
we again pronounce it, if not maliciously,
foolishly false."
When was the Examiner ever known to
denounce and expose corruption at Har
risburg or anywhere else? People are
generally known by the company they
keep, and the fact that two thousand dol
lars were sent here last year to secure the
right men for the Treasury ring at Har
risburg as Representatives, and the fact
that $13,500 was paid last year to the firm
of Brubaker, Slokom, Griest & Co., for
the use of the members from this county
—neither .of , which facts the .Nosarairter
does not net dsvms tot deriy-L4o4ikolerY
far to prove that the same parties are
again at work. It is because the State
Treasurer and his plundering conthder
ates of the Ring do a tt a ch very great value
to money, and care only for money, that
they have unlocked th e 'state treasury and
are now using the people's money
which to corrupt the peach. ' ll is 'be
cause the State Treasurer and his "fellers'l
want to continue to feed and fa ate*
two millions reserve fund, that they are
now using a portion of this same fund to
defeat Mr. Billingfelt , and elect a fitting
instrument in the person of John M.
Stehmap, the Penn township Oily Gam
mon. It is notorious that the Treasury
agent was in town early this week—that
he did declare that he " knew Billingfelt
had more than votes enough to nominate
him, but that-it dare not be done aid Will
not be allowed”—that money has been
very plenty among " our fellers" since his
visit, and that a scurvy fellow, a sehni-cep
perhead, formerly a resident of BreekPecK
twp., is abundantly supplied with funds,
and is traveling the county and slander
ing Mr. Billingfelt—and that this same
contemptible creature offered $2OO to a well
known gentleman of this county,if he would
only oppbse Billingfelt.
But Jack Hiestand, of the Examiner,
denies that the money has been sent here.
Well, suppose he does. Everybody knows
that he knew all about the $2,000 and the
$13,500 used last year, and that he is al
ways on the side of the culprits or entirely
"mum"—is invariably of a well-meaning,
jolly, and of a very innocent disposition.
Such is " Jolly Jack Hiestand" of the Ex
We would suggest, here, that nobody
charged " the Republicans of Lancaster
county" with being corrupt, as the Ex
aminer would have people infer. It is
only your "fellers" that are at the busi
ness, and who are in the market. The
" Republicans of Lancaster county" are
all right, and Saturday week, we con
fidently believe, will prove it.
The Chairman of the County Committee
has omitted to include a member of the
County Committee among the persons to
be voted for on Saturday week. The peo
ple should attend to it. Rule 9 reads as
follovis :
"At the nominating election in 1868,
and annually thereafter, one person shall
be elected by ballot from each district to
serve on the County Committee."
Th 6 Ohio Sham Democracy have at
lastgot hold of the right man—one after
their own hearts. Gen. Roseerans having
refused to sully his reputation by running
as their candidate for Governor, they have
nominated George IL Pendleton. His
qualifications, as is well known, are be
lief in the divinity of slavery, hatred of
the soldiers who saved the nation, and a
desire to see the public debt repudiated,
and the Republic disgraced and dis
honored. It is better that such a man
should be the candidate of the so-called
Democracy, than a man like Rosecrans.
Now, Republicans of Ohio, sweep on to
a magnificent victory in October, with
your brethren of Pennsylvania.
As a party of principles, says the Har
risburg Telegraph, the modern Democratic
party has by even the confession of its
own papers, almost ceased to exist. It is
simply an organized conspiracy against
law and order, and against honest elec
tions. Its principles are love for the
"lost cause," a desire to repudiate the
national debt and dishonor the national
name, a disbelief in popular government,
endeavors to perpetuate hostilities of race,
and opposition to a registry law and its
strict enforcement. We can respect a man
but adheres to a party, even if it possesses
who a single vita 'correct principle, but it is
inexcusable for any honest man to say
that he votes with the modern Democratic
party on principle. It has no single prin
ciple a good citizen can, with honor to
himself, support.
At the very outset of their career these
two men show themselves to have enter
tained entirely different ideas and princi
ples. Both had been horn poor, both
were educated in free schools and on free
soil. The one faithful to his instincts and
education; the other a rigid follower of an
administration that had bartered its
birth-right for a mess of pottage, and
allowed the iron will of Jefferson Davis,
then secretary of War, and since chief of
the Rebel Confederacy, to lead it to basely
bow the knee to the Moloch of human
slavery. You all know the result of this
war on the old Democratic party. Its
organization was broken—the Charleston
Convention causing the disruption. It
has been driven from power and patron
age, and its members are now awfully
hungry, and would like to get back again
to feed upon the onions and garlic of
Messrs. Editors: I have been much urged
of late to become a candidate for the Legisla
ture. No one doubts my ability, at least Ido
not; and' I have the best right to know. But
I am perplexed to know whether I have any
character to lose at Harrisburg, or is the char
acter I have worth preserving? Some think
yes, and some think no. Modesty prompts
me to be silent ; but from what I see and hear
in this world of uncertainty and doubt, it is
best to assume a virtue if you have it not, and
armed by this Walpolean sentiment, even if I
have no more character than the law allows,
I have as much or as little as is useful to a
successful politician. Some assert, it is best
not to be burdened, because you may want to
get rid of it betimes; besides some we know
who have no character and don't want any,
can trade as littgely and as profitably as those
who have all their lives been treasuring up
this " immediatejewel of their souls." A loss
of character to some is considered disastrous,
but to a politician of the present day it is other
wise, because he who undertakes to serve his
country as a, true .patatot ropseeenting seen of
character and men without chazaater, should
never hesitate to make any and every sacri
fice, even character as well as any thing else;
and this seems now to be the popular notion,
if we dare judge of what we daily see our poli
ticians doing.
