Father Abraham. (Reading, Pa.) 1864-1873, July 23, 1869, Image 4
ftnnogivaniocit gititoch. • ' AA; SCIILIFFLETOWN, JULY der 19t, 1869. MISTER FODDER ABRAHAM Ich hob a notion my Posht Office of tau gevva—se resina, for de real deitsh wohrat tau sawya, ea betzahlt net, der plotz is tau klea un de Fodder Abraham's Tseitunga wu doh hoer kumma, un donn un worm a breef un a pear onnery Tseitunga, un em Xitzelderfer un em Sensawetzer ears Beadinger Adler, is so about olles was der office revenue afford. Un des Posht Meashter sei yusht for der nawma un de ehr, sell duts for a kortzy tseit, awer es betzahlt eam kea shudder un shoemacher un shtore bills. Un nock eans—ich bin ordlich feel fun heam, for om Somshdog war ich dort uf em Meckanicks parade in Mount Joy, un fun dort bin ich nunner in de shtadt un war beim George, un niersht shpoat geahter owat heam kumma, un uf course, waun ich fun heam bin mus evva de Bevvy ols de office tends, un sell is ears awfongs truvvelsom weil der klea Abey de weil her so kritlich is mit seim dorrich-fol. Det George ewer mehnt ich set noch a well dertsu shticka for de office, Becht er, gebt mer influence, un uf de long run deat ich nix ferleera derbei, for er hut so gedu dos waun ich ebbas macha kent dorrich de campain, providing ich shaft' recht goot for sei freind for de emtlin. We g'sawt, ich war in Mounty Joy om Somshdog un hob de Meckanicks posses sion g'sea. Es wars feel leit dort, un so fun de feddershty pollytisheners, so we seller Duckter Hower fun Maryetta, der Reineal fun der shtadt, der Summy, un der Reitsel un eaner Fraily, wu 01l in tie Semly wella. Es dinkt mich awer se deata sell leckshuneera net recht fershtea. Doh war for instans seller Reitsel, er hut net feel tsu sawya Whot—yusht so sei kup genuckt we ich on eam ferbei bin ; der Sammy titer hit dort of porch gloakt tin mit ma ehtore-keeper geblaudait, un we er mich g'seana hut is er net amohl uf g•ahtonna for hands shake, un hut yusht g'sawt " hello Pit, was macht de Bevvy tins bubbelly." Un we ich dort im crowd war hen se mich inderdoost tsum Fraily, awer seller war bissy mit selly Meckanicks un hut eans fun selly rigailis aw g'hot un is mit eana g'marchd. Der Reineal titer is uf g'shtept ohna inder duckehun un sogt : " Bisht du net der Pit Schweffiebrenner" "yah" sog ich, " ich bin was se der Professer Pit Schwef fiebaenner heasa." Donn Becht er, "well Professer, we macht's als—was macht de Bevvy under klea boo ?" un ich hob a weil mit eam geblaudert, awer denloht er het mich ea mohl glroked . for my vote ? Kea wart fun vota. Der eantsich korai dawt wu ich g'seana hob dm aw weas we mer leckshuneert is der Duckter Hower. We er mich g'seana hut is er awer dorrich der crowd un mit seina tswea hend, rechts un linx, hut er my fousht gegrab'd, un sogt " gook now so g'wiss ich leab doh is now aw mein disdingwishter un getreier olter freind der Professor' Pit Schweffie brenner Esquire. We geats ols ; was macht der klea Abey un sei mommy ; sin der oil g'sund derheam ; we geats donn mit der Post office dusht; feel bigness in der frennollogical profeshun olleweil Un we er fiertich war mit seina dum mestical inderrockatorries un hands alteaka, is er grawd nei gepitsht in polly tidka. Du weasht, Becht er, "ich bin a kondidawt for in do Semly ; bin sure dos ich's mach, providing Leh bin net diaseeft; im weaht end bin ich all right ; in der shtadt bin ich goot for nine Ms elf hunnert votes, un ivverall sin de prawspeckts number one, un now, Professer, we is es in Schliffietown ? Was kennet der du for mich dort ? Mind, ich bin all right— gea nei for de constitution un rifform ; bin in favor fun de 7 mendment un for frei shoola un suldawta un railroad un kter richa un guter lohn for de Posht mashter un in favor for a 'sylum baba for Profes sors un ous g'shpeelty lidderary geenesses de der welt de bennifit fun ears tollenta gevva hen ohna fully un fairy compen seashun, rimmoonereashun odder re ward." Sell hut mich conwinst dos ter der moon is for mich, providing der George is es agreed. Ich hob em duckter fershprocha so a wennich