Father Abraham. (Reading, Pa.) 1864-1873, August 20, 1869, Image 1

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RA.I7CH & 000318A.Tr,
LIO. 11, South Queen Street, Lancaster.
,i 0 40 4 . ,
=T ,6
m • - sl .s,
a N . % chs6la zi teaedr . 7.m2 :
, fife " . ~.. 112 i
$llO for each additional anbandber " . •!°
20) - a ft
5 glinah LOrros oderB4) 4 0.50
• W • ..?..t.1.....N It SO
/11 ooptea
pi " . H , ,
~ , . , .50
.4 111 8 1 asmo for mob - adkiiiiiin'ilaniikalier.
411KAAI sabaoriptiona inn* invariably be paid'
in advanen. _ , , ,
JOB Et,iiilialga" IN a
Of every desoripiiai,aiiiiiilaiitilitnnaptly eie
outed, at ittagaWraroat . i i
'- I % - r —L.
The tintoof fibre arrival and departure of the
trains on the Pennsylvania ,Rai road, at Lan
caster, has been changed, as follows . :
Mein. Ex .. —12:07 a. in. 'gtbsburg ,El,. 1:27 a. in.
Phila.Bitpress 4:02 44 I ila. Ely.. , "
Fast Line 8:38 " 'Mail .11:15
Lane, Train.. 8283 " !Mut I:85 p.m.
Day F.:press. 1:40 Oolninhla M . 1t45 "
Elarrisbl Ac..tabi " ,Marrislpg Ac,. b. 54 4 4
SouthernEx..4:oo :Lane. 7:29
MONDAY, Ars'L.'s, 1100
Great Trunk tinefromtheNorthand North
toast for' Philadelphia, New York, .Read
ing, Poteseille, Tamaqua, Ashland, Sha
mokintLebanon; Atiento►, unt, Etteton,l4A
rata, Lancaster, Columbia, dr.,
Trains leave Harrisburg for New Yonk ite fol
lows: At 2.36, 5.p, 81049Lis•op, 2.00 and
10.55 p. cOnneeting With aim r trains on
Pennsylvania Railresd, and arriving at New
York at 9.45 a. m.,11.46 a. m., 8.50,6.45, 9.30 p. m.,
and 6.00 a. in. respectively. Sleeping ears se
601nPany the 246,3.20 16. 111-. and 103 a p.m. trains
without ma e
Leave fOr R , POttstille,
Tainatua. (01:1 1 114,
f 6 IAtTOTe.
1.1: a. nt., 2.90 Lobs
non and prinoipal Way Stations; the 4.10 p. m.
train making connections for Philadelphia,
Pottsville and Columbia only. For Pottsville,
Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via Schuylkil l
and Susquehanna Railroad, leave Harrisburg
at 3.30 p. in.
Returning: Leave New York at 9.00 a. m.,12.00
noon, 6.06 and 8.00 p. in., Philadelphia at 8.15 a.
tn. and 3.30 p. m.; sleeping oars accompany the
9.00 a. in., 5.06 and 8.00 p. m. trains from New
York, without change.
Way Paseenger Train leaves ,Philallelphia at
7.30 a. in. connecting with siudlartrain on East
Penna. Railroad, returntng from Reading at
6.30 p. m., stopping a t all stations' leave Potts
villa at 7.30, 841 a. ~ and 2.46. p. 16.; Shamokin
at 5.26 and 10.811a.m.;AAhland at 7.06a.m., and 12.3 e
noon, Tamaqua at 8.70 a. in.; and 2.20 p. tn., for
Philadelphia itud New York.
Leave Pbttsville, via Schuylkill and Susque
hanna Railroad at 7.094. m. for Harrisburg, and
11.30 a. in. for Pine Grove and Tremont.
Reading Accommodation Train : Leaves
Reading at 7•30. in., returning leaves Phila
delphia at Gal p. in.
