Father Abraham. (Reading, Pa.) 1864-1873, July 30, 1869, Image 3
Xocal gttuo. Meeting of the Republican County Com- uilttee. The Republican Connty Committee met on Monday last, to consider the amendments to the rules, submitted by Senator Billingfelt, on Monday week. After an extended and rather exciting discussion, the following were adopt ed, by a vote of yeas 26—nays 7—the minority composed of George Brubaker and six of his followers. " Row are the mighty fallen!" It is proper to say that Mr. Billingfelt did not press his amendments, but voted for those adopted. A report of his remarks will be found in this paper : Before any votes shall be received, said judge, inspectors and clerks shall each make a pledge of honor that he will perform the duties of Judge, Inspector or Clerk of said election in strict accordance with the rules adopted goi , - erning the primafy elections of the Republican party in Lancaster county, and to the best of his abilities, and that he will studiously en deavor to prevent fraud, deceit or abuse in con ducting the same, which pledge of honor any of the said judges, inspectors or clerks so elec ted may make to each other; and the same shall be in writing or partly written, and part ly printed, and signed by said judges, isspec tors and clerks, and certified to by the party administering the same and attached to or en tered upon the return and there certified to us aforesaid. The number of votes for each person in the tally list as aforesaid shall be enumerated as soon as the box Is closed, under the inspection of the judge and inspectors, and set down as hereinafter provided in the form of the return. The following shall be substantially the form of the poll book to be Kept by the officers con ducting said election, tilling in the blanks care fully Poll Book of tt e primary election held on Saturday, the day of, A. 1.). 18—, by the qualitied voters of the Republican party of Lancaster county, at the house of in the of , in the county aforesaid,. A. B. being duly elected ae judge ; C. D. and E. F. as inspectors ; G. IL and 3.1. as clerks of Bald election severally pledge their word of honor as per certificate herewith returned. (Number and names of voters.) It is hereby certified that the number of voters forin the county of Lancaster, voting at this election amounts to - Attest : Clerks. -- Judge. Inspectors. Pledge of Honor: We, A. It. as Judge ; D and E. F'. as Inspectors ; and G. H. and J. IL as Clerks of this election, do each severally pledge our word of honor that, we will duly perforok the duties of judge, inspectors and clerks Of said election, severally acting as above set forth according to the rules adopted governing 'he pprimary election of the Republican party tur county, and to the bust of our abilities, and that we will studiously endeavor to prevent all fraud, deceit or abuse in conduc ting the same. Clerk* Meters. I hereby ("citify that C. D. and E . b. In spectors, and G. H. and J. K. as Clerks, were before proceeding to take any votes at saki election, first duly pledged as aforesaid. Witness my hand, die., - Judge of Election. I hereby certify that A. 8., Judge aforesaid, also pledged his word of honor as aforesaid. Witness my hand the date before written. pfirogi:.:4 l it"r"r g it:tll tsmaatilitm w °le number of ballots cast for each o ce, the name of each person voted for, and the number of votes given to each person for each different °face, which return shall be certified as correct; signed by the Judge and Inspectors, and a Meet ed by the Clerks. The aforesaid list of voters, pledge of honor, tally list, returns and oertidebites, shall be pre pared by the Chairman of the County Commit tee in book-form, to be called the Poll Book mi aforesaid, and two copies thereof delivered to the member of the County Committee at least five days before the primary election, who shall cause the same to be delivered at the place of holding said election before the time of j inlog the polls. r the po lls are closed, ono of salsa poll boo oertißed to as as afoltelliiid, shalt hie pit in an envelope, together with the tickets, pro perly sealed and delivered in person by-an offi cer as aforesaid at the meeting of the return judges. The other poll book, lists and retures, shall be delivered within one day after the election, to the member of the County Com mittee, open to the inspection of any Repub lican voter. No returns shalt be received at the meeting of the return