Pcitoch. BREEP FUN SCHWEITLEBRENNER. SCIILIFFIETOWN, JULY der 13t, 1869. MISTER FODDER Atm A11.k31: Dolt for a paar dog bets amohl sheer g,orly rnpps gevva tswisha meet- on der Bevvy, un now will ich der amohl de facts gevva derweaya, we's war. Dort in der shtadt hen se so a society was se de Chi Phi heasa, odder anyhow ebbas a so, un doh fergonga hen se sheins a meeting g'holta un so shpeeehlin g'- macht. Unner onuery war aw an lawyer dort fun Pottswillshteddlc (her beim naw ma Pit Schwefliebrenner, Junior " geat, un seller hut aw a shpeech g'inacht, uf Pennsylvanish deitsch, un donu hen se's in a Tseitung nei gedruckt derweaya. Well, fun dem hob ich uf course nix g' - moist, bis ich beam kumma bin doh der onner slog, on ins house nei un buck mich uf der groos shuckle shtool. Awer let hob grawd g'seana dos ebbas letz is—dos der deifel lobs is uf ca odder der onner weg, for de Bevvy hut so greiselbeftich hues Ous de awya geguckt, un aw grawd uf un longt amohl a Tseitung turn uhra koshta runner un sogt: "So so, Pit, den weg fin t mer dish ous, was for a 'noun dos du bisht; do shteats in der Tseitung, in schwartz un weis, dos es noel' ounery yungy Schweftlebrenner im load rum hter hut, besides der Abey wu olleweil dort in , der weeg lickt un shloaft." " Ei," sog ich, "fun wars shwetsht du donn? Ex- J plain amold—was is letz?" " Ei ordlich feel is letz," secht se, "wann a moon fraw un kiut derheam hut un aw besides noch onnery weiver un kinner im load rum her, so we (her Junior Pit Schweille- breuner «u doh in der Tseitung shteat. "Awer Itevvy," sog ich, "doh will ich awer aw nimmy doh week gea wann ich mea dos en fomelia hob except yusht ich un du under Abey." "Doh is es yob in der Tseitung," secht se, " un's is now net derwrert dos du's ferleagensht—doh is es, L a speech was made by Pit Schwefflehren ner, Junior, of Pottsville,' un all de par- , tidillars dodo." Donn hob ich amohl de ; Tseitung g`numma, un sure enough, dort i wars, grut.Ns. d we se's g'leasa hut! Awer was hob icli du kenna except's denya dos seller Junior my sohn is, odder dos er at all in der freindshaft is mit mer. Un ich der Bevvy explained hob dos ich yusht drei un dreisich yohr alt bin, un dos wann seller ding shun a lawyer is mus er anyhow shun ean-a-tswansich alt sei, un sellam noch mist ich shun sei dawdy gwest sei. we ich tawelf yohr alt war. Now de tsiffera kenna net leeya, uu de Bevvy hut a weil draw calculate un is tsu letsht tlw tsu der conclusion kumma dos Mu end olles recht is, un we mer noch weil derwettya g'shwetzt hen sin mer con vinced w arra dos seller Junior yusht caner is ther proweart mein gooter nawma tsu shteala. A wer so dos es meer kea bod deration roacht noch dem, geb ich now public notice dos ich yusht ea family hob, un sell is mich un de Bevvy under Abey; dos ich heft sohn hot' dos Pit heast; dos aw nemond fun so ma nawma mit meer in der freindshaft is; dos nemond sell= counterfit Pit nix borrickt uf my account well ich hens fun seina shulda betzahl. Awer now, for bisness. Ich under George tin drei ounery leading Ducks j wahra beinontier om letshta Somshdog— wu konn ich der now net j sawya, for de meeting war shtrictly private—so an con• ferential consultation, du weasht, for tau an understanding kumma fun weaya kon didawta, un mer hen so weft unite uf ea moan for Sennater, un awer weer der tswet eel soil is noch net exactly decide. Ich bin decidedly in favor nun Onnest Andy, for uf can konn mer sich ferlussa, un awer der George meant evva ea weer a wennich unsafe can tau nemma, un proposed dos mer