Pottstown Aooommodation Train: Leaves
Pottstown at &MI a. m 4 returning, leaves Phila.
del is at 4.30 p. m.
Columbia Railroad Trains leave Reading at
7.00 a. in. and 8.13 p. m. for Ephrata, Lids,Lan
caster, Cciumitta i &c.
Peetioisseit Ratiroad Trains leave Perkiomen
Junction at SAO a. in. and Lai p, in.; returning,
leave Skippick at 3.14 a sp. and 1.00 p m., con
necting wi th shrine: trans on Reading Rail ,
Oa EMS Liao. New York at too
Phtladid &SO a. sit. and 5 . 15 en., the
8.00 a,. in. only to RW
villa 8.000,m; =pm 340 st.
10.53 p. m7sitrici tu
andl.ls a. m. Tot
and 7.03 a. in. for New Yorks and at 5.40 .
m. tot“Plilla6slphia.
Cepamtnal,lon,, thliuslaso &drool and
Excursion,Ticket& to and, ;rem All points, at
edneed sat,
ea tii= snared through; lislipoisedsiatoired
R W4D/ X 0.9 Ripe AMA A/W*, • PPM *UMW
Tll.l.ltgral t .4tTGUST 6t10860,
RoAD, AS FOLLoWS:. ~, ,• .
A v•L •
Latwaster-.. grtt. SP
,110 . g . • • ..att
p.m. .....
Columbia .....8:10 a. m. ,4 1000 . as.
4 . .. 4 ..SAO p.m. . 4 ' .`•••• G*o p. in.
, 1111Milt11111fOr
Reading .. ... 4:11 16 Xik /411 , nrSterrymi a* UM
a ... L i .
Coll . :. t .' . •. 114 .
'dep. m. a A Nan.
Trams tOeVine Lan to and COhnfibt i iii
above, MO* &OM lameeMea at Iteadtatwith
1 1 1
Troths N and , Weft c e Phibidelpbis and
Roadie I tioglareot elliera
Root. , apeemotor it Ai.. • a
Colartie sr . oci r m o ra mom y of
il U t rets mei bee . , • • meths Wiese oaths
New ;way i • , t ,of Liberty
fil=te L r
't i .. .4 110 % ,
phiii IoW it the •• • • MARRO*
ga llg26 "l"4 ,Voktd. IL
i Awldartipt_ tai int
Season ao • eta, Al Rae wee& •••••,•
to; at ~ o Xe iamito
Trafte Tine y elithia *DO Esklldlitlit .
RailroadiWOiablis domes wearMl Ti
yeeneyi__varda Railroad Time... ...
aulliatn .• • •t , : • • 4114)._r, 0,413141Af0kt, , ,
~ ;, ...,-,. 'i . , • . .. t. , `i , /61,4
WAYi . ,• • , • -,• • -_ . :-: •t, • . • •
Tgains. Ma . •
Yealt4ae. Wats . -.
lumbbh, .putitidpid 3410 /dawdle an i • ,
Leave'P* Op,Apfit, ott, !Spit. 14, f,./1 '
1:90 and
Lear* Yton Vitdolloora;at toe and . 1 1 "' - '
nt_,. 1.911• m ; asalitmtpuight ,• • :-A:, • , -: ~
Low swat 1:314 - 611 an i , ~. .
a. tn., an ISM <My. in.
T Y49 I 4 S 11 : WAtirg i t IWq# U PY , 1 - :
At .Seb Eu.0:141111 id* and. trapi'mi' ~ -; ) f " •
1:,(1.... AKAN. 801/1.11: , • • • ' . . . • 1 I •
At 5:45 and tabs., in...atal lada,and 19t16P I , •
dge4TIVA t 1 :,. ~ • . 1 , . • ,/ ti il
r " " lri cal tad" . . •
• I n s , - '.,._ 0 . •
. _ . .
J. B::1:1:4'71,x44:0/:,:":i'
Mitt 3ti4iat'4 1 00440 Goieftsait:
• , Able AO* for ' • •
gruirOWNED. rt.uios:
, ..! • . .
