Father Abraham. (Reading, Pa.) 1864-1873, July 09, 1869, Image 2

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FRIDAY, JULY 9,1869.
Economy, Retrenchment, Faithful Collection
of the Revenue and Payment of the Public
For liovernor,
For Judge of the Supreme Court,
The popular illustrated Radical Republican
Campaign paper, published with the most
gratifying success during the memorable con
test in 1868, will be especially devoted to the
same cause in 1869, by a vigorous and cordial
support of the Republican candidates for Go
vernor and Judge of the Supreme Court.
The popular and highly amusing letters of
PIT SC HWEFFLEBBENITEIt will appear week
ly as heretofore. The paper has been consid
erably enlarged since 1868, as well as im
proved in every respect.
at the following terms of subscription :
One copy, for six months $ 75
Ten copies, ~ a 4 6.00
Fifteen copies, " " 8.00
Twenty copies, " " 10.00
And fifty cents for each additional copy over
twenty, and au extra copy for getting up a
club of twenty.
Ing All subscriptions must be paid in advance.
Lancaster, Pa.
MIL ti. BAKER YOHNO, the Lancaster News
Dealer, who everybody knows, is agent for
FATHER ABRAHAM, and is authorized to take
subscriptions and receive money for the same,
The resolutions passed at our State Con
vent ion are short, sharp, and easily un
derstood. They declare,
Ist—Peace and prosperity through the
election of President Grant.
2d--Approval of Gen. Grant's Policy.
3d—Confidence in the general Adminis
tration to settle the Alabama difficulty.
4t1.---Sympathy for the struggling peo
ple of Cuba and the oppressed of all na
tll- Against special legislation.
6th-1n favor of a pure Judiciary.
Adherance to the doctrine of pro
tection of home industry.
Bth--A cordial support of the ticket.
As we predicted in a former issue, the
Supreme Court, in full bench, has over
ruled the infamous decision ofJ udge Shars
wood declaring the new Registry Law
Unconstitutional. "How arc you, cops?"
Ror. .1. S. Rutan has been nominated
as the Republican candidate for the State
Senate from the Beaver and Washington
District. The conference adopted a reso
lution calling upon him to make a distinct
and unqualified avowal in favor of "the
passage of a law to require the Commis
sioners of the Sinking FUnd to apply all
the balance of the funds iu the Treasury
of the State available for that pur
pose, to the purchase of the outstand
ing debt of the Commonwealth." Mr.
Buten, as well as the candidates for
for Assembly in those two counties, most
emphatically endorsed the resolution. The
people all over the State are moving in
favor of the proposition of Senator Bil
lingfelt, to relieve the State Treasurer
from the custody of so large an amount of
the people's money.
Andrew Jackass Steinman was chair
man of the committee on resolutions of
the late Copperhead County Convention.
The second resolution of the series most
effectually dispeses of President Grant,
and is a quotation from an individual
named Andy Johnson, who has a trifle
more brains than the afore-mentioned
Jackass—but only a trifle more. It is a
curiosity, and we give it entire:
"That the administration of Ulysses S.
Grant has failed to meet the very mode
rate expectations of the people, and has
caused them to agree with Andrew John
son when he says that `Grant hasn't a
single idea. Ile has no policy, no con
ception of what the country requires. lle
don't understand the philosophy of a single
great question. Ile is mendacious, cun
ning and treacherous. He is nothing
more than a bundle of petty spites, jeal
ousies and resentments. Ile is the great
est farce that was ever thrust upon the
people, and is only fit to ornament a
country cross roads grocery.' , '
There now—it is all over with Grant,
The people are already reaping the ben
efits of the great Republican victory of
1868. Since the inauguration of General
Grant as President of the Vnited States,
since the Johnsonian copperhead system
of wholesale fraud and corruption in high
places has been broken up and aims filled
by faithful and competent men, during the
very short period of four months of the
new Republican Administration, the na
tional debt has been reduced over THIRTY
SIX MILLIONS OF Dom Ans, and during
the month of June alone, over SIXTEEN
MILLIONS OF DOLLARS were paid off, be
ing an average reduction of orcr hay* a
million every day. At this rate, the na
tional debt, during the first year of Presi
dent Grant's administration, will be re
duced about two homirect millions 'dollars.'