I know the very air of Harrisburg is detri
mental to character, for men have gone there,
spotless, pure and undefiled, who have come
back as spotted as leopards, with rickety con
sciences, and so damaged in reputation, that
their constituents could not recognize them,
and in pity thought it best to keep them at
home, lest they should ruin themselves entirely.
The devices at work there are too much for
honest ingenuity to encounter, or poor weak
human nature to bear. We have known the
most atrocious frauds to be practised on the
members. For instance, a short time ago,
when a very honest member made out his
bill of mileage, some atrocious scoundrel added
an 0 to a figure, which made the amount much
larger than it should have been, and the inno
cent soul, although he knew it was more than
she law allowed, took it without suspecting
the trick, or that there was any thing wrong
because the Treasurer paid it. The same gen
tleman, by a scurvy manoeuvre of several
others, was made to aid a friend in getting
wrongfully $712 out of the State Treasury,
Xnerely because he was not up to the dishon
est doings there. A member who was one of
a committee to investigate a fraudulent elec
tion, was forced against his will to take money
from each of the contesting parties, before he
could see or know how to vote. Another was
so blindfolded ;that he voted against the ap
propriation MB, expresely to defeat a proposi
tion to preoput the spate debt and save $50,-
000 to the tan pal Another.msa so base
ly betrayed p ia, he proposed to 'WY jßp.brats
Springs far 8115,000, when be 400 IS wag
not worth half, ON Itiol l 4lY., 001lolAre mis
to vote for 100 paateranitd dti L that
every member solebi Brave ' s *OW. 'Owe
thoughtlessly voklirto *create tattietallisits
from $l,OOO to a,W,going each immteltst $l5
a day, and 4111 tho was consdereltaiNtr in
favor of tharttkin, actually' . _ . 'the
vote lest it, affect his co , 4i‘:,,,. 1 1 w . in
tertsts. .401 O ther , although ' 'ell.
pecially tnt No oossailleuals, and ~
ed himself to vote egairtatths Ourdserp-sput Brie
Railroad, was se serliVtlYlrogilod end altwild
ered, that he actual* forgot his tom and toted
for it, and the oderw_th. tranigegiOn Men 80
strong, that*MN oileaiets eharrist with having
been bribed, awl , le We !le Weyer
disproved theNO CRS
have occurred 10 . . Pr l' iri N Hin tatives
=4 4 211
have become vietjelia •zsie *my arts daily
Practised to ruin *OW. 1 1Pke very atmosphere
seems tainted t for as IRO as a member is
sworn and takes hie ipa4, be seems poun ced
upon by some malign iroilense, and me to
do what he is ever after untamed' of when ite
meets an indignant and ungrateful constituen
cy, who cannotknow the severe trials he has had
in defending their interests. Under these dif
ficult circumstances I hesitate; but then, who
can or who ought to refuse to serve his fel
low men ? Besides, it I don't, some other
will. Perhaps I had bettor go. If you agree,
announce me. I surrender to the will of the
people. Rzumax ALLSPICE.
gocat I.two.
We have printed bills for meetings, as fol
ON SATURDAY, August 21st, at Daniel M.
Moore's hotel, in Rawlinsville.
ON TUESDAY, August 24th, at the public
house of Aaron Eitenier, in Clay-twp.
ON FRIDAY, August 27th, at the public
house of J. M. Jacoby, in Clay-twp.
Able speakers will address the meetings.
Handbills, Cards, Bill 'Heads, Programmes,
Posters, &c., &c., printed in the best style and
at reasonable rates, at the FATHER ABRA
HAM Job Printing Office. Orders by mail
promptly attended to.
ITEMS : A new military company is about
being organized in Columbia.
• Anthony lske. of this city, has secured a
patent for a Reclining Chair ; and H. F.
Breneman, one for an improved Railroar Car
Coupling—both secured by the successful pa
tent agent, Jacob Stouffer, Esq., of this city.
Chas. E. Wise, son of John Wise, proposes
to make a balloon ascension in this city, near
the latter end of September.
Riddle & Cochran, booksellers and station
ers, No. 40 North Queen street, Lancaster,
A. 0. Newpher, of Columbia, has been
elected Principal of the High School at Mid
dletown, at a salary of $l,OOO. R. A. Town
send, assistant of the High School, of this
city, has accepted the Principalship of the
High School at Shamokin, Pa., at the same
salary. Lancaster will have to take a step
forward in the matter of salary, or the best of
our corps of teachers will leave, and they
ought to.
