ja4et ,bralpm. INDZPENDENT AND PROGREBBIVE. .(a *4 • tittbS* LANCASTER CITY, YA. FRIDAY, AUGUST 13,1869. Economy, Retrenchment, Faithful Collection et the Revenue and Payment of the Public Debt.—GRANT. CIRCULATION OVER 5,0001 OUR BANNER! REPUBLICAN STATE NOMINATIONS For Governor, GEN. JOHN W. GEAItY. For Judge of the Supreme Court, HON. HENRY W. WILLIAMS, OF ALLEGHENY COUNTY CAMPAIGN OF 1869. GEARY, WILLIAMS AND VICTORY! FATHER ABRAHAM FOR THE CAMPAIGN. NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE For the purpose of placing this popular cam paign paper as far as possible in the hands of every voter, we offer the following LOW RAT ES OF SURSORIPTION, from the nth of August next until after the. October election. One copy i 40 Five copies, (to one address) 160 Ten copies, 4‘ " 2 50 And twenty-five cents for every additional sub tier lb.r to the club of ten. MIX MONTH SUBSCRIPTIONS AS FOLLOWS: One eopy, six months, ..4 75 Five copies, six months, . 326 Ten copies, six months. 000 Fifteen copies, six months, 8 26 Twenty copies, six months,. 10 00 And fifty cents for each additional subscriber over twenty, with an extra copy to getter up Of the club. PIT SCHIVEFFLEBRENNER, ESQ. ' Will contribute his popular letters weekly. SEND IN THE CLUBS. Kir'All subscriptions must be paid in advance Address, RAUCH it COCHRAN, Lancaster, Pa. REPUBLICAN PRIMARY ELECTION. The Republican voters of the several elec tion districts of Lancaster county are requested to meet at the places where the last primary meetings were held, on Saturday, Muy 29th, 11$9,(except in the districts hereina ft er named,) on SATURDAY, AUGUST 28TH, 1869, andhold primary elections,subject to the rules adopted by the Republiean County Commit tee, to settle candidates, to wit : Two persons to serve for State Senator. Fotlß persons for Assembly. ONE person for County Treasurer. ONE person for Sheri, ONZ person Jo? Register. ONE person for Prothonotary. . Wiz person for Clerk of Quarter AS'essions. ONE person for Clerk of Orphans' Court. ONE person for County Commissioner. Two persons for Prison Inspectors. Two persons for Directors of Poor. ONE person for Coroner. The election in West Cocalico township will be held at William F. Stuber's Saloon. In Millersville, at Emanuel Wertz's Hotel. In Ephrata, at R. W. Hahn's Hotel. In Manor (new), at J. M. Breneman's Ho tta. In Sadsbury, at J. P. Knight's Hotel. In Lancaster City-sth Ward, at Philip Wall's Hotel. 6th Wa,rd, at Geo. Spong's Sa loon. The polls will open at 3 o'clock and closeat o'oloek, p. m. BY order of the Conuty Committee, MARTIN B. FRY, Chairman. Tickets and Poll Ilooke will be ready for de livery to the Members of the County Commit tee on and after MONDAY, AUGUST 23d. MAJATIN S. FRY. TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS. Although we printed a large extra edi tion of FATUER ,A.lll.lkyA3l. last week, in order to furnish back numbers, the rush was so great that the edition was exhaust ed before Saturday night. We cannot, therefore, supply the No. of August 6th; but to such as do not receive it, we will send the No. of October. 22—the second No. after the election. We print a large extra edition this week, and we hope to be able to supply all subscribers hereafter with this number. sr We ask our friends and patrons in other localities, to bear with us a little longer. In about two weeks we shall de vote ourselves entirely to the general po litical situation.. But, before we can be in a condition to give 7000 majority for Geary in the Old Guard, the local Thug ring which we are fighting must be broken, and then we will be able to bring the hon est and well tried Republican veterans to the polls. We can serve the cause in gen eral no better than by the earnest effort now being made to . purge us of the cor rupt local influence to which we refer. It is a matter of great importance that we give our entire party majority in this county. It it not worth while to send com munications for insertion in FATHER ABRAHAM unless a responsible name ac companies them. OUR POMITIOJ AND OUR AIM. Some considerable fluttering has occur red in political circles, since the publi cation of the last number of FATHER ABRAHAM. The plain exposure of the corrupt practices of those who were placed in important positions of public trust, and the promise of further developments, has caused the parties implicated to feel the power of the press when used in the advocacy of the interests of the people. When we commenced the publication of this paper, we determined to pursue such a course as would commend it to the con