rtnnogivanioth !caul BREEF FUR SCHNIEFELEBREVitR. SCILLIFFLETOWN, .JULY der 27t. 166 V. MISTER FODDER ARIt Al A3l : De leit dolt ha shteddle sin all uf der meanung dos ich awfongs a mown bin fun means, korrockter un influence. Weil ich an United Shtates Government Officer bin, un ken wisky Inca sauf, un gooty }dea der drawk, meana se ich wter goot ob. het kea truvvel un bodderashun Inca. Doh war der Sohlaklupper bei titer den morya, un hut behawpt dos ich now de welt easy nemma kennt, un winsht er hets aw so goot we ich. Awer, Mister Printer, de kit wissa nix, for ich mus sate a, ich hob aw mei fuller share fun truvvel milder ich an ottice-holder uu a pollytishener bin. Ich mehn ebmobls ich wet olles uf-gevva un uf an onnerer weg my living macha, awer weil ick now in ma faira weg bin for des pollitticle bisness 'tsawhla niacin+ tuns mer aw hood wu ich hea t ous t o shpeelt wierra. Geshter war ich in der shtadt. Ich bin onga weil ich a breef grickt hob funs George. We ich can uf g'macht hob hut de Bevvy g'froked fun wem dos er is, un ich hobs er aw g'sawt, un dos er obsolut hawa wet dos ich iur sure kumm, ohna fail. De Bevvy awer traut earn net recht; so meant ich set mich gone; fun donna Ducks week holta, un nix mit Nina tsu du haws, for se insist druf dos seller George mich yusht usa will, un mich on der naws rum them iii foola. Awer, was weal de Bevvy? We Oils onner motel beim George war hut er mer g'sawt ich set midi net gons so feel roola lussa unnich der Bevvy earam petticot government, for, socht er, anyhow, was wissa de weibsicit we mer de pollitticle bisness uf setzt. Der George hut recht. Anyhow, geshter bin ich In de shtadt un hob amohl an longy confer seashan mit earn g'hot fun weaya donna koudjdawta, un mer lieu unanimous ous g'macht we met unser tingly ufsetaa Awer now tbr des ding recht tsu for shtea, mus ich der explaina uf was dos mer ous sin. De bricka jobs doh im Coun ty sin ous g'slmeelt, secht der George, weil de Tseitunga so a ferdeivelty fuss der weaya g'macht hen. De eantsich chance dos mer hen for des ding betzawla macha is wane mer unser monn secura kenna— anyhow caner—for in de Sennawt tsu un noch caner for in de Semly, for uf rsel weg, Becht er, hen mer aw gooty un solidy footing, un kenna so ka2rls we seller Shtate Tresherer uf socka !Matt fun was Joe de surplos fund heasa—des geld wu uf hoed is in der Treshery, du weasht. Wanu mer unser mono nei leckta kenna, er, "sets anyhow flnf dausand dah ler wtert sci, un well miser Duck ring nimmy gons so gross is we er ols war, un nimmy so feel shtoek-holders sin, gebts aw bessery dividends. noel' cans—wane mer anyhow caner, odder tswea fun un scry Semly menner nei kreeya kenna, done sin titer aw widder hunky for ollerlea jobs, un wann do ebbes wit, so we peashter un foolder, konsht's aw hawa, for der Duck ter dut yusht exactly was ich hawa Becht cr. Awer. we kenna mer now unser sacha uf tixa? Sell war de frokc we ich under George amohl on de bimuess gongs sin. "Om letshta Mondog omit," secht er, " war cans fun dentin kawkussa in der shtadt, uu mer hen a Poor tsumina g'spont, awer ebs tsumma bleibt, weal ich net— sell wierd sich ous weisa. We g'sawt, warn yusht unser Sennater nei knniut, dorm sin iner all right. Awer mer missa aw der Billingfelt beeta 2 for ter macht uns feel truvvel warm ter widder nei kummt, well er sell Treshery geld nemma will for Shtate shuld mit ob tsu, tsahla, un seller weg about tinf-a-sivvatsich dausend dah ler intressa tau seafa. Awer was dent ens sell botta? Nix—gor nix." We ich awer wissa hob wella for