Father Abraham. (Reading, Pa.) 1864-1873, July 23, 1869, Image 2

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    e f er Abralam.
FRIDAY, JULY 23, 1888.
Economy, Retrenchment, Faithful Collection
of the Revenue and Payment of the Publio
Debt.--GRAR T.
For 44oyernor,
For Judge of the Supreme Court,
For theper purpose of placing this popular cam
palgn pa as far as possible, in the hands of
every voter, we offer the following LOW RATES
OF SUBSCRIPTION, from the Sth of August
next until after the October election.
One copy $ 40
Five copies, (to one address) 160
Ten copies, 1444 2 50
And twenty-five cents for every additional sub
sor iber to the club of ten.
One copy, six months, ..$ 76
Five copies, six months, 3 25
Ten copies, six months .. 8 00
Fifteen copies, six months, 8 25
Twenty copies, six months, 10 00
And fi ft y cents for each additional subscriber
over twenty, with an extra copy to getter up
of the club.
Win contribute hie popular lettere weekly.
rir All subscriptions must be paid in advance
Lancaster, Pa.
Mn. S. BAKER YOUNG, the Lancaster New.
Dealer, who everybody ows, is agent for
e a ,
MATHIS{ &BRAIN'', "Ii uthortzed to tillce
enbscriptions MA Ai obey fort e•saThe
THE 1 .
It is generally reported, and believed,
that Asa Packer has already honored a
draft for one hundred thousand dollars,
in favor of the Democratic State Commit
tee, being the first instalment for the cam
Several.members of the sporting frater
nity of this city, the other day, talked over
the expediency of " holding off" a while
—not to be in too great a hurry about
committing themselves for Asa Packer,
and thus compel his " chairman" to come
down handsomely with the stamps. The
exact amount they mean to go for is not
yet fixed. They are now making diligent
enquiry as to the extent of Asa's wealth.
Whilst Mr. Packer is a very clever man,
and highly esteemed as such'by those who
know him well, he is by no means popular
as a candidate. In 1854, when he was
before the people for re-election to Con
gress, although the district is quite as
strongly democratic as old Berks, being
composed of the counties of Northamp
ton, Monroe, Pike, Wayne and Carbon,
his majority over Steward was only about
fifteen hundred. About six or seven years
ago he was the democratic nominee for
councilman for the borough of Mauch
Chunk, and handsomely beaten by Mr.
Louis Beckhardt, a German Republican.
It ,izo:yV. adl/Y03:1
Mr. A. T. C. Keifer, of Reading, an
nounces himself as a candidate for the
Legislature, subject to the democratic
nomination. " If. nominated and elect
ed," says Mr. K. in his card, " I pledge
myself to use every effort to promote the
best interests of the people generally, and
I will expose and treat with contempt all
approaches of bribery and corruption."
An honest democrat at last! If elected,
as he ought to be, one representative, at
least, will be found at Harrisburg next
winter who cannot be " seen " by hang
ers-on about the Third House. Should
We renew our bid for the Pasting and Fold
ing contract, Keifer, of old Berks, will be
the very individual we shall go for. We
count him sure, and without any "setting
up" on our part. And when we come to
draw our stamps from the State Treasury
as payment for our work, we will be sure
not to have the gentleman from Berks
!wonting round for a "divvy." We are
decidedly for Keifer, because, like Honest
Andy, he is even above suspicion, for he
nye' so himself.
Asa Packer, the Democratic candidate
fn . Governor,was a delegate to the Charles
ton National Convention in 1860, when,
after a number of ballots, Stephen A.
Douglas received the regular nomination
of the party for President, by a two-thirds
vote, whereupon the avowed secessionists,
principally of the cotton States, withdrew
from the Convention, and at a subsequent
meeting held in Baltimore, nominated
John C. Breckinridge as their candidate.