fidence and support of the people. We determined to expose and denounce fraud, corruption, and extravagance, whether found in high places or low,—to advocate economy in the expenditures of the public money, to defend and maintain the interests of the people, and give due credit and encourgement to such of our public officers as might deserve it, by pursuing an honest, straight-forward, and inde pendent course in the discharge of their duties, and to defend them whenever they were assailed by a corrupt combination. On the other hand, we determined to ex pose to the public gaze any dereliction of duty on the part of those who have been placed in honorable and responsible po sitions by the people. We have endeavor ed to do this, thus far, to the best of our ability ; and our numerous patrons (and they are increasing daily,) we feel assured, are satisfied with our course. We shall continue on in the work, and " fight it out on this line." We shall not abate one " jot or tittle" from the line marked out, and when the time conies—if it ever does come—that we cannot publish such a paper as indicated above, we shall quit the business, and turn our attention to some other honest employment. We have no personal interests to promote, except to make an honest living ; we have no special interest in the success or defeat of any individual ; we do desire to dis charge our duty to the people and the Re publican party, and we shall de so, ac cording to the best lights we have, with out "fear, favor, or affection," and no silly cry of "injuring the party" or our- Selves, shall deter us from pursuing the course we have laid out. 'WHICH I Copperheads call for a refOrm iu the management of the financial affairs of the State and Federal government. Under Republican management the state debt has been largely reduced and the taxes upon real estate abolished, while in the first five months of Grant's administration $43,000- 000 of the national debt has been made off and the Internal Revenue taxes reduced at the same time. What reform do cop perheads want? Under copperhead rule in Pennsylvania the debt and taxes con tinually increased for years, until the debt exceeded $40,000,000, and every foot of land in the Commonwealth was taxed. Under a copperhead administration the national treasury was completely bank rupted in the time of peace, before the war. Which do the people like better, Copper head or Republican management? If they prefer increase of debt and taxes, let them vote for Copperhead candidates. If they desire to continue paying off debts both State and Federal, and the abolition of taxes, let them vote for a continuance of Republican rule. FAH FETCHED! The affidavit of Mr. Ilyus, in another column, in reply to the card of Mr. Arm strong, published in the _Express last week, does not clear anybody's skirts on "the Ilyus grab." It only proves that all we have said about it is true. Ilyus got money from the State Treasury he never earned, and Stehman arid Armstrong helped kim to it. We are disposed to think that they are equally guilty, only the " Oily Gam mon', of Pcnn-twp. was cunning enough to cover up his track!' for a time. Let them settle it—" it is not our funeral.” GEN. ROSECRANS DECLINES! Gcu. Rosecrane telegraphs from San Fra ncisco declining the Copperhead nomina tion for Governor of Ohio. This Is just what was expected from this gallant hero who so bitterly denounced the Copperheads during the war. He gives as his reason that he is no resident of that State, and is doubtless surprised that they should select a " carpet-bagger " for their standard bearer. This leaves the Ohio rebels and cops in rather a bad way. Poor fellows, we pity them muchly I The Republicans of the Buck Eye State willgive them a ter rible rebuke in the fall. DFMORALIZBO. Some people are very uneasy jubt now about demoralizing the Republican party in this county, in such a way as to " bring it into discredit in other parts of the State." This is cool, in this warm weather; especially from people who are sometimes Thug and sometimes not—" sometimes pig and sometimes puppyl” TEMPORARY EDITORIAL CIIA.WOR : We learn that the editorial columns of the In quirer are to be under the control of R. J. Houston, esq., during the absence of Mr. Griest, who is traveling the county in the interest of his candidate for Senator, Joseph D. Pownall, esq. It is supposed a " ring" is about being formed, the "head centre" of which will be Mr. Pownall. THlJOilffitY NO. 2-LEGOILATITE Last week, under the head of " Thug gery number one," we referred only to the original George Brubaker