Father Abraham. (Reading, Pa.) 1864-1873, July 09, 1869, Image 3
Xacal ITEMS : A lodge of Knights of Pythias has been organized at Georgetown, Bart twp. Joseph C. Stubbs, of Little Britain twp., is erecting a double-decker barn, 60 feet long by rig wide. It required one hundred and forty men two days to place the timbers in position. The following are the recently elected ofli sers of Post 54, G. A. It. of this city : Com mander, J. K. Barr ; Senior Vice Command er, D. P. Rosenmiller, jr. ; Junior Vice Com mander, E. H. Thomas, jr. ; Adjutant, A. B. Brubaker ; Quartermaster, Wm. Thomas ; Sergeant Major, John W. Hubley ; Quarter master Sergeant, G. W. Leonard ; Surgeon, M. L. Herr, M. D. A new council of Junior Mechanics has recently been organized at Mount Joy. The "Glorious Fourth" was observed in this city on Monday last. There was no regu lar celebration, but people enjoyed the holiday in their own way. Litiz was visited by many of our citizens, where the usual festivities were enjoyed. Capt. Rockafellow's companies of Fencibles had encamped there on Satur day, and a parade of the military, and several Councils of American Mechanics took place during the day. The Spring was illuminated in the evening, and altogether the good people of Litiz had a lively time. By the way, would it not be as well for the credit of the Columbia and Reading railroad company to provide something else than open truck cars for their excursions ? The accommodations on Mon day night, on the return trip to Lancaster, were decidedly uncomfortable, and men, wo men and children huddled together, in the cold, keen night air, on open trucks,was rather too much to pass unnoticed. We hope for bet ter things hereafter. From the proceedings of the city school board on Thursday evening of last week, we infer that we shall soon have a high school building erected in our city, which will do us some credit. The treatment of the boys and girls of the high school by a majority of the board recently, was a scandal and disgrace, and we hope some reparation may be made by erecting a building for them that will please all. Mr. Levi Ellmaker, of the Gap, a brakeman on the Cincinnati express train, fell from the train on Thursday night last, near Marysville, Perry county, about six miles west of Harris burg. His head struck the ground with such force as to expose the brain. He was not dis covered until some two hours after the acct= dent occurred, and was immediately cared for by the Railroad Company. His recovery is considered very doubtful. A son of Andrew Boreman, near Now Dan. ville, Pequea township, was cut so severly by a mowing machine on Thursday last, as to render amputation of the right leg necessary. The other leg was also much lacerated. On Alouday afternoon a fire broke out in an out-building attached to the house of Charles Knapp, in North Queen street. The firemen were promptly on the spot, and subdued the flames before much damage was done. The candidates had a gay old time at Litis on Monday. Such a whispering, buttonhol ing and cotening generally Is seldom seen, PIT SCHWEFILEBRNNER, Esq., was there, and for particulars see his letter in this paper. A Pic-Nic and Free Fight took place at Rocky Springs on Monday last. Claret of human vintage—flowed freely, mixed with any quantity of first quality of lager. The same thing occurred ou Saturday last at Heise's woods, near Columbia. Both parties were celebrating the " glorious Fourth. Mr. J. B. White has purchased the proper ty of Abraham Dummy, corner of Charlotte and Ferdinand streets, in the borough of Mau helm, for $1,950. An Episcopal church is to be erected on the property. A lad named John Weidler was severely burnt on Monday by the explosion of a quan thy of powder which he carried in liks pocket. Geome Evans, sou of Jacob Evans, had one of his lingers blown off by the accidental dis charge of a pistol. Both reside in this city. Thomas Neidig, sou of Amos Neidig, of the borough of Washington, this county, was thrown from his horse, on the 27th ult.. in that town, and so severly injured as to cause his death in about three hours. Now that the warm weather is upon us, a thorough cleansing and purification of cellars, &c. should take place. There are a number of disinfecting agents which will be found effi cient in removing offensive smells