earn ebbas sunsht gebt, ferleicht an onners mohl. Awer seller Billingfelt was gebutta wrerra—uf sell sin mer all agreed, provided mer kenna's du. We ich 'em George g'sawt hob dos ich glawb dos er ordlich fliei votes grickt, donn hut or mer yusht tau fershtea gevva dos es net so feel ufs vota aw kummt doses tseala. De votes polled un de votes counted, secht or, sin tswea-erlea dings. Uf course, ich fershtea now de ropes aw. Un for Semly leit hen mer now drei—der onner will der George ufs ticket du sometime de negsht woch. For Shreof hen mer an bully gooter, ewer, unnich dc rules fun unserm ring konn ich der sei nawma noch net gevva. Uf course, mer hen aw an Proddonnatter kondidawt, un a Retchister un Commissioner *u de gooty bricka contracts ous gevva—un in sellam set-up bin ich aw hunky-dory. Awer, unser principles sin decidedly benniflshel, un wells uns ferleicht noch wennich on votes fehlt, will ich der unser gonser platform !vevva, so dos tie wu ebbas wella seana kerma dos genunk chansa sin for se. providing se ieana f unser kierls. lin arshta plotz Deana iner - tad for lint' un sivvalsieh extra lit-ashlers un folders fir in de Scully. Mer geana nei for em Slitate Treasurer an ordlich grosser balance in der hond lussa—about tswea milliona dah ler, un sell, seeht der George, geh t MIS all a chame for dividends fun interessa. eafeltich weasht. lint obsolut hawa wella dos se sell geld usa setta for Shtate shad 1 oh tsu tsahla, un of seller weg fun sivvatsieh bis hunnert dan send dahlir interest seata. AWer secht der George, dent miser cans nix bot ta, un dawrum genna mer nei dos mer plenty geld of bond lien in der Treasury. Mer sin aw ill favor de Ephrata Shpring Ilotel property kawfa, for der Shtate, on $11:;,000. Seller job is aw goot, un dent an ordlich sheaner dividend g,evva. Mer sin in favor dos de County Com missioner tie Markendile Appraisers bet sahla macha for cares emtly, uns geld un nich ails ferdehla. fifer sin in favor an vender officer about tsean per cent. charga for miser influence, under George soil Treasurer acta fin• all sell geld, nn nicer gevva derfu so about was recht is. Mer sin in favor dos de County Com missioners geld lcaua—we meaner, we besser—un so mannetcha dos nicer so mitnonuer de benefit fun de iuteressa tseeya. Mer siu in favor dos de County Com missioners cara mileage tseeya oily dog, eb se travella odder net, uu sellentitled uns aw tsu about tswansich per cent. for de benefit fun uns selwer. Mer sin in favor dos de brieka contracts all tsu eam mown gevva sierra missa, un dos er der tariff ordlich dick drut' dut, nu of sell= weg kerma finer aw about tiwan skit dausend in earn yohr macha for de benefit fum George, unserm Treasurer. Mer hen aw melt onnery reform princi ples, fun denna ich olleweil nix tsu sawya hob. Wann untold de recut tseit doh is, will kh der unser entire Duck ticket gcvva fors publisha, so dos de wu of cm look-out sin for fetty jobs aw wissa for welly dos se vota missa. Awer, for de pressent, inns ich's maul holta. Awer ich denk net dos mer unita kenna of der Onnest Andy, weil er sheer gorly tsu weft fun Harris borriek woont—ivver drei hunnert mile, according tsu seiner mileage account we er in der S:nly g'huckt hut doh der letsht winter a yohr. Awer, weitere particulars an onnersmohl. Pilot.% PIT SCHWEFFLEIITIENNEI:. N. B.