branch of the political family of innocents, common ly called Thugs. To-clay we have a little story to tell about the Slokom, Greist .it Co. branch of the same party. Oue year ago those now constituting these two branches were a unit. Since then they have been very seriously dis turbed and unable to agree in the division of the spoils. Indications now are that they will use themselves up on the 28th inst., as eilbetually and entirely as did the Kilkenny cats. How they came 4o fall out among themselves, will be readily derstood on reading the following interest ing and somewhat amusing little commer cial transaction: After the election last fall, a prominent candidate for United States Senator, he being a lousiness man of considerable sagacity and well-earned reputation, went after votes, and well knowing the kind of argument needed to get them, he came to Lancaster and made diligent enquiry as to the real status of the chosen Represen tatives of this county, and very soon, and very naturally too, he found himself in the presence of the head functionaries of the Thug ring, and at once proceeded to busi ness. After fatly discussing the cash value of the stock, the parties agreed, and three of the four Representatives were bought from Slokom, Greist & Co., for the sum of $3,500 each, making $10,500, and the further sum of $3,000 as commis sion or brokerage for the family of Thugs, making a total of $13,500, for which sum the Senatorial candidate gave his check, which passed into the hands of Mr. Slo kom, and the names of the three Repre sentatives thus bought and paid for were entered on his list, and he considered him self just three dots nearer the Senatorship than he was before lie came to Lancaster. At the proper time the parties appeared in Harrisburg, and " setting up" was going on among several candidates for Senator and State Treasurer. Unfortu nately for the gentleman who had invested so liberally in Lancaster County stock, the principal Harrisburg financier was on hand, representing other Senatorial in terests, who, being provided with a much larger pile of stamps, was enabled to "go better," and thus became the centre of attraction, and the first party referred to soon saw that he couldn't make it, where upon he and the said Harrisburg financier met and agreed, the former to assign, set over and transfer all his right title and in terest in the Representatives he had bought up in various localities, for which the latter would pay him first cost, cash down. Next followed a show of hands—the ex candidate handing over to the financier his invokes. The latter looked at it, when his eagle-eye at once lit on the Lancaster County item, which he pronounced a bare faced and villainous fraud! He denied the right of any man or set of men to sell said members, as he himself claimed original and unquestionable proprietorship, by reason of having met the expense at tending their nomination, amounting to the sum of two thousand dollars. There fore he would agree to no such transaction as buying in his omen goods and (*antes ! Strongly suspecting that his investment was a bad one, the ex-candidate at once directed his attention to his check, but too late! The cash had been drawn by the Thug-ring brokers, whose style of bus iness it is never to refund. Whether the unfortunate victim ever got his money back, or was ,made " whole,” or partly so, by the Financier of Harrisburg, we are unable to state. Of course, the latter kept a sharp eye on his stock, so as to keep it from being stolen a second time, and at the proper time lie used it to good advantage in the election of his own can didates for Senator and State Treasurer. We now retttrn to old Lancaster. Thirteen thousand five hundred dollars made by tl.e Ring in this single transac tions was not to be sneezedat. Probably because the sale or transfer wasn't a legal one, by reason e4' having had really no right to sell that which 'rightfully belong ed to the 'Harrisburg operator, as n aileged, and looking upon it as a mere side job by a little ring within the ring of Thugs,. the holders of the cash concluded to do with it as they pleased. George was ruled out entirely, and received nothing. ilow the matter was arranged between the con tracting parties, Slokom,Greist & Co., and the members, is best known to themselves. But George wouldn't give it up so. He claimed a lien on this stock of Represen- tati'es of $2500, and as his own partners in Thuggery "went back on him," and refused to divide, ho put . in his claim_ on the Representatives direct, by demanding from each one his share of said