.1 • AI"..O e APF, ”, •
airMtiello *Mt, WiMail PAO etPaitfer. • ' '
• Nola %OMR. PRINCE 'ST 1111,
utzolti as! usx
sorts, . , silio
.41 it ww-intat " =.44 " 4:
Der. plailair • '
irmawa nlo Alle2r b oonses ti o: l 4 l l
Lie boh ozer tra= o4. tsm•ofws
• T? ri rt
Claim, .40mo*
rgt East,Kipg-st., • /41Thefistert
B4fig di l d n y it licensetli as a Claim Agent, stud
havhig a tie experience, 'prOmpt attention
will be given o the following ohemeeof Ohalzois
BOUNTY and PAY due discharged Soldiers and.
Bodoni,• ' •
BOUNTY (addltionati to, dotdiers who enlisted
fel* hot lees than 2Or leave; or were hontira
bly_d_Wbaened for Involved.
BOMiTY (additional) fo dows, Children, or
Parents of Soldiers who' ledfrom wounds re.
PENSIONS dtheese contnuned in said serViee•
for invalid Soldiers And Sailers; or
to their down or children.
PENSIONS for fatheriand mothers, bretherti or
*tars of (*wand seidlersi pen whom they
Were dependent.
PENSIONS and UMATUITIES 'for-Soldier" or
their Widows from Pennsylvania, in the War
PAY due Teamsters, Artificers. and Civil em
ployees of the GoVornrilertt.
PAY due for horses lost in the United Mates
CHARGES._rm..feici , ingraM, and in
no case will clibiWif uMI UM money
is collected. , Idea iltiorrik
After paying Losses to the amount of CHO"
All the Surplus Dividend amongst the Policy
Holders every year.
For further information apply to
From "Father Abrabamit °Moe,
no2o.tfl Lancaster, Pa
LAM:WTI; June 951h,1868.
EritTORS gintSBll: "Or. Wm. M. Whiteside, the
enterprisiag lifts purchased from me a
large stock of teeth and all the fixtures, the in
strimenta 'formerly belouglog to tool, and also
those used by my father, Pr. Parry, in his prac
tice. In the putthes6, the doctor li as provided
himself with some of the most valuable and ex
pensive instrumentaziaixt it denial practice,
has beyond doubt one o the best and lar
gest collections of lieentailit initraments in the
!State, „rev laga r qommodiging °dices
of Dr. Et to togier aecom
modafed: • lid imity' irf
fumbling! linself With evety , scientifie
improtemest• lb Idolise of Vastness.
• .•
.• NTT'S T.•
011P1 1 3011 LkND NASMNINCII4
EAST 'l ii it it'll. ET,
Next 41Q9;: to thy. court 149 190 1 trier li l lihnOS
1061. WIT Gabbs attire;
•,. .I).4.istuAs a, PIINNA.
Teeth .Ortraet 00)W W. use of
n oh,;l-‘ ( ,*- AfleY 4A°f • ,
Datp,RAirit..' x. W. eaturs.
BAIR, sursK,
NONOIINAJIT 4210 9itarlAir. tockumes,
no .Iy]
• VIRIIIR 1h114,01"0,)
Drafts Waive* all the prlaelipal Met.
colleotices mods promptly. ~f
•t "hitirridpaie on tooltoOdos;
Joni At. STrilif4;l, B !Nrf B 4 IlAfi*OV•;
Josarn, Cp,tiuttoy., , , , ,
Bookers as: , I '
wilr f
0 4 4 i .4 ,
- irotetm.
IT"0 411 EL,
OtTelli!ft PAstfir.s. E. B. 010.01.1
lab ll4 Tl Proprietor*.
set she Afa'Akita *Mr* tors to jbliiA Ski work
- an bi; Se Merl up the'nettiotes ~ids; So
Peels 15
114111111111 U MG, PA.
THE BEe+ I AIM daVirisi; Alioz
To got !lath
No. 13
Two Doors North of Express Office.