Asa Packer was one of the few Northern
delegates who bolted the regular conven
tion, repudiated its regular nominee and
united with the secessionists for Breckin
ridge. Ile is therefore entitled to full
credit for having been an original seces
sionist, and, of course a sound "Democrat"
The following resolution was adopted
at the Copperhead State Convention last
week that nominated Packer for Cover.
nor. It was reported by Frank Hughes,
of Pottsville, a notorious rebel scoundrel
during the war, and is refreshingly cool for
the season. It comes with a pretty grace
from a party that opposed the soldier's
right to vote, that refused them bounties,
and that favored deserters and bouuty
jumpers on all occasions. Read it:
" That our soldiers and sailors, who
carried the flag of our country to victory,
must be gratefully remembered, and all
the guarantees given in their favor must
be faithfully carried into execution."
" Then took Mary a pound of ointment
of spikenard, very costly, and anointed
the feet of Jesus, and wiped his feet with
her hair; and the house was filled with the
odor of the ointment. Then saith one of
his disciples, Judas Iscariot, Simon's son,
which should betray him, Why was not
this ointment sold for three hundred pence
and given to the poor.' This he said, not
that he cared for the poor, but because he
was a thief."
The newly elected Governor of Virginia
visited Richmond a few days after the
election, and the F. F. V.'s witnessed the
humiliating sight of his being received and
escorted to his hotel by a committee "com
posed about equally of the most promi
nent tchite and colored citizens 'lll On
reaching his hotel, he "appeared between
the National and State flags' held by rep
resentatives of the two races I , The Gov
ernor made a speech, in which he said:
"We must remember that we have WIC
" ceeded on the platform of universal suf
frage and equal rights. * * * We
" must not forget that the opportunity of
" winning this victory was through the
"liberality of President Grant, (loud
" cheers), and we must see that its fruits
are for the benefit of all." The despatch
krther says: "Goy: Walker'was followed
br Isaac Hunter, colored, and several
white speakers."
Now, Mr. lntelligencer, and the very
respectable democrats and Saur-kraut gor
illas, where is your thunder? Why don't
you pitch in? The " nigger " will surely
get ahead of you at this rate. Howl
During the war the " Democrats of
Ohio nominated Vallandigham for Gover
nor, because he sided with the rebels, de
nounced the war and the soldiers, and
favored armed opposition in the North
against it. He was sent into the rebel
lines as a traitor, and was received by
them with open arms.
The very same party, of the very same
State, have nominated Gen. Roseerans for
Governor, who fought against the South
with zeal and determination, denounced
Vallandigham and the " Democratic par
ty' of Ohio as traitors, supported Lincoln
and acted with the Republicans through
out the struggle.
The Trenton (N. J.) Sentinel well says,
in commenting on these facts, that the
copperheads are a " set of unprincipled
scoundrels, who eat up their principles as
a sow dim her young; who care nothing
for consistency, honor, truth, virtue, or
patriotism; who will board and bunk
with a nigger for his vote, and embrace a
nigger's sister without a qualm of con
science or of stomach."
Gen. Rosecrans, early in 1863, while he
was in command of the army in Tennes
see, wrote to Governor Tod, of Ohio, in
which he gave his opinion of the men who
at that time, and now, comprise the "Dem
ocratic" party as follows :
"He who entertains the sentiment in favor
of peace on any terms, Is FIT ONLY TO BE
A SLAVE ; and he who utters it at this
time is, moreover, A TRAITOR TO nis
This same Rosecrans is the candidate of
the Vallandighamites for Governor of
Ohio. It is hard to say which is the most
contemptible—the man who would allow
himself to be made the candidate of those
whom he denounced so bitterly—or the
poor devils who would lick dirt by sup
porting him. What a conglomerated
mass of putrefaction copperheads are, to
be sure.
fed" Inquiry having been so often made
for copies of the paper containing the pro
duetion of the late Rev. H. Harbaugh, D.
D., "Das Alt Schul-Haus on der Krick,"
we will republish it in next week's FATHER
ABRAIIA.V. Persons desiring copies
should leave their orders at this office.