welly dos mer gea mina, hut er mer g'sawt es weer ferleicht besser noch a woch odder so tau wards. Der weg we's olleweil guckt mss er sei moan for Shreef shlippa lussa, un aw sei Treaberer, un etlich onnery, un sell, fterricht er, macht an fuss. De fact is, secht er, es gsbt denk an gonser neier deel, un weer noch olles trump uf dreht wean er net. Awer er is determined de korta, tau shtocka so doe sei right bower sure is for Sennater anyhow. Der George war aw geshter in der coun ty, committee meeting, un ich war de gone tseit dort f m eck g'huokt un hob dem ding tau geguckt. Awer, some how, der George hen se oily mohl nunner gevote. Yeades mohl dos se ols de yeas un nays g'roofa hen war ols ter un so about drei odder feer onnery fershtendichy uf eaner side, un de "ous balance fun der meeting uf der onner. Fans fun unser party war seller wu se der Fret heasa, wu ols Shreef war doh de yohr, un de balance wu uf unser side ware hen hinnich eam g'stonna, so dos mer se sheer gor net seana hut kenna weil der Fret so gross is. Awer, se wahra true blue, tut lien oily mohl gevote exactly we der George es hut hawa wells. Ea ding hen se gedu dort, secht der George, dos cam gor net g'folt, un sell is so a regulation dos do kondidiwta a recht sells hawa leit tsu points for de leckshun officers tsu wateha, so dos se ken extra tickets in de box nei duna, un aw net meaner votes nunner shreiva dos voters sin. UT course der Fret nu de onnery Gi n geaya selly ressolushun gevote, awer was kenna so a paar ehrliche leit du geaya a gonsy shtub foil. De negsht woch gea ieli widder in de shtadt, un bis selly tseit inshpect ich dut der George mer olles sawya for welly dos mer gea inissa, besides unser Sennater un der Dilater for in de Semly. Now de sacha sin a bodero shun. Sup pose mer ferlcera om end der Sennater, der duckter under gone ring ! Donn weer all unser terwet for nix, un ich under George deata ous unser share funs Treash- cry fund betroga wa.rra. Awer, ich shtick dertsu. 101 hob can► fershprocha an bully gooter rittorn rei shicka fun Schliffletown, providing se duna kens fun denim fordeivelty watcher do Mes shicka. lull shtick any how tsu mvina freind, ►n der George is mei freind, providing shtiekt tsu n►er. We ich in de frinnollog bisness nei gonga bin is er kumma un hu mer an job gevva of seim kup—an kup dos aw an kup is, mit binnevolens, wen nereashen, cidiallitty un onnery organs of combattifness dewellopt iu an eckstraor dinary degree. Wallll mer mit so lOU tsu du hut profeshenally donn machts aw rep piteashun. Anyhow, ich shtick tsum George, un wanner net tsu nicer shtickt bin ich any how net der eantsieh duck dos om kortza end rouse kumt. Ile Bevvy is awer about wunnerfitzich t‘lleweil, un proweert eara beshts unser Puck secrets ous tsu finna. Awer ich sag tarry how net eb ich selwer wens we's leh fierricht yusht se wierd noch derweaya. Wann se dut dour gebts aw an burst up film ring. Awer olleweil is se noch all right. PROF. PIT SCWEFFLEIIIIENNEII NEIGHBORING COUNTY NEWS. MONTGOMERY COUNTY.—Last Febru ary the ticket office at Perkiomen Junction was entered and robbed, and the three thieves though captured, managed to es cape from the constable in Philadelphia, while on their way to jail. One was re captured a few days after; a second one was caught a few days ago and consigned to jail William Neal was drowned in the Schuylkill river, at Port Kennedy, Montgomery county, on Sunday morning last while bathing A number of cows belonging to Allen Wells, near Pottstown, broke out of the pasture field, on Friday evening last, and got upon the railroad track, and a coal train ran into them, kil ling a very fine cow and also injuring another. YORK COUNTY.