And yet copperhead leaders have the
audacity to ask the tax-payers of Penn
sylvania to vote against this party, and
restore the old democratic Treasury thieves
and traitors to power! Will they do it?
Not much.
From that intensely copperhead sheet,
the Reading Daily Eafile, of the 3rd inst.,
we clip the following:
"The Father Abraham constantly re
peats the exploded falsehood that the
Democracy are more in favor of negro
suffrage than formerly. Will the rail
splitter mention a single Northern Demo
cratic convention, or a single Northern
Democratic paper, which has endorsed or
even favored negro suffrage or negro
equality? if not, get Forney to invent a
fresh fib, for a future text."
On reading the above we just happened
to have on our table an extract from, the
New York World, the leading organ of
the Democratic party of the North, which
paper strongly advises its party to give
up the dead issues of the past, and especi
ally 'to abandon its hostility to the negro. It
asserts that the 15th amendment is certain
to become ratified as part of the constitu
tion. With such authority as the New
York World, we need Hot go the trouble of
naming any of the smaller fry of (Imo
cratic journals to prove that they are
coming round, even as the avowed friends
of negro suffrage. Of course, it is not ex
pected that the democracy of Old Berks—
Dan. Ermantrout only excepted—is ready
to take the great step, in which the World
has already taken the lead.
Democrats—particularly delegates and
representatives—appear to be constantly
in the market, and for sale, cheap, for cash.
It has just been announced that the unin
structed delegates to their State conven
tion are going to meet at the Bolton
House, Harrisburg, on the evening•of the
13th "for the purpose of consultation,"
which means, of course, to receive sealed
proposals from their millionaire candidates,
Packer and Cass. And it is well under
stood also, that, after " consulting " the
amount of stamps then and there offered,
they will have no difficulty in deciding
which of the candidates will be most
The Reading Eqyle, not being in this
arrangement, comes out strongly against
it, saying:
"We hate Gov. Geary—we hate the
whole Radical party and we hate a Re
publican victory—but above all this we
hate a bought-out Democrat. Our advice
to the uninstructed delegates is to stay
away from this consultation."
It is a somewhat remarkable fact that
democratic papers never accuse Republi
cans of being "bought up," but only the
members and representatives of their own
party. And before the close of the pre
sent campaign, we predict, there will be
plenty of them offered, very cheap for
cash, or in exchange for whisky, without
regard to quality. Our Republican friends
would do well not to be in a hurry about
buying, but wait until they are down to
their real value, say about fifteen cents
each, or, wholesale,at ten dollars per hun
dred. At the latter figure we wouldn't
mind buying a lot, and vote them up on
Sour Kraut Hill. It would perhaps be
the cheapest way to reconstruct that very
interesting locality.
the able management of its new editors
and proprietors, Messrs. J. Kuabb & Co.,
has become one of the very best papers in
the State, comparing very favorably with
the dailies of Philadelphia and Pittsburg.
Louis Richards, act., has charge of the
local department, and his reports are al
ways original, well prepared, and in every
respect reliable. Success to the recon
structed Daily Times.
THE dedication of the Gettysburg Mon
ument took place on Thursday of last
week, bringing together a large assemblage
of people, embracing many eminent mili
tary men and civilians. Henry Ward
Beecher delivered the introductory prayer.
Gen. Meade unveiled the figures. Senator
Morton, of Indiana, delivered the oration,
and Bayard Taylor read an original poem.
WE have received the communication
of Argus," containing an interesting
account of the commencement exercises
of the Pennsylvania Military Academy,
at Chester, Pa. We regret that its great
length and the limited space in our col
umns compel us to decline its publication.
The copperhead papers make a great
out-cry about the extravagance of Repub
lican legislatures, and promise great things
in ease they get into power. It is hardly
worth while to spend much time in ex
posing the hollowness of their profhssions,
as the people know them, yet we'll refresh
their memories a little with a specimen of
their management when they have the
power. By sonic mishap, the copperheads
succeeded in electing a majority of the
Ohio Legislature in 1867. The provisions
of the constitution of that State contem
plate one legislative session in two years.