from damp, mouldy cellars, yards, pools of stagnant water, decaying vegetable matter, &c. One pint of the liquor of chloride of zinc, in one pailful of water, is perhaps the must effective of any thing that can be used, and when thrown upon decayed vegetable matter of auy description, will etiectually destroy all offensive odors. Three or four pounds of sulphate of iron, (cop peras,) dissolved in a pailful of water, will, in many cases, be sufficient to remove all offen sive odors. Chloride of lime is better to scatter about damp places in yards, in damp cellars, and upon heaps of filtb. H Z. lhloads St Bro., have put up a town clock, at their new building in West King st., this city. It is to be illuminated every night, after the new place of business is occupied by the Messrs. Rhoads, which will be in about two weeks. " Rocky," the mischievous old bachelor of the .Express very ill-naturedly says : " It' the married gentlemen who reside in that section of the city return home late at night and set up the stereotyped excuse that they really didn't know what time it was," they will be met with that insinuating "M v dear, did you look at Rhoads' clock ?" therefore, you see, will not only prove a regu lator of time, but of good habits also. And anything that performs two such valuable functions is a benefit to the community." Oh, Rocky ! Wonder if "your mother knows you're out" lato o'nights? The directors of the Columbia National Bank have declared a dividend of six per cent. out of the profits of the last six months, pay able on demand. THE FOURTH AT LITIZ : The leading feature of the demonstration at Litiz was the American Mechanic's -parade, with over six hundred members clothed in full regalia, with numerous flags and banners, and marching through the several streets of the village to the music of all sorts of patriotic airs by five or six bands. The processsou contained mem bers of the National and State Councils, and subordinate councils from Lancaster, Colum bia, Cenoy, Marietta, Mount Joy, Manheim, Adamstowh, Sinking Spring and Ephrata, with delegations from Womelsdorf, Reading, Strasburg and other localities. On arriving at the Spring, an appropriate weloome speech was made on behalf of the citizens of Litiz, by Major Freautl, which was responded to on be half of the Order of Mechanics by E. H. Rauch and Col. Wm. Bear, when the several Councils were dismissed. This was decidedly one of the most successful local demonstra tions of the kind ever witnessed in this country. r4rS5OO REWARD is offered by the pro prietor of Dn. SAGE'S CATARRH REME DY, for a case of Catarrh which he cannot cure. The fifty cent packages prepares one full pint of the medicine ready for use. Sold by druggists, or send sixty cents to DR. R. V. PIERCE, Buffalo, N. Y., and you will re ceive it by return mail. To the Republican Voters of Lancaster County. We, the undersigned Republicans of the Bor ough of Columbia, take pleasure in offering Mr. Peter Fraley as a candidate for the Assent. bly. Front a. tom knirkwiran of, the 011arneter and qualifications Or air. narey, we feel cons. dent he would make a faithful and efficient llepr, , sentative. We, therefore, urge our fel low-citizens of the county ta t ifive him their suffrages at the ensuing prima election : . John 4 !. Denney, Milton Ike, H. G. Mulct, BenJ. Haldeman, Jacob Auwerter Wm. V. Hess, Philip Shreiner, John Peart, John B. Bachman, , A. 0. Newpher, George Bogle, S. Alien ilookiu - . J. W. Weary, Abrion Bruner, Sr., Abram Bruner, Jr., Jacob !Urine, A. J. Kauffman, And many others. * LANCASTER, June 29th, 1566. Edifort Express: I perceive that Mr. Henry Bechtold, of the borough of Mount Joy, is one of the candidates for toe office of Register. lie is extensively known in the county for his strict bush ess habits, and his zeal as a staunch Re publican, and has done faithful duty for years without asking for an office. He is fairly en titled to the suffrages of his fellow-citizens 9.nd if elected, would not fail to give genera'l satisfaction, being intimately acqi,ainted with the German and English languages, and other wise well qualified for the office. His numerous friends will be happy to see him settled at the primary election, and will not fail to give him their votes. [ONE OF THISM. THE ILEARTH AND Ilona continues interesting