judges, unless the foregoing rules are strictly complied with; and all returns must be handed in person by one of said officers to the President of the return Judges. The name of said person banding in stud return *hall be announced by the President, who shell also at the same time state whether or not the said person's name appears upon the return as one of the pledged officers conducting said election. The pledges introduced by " Honest Andy' Armstrong, were amended and adopted, as follows : q. Will you vote and use your influence against the further publication of the Legis lative Record or other documents, as now pub lished, the substance of which the people now receive through the public press ? 2. Will you steadily oppose the increase of salary of the members of the Legislature, or szy increase of the number and pay. of the olerks and officers of the Senate and House of Representatives over that now allowed by law—and in all suitable ways economize the expenses or the State ? 3. Will you oppose all appropriations of the public money for new objects, unless of great, public utility, or to support the public cbad ties of the State? 4. Will you vote and use your influence for the passage of more explicit legislation and more eilicient laws in regard to the funds of the State, as they accumulate in the Treasury, for the payment of the State debt, and mak ing it a misdemeanor in oak* for him to tits the State funds either directly or indirectly for himself or his friends. 5. That the candidates for the Senate and. the Meese of Representatives especially' be nledged not in dean more mileage than they are allowed by tlm . law of the State. ' R. That they Neill not 'ha\' ,satm *imp and folders appointed contrary to. Jow,, and paid for services which they never rendered. =I ITEMS •': '.l.Aent. lfilerttle Herr, ottfte U.'S. Army, heiiibeeg Choben Itunriletcir i rtr Inatics,and,Sl44l.frlng in, tikii . /Al lk ir - verisity. ILieut t Herr is a brothel af_ box , . Herr, Esq., of this city, and was appointed a , adet at Weld Paint by the late Hon. Thad. Stevens, under the system he adopted fbr selecting" tinietY'lrerfitElßer "ffe - gtinlinli istis, and for the, last IVro !rears has been in structor of Mathematics at West Point. We refisieureedlimmillinommi"-ItwasistA4.laourved ........,,,, *.. ...1,.. ~ t ten years, It o ne'.. .71ir l4" 1 • t. , I:Tr att turn-ta of ,k ' . 74 ' .. i Vilk .::" 1 . 8 Wittlli , i „ 64 , -.. ' ~ ..': t , f' )ur lecke*. . , .._ ', ' ' ats te• itt Indium ~, , l it . 1 ticising ladies tis fi : glad one to nre, or ea* ...;, ° '- , 4 ' , 4 ," i little of this waste. • -., - ... - .. a, 3, '.t, The Presbyterians' Of 'COlumbla 'are abOut erecting a parsonage to cost :$6,000, on the corner of Fourth and Walnut streets. Several of the enterprising farmers of Cole rain and Little Britain townships, have or ganized a club for their mutual improvement in the science of Agriculture. The first meet• lug will lie at the house of John A. Alexander, on the first Saturday of August. A highly commendable movement. A new Methodist Episcopal Church was dedicated on Sunday last at Manheim. S. If. Reynolds, George Bowman, John A. Hiestaud, Esq., and other Laneasterians, wore at Bedford Springs last week. The annual commencement of the Normal School took place on Thursday last. The Millersville School is in a very flourishing condition : during the past erasion some 600 students were in attendance. The manage ment of Prof. Brooks has given additional impetus to the prosperity of the Institution. The " vegetable quick step" is quite preva lent in Lancaster—and vicinity. Hen. 0. J. Dickey and Postmaster Hauer, who, with their wives, have been speeding a few weeks, at the White Moimtains, returned home on Saturday. . A very handsome monument has been erect- ed over the remains of the late 11ev. W. V. Gotwald, in Woodward Hill Cemetery. Water was let into the new reservoir at Co lumbia, on Friday last. Mr. Albert Gray, formerly of Columbia, has been appointed U. S. Revenue Storekeeper in the Fourth Pennsylvania District. Capt. Groff, of the boat " William Edward," of Columbia, was drugged and robbed of $l4O, at Milton, Pa., a few nights since. Excursion tickets will be issued from the office of the Pennsylvania railroad at Mari etta, to Harrisburg, good from the 9th to the 20th of August, to accommodate all wishing to visit the great eampmeeting at Hummel s town. The place to buy 8c00414 Boons is at Riddle & Cochran's No. 40 31(nrth Queen-at. They have the largentand Mint assortment in the city, and the astilor member of the firm being a professional teacher, knows just what is wanted. Rev. Dr. Mombert preached his farewell sermon to the congregation of St. James' Epis copal Church, on Sunday He left on Tuesday for Dresden, Germany, where he will open a school for the education of Ame rican youth. 