The cops held thrte sessions in their term
of two years. They were in session two
hundred and sixty days—longer than was
ever before known in Ohio, and at an ex
pense of s•2so,o'24lo—more than double
that of their Republican predecessors.
This model Democratic Legislature, we
learn further, created between thirty and
forty new offices, at a cost to the people
for salaries, fees and expenses of at least
$75,000 per annum. They added to the
State liabilities for various purposes about
$1,500,000; and in order to avoid an in
crease of taxes levied for State purposes,
they diminished the sum levied to pay the
State debt, and increased the levy for other
State purposes almost $OOO,OOO. This, in
brief, is a statement of the capacity of
Democratic legislators to plunder the peo
ple, wherever or whenever they get the
opportunity. And this will be their course
in Pennsylvania if by any misfortune they
should get the control of the State Gov
The Democracy of Old Berks are liar '
up for funds. Their leaders and Colin
officers, well knowing that it's all up with
their party, won't come down with their
stamps to carry on the campaign. The
Eagle, however, won't give it up so, and
calls upon the unwashed and uncombed
to raise the needed funds by each giving
only a quarter! The Reading Daily
Times, referring to this new plan, says:
" The Eagle, in suggesting a plan to
raise money to carry ou the coming cam
paign, says: Let us have twenty-five
cent certificates printed—similar to those
used in Sabbath Schools to raise mission
ary funds—and what Democrat would
not buy one.' In view of the promised
Democratic victory, (?) it seems quite out
of place to be already crying for quarter.
You musu't give it up so soon, gentlemen.
But, seriously, hadn't you better issue 5
cent certificates, for the result will be the
same—Geary will be elected—and you can
save money by adopting our suggestion."
There was a time when the Democracy
of Old Berks could raise any amount of
money for political purposes. But now
their men of means are beginning to see
that they can make more profitable in
vestments than in their miserable, cor
rupt and unpatriotic old party. Mr.
Clymer is out of politics, making iron and
helping to build railroads; Ancona has
turned his attention to insurance against
fire; Glancy Jones has left for Delaware,
the State of whipping posts, and other
purely Democratic institutions; "Larry"
Getz has sold out his Democratic printing
office and serving out his congressional
term, which will put an end to his partici
pation in partisan affairs, and "the rest,
residue and remainder" of the party, in
cluding printing offices, banners, flags and
" tixins'' have been bought up by the pro
prietors of the Eagle, who now run the
machine like a second-hand furniture and
variety store, looking only to the meek
and lowly followers for support.
The cause of this change—the steady
and wholesome growth of Republicanism
in Berks county—is easily understood. It
is the work of school houses, English
newspapers, railroads, telegraph wires,
Methodist meeting houses and the liberal
reward of every branch of industry under
the wise and economical administration oft
the Government by the representatives of
the great Republican party.
AN old farmer in Ohio, having read
that the State Penitentiary cleared seven
thousand dollars during the past year by
the labor of the convicts, sat some time in
deep thought and then exclaimed: "I
think we'd better turn our Legislature
into a penitentiary, by jingo!" Jes so!
TIIE first and most important quality
in the female sex is sweetness of temper.
Heaven did not give to them insinuation
and persuasion in order to be surly; it did
not make them weak in order to be be im
perious; it did not give to them a sweet
voice in order to be employed in scolding;
nor (lid it provide them delicate features
in order to be disfigured by anger.
A REFOR3I tick .t is called for in Phila
delphia. Break down the ring, nominate
honest men and not allow a few corrupt
politicians to make a ticket, is all that is
necessary now to make a winning party.
Why wilt people, who are continually re
forming, stay away from the delegate elec
tions ? The people themselves are re
sponsible for the character of the ticket
—Many years ago, a Boston lawyer got
lost while traveling in the woods, on Cape
Coc. Coming to a house, he rode up to
the door, and - accosted the lady of the
house as follows: "Madam, if you will
tell me who I was, who I am, where I
am, and where I am going, I will give
you a dollar." "You were Kent the
minister, you are now Kent the lawyer;
you are in Falmouth woods, and you are
going to the devil." lie hanged her the
dollar and passed on. The lady happened
to know him.