condishenelly— ohna mich fullens tau committa, so uf em George sei ahtile. Der onnest Andy hob ich ger net tsu seana grickt. Om feer uhr nummiddogs bin ich ob in de cars un noch Lenkeshter, un grawd amohl taum George for can tau insulta weaya denim kondidawta. Er war froh mich tau seana, un hut mer distinctly g'sawt dos er sei plawn noch net fullens dew ellopt but ; dos wenn er amohl reddy is will er mer my instruckshuns gevva for welly kondidawta dos mer gea missa. Yusht olleweil, secht er, is noch tau free, for wann mer now de shiate uf setza deat, weer evva der deifel lohs unnich derma wu net druf sin, un in wennicher dos tswea dog deata se an onnerer ring tsom ma shponna un uns beeta. Well, dis ding war goot, donn hen mer uns amohl onna g'huckt, mit de fees u der dish, un hut mer de fully partickelers gevva was tau macha, is in denna pollitti de games. De bricka jobs wu de Com misheners ols ous gevva hen, ware goot, awer, sell secht er, is so about ous g'ahpelt, anyhow for die tacit, weil se so an fuss derweaya g'macht hen in der FODDER ABRAHAM'S Tseitung. Donn hut er mer aw tau fershtea gevva dos se an fuss g'hot mit de Semly menner—so a dishpute fun weaya a gwiase sum geld un a dividend ous 'em Sennater un Tresherer job dort in Harrisborrick. Yusht ea ding, sogt er, dut can boddera, un sell is, mer dterraf evva net feel sawya fun denna s icha, for wann mer dut geats grawd in de Tseitunga nei, un sell ferdcerbt eam sei calculations. Now, mer missa unser bigness secret holta. Seller Billingfelt mus gebutta wterra, anyhow wanns gedu konn wterra. Wann se earn net meaner dos a dausend majority gevva, web er, donn konn er net pfs ticket, for uf an average kenna vier any how flnf-un-tawansich fun seine votes uf unser side tseala in yeadam dis trict wu meer de leckehun officers hen. "Un now, Pit" secht er " will ich der amohl sawya we unser kaarls es gedu hen doh der letsht winter a yohr. Es hut ordlich goot raannetsha gebraucht, awer mer hens ge du. Sell is awer pi musht nix sawya derweaya—al will ders now fartzeala we's wai der letaht winter a yohr hen mer gons votes g'nunk g'hot for unser nei tau taeala in de ahtate un convention, un we se de rittork shtadt rei gebrocht hen, sin " draw do tsiffera fun unnershidll46l4o' ships tau ferennera. Der besht mer g'macht hen war in Cono hen se yusht tswea-un-tswansi eigevva, un awer ich weas dos mer noch dertsu gedu hen im —any how ivver a hunnert. Awi war noch a difficulty—mer hen la fun voters g'hot dos correspond rittorn, un donn, hohls mich der er wann seller Fret net grawd ne Commisheners office un hut amok g'macht ous em tox buck. Uf o hen object dertsu weil de nawrest alfabetticle order wa, nn hen dos sell rich fun slnwer weist d net true is. Awer meer hen 4e fun de Judges glint, uu weir* rdat den kenna dos se net , in alia 1. • tritote heii in Conoy, Is es nounced warm, un unsex • • .saidiffiketa grickt for in de csavenaatll "Now Pit," see* er, "du musht now nix sawya fun sellam, for mer hen im sin uns des yohr widder solver tsu helfa. My plan is de kterls vota lussa so feel dos se wells, awer wanns amohl ons ob counts geat, donn missa meer um de wog sei. Un now, noch cans, secht er—sell is awer shtrictly confldenshel—dort is der Shtate Tresherer in Harrisborrick—ter is true blue, uf unser side, un geaya der Billing feld, weil er so truvvelsom is weaya dem feels geld wu uf bond is in der Treshery, for du weasht er hut g'moofd im Senawt der letsht winter dos about a million dahl er wtert Shtate bender ob betzahlt vrterra sells, un uf seller weg deat der Shtate about $60,000 seafa uf de interest account. Now, tswisha deer un meer, der Shtate Tresherer will ebbas du for uns wann mer den Billingfelt beets. Er konn goot affords geld shpenda fors tsu du, un meer kenna aw affords unser share derfu tsu nemma. Do negsht woch gea ich nuff noch Harrisborrick, un donn mus er mer aw tsum mterrick kumma. Er hut mer doh fergonga tsu fershtea gevva dos er anyhow about sex dousand gebt wann mer den ding beets, un now, mind Pit, secht er, du bisht now aw im ring, un so bol dos