'We regret to announce the death of Mr. John S. Lichty, attached to the editorial corps of the Examiner. He was a young man of much promise, and his death is much lamented. He has been in had health for several yearS. John S. Light, of Lebanon, made a balloon ascension at York, en Saturday afternoon last, and landed near the furnace, in the southern part of this city, about four o'clock, just one hour and twenty minutes after leaving York. The oats crop in this county is now being hat vented, and is represented to be a very heavy one. Henry Bowman, who kept a tavern near the Reading depot, (lied suddenly on Sunday morning last. He had just placed a keg of lager beer in position to sell, when he was taken ill, and died before noon. " Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy." John W. Houston, of Columbia, an old and esteemed citizen, died on Saturday last, after a short illness. Thus friend after friend dm parts ! The dwelling of Alfred Sanford, near Gap station, was enterettind tobbed on Thursday night last, of a small amount of money, and a case of mathematical instruments. All kinds of stationery, envelopes, pens, ink, &c., to be had at Riddle & Cochran's, No. 40 North Queen-st. The colored folks attached to the Bethel wing of the church; will hold a camp-meet ing in Simon Groh's woods, about a mile northeast of Marietta, commencing on Sat urday, the 14th of August. . Some of the colored young men of Marietta, are about to organize a brass band. A pocket-book was picked up on Friday last, at the Elizabethtown station, by a pas senger just alighting from a train. It was claimed by Joseph Marks, of this city, who was present. It was afterwards ascertained that it belonged to a Mr. Baiuy, of Elizabeth town. Marks was arrested and taken before a justice, and stated that he had discovered, only after reaching home, that the pocket book did not belong to him, but had not had time to return it before being arrested. He was discharged from custody. James Davis, son of Col. E. W. Davis, of Philadelphia, and a member of the Legisla ture, had his skull fractured at Ephrata, on Friday last, by being thrown from a buggy. He is recovering. A son of Mrs. Faust, of Ephrata, was cut ting a limb from a tree for a fishing rod, when he fell, the 'knife penetrating one side of his nose, passing out on the other. He is doing well. Sam'l S. Gable, known as " old Sam Switz Gable," was found hanging on a cherry tree, on the premises of Mrs. Roth, in Ephrata! twp., on Saturday. He was 72 years of age, and was addicted to strong dring. Five living rattlesnakes were received by Martin Gross, tavern-keeper at .Ephrata, a few days ago, from some friends in Western Virginia. Michael Grier was found dead in the barn of Abraham Kauffman, near Silver Springs, on Sunday last. He was a dissipated man, and has recently led the life of a wanderer. Austin T. Palm, of Mechanicsburg, Cutn berland county, has been elected Principal of the Public Schools of Columbia. A new batch of counterfeit currency has made its appearance. There are also well ex ecuted counterfeit tens and twenties about. " SIDNEY ELLIOTT," a new novel, written by Miss AL ,1). flianAtans of ioanicasiqr, has Just been poppood, can be 144 Atlf,iddle Cochran's, d. 40' North Queen street. Two Irishmen engaged in a prize light at Columbia on Sunday last---one a landlord. Both were well bruised. Bad for Columbia morals. Henry Dock and Albert Hogentogler were badly injured while excavating for water pipes, in Columbia, on Tuesday last. The bank caved iu upon them. Mr. Taylor nair, of Earl township, was badly hurt on Snnilex, while riding in a buggy. His horse ran away and threw him out. Tne fluid extract of lobelia when applied to mosquito bites, entirely and almost Mitsui: ly puts an end to their itching. It can be obtained of any druggist. Caudidates for meaty Mikes alit btisy each one visiting his friends and asking their support ; we wish them all well, and were it in our power, not one of them should be de feated/it the isonveution. Over ninty new houses are now being erected