Handbills, Cards, Bill Heads, Programmes,
Posters, &c., &c., printed in the best style and
at reasonable rates, at the FATHRE ABRA
HAM Job Printing Office. Orders by mail
promptly attended to.
t father Abraham's Chips.
MASSA( HT :SETTS, like Maine, has slaw
against luggage smashing on railroads.
NEVEft wait fin• a thing to turn up. Go
and turn it up yourself. It takes less
time and is sure to be done.
TUOSE who are advocating, the temper
ance cause in speeches, are denominated
THE vote of the Methodist Episcopal
Church on Lay Delegation, as far as
heard from, stands: For, 31,165; against,
ahr it x Emperor of Russia has scut a
small field piece to General Grant, on
which are engraved tho names of his vic
A BoY was suffocated to death in Craw
ford county, by having his head caught
between the rails of a fence he was climb
ing over.
WOMEN can buy dough in the evening
in New York, and have hot cakes for
breakfast without the trouble of making
IN Roanoke county, Virginia, is a
wheat field of 7000 acres, which has been
harvested in first-rate condition, the yield
being large.
IN May the people Of New York spent
8222,000 in going to theatres, :751,000 in
riding on street ears, and $97,000 riding
in omnibuses.
THE New York bulependent estiinates
that the population of Chicago in 1870
will be 370,000; in 1880, 600,000; and in
1890, 1,000,000.
THE Governor has issued an order for
the execution, on Wednesday, the 11th of
August, of Charles Orne, one of the Brod
head murderers, at Stroudsburg, Monroe
M. S. QUAY, Esq., editor of the Bearer
Radical has been made Secretary of the
Republican State Central Committee. The
,Niadquarterp of the Committee will be in
IT is stated that young ladies make the
best telegraph operators in a thunder
storm, inasmuch as none have yet been
found who are afraid of the electric
sparks—"or any other man." When the
French cable is laid, however, they may
be a little more wary.
THERE is a little girl ten years old in
Kentucky who has never spoken to her
father. She converses freely with any one
else, but when her father speaks she is
silent. She has been whipped for her
obstinancy, but persists in saying that
she has tried to speak to him and cannot.
MAYOR Fox has much trouble in try
ing to keep his police force from stealing
property they are expected to protect.
At a recent lire at Leonard, Baker Co.'s
in Philadelphia, a lot of valuable silks,
etc., were stolen.
AT the late Copperhead Convention in
Maine, the only resolution of any account
adopted, was one in favor of free trade.
Yet workingmen throughout the country
support this party and hope to keep wages
up. What folly.
As GRANT was driving to the ferry, in
New York, a short time since, he was
recognized by the driver of a car, who
shouted at the top of his voice: "Do you
moind the dhrop o' wather I gave ye, for
nint the stunted ponies, at Shpottsylvania
Court House?"
IT is announced that at the coming meet
ing of the Pennsylvania Teachers' Asso
ciation, to take place at Harrisburg, Au
gust 10th, ladies will be entertained free
of charge, and gentlemen at one dollar
and one dollar and fifty . cents per day.
The usual half rate fares ou railroads will
be secured.
A YOUNG woman in West Grantville,
Mass., arose in her sleep, a few nights
since, and after dressing her hair with the
utmost care and precision, walked five
miles to her home in Toland, in her night
clothes, never awakening until just before
her arrival, when she naturally caused
quite a sensation.
THE profits of the Boston Peace Jubilee
amounted to $110,700. To this are to be
added the profits from the Gilmore testi
monial, and then Mr. Gilmore is to re
ceive $50,000, and the remainder is to go
to the widows and orphans. Mr. Gilmore
has also received a house and lot in Bos
ton, valued at $25,000, as a gift from the
IT is not what people eat, but what
they digest, that makes them strong. It
is not what they gain, but what they
save, that makes them rich. It is not
what they read, but what they remember,
that makes them learned. It is not what
they profess, but what they practice, that
makes them good neighbors, useful citi
zens and Christians.