: 8r..42111F. capoicit s ,
NOM* 800 ;
Will bad lt• to taielt tatettat ***We wit tall,
I4ANCMTEA, P 44.4. •
glB PjØ
.SMErs &'A tit
Mappfeeterers sad . Dealers In
. HALTs.A.N - D
air 411 orders rdieValy attended tn.
• anglll-17r •
16 6 6
SittILTZ laitmUm ►
f 1 T ZICS, ' 9l
WiaAnEll, PENNA. , •
; •!• •, • .
r f atind sPrit-rai} ind' Winter HATS arid (39.H8 1
• 1 : • f "inn ipialititia an,sl calor% , •
we itte! s i u ; A tt ieli liirie v id d 'it r ic n %
Ne 111,0404, goviakes,a4l
Y ttr Y,7'!"77Flii.. , • ~ f •
RONti.9# 1 11198.41111 ".RORESpn ,
Buffe Nir i rfltiMrotrit ne to s o n l a i lti "
Of all qualifies, to whitii4oB would particularly
l invite ies tr u t t r of all persona in want 01.
Gipylcs, OEUITTETS awl AIM
ornsi ct , fa.
:Nlmi t yh t
WM., is
Ladle& ttnoitrinncialrea,
PULSE W1E161141 and EdB MITTS.
carsibr A* IvAct "401. AN We &Wife 'as batik, on"
for AO lIVidOW, 011141Chil 401448510 10 do all 1i4114h 7 1,tv
, wed &Sada aim* ago', a 1400 ,fir
mow oarrestottO Witt le ei a t ,
0, little feet! that such long years
idnatitander on through hopes azafears,
I:n naat ache 8134 bleed beneath your load; ,
earer tolhe wayside Inn
Where toil shaillselse sad rest beglh,
A, weary, t hJ 0 P3?0t1y,r, 1 4 1 •
0, Attie handsl ; thst i rTeair Or nikiniel,
Rave still to serve or rule ao lon
Have still se-RN * tlits'oe ask;:
I, who imlttiucklrith,book ^adieu
Have toiled among my . fellowmen,
Am Weary thkikhig of yiltir talk!
0, littlihearts that throb and beat'
With such Impatient, *meth& haat,
Rd& Halftime ands treng desires;
Hine, that so long bas glowed and tanned
With passion into 71the tttefted, ' •
Wow covers and conCeale. its tirerS
0, little souls! as pure and whits,
And crystalline as rays of light ,
Direct from heaven, theft , Naomi divine;
Refracted thrdugh the mist.of years,
How red my setting sus apple*.
How lurid looks thig seal or mine!
Mr. Bunker handed over the ten dollars
extra without a word.
"1s there anything else?" he asked, in
a tone of voice meant to be satirical, but
the satire was lost on Mrs. Nair.
" Oh, yes, Herodotus; I want you to
stop as you go down. and. take a private
box at the opera. Proacenhun, I would
prefer. Sybil will go with us—dear Sybil,
she does so dote on music. Of course you'll
take a box by the season, when you are
'married; it's so much more economical."
"Economical!" gasped Mr. Bunker;
growing very in the face- ”go my
mind the opera is always a ridiculous
piece of extnivagencel"
Clara Nair laughed.
"Oh, I know you're a little old-fashion
ed about such things, but Sybil will make
you over."
When Mr. Bunker returned to dinner,
Sybil was there, smiling and lovely as Pt
+l, to serve as eaubalor do roast lowla and
gumbo soup. Mit.. Fere miiknofroly
i ndentions iitiaMed trim aft- lighted
up. ' J ain' watched igilfitently.
' 'PhitodOs*Wfuntit dtdte . , Werfalenough',
I f
' lb* the . . 4 .cl Wish 1 . I vinuldnit look
sojr . or prottY."