"Honest" Andy Armstrong committed
a grave over-sight in the County Commit
tee on Monday, in the interrogatories he
submitted. lie should have added the
following :
Will you pledge yourself not to charge
and receive more mileage fees than allowed
by law ?
Will you pay back to the State Treasury
any amount you may have heretofore re
ceived more than you were entitled to by
law ?
An interrogatory to cover the Myna
case, which Andy knows somthing about,
would not have been out of place.
Andy is a brick, and no mistake, amid as
innocent as a lamb, too.
The Richmond Examiner—a rebel cop
perhead paper—in commenting upon the
recent election in Virginia, says some very
encouraging things to the Pennsylvania
"Democracy," the natural allies of the
rebels and traitors of the South. The Ex
"ambler says that "There is no each
"thing as Democracy in Virginia—that
"its very bones have rotted, and now mem
"lde at the touch. No resurrection could
"bring that party to life, and its ashes lie
"mingled with and undistinguished from the
"old whig party."
If "Democracy" is rotten in Virginia,
what must it be in Pennsylvania ? If the
old slaveholders reject and loathe it, what,
of their servile followers and lick-spittles,
the Pennsylvania "Democratic" leaders ?
Wherever the Republican party rules
iu the country, says the Miners' Journal,
th are indebtedness is reduced and the peo
ple prosper. For instance, the State of
lowa recently paid off a large part of its
debt, and has funds on hand sufficient to
redeem the outst , loans, as soon as
the holders are rea c
And Indians is t sub
Five years ago t 'debt
$9,000,000, acid has ru
$2,600,000; of which ;
paid:offon July Ist, leavi
still due. It:is the saw
Under the Republican ..
Governors Curtin and
debt has been largely'
tion lightened. The ta:
been altogether removo
want this satisfactory
continue they must re-ei
tober. To return to the.
government will be to
indebtedness and misrule.
"We trust, however, that at the next
meeting of the Committee the matter will
be duly considered, and if any modifea
tion of the rules are necessary let them be'
made ;.but if it be found that the prt
rules are sufficient let nothing be e
ed thereon to gratify the ambition, cupid
or vanity of any pretended and over
zealous reformer."—.ftaminer. of Wednes
Gr"lf I can't whip you, I will make
mouths at your sister." Jack gladly
embraces the opportunity to insinutite
against Billingfelt. True, it is alleged,
and there is force in the allegation, that
the leader of the "Bing" has again join-,
ed hands with the "Thug" leader to,
secretly accomplish what he dare not at
tempt openly—the defeat of the nomine r
tion of Billing* to the Senate. Tbf sly
dig that somebody wants to have hiqam
bition, cupidity or vanity" contributld
is understood. Billingfelt has beaten ,
both heretofore, and will do it 3,
mark that I The people will not a
ed in their object, and you had better
come in gracefully.
"There may have been exceptionable
cases where the will of the people
has been set aside by fraud on the part
of officars holding primary elections, but
these we honestly believe have been rare.
As a general thing these elections ,have
been honestly conducted heretofore, and
will be so in the future."—Lancaster .Et
Well, why don't you suggest some way
of preventing the frauds which you know
have been committed at our primary elec
tions, if that presented by Mr. Billingfelt
don't suit you. Even if "as a s. I
thing these elections live been honestl i , ^
conducted," you know there have
special cases of outrageous fraud. T
alphabetical list of voters of Conoy, cop
ied from the assessor's lists, in the Com
missioners office—the counting out of
Capt. Godshalk in Ephrata last fall—the
fraud in Earl by which A. E. Roberts was
"counted out"—the nice fixing up at
Columbia by which the list of voters could
not be kept—and .others that might be
mentioned, make it necessary to do some
thing to save the party. Jack, this thiig
can't be "pooh-pooed" down. The time
to save the ticket is now—not after it has
been "set up" by fraud and villainy. Just
as sure as a ticket is nominated this fall
as was the one last fall, it will be spewed
up and spit upon. it can't be elected,
and it may as well be distinctly understood
PACKER has nothing to recommend him
but his bank account. lie is old, infirm,
and past his useilliness. Governor Geary,
the Republican candidate, has served the
country as a statesman and a soldier. lie
is energetic and progressive. The issue
in the canvass in Pennsylvania will be
dollars, age, and imbecility,against brains,
patriotism, and activity.