in this city. Tito Prison Asepot, Mr. Season ich' is building quite a number, which proves that he has a "good -thing." No wonder he wants tobold on "just Ono yemir 'longer." Fire-balloons drill be pet Jun night after night until some building burns down, lralrran'Anitairkkr is read. by mere than ten thoustrid pqsons every weeit. See to,it, ativestisors r! -Bow nrany, - many > words would ge umisidi if it was not in talking about ebtr'lrtlatiolit , : "Sba wed4er ;1' pleasant, weather. Six yonnE), irent/emen standing oil the'dOrttor of the stzeeti kii*PoiE uf,Plitutix ikthOr wehlt pockets;,sirc rbbuths squUtiAlre Slaw* Juice in every direction; sin pairs of eyes looking impudently at *very Weirton and girl yarning by; and six tongues surpassing each other in indecent remEsolor: ' ' Hiram Kauffman, aged It, eon 'of It L. Kauffman, residing near Oreville, Malawi& township, this county, shot a large cranai a few days ago, which Measured Jive feet ten inches, front tip to tip of wings, and four feet nine inches in length from the bill. The work on the reservoir in this city is rapi dly approaching completion, and it is epected that it will be completed this week. A CAMP MEETI.vn, under the auspices of the Evangelical Association, will be held on the old Turkey Hill camp ground, Maher township, this county, commencing on Mon day, the 9th of August next, to continue dur ing the week. Tents will be provided for those who may wish to wasp, tho., by ap plying to Levi Overholser,_ at Bafe Harbor P. 0., Lancaster county, Pa. The charges for the use of tents for the week, will not ex ceed the following : 10x12 feet canvas tint, $2.30 • 16 feet square board tent, $3.00 ; 9x16 feet b oard tent, $1.60, and 7 feet square can vas sleeping tent, $l.OO. Boarding will be furnished at moderate rates, by the week, day, or single meal. A general invitation is extended to Christians of all denominations. I=l DON'T HE HUMBUOND with the foolish idea that Catarrh cannot be cured ! The world mores, and medical science is progressive. The proprietos of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy will pay $5OO reward for a Mlle of Cattail' which he cannot cure. Sold by druggists at fifty cents, and each package makes a full pint of the medicine ready for use. Can get it by mall for sixty mots from Dr. R.Y. Pluaca, Buffalo, N. Y. To the Republican Voters of Lancaster County. PHILADELPHIA, July .2.9.—ThereiS it little InOre inquiry for flour, but the receipts are fully up On my return yesterday, after an absence of ' to the demand, and prices remain without several weeks, I find a report hi extensive cir- I tj m uo u t i atti o l l e so eVa on n i g m e. fi T c he tzirlo i nAcoinprise inflation, that Mr. J. M. Stehman and I have OA/W.5.75; 100 1 als i ! ‘ d a o. t "io. low grade a e r j!,5.71;; formed a combination for the senatorship. jr7 i !st l ira&i n lZl t a l . iv' iO s i t i :Jil l i i ii ‘ f t r t i l l o l . a iiiitiliiiC ~t 4s 75. 1W I t e ( MO hhhi. A leshire I am not aware what object is intended by , i i i ,his. Indiana do. do. at 47.00 giving circulation to this report, and deem it tro i nTo. o l. P s r 7 ll s . o a - t ;;Of t ) 4 1 1 ;1 1 ) 1 1:. ; (l l :to b d i o s. t i g w atl l iM e .;; ' • but justice to Mr. Stehman and myself to l a t t lAs. choice Minnesota St 40 4 , and taneY lots give it au emphatic denial. In order to give Rye A l u (l r ll is in small supply and commands the originators of this report, or any one else, * 6 . I , r i@li.2 t IR LK au opportunity to perform a charitable act, 1 : There e T l o s t n r o r r i e mii n eT u lt r 7 l o o r in w in i a i l eat partly for agree, to pay the sum of 8500 to the Home V u ilrima r m s l r oftay tliTieteil a t 2@se. ip for Friendless Children, of the city of Lancaa- , and southern gl ' r t er at .110@i40-4 . j •li e t i l; at $1.55® ter, if it can be shown that I have, or any per- •1 te e ; SAO bus. cafifornia to go out of the mar -0441"...