, . d nor o w brought diPPers
addling. to her brother-M-lAm elect, and
lightat is eigar'wlthler ownihir hand*.
' tilybli won't lii jealous ohne," she said,
=NY., "ByT toy, Ilecodotnei cook
want* or loon Is wages."
Mr. Bunker d Ves down into the cape
cloud • depths *fhb ' pocket.
"How innehisite" •
"-Twenty dollare."
"MM. Nair! I. It Fogslble that Mt,
spay our cook that ex-tray-a-put pum of
money - Why don't you do your own
1 Do boar him, dybil l " ling./ea the ma
tron to her sister. ` How little.he knows
about the women of the day. How you'll
have to teach him, my dear." "
"But why don't yowl" persisted Mr.
Bunker. "My mother always sooked for
herloadian." '
"0, Sybil and .1 were never brought up
to work. Sybil don't even know where
tps kitchen iir at borne."
, Sybil was jastoPeaing her 'lips .to elm.'
tread •tbirLbeldiy hasserded assertion;
when Mrs. Nair trod energetically upon
the toe other gaiter, and checked the ris
.ll4 words. • ' •
`Thallk you: gerodolsts," she said, as
the disoonsfitted bachelor silently
the required sum of money, , ".8=
if Sybil will excuse us fortenminutei, I' ll
show you soniething pretty." .
Mt. Dunker, seeretly ripprehenaliv that
be was about to be conducted too bee alt
the bars asleep, a sight , dear to the ma
ternal eart, but obnoxious to all jambe-
J a rs, to owed Mrs. Nair meek as any lamb
to the slaughter. But instead of turning
,'tthe nursery, Clara kept straight oa to:
ie &Wang-room beyond, where a prim
sat, the centre of a maelstrom
of silks, satins Odd draperies, while on the
troth - lay 'piles on 'Pike of garments.
• "I,ooki triumphantlynodded Mrs. Nair;
~fdibille treratillaug" ' .1, -
i . r. Bunker staved sileßtiy.
"Cashmere iihaivl, .fivehundred dollars;
1 blackJihread,lhree hundrerk white lama,
sevatity•fivis; three lace parasols, fOrty; the
: dress whitesilk, two fifty; opernhat, from
1 , •,• ' , P84944) 11 4t5; =mine farg) UV;
. M l ' gat ) ona bandied and twenty. Not
a . . `begintriug,' eh?"
_" t, grin ' ' Mr. Banker, I—l thought
, mr., . • was poor. •
I , "AllOal , ' Milt dear me ) as I tell Sybil,
e'll imer, twsrried but once and as
elt'goitig to hate a rich husb and, it's
1 Sas well to begin as she means to go'
on. Dear little lalibil.she hauuuch a taste
or IagSIMI4 I IBO4I - rtillit Wbega ace Toe go•
ing, Herodotus?"
For, Mr. Bunker, unable to diegnise his
terror* and apprehensions, had bolted.
Clara laughe4 to herself.
"Not a bad Oen. borrowing all the nice
shown), fare and laces on the street, to say
nothing qf Miss ' Millionaire's wedding
dress" thought thesbrewd matron. "cm,
Sybil, my dear, if you'd only know. how
to manage, you would have been Mrs.
Harley 'Whiter tong ago_,"
The nett. day Ms. Nair confidentially
showed' "her dear • Heysham " a little
memorandum of the things wbloh "Sybil
couldn't possibly get along without tuber
new house."
"For of course you'll have a house on
. 1.1) .
Madison avenue, on Gramercy-Owe, at;
the very least.,, "
13unker made no reply; he simply
()betted his Mouth and shut it tautely, like
elfish in the agonies ota deficient respire
tion4 r • •
ext day buteue the eIY Matron hinted
to r. Bunker thit*ybil was dellege, and
that a Month likirathittiton everrwintei,
and• a mOrith in Sttratbge everrstitihrwr.
was just what she needed to imildater up,
" I'm so glad on that...amain:o,4W she's
going to marry riclaW sighed Clara, with
a gold-mounted Eistidette'atther nose.