—Den nummiddog gea ich nosh Ilarrisborrick, well morya tie demokratish convention dort tsomma kummt. Ich gea of course, yusht for tsugooktt. Awer ich luss mei watch derheam. Wann's ung'- fehr ebbas abbordichs geht luss ich dich's wissa by telegral I'. S. (By Teloigrall, fum Vit.) lIARRISBORRICK, July der 14t, 180 Bin aw kuiuma geshter owat. ('ass, Packer un Hancock sin all ahead. ('ass club un Packer club sin aw doll fun Fit deify, mit moosick, un in wenuicher dos drei-frertle shtund hen se finfpocka-bicker, drel watcha tin ea carpet-back g'shtola. lch hob mei hoed olsfort im hussy sock unlheab mei pocky-buck fesht in der fousht. I'. S. l'S EJT DI PA Tt• 11. linitursuounica, July 14t Gross eckseitment. A delliget hut den morya tswea over g'shtola ous ma mor rickt monu sei korrab. Ich bin uoch all all right—hob mai all mei geld. Packer shtock is om nuf gm, un so is Cass. Be ware of pickpockets. P. S. DRITT DISPATCH HauntsuounicK, July 14t. 2 iThr Nummidog. Noch drei pocka-bicher Wshtola hob meins ols noch fesht in der fousht, un all right. Cass shtock Boot, un so is Packer un Hancock. Fans fun eanawella se ufnemma for Gufferneer. So is anyhow der report. P. S. FART DISPATCH HARUISBORRICK, July der 14t, 4 Uhr Numrnidog. Der Packer huts grickt under CRISES is ous g'shpeelt. Der Hancock huts aw net kumma kerma well er doh for a paar yohr so geaya de demokmta g'fochta hut, un sell is whats de matter mit eam. Eans fun eana hut ma neayer sei pocka buch g'shtola mit tswe dahler drip un an onnerer delliget ligt drunna im peashters un %spiders dippartment un shloaft—doat Outfit. Fully particulars de negsht. —"Prisoner, you have heard the com plaint for habitual drunkenness ; what have you to say in your defence?" "No thing, please your honor, but habitual thirst." —A couple in Savannah met for the first time on Friday last, courted Satur day, were "engaged" on Sunday, and married on Monday. When will they be divorced? —That chap who was "lonely since his mother died," is all right now. his kther married the "head" of a large family of girls, and they keep house for him, and give a party nearly every night. —A young lad.y , s opinion of the bonnet of the season: "Oh, the bonnets of my girlhood—the kind I wore to school ! I really thought them pretty. I must have been a fool. And yet I used to think my self on hats a jaunty miss. Perhaps I was, as fashion went ; but what was that to this ? Oh, the lovely little pancake— the charming little mat 1 It makes my head so level, and so very, very flat I" (Flom Cle Mr. INasby at last Loses his Postothee, and to add to his H►nniliation an Abolition Administration appoints a Negroe in his Place —Trouble at the Corners. nisi' CoNFEDEn rr X ROADS I Wick is in the Stait of Kentucky), June 09, Iso9. The die is cast. The guilloteen lwz fallen—l am no longer Postmaster at l'ont'etlerit X Roads, which is in the state of Kentucky. The place which knowd me once will know me no more f)rever— the paper with Deekin Pograu► takes will be handed out by a u igger—a nigger will hey the openin UN' letters addressed to parties residin hereabouts containin remit tances a uigger will hey the ritlin in/ letters ad- dresst to lottery managers and exiractin the sweets therefrom—a Digger will be-- but I can't dwell upon the disgnstin theme no longer. 