amount-- six hundred and twenty-five dollars— which was also repudiated, at least by Rome of them. Further than this we are unable to furnish the history of this particular trans action. We have stated enough, however, to enable the reader to understand the re lation of the two branches of the original Thug family towards each other at this time. As already stated, and as is well known, George Brubaker supports, for Senator, John M. Stehman, and fur Representa tives, Dr. Gatehell, of pasting and folamg notoriety, and John E. Wiley, of Conoy, and opposes the re-nomination of Messrs. Peters and Summy. Messrs. Greist, Slokom & Co. are known to support Joseph D. Pownall, of Sadsbuay, for Senator. Who they will support for Assembly is not fully developed. We do not believe that George Brubaker cares much for any one but Stehman for Senator and know he will endeavor to run him along with dif ferent candidates, as his interests in the various localities may suggest. And so also with the other branch of the broken ring—they will make their principal effort on Pownall, and against Stehman. Both factions, probably, will, as far as possible, vote their candidates alone, so as to lessen the risk of being beaten by any one they may vote for incidentally. And so, also, perhaps, for Representatives, as it is not yet known that either party has a full set running as their own candidates. Each may be acting according to the maxim of Henry Clay who once said " half a loaf is better than no bread." We might just now name quite a num ber of ring candidates for the various offi ces, but as there is yet plenty of time, we prefer to wait sb as to assure entire accu racy, and do injustice to no one. HOW DINOCFST 2 The Examiner says that the story that five thousand dollars has been sent to this county to secure the nomination of John Stehman is a " villainous fabrication." Where does the immaculate Jack get his information from? Is he in the Treasury ring at Harrisburg? Does he know what his "fellers" are doing up there? It will take something else than mere asser tion on the part of the Examiner to con vince the people that there is nothing in the report, especially when it is known that the State Treasurer threatened weeks ago, in Pittsburg, to do that very thing. Another reason why pelsple will believe it is, that last year money was sent from Harrisburg to secure the nomination of the " Thug" and "Ring" candidates for the Legislature, and if Madame Rumor is not a lying jade, Jack knows all about that transaction. As for being "taken for grass and being eaten up by cows," the Ex aminer will find shortly that the people are not that kind of stuff, as he supposes, and he cannot " poo-pooh" things down in that sort of way. Ire tried it on in the pasting and folding question, and has got some of "our fellers" into a bad snap about this time. The truth is, Jack is for Stehman, but don't want anybody but his " fellers" to know it. Query: Is the Recortintr the official organ of the State Treasurer? ,t FEW QUESTIONS. Prominent Democrats assert that though Asa Packer is a very rich man, that fact is not su flicient to infuse new life into the party. People are asking, too, how he .used his vaet wealth during the rebellion. lle gave half a million dollars to the Le high University, but How much has Asa Packer given to ward the support of the Union soldiers? How much toward the Sanitary and Christian Commissions? How mach to the soldiers' widows and orphans? how much did he take of the various war loans of the Government? Does he now hold the bonds for such subscriptions? If so, Is he not a " bloated bondholder?" These are some of the questions we see thrust at Mr. Packer's political friends. Whitt answer will our Lancaster organs make to these pertinent questions? TENNESSEE ELECTION No oue, we conclude, doubted that Sen• ter for Governor, and a sympathising Le gislature, would be elected in Tennessee. The majority does not much matter. It will be large enough, soMewhere between twenty-live and fifty thousand. We shall not undertake to fathom the mysteries of Tennessee politics. If it is said that An drew Johnson and ”,unrepeutant rebels" rejoice over Stoke's defeat and Setter's election, we have it to say that Brownlow, and many others like him, supported Sea ter, while Horace Maynard, and others like him, stood aloof from the contest. Which was the better Republican, Stokes or Seater, was a matter of dispute between those gentlemen and their friends all through the canvass. The administration has the earnest support of both factions. How much reason the