This is good news for the people, and
fibs Republicans do well in thus avoiding
tiii.disastrous results that would surely
have followed the re-nomination of the cor
ruptionists of the last legislature, and by
taking decided ground in favor of reform.
In some instances the " shysters" have
wormed and wiggled their way through,
but in doing so have been compelled to
swallow pledges that may possibly keep
them in the proper path. One thing is
certain—no practical corruptionist should
be sent back, if he has managed to ma
meuvre a nomination out of forty conven
tions. Let direct and specific pledges be
secured from every Republican candidate
on the questions of economy, retrenchment
and misuse of the public funds. Some in
dividuals may violate their obligations,
but the backs of the well-intentioned and
possibly weak minded brethren, may be
stiffened by them, when they come in con
tail with the seductive wiles of the State
Capital. The example of Chester, Wash
ington and Beaver counties on this sub
ject is one well worthy of attention.
The election of Grant and the ejection
of Johnson has made the Copperheads
and rebels very unhappy because—
The Whisky Ring is no more!
Economy is the rule!
Honesty is in the ascendancy!
The debt is literally wasting away!
actually be able to com
1g tai ation!
s perfect!
.re enforced!
is throughout the land!
-heads are out of office!
Improvements on Broad-st. have been rapid
ly progressing, and in the course of time it will
! not only be the handsomest thoroughfare of
I,.ttr city, but there will be none like it in the
un . Councils did a wise act when they
, the, removal of4he Railway track an
his street, 11/ the cos rand freight cars, oon
tautly jammed up thereon, not only spoiled
appearance of this really beautiful street,
ut rendered pleasant driving and walking
almost a matter of impossibility.
Philadelphia is to have a Peace Jubilee—
and a Jubilee,
too, that is to knock the Bos
ton affair into a cocked hat. It is to come off
in 1876, being the centennial anniversary of
the signing of the declaration of Independence.
The building is to be erected in Fairmount
Park, and is to accommodate over one hun
dred thousand people, whilst there is to be
twelve to fifteen thousand singers, fiddlers,
and base drummers. Gen. Grant has been
addressed upon the subject, and his approval
solicited. Already a preliminary committee
has sprung into existence, and, judging from
the names attached to the affair already, it
will be sure to go. True, the event is yet sev
en years in the distance, but then it is to be a
big thing, and to carry out the proposed plan
:yen that time is not any too long for prepa
tion. Besides,news is so insufferably scarce
• correspondent is compelled to pitch into
rit • for items.
ilitary fever is raging here to a great
-- t than it has done since the close
of ar. The different Militia regiments
are fast filling up and new companies con
stantly forming. One of our crack organiza
tions, the Gray Reserves, has been in camp
at the seaside, and this has a tendency to
make recruiting quite lively. The Reserves
have been reviewed at their camp by Gen.
Grant. Next month the Fritz Zouaves go
into camp at Atlantic City.
The advent of President Grant at the Capes
caused a big rush for that retreat, but
whether they went for office, or merely to
have a day or two's recreation, deponeth
sayeth not, but certain it is, the professional
office-seekers and borers were well represent
At the Navy Yard retrenchment is the or
der of the day, and instructions have been
received from Washington to discharge an
other lot of workmen. Last week over three
hundred laborers and mechanics were dis
charged, and this week another batch will be
let slide. Previous io the discharge, about
200 men were employed in the ya rd, and
e wages paid were from $2.10 for laborers to
.84 for mechanics. One new vessel, the
"Cambridge," is building and two monitors
fitting out for sea, two other iron clads having
gone into commission yesterday. It is some
what singular that with a Republican admin
istration and in the Awe of these extensive
dismissals, our Navy Yard still employs some
Copperheads who opposed General Grant's
election from the start.