„ on terms kept secret, and 0:0 bus. do. at son by my authority, by word, deed, or impli- ~ • td cation, formed any combination or ring with 1 n r e a i L s r e s 4 l , y • e a b t a l i tt e . ; yellow at receipts light; sales of any of the candidates for senator, or with any ID:NC/J.17, and western mixed at #1.14 candidates for the other offices, and select the t4'Ln ' Oats are, steady at 754176 e for Western; cee,7sc. editors of the several republican papers of this for Delaware and Penn a; 59(7140c. for:new Dela city a committee to pass and report upon any ”ge stock of whisky here out of the hands of the city distillers is nearly exhausted, and a testimony submitted to them. material advance Is demanded. LANCASTER, July 28, 1811) (From the Mount Joy Herald.) Henry Bechtold. Ms. Enema: As the time for the county elec tion is near at hand, it is important that the People be informed One character and claims of the different candidates. Every voter, as lie is supposed to vote understandingly, should be convinced that the candidate for whom he casts his vote is properly qualified for the position whioh he seeks. There are two things which are necessary to qualify a person for public position. The tirst is businesa capacity. The second is good moral character. Both these are combined In our townsman Mr. Henry . Bech told, candidate for Register of Wills. Ile has Keen known among us for many years as a per fectly reliable business man. He speaks the English and German languages, and is capable of filling any position within the gift of the county. His moral character is beyond re proach. He is perfectly honorable and upright, and is worthy the confidence of the public. Every citizen of our borough should sustain him at the coming election, and thus encour age business talent and moral excellence. Jy3o-It] A. To the Republican Voters of Lancaster County. We, the uncle: signed Republicans of the Bor ough of Columbia, take pleasure in offering Mr. Peter Fraley as a osudidate for the Aasena bly. From a long knowledge of the character and qualifications of Mr. Daley, we feel confi dent he would make a faithful and efficient Representative. We, therefore, urge our fel low-citizens of the county to give him their suffrages at the ensuing primary election : John Q. Denney, stilton Wike, H. (3. irich, Benj. Haldeman, Jacob Auwerter Wm. U. Hess, Philip Shreiner, John J'eart John B. Bachman, A. O. Xewpher, t;eorge Bogle, S. Atlee Bockius, J. W. Steacy, Abram Bruner, Sr., Abram Bruner, Jr., Jacob Strine, A. J. Kauffman, And many others. CANDIDATE. IFiTAnnouncements of candidates for office MUST 1111 PAID I ADVANCN. This rule is impel. ME We are authorized to announce candidates for nomination at the Republican primary elec tion, to be held on SATURDAY, AUGUST Vtb, as follows : SENATE. ENAISB MILLINGFELT, Adamstown. CHARLES Dinalla, R. W. SHENK, City. JOHN M. STEHMAN,Penn. Jolla 13. WAaVeL , City. ASSEMBLY. THOMAS A. CLARK, DTUMOTe. CAPT. ABRAHAM GODSHALK, ERA Coca'leo Da.. E. B. Haan, Manor. Jacob U. Psrsas, Conestoga. MAJ. A. C. REINOKHL, Mannehri. CAPT. WM. D. RICITZBL, East Hempfield. AARON 11. Suitor, East Menipteld. COMMISSIONER. JOHN ARMSTRONG, Martic. SOLOMON Ditts.a, Earl. PETER JOHNS, East LaITIpRFCF. SHERIF" Amos Gators., Martic JOHN MtLDSBRAND I Mount Joy JOHN M. JACOBY, (JOY. iNA•C MIISHLNH, City. PROTHONOTARY CAPT. WM. I). STAUFFER, formerly of Earl twp. , Pale of the Ist Penn's Reserves, and of the 196th P. V., present Clerk for Prothonotary. CLERK OF QUARTER SESSIONS. BENJAMIN F. Rows, Providence. CLERK OF ORPHANS' COURT. AMOS SWIIIIIGART, formerly of Salisbury twp., now of Earl, and late sergeant 47th Regiment P. V. infantry. Csrr. Joan Q: Maacim, City (late of Salisbury.) REGISTEU JACOB W. BEAR, East Donegal. H SS RV BICIITOLD, Mount Joy. tiso. W. COMPTON, Churehtown. ' lilmtvug S. Fair, Ephrata- Jame, kirosteS., City. • !ABUT, A. C. HERR, West Lampeter. .11CIIIMI A H ROHRER, City, late Major 127th Itegi• ment Penn'a Volunteers, 2d Division, 2d Corps, Army ortiuS Potomac. Dn. W. M. Witivasiox, City, bete Lieutenant of Company E, lath Regiment drat three months' • service, and Captain Of Company I, 79th Reg iment V. V. COUNTY TREASURER I WM. ROBIOLTS, West ilessolleld. West, ..Litstiostsr. ( of A gyieutitural InspLeme((ts.) • PANSAMICIII4 PRISON INSPICCTQR. IsAm: STetrt.,4 pfirittit. " Ani,lovifetl ,to 011441 We as irpfb SW IC et sEfoltesta.tivp., Is edndidate for PRISON INSPllatelhoPlalltrt to the decision of t, voter et the ,ixepik 911,11 pTimawy ; oar io • • • • MkERIED.. Biesnr.—Raintrant.. Jttir Ma, by Rev. Edwin H. Nevin, at the residence of t he bride'spnrents, nt-Verdalita, nawr . Lantatater# T J .Pa ohn .111 1 . Biekel, Esoi r t rottsnift, Miss Annie M. Reinoe , 1444, 'l'l7" a. t e 11;D• . Fisnan J .'uli• •Mih, NIS le Jane 1 (11%144er of Skiing and Leah Ptelierc 4404. at ivontha and 12 days. ItErgRLY. July • Johnlieverly, aged 70 year*, 10 mtnahaland 140% SINOLIMON. Ml_ iffirlat*.na. Minnie 13. danotex c . )t*ergi W. an* t Akt i tr . “4 biPgt edl • " i lt cinths 4t Hayrick.. • nly 4Th, Cl Ihn lorrnian; f Willow Street. I AWBENCK. July . 23k in Sadabury-twp., near hristiana, Etlwid Lawremie; son or Edwin and Sarah 'F. Garrett, aged 17 years and 5 months. DUES KM AN. July 19th, near Bainbridge, Conoy township, John Breneman, aged 00 years. HOPKINS. .htly tit Marietta, Sarah 2101)• kins, wife of Siting Hopkins, ageti 84 years. Ftownes. July 111th, In Ilanheim, Jolm Flow ers, aged 78 years, 7 months and 21 days. 1 , BITCHILY. July 2242 at the residence of 111-4 father, itev.-John G. ler t itchey, John H.Fritency. of Philadelphia, in the 31st year or his age. Ouse. July 20th, in this etty, Mary Oren, in then). year of her age. THE MARKETS. Lancaster Household Markets. LANcAsrza, July 2S. Butter, 1110 30 Lard, 11 24 Eggs, ip doz. 2. 20 1 z`l spring Chickens sp pair . boeo V rs eal, by the quarter 10 New potatoes, V half pk 10 Tomatoes (per B. 11 peck... 10 Apples', 1 ,4 peck Peaches 11 1 ,6 peck Pears 11 !‘ peek Blaekbarrtes qt ..... Lawton Blackberries 1 1 qt Huckleberries Gooseberries Green Foz Grapes 11qt.. Green Corn 11 dos Cabbages" head lAgg Plaate (per IL R. ) Watermelons Oats, V bag of a bus U. W. Sitr.xx Mos woe, July 26.—The cattle market was very dull this week, but prices were without material change. About 2,100 head arrived and sold at iltkiNe. for extra Fonn'a and western steers ; 7‘&1 1 .4e. for fair to good do.,and 8161.1,e.i1l lb. gross, for common as to quality. The fol lowing are the particulars of the sales : 82 head, Owen Smith, Western 8 til 914 100 " A. Christy & Bro., do 8 a 1.% 43 " Peugler & McCleese, do 6 fig , 8 118 " F. Mennen, do 7 1 40 9 110 " F. Hathaway, do 8 ep 9 1 % 42 " ii. F. Mennen, do 7 tt? 8 85 " Janice Mennen, do 8 419 9 1 % 109 " K. 5. MeVillen. no S 11l it% 100 " Tallman & Rachman, do 8 9 1 4 187 " Martin, Fuller & Co., do 8 i 9 1 % 140 " Mooney & Smith, do 7 9% 100 " Thos. Mooney & Bro, do 7 9 84 " 11. Chain., d 0..... 6 81/ 105 " Freak & Schamixirg, do 7d V i 90 " Hope & Co., do 7i4 ffo m o 36 " John MeArdle, do 6 frp rt 98 " James S. Kirk, Chester co.— 8 t# r3 a 90 " J. &L. Frank, , V a', 6'44 A 58 " Elton & Co., Ilrgthis. 6 a. 8 34 "B. Baldwin, Chester co NO T 23 60 " J. Clemson, Chester co 7 8 " D. Branson, Chester co 7 8 31 " Chandler &Alexander, do 7 8g 21 " A. Kimble, do 7%@,) 8 / .. Cows were unchanged; 150 head sold at s3s@tio for springers, and $45d)75 % head for cow and calf, as to quality. - "Sheep were in fair demand; 9,000 head sold at the different yards at 446 1 4 c. 18 16. gross, as to condition. . . Hogs were without change ; 3,000 head mold at the Union and Avenue Drove Yards at $13.50 @l4 yp 109 As. net—the latter rate for Prime corn led. A SSIGNED ESTATE OF A. D. ROCKAFELLOW and WM. s. BOCK AFELLOWidoing business under the name of A. 1). ROCKAFELLOW R. BRO., of the city of Lancaster, Lancaster county. A. D. ROCKAFELLOW & BROTHER hav ing by deed of voluntary assignment, dated July 21st, 1862, assigned and transferred all their estate and effects to the undersigned for the benefit of the creditors of the said A. D. ROCKAFELLOW & BRO., they therefore give notice to all persons indebted to said as signors to make payment to the undersigned Without delay, and those having claims to pre sent the same. C. B. HERR Millersville, Pa. D. P. ROSENMILLER, Ja., aneaster, Pa., Jy3o.6t) Assignees. ASSIGNED ESTATE OF A. I). ROCK AFE,LLOW AND WIFE, of the city of Lancaster, Lancaster county. A. D. ROCKAFELLOW AND WIFE, of the city of Lancaster, having by deed of volun tary assignment, dated July 21st, 1869, assigned and transferred all their estate and effeete to the undersigned for the benefit of the creditors of the said A. D. ROCKAFELLOW, the under signed therefore give notice to all persona in debted to said assignor, to make payment with out delay, and those having claims to present the same. L. B. HERB, Millersville, D. P. ROSENMILLER, Ja., Lancaster, Pa., Jy3o-6t) Assignees ASSIGNED ESTATE OF WILLIAM S. ROCK AFET.LOW, of the city of Lan caster, TAineaster county. W. S. ROCKA FELL° W,of the city of Lancaster, having by deed of voluntary assignment, dated July 21st, 1868,assigned and transferred all his estate and effects to the undersigned for the benefit of his creditors, the undersigned there- fore give notice to all persons indebted to said assignor to wake payment 'without delay, an d those having claims to present the same. P. B. HE HE,Mlllersville, 