EVERY young man is eagerly asking
the best way of getting on in life. The
Bible gives a very brief answer to the
question : " Walk in the way of good
men, and keep the paths of the righteous."
Many books of advice and direction have
been written, but that is the gist of them
Tun Soldiers' Monument at Gettysburg
is sixty feet high, consisting of a massive
pedestal, twenty-five feet square at the
base, and the die and cap crowned with a
three-quarter globe; on which stands a
colossal statue of the genius of Liberty,
holding in her right hand the victor's
wreath of laurel, and clasping with the
left a sheathed sword. The inscription
reads : "Gettysburg, July 1,2, 3, 1863."
Oun candidate fur Governor, General
Geary, is a veteran soldier of two of the
most glorious wars of the Republic. In
both cases he went in to seek no holiday
service. He served fully and ably, and in
thalast and greatest war he only returned
to the Oosorn of his native Commonwealth
when the great army of Sherman was dis
banded,after its ever-memorable campaign
through Georgia and the Carolinas. The
people, endorsed him in 1866, and they
will not desert him now.
IT is a common rule, and one easy in
observance, both with vehicles anti pedes
trians, going in opposite directions, that
when they meet each should take the
right hand side in passing. Nothing is
more disagreeable, and to bystanders a
more ludicrous sight,than to meet a person
who takes the same side of a walk as
yourself, and causing frequently a dodging
of both parties from one side to the other,
until one, losing patience, stands still and
lets the other pass.
The Fourth, and how it was Celebrated on the
Fifth—The Veterans of the War of 1812— The
Washington Statue—Return of the Calico
llose—The Registry Law—Democratic City
Ticket—A split Imminent—Ledger Excur
sion, &c.
PHILADELPHIA, July Bth, 1869.
DEAR ASE : Nu finer weather could have
been desired for the celebration of the Fourth
than Sunday and Monday proved to be. A
cool wind was blowing all day, and though we
had no public celebration, there was sufficient
enthusiasm to be found among our citizens not
to allow the day to pass by quite unforgotten.
On Sunday the different military organiza
tions attended divine worship, in full uniform,
whilst sermons of a decidedly independent
nature were preached in most of the churches.
Monday morning was ushered in by the ring
ing of bells and firing of cannon. At nine
o'clock the children and teachers of the first
school district assembled and presented to the
city a handsome statue of Washington. The
statue has been placed on Chestnut street,
immediately in front of Independence Hall,
and the street from Fifth to Sixth was a
perfect jam of people, assembled to
witness the presentation, and listen to patri
otic speeches from Hon. Henry D. Moore,
George F. Gardon, Esq., Wm. 11. Hanna,
Esq., and Mayor Fox.
The veterans of the War of 1812 assembled
in the Supreme Court Room and toasts were
reported and responded to by the old heroes.
Forty-one deaths have occurred during the
past year.
Young America was early on the street
raising a din and confusion with fire crackers
and powder, and as no one seemed to inter
fere, they had things all their own way, and
spent the day joyously.
Thousands went out of the city, and boats
and railways all had more passengers than
could possibly be accommodated, many being
compelled to remain at home for want of
Altogether we can boast of forty-odd fires
during the 4th and sth, and eleven accidents
from the careless use of firearms, and as there
was any quantity of whisky sold during the
day, of course we had rows innumerable.
The appeal from the decision ofJudge Share
wood, declaring the Registry Law unconstitu
tional, came up before a full bench of the Su
preme Court last week. The Board of Aldermen
were represented by Messrs. Gibbons, Mere
dith and others, and Phillips and Hirst for
the other. side. At the time of my writing
the Court holds the matter under advisement.
An escort, large and imposing, greeted the
boys of the "Calico" upon their return from
their trip to your city on Tuesday evening
last. Desiring to know what kind of au opin
ion had been formed of Lancaster, I took the
trouble to inquire, and all unite in pronounc
ing it a decidedly wide awake place, and not
one member but is iu ecstacy over the manner
iu which they were treated during their brief
visit. The boys were received at the depot
by the "Ginger Hose," "Screw Guzzle
Engine," "Duster Hose," and several other
organizations of a like kith, and escorted to
their house after a street display.