The Board of Aldermen have not as yet
appointed all the canvassers necessary to
carry out the Registry law, though they are
busily employed getting ready to have a
correct registry of the city taken, and next
October, it is to be hoped, we will be able to
have a fair vote.
Packer, the rich democratic candidate for
Governor, is to be at the Merchants, in fourth
street to-morrow night, and a serenade will
be tendered. 4xertione are making to get
out a large crowd of the faithful, but ,
thing is wrong, as the "enthusiasm," so far
won't come, but on the other hand, meeting
after meeting is being held throughout the
city, at all of which resolutions condemning
the late City Convention and its nominations
are published, which will only have a tend
ency to greatly increase the majority with
which Geary will go out of the city at the
next election.
I have good authority for saying that Mr. J
Samuel J. Randall will not make the chair
manship of the Copperhead State Central
Committee, but that this honor (?) will be
conferred upon Lewis C. Cassidy. This chair
manship is said to be worth more than the
Governorship, as it is supposed Packer will
let loose some of his twenty million dollars;
hence the fight.
Weather cool and pleasant.
The Harrisburg correspondent of the
Blair County Radical, says :
"The work of legislative reform is not
buncomb, however much some Republican
newspapers may ridicule the idea. The
people arc in dead earnest, and arc making
themselves heard at the polls. So far, in
cluding the six in Philadelphia, but ten of
the old members of the Lower House have
been re-nominated. Wherever the people
can get a square clip at a "rooster," un
der the Crawford county system, off goes
We head. The number of yearlings made
by the betrayal of , 67, will sink into noth
ingness when compared to '58."
Synagogue—lmprovements on
-The proposed Muinea/ Festiva!
y—Gen. Grant at Cape May—
)hia Navy Yard—The Registry
Yesterday we had the cere
upon the laying of the corner
German Hebrew Synagogue,
erected in North Broad St.,
n dour pity of the Jewish per-
It in great numbers. It is es-
is new ornament to our city
will cost by the time it is finished, upwards of
two hundred thousand dollars.
At the call of the Chairman, Mr. M. S.
Fry, the Republican County Committee met
in the Orphans' Court Room, in the Court
House, on Monday morning at 11% o'clock.
The meeting was an unusually frill one,
every district being represented.
The Committee being organized for biud
nese, Mr. Billingfelt, of Adamstown, said
that he would offer some amendments to the
rules governing primary elections. The
amendments were read by the secretary as
follows :
Before any votes shall be received, said
judge, inspectors and clerks shall each take
an oath or affirmation that. he will perform
the duties of Judge, Inspector or Clerk of said
election in strict accordance with the rules
adopted governing the primary elections of
the Republican party In Lancaster county,
and to the best of his abilities, and that he
will studiously endeavor to prevent fraud, de
ceit or abuse in conducting the same, which
oath or affirmation any of the said judges,
inspectors or clerks so elected may administer
to each other and the same shall be in writ
ing or partly written, and partly printed and
signed by said judges, inspectors and clerks,
and certified to by the party administering
the same and attached to or entered upon the
return and there certified to as aforesaid.
The Judge or Inspector to whom any tickets
shall be delivered, shall, upon the receipt
thereof, pronounce with au audible voice the
name of the voter; and if no objection is
made to him, and the officers of said election
are satisfied that said voter is entitled to vote
according to the rules aforesaid at said
election, shall immediately read distinctly,
while the ticket remains in his hand, the name
or names therein contained for the several
officers voted for, and each of said clerks
shall keep a tally list, and, as the name of
each person voted for is read off, shall enter
the same on said list, which said tally list
shall constitute a part of the return: and after
having read said ticket, as aforesaid, he shall
deliver it to the second officer, who shall ex
amine the same and pass it to the third officer,
who shall place said ticket in a box closely
bound and sealed, with only sufficient space
left open to receive said ticket.