.A.Tva retturn from
Detroit did
,the syetematic series,of perse
cutions 04e. '
"(lad to Bee yott again, Blinker " cried
the paterfamilias, , with a squeeze , of the
hand, , " I hope you've learned a, thing or
two in yo ur
, week's experience in house
keeping. •
" I mostassuredly have," solemnly
turned Herodotasi with an emphasis On ,
the Words which tra vohunes. • .
But he did ru)t vulge the exact nature,
of the various in r erences be lied made un
til' that evening, wilted Mr. Bexley dropped
in to smoke a owlet tiger with his sett•in
law in esse and his Scin4n-law initsturo.
A cosy-place you've got of 'it here,
Stephen," he said, looking approvingly
around. " I suppose you'll have Just such
another smoking-room in your establish
ment Bunker, eh?"
Mr. Bunker turned green and white,
and moved uneasily in MS chair.
"I—l don't know aboni . that" he hesi
tated. "To Sellyou Om truth, Mr. Bexley,
I've been thinking the matter deliberately
.over, and I've—ahem—about concluded
that I'm too old to change My condition,
—and—and in fact, tbatM.iss Sybil ought
to have a younger , and smarter husband,
. ejaculated Mr. Bexley, drop
ping his Cigar on the sofa pi ll ow, where it
burned a hole 'through the nose of a worst
ed work dog.
"And," ad.: lol 4l*er; ratio/WY, — "ln
short, be ha Nforc I will get mar
ried. There, no yon have it. You may
,sue me for , breach of promiSe if you like,
or you may let it alone. It will make no
sort of dlllarence to I,know I've been
a fool, but if I allowed . , Matters to go a
step further , ! should ben hinatic."
, And teldle hp with lidded arms and
ktulkedibiggedlyont bine roonsannitering,
be walit ealaathiafi about " 1 14 f 6414 g
to be ruin ed by any womanlsesOryaganee
at his time orlife." '
That was the hust,thatitilealey fami
ly saw of gr, HerbdOtus Bu nker in the
characOr of aspiring lover ; and Sybil
happyEybil.-fresdll•Mn her jeweler fist
ters4. returned unopposed Ito her fbdght
dreams of " love in a cottage.",,:Unop-,
posO, for Mr s . Eerie) , declared. that "" -
r a that lutd,heen said abolitn, '
a wadding titarn "ohbitld he, 440.
tied no betterpalch than Hare "Wet."
lagt,whnif fe dr, Dunker rebel th i n dints
of Mr, and . 'Harley WintertorMY
responded th,a' %it'd c 0 oDotobs.
' And, Ne if t itOrclhat,Pfratt ,V r )V ll
his in r i pininal4
Whiki t* VirStailat, srida L*-vet
wove' orange ' i nto a 'co
golden Atter close', ." .'er
. teats and W pared:
"t , Clare ; I owe all this to you."
_ " dflerp ? said yrs. Nair, laughing
thrinigh • ; her tm,p, there's nothing wo
man can't do iribe seta herself ah 64
JUDGE WOODWAP/EDattb- 314 011311.
~. •
The Democratic nindidatolibr Governor
of Pennsylvania gets the foll o wings first
rate nOtFess 4 in the Hartford Post :
Allttleinore than a year ago iti the
siveltering heat of purotorlal limmany,
we first , heard of Asa Packer. The full
voiced Perrin was calling the roll of States.
Mr. Eaton, on behalf of "the sterling and
gallant Dernbcritcy of my little Common
wealth,” had named' the Hon: Janes EL"
English as a candidate for the Presidency:"
Oales bail Pendnated General llaneaskl
hio had named Pendleton • the serene
Tildisn had breeched the best' butt of the
season in Sanford E. Church;
had set; up Joel Parker; - and Pennsylvania
was called. At once there , rose upon the
damp vision of thatmeltingemditory a hu
man form with bbill bona - flinvortitinu
script, , It was not the " ancient amrinert,"
nor did he "ils" anylV,"With gilt
tering eye." It was Ili " woodward, of
Pennsylvania; and. he ", sced the whole
crowd with one ofthe most. dismal obitu
aries that over , followed, a • politician home.