1 bed bin in Washington two weeks as sislin the Cimeashens uv that city to put their foot upon the heads uv the cussed niggers who :dill, content to accept the situashen and remain ez they alluz hey bin, inferior beins. To say 1 hed succeed ed is a week expreshen. I organized a raid onto em so effech»ally ez to drive no less than thirty uv them out of employ ment, twenty-seven of Wkil WII, compelled to steel their bread, wich give us a splen did opportunity to show up the nateral cussidness of the Afrikin race--which we improved. On my arrival at the Corners, I knew to wunst that suthin was wrong. I lied rid over from Secessionville on llascom's mule, wich he lied sent over for me, and ez I rid up to his door, I knew suthin hed happened. The bottles behind the bar wuz draped in black ; the barrels wuz fes tooned gloomily (wich is our yoosual method uv expressin grief' at public ca lamities), and the premises generally wore' a funeral aspeek. "Wat is it ?" gasped I. Bascom returned not a word, but waved his hand toward the Post Offlis. Iluehin thither, I bustid open the door, and reeled almost agin the wall I At the yeneral delivery wuz the yrinnin face ay as nigger I and settin in my chair wuz Joe Bigler, with Pollock beside him, smokin pipes and latlin over suthin in a noospaper. Bigler taught sight uv me,, and dartin out, pulled me inside them hitherto sacred precinks. "Permit me," sed he jeeringly, "to in terdoose you to your successor, Mr. Cee zer Lubby." "My successof What does this mean?" "Show him, Ceezer." And the nigger, every tooth in his head shinin, handed me a commishun duly made out and sign e d. I saw it all at a glance. In imitashen uv our Secretary Boric, I had left my biznis in the hands Of a depetty, wich is now the favorite method of doin public bizuis. It arrived the day after I left, and 'maker Gavitt, who distribited the mail, gave it to the cuss. Pollock made oat the bonds and went onto em himself, and in ten days the corn mishen come all regler, whereupon Bigler backt the nigger and took forcible possess ion uv the office. While I was absent they hed a percesshun in honor of the joyful event, sed perseshun eonsistin ttv Pollock, Bigler and the new Postmaster, who marched through the streets with the stars and stripes, banners and sich. Bigler re markt that the percession wuzn't large, but it wuz talented, eminently respectable, and extremely versateel. lie (Bigler) carried the flag and played the fife, Pol lock carried a banner with an inscription onto it "slund the loud timbre! o'er Egypt's dark sea," and played the bass drum ; while the nigger bore aloft a ban ner inscribed "where Afric's sunny foun ta.us roll down the goL'en sands," with his commisshun pinned onto it, playin in addishen a pair of anshent cymbals. Bigler remarkt further that the percesh un created a positive sensashun at the Corners, which I shood think it wood.— "It wuzn't," said this tormentin cuss, "very much like the grand perceshun wich took place when you received yoor com misshun. Then the whites uv the Corners wuz elated, for they spectid to git wat yoo owed em in doo time, and the niggas wuz correspondingly deprest. They slunk into byways and sideways ; they didn't hold up their heads, and they dusted out ez fast ez they cood git. At this pepes hun there wuz a change. The tuggers lined the streets ez we passed, grinnin ex ultinly, and the whites wuz deprest cor respondinly. Its singler that at the Cor ners the two races can't feel good both at I the same time." My arrival Navin_ become known, by the °muds j DE Med Bascom. "Pay me what you owe me PI ejakelated Dekin Pogram, and the same remark was made by all uv em with wonderful yoon animity. Whatever differences uv opla yun there might be on other topics, on this they they were all agreed. "Gentlemen I" I commenced, backing up into a corner, "is this generous ? Is this the treatment I hey a right to expect ? Is this—" I shoold hey gone on at length, but jist at that minnit Pollock, Joe Bigler and the new