-A boy named Got wald was bitten by a mad dog in York last week and died, and a lad named Smyser was injured by a kick from a horse The extension of Rev. Lilly's church is being pushed forward with despatch Jacob Gipe, from Conewago twp., was kicked by a mule and the bones of his eg fractured.... A Sabbath school celebration will be held in Overmiller's Grove, at Loganville, to morrow A lire in York on Sunday night destroyed a portion of John Truett's file factory and a small stable belonging to Thomas B. Scholl Prof. Light's bal loon 'ascension was successfully made last Saturday. Au immense crowd wit nessed it David Piffling aged 13, was run over by the cars in the 4th ward of York Benjamin Mann, of Wrightsville, was bitten by a snake on Thursday last. CHESTER COUNTY.-A dog supposed to be mad, was killed in North Coventry, near Pottstown The ladies of the Bran dywine Baptist church will hold a Harvest Home, in the Grove at Brandywine Sum mit Station Catharine Stewart, aged 45, who resided in a frame house above Lei perville, near Deshong's Quarry, feeling unwell, went up stairs to lie down upon a bed, and while there, a blast was made in the quarry, and a stone weighing twenty live pounds came in through the roof and struck the woman on the breast, killing ber instantly A daughter of Mr. Davis, residing at Slate Hill, near the Spread Eagle Hotel, died from hydrophobia on Monday of last week. She was bitten in the finger by a dog nine weeks ago A drinking fountain is to be erected in front of the Court House, West Chester. • BEnKs Cotizrrv.-1). Schmeck was ar rested and bound over to answer a charge of stealing a watch from Joseph Schober, of Molltown John UnaMt, residing in North Twelfth street, Reading, was ar rested on a charge of shooting and slightly wounding a little child. Although the evidence was very clear that the shooting was accidental, he was bound over by Alderman Shoener to answer at Court Spitting tobacco juice on litaies , dresses is the latest amusetueut of young men in Reading The planing mill of Messrs. Graeff& Myers at Second and Cherry-sts., Reading, was totally destroyed by tire on Saturday morning last. The employees lost all their tools, and a number thrown out of employment The St. Paul's Roman Catholic Parish School, on Wal nut Street above Ninth, Reading, was dedicated on last Sunday John Ehring, of Reading, was arrested a few days ago for keeping a disorderly house, keeping a drinking house without license, keeping a gambling house, selling liquor on Sunday and committing an assault and battery with intent to kill upon Mrs. Hannah Game Au unknown German, while bathing in the Schuylkill, near Jackson's Lock, Reading, was drowned on Monday last.... The Rail Road from Topton to Port Clinton, via Kutztown and Hamburg, is progressing rapidly The coming session of the Keystone Normal School, at *Kutz town, will open on the Bth of August. Nil Mil • -"*".. • THE DEMOCRATIC WHEEL HORSES AFTER ASA'S FODDER. ---To ascertain the weight of a bort*, put your toe under his foot. —Does a man consider a Woman a poem because she is a verse to him ? —" I have very little respect for the ties of this world," as the chap said when the rope was put around his neck. --An editor nut West says, if " time is ' money," he is willing to exchange a little of his for cash. —The man who declared that matri• mony is a cage in which two people vol untarily imprison