Judge. lirooclivard read his whole heap of
manuscript through. Ile described his
man' before . he named ' him. Twenty MlA
utes deSeriptkin.-thinkofit...in manuscript
—.read slowly and deliberately---intoned at
that—to an, audience of seyea or eight
thousand--every man a rivulet. of persni
ration-all iintatlent-for o belloV-bi
atmosphere bine with bhtephenty mid reek.
lug with runt—just think of that-awn:
standing on a bench-4w Tammany Hall,
Weald such sturoundings, drenched( Willis
own sweat,;.r*ing 4' eca9la of column
of biograplucal stuff, and tying on, the end
of it all thenitun of Asa Packer; of Penn
sylvanta.” •It was two • Miles of. slow
match to one tire-tracker—paw fire-cracker
at that. When ho concluded , there ilanca
arise •
1, :=90 wild s yell
- a`ki h N. 4Bll
No,' there:dld not. It was too warm to
yell—for Ass iPacker ; so nobody yelled.
A few smilial—some In 004.4 We—others
at neighborliii furs. It pains us tn say
'that ht tiro bats thiit trent *dud all the
reporter's tableo when the'Med Wood
ward sat down, the only . aisarly &Abe
guishable sentence was the conundrum
that leaped with a very large:H. fr om desk
to desk — "
Who In H. Is Ass Packer?"
C 0 ;l►D
~ ~,~s~~
Ten lines of Nonporelkomitttaiteii Sitaaro
. 4 Et,' 21 . 3 '
TIMM. , tsir • 5,1.
• • ‘:, • ' AC. **.
Iwmk . 00G/100
weeks...• 4.4 0014 00ks
8 wee.... 1 4 4 17 00
1 month... 1 2 00 1 - 1
20 00
mouths.. 4 091 4 00 10 00 84 R.
months.. I
months.. , 709 11 "' 42 4 01 ':1 ra 00
1 year lll 4.040 40 GO GO GO 1* 00
Xxeentiaiiiihreilieta.4.. l ...;.l:...;.i.‘4,.,.;...lBl SO
• • OM.* •••••••04. • .-21111. •
1154 :041b14.:. J. t 1 le
ago iiIHOCIEtk wilt' 2 - 4 . —fnill
lions for party wt.'s; Thot ene cent to pay
off the natienal debt ,
ASA Pka l / 4 .1k - beithigi tb' Colt )mo
, nopolist e s,one of a claps fp whom the "leo
ple are Vititf Ofty*tiibute hi the advichbed
, pricer. 0f 1 c01441 i : 1 .1,
INSTEADi of MMl:kg for the market value
of.vate4.fax.P , Lekerytha people &Navin—.
ning to ask the pri_cp t i t=
Ut "Yilt7
rious quedilefi to "M
inp t i t iat4 l p
t iVrEg
• T
name for a hundred thoUsand dollar pur
chase. 17,7 •
" Wao areihe De ocratfa candiliates?' ,
sa an,eitu • ; cc r.
, pg 1 W, 4 at
P ce wo •tu wad o rs,"
said the Caseparkom, ttftishurg.
RosacnArt's Mot Haneoek Won't train
In the Democratic party. Both are for
tOnately MOIL bkowd with moiety and
conscience, and these will forever keep
them from running on Democratic tickets
THE election of four Republican Con
gressmen from Alabama—Beckley, Hays,
Buck and Hellin—is now conceded. The
whole number to which Alabama is enti
tled is six.
Two Demogratic victories—The late
massacre of negroes at Mobile and 'on a
western river boat. liter for the "white
man's party"—it is such a just, htunane,
enlightened, Christian institution!.