As soon as the polls are closed, the judge
and each of the inspectors and clerks shall all
write their names on a slip of paper, which
shall be pasted over the space left open for
the reception of the tickets r and at least half
ways around said box, which box shall be so
kept until the return papers are made out,
when the same shall be opened in the pres
ence of all the officers, the tickets again
counted and deposited with the other papers
to be returned at the meeting of the return
judges as hereinafter provided.
Immediately after every twenty votes are
polled the judge shall openly and in an audi
ble voice announce the result, so that all per
sons at the polls may hear the same. The
same shall be done after all the votes are
The number of votes for each person in the
tally list as aforesaid shall be enumerated as
soon as the box is closed, under the inspection
of the judge and inspectors, and set down as
hereinafter provided in the form of the return.
The following shall be substantially the
form of the poll book to be kept by the officers
conducting said election, filling in the blanks
carefully :
Poll Book of the primary election held on
Saturday, the day of —, A. D. 18—, by
the qualified voters of the Republican party
of Lancaster county, at the house of
--, in the --- of ------, in the county
A. B. being duly elected as judge, C. D.
and E. F. as inspectors, and G. H. and J. K.
as clerks of said election were severally sworn
or affirmed as per certificate herewith return
It is hereby certified that the number of
voters for in the county of Lancaster,
voting at this election amounts to ,
Attest. t Judge.
i Inspectors.
Fong of Oath or affirmation : We, A. B. as
Judge, C. D. and E. F. as Inspectors, and G.
H. and J. K. as Clerks of this election, do
each severally swear or affirm that we will
duly perform the duties of judge, inspectors
and clerks of said election, severally acting as
above set forth according to the rules adopted
governing the primary election of the Repub.
lican party in Lancaster county, and to the
best of our abilities, and that we will studi
ously endeavor to prevent all fraud, deceit or
abuse in conducting the same.
I hereby certify that C. D. and E. F. as
as Inspectors, and G. H. and J. K. as Clerks,
were, before proceeding to take any votes at
said election, first duly sworn or affirmed, as
aforesaid. Witness my hand, &c.,
--- -, Judge of Election.
I hereby certify that A. 8., Judge aforesaid,
was also sworn as aforesaid. Witness my
hand the date before written.
A return in writing shall be made in each
Poll Book,setting forth in words at length the
whole number of ballots cast for each office,
the name of each person voted for, and the
number of votes given to each person for
each different office, which return shall be
certified as correct. Signed by the Judge and
Inspectors and attested by the Clerks.
The aforesaid list of voters, oaths or affir
mations, tally list, returns and certificates,
shall be prepared by the Chairman of the
County Committee in book-form, to be called
the Poll Book as aforesaid, and two copies
thereof delivered to the member of the County
Committee, at least five days before the
primary election, who shall cause the seine
to be delivered at the place of holding said
election before the time of opening the polls,
After the polls are closed, one of said poll
books, certified to as aforesaid, shall be put
in an evelope, together with the tickets, prop.
erly sealed and delivered in person by an
officer as aforesaid at the meeting of the re
turn judges. The other poll book, lists and
returns, shall be delivered within one day
after the election, to the member of the
County C ommitte e , open to the inspection of
any RePublican voter.
No returns shall be reeeivedlitt the meeting
of the return judges, unless the foregoing
rules are strictly complied with; and all re
turns must be handed in person by one of
said officers to the President of the return
judges. The name of said person handing in
said return shall be announced by the Presi
dent, who shall also at the same time state
whetter _or not the said person's name ap
pears upon the return as one of the sworn of.
floors oondaoting 'said election.
Mr. Billingfelt moved that the ameeters
be adopted.