themselves, is a ergo/ wretch. —A married lady, being asked to • gave the following sensible and appro priate answer " so, thank you, sir ; have hugging enough at home.'' —Stiggins, the new married man, says his wife is a perfect rose. The only draw back to his happiness is that she perhaps blows out a " leetle" too often. —" Won't that boa constrictor bite me ?" said a little urchin to a showman. "Oh I no, boy, he swallows his wittles whole." —A hotel landlord in California saves the expense of a gong by keeping a dog. The weight of the landlord on the dog's tail causes the animal to howl sufficiently loud to waken all the guests. —A luscious correspondent of a Phila delphia paper says : Miss Anthony has never tasted the sublimity of motherhood. She has never bathed iu that immeasur able sea of glory whose waves touch the gates of Paradise." —" Mary Magdalene had seven devils cast out of her. I never heard of a man havinc , b seven devils cast out of him," growled a cynical bachelor in the course of a discussion on the woman question. "No, they are not cast out yet, I believe," was, the quiet response of his fair antag onist. —The landlady of a hotel said to a boarder, Look cohere ! I want you to pay your bill, and you must ! I have ask ed you often enough for it, and I tell you don't leave the house until you have paid it." Good !" said the lodger ; " stay with you as long as you live." —They tell a story about a man out West who had a hair-lip, upon which he performed au operation himself by insert ing a piece of chicken flesh. It adhered and filled up admirably. This was all well enough, until, in compliance with the fashion, he undertook to raise a moustache, when one side grew hair and the other fathers. —A negro preacher was recently baptis ing some of the female portion of his con gregation, when by accident he held one of them a minute too long• under water, causing her death. Upon discovering that she was no more he exclaimed in the language of Scripture : '• The Lord gave and the Lord bath taken away"—pass on another lady. —A preacher was picturing to an old sinner on his death-bed the glories that awaited him if he would repent. He pro mised among other things that he should soon be an angel. " Don't talk that way to me, please, parson." said the the dying man, "if there is anything I have a hor ror of, it is of being an angel sitting on a damp cloud picking a harp by moonlight." —A farmer who had engaged the servi ces of a son of the Emerald Isle, sent him out one morning to harrow a piece of ground. He had not worked long before nearly all the teeth came out of the har row. Presently the farmer went out into the field to take notes of Pat's progress, and asked him how he liked harrowing. "Oh !" replied Pat, "it goes a bit smoother now since the pegs are out." —A gentleman standing in a crowd felt the pressure of two feminine feet upon his patent leathers. At first the sensation was delightful ; but soon the pressure be gan to feel the least bit uncomfortable. " Madam," he gently suggested, "you are standing on my feet." " Your feet, sir ?" " Yes, Madam." " Goodness ! beg your pardon, sir ; I thought I was standing on a block of wood ; thy arc quite large sir !" " Quite ; but you covered 'em, Madam!" —A Connecticut editor has become envi ous of the inventor of an improvement on some of his patent crotchets, and dis courses as follows : " After all, how very human this weakness of small jealousy is! Almost everybody has it more or less. That's what ailed Cain ; it disturbed Jacob; put Joseph into a pit; harrassed the patriarchs and kept letting down the pro phets ; it crops out frequently in politics —more often, perhaps, in the army ; In fects the festive fire company ; disturbs the rural militia ; creeps occasionally in to the pulpit, and always blossoms in the choir." , A ,r)M-- . -... i ( .....