Andrew Johnson people had for desiring Setter's success will be determined by what will follow. BEHIND THE TIMES. A York county correspondent thinks FATHER ABRAHAM is " injuring the party" by showing up the legislative " roosters" and " pinchers, " who are can didates tor nomination in this county. That is exactly the opinion of the afore skid " roosters" and "pinchers," but we "don't see it" in that light, neither does the honest people of the " Old Guard." The large number of subscribers we ate adding to our list daily, is a proof of this. Our York county friend don't know what he is talking about, and is behind the times. The Republican party must vindicate itself by repudiating these political bum mers, or it will meet with a crushing and deserved defeat. We shall pursue the con The laid out for ourselves, and thus contribute our share towards preventing so unfortunate a calamity. LET THE TRUTH BE KNOWN The FATHER ABRAHAM says Judge Packer voted for Breckinridge at the Charleston Convention in 1860. We think the rail-splitter is decidedly incor rect in his statement. Let him investi gate the fact, and he will find that Judge Packer voted for Stephen A. Douglas, whose election would have prevented years of blood and misery.—Reading Eagle. FATHER ABRAHAM happens to be well posted in regard to the political record of Judge Packer. At the time of the Charles ton Convention, the esnior editor of FATH ER ABRAHAM resided at Mauch Chunk, and published the Gazette, the office of which was in Packer's own building, on the corner of .Susquehanna street and Broadway. When the news came to Mauch Chunk,whilst the Convention was yet in session, that Judge Packer had taken a decided stand for and with Jeff Davis and-Breckinridge, and against Doug las, he was openly and bitterly denounced by William R. Otis, A. G. Broadhead, Jack Taylor, and the other real and pro fessing friends of Douglas in Mauch Chunk. And when, after Douglas had received the required majority of two thirds, and became the regular democratic nominee for President, Mr. Asa Packer bolted the nomination, and .joined the seces sionists, and afterwards, at Baltimore, par ticipated in the nomination and voted for John C. Breckinridge as the secession can didate for President, he was yet more severely denounced by a majority of the democrats of Carbon county. And after his retu ru home, in conversation with the writer of this article, Judge Packer open ly and unconditionally denounced Doug las as a demagogue, and expressed his purpose to support Breckinridge, regard less of consequences. Very soon, two of the gentlemen named—Messrs. Broad head and Taylor--changed from Douglas to Breckinridge, whilst Win. R. Otis, also a leading local politician of Mauch Chunk, remained firm. The Carbon Democrat, also, yielded to Packer, and changed from Douglas to Breckinridge. Neither .Judge Packer nor any one of his home friends will deny a word we have stated in regard to his bolt from the Charleston Convention, and his open iden tification with the avowed secessionists of the cotton States. Nor will they deny that in 185,5 he bolted the nomination of Hon. George R. Barrett the regular Demo cratic candidate for President Judge of the Court of the Carbon District, and his support of Bell, the independent Know Nothing candidate. HIGH COMPLIMENTS. The re-election of Mr. Billingfelt to the State Senate is regarded as a question of greater than mere local importance. lion est men everywhere throughout the State take a deep interest in the matter. The Philadelphia Press, in speaking of the fact that Mr. B. has consented to become a candidate for re-nomination, says : " This will be good news to the people, who have watched the upright and inde pendent course of Mr. Billingfelt in the Legislature, and who are anxious to see that body redeemed from the vices that have so often disgraced it. As a general thing, the nominations for this year are better than usual ; but the loss of a manly and outspoken patriot like Billingfelt would be felt everywhere throughout the State. We hope,.therefore, that he will be eagerly re-nominated by the sturdy Re publicans of Lancaster. Their candidates are selected by the popular vote, on the Crawford County system,' and we look for a heavy majority for Billingfelt. Never a favorite with ' rings' or mere politicians, he is esteemed and honored by the people, who know his worth and honor his integ rity. If they are awake his renomination is sure." The Pittsburg Coiiim,ertial has the fol lowing : "Senator Billingfelt has consented to become a candidate for re-nomination from Lancaster ; and to defeat his nomination efforts have been systematically planned by the rings, to whom he has ever been a steadfast opponent. He is, however, a favorite with those who admire personal integrity and official fidelity awl intelli gence., We clip the following from the Phila delphia Sunday Republic. " FAthiat ABRAHAM says that it is reported that $5,000 have been sent into Lancaster county from Harrisburg to de feat Senator 'l3illingtelt. We trust this reportia—not. true ; tett if true, the man who would dare to use money to defeat one' f the most hbncirable and conscien tious of legislature Will LSAT •0. 4 100.1ful ac count VI • • thenntire State, f itiltested in set ' • ; f 77 , tax payers - 4 • " • It." . 1000VOIMi4id . Other EX** of * . .exacter appear in Aber MUSS itigetted. locali ties, but our spew fortklitiik, libeir publi cation. WON'T OWN HIS. The Matta Chunk Gam* 'protests against the 'Atha of Aeo *KIM to be considered. al II 010611111411( Carbon county. It says that helms koala liatao. end that most of his money warn made is that region, but two years ale he rimmed hhi resi dence to the Sl.X.th Ward of Philadelphia, in order to escape local taxation. It was only by legal proems that the County Commissioners and Borough authorities succeeded in collecting the taxes-that bad been assessed before be moved. From this refusal to pay taxes in that county, the Gazette insists he has no right to claim an abode there. It is an old saying that.men grow meaner as they grow richer. If that be true, it is not wonderful to hear such accounts of the owner of twenty millions. igarWe again advise parties remitting money to us for subscriptions, &c., to send the same by checks, money orders or registered letters. torrespondeact. THINGS IN PHILADELPHIA The Great Fire—Another Murder—Parades and Pic-nits—The new Temperance ticket—Repu diation, ((T., &c. PHILADELPHIA. August 11, 1569 DEAR ABE : We have had considerable ex citement during the past week, notwithstand ing things have been remarkably dull during all the summer months. The great fire at Front and Lombard streets, and a murder case in one week, are indeed a rarity in these dull times. On Weduesthty evening last the immense structureion:Frout street, extending from Lom bard very nearly up to Pine, suddenly gave way, on the Lombard street aide, and in a very short time afterwards the building was discovered to he on fire. The structure was used as a warehouse for storing whisky, and at the time contained upwards of thirty thou sand barrels of the liquid, which, taking fire, caused an immense conflagration, the like of which has never been seen in our city before. All night long the flames raged, and it was by the utmost exertions of the firemen that the buildings on the opposite side of the street were saved. As it was many of the houses in the neighborhood were more or less damaged by tire and water. The cost to erect this warehouse was $500,000, and there was a per petual insurance thereon of $2,500,000. The loss by fire far exceeds the great conflagration of 1850, though there were three hundred buildings destroyed then, which were estimated to be worth nearly two millions dollars. whilst. the total loss by the late fire will be about five millions and by many estimated even higher l On Thursday of last week, Francis Wykoff and Henry Carr, two journeymen barbers, got into a dispute over the sale of a looking-glass at a barber's shop at Fifteenth and Shippen streets. Wykoff challenged Carr to settle the dispute according to the revised rules of the P. R., but the latterf fearing he might get the worst of the bargain thereby, decided to settle the matter in his own peculiar way, and lie did so by adopting the very novel method of throw ing a huge butcher knife at his adversary, probably endeavoring to try his hand at the Chinese impaling feat. The knife unfortunate ly lodged in the left breast of Wykoff, and he died shortly after. Carr made his escape but was caught on Saturday night, and committed. The cold weather of the last few days caused a grand rush from the country and seaside. Both Cape Lay and Atlantic City have been decided failures this year, notwithstanding newspapers and correspondents did their best to make believe that the season was an extra ordinarily lively one at the seashore. Money not being so plentiful this year as upon former occasions, is the cause. On Monday and Tuesday our Teutonic friends were enjoying themselves. Monday the bakers were out in great force, and after a street pa rade in uniform, went to one of the retreats