PUBLISIILEA) -MET !RIDAY, av RA.I7CH & 000318A.Tr, ..t* LIO. 11, South Queen Street, Lancaster. ,i 0 40 4 . , =T ,6 m • - sl .s, a N . % chs6la zi teaedr . 7.m2 : , fife " . ~.. 112 i rd $llO for each additional anbandber " . •!° 20) - a ft TOR CLODS, IN PAONAONS. 5 glinah LOrros oderB4) 4 0.50 Wavier • W • ..?..t.1.....N It SO /11 ooptea ~, pi " . H , , ~ , . , .50 10.10 .4 111 8 1 asmo for mob - adkiiiiiin'ilaniikalier. 411KAAI sabaoriptiona inn* invariably be paid' in advanen. _ , , , JOB Et,iiilialga" IN a Of every desoripiiai,aiiiiiilaiitilitnnaptly eie outed, at ittagaWraroat . i i '- I % - r —L. ,~~~~ PENNSYLVANIA PkiffißAl, R. R. The tintoof fibre arrival and departure of the trains on the Pennsylvania ,Rai road, at Lan caster, has been changed, as follows . : wrWARD. WIIIIITWA/D. Mein. Ex .. —12:07 a. in. 'gtbsburg ,El,. 1:27 a. in. Phila.Bitpress 4:02 44 I ila. Ely.. , " Fast Line 8:38 " 'Mail .11:15 Lane, Train.. 8283 " !Mut I:85 p.m. Day F.:press. 1:40 Oolninhla M . 1t45 " Elarrisbl Ac..tabi " ,Marrislpg Ac,. b. 54 4 4 SouthernEx..4:oo :Lane. 7:29 iCitkcill: READING RAILROAD. SUMMER AItIiANGtUr.,N.T, MONDAY, Ars'L.'s, 1100 Great Trunk tinefromtheNorthand North toast for' Philadelphia, New York, .Read ing, Poteseille, Tamaqua, Ashland, Sha mokintLebanon; Atiento►, unt, Etteton,l4A rata, Lancaster, Columbia, dr., Trains leave Harrisburg for New Yonk ite fol lows: At 2.36, 5.p, 81049Lis•op, 2.00 and the 10.55 p. cOnneeting With aim r trains on Pennsylvania Railresd, and arriving at New York at 9.45 a. m.,11.46 a. m., 8.50,6.45, 9.30 p. m., and 6.00 a. in. respectively. Sleeping ears se 601nPany the 246,3.20 16. 111-. and 103 a p.m. trains without ma e eidlr Leave fOr R , POttstille, Tainatua. (01:1 1 114, f 6 IAtTOTe. 1.1: a. nt., 2.90 Lobs non and prinoipal Way Stations; the 4.10 p. m. train making connections for Philadelphia, Pottsville and Columbia only. For Pottsville, Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via Schuylkil l and Susquehanna Railroad, leave Harrisburg at 3.30 p. in. Returning: Leave New York at 9.00 a. m.,12.00 noon, 6.06 and 8.00 p. in., Philadelphia at 8.15 a. tn. and 3.30 p. m.; sleeping oars accompany the 9.00 a. in., 5.06 and 8.00 p. m. trains from New York, without change. Way Paseenger Train leaves ,Philallelphia at 7.30 a. in. connecting with siudlartrain on East Penna. Railroad, returntng from Reading at 6.30 p. m., stopping a t all stations' leave Potts villa at 7.30, 841 a. ~ and 2.46. p. 16.; Shamokin at 5.26 and 10.811a.m.;AAhland at 7.06a.m., and 12.3 e noon, Tamaqua at 8.70 a. in.; and 2.20 p. tn., for Philadelphia itud New York. Leave Pbttsville, via Schuylkill and Susque hanna Railroad at 7.094. m. for Harrisburg, and 11.30 a. in. for Pine Grove and Tremont. Reading Accommodation Train : Leaves Reading at 7•30. in., returning leaves Phila delphia at Gal p. in. Pottstown Aooommodation Train: Leaves Pottstown at &MI a. m 4 returning, leaves Phila. del is at 4.30 p. m. Columbia Railroad Trains leave Reading at 7.00 a. in. and 8.13 p. m. for Ephrata, Lids,Lan caster, Cciumitta i &c. Peetioisseit Ratiroad Trains leave Perkiomen Junction at SAO a. in. and Lai p, in.; returning, leave Skippick at 3.14 a sp. and 1.00 p m., con necting wi th shrine: trans on Reading Rail , road. Oa EMS Liao. New York at too Phtladid &SO a. sit. and 5 . 15 en., the 8.00 a,. in. only to RW villa 8.000,m; =pm 340 st. 10.53 p. m7sitrici tu a. m. Tot and 7.03 a. in. for New Yorks and at 5.40 . m. tot“Plilla6slphia. Cepamtnal,lon,, thliuslaso &drool and Excursion,Ticket& to and, ;rem All points, at edneed sat, ea tii= snared through; lislipoisedsiatoired G. A. NICOLIA R W4D/ X 0.9 Ripe AMA A/W*, • PPM *UMW READING AM/ . Tll.l.ltgral t .4tTGUST 6t10860, PASSENOER Ti!AMPS 111J.J6 RUM 014 • TRW RoAD, AS FOLLoWS:. ~, ,• . A v•L • Latwaster-.. grtt. SP ,110 . g . • • ..att p.m. ..... Columbia .....8:10 a. m. ,4 1000 . as. 4 . .. 4 ..SAO p.m. . 4 ' .`•••• G*o p. in. , 1111Milt11111fOr LELV.R. Reading .. ... 4:11 16 Xik /411 , nrSterrymi a* UM a ... L i . Coll . :. t .' . •. 114 . 'dep. m. a A Nan. Trams tOeVine Lan to and COhnfibt i iii above, MO* &OM lameeMea at Iteadtatwith 1 1 1 Troths N and , Weft c e Phibidelpbis and Roadie I tioglareot elliera Root. , apeemotor it Ai.. • a Colartie sr . oci r m o ra mom y of il U t rets mei bee . , • • meths Wiese oaths Vai New ;way i • , t ,of Liberty fil=te L r 't i .. .4 110 % , phiii IoW it the •• • • MARRO* ga llg26 "l"4 ,Voktd. IL i Awldartipt_ tai int Season ao • eta, Al Rae wee& •••••,• to; at ~ o Xe iamito Trafte Tine y elithia *DO Esklldlitlit . RailroadiWOiablis domes wearMl Ti yeeneyi__varda Railroad Time... ... aulliatn .• • •t , : • • 4114)._r, 0,413141Af0kt, , , ~ ;, ...,-,. 'i . , • . .. t. , `i , /61,4 NOBTIEEBBN , - CENTRAL' RA..... , 1 WAYi . ,• • , • -,• • -_ . :-: •t, • . • • Tgains. Ma . • Yealt4ae. Wats . -. lumbbh, .putitidpid 3410 /dawdle an i • , p., Leave'P* Op,Apfit, ott, !Spit. 14, f,./1 ' 1:90 and Lear* Yton Vitdolloora;at toe and . 1 1 "' - ' nt_,. 1.911• m ; asalitmtpuight ,• • :-A:, • , -: ~ Low swat 1:314 - 611 an i , ~. . a. tn., an ISM