„, Our Xittle Jewelry. zAIIM & JACKSON, DEALERS; ]X WATCHES, CLOCKS„ JEWELRY, SILVER AND SILVER-PLATED WARE, SPECTACLES AND FANCY GOODS, No. 15 NORTH QU EEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA frit-Iik;PAIRRCG .tTTENDF,I) TO.im WATCHES! w vrc it E s ? CLOCKS, CLOCKS, CLOCKS The tindQrsigned keeps constantly on hand a large and full assortment of the GENUINE AMERICAN WATCIIEs, of different weight and finish, to suit all, which are sold upon the most reasonable terms, and guarantcod to give satisfaction. Keeps also on band a good assortment of CIAX.;KS. Call and examine the goods before purchasing elsewhere. Thankful for past favors, I solicit a eontlnu anec of the same. HENRY E. ANDREWs. Jan Mr] Strasburg, Lancaster co., l'a. Books and Stationery. AT RIDDLE & COCHRAN'S , HAUPEWS MONTHLY MAGAZINN, THE LADY'S FRIEND, G4' 3DEY'S LADY BOOK, FRANK LXSIAN'S MARI) NEWSPAPER, HARPKWai BAZAAR, HALPER'S WEEKLY, FRANI{ LESLIE'S CHIMNEY CORNER, FRANK LESLIE'S BOYS & GIRLS WEEKLY, SATURDAY NItiET, NEW YORK LEDGER, ARTHUR'S HOME MAGAZINE, PETERSON'S MAGAZINE, APPLETON'S JOURNAL, NEW YORK WEEKLY, and all the LATEST PUBLICATION- -AT RIDDLE & COCIIRA S 40 NORTH QUEEN STREET, Two Doors North of the INQUIRER BUILDING, Jr2S-tfr LANCASTER, PA ITEADQUARTERS -NOR SUNDAY SCHOOL BOOKS AT FULTON ROW, WEST KING STREET. All the latest helps for Superintendents Teach ers and Bible Students, new Charts with Ob ject Lessons, a new System of Rewards, mak ing every Scholar a worker in the interest of the School. I=l SUNDAY SCHOOL. MUSIC HOCKS, LIBRARY BOOKS, RECORD BOOKS, ('LASS BOOK S , Common School tt, Miscellaneous Books, STATIONERY AND FANCY GOODS, HITCHCOCK'S HALF DIME SHEET MUSIC, BIBLES AND TESTAMENTS. AT PHILADELPHIA WHOLESALE PRICES W Call anti see for yourselves. myl44fl D. S. BARE. REMOVAL J. H SHEAFI'ER, BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER, Has removed his large stock MCZI=I BOOKS and STATIONERY, MEE NO. 62 NORTH QURKN STRRET, Opposite Shober's Hotel, YOUR DOORS NORTH OF (MANOR-STREET ape4f] LANCASTKII, PA. Coal, Lumber, &e. EHLER, BRENEMAN & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IX COAL, OF TOE BEST QUALITY. TAAD—COR. WATER ST. AID PA. B. R. Onnos—Xo. I EAST ORANGE ST., LANCASTER PA. (dee l&ly 1.16 MARTIN, liMiltlEt 111011 All, JON* GI. MAIO7I 5,000,000 FEET OF DRY LUMBER. MARTIN, THOMAS & CO., COLUMBIA, LANCASTER CO., PA., Manufacturers At LOCK HAVEN, CLINTON COUNTY, PA.. AND WHOLESALE LUMBER DEALERS• - - - - WHITE PINE, HEMLOCK, POPLAR, WALNUT, ASH, FLOORING, SLDING, WEATHER BOARDs, PICKETS, LATH, inhl2-Iy] BOX BOARDS, Ac., Xc Varnishes, &c. AUG. ILEINOVAIL. JAC. RRINOEHL, JR. A &J. REINOEHL, MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN COPAL, WHITE, COFFIN, BLACK AND JAPAN VARNISHES, LINSEED OIL, TURPENTINE, Ac., &o. NO. 109 NORTH QtEEN STREET, (In the Keystone Building,) LANCASTER, PA. Also, Mahogany Boards Veneers and Mouldings of different sizes and pat terns. All kinds of Turning, such as Bed Posts, Table Legs, Spokes, flubs, Felloes, &c., 85e. Alp, AXLES, sPRINGS, Ac. Ljan 11,1 yr JOB PRINTING. WATCHES ! BEST AND CHEAPEST PLACE JOB PRINTING DONE, FATHER ABRAHAM OFFICE, sorm QUEEN STREET Two Doors North of Express Office POSTERS, L'ItOGRAkSIBIES, HAND-BILLS, Will find it to their iuterest to give us a call RAUCH & COC :1: iti, NEWSPAPER, BOOK AND JOB PRINTERS, LANCASTER, PA jy11,3-t f Hats, Caps, liars, &c. 1868. 