Tun fact la not generally known that
our Federal securities are worth tc-day at
least $250,000,000 more than they were
worth the 4 me Fresklont was isaugu
nted, and , are advancing at the rate of
ten or fifteen millions a week.
THE EDITOR of the Bfdford, Ggiette gives
notice to its Democratic patrons that its
money he wants. Never mind, Packer's
financial committee will be around shortly
and make your heait glad. " Can't yet
Tint Beairisr 40#04 , WS, theosturdy
sons of Pennsylvania will not bow down
peters the' golden' , image , which Ms been
"t"1""44919411AUP 0 0 faA down
and worship /fr. mica, the , golden
4i:lllft/fibs Detneetael: •
AN NEOhlgigrn Sari/ "Asa, Packet has
still iu lgs xasemeop the very apiess
which covered his bt-horse of 'former
daya,v We advise 'him -bs , Imp , it , oiled
uP au tt in rod ref*, ,e, tie will DONA it
to make that little excursion up Salt
Itivimneett October. - •
Tun Ohio Densocrsta.sroits a sad plight
over, the declination of Bosecrann If
they coed only iniPtarise ttrenty mil
lionaire now, they could at leash keep up ,
appearances until- hisoarsnolises whaling
takes place iniQuiom.:' • •
(bin; Lossornassr,' the new Surveyor
of the Pslit of New Orkessa, has appinted
several colored men to %Adens inr t his
deparinsent. ' The Iterißilcans are de
lighted, and the thesodabli cannot coni
plaits, now that they are voldugibr engross
and begging their votes. •
Tun Republican Convention at Fukien
county, on Monday i 4 last week, uomi
nated J. B. Cemna, Req., as their candi
date for State Senate, subject , to the de
cision of the Distri3t Corrientisin. Mr.
Cream isindl known inameter, and
his nombsetion would be hailed *Ws great
satiqsetion by his numerous Mends bore.
liweLva gearyls administratissOise
State debt has been reduced nearly
,000, and the tat' upon real estate entirely
Abolished: Those IMO wish a continua
tion of these things need but to vote for
the re-election of our present-worthy Gov
ernor. -it.' 1 . ~.1
Gov: HOATXS2r, ,of New York, retinies
to surrender .pick , pocket : thieves ,for trial
In this State. Suppose 'he wants to. keep
'all such chaps in his State to re-elect him
next- time. Like Judge Shsrswood of our
State, he holds his office by fraud, and
both appear to be alders and abettors of
DLVida Packer of his money, and div est ,
him of the 'immense pewer which it has
brought him; put him, inAhis inspect, in
the soma position with Governor Geary,
Mid make him, your candidate for Gover
nor. He would stand Wore the people
as bald as a plucked chicken. ''Wipe out
his wealth and'you wipe out hit existence.
assoelatione are with:la s. !
and patriotic MOS, Whessehlood and
pre wen poured out to save this govern
ment. Packer's assoohttions are with the
leaders of the old Ihmsbou„dynasty, who
brought upon ea altk gun trettioles4 rgitfirtave
fOrgottou uoth'bp that was bed andlearned
othing that * good.
Iv racker had been worth but $20,000
instead of 120,000,000'' the Demeeratic
party would not hhve touched him. Pack
era fortunrkis the candidate of the Drawer
racy for Governor, and not Packer,. the
man. The money bags, and railroads',
and Coal fields, are running for Governor.
If Packer• were a poor man, like. Governor
'Geary, hie name would never have been
mentoned in.connection with that high
To get rid of .paying his 'lxoubV_ tax,
Packer pretended to move *can Mauch
Chunk to Philadelphia, al the = ope
ration merely consisted in g his
name at the Merchant ' MA *pen
hag a coal °Moe, while his about badly
residence at Mauch Chunk is ROY coon
pied as formerly by himself and dimUy.
It don't require many such kola to make
out the man.
#bik'' , lMAg's4lo‘4