Mr. Johnson t• eats
be printedi r mad:AM • "., 7ainont on
Monday 19 ; • 4,...1 111 6 -
tions the q 71 .;, 4 tthe
1 . 8
and nays 14,4110.0eittioiti • 4
as follows : Yeti% •." '
Mr. Arnistresok MK Owl IMPlltenn
seems to have. Nein initiated; offer
some reookatioits. Seeropti4f, as
follows : . - , •
Whereer‘ . Vieliipubliose voter'
ter countyre ht4 soilioitees.
~ ,,,,A4 , , 'let
eeononiT. , 14
Iwo ,
tion of pu
therefore-1,-1 r -0
' . ,' ••
Beeapi*: i t m ei for
the S ate "fuld Haile ofte
tires, be aquas , to publii4 anever ',1441.101-
lowing q ,
. 4 . .' ,
~.. a mp irey
elections Vie no Is , , . , . . AU 04
ported at, Simi 0 :
1. iltloou. • eid , We Sur ip wino
against tUthfther Pitiolkills6ooV Vie 6-
[Number and names of voters.]
tire Record or other documents, the substance
of which the people uow receive through the
public press ?
2. Will you steadily oppose the increase of
salary of the members of the Legislature, or
any increase of the number and pay of the
clerks and officers of the Senate and House of
Representatives over that now allowed by
law—and in all suitable ways economize the
expenses of the State ?
3. Will you oppose all appropriations of tho
public money for new objects, unless of great
public utility, or to support the public chari
ties of the State ?
Dr. Gatchell, Martin, moved that the con
sideration of the resolutions be deferred until
the next meeting, which was agreed to.
Mr. Hartman, city, proposed Saturday,
August 21st, as the day for holding the pri
mary election.
The 14th and 28th of August were also pro
posed. The latter motion prevailed by a vote
of 32 yeas to 25 nays. The day for holding
the primary election was therefore fixed for
Saturday, August 28.
On motion the Committee adjourned.
goat gewo.
Handbills, Cards, Bill Heads, Programmes,
Posters, &c., &0., printed in the best style and
at reasonable rates, at the FATHER ABRA
HAM Job Printing Office. Orders by mail
promptly attended to.
ITEMS : Riddle & Cochran, at their new
book store, 40 North Queen-st., have a fine
assortment of everything in their line-
J. A. Eberly and Henry Wechter, of Reams
town Station, this county, have received a
patent for an improved Horse Hay Hook and
Manure Drag combined; and John J. Kreider,
near Chestnut Level, ene for an Automatic
Check Row Corn Planter. Both procured by
the successful patent agent of this city, Jacob
Stauffer, Esq.
An Irishman named Gillen was badly beaten
on Thursday evening last, at the depot, this
city, by Jacob Kiehl, foreman of the carpen
ters on the Philadelphia Division of the Penn
sylvania Railroad. They had come in the
cars from Columbia, and Gillen was very
abusive to Kiehl, and attacked him after they
had left the train. Kiehl gave him a squid
drubbing, and was held to answer at Coart.
Col. McFarland, State Superintendent of
Orphans' Sohools, examined the 'midis of the
Childrens' Home of this city, on Thursday
last. The examination was higb.'y creditable
and satisfactory: There is no better school in
the State.
The U. B. Collector for this district has
given notice that the Income and other An
nual Internal Revenue TS'Xbil in the lst and
2d divisions must be paid from Monday, the
9th, to Thursday, the 19th day of August;
and in all the other ten divisions from Friday,
the 20th, to Tuesday, the 31st of August.
The Columbia Spy of Monday, said that the
river was high, and in running order, and
that a considetible numter of fine timber and
board rafts bad arrived and passed down the
Pens, pen-holders, and a splendid assort
ment of envelopes and note and writing papers
—fancy and plain—to be bad at Riddle &
Cochran's, No. 40 North Queen street.
A young man, by She name of Sam'l Shrite,
had his leg broken by a kick from a horse, on
Wednesday week, at John Hill's factory, in
East Donegal township.