1868. SHULTZ & BROTHER. HATTERS, NO. 20 NORTH QUEEN STREET LANCASTER, PENNA. Latent style Fall and Winter HATS and CAPS in all condition and colors. LADIES' FANCY FURS, We are now opening the lar gest and most oomplete assortment of Ladies and Children% FANCY FURS ever offered in this manses, at very low prises. ROBES! BORES!! ROBES!!! BuHilo Robes, lined and unlined; Hudson Day Wolf, Pratt*, Wolf, Tex, Coon, &e. BLANKETS AND LAP RUGS Of all qualities, to which we would particularly invite the attention of all persons in want of Lillian in that line. GLOVES, GAUNTLETS and MITTS OTTE BE R, AVER, NUS SEAL BUCKSKIN FLESIIER, KID, die., do Ladies' Fine Fur Trimmed Gloves, Gauntlets Mitts and Koala. PULSE WARMERS and EAR MITTS. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. n 020413 Furnishing Goods, &e. HEADQUARTERS Ton UNDERCLOTHING, STOCKINGS, GLOVES, COLLARS, CUFFS, SLEEVE BUTTONS, M Dent's Ware generally, at ERISMAN9S, Not, ty; NORTH QUEEN ST., Lancaster. Ant veer ous grosser shtock goods—suitable tor Nrisitdogs, hei-Yohrs un onnery Presents-- so we Sebnup-Dicher, Collars, Hem *mei /Imp, g'shtioiste Hemmer-fronts, Pocket Richer, Perfumery, Hohr-GEhl, Cigar Casa, un °unary fancy articles one N. J. REISMAN'S, Mg North Queen Street' Lancaster. (Om sign fum gross Shtreailch Hem.) (nolo-ly Printhig. To get all kinds of IS AT THE No. 13 ALL IN WANT OF CARDS, BILL-HEADS, LETTER-HEADS, BLANK CHECKS, PAMPHLETS, NOTES, &C Professional. O • J. DICKEY, ' l / 4 -!• ATTORNMY AT LAW OVYfrE: SOUTH QUEEN ST., second house he low the "Fountain Inn," Lancaster, Pa. J• B. LIVINGSTON, . ATTORNEY AT LAW OVVICE: No. 11 NORTH DUK E ST., west side, north of the Court House, Lancaster, l'a. CHARLES DENITES, ATTORNEY AT LAW. OPPICE: N 0.3 SOUTH PUKE STKEET, Lan easter, Pa. JOHN B. GOOD, ATTORNEY AT LAW. O➢BIcs: No. b 6 EAST KING ST., Lancaster, Pa T W. JOHNSON, Ey • ATTORNEY AT LAW. Orrice: No 24 SOUTH QUEEN ST., Lancas ter, Pa. TA P. ROSENMILLER, Jn., • ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ormica: With A. Mita SMITH, Egg., South Queen St., opposite the o ffi ce of • 'Father Abra ham," Lancaster, ra. A C. REINOEHL, •ATTORNEY AT LAW. thepica: No. 3 SOUTH DUKE ST., Lancaster. JOHN P. RE A, ATTORNEY AT LAW. °erica: With Hon. O. J. DICICZY, N 0.2.1 SOUTH QUEEN ST., Lancaster, Pa. _ MARTIN RUTT, ATTORNEY AT LAW. 0.17710 E Of the lato NOM THADDEITA STEVE:KA, No. 26 South Queen St., Lancaster, Pa. A mos 11. MYLIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Omer,: No. 8 SOUTH ()KEEN ST., Laneaatei• MIiENZEM Opsics: With General J. W. Fisasa, NOuTII DUKE ST., Lancaster, Pa. F. BAER, • ATTORNEY AT LAW. °mot: No. 19 NORTH DUKE Street, Lances ter, re. [dee 18-lyr Readfng Afirertisements. H MALTZBERGER, ATTORNEY AT LAW N 0.48 NORTH SIXTH ST., Reading, Pa. • GEORGE SELTZER , ,• ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLER AT No. 604 COURT STREET , (oppoette the Court llonee,) Reading, Pa. Sewing Machines. WHEELER & WILSON'S FAMILY SEWING MACHINES, With all the Latest Improvements. Sir The Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine was awarded the only GOLD MEDAL given for Sewing Machines over eighty-two competitors at the Universal Exposition held in Paris, 1867 . Machines sold on Lease Planet the Cash Price. MONTHLY PAYMENTS, ONLY TEN DOLLARS. PETERSON A. CARPENTER General Agents, 64 N. Queen.st., Lancaster, Pa. P. s.