er uf sockt, geb ich der so about was recht is. De negsht woch gea ich widder in de shtadt. Bis Belly tseit inshpect ich, is olles g , fixed un of g'setzt, un donn, wanner mer so an kleaner inshtawlment gebt, bin ich reddy for ackshun. Mei freind missa noch a wennich warda, so bol dos mer reddy sin will der George mer de lisht fun unser Duck Kondidawta gevva, un donn geana mer grawd on de terwat un duna se aw nei leckta, or rather, nei tseala. De Bevvy is awer a wennich suspishes derweaya. Se is so holwer of der notion dos ich nei gea set for der Billingfelt. Se behawpt dos mer kent dem George net traua; dos er a partickeler game hut for an yeader moon un a yeader kondidawt, un dos er se all betreegt un beleegt, yusht so dos orla geld macht. We sell is weas ich net. Anyhow, olleweil gea ich mit em George, wann se mich aw an Duck heasa. Sell mind ich net, wann's yusht goot betzahlt. PROF. PIT SCIIWRFFLEBRENNER. N. B.—lch hob yusht an private un confidensheller breef grickt fun ma lead ing demokrat. According tsu was drip shteat is Feld in dem Packer. Er hut mer kea buffers gevva—yusht an hint— son feeler, dos wann ich an pile macha wilt konn ich's du wann ich for Packer gea. llob on can shreiva wella, awer der George sawgt ich mus net tsu feel in a hurry sei derweaya. Er sogt dos er cal culate aw noch an finger in seller pie tau kreeya. P. 8. Arsodate Justice of the Supreme Court ! of Pennsylvania, and Republican Candidate for. Eleetio, THE BRIDAL HANDKERCHIEF. " I'm pestered . . th thinking about that baby's shirt," says I. "One of you must a took it, I'm airtain, 9 I says: "Now,ma," says Spphrony—says i shs, l ia, " you ne e dn't ay 9 ' Awl, as Iha laid it onto ' em a nyttim y was beginning to g and it back and forth, allot t 's shirt, till we got to the 'adding Seeing company kind o' put it out oi my l o w mind, and I as gettin' good natur'd again, thou ldn't help but „ • - . myself, eve minutes, w . ..1d have become that baby's shirt? 1. 9 stood up to be married, and . about it. 1 Mary Ann was a real modest cps and wask more% half-frightened till when she came into the room with phen, and the minister told them tojine hands. She lust gave her left hand. to Stephen. " Your other hand," says the minister; and poor Steve, he was so bash ful, too, he didn't know what he was about; he thought 'twas his mistake, so he gave Mary Ann his left hand. That wouldn't do, any way; but by this time they didn't know what they was about, and Mary Ann jined her left hand with his left, then the left with his right, then both their left hands again, till I was all in a fidget, and thought they would never get fixed. Mary Ann looked as red as a turkey; and to make matters worse, she began to cough—to turn it off I s'pose— and called for a glass of water. The minister hadjust been drinking, and the tumbler stood right there. I was so ner vous, and in such a hurry to see it all ov with, that I ketched up the tumbler an i run with it to her; for I thought to wik ness she was going to faint. She unde took to drink. Ido not know how it hap pened, but the tumbler slipped; and grd cious me! if, between us both, we didn't spill the water all over her collar and sleeve. I was dreadfully frustrated, for it looked as though 'twat; all my fault, and the first thing I did was to out with my handkel chief and give it to Mary Ann. It was nicely done up. She took it and shook it out. The folks had held in putty well up to this time, but the* such a giggle and laugh as there was. I didn't know wink had given them such a start till I looked and see. I'd give Mary Ann that baby's shirt. (Here Mrs. Jones, who is a big, flesh woman, undulated and shook like mighty jelly with mirth; and it was so time before she could proceed with h narrative.) "Why," continued she, while tears of laughter ran down her cheeks " Ind instead tuck ed it into my dress pocket, of * handkerchief. That came of being ab sent-minded and in a fidget." " And Mary Ann and Stephen—were they married after all?" " Dear me, yes," said Mrs. Jones; "and it turned out the gayest wedding I ever 'tended." "PUBLIC Orpriosvl is the title of a new Republican paper published in Chambers. burg, by Mr. A. M. Foltz. The first num ber is before us, and looks and reads well. Success to it. *luta - ; Agiteur gime gobs. —The main-stay of lovely women is the It. ;he greenback. 7sets from instinct—a mg squeezed. its thinks marriage to longevity ; an old be more than thirty. man down East says 'oman's movement-- :ompares the whistle of squeal of an attorney, Its hold of him. uch about the bugs," but the truth is, Iv'e spare." who labors under the i." before a man's nest. He ought to be ►ow sold by the thou d, as may be preferred ; will doubtless be the by steam. :nation, because they thing, and are very ) like sermons, requir in application. bachelor sayk: "The I do not cut themselves ing is because they lace And it is so hard they —A writer asks through the Farmer's Department of a contemporary, if any one can inform a poor man the best way to start a little nursery. Get married ! —An Irish coachman, driving past some harvest fields during the summer, addressing a smart girl engaged in sheav- Llngi exclaimed : "Arrah my darling, I wish I was in jail for stealing ye l" —A sentimental chap intends to petition Congress for a grant to improve the chan nels of affection, so that henceforth the ;course of true love may run smooth. ."- me one blamed Dr. Marsh for kipg his mind. " Well," said he, that is the difference between a man and s ; the jackass can't change his . ' and the man can—its a human st 1 : 2) • —"Why doctor," said a sick lady, "you kive me the same medicine you are giving o my husband. How is that `2l l "All right," replied the doctor ; "what is sauce for the gander is sauce for the goose." —Punch gives these scientific terms : Absorption—lced brandy and soda. Radiation—On the countenance after a certain number of glasses. Reflection— As to taking one more or not. —" You ought to acquire the faculty of being at home in the best society," said a fashionable aunt to an honest nephew. "I manage that easy enough," responded the nephew, " by staying at home with my wife and children." —The use of bricks as a lining for wells has been much disapproved of because they have been found to harden the soft est water ,• bricks are equally injurious as alining for hats, as they are found to soften the hardest heads. _"But, father, you know love makes time fiy," said an enthusiastic daughter, who was arguing in favor of a longer bridal trip than usual. "Yes, my dear, I know it does at first ; but you will find that in the end, time will nieki love fly." —Mother—" Now, George, you must divide the cake honorably with your brother Charlie." ,George—" What is honorably,' moth er 4" Mother—" It means that you must give him the largest piece. ,, George—" Then, mother, I'd rather Charlie should cut it." —ln one of the courts, a few days since, a very pretty young lady appeared as a witness. Her testimony was likely to re sult unfortunately Tor the client of a pert young lawyer, who addressed her very superciliously with the inquiry : " You are married, I believe ?" " No, sir." " Ohl only about to be married Y 97 " No, sir." "Only wish to ?" "Really, I don't know. Would you advise such a step ?" " Oh, certainly lam a married man myself." "is it possible ? I never should have thought it. Is your wife blind or deaf ?" It is scarcely necessary to add that the discomfited attorney did not vouchsafe a reply. de hogs de moat in world 4" "Because Clothing. FREE EXHIBITION! Everybody Buys their Clothing —OF— MYERS & RATHFON, AND SAVES MONEY. MYERS & RATHFON keep the largest assortment of READY-MADE CLOTHING, FOR MEN, YOUTHS AND BOYS, All our own manmetetnre. We guarantee the goods as represented or money refunded. We have just returned from the east with& full and complete stook of CLOTHS, TRICOTS, PIQUES AND COATINGS, in all colors. CASSIMERES in great varieties, which we are prepared to make up to order in the best style and the shortest notice, and at the very lowest Cash Price. Our stook of GENTLEMEN'S FITRNISHING GOODS is full. W Thankful for past patronage we hope by selling goods low to merit a continuance of public patronage. MYERS & RATHFON, Southeast Corner of Centre Square, apiS-ly] Lancaster, Penn's. R EMOVAL TO BEAU MONDE HALL! PORTICO ROW, 531 PENN SQUARE, 531 READING, PENNA., ♦ LAWN LOT OP BEAVERS, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VESTINGS, &c., &C., FOR SPRING AND SUMMER WEAR. ALSO, BOY'S CLOTHING, AND GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS! LEVI G. COLEMAN, Cutter. BUCH & BRO., Je4to PROPSITTOIIB. Boots and Shoes. MARSHALL & SON'S BOOT AND SHOE STORE, CENTRE SQUARE, LANCASTER, PA. ANOTHER FRESH ARRIVAL—Gratis A CALL. The only place for good and substantial work s at MARSHALL'S, Where can be seen the largest and best assort- ment of Men , s and Boys! BOOTS AND SHOES ever brought tots atty. ladles', Mlieseet and Ctabigates Vain *lid Amoy Shoes, Balmorabit and Blamed Gaiters. 1114. Also, BUBBEKS OF KVBRY KIND, which we invite yea to sail sad examine; Peeling eon / Ildemt that, we can warrant all to WEAR WELL. no 20.1y1 REINHOLD & STUBBS, No. 1044 North Queen St., # Square above the R. R. Depot. BOOT AND SHOE DEALERS. Have just arrived from the oity with a large and elegant stock of Boots and shoes, Gaiters, etc., superior to any ever before brought to this market, which are offered at the fol lowing astonishing low prices : Men s Calf Boots $3.00 to $7.00 " Box-toe Congress Gaiters.... 8.00 to 4.00 " Congress Gaiters 2.110 to 1100 " Balmorals 2.00 to 8.00 " Lasting Congress Gaiters 8.00 to 87b " Oxford Tie 2.75 to 8.50 Boys' Gaiters 2.00 to 8.00 Calf Belmorais 1.50 to 2.00 Youths Calf Balmorals 1.95 to 1.75 Ladies high-polish Lasting Gaiters. SAO to 3.26 " Lasting Balmorals 1.25 to 1.75 " Lasting Congress Gaiters..... 1.50 to 2.00 " fine Glove Kid Button Boot.. 8.26 to 4.00 " " Glove Kid Polish 800 t... 2.50 to 3.25 " Morocco Button 800 t.... 2.26 to 8.00 " " Goat Balmoral 2.00 to 2.30 " " Turkey Morocco Button. 8.00 to 8.73 " 4 Kid Heel 51ipper5......... 1.25 to 1.76 " " Goat Slippers 1.00 to 1.25 Misses Goat high-polish 1.75 to 2.50 " Lasting bigh-polish 2.00 to 3.95 Children's shoes of all kinds 30 to 1.50 &31-An inspection of the stock is solicited. air Our work is all warranted. id-All kinds of custom work manufactured in the very best style at short notice, at the lowest clash prices. may7-oml BEEKHOLD & STUB/18. Varnishes, &c. AUG. REINOEHL. JAC. REINOEHL, JR. Ado J. REINOEHL, . ..Q... MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN COPAL, WHITE, COFFIN, BLACK AND JAPAN VARNISHES, LINSEED OIL, TURPENTINE, &e., &o. NO. 109 NORTH QUEEN STREET, (In the Keystone Building,) LANCASTER, PA. Also, Mahogany Boards t Veneers and Mouldings of different sizes and pat terns. All kinds of Turning, such as Bed Posts, Table Legs, Spokes, Hubs, Felloes, &c., &c. Alao, AXLES, SPRINGS, Lo. (Jan 11-Iyr Photographs, &c. GOLDEN GIFTS. Parents to Families, Father to Daughter, Mother to Son. GENTLEMEN TO LADIES When the light has left the house, memoris such as these compound their interest. GILL'S SUPERB PHOTO. Miniature or Opal Pictures, admitted to be the best in:the city, and no superior in the State Constantly increasing demand and great expe rience in this style of miniature give us greater facilities and better results than any establish ment outside of large cities. STEREOGEAPHS OF HOYE VIEWS for the Centre Table. Also, prismatic instruments. Colored Work by some of the best Ar tiviirePhiladelphia and elsewhere* the high, est style of the art. India Ink, Pastille, Crayon and colors, at GILL'S CITY GALLERY, Jan I-Iyr] No. IS East King-st. Professional. J. DICKEY , , ATTORNEY AT LAW. OPPICE: SOUTH QUEEN ST., second house be low the "Fountain Inn," Lanoaeter, Pa. B. LIVINGSTON , • ATTORNEY AT LAW Oprica: No.ll NORTH DUKE BT., west Bide, north of the Court House, Lancaster, Pa. CHARLES DENUES,_ ATTORNEY AT LAW. Osrtes: No.B SOUTH DUKE STREET, Lan caster, l'a.• JOHN B. GOOD ATTORNEY AT LAW. Orrice: N 0.58 EAST KING ST., Lanoaster, Pa. JW. JOHNSON,_ • ATTORNEY AT LAW. OPI/T011: No 26 SOUTH QUEEN ST., Lances. ter, Pa. T 1 P. ROSENMILER, , ..A.JF• ATTOLRNEY JR. AT LAW . Orrics: With A. Hiss SMITH, Esq., South Queen St., opposite the °Moe of "Father Abra bam,” Lancaster, Pa. C. REINOEHL , ,• ATTORNEY AT LAW. Osszop: No.B SOUTH DUKE ST., Lancaster JOHN P. REA,_ ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ossica; With Hon. 0. J. DICIIIY, N 0.21 SOUTH QUEEN ST., Lancaster, Pa. MARTIN RUTT,_ ATTORNEY AT LAW. Orson' or the lato Hon. THADDII7B BTIVIIIIB, No. 98 South Queen St., LanesAter, Pa. A MOS H. MYLIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ovnos: No. 8 SOUTH QUEEN ST., Lononater - K. BUTTER, co• ATTORNEY AT LAW. Orrice: With General J. W. rreasa, NORTH DUKE ST., Lancaster. Pa. BF. BAER, • ATTORNEY AT LAW. Orrice: No. 19 NORTH DUKE Street, Lances ter, Pa. [dee 18-Iyr Reading Advertisements. H . IiALTZBER .1.1.• ATTORNEY AT LAW, No. 46 NORTH SIXTH ST., Beading, Pa. GEORGE SELTZER, CA • ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLER AT LAW. No, 604 COURT STREET, (opposite the Court Ronde,) Reading, Pa. Sewing Machines. GROVER & BAKER'S FIRST PREMIUM ELASTIC STITCH FAMILY SEWING MACHINES, 486 BROADWAY, NEW YORK Igo CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA POINTS OF EXCELLENCE. Beauty and Elasticity of Stitch. Perfection and Simplicity of Machinery. Using both threads directly from the spools. No fastening of seams by band and no waste of thread. Wide range of application without change of adjustment. The seam retains its beauty and firmness after washing and ironing Besides doing all kinds of work done by other Sewing Machines, these Machines execute the most beautiful and permanent Embroidery and ornamental work. SP- The Highest Premiums at all the Fairs and exhibitions of the United States and Europe, have been awarded the Grover £ Baker Sewing Machines, and the work done by them, wherever exhibited in competition. iffr LEGIO N ry higrbeslijoris% THR GROSS O opii THE OF HONOR, was ecrnferted the representative of the Grover /I Baker Sew ing Machines, at the Exposition Universelle, Paris, ite7, thus attesting their great superiority over all other Sewing Machines. For sale by GEORGE SPURRIER, North Queen street, Lancaster, Pa. my2B4y] THE HOWE SEWING MACHINE, FOR EVERYBODY! As a Holiday Gift to a Sister, Wife or Friend they are unsurpassed. The Farmer wants it for his Family. The Dress and Cloak Maker prefers it. The Seamstress wants it, because its work is sure to give satisfaction. The Tailor has long ago decided it to be the best for his business. The Carriage Trimmer cannot do without it; and the Shoe Fitter finds that, after all, the HOWE is the machine for him. Sooner or later, everybody will have the HOWE MACHINE. Every Machine is warranted. Every one may be the possessor of one of these unrivalled machines, as we endeavor to make the terms of sale suit all our customers. We earnestly invite all, whether they 'purpose purchasing or not, to call and get specimens of the work executed by us on the HOWE MA CHINE, and compare it with the work done by other machines. We are willing to abide by the result. C. FATE, Agent, 2Z) North Queen Street. deo I&tfj Hats, Caps, Furs, &c. 1868. 1868. SHULTZ & BROTHER, HATTERS, NO. 20 NORTH QUEEN STREET LANCASTER, PENNA. Latest style Fall and Winter HATS and CAPS in all qualities said Colors. LADIES' FANCY FURS, opening ntof the d githire:nr We are now ia l l i erF a UES offered in es this market, a: very low prices. ROBES! ROBES!! BOBESM Buffalo Robes, lined and unlined; Hudson Bay Wolf, Prairie Wolf, Fox, Coon, Ito. BLANKETS AND LAP RUGS Of all qualities, to which we would particularly invite the attention of all persons in want of artistes in that line. GLOVES, GAUNTLETS and MITTS OTTER BEAVER NUT R EAL IA DUCKSKIN, FLESHER, KID, &c., /to Ladies' Fine Fur Trimmed Gloves, Gauntlets Mitts and Hoods. PULSE WARMERS and EAR MITTS. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. no2o-tfl Hotels. IL B. HOTEL, OPPOSITII PRIMA. R. IL DEPOT, HARRISBURG, PA. --0-- W. H. EMMINGER & CO., intil,ly] Proprietors.