Edward Reuss, who removed from Colum
bia to Philadelphia, was robbed in that city a
Pew evenings since. He is engaged in mer
chant tailoring, and all his caesimeres were
carried off, amounting to upwards of two hun
dred dollars.
The annual commencement of the Male and
Female High Schools, of this city, took place
on Friday last. The proceedings were inter
esting, and Were witnessed by a large audi
ence. The City Cornet Band furnished the
music. The High and Secondary Schools
marched o the .b.ll in procession; and 'made
tine display. The young gentlemen and
ladies (there are no boys and girls now-a
days) acquitted themselves well, quite equal
to the performances of schools of far greater
pretensions. The examinations of both the
male and female schools reflected great credit
upon the teachers, and proved beyond con
troversy that they are worthy of the confidence
and support of the people. The graduating
classes numbered thirteen girls and•six boys.
A now Masonic Hall was dedicated at
Chestnut Level, this county, on Saturday
last, by several of the high dignitaries of the
"mystic tie" from Philadelphia and Lan
Riddle & Cochran, at No. 40 North Queen
at., keep for sale Harper's Monthly and Week
ly, Harper's Bazaar, Frank Leslie, Godey,
Peterson, Arthur,&c., &c. Go and see them
The congregation of St. John's Lutheran
Church, of this city, are about erecting a
building on James street, near the railroad
bridge, to be called the " Gotwald Memorial
Chapel," in memory of their late deceased
pastor. It will be occupied by the Mission
Sunday School connected with that church.
The wheat and rye crops have been harvest
ed in this county, and are said to be the best
known for many years.
Our old friend, Charles Thou, has pre
pared a map Of Chester county, which is
highly spoken of by the papers of that county.
We regret to learn from the Church Advo
cate, that the health of its esteemed editor,
Rev. E. H. Thomas, has become so seriously
impaired that he does not expect to remain on
earth more than a few short months. Mr.
Thomas is a most estimable christian gentle
man, and the community learn with sadness
of his ill health.
The Sunday Schools of Trinity Lutheran
Church of this city, will have their annual
pic-nic at Litla on Tuesday next.
Levi Rilmither, of the Gap, this county,
who was so severely injured by falling from a
train above Harrisburg, a few weeks ago,
died at the Brady House, in that city, on Sat
urday last.
A man named James Logan, while being
talon to jail, on Monday, for being dru n k
and disorderly, stated to the officer that he
was thirty-seven years old, and had spent
thirteen years of that time in prison !
A man named Una Berger, of Marietta, got
" high" on Wednesday of last week, and in
sulted some women employ,' at the " White
House," w tavern on the river, near High
spire, and Mr. Niebling, the landlord,gave
him such a drubbing that he died soon &Mr.
Niebling escaped.
John — B. Reever was arrested on Tuesday
last, for breaking open the shoe shop of J. M.
Flowers, in North Queen street, this city, on
Monday evening, and stealing some of his
"kit." He was committed to jail.
The shoe store of Alien Rook, in the same
street, was broken•open on Sunday night, and
robbed of about five dollars in pennies.
The constitutional growlers about high
school taxes in Lancaster city, should read
and reflect on the following facts stated in the
report of W. R. Wilson, Esq., made at the
High School Commencement on Friday last.
No wonder we are so much behind our neigh
bors in school accommodations : From data
in my possession, I find that in the year 1861
—and there has been no material change
since—it appears that in fifty-six cities and
boroughs, iu Pennsylvania—all of the least
note, and having an average attendance of
120,000 pupils—the average cost of tuition, for
all purposes, is put down for each pupil, at
$2.42 per month ; whereas that of the city of
Lancafiter is no more than $1.42, exactly one
dollar a month less."
Master Daniel Martin, of Upper Leacock
township, had one of his arms broken by fall
ing from a tree a few days ago.
A eon of Jacob Bomberger, residing in
Middle street, fell from a tree on Saturday
last and fractured his skull.
Rev. A. B. Shenkle was installed pastor of
the German Reformed church at Millersville,
on the 4th inst.