and pleasing. No. 30 is forthcoming, and pro mises to be a specially tine one, both in the variety and excel.ence of its matter and the beauty and value of its illustrations. It will contain the beginning of the very . interesting story, "THE ROMANCE OF A RICH YOUNG GIRL," by Octave Fuillet, author of "Tan ROMANOE or A POOR YOUNG M•N," which was OVlnyWir re so deservedly popular by reason of the singular interest of its plot, the variety, beauty and thrilling character of its incidents, the artistic skill of the style and the healthy tone of its morality. " The Romance of a Rich Young Girl" will be found to possess all these qualities in en equally marked degree. Address, HEARTH AND HOME, Perk Row, New York. CANDIDATES. Vir Announcements of clndidates for office MUST DE PAID IN ADVANCE. This r'qe is imperati re. S '\ kTi - We are authorized to announce JOHN M. STEHMAN, of Penn twp., as a candidate for STATE SENATOR, subject to the decision of the Republican voters at the ensuing pri mary elections. t-ir" We are authorized to announce HON. ESAIAS BILLINGFELT as a candidate for STATE SENATOR, subject to the decision of the Republican voters at the ensuing pri mary election. ice' We are authorized to announce Major R. W. SHENK, of Lancaster City, as a can didate for SENATOR, subject to the decision of the Republican voters of Lancaster County, at the primary election. rir We are authorized to announce JOHN B. WARFEL, of Lancaster city, as a candi date for the SENATE,aubjeot to the decision of the Republican voters at the primary election. FirWe are authorized to announce Capt. CHARLES DENUES, of Millersville, as a candidate for STATE SZKLTOII, subject to the decision of the Republican voters of Lan caster county, at the nominating election. * PROTHONOTARY Or We are authorized to announce Capt. W. D. STAUFFER, for PROTHONOTARY, late of the let Penna. Reserves, and of the 195th P. V., present Clerk for Prothonotary, of Lancaster City, formerly of Earl township, subject to the nomination at the Republican primary election. CLERK OF QUARTER SESSIONS Vir We are authorized to announce BEN JAMIN F. ROWE, of Providence twp. as a candidate for CLERK OF QUARTER 6.F.9- MONS,- subject to the decision of the Republi can voters at the primary election. CLERK OF ORPHANS' COURT PrWe are authorized to announce AMOS F. SWEIGART, formerlyof Salisbury town ship, now of Earl, and late Sergeant 47th Regiment P. V. Infantry, as a candidate for CLERK OF ORPHANS' COURT, subject to the decision of the Republican voters at the pri mary election. I ar - We are authorized to announce CAP TAIN JOHN Q. MERCER, late of Sadsbury twp., now of the city of Lancaster, as a can didate .for CLERK OF ORPHANS' COURT, subject to the decision of the Republican vo ters at the primary elections. LEmsLATuRE We are authorized to announce Capt. WM. D. REITZEL, of East Hempfleld twp., as a candidate for the LEGISLATURE, subject to the decision of the Republican voters at the ensuing primary election. lII' We are authorized to announce AARON H. GUMMY, of H. Hempfleld, as a candidate for the LEGISLATURE, subject to the decision of the Republican voters at the ensuing primary election. rirWe are authorized to announce Major A. C. REINOEHL, of Manheim township, as a candidate for the LEGISLATURE, sub ject to the decision of the party at the Re publican primary elections. Ur We are authorized to announce Capt. A. GODSHALK, of East Cocalico township, as a candidate for the LEGISLATURE, sub ject to the decision of the party at the Repub lican primary elections. M- We are authorized to announce JACOB G. PETERS, of Conestoga township, as a candidate for the LEGISLATURE, subject to the decision of the Republican voters of Lan caster county, at the primary election. * PirWe are authorized to announce Dr. E. B. HERR, of Indiantown District, as a can didate for the HOUSE OP REPRESENTA TIVES, subject to the nomination of the Re publican people at the primary election. * COUNTY TREASURER ar We are authorized to announce JESSE PANNABECKER, of Clay township, as a candidate for COUNTY TREASURER, subject to the Republican nomination at the comin§ primary_ elections. fAir" We are authorized to announce H. K. STONER, of West Lampeter township, (manufacturer of agricultural implements) as a candidate for COUNTY MEAstraza, subject to the