1). P. ROt+ENMI LLER, Llineaster city, 43Q-6U Assignees. ADMIXISTILATOR NOTICE. Estate of REV. WASHINGTON V. GOT- W ALD, late of Lancaster, decql. Letters of ad ministration on said estate having been grant ed to the undersigned, persons indebted there to are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the same will present them tor settlement to the undersigned, residing in Lancaster. je3.5-M1 M. M. ZAHN, AtinVr. A D. HOOKA FELLOW Se BRO., FRUITS AND NURSERY PLANTS, STORE-XO. 50 NORTH QUEEN 4THICET, LANCASTER, YA. ' - - Pllt Ev " 411.0.14'444ar.44a11. wisnis of the LAKE SUPERIOR AND MISEIS. SIPPI RAILROAD coMPANY. ul:s•W,..ly First If ortgage Sinking Fluid Bonds, Free of United states Taxes. Secured by 1,632,000 Al 'REs OF cIDIDIE LANDs, and by the Railroad, It' rolling stock, and franchises; and yieldingln currency near ly Temper cent, per annum. Holders of 5.20 Bonds Can exchange them for these desirable securities, at a profit of nearly 20 per cent. A limited amount for sale upon favorable terms, and full particulars furnished by e: 4 • DAVID 6. SWARTZ, No. 73 North Duke-st., Ntitystamir:tek) Laneaster, Vu. - • 40:. OYfel•H. X n IV,: IS 'MUKHA' I)IVEN that an ape& C Will be made at the next neielon of the State Legialatore of rennsylvania for the crea tion of a corporate body with banking privi leges, to be located in the village of New 'Rol !end, in Lanea.4ter county, to be named and styled the - "N E W H01.1,42i1) EXCIL ANt4E, Dic4joilyr AND 1)14POSIT COMPANY,” the sPeeillot. 4130 et of which shall be to receive Moneys ou deposit, and to do a general banking husineee, mid the amount of capital of which shall not exceed the cam of 00,000.00. Ity the Colunintee. D. P. ROS hrsi.h 1 !JW, Jit., ,I v - ml Attorne_v. Iliffl•freand is and Harrisburg Weekly Tleiegraph copy. Book and Job Printing. Rm - on sE C X. - 11-R-01, BOOK AND JOB PRINTERS PLAIN AND FANCY PRINTING 16 •) 20 6 1 s 12 r 13 12 , 15 3 0 4; •% 4 14 r 26 2 • 6 12 1 it 1.33 1.0 From tloo iatgeat Paler Rto the autiolbast C.AJID or VIRCIILAIt, alveoli& Su tho best !style, amati • at resoionable 'tricots. osirOrders trout a clista.ao pro Lu pty attend. ed to. OFFICE.—NO. SOUTII QVLKN tiTRIINS LA.I I / 4 CAIITIOS. Pro x 4. Philadelphia Produce Market. Philadelphia Cattle Market. Yew Advertisements. Miseellameous. WHOLESAT.E AND RETAIL' =MI= IZEIZI wurrt:LAND NußsEitit: GRAPES, *v., IN SEASON OF ♦LL ELXl.xii Clothing. FREE EXHIBITION! Iveryboily Boys their Clothing -0E MYERS & RATH FoN, AND SAN E; MONEY MYEItS & IZATIIFON keep the largest assortment of READY-MADE CLOTHING, Fon MEN, YOUTIIS AND BOYS, All our own manufacture. We guaranlec the goods as represented or money refunded. We have just returned from the east with a full and complete stock of CLOTW, Tit !COTS, PIQUES AND COATINGS, in all colors CAsSIMERE; in great varieties, which we are prepared to make up to order in the best style and the shortest notice, and at the very lowest Cash Price. Our stock of GENT LESSEN'S FURNISHING GOODS is full. air Thankful for past patronage wo hope by selling goods low to merit a continuance of public patronage. MYERS & RATIIFON, Southeast Corner of Centre Square, apse-Iy] • Lancaster, Penn , a. 1869. 1869. NEW SPRING GOODS GEO. B..COLEMAN, No. 14 .NORT.II QUEEN bTREET, (Late Wiley's Shoe St ore,) Ilas In store a Fine Assortment of French, English and American CLOTHS, COATINGS AND CASSIMEHES, which he is prepared to make up to order in the latest styles for SPRING AND SUMMER WEAR, ON THE MOST REASONABLE TERMS - , ••AL80,•-• GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS OF EVERY DEsCRII"fION ON HAND iY 9 1 REMOVAL TO BEAU MONDE HALL! PORTICO ROW, 531 PENN SQUARE, 531 READING, PENNA., =I BEAVERS, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VESTINGS, &c., &c., Qin SPRING AND SUMMER WEAR. A LSO, BOY'S CLOTHING, Oil GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS! LEVI. U. COLEMAN . , Cutter BUCII & BRO., PROPRIZTORA je4-u'] Boots and Shoes. MA It SHALL SON'S BOOT iiND SHOE STORE, CENTRE SQUARE, LANCASTER, PA, ANOTHER FRESH ARRIVAL—GIyn Us A CALL. The only place for good and substantial work sat MARSHALL'S, Where can he seen the largest and best assort ment of Men's and Boys' BOOTS AND SHOES ever brought to this city, Ladies', Misses , and Children's plain and fancy Shoes, Ea'morals and Buttoned Gaiters, Iti• Also, BUBBERSOF EVERY KIND, which we invite you to call and examine; feeling eon dent that we Chlk warrant all to WEAR WELL. no 20-Iy] REINHOLD & STUBBS, No. 104; North Queen St., Square above the It It. Depot. BOOT AND SHOE DEALERS. Have just arrived from the oily with a large and elegant stock of Boots and Shoes, Gaiters, etc., superior to any ever before brought to this market; which are offered at the fol lowing astonishing low prices : Mon ti' Calf Boots 121-00 to VA " Box-toe Congress Gaiters.... 3.110 to 4.00 " Congress Halters 2.50 to 3.00 San-to &00 ". Lasting Congress Gaiters 3.00 to 375 " Oxford Tie 2.75 to 3.50 Boys' Gaiters 2.00 to 3.00 " Calf But:nor:11s 1.50 to 2.00 Tont n s Calf Bahnorals 1.25 to 1.75 Ladles high-polish Lusting Gaiters. 2.50 to 3.25 " Lusting Itnlmortils 1.25 to 1.75 " Lasting Congress Gaiters..... 1.50 to 2.00 " line Glove Kid Button Boot.. 2.25 to 4.00 " " Glove Kid Polish 800 t... 2.50 to 3.25 a" Morocco But ton 800 t.... 2.25 to 3,00 Goat Balmoral 2.00 to 2.50 " " Turkey Morocco Button. 3.00 to :3.75 " " Kid Beel 51ipper5......... 1.25 to 1.75 " " Goat Slippers 1.00 to 1.25 Misses Goat high-polish 1.75 to 2,50 " Lusting high-polish 2.00 to 2.25 Children's shoes of all kinds 50 to 1.50 •iir An inspection of the stock is solicited. Mir Our work is all warranted. All kinds of custom work manufactured in the very best style at short notice, at tile lowest cash prices may;-11:u] REINHOLD 84 STUBBS Grocer/ex, d'•c. FRIAT .JA US! .1.11 IS! ht. 11 4 ,4 Jar i, ;114. )1,‘ , ..t IN J. 1!: SAFE, B ELI ABLE AND I.I%IPLE. EVERY .lAI WAIU(ANTED. 50 GROSS FOR SALE, iVIMLI:r•VI.E. AND UNTAIL. Also, her good Jur*, and the oholeost cot of GROCERIES hi the 01t3 AT No. 18 EAST KING STREET ,iy 164( DRY GOODS LADIE:• DRESS GOODS, CLOTHS, CASSIkIERES £ VESTING, Ready-Made Clothing, CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS, je4-tfil] LOWEST PRICES. THOS. J. WENTZ, SIGN OF THE BEE HIVE, ti.ow offers a full assortment of DRESS GOODS, SILKS, SHAWLS, WHITE GOODS, GLOVES and HOSIERY, CARPETS, Floor & Table Oil Cloths, JOHN D. SKILES, -OF SPRING AND SUMMER DRY GOODS 500 Pg. C.11.1C0 MS from 9 to 12" P. per yard A flue assortment of SQUARE SHAWLS Of every description. All the Best and Popular Makes FRENCH, ENGLISH & AVVRICAN Whiclk we will make up to order at short notice, best style, low prices. READY-MADE CLOTHING. A large assortment of our own Manufacture for ps. BRUsSELS THREE-PLY, OIL CLOTHS, MATTINGS, RUGS, ate A tine assortment of Window Shades at yea Low Prices. [my7-ly JACOB HARNISH, Y. S. HARMON Y aOllll L. XILLIIIt. HARNISH & CAS CHEAP STORE, No. 27 WEST KING-ST., LANCASTER, PA., Clothe', Cassimeres, Sattinetts, Jeans, Tweeds Lindseys, Flannels, Tiekings, Checks, Plaids, Alpacetts, Dress Goals, Gingbams, Calicoes, Muslins and Drills, White Goods, Notions, it No. 1 Feathers, MEN AND iltlYS l WEAR., Made up at astouishing Low Prices. ARP Can and examiuc our stock before ppur• chasing elsewhere. GOLDEN GIFTS. Parcots to lit oiiihN. I , llllor IMityhtte, Mother to Son. FRUIT JAIN! When the light bus left the house, memoria snch ay those compound their interest. GILL'S SUPERB PHOTO. Miniature or Opal Pictures, admitted to be the bast is:the city and uo superior in the State Constantly increasing demand and great expe rience in this style of miniature give us greater facilities and better results than auy establish ment outside of large cities. STEREOtifIAPHS OF HOME VIEWS for the Centre Table. Also, prismatic instruments. Large Colored Work by some of the bast Ar tists in Philadelphia and elsewhere in the high, est style of the art. India Ink, Pastille, Crayon and colors, at ti I L I. l s CITY GALLERY, Jan 1-IYri No. •Al East King-st. I). S. BL HNK. Dry Goods. SPRINT AND st'KMER -:1T HAGER BROTHER,S. ONNTS , FrRNISIIING STORE, FRENCH AND AMERICAN COATINDS; HOUSEFURNISHING 6001)8, WALL PAPER MEI WINDOW SHADES. A full and complete Stock at the EAST KING STREET, GLASS AND QUEENSWARE AT THE LOWEST INDUCING PRICES Kind attention paid to all. special care taken to show our stock. WENTZ BEE HIVE, No. 5 East Kth ray2B-til AT HIS NEW STORE, NO. 24 EAST KING STREET, Has just opeued TUE MOST ELEGANT STOCK Ever otrere,d to the CITIZENS OF LANCAsTEE LADIES , DRESS GOODS Of every oleeeription SHAWLS BLEACHED MUSLINS! GENTLEMEN'S WEAR A fine cvsortment of CLOTII‘ 4 , e SSIME ES AND VESTINGS, MEN AND BOY'S WEAR, AT LOW PRICES CARPETS!!! CARPETS!!! INGRAIN, RAG AND HEMP CARPETS, WINDOW SHADES! Declers In Foreign and Domestic DRY GOODS, WASS AND QUEENoWARE, Photographs, ttc. t.ENTLEMF.S TO LADIES street.