Postmaster entered. Room wuz made for em and cheers offered em, but they declined to sit. "I hey binds !" Bed this Postmaster, "disagreeable biznis, but it's my oltishel dooty to perform it." At the word "oftishel" comin from his lips I groaned, which WRI3 ekkoed by those present. "I hey in my hand," continyood he, "de bond giben by my predecessor, onto which is de names uv Geo. W. Bliscom, Elkanah Po r ,oTam, Hugh M'Pelter and Seth Pennibacker ez sureties. In dis oder hand I hold a skedool ob de property be longin to de 'partment wick was turned ober to him by his predecessor, cousistin of table, chairs, boxes, locks, bags, et set try, wid sundry dollars wort of stamps, paper, twine, Noe. None of dis post °Ms property, turned over to my predecessor by his predecessor, is to be found in do otfis, and de objeck of dis visit is to notify yoo dat unless immejit payment be made WM NAS BY. drY 1 'll ia), COOEI N inwk uv the amount thereof, I am directed by de Tartment to bring soot to wunst ii , ainst the sed sureties." Never before did I so appreciate A. Johnson and his Postmaster-General Mtn , dill. Under their administration wat Postmaster wuz ever pulled up for steelin anythin ? Eko answers. This wuz the feather that broke the camel's back. "Wat !" exclaimed Bascom, "shei I lose wat yoo owe mt., and then pay for wat yoo've stole ?" "Steel 1 lose the money," sed Pograni, "which I lent you, and in addishen pay a Abolishen government fur property you've contiscated ?" "But the property is here," remarkt to Bascom, "you've got it tll. Why not return it, and save all this trouble ?" "Nat wood I have then for the whisky you've consoomed ?" he ejaekelated vish usly. "It's all I've got from you, and I've btu keepin you for four years." "Didn't that property pay you for the liker?" I asked, but Bascom wuz in no humor for tiggers, and he pitched into me, at wich pleasant pastime they all followed soot. But for Joe Bigler they wood hey killed me. Ez it wuz, they blaekt both my eyes and rolled me out onto the side walk, shuttin the door agin me. Ez I heard that door slain to, I felt that 1 wuz lost. .No gilts! no money! and 1 Bascom's closed agin me! Kin there he a harder fate? I passed the nice with a farmer three miles out, who bein sick, hedn't been to the Corners, and conse kently he knowd nothing ny the changes. 1 heard the next day the result of the ruskshcu. Bascom returned sich uv the property ez hedn't been sold and con swilled, which consisted uv the boxes. The chairs lied been broken up in the fre quent shindies with occur at his place, the locks bed been sold to farmers, who yoosed cm on their smoke houses, the bags had been sold for wheat, andi so on. The stamps, paper, twine and sich higgered up three hundred and forty-six dollars, wick wuz three hundred more dollars than there wuz in the Corners. Bascom advanced the forty-six dollars, and the three hundred wuz borrowed uv a banker at Seeessionville, who took mort gages on the fitrins nv the imprudent bondsmen for sekoority. Uv course I can't go to back the Corners under existin circumstances. It would be uncomforta ble for me to live there ez matters have terminated. I shel make my way to Wash ington to see of I can't get myself electid ez Manager uv a Labor Association, and so make a livin till there comes a change in the Administration. I would thsten myself to A. Johnson, but unforchinitly there ain't enough in him to tie to. I would as soon think uv tyin myself to a i car wheel in a storm at sea. PETROLEUM V. NASA', (With wuz Postmaster.) our