A "Trot," a "Trial of Speed," or a " Horse
r ace," will take place on the grounds of the
"Lancaster Agricultural Park Association,"
on the let of September. No betting or other
gambling will be allowed, of course.
Abraham K"utfman, Esq., has donated
three acres of woodland, with a tine spring
thereon, near the borough of Manhehn, for
the purpose of holding picnics,Szc.
Wm. Rife has been arrestd for obtaining
goods under false pretenses from the Adams'
Express office at 113rrisburg.
The dead body of a man was found on
Thursday of last week, on the railroad about
six miles east of this city. His name was
George Lamb, and was from Patterson, N. J.
He was on his way home from Chicago, 111.,
where he had been working as a machinist,
and it is supposed that he met his (loath
from being struck by a bridge near where he
was found, while riding on a passenger train.
For everything in the Book and Staitionery
line, call at Riddle & Cochran's, No. 40 North
Queen street. School Directors and Teachers
can be supplied on the very best terms with
everything they may want in the way of
Books, School Stationery and School Furni
Clandida,tes for our county offices are work
ing busier than bees—and all as anxious as
For School Books and all kinds of School
Furniture, go to Riddle & Cochran's, No. 40
North Queen street. •
Blackberries, large and luscious, growing in
untold profusion on our hills, are being pick
ed for three cents a quart—while hundreds of
bushels are left to rot upon their parent stems.
Many people who drive vehicles through
our streets do not seem bound to respect any
rights of pedestrians. If they only get vehi
cles over—whether pavements or human be
ings—it is regarded as all right. This is an
ago that goes ahead, and sometimes over a
body or two.
In and within three miles of Columbia
there are thirteen anthracite furnaces, that
make 60,000 tons of pig iron annually, using
150,000 tons of iron ore, one hundred and
twenty thousand tons of lump coal, and 60,000
tons of limestone.
By reference to the following section of the
registry law it will be observed that consider
able change has been made in the time of
opening the polls :
SECTION 16. At all elections hereafter held,
under the laws of this Commonwealth, the
polls shall be opened between the hours of
six and seven o'clock A. N., and closed at
seven o'clock P. st.
Read all our advertisements, new and old—
you will find something to your advantage by
so doing.
Every man should have his own wife and
county paper. Borrowing each from his neigh
bor leads to trouble.
There is a rumor to the effect that a young
man, not a hundred miles from Lancaster, got
in the neighboohood of home rather late the
other night, and being somewhat obfusticated,
he tried to open the door by vigorously turn
ing his night key in a knot hole in a board
fence. He didn't get in "till morning."
The dwelling of Abner Back Walter, near
Gordonville, this county, was entered on Fri
day night last, about midnight, by three bur
glars, and robbed of one thonsand dollars in
money, and a quantity of silver ware. The
bed-room of Mr, B. was entered, and one of
the burglar's presented a loaded pistol to him
and his wife, and compelled him to give up
his money, some of which was in his vest
pocket, and some in his secretary. They also
threatened to murder them, if they left their
room before day-break. Two of the men were
Twenty-five shares of the Lancaster Coun
ty Bank Stock were sold a few days ago, at
Mount Nebo, at auction, at prices ranging
from $BO to $B3 per share—par value $5O.
Two or three alarms of tire during the last
week, in this city, were made the occasion by
some of our fireman for riotous and disgrace
ful conduct. Even the sanctity of the Sab
bath was violated on Sunday last, at mid-day
in Centre Square. These things should not
Miss Lizzie Kohr, daughter of Rev. John
Kohr, of Mauheim township, was badly burn
ed on Friday evening last, by the explosion of
a coal oil lamp. She is recovering.
The house of Jacob Rinier, at Drumore
Centre, this county, was struck by lightning
on Friday afternoon last.
The Reading Eagle states that the workmen
on the Pinegtove, Lebanon and Lancaster
Railroad are laying two miles of track daily.
THE COURT : The August term of the
Court of Quarter Sessions in this county, com
menced on Monday last. The town was crowd
ed by persons in attendance on the Court, and
by candidates and their friends.
Leonard K. Seltzer, of Mount Joy, who was
found guilty at the last Term of Quarter Ses -
alone, of the larceny of a watch, was sentenced
by the Court to undergo an imprisonment of
six months in the County Prison; the Court
having in the meantime refused to grant a
new trial of the case.
Samuel C. Hasibright, of this city, found
guilty of stealing butter at last Quarter Ses
sions, and in whose case a motion for a new
trial was also on argument not entertained,
was sentenced by the Court to six mouths' im
prisonment in the County Prison.
On Monday afternoon, two cases of surety
of the peace—Mollie Frick for making threats
of personal violence against Catherine Myers,
and G. W. Myers for the same offence against
his wife Margaret—were heard. Judgment
was suspended in the first-named case, and in
the last-named the defendant was sentenced
to pay costs and give bail iu $2OO to keep the
peace for three months.
Bills against 13tephen Burrs] for stealing a.