and enjoyed themselves. On Tuesday the Beer Brewers paraded with hands, flags and decora tions, and made quite a handsome display. Have you heard of the Temperance move in our city? Some time last week thirty-eight prohibitionists assembled in Concert Hall, and after organizing the Convention (?), nominat ed itself for the various city offices, and they now ask aIL who favor Reform" to support, their ticket. I need not tell you that this is a democratic dodge, and that everybody fully understands the game, so that the vote cast for the " Reform" ticket will be very light indeed. Already Trinity Temple of Honor, a temper ance organization, repudiates the reformers, and I have authority for saying that nearly all the temperance societies throughout the city will follow the lead of Trinity Temple. The Republic, of last Sunday, speaking of the report that money'has been sent into your county to defeat Senator Billingfelt, pays a high compliment to your Senator, and the peo ple should not fail to return him to the State Senate, more especially as he has a reputation throughout the entire State of being among the very few members of the Legislature who had the interests of the State at heart. WARWICK. [COMMUNICATBD4 Messrs. Editors: Some years ago, Mr. John M. Stehman, a member of the House of Repre sentatives from Lancaster county, was in structed by his constituents to vote against the Sunbury and Erie Rail Road bill. In viola tion of both his pledge and his instructions, he voted for it and the bill passed. The Lan caster Express charged that he had been bribed . Mr. Stehman prosecuted the editor for libel ; but shortly after the election, when Stehman was defeated, the prosecution was withdrawn, and the costs paid by Mr. Stehman's Attor ney, Mr. George Brubaker, without apology or retraction from the editor. On this state ment of facts, I would like both Mr. Stehman and Mr. Brubaker to take the witness stand, and answer, without evasion or reservation, the following questions, in a clear, distinct and specific manner: 1. Was this Mr. Jno. M. Stehman, the same Mr. John M. Stehman who !snow a candidate for the State Senate? 2. If so, why was the prosecution with drawn Mid mete paid, without apology or re traction by the editor ? 3. Were the charges made by the editor true or false? 4. Was not P4r. George Brubaker the Attor ney of Mr. Stehman, and did be not withdraw the prosecution and„pay the costs? 5. Did .ot aid not Mt. Brubaker urge and encourage Mr. lite/mm to vote for this bill ? 6. Did not Mr. Brubaker bore other mem bers for the passage of the bill, and was he not pecuniari4 rewarded for its passage ? 7. Did any member from Lancaster county receive any reward or compensation fOr his Tote ; if so, please state from whom and how much? A. VOTER. -404.40- [COMMUNICATED.] ILMMMaliii. EDITOR/1 : wish I was a pilot. It In such a nice taus to be pilot. You know a pilot is a genius;a man e function ; a man of importance whom all love to honor ; whose office or duty it is to steer ships along a coast or into and out of a harbor or a bay ; to steer rafts, or arks, saw-logs or pipe canoes where navigation is denim/ea, as in Stahl's ripples, Turkey-hill, Hog-hole or Spinning-wheel, and other terrible plume on the raging and tumul tuous Susquehanna. A pilot is a guide ; a director of the course of another person ; a leader ; a man who knawssomething and per haps a little more than other men ; who can direct the steps of his fellow man as a finger board on the highway ; an index of all that is great, good and noble, and wlpo can see &little farther into a mill-stone than any other man. For such a superior animal I always have the highest veneration, and lie awake of nights wondering why lam not a pilot. Hence, I conclude, that a pilot is no common man ; be must be born a pilot, and cannot be made out of the common elbments. Education is here at fault ; for it is clear you cannot make a silk purse out of a sow's ear, any more thanyou can make a pilot by edu cation. I, therefore, give it up. I cannot be a pilot, as my soaring, towering, heart-aching ambition would lead me to be. For behold the magnificence of the position. Often, in my fancy have I beheld myself as in a mirror on a glowing raft of loge, wildly galloping through the lofty foam-clad billows of the briny deep, in the bounding 'chute below Co lumbia where in the greeld cataract, as in Ni agara, life Is made tb bang upon a single at tenuated thread, upon.* mare dip of the oar. But I must commit manslaughter upon my ambition and surrender all hope of earthly and immortal honors.