—Energetic Business Men wanted to Hell the Wheeler et Wilson sewing Machine In town and country. Good inducements. [Jy2.l-1m GROVER & BAKER'S FIRST I'REMIrM ELASTIC sTrren FMK' SEWING MACHINES, 495 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. 130 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA POIN7'B OP EXCELLENCE. Beauty and Elasticity of Stitch. Perfection and Simplicity of Machinery. truing both threads directly from the spools. tautening of seams by hand and no waste of thread. Wide range of application without change of adjustment. Vie seam retains its beauty and firmness after washing and ironing. Besides doing ail kinds of work done by other Sewing Machines, these Machines execute the most beautiful and permanent Embroidery and ornamental work. Asa- The Highest Premiums at all the Fairs and exhibitions of the United States anti Europe, have been awarded the Grover & Baker Sewing Machines, and the work done by them, wherever exhibited in competition. NW The very highest prise, THE CROSS OF THE LEGION 01 , HONOR S was conferred on the representative of the Grover & Baker Sew ing Machines, at the Exposition Universelle, Paris, 1867, thus at testing th eir great superiority over all other sewing Machines. For sale by GEORGE SPURRIER, North Queen street, Lancaster, Pa. my -IY] THE HOWE SEWING MACHINE, OR EVERYBODY! Asa Holiday Gilt to a Sister, Wife or Friend they are unsurpassed: nLe Warmer wantatt for hislfamily. The Bress and Cloak Maker prefers it. The Seamstress wants it, because ita work is sure to give satisfaction. The Tailor has long ago decided it to be the best for his business. The Carriage Trimmer cannot de without it; the Shoe Fitter end. that, after all, the HOWE is the machine for him. Sooner or later, everybody will have the HOWE MACHINE. Every Maehin• M warranted. Every one may be the poesewror otos. of these unrivalled machines, as we endeavor to make the terms of sale putt all our customers. We eastaitly invite alh Whether I tletff n urpore r ureboi r g Or nots WM slAd g i t eir t of eyo ate= "4"l % zeitrtb,_ wor k done by ogler maaninee. W e wilnue toabide by e ttie result. deo ISM] C. FAT', Agent, lag North Qpeen Street Medical. t o l / 4 i l li DR SACE'S # CATARR4 r , RE MEpi, THIS INFALLIBLE REMEDY does not, like the poisonous irritating snuffs and strong caustic solutions with which the people have long been humbugged, simply palliate for a short time, or drive the disease to the lungs as there is danger of doing in the use of such nostrum., but it produces PRLIBECT AND P LERMA NEWT OURKS OW THE WORST CASES OF CHRONIC CATARRH. as thousands can testify. " COLD IN vs K HEAD" Is cured with a few appli cations. CATARRH AL I-I RADACHR is relieved and cured as if by magic. It removes offensive Breath, Loss or Impairment of the ens° of taste, smell or bearing, W storing or Wca'. Eyes, and Impaired Memory, when caused by the vio lence of Catarth, as they all frequently are. I offer in good faith a standing reward I t a case of Catarrh that I cannot cure. FOR SALE BY MOST DR IRIVISTS EVERY- WHERE,. PRICE Orivr too CIINTS Ask your Druggist for the Rem SOY but if he Las not got it on sale, don't be put off by ac. cepting any miserable worse than wolthless substitute, but enclose sixty cents to me, and the Remedy will te sent you ipioat paid. Four packages - $2.90, or one dozen for Slue. Send a two Cent stamp for Dr. Bagels pamphlet on catarrh. Address the Proprietor, • R. V, PI CRC IC, M. D., • J3 40- Sull Buffalo, N Y •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers