Father Abraham. (Reading, Pa.) 1864-1873, July 23, 1869, Image 3
The dwelling house of Mrs. S. C. Stam baugh near this city, on the Litiz turnpike, was entered and robbed, on Tuesday night last, of about $6O in money and a diamond cluster ring. The latter was valued at $2OO. The thermometer reports from neighboring cities and towns for the closing days of last week ran from 90 up to 100 degrees. Mutton is falling. People who have heads of that sort should look to it and not get hurt. C. Morbus along with B. Complaint have arrived here—and contemplate remaining as long as the cucumber family is about. Thos. Feral), Esq., formerly of this city, and publisher of the Lancaster Intelligencer, has resigned his position as C hief Clerk in the office of Commissioner of Customs, at Wash ington. He has been in office thirty-three years, haying been appointed during Van Buren's administration. If you want to purchase a good sewing machine, buy a Grover & Baker, a Howe, or a Wheeler & Wilson. They are the best in the market. We regret being called upon to announce the death of Dr. H. B. Bowman, of Neffsville, on Wednesday morning. He had been suf which occurred at his residence in Neffevilie fering for some weeks past from an apoplectic stroke, though hopes were entertained that he would shortly recover therefrom. He has held several important public offices and was widely known and respected. He was in the 65th year of his age at the time of hie decease. Funeral takes place to-morrow. The commencement exercises of the State Normal School, Millersville, took place yes terday. On Saturday night last the barn of Mr. Jas. Stauffer, who resides near the Gap, was, with its contents, entirely destroyed by Bre. No cause assigned. The Lexington Union Sunday School will hold its fourth annual celebration on Saturday August 7th, in Hiram Kline's woods. PROCLAIM THE JOYOIrS NEWS throughout all the land ! Dr. Pierce's Alterative Ex tract, or Golden Medical Discovery arrests and cures Consumption in its early stages, and is a positively sure and certain remedy for Bronchitis, Laryngitis, and all lingering Coughs. Sold by druggists, or enclose three dollars and twenty-live cents to Dr. R. V. PIERCE, Buffalo, N. Y., and get three bottles free of express charges. STATE NEWS. CHESTER COUNTY.—On Saturday even ing before last the barn of James Lynch, Jr., in Upper Oxford township, was to tally consumed by fire Mr. Newton Miller, of Uwehian, was knocked down and stunned by a stroke of lightning, but recovered A Methodist Camp Meeting will be held .in Young's woods, West Bradford, some time next month On Sunday before last a boy named Dannan, in tussling with another lad, in West Chester, fell and broke his arm One day last week a savage encounter occurred be tween two large bulls, in North Coventry township. One of the animals, belonging to Mr. IL A. Focht, broke into the premi ses of Mr. Jamb Hahn, who had one of about equal, or probably a little larger size. A fierce battle at once ensued, last ing, it is supposed, for some time, the bo vines, in their desperate struggle, tramp ling over about an acre of grass, breaking down several trees of considerable size, and knocking over forty panels of fence. Finally the bull belonging to Mr. Hahn got his antagonist at a disadvantage in some way, against a stump, broke his lee,, and gored him fearfully, causing his death. BERKS COUNTY.—The Hancock club, of Reading, on returning from the State Convention, proceeded to a beer saloon and got on a fresh drunk. An attempt to get up a ratification meeting resulted in a fizzle ... ..Blixina, Heckman, arrested on ithe charge of infanticide, sortie ill:neap:4 • was brought before Judge Woodward, and admitted to bail in the sum of $5OO. Peter Maurer, aged 70, was killed by the upsetting of a wagon loaded with grain, near Greshville Fourteen persons were baptized in the Schuylkill, at Read ing, by Rev. Mr. Peters, of the United Brethren Church, on the 15th inst A meeting was held in Reading on Sunday last, in the Presbyterian Church, to form a county Sabbath School Institute. Speech es were made by Rev. Mr. Taylor, Secre tary of the State Sabbath School Associa tion, and by Rev'ds. Fernley, Frear and Richards, of Reading. It was agreed to hold an institute on the 14th , 15th and 16th of September next. YORK COUNTY.—William Keyser, of Chanceford, on Sunday before last fell from a tree and broke his arm John Light is to go up in a balloon to-morrow, from Center Square, York On Tuesday night last week some bulars attempted to eater the residence of .. H. Craley, in Lower Windsor. but were discovered and driven away. On the following night a half blirrel of mackerel and some butter was stolen from the'spring house of Wm. Knislex, in the same neighborhood Sarah button fell into a lock of the canal. about twenty "miles below Wrightsville, and was drowned, on Thursday the 9th inst The barn of Thomas J. Cooper, in Peach Bottom township, was struck by lightning recently and slightly damaged The store of V. G. Stubbs,. of Peach Bottom, was robbed of some goods and $lOO in money On Monday a week Willie Bates, of the borough of York, fell into a tub of boiling water and was scald ed so badly that death shortly after ensu ed The Methodist Sunday School held a pic-nic on last Friday at Hanover Junc tion The barn of Daniel Markey, 4 miles from York, was destroyed by tire TueadiOnight last. • PIEIMUCAJS: T" LADIZAtIMIND for is adotrand wig; a' nat Steel engrs f those two Yanthfal lovers; PaulandV al/--s double paged and handlemel oolor Fashion Plate, containing the latest y Paris styies—a picture of Maidenhood, in illustratian of 'Longfellow's sweet poem—and the usual number of miscel laneous engravings, illustrating sea-side cos tumes. children's fashions, hats, head-dresses dinner and walking toilets, £o., &a. The musk; of this mouth is a ballad, 'Y Ms Rose of Brin. ll Published by Deacon & - Peterson, 319 Walnut street, Philadelphia, at, &Ma year (whush also incluincludes a large steel en graving. ) Four copies is des Copies (and )1M ' T h 4 LSAyls Friend " and "The baturday Evening Post" (and one engraving), $3.00. Specimen numbers sent for ten cents. A NEW NOTELET BY MRS. HARRY WIN/D.—ln the SATURDAY EVENING POST OfJuirmbAanew serial is begun by the celebra t ed suutor of 4 ' East Lynne" It is called "Quo WM CANTERII 1110 El WILL", and opens in this author's usual in. teresting manner, An extra edition will be printed of the early numbers of this story, but those wishing it would do well to apply early. sample copies of TUE POST, containing the open ing Chapters, will be sent gratis. Price of TNa Posr, g2:50 a year ; tour copies,.o.oo Address H. Peterson it Co., 819 Walnut Street,Philedelphia. HARPER'S MONTRGY.—The August number of Harper is replete with interesting contribu tions. Here is a list of the papers in the num ber Wore us: PlotuEes Japauese, _Whe New Theory of Heat, South East Sauntkrings in England, A Brave Lady, Dlswyour conclusions The Graves at Newport, Hetty's Liberal Educa tion, slavery in Palaces, A Peep at Finland Reminiscences of Oxford, A Wonder, My Ene my's Daughter Borro wed Bagga_ge, The New Home, August bays, The New Timothy, Edi tor's Easy )hair, Book Table, Monthly Record, Drawer. Harper & Bros., New York, publish ers. For sale at our Book Stores. HEARTH AND HOMY', No. 30, is before us. it Is a specially line one, both in the variety and ex cellence of its matter and the beauty and value of its illustrations. It contains the beginning of the very interesting story, "The Romance of a Rich Young Girl," by Octave Fuillet, author of "The Romance of a Poor Young Man," which was everywhere so deservedly popular, besides other in Zeresting and instructive reading mat ter. To get it address l'ettingill, Bates and Co., 37 Park Row, N. Y. Terms $4 per annum in ad vance or ten cents per copy. To the Republican Voters of Lancaster County. We, the undersigned Republicans of the Bor ough of Columbia, take pleasure in offering Mr. Peter Fraley as a candidate for the Assom. biy. From a long knowledge of the character and qualifications of Mr. Fialey, we feel confi dent he would make a faithful and efficient Representative. We, therefore, urge our fel low-citizens of the county to give him their suffrages at the ensuing primary election : John Q. Denney, Milton Wike, H. G. Minich, BenJ. Haldeman, Jacob Auwerter Wm. U. Hess, Philip Shreiner, John Peart, John B. Bachman, A. 0. Newpher, George Bogle, S. Atlee Booking, J. W. Stmt . Abram Bruner, Sr., Abram Bruner, Jr., Jacob Strive A. J. Kauffman, And many others. • CANDIDATES. itirAnnotincerments of candidates for OffiCO lIIIBT DE PAID IN ADVANCE. This rule is imper ative. We are authorized to announce candidates for nomination at the Republican primary elec tion, to be held on SATURDAY, At:ivel' 28th, as follows : SENATE. ESAIAS BILLINOPELT, Adamstown. grummet; DEMURS, MinCTSVille. . W. SHXNK, City. JOHN M. STEIIMAN, Penn. JOHN B. W Alt.FlcL, city. ASSEMBLY. THOMAS A. CLARK, Drumoro. CAPT. ABRAHAM ODSHALI, East Cocalico DR. E. B. HERR, Manor. JACOB G. PKTEREI, COHOEHOgS. MAJ. A. C. RRINOEHL, CAPT. WM. I). ItaiTzst., East Hempfield. AARON B. SUMMY, East liemplielcl. COMMISSIONER JOHN ARMSTRONG, Martic. SOLOMON Dmmm. Marl. PETRA JOHNS, East Lampeter. SHERIFF. Amos Gnosis, Hartle. JOHN MILDEBRAND I MOHIIt JOy C JoHN M. JACOBY, lity. ISAAC MISHLBit, City. PROTHONOTARY CAPT. WM. 1). STAUFFER, formerly Of Earl twpo late of the Ist Penn'a Reserves, and of the 196th P. V., present Clerk for Prothonotary. CLERK OF QUARTER SESSIONS. BXNJAMIN F. Row; Providence CLERK OF ORPHANS , COURT Amos F. swinoenr, formerly of Salisbury twp., now of Earl, and late Sergeant tith Regiment P. V. infantry., CAPT. JOBS Q. MERCER, City (late of Sadsbury.) REGISTER. JAcoa W. BEAR, East Donegal. HENRY BECHTOLD, Mount Joy. Gxo. W. COMPTON, Chin'olltOWll. MARTIN S. FRY, Ephrata. JACOB D. GOMM City. LIEUT. A. C. fitan, West Lampeter. JEHEMIAH ROHRER, City, late Major 127th Regi• meat Penn% Volunteers, 2,41 Division, 2d Corps, Army of the Potomac. Du. W. M. WHITESIDE, City, late Lieutenant of Company E 10th Regiment first three months' imenervice, and Captain of Company I, 79th Reg t P. V. COUNTY TREASURER. Wu. ROBERTS, West Hemptleid. H. K. STONER, West Lampeter. (Manufacturer of Ag ricultural Implements.) JESSE rezirmießSClCEß, Clay. PRISON INSPECTOR IsAix Brost, Vphrata. lARRIED. CHAMBERS—Lorca. July 11th, 1869, by Rev. W. 8. 11. Keys, of Columbia, Andrew Chambers, of Lancaster, and Miss Mollie A. Long, of Peters- burg, Lancaster county. No cards. Doawsw.r—MERKINH. On the 20th inst., at the residence of the bride's parents, by Rev. 'Father Keenan, James C. Donnelly to Miss Julia T. iptekinmeW44_4o tbfa Qtly4, - DIED. LHURTE. July 14th. at Renville, Henry H. Kurtz, Esq., aged M years, 10 months and 15 days. KILLIAN. July 17th, in this ci, John S. Kil lian, aged 68 years, 2 months an d? days. ALBRIGHT. July 11th, at the residence of his parents in West Philadelphia, Willie L., only child of John M. and Mary A. Albright, aged 2 years and 11 months. SHINDLE. Jul, 19th, in this city, Anna, daug ter of Sample and Rebecca V. Shindle, in t he sth year of her age. LONG. On the 19th inst., in this city, Mary Long. SHAEFFER. On the 18th bud , in this city, Catharine, wife of Wm. Shaeffer, in the 29th year of her age. Scams. July , 21st, in this city, William R. Burns, in the 48th year of his age. Bowmarr. July 21st, in Renville, Dr. H. B. Bowman, in the 86th year of his age. THE MARKETS. Lancaster Household Markets. LANOLIIITIE July 21 . Butter, s. 35 Lard," lb 20 a 22 Ego, p dos. .20 Meal, by the quarter 9 App l eotates, p half pk 10 es Ica peck • 10 Pears peek 20 Tomat pl oe l4 s (pee R. R.) ip IA peek... 80 Green Corn (do, p dos 25 Cucumbers pl. dos 8 Squashes Raspberries...... Blackberries vs qt Green for Orrpes y 1 qt Goeseeberries Currants 10 quart Oats, 11 bag of 8 bus.. Philadelphia Produce Market. PaILADICLPHIA, July 21.—There is no change in seeds; we quote olaverseed at $ Timothy at $6.2505.50 ; awl flaxseed at 2.60 per bushel. No. 1 queroitron bark has again declined one dollar per ton, and 20 hhds. sold at $4ll. The demand for our continues extremea limited, but supplies come forward slowly a we continue our former quotations ; amon sales were 9011 bids. Penn. extra family, 4001:)15. Ohio do. do ., and 100 bbls. Andrew's 11bW w heat r i ll on secret te • 10Q bids. choice St. Louis fam ily at, 25 ; lo,Se of enze.r_tine . 01511110 • • ;zo V, meetiein gnu- 7at .ao Pe_n. 4p. eat ;l7 • Of i % . de, at g .and ftnor ts fi. _,,, a . : ' . • ye dourf l aratmss.lost 26. e Prices of are nominal. The wheat r is dull, but prices are un changed j salsa of WOO bus. new southern red at $1.5041.52 and 1190 bus. old do. at $1.4061.80; 500 bus. Michigan amber sold at $l.OO. Rye is very quiet at $l.BB. Corn is active ; sales of 4000 bus. western mixed at $1.041.07 ; and 2000 bus, yellow at $l.lO Oats are steady at 7842800. for western, and 70417im. for Penna. Whisky is scarce and held at $l.lO, tax paid. Philadelphia Cattle Market. MONDAY, July 19.—The cattle market was very dull this week, but prices were unchan i t; ed. About 1,900 hea4 arrived and sold at 9 1 ,0. for extra Penn% and western steers; 7 SIAc. for fair to good do., and 606140. 19 Th. gross for common as to quality. The following are the particulars of the sales : 87 head, Owen Smith, Western 8 31 1 90 " A. Christy & Bro., do 8 1 ,4 46 " MeCleese, do 7 8 1 165 " P. MeFillen, do 8 0 ili 100 " P. liathaw_ay, do 8 09 1 109 " James Mennen, do 8 09 1 47 "B. F. Moloillen 8i 9 1 75 " Isl. Merißen. do s ine, 102 " Martin, Full** & Co., do 7 1 ,4 OA 110 " Meow& & Smith, 7 do 8 9 1 4 90 ."`" Thos Homey & Bro, do 80 " H. Chain do .. 6 It 100 " Frank & scharnoerg, do 6%0 8 95 " Hope & Co., do NC 94 40 " John Moirdle d0...,,6/ 8 :4 58 " Elkin & Co., Virgitl 6 7 . 88 " S. Frank, do 7 8 Cows were without change ;_l5O head sod at 440065 for springers, and 05075 19 head for cow and calf. Sheep were unebikeed l el,ooo head sold at th e different yards at 4,1,4 . L gross. Hogs were higher ; , bead sold at the Wilton and Avenue Drove Yards, at OSAMU V lOU U. net. New Advertise ts. WHEELER & ON FAMILY SEWING MACHINES, wilt, all the Latest Improvements. Sir Th e Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine was awarded the only GOLD MEDAL given for Sewing Machines over eighty-two competitors at the - Universal Expos On held in Paris 18e7. Machines sold on Least Plan at the Cash Price. MONTHLY PAYMENTS, ONLY TEN DOLLARS. PETERSON & CARPENTER. General Agent s, 64 N. Queen-st., Lancaster, Pa. P. S.—Energetic Business Men wanted to sell the Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine in I own and country. Good inducements. [Jy2B-lm AT RIDDLE & COCHRAN'S, lI.A.RPER , S MONTHLY MAGAZINE, THE LADY'S FRIEND, GODEY'S LADY BOOK., FRANK LESLIE'S ILLCIPD NSWEIPAPER, HARPER'S BAZAAR, HARPER'S WEEKLY, FRANK LESLIE'S CHIMNEY CORNER, FRANK LESLIE'S BOYS A. GIRLS WEEKLY, SATURDAY NIGHT, NEW YORK LEDGER, ARTHUR'S HOME MAGAZINE, PETERSON'S MAGAZINE, APPLETON'S JOURNAL, NEW YORK WEEKLY, RID jy23 tfr JOB MEI JOB PRINTING DON FATHER ABRAHAM 0 11f3 . . 1.50 Two Doors North of Express Office. POSTERS, PROGRAMMES, Will find it to their interest to give us a call. NEWSPAPER, BOOK AND JOB POINTERS, jrZtf and all the LATEST PUBLICATIONS, litt !ME!! To get all Hods of IS AT THE No. 13 SOUTH QUEEN STREET, ALL IN WANE Ur ELAND-BILLS, CARDS, BILL-HEADS, LETTER-HEADS, BLANK CHECKS, PAMPHLETS, NOTiS, &C. RAUCH & COCHRAN, LANCASTER, PA. _Sew Advertisements. ADJOURNED COURTS It is ordered by the Courts, that Adjourned Courts for MIS, for the trial and decision of eases in the Common Pleas, ( irphans , Court and Quar ter Sessions, be held as follows : FOR ARUUMENT. One week commencing MONDAY, March 15th 6t June 21st. tt It 4 It Sept. '2oth. '• It Dec. :Nth. To dontinue one week from said clays respect ively, mut 8 Much longer as the business may require. son the list for argume in the Comm as will be taken ep on ,the t i kir (lays of the 818 terms and be proceeded t uptil ilispeeed eunless continued by consent or for caned aiiiterin. The CUM On the argument list for the Or phani' Court, will be taken up immediately upon the cases in the Common Pleas having been gone through with. Thi cases in the Quarter Sessions will be com menced after the cases in the orphans' Court shall bare been beard or continued. It is fur ther ordered that the absence of counsel at the time ppointed for hearing the cases mentioned in t e preceding order, shall be no cause for II gins proceed i . gs therein, unless by con- Oen or legal ground for a continuance be slio . uat i n ADJOURNED JURY TRIALS. reek commencing MONDAY, Feb. Ist. a" Feb. 15th. it II Feb. 22c1. 0 44 May 24th. " 44 May 31st. II " • Aug. 30th. a ft Oct. lath. 44 " Oct. 25th. '. " Nov. 291,11. i at such other periods as may be appoint the said Courts, or at regular terms. 1 foregoing to bepublishe.l in all the news+ 's in the city and county of Lancaster, by isertion email. at the expense of the coml. - 11 to be pre sented at the Commissioners Ordered defalting Jurors to be fined W. L. BEAR, Prothonotary. One .211iscellaneou s. edii DMINISTRATORS NOTICE. Estate of Ray. W ASIIINGTON V. GOT- W .D, late of Lancaster, decd . Letters of ad- m titration on said estate having been grant the undersigned, persons indebted there to e requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims or 4emands against the same will pr6tent thorn for settlement to the undersigned, residing in Lancaster. jef.s-6tl G. M. ZAHM, Adm'r. .gearing ,Wat, . eak Eyes, Memory, when calmed by the vlo ow they all frequently are. I good faith a standing reward f. f We for O. ease of Catarrh that I cannot eure. FOR SALE BY MOST DRUMM/WS EVERY WEILER. Ask your Druggist for the Rzstsny; but if be has not, got it on sale, don't be put off by so eeptuig any miserable Worse than worthless subititute, but enclose sixty cents to me, and the Remedy will be sent you Viet paid. Four packages 400, or one dozen for 00, Bend a two cent stamp . for Dr. Sage's pamphlet on llaiarrh. Address the Proprietor, R. V. PIRRCR, H. D. Buffalo, N. Y. NOTICE. 3y9.Bm] NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an appli cation will be made at the next session of the EfLe Legislature of Pennsylvania for the area of a corporate body with banking privi- I es, to be located in the village of New Rol . d , in Lancaster county, to be named and yied the "NEW HOLLAND rICHANGE, MOUNT AND DEPOSIT COMPANY ," the Mc object of which shall eto receive oaeys on deposit, and to do a generalbanking iness, and the amount of , . tel of which U not exceed the sum of $ 40,1 , , .00. By the Committee. D. P. ROSENMILLER, JR., y 2 -6m] Attorney. ,olkifreand Lancaster, and Harrisburg Weekly Telspreph copy. • El FRUIT JARS! FRUPT JARS! FRUIT JARS! The best Frutt Jar is the MASON JAR. SAFE, RELIABLE AND SIMPLE. `, ' EVERY JAR WARRANTED. '4O GROSS FOR SALE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. 41 . 841, other good Jars, and the choicest selection of GROCERIES in the city, At No. 18 EAST KING STREET jirlB-tf D. S. BURSK. PHICX ONLY 50 CNITB Groceries, dec. Dry Goods. SPRING AND SUMMER DRY GOODS -AT EAGER & BROTHERS, LADIES DRESS GOODS, GENTS , FURNISHING STORE CLOTHS, CASSIMERES & VESTING, FRENCH AND AMERICAN COATINGS, Ready-Made Clothing, HOUSEFURNISHING GOODS, CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS WALL PAPER !NM WINDOW SHADES. A Dill and complete stock at the jet-tfd] LOWEST PRICES THOS. J. WENTZ, ZTCO. 1:1 EAST KING STREET, SIGN OF THE BEE HIVE, Now offers a full assortment of DRESS GOODS, SILKS, SHAWLS, WHITE GOODS, GLOVES and HOSIERY, CARPETS, FloO;.& Table Oil Cloths, GLaii,AND QUEENSWA.RE AT THE LOST INDUCING PRICES. Hind attention paid to all. special care taken to show our stock. WENTZ BEE HIVE, my2s-tf] No. 5 East Ring street JOHN D. SKILES, AT HIS NEW STORE, NO. 24 EAST KING STREET, Has just opened THE MOST ELEGANT STOOK -OF SPRING AND SUMR DRY GOODS 440 , 1 0 4 2Ter offered to the CffritaffS OF LANCASTER. ' GOODSA Otdvery description. bJO pe. CALIQOES from 9 to 1214. per yard. SHAWLS. A Sue assortment of SQUARE SHAWLS of every description. BLEACHED MUSLINS I All the Best and Popular Makes GENTLEMEN'S WEAR. A fine assortment of FRENCH, ENGLISH & AMV,RICAN CLOTHS, CASSIMERES AND VESTINGS, Which we will make up to order at short notice, best style, low prices. READY-MADE CLOTHING. A large assortment of our own Manufacture for MEN AND DOVE WEAR, AT LOW PRICES. CARPETS 1! ! CARPETS 1!! 50 ps. BRUSSELS THREE-PLY, INGRAIN, RAG AND HEAP CARPETS, -ALSO OIL CLOTHS, MATTINGS, RUGS, &c. WINDOW SHADES! A line assortment of Window Shades at very Low Prices. [my7-ly JACOB BARNUM, N. a. BARNUM, JOHN L. BILLIE. HARNISH. & CHEAP STORE, N 0.27 WEST KING -ST., LANCASTER, PA., Dealers in Foreign and Domestic DRY GOODS, GLASS AND QUEENSWARE, Cloths, Cassimeres, Sattinetts, Jeans, Tweeds Lindaeys, Flannel!, Tickings, CheekEN Plaids, Alpaeeas, Dress Goods, Ginghams, Calicoes, Muslim and Drills, White Goods, Notions, St No. 1 Feathers, MEN AND BOYS , WEAR, Made up at astonishing Low Prices. aar Call and examine our stock before pur chasing elsewhere. [febl2,69-ly Periodicals. THE DAILY EVENING EXPRESS, (FURNISHES ITS READERS REGULARLY WITH THE LATEST NEWS BY MAIL AND MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH, And all Important Local and General In telligence. TRAMS: $3.00 A YEAR; 3113 FOR 3 MONTHS. THE WEEKLY EXPRESS, A SATURDAY PAPER OF THE FIRST CLASS, Contains all the news of the week up to Friday night, and gives more fresh reading than can be had elsewhere for the same amount of money. Timms: $2.00 PER YEAR, IN ADVANCE. Address PEARSOL & GlElST l Publishers dee 18.41m1 Lancaster, Pa. Jewelry. ZAIIM Sr, JACKSON, DEALERS IN WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SILVER AN I) SILVER-PLATED WARE; SPECTACLES AND FANCY GOODS, No. 15 NORTH. QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA. Kil-REPAIRI•NG ATTENDED TO.'“ tio2o-Iy] IVATCIIES! WATCHES ! CLOCKS, CLOCKS, CLOCKS. The undersigned keep. constantly on hand & large and full assortment, of the GRNUINE AMERICAN WATCHES, of different weight and finish, to snit all, which are sold upon the most reasonable tprms, and guaranteed to give satisfaction. Keeps also on hand a good issortment of CLOCKS. Call and examine the goods before purchasing elsewhere. Thankful for past favors, I solicit a continu ance of the same. HENRY F. ANDREWS Jan 1-13r* . l •Strasburg, Lancaster co., Pa.. Books and Stationery. HEADQLTARTERS -FOR SUNDAY SCHOOL BOOKS AT FULTON ROW, WEST KING STREET. All the latest help.s for Superintendents, Teach ers and Bible Students, new Charts with Ob ject Lessons, a new System of Rewards, mak• ing every Scholar a worker In the interest of the School. =1 SUNDAY SCHOOL MUSIC BOOKS, LIBRARY BOOKS, RECORD BOOKS, CLASS BOORS, &O. Common School & Miscellaneous Books, STATIONERY AND FANCY GOODS, HITCHCOCK'S HALF DIME SHEET MUSIC, BIBLES AND TESTAMENTS, AT PHILADELPHIA WHOLESALE MM. Sir Call and see for yourselves. myl44!) . D. S. BARE. REMOVAL. J. H. SHEAFFE.R, BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER, Has removed his large stock -07- BOOKS and STATIONERY , -TO NO. 62 NORTH QUEEN STREET, Opposite Shober's Hotel, FOUR DOORS NORTH OF ORANGE-STREET ap9-tf] LANCASTER, PA. Book and Job PrintLng. RAUCH & COCHRAN, BOOK AND JOB PBINTEBEI. PLAIN AND FANCY PRINTING OF ALL RINDS. From the largest POSTER to the smallest CARD or CIRCULAR, executed in the best style, and at reasonable prices. S3l-Orders from a distance promptly attend ed to. OFFICE.—NO. 18, SOUTH QUEEN STREET LANCASTER, PENNA. Clothing., 1869. 1869. NEW SPRING GOODS. GEO. B. COLEMAN, No. 14 NORTH QUEEN STREET, (Late Wiley's Shoe Store,) f Has in store a Fine Assortment of French, English and American CLOPHS, COATINGS AND CASSIMEIIES, which he is prepared to make up to order in the latest styles for SPRING AND SUMMER WEAR, ON THE MOST REASONABLE TERMS. GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION ON HAND. .13 , 9 tf Coal, Lumber, te.e. EHLER, BRENEMAN & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN COAL, OF THE BEST QUALITY. YABD—COR. WATER ST. AND PA. R. R. -* Osynos—NO. 9 EAST ORANGE ST., LANCASTER PA. Oft 18-ly 8.8. MARTIN, MICRIIRRT THOMAS, JOEB 8. swim 5,000,000 FEET OF DRY LUMBER. MARTIN, THOMAS & CO., COLUMBIA, LANCASTER CO., PA., Manufacturers At LOCK HAVEN, CLINTON COUNTY, PA., AND WHOLESALE LUMBER DEALERS. WHITE PINE HEMLOCK, POPLAR WALNUT ASH, FLOORING, SIDING, WEATHER BOARDS, PICKETS } LATH, mhl2-15q BOX BOARDS, Ac., Furnishing Goods, &v. HEADQUARTERS FOR UNDERCLOTHING, STOCKINGS, GLOVES, COLLARS, CUFFS, SLEEVE. BUTTONS, M Dent's ware generally, at No.l Iy ■ NORTH QUEEN ST., Lancaster. Axil vver ous grosser shtock goods—suitable for Krishdogs, hei•Yohrs un onnery Presents— BO We Selmnp:Dieher, Collars, Rem (erniel K'nep, liemmer.fronts, Pocket Eicher, Perfumery FlohniEhl, Cigar Casa, un: onnery fancy articles one E. J. ERISMAN'S, . UK North Queen Street, Lancaster. (Om sign film gross Shtrealleh Hem.) Inollo-1y WATCHES I