gittit Aokto. •,,, A bore meeting Douglas Jerrold / id; "Well, what's going on to-day?" "I am," exclaimed Jerrold, darting past the inquirer. , —lt is all very wall to advise the peo ple to take the bull by the horns, but what will the bull aforesaid be about all the time ? —lt was an apt answer of a young lady who, being asked where was her native place, replied : "I have none ; lam the daughter of a Methodist minister." —Some crusty, rusty, fusty, lusty, musty, dusty, gusty, curmudgeon of a man gave the following toast at a cele bration : "Our tire-engines—May they be like our old maids—ever ready, but never wanted.'' —First Young Man of the day.— "Why •Arry 'ow is it you don't let yer moustache grow?" Second Young Man of the Day.—"So I did for a week or so, but I found it took away all the play and expression of my mouth." —"Here's your money, dolt, and now tell me why your rascally master wrote eighteen letters about that contemptible sum?" "I'm sure I can't say, but if you'll excuse me, sir, I sort o' reckon 'twas because seventeen didn't fetch IL" —Barnum wants to got a nightmare to exhibit at his museum. Let him eat a mince pie' three sausages, half a dozen pickles, a plate of salad, and a few pigs' feet at midnight, and go at once to b e d. He will get one of the animals in two hours or less. —A vitidoWor7 having taken another wife, was nevertheless always paying some panegyric to the memory of his late spouse in thepreeenee of the living one, who one day added, with great feeling, "Believe me, nly dear, nobody regrets ber more than I do." —"pear me," exclaimed Stiggins, "that field, surgeon gave Squantum's boy a new lip front t ohild'is own cheek 1 What a painful operation it must have been t" "I've had a pair of lips :taken from my cheek*KW! than once," replied " Mrs. Stiggins , iltio4 it wasn't a painful operation at —An Indianapolis lawyer has received the following : "Sir can I get a devors how soon on ,rounds` tiptn I cannot sup port Kiri% havvi =One child, a boy. am willing to take.care of the boy, ans. lowa ditty Jo state what it will cost, if it costs $2O I cant.pay that much. Direct to box 240 Burlington Vermont. INY OUR BPNCIAL AUTIIITJ "• 1 "1 THE VIRGINIA DEMOCRACY. The new Governor elect making his speech with two leading Democrats as right and !eft supporters. Clothing. FREE EXHIBITION! liveryboly Buys their Clothing MYERS & RATH FON, AND SAVES ATONES MY ERS & RATHFON keep the largest assortment of READY-MADE CLOTHING FOR MEN, YOUTHS AND BOYS, All our own manufacture. We guarantee the goods as represented or money refunded. We have just returned from the east with a full and complete stock of CLOTHS, TRICOTS, PIQUES AND conT[Nos 111 all colors UASSIMERES in great varieties, which we are prepared to make up to order in the best style and the shortest notice, and at the very lowest Cash Price. Our stock of GENTLEMEN'sI FURNISHING 000DSiS full. Thankful for past patronage we hope by selling goods low to merit a continuance of Public patronage. MYERS & RATIIFON, Southeast Corner of Centre Square, tpll3-Iy] Lancaster, Penn',, REMOVAL TO BEAU MONDE HALL ! PORTICO ROW, 531 PENN SQUARE, 531 READING, PENNA., A LARGE LOT OF BEAVERS, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VESTINGS, &c., &c., EMB SPRING AND SUMMER WEAR A LSO, BOY'S CLOTHING, AND GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS! LEVI G. COLEMAN, Cutter BUCH & BRO., PROPRIETORS je4-tf I Boots and Shoes. MARSHALL & SON'S BOOT AND SHOE STORE, CENTRE SQUARE, LANCASTER, PA, iNOTHER FRESH ARRIVAL—Gies Us A CALL The only place for good and substantial work sat MARSHALL'S, Where can be seen the largest and best assort men t of Men , s and Boys> BOOTS AND SHOES ever brought to this city. Ladies', Misses' awl Children's plain and fancy Shoes, Balmorale and Buttoned Gaiters. Si' Also, RUDDERS OF EVERY KIND, which we invite you to call and examine; feeling eon tldent that we can warrant all to WEAR WELL no 20-lyj REINHOLD 4.