nomination by the Republican voters at the primary election. IWe are authorized to announee that WM. ROBERTS, of W. Hempfteld twp., will 'be a candidate for COUNTY TREASURER, sub ject to the decision of the Republican voters at the ensuing primary elections. REGISTER OF WILLS t"'"„_4lr We are authorized to announce JACOB D. GOMPF, of Lancaster city, aa s candidate for REGISTER. OF WILLS, subject to the de cision of the people at the ensuing Republican primary election. Oir We are authorized to announce HEN RY BECHTOLD, of Mount Joy borough, as a candidate for Rautsrsa, subject to the de cision of the Republican voters, at the prim ary election. Of We are authorized to announce JERE MIAH ROHRER, of Lancaster city, late Major 127th Regiment, Pennsylvania Volun teers, 2d Division,23 Corps, Army of the Po tomac, as a cadidate for REGISTER OF WILLS, subject to the decision of the Repub lican voters at the primary election. I'We are authorized to announce JA COB W. BEAR, of Marietta Furnaces, East Donegal township, as a candidate for REGIS TER, subject to the decision of the Republi can voters at the primary elections. rarWe are authorized to announee MAR TIN S. FRY, of Ephrata township, as a can didate for Ruminate, subject to the decision of the Republican voters of Lancaster coun ty, at the uominatieg election. • * tgir We are authorized to announce DR. WM. M. WHITESIDE, late Lieutenant of Company E, 10th Regiment first three months' service, and Captain of Company I, 79thlie giment P. V., of Lancaster city, as a candi date for the office of REGISTER, subject to the decision of the Union Republican party at the primary election. I:4r We areauthorized to announce Lieut. A. C. HERR, of West Lampeter township, as a candidate for REGISTER, subject to the nomination by the Republican voters at the primary elections. ice' We are authorized to announce GEO. W. COMPTON, of Caernarvon township, as a candidate for REGISTER, subject to the rules of the Republican party. rEINON /10IPECTOR. Mr' We are authorized to announce ISAAC STOKL, of Zlitrata township, as a candidate for PnisoNINSPECTOR, subject to the Re publican nomination at' the primary election. SHERIFF Z-47 - We are authorized to announce JOHN HILDEBRAND, of Mount Joy, as a candi date for SHERIFF, subject to the decision of the Republican party, at the primary elec tion. r.4r We are authorized to announce AMOS GROFF, of Martic township, as a candidate for SHERIFF, subject to the nomination by the people at the Republican primary elec tion. Mr We are authorized to announce JOHN M. JACORY, of Clay township, as R, candi date for SHERIFF, subject to the rules of the Republican party. t We are autherized to announce ISAAC MISHLER, of Lancaster city, (late of East Cocalico township,) as a candidate for the office of SHERIFF, subject to the rules of the Republican party. COUNTY COMMISSIONER Veil - We are authorized to announce JOHN ARMSTRONG, of Martic township, as a candidate for COUNTY CcnstmissroNEE, sub ject to the decision of the Republican voters of Lancaster County, at the primary election. are authorized to announce SOLO MON DILLER, of Earl township, as a can didate for COUNTY Commrsstoliza, subject to the decision of the Republican voters of Lancaster county, at the primary elections. RIP We are authorized to announce PETER JOHNS, of East Lampeter todnship, for COUNTY COMMISSIONER, subject to the rules of the Republican party. MARRIED. WAONBR—WALTON. On the 29th ult., by Rev. J. J. Stzine, at his residence, Peter Wagner, of York county, to Mary Ann Walton, of Marne, Lancaster county. RINIXR—MILLER. At the same time and place, by the same, Hiram S. Rinier to Mary R. Miller, both of Pequea. Hoovsa—Ecxsts.x. On theist inst.,at Greider's hotel, by the same, Isaac H. Hoover to Annie A. Eckman, both of East Donegal. RBls—Sonuttaxix. On the sth Inst., at Millers ville, by Rev. H. H. Bruning Otto F. Bees to Mary Schiellein, the latter of Pittsburg, Pa. Unxim—Fin.tnsa.s.um. On the 4th inst., by Rev. Dr, Greenwald, Charles Frederick Unkel to Miss Lydia Ann Fellenbaum, both of Lan caster. DIED. KAUFFMAN. On the let Inst., at Millersville, Catharine Kauffman, aged 68 years, 1 month and 20 days. kissirk. On the 7th Inst., at Fairview, Litiz Road, Charles M. son of Frederick Senor, its the 12th year of his age. wESTHAXIMEn. On the 7th Inst., in this city, Michael Westhaeffer, aged 78 years. THE MARKETS. Lancaster Household Markets. LANCASTER, July 7 Butter, ip 1p Lard, ift a Eggs, VI doz. Veal, by the quarter Live Spring chickens i pair Dressed Chickens each New potatoes, VI half pk Green Peas II X peck Cherries "*i (It Beets % bunch Raspberries Gooseberries 111 quart Currants it quart Dewberries 1,1 quart . Oats, 4i bag of 8 bus Philadelphia Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA, July 7.