% STUBBS, No. 104} North Queen St., Square above the R. R. Depot. BOOT AND SHOE DEALERS. Have just arrived from the city with a large and elegant stock of Boots and Shoes, Gaiters, etc., superior to ally ever before brought to this market, which are offered at the fol lowing astonishing low prices : Men s Calf Boots $3.00 to $7.00 " Box-toe Congress Gaiters.... 3.00 to 4.00 11 Congress Gaiters 2.50 to 3.00 11 Balmorals 2.00 to 3.00 " Lasting Congress Gaiter' 8.00 to 875 11 Oxford Tie 2.75 to 3.50 Boys' Gaiters 2.00 to 8.00 a Calf Balmorals 1.50 to 2.00 Youths Calf Balmoraki 1.25 to 1.75 Ladies high-polish Lasting Gaiters. 2.50 to 3.25 11 Lasting Balmorals 1.25 to 1.75 " Lasting Congress Gaiters 1.50 to 2.00 " fine Glove Kid Button Boot.. 3.26 to 4.00 11 " Glove Kid Polish 800 t... 2.60 to 8.25 11 " Morocco Button 800 t.... 2.25 to 3.00 " " Goat Balmoral 9.00 to 2.50 " 1 11 Turkey Morocco Button. 8.00 to 8.75 " " Kid Heel 51ipper5......... 1.25 to 1.75 " " Goat Slippers 1.00 to 1.25 Misses Goat high-polish 1.75 to 2.60 a Lasting high-polish 2.00 to 2.25 Children's shoes of all kinds 50 to 1.50 WAn inspection of the stook is solicited. WOur work is all warranted. WAll kinds of custom work manufactured in the very best style itt abort notioe, at the lowest easb prices mart-insi] IIItINHOLD & STUBBS. Books and Stationery. H EAD Q UARTERS —wok— SUNDAY SCHOOL BOOKS AT FULTON ROW, WEST KING STREET. All the latest helps for Superintendents Teach errs and Bible Students, new Charts with Ob ject Lessons, a new System of Rewards, mak the in Sc g evhooery Scholar a worker in the interest of l. ALL rlial LATUT SUNDAY SCHOOL MUSIC BOOKS, LIBRARY BOOKS, RECORD BOOKS, CLASS BOOKS, ho Common School & Miscellaneous Books, STATIONERY AND FANCY GOODS, HITCRCOOKTS HALF DIME SHEET MUSIC, BIBLES AND TESTAMENTS. AT PHILADELPHIA WHOLESALE PRICES it Call and sae for yourselves. inyl4-tf] D. S. BABE. REMOVAL J. H. SHEAFFER, BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER, Has removed his large stock WM BOOKS and STATIONERY, COMO NO. 62 NORTH QUEEN STREET, Oppoeite Shobees Hotel, FOUR DOORS NORTH OF ORANOR-STREICT ap9-W] LANCASTER, PA Pkofessionai. J. DICKEY. • ATTORNEY AT LAW OYFICF,: SOUTH . QU E EN :- , T., second house 14 low the " Fountain Inn," Lancaster, Fa. Ar B. LI VI NGSTON, f.fi • ATTORNEY AT LAW Orvicen No. 11 NORTH DUKE ST., west side north of the Court Douse, Lancaster, Pa. CHARLES DENUES, ArronNEy AT LAW. Orpicis: tie. 3 SOUTH DUKE STREET, Lan castk.r. Pa. JOHN 13. GOOD. ATM): NEI AT LAW. Ovvica: N 0.56 EAST lit N Ur ST., Lancaster, j W. JOIES.NON, CY • ATTORNEY AT LAW. OFFICE.: No 25 SOUTH QUEEN ST., Lanett ter, Pa. TA P. ROSENMILLER, JR. • ATTORNEY AT LAW. OFFira: With A. Haan SMITH, Esq., Souti Queen St., opposite the office of "Father Mira ham," Lancaster, Pa. A C. REINOEIIL, ATTORNEY AT LAW. • Dams: \0.3 SOUTH DUKE ST., Lanco-k4vr JOILN P. ILEA, ATTORN Er AT LAW _ - OYFICH: With lion. O.J. Dioxicr, N 0.21 SOUT)i QUEEN ST., Lancaster, Pa. MARTIN R A U T i o `T T RN ATTORNEY AT LAW. OFFICE of the late Hon. THADDEUS STEVEN- , No. 2K South Queen St., Lancaster, l'u. A MOS 11. AtYLIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. OFFICE: No. 8 SOUTH QUEEN ST., Imuons.V.)• MIIMEIIIMI °PPR:4:: With General J. W. ' , mom, NORTII DUKE ST., Lancaster, Pa. BF. BAER, • ATTORNEY AT LAW Opyfox: No. 19 91011.TU DUKE Street, Laneas ter, Pa, [deo IS-lyr Reading Advertisements. HMALTZBERGER, . ATTORNEY AT LAW No. 45 NORTH SIXTH ST., Reading, Pa. JGEORGE SELTZER, • ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLER AT LAW. No. 604 COURT STREET, (opposite tho Court House,) Reading, Pa. Sewing Machines. G ROVER & BAKER'S FIRST PREMICM ELASTIC STITCH FAMILY SEWING MACHINES, 493 BROADWAY, .ti YORK 730 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA POINTS OF EIOELLENOE. Beauty and Elasticity of Stitch. Perfection and Simplicity of Machinery. Using both threads directly from the spools. No fastening of seams by hand and no wastt of thread. Wide range of application without change of adjustment. The seam retains its beauty and firmness arty' washing and ironing, Besides doing all kinds of work doneby other Sowing Machines, these Machines execute the most beautiful and permanent Embroidery and ornamental work, Si"-The Highest Premiutns at all the Fairs and exhibitions of the United States and Europe, have been awarded the (;rover Baku Sewing Machines, and the work done by them, wherever exhibited In competition. air The very highest prize, THE GROSS 01.' THE LEGION Ok HONOR, was conferred on the representative of the Grover & Baker Sew ing Machines, at the Exposition Universelle, Paris, 1867, thus at testing their great superiority over all other Sewing Machines. For sale by GEORGE SPURRIER, North Queen street, Lancaster, Pa. THE HONE SEWING MACHINE. my2B-Iy.) von EVERYBODY! As a Holiday Gift to a Sister, W ife or Friend they are unsurpassed. The Farmer wants it for his Family. The Dress and Cloak Maker prefers it. The Seamstress wants it, because its work is sure to give satisfaction. The Tailor has long ago decided it to be the best for his business. The Carriage Trimmer cannot do without it: and the Shoe Fitter tinds that, after all, the HOWE is the machine for him. Sooner or later, everybody will have the HOWE MACHINE, Every Machine is warranted. Everyone may be the possessor of one of these unrivalled machines, as we endeavor to make the terms of sale suit all our customers. We earnestly inviteal whether they purpose pritroluming or not, to call and get specimens ot the work executed by us on the HOWE MA CHINE, and compare it with the work done by other machines. We are willing to abide by the result. C. FATE, Agent, My; North Queen Street. dee 184f] Hats, Caps, Furs, &c. 1868. 1868. SHULTZ & BROTHER, HATTERS, NO. 20 NORTH QU'EEN STREET LANCASTER, PENNA. Latest style Fall and Winter HATS and CAPA in all qualitiat and colors. LADIES' FANCY FURS, We are now opening the largest and most omplete assortment of Ladies' and Children's FANCY FURS ever offered in this market, et very low prioes. ROBES! ROBES!! ROBES!!! Braßill° Robes, lined and unlined; Hudson Bay Wolf, Prairie Wolf, Fox, Coon, ao. BLANVETS AND LAP RUGS Of all qualities, to which we would partioularly invite the attention of all persons in want ei articles In that line. GLOVES, GAUNTLETS and MITTS OTTER, BAVER, NUTRIA, SEAL. BUCKSKIN FLESHER, KID, Lo., ite Ladies' Fine Fur Trimmed Gloves, Gauntlets Mitts and Hoods. PULSE WARMERS and EAR MITTS. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. noffl-tf Hotels. S. HOTEL, OPPOSITE PIHtNA. R. IL DEPOT. HARRISBURG, PA. - o- W. H. EMMINGER & 00., inhl2-Iyl Proprietors