—The movements in Seeds are or an unimportant character, owing to the absence of supplies; we quote Clover seed at t 9 9.5 d; Timothy at $175@5, and Flax seed at $2.70 per bus. There is not much activity in the flour mar ket, and no essential change from yesterday's quotations; the sales, which are mostly to the home consumers, foot up 80 i bbls.., at # 1 (#3.37'4 per bbl. for superfine ; 44.400.75 for extras ; fj7 for common and fancy spring wheat extra family; $OCe6 50 for Penn'a do., including 100 bbls. good Lancaster county at the latter dgure; $6.75137.71 for Ohio and Illinois do., and $9.756 10.50 for fancy brands. Rye flour is steady at $0.12'4449.25. Prices of Cornmeal are nominal. Wheat is quiet and steady ; sales of 1,000 bus. prime new Delaware red at $1.00@1.02; 40,00 bus. old Penn% and Western do. at $1.4491 s'), and 1,500 bus. fancy Kentucky amber at 411.65. Rye is held at $1.334&11.1. Corn is steady at the advance noted yester day; sales of yellow at 95@tee., and western mixed and high mixed at 93@950. 3,000 bus. western Oats sold at 71@770., and some Penn% at 74;)72e. Whisky is quiet, and sells in a small way at 94c. to $1.05. New Advertisements. 1809. NEW SPRING GOODS GEO. B. COLEMAN, No. 14 NORTH QUEEN ►TREET, (Lute Wiley , u Shoe Store,) Has in store a Fine Assortment of French, English and American CLOTHS, COATINGS AND CASHMERES, which he is prepared to make up to order in the latest styles for SPRING AND SUMMER WEAR, ON THE MOST REASONABLE TERMS -A L. 40,..- GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION ON HAND jig I T HL doei snuffs am the peon _ bee. palliate for a ish - ort time, or drive the dueuse to the lungs as there is danger of doing in the use of such nostrums, but it, produces PERVICOT AND ?ERMAN/CRT CURES OP THE WORST OASES OP CHRONIC CATARRH, as thousands can testify. "COLD IN TRIM HEAD" ht cured with a few appli cations. CATARRHAL HEADACHE is relieved and cured as if by magic. It removes offensive Breath, Loss or Impairment of the sense of taste smell or hearing, Watering or Weak Eyes, andimpaired Memory, when caused by the vio lence of Catarrh, as they all frequently lire. I offer to good faith a standing reward t f for a case of Catarrh that I cannot cure. FOR .ALE BY bff..)2 4 !_pli.l.7olllSTS EVERY- WHERE. FAICE ONLY 50 011111*8 As your Druggist for the REMIDY j but if he has not got it on sale, don't be put off by ac cepting any miserable worse than worthless substitute, but enclose sixty cents to me, and the Remedy will te sent you poet paid. Four ckages $2.00, or one dozen for lila Send a wo cent stamp for Dr. Sage's pampbl4 on `atarrli. Address the Proprietor, R. V. PIERCE, M. D., Buffalo, N. Y OTICE. j y9-81n ) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an appli cation will be made at the next session of the state Legislature of Pennsylvania for the crea tion of a corporate body with banking privi leges, to be located in the village of New Hol land,' bi Lancaster county. to be named and styled the "NEW HOLLAND EXCHANGE, DISCOUNT AND DEPOSIT COMPANY," the speeitki object of which shall be to receive moneys on deposit, and to do ageneral banking business, and the amount of capital of which shall not exceed the sum of 00,060,00, Hy the Committee. D. P. BOSENSIILLERJIL, P l ork4f . reand Lancaster, and Harrishu A r t irWe e eray Teisgraph copy. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. Estate of Itay. W ASHINGTON V. GOT- W ALP, late of Lancaster, deo'd. Letters of ad ministration on said estate haying been grant ed to the undersigned, persons indebted there to are requested to make immediate paytnent, and those having claims or demands against the same will present them for settlement to the undersigned, residing in Lancaster. Je2.5-tit ) 6. M. 7. MEM, Adapt., ESTATE OF CATHARINE GO SHEN, tate of Now Holland, Earl town ship, deceased. Letters of administration on said estate having been granted to the under signed, all persons indebted thereto are request ed to make immediate payment and those hay ing claims or demands against the same will present them for settlement, to the under signed, residing in said township. je4430.1 . c CHRISTIAN JOHNS, Adm'r. A 1). ROCKAFELLOW & BRO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL FRUITS AND NURSERY PLANTS, STORE—No. 50 NORTH QUEEN STREET, GRAPES, Ac., IN SEASON. myidayl LANCASTER, PA. SEVEN PER CENT. GOLD BONDS of tiro Lmitc sUPERIOR AND MISSIs. MPH RAILROAD COMPANY. First Mortgage Sinking Fund Bonds, Free of United States Taxes. Secured by 10332,000 AcREs OF CHOICE LANDS, and by the Railroad, its rolling stock, and franchises; and yielding in currency near ly Temper cent. per annum. Holders of 5-20 Bonds clan exchange them for these desirable securities, at a profit of nearly 20 .per cent. A limited amount for sale upon favorable terms, and full particulars furnished by DAVID G. sWARTZ, No. 73 North Duke-st. my7-taug2B9 Lancaster, P's. PITTSBURG COMMERCIAL, DAILY'4. AND WEEKLY. 4* NoW IS THE TIME TO SUBsCRIBE EVERY MAN SHOULD KNOW WHAT IS GOING ON 20 ft 22 23 ft 25 10 g 12 50 95 45 i IA 15 •20 12 18 6 8 b 8 15 23 The election of 'Grant marks an era in the his tory of the country. The future is full of pro mise. We stand on the threshhold of a period of remarkable interest. If the Presidential campaign awakened a desire for reading and intelligence, the election of Grant must create a wish among all classes to be well informed at every step in the career on which, as a people, we are about to enter. The people buying elect ed a President by an unexampled majority, they will naturally wish to observe him at every step, know of every event as it happens, and have an intelligent understanding of men and things not only in our own country, but throughout the world. More than ever now a good newspaper be comes essential to every man, who would keep himself informed concerning passing events. No man can pretend to know what life is or keep up with even the most moderate compet itor, without he is the constant reader of a good newspaper. A good newspaper is the best in vestment any man can make—a poor one the poorest. Although established but recently, comparatively, 8 a 10 1.50 @1.65 THE PlTTsUUttki COMMERCIAL has won a place among the first Journals of the country, and by common consent is the BEST I'APER IN PENNSYLVANIA We might give from our correspondence and the notices of the press in this and other states, columns of comme mutton—testimony •nstain iu the claim w•e have set up. The reason is evident. We And the habitual reader of the Con it FACIAL will find himself well informed on all topics of general interest. Few papers in the country have so extensive a correspondence; none has so complete arrangements for g athering the news, and no other pays so much attention to adapting what it prints to the wants and asso ciations of its readers. The COMMERCIAL is NOT MERELY A POLITICAL PAPER. An advocate of theprinciples of the Republican party, it returns to political friend and foe a thousand times what he pays. 1869. THE DAILY COMMERCIAL, ever since it was established, bas been ahead in giving the latest, fullest and most reliable news. It is not too much to say—for it is a common remark—that locally it bus caused a revolution in journalism t and it exerts an extended influ ence on the public mind. Not professing to be a party organ, and wishing not to be under stood as the in,strnment of any set, sect or com bination, yet devoted to the great principles which have so signally triumphed in Grant's election, the Course ac IA L aims to be an educa tor of the public mind, the medium through which it will find expression, and the advocate and friend of truth in all things. If it is the organ of anything, it is of PENNSYLVANIA INTERESTS, more especially of the great industrial classes, with whom it is in the closest sympathy, and of whom it is a part. As a commercial paper, es pecially in its EXTENSIVE AND RELIABLE MARKET the Cpeuzacizt is recognized everywhere as anthbtity, end it is daily read and relied on in Banks, Counting Rooms, by the Mechanic, Tradesman and Representative Man of every calling. in this respect we spare neither labor nor expense, and we take pride in believing that we have won a position which older papers have striven in vain to obtain. In a word, if you desire the LATEST AND ALL TEX COMPLETEE PULLIET AND NOV MARKET EXPORTS; TEE 0 OICEST G R ERA L READING AND LIT ERA TURA AND A COMPLETE NEWSPAPER IN EVERY iIIIBPICT, READ THE PITTSBURGH COMMERCIAL. There are thousands who cannot afford to take a daily paper, and to whom a week l y is allauffl (dent, proVided it be a good one. To meet this want we publish THE WEEKLY COMMERCIAL, a very large sheet, each number containing an amount of reading equal to a dollar volume, prepared expressly for those who deFire in one paper all the News, and NeWspaper reading enough for a family. To this end we give in the WiltaLY Coniexaciat. the particulars of leading events, whether of POLITICS, FINANCE, HOME OCCURRENCES OR FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE To render the W RXXLY COXIIIRCI AL of especial value to the rural portion of the population, we give extensively of AGRICULTURAL READING, for which we have special arrangements ; so that eo number of the paper shall fail to give what to any man with an sore of ground will be worth many times the cost of a year's subscrip tion Besides this each number of the weekly is stored with CHOICE FAMILY AND FIRESIDE READING !Aladin gentertain ing ike (mites of Biography, Travel and Discovery, interspersed with Poetry, Stories and light reading. To this we add what has already caused the WIRICLT to be sought after very widely—a FULL WEEKLY REPORT OF ALL THE MARKETS OF PITTSBURG AND THE PRINCIPAL CITIES AT HOME AND ABROAD. These reports occupying nearly an entire page,arei to the buyer aad seller of whatever our population makes, grows or trades is in valuable. The COMMICACI A L is published Daily and Weekl , at the following lutes. Daily Paper, one year (Liberal terns to News Desilere.)llllo.oo Weekly Pa per, single copy one year .... %op in cl u bs Of Twenty, and a copy free to the gette rss, •up 1.641 Addre C OII IIIIEIICUIL, 76 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. Miscellaneous. El= QM WHITELAND NURSERIES UWE ALL TEE NEWS REPORTS, Dry Goods. SPRING AND SI'MAfElt DRY GOODS -AT HARR & BROTHERS. LADIES DRESS GOODS, GENTS' FLTR,NISIII,NG STORE, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES S VESTINGS, FRENCH AND AMERICAN COATINGS, Ready-Made Clothing, HOUSEFURNISHING GOODS, CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS, WALL PAPER !ME WINDOW SHADES. A full and complete stock at the je4-tll] LOWEST PRICES THOS. J. WENTZ, M . o. el EAST KING STREET, SIGN OF THE BEE HIVE, Now offers a full assortment of DRESS GOODS, SILKS, SHAWLS, IVHITE GOODS, GLOVES and HOSIERY, CARPETS, Floor & Table Oil Cloths, GLASS AND QUEENSWARE AT THE LOWEST INDUCING PRICES. Kind attention paid to all. special care taken to show our stock. WENTZ BEE lIIVE, my2B-tf] No. 5 East King street JOHN D. SMILES, AT HIS NE\V STORE, NO. 24 EAST KING STREET, Has just opened THE MUST ELEGANT STOCK -01- SPRING AND SLIMMER DRY GOODS Ever offered to the CITIZENS oF LANCASTER LADIES' DRESS GOODS Of every description 500 ps. CALICOES from 9 to 12 1 / 2 0. per yard SIIA:VVL.S A fine assortment of SQUARE SHAWLS of every description. BLEACHED MUSLINS I All the Best and Popular Makes GENTLEMEN'S WEAR A fine assortment of FRENCH, ENGLISH. tt AMERICAN CLOTHS, CASSIMICRES AND VESTINOS, Which we will make up to order at short turtle*, beet style, low prices. READY-MADE CLOTHING. A large assortment of our own Manufacture for MEN AND BOY'S WEAR, AT LOW PRICES. CARPETS 111 CARPETS 111 be Po• BRUSSELS TIIRER-PLY, INGRAIN, RAG AND HEMP CARPETS, -AL9O OIL CLOTHS, MATTINGS, RUGS, &c WINDOW SHADES! A due assortment of W indoor Shades at very Low Priem (myl•ly JACOB 11. 11.41101113 H, JOEX L. MILLIS. HARNISH & CO'S CHEAP STORE, No. 27 WEST KING-ST., LANCASTER, PA., Dealers in Foreign and Domestic DRY GOODS, GLASS AND QUEENSWARE, Cloths, Cassirneres, Sattinetts, Jeans, Tweeds Lindsey., Flannels, Ticking., Chgeks t Alpacoas, Dress Goods, GinghaMs,Moos, Muslim and Drills, White Goods, Notions, & No. 1 Feathers, MEN AND BOYS' WEAR, Made up at astonishing Ldw Prices. —Call and examine our stock before pur chasing elsewhere. [febl76o-ly Periodicals. THE DAILY EVENING EXPRESS, I (FURNISHES ITS READERS REGULARLY MO THE LATEST NEWS BY MAIL AND MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH, And all Important Local and General In telligence. TIMM $5.00 A YEAR; 0.25 FOR 8 MONTHS. THE WEEKLY EXPRESS, A SATURDAY PAPER OF THE FIRST CLASS, Contains ail the news of the week nr h ti n ) Friday night, and gives more fresh reading can be has elsewhere for the same amount o money. Titans: $2.00 PER YEAR, IN ADVANCE. Address PRARSOL £ GRIST, Publisbers_, deo IS4mj Lancaster, Pa. Groceries. G ROC'EttIE.S, FRUITS, AND CONFECTIONS, FOR THE HOLIDAYS LAYER, SEEDLESS Axto VALENCIA NEW CURRANTS, NEW CITRON. TURKISH PRUNES, GREEN APPLES, DRIED APPLE DRIED PEACEs, HOMINY, SHAKER CORN, GREEN PEAS, SPLIT PEAS, CHOICE CRANBERRIES, CHOICE GREEN TEA CHOICE BLACK TEA. RIO, I-4,GUYRA AI'i'D . JAVA COFFEES, SUGARS A3i'D SYRUPS. A VARIETY OF CONFECTIONS, GLASS AND QUEENS WARE. LAMP GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. All the above of the beet quality and cheaper than the cheapest. At D. S. & J. S. BURSK'S, nov 20.lyrj No. IS East King strdet, Inc.i Jewelry. ZAHM & JACKSON, DEALERS IN WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SILVER AND SILVER-PLATED WARE, SPECTACLES AND FANCY GOODS, No. 15 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA /111 - REPAIRING ATTENDED no2o-Iy] WATCHES! WATCHES! CLOCKS, CLO CKS, CLOCKS. The undersigned keeps constantly on hand 96 large and full assortment of the GENUINE AMERICAN WATCHES, of different weight and finish, to suit all, which are sold upon the most reasonable terms, and guaranteed to give satisfaction. Keeps also on hand a good assortment of CLOCKS. Gall and examine the goods before purchasing elsewhere. Thankful for past favors, I solicit a confirm. once of the same. HENRY F. ANDREWS, Jan l.ly*J Strasbnrg, Lancaster co., Pa. Coal, Lumber, &c. E IMER, BRENEMAN & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN COAL, OF THE BEST QUALITY, YAnn—COR. WATER ST. AND PA. R. R. Osaka—NO. 2 EAST ORANGE ST., LANCASTER PA. [dec 18-17 B. B. MAIITIN, HERBERT THOMAS, JOHN 8. MASON. 5,000,000 FEET OF DRY LUMBER. MARTIN, THOMAS & CO., COLUMBIA, LANCASTER CO., PA., Manufacturers At LOCK HAVEN, CLINTON COUNTY, PA., AND WHOLESALE LUMBER DEALERS. WHITE PINE, HEMLOCK, POPLAR WALNUT ASH, FLOORING, SIDING, WEATHER BOARDS, PICKETs, LATH, B mhl2-Iy] BOX OARDS, &c., Varnishes, &c. AUG. REINOEHL. JAC. RRINOEHL, JR. A A &J. REINOEHL, MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN COPAL, WHITE, COFFIN, BLACK AND JAPAN VARNISHES, LWSEED OIL, TURPENTINE, !to., &c. NO. 109 NORTH QUEEN STREET, (In the Keystone Building,) LANCASTER, PA. Also, Mahogany Boards, 'Veneers end Mouldings of different sizes and pat terns. All kinds of Turning, such as Bed Posts, Table Legs, Spokes, Hubs, Felloes, &c., &c., &c Also, AXLES, SPRINGS, As Photographs, &•c. GOLDEN GIFTS. Parents to Families, Father to Daughter, Mother to Son. GENTLEMEN TO LADIES When the light has left the house, memoria such as these compound their Interest. GILL'S SUPERB PHOTO Miniature or Opal Pictures, admitted to be the best in the city and no superior in the State Constantly increas ing demand and great expe rience in this style of miniature give us greater facilities and better results than any establish ment outside of large cities. STEREOGRAPHS OF HOME VIEWS for the Centre Table. Also, prismatic instruments. Large Colored Work by some of the beat Ar tists In Philadelphia and elsewhere, in the high, eat style of the art. India Ink, Past ille, Crayon. and colors, at GILL'S CITY GALLERY, No. 20 East King-at. den 1-Iyr] Furnishing Goods, &c. H EADQUARTERS POR UNDERCLOTHING, STOCKINGS, GLOVES, COLLARS, CUFFS, SLEEVE BUTTONS, ad Goat's ware generally, at ERISMAN IS, 10,11% NORTH QUEEN ST., Lancaster. ter Hr rver ous grosser shtook goods—suitable ishdogs, Nei-Yohrs un onuery Presents SO we Hols-Dicher, Sebnuu-Dieber, Collars, Hem term,' /Pnep, rsbtiekte Hemmer-front., Pocket Bieber, Perfumery, Hohr-tEld, Cigar case, lan onnery &soy articles oils Z. J. ERHIMAN , B, 41% North Queen Street, Lancaster. (Om sign fum gross Shtrealleh Rem.) Inolitay Book and Job Printing. Riw?iß-& COCHRAN, BOOK AND JOB PRINTERS. PLAIN AND FANCY PRINTING OF ALL HINDS. irt: the s e est e CARD the besstyl,aul st • ale prices. jrordara from a distaaoe promptly attend, oniez.-NO. 111, SOUTH QUEEN BMW WATCHIN I [jan !Myr