The doings of the late Democratic Conven
tion have raised a terrible howl among the
decenter portion of the party. The Sunday
press comes down on the whole ticket rather
hefty, and in a manner not calculated to make
it over popular. The Dispatch says "the ticket
represents nothing but the worst elements of
the Democratic party. The whisky and rail
way rings, the ballot box stutters, the shoul
der hitters, the prize fighters, the thieves and
gamblers, have united in a bold effort to
govern the quiet and respectable members of
the party." The Mercury, the leading Sunday
organ of the Cops,is even yet more severe, and
pitches in as follows :
"The Democratic Conventions held iu this
city last week were eminently discreditable iu
all respects. From bodies composed of the
worst possible material nothing but the worst
possible action could be reasonably expected.
With an exception or two, a weaker ticket than.
that present could hardly have been made; while
the disorder, 'violence, dishonesty and black
guardism which marked the proceedings of
every one of the nominating bodies, but espe
cially those of the City and County Conven
tions, were, perhaps, never exceeded, if
equaled, on any similar occasion.
"As usual, the important business of select
ing candidates foe the party was committed
to persons having neither the sense nor the vir
tue requisite for that body. It would be both
an insult and a tie to seat that they represented
the mass at the Democracy in this city. They
really represented nobody but themselves and
the wretched " roughs" and rowdies who
elected them as delegates, and who invariably
compose the entire constitutency of the nomi
nating conventions of both political parties in
"We confess that we are not of those who can
urge decorus and prudent action to-day, and
violence to-morrow. Such persistent and au
dacious violation of every principle of party
policy and public decency shall no longer re
ceive tolleration. The fact of a great and
once glorious party, with great principles at
stake, being not only ruled but ruined by devils
in human shape, is enough to make every re
spectable citizen sick even of the name of De
A split in the party is imminent, and a loud
cry is made for the formation of a new ticket.
It matters very little, however, who is nomi
nated, as the Republican ticket is bound to
The excursion of the Ledger employees was
a big thing, fourteen hundred and eighty ex
cursionists participating, many of whom were
from the interior, and even other States being
represented. Yours,
P. have just learned that the Su
preme Court has rendered a decision in our
favor regarding the Registry Law—deciding
it constitutional as adopted by the last Legis
lature. This, in connection with the bad
Democratic ticket, will insure the success of
the Republican ticket in this city by the pre
vention of frauds.
HABBIBBIINGI., July 6, 1869
Dear Father Abraham: In your issue of
Friday last I notice you announce the name
Esaia* Billingfelt for State Senate. Seldom
has it been the happy privilege of your corres
pondent to bear testimony of one so honor
able honest and fearless in the cause of right,
justice and morality. Such an one is the
tried, faithful representative of Lancaster
county. I congratulate the Republicans of
my native county that they have been so
successful in prevailing upon this standard
bearer of Retrenchment and Reform to per
mit bis name to be nailed to the flag staff once
more. I was fearful that no inducement could
be made to the Honorable Senator to allow
his name again to appear as a esiadidaie for
re-election for ape**
,I, The Writer .is
well aware that in a. , • , ... it
it has been a loss to • . ~' •'
.. * 49 A
member of the Aar , , '.ice '
fully serving the bee , ) .., .11Ir Bit
ency and the Of the turd.
iun with a zea• cane** ift,tl Mid pro
perty, be mast wsinaribo sae neo• his own
business and nmr, home deities: KAtowing
this to be the hat, I am convinced *acts is
only his sense ot dnty to his homit-trieish by
whose earnest solicitation he has eincSasked
once again letaileAC field. A I NOW,
_ . .
I congre th e 4, .ffia.,
that thei - :w.---
Of th
the Legi
Not on!;
honor thi
but eve'
name is
been trio
man of ti
went an
of some
Mon, the results of which will greatly accrue to
the interests of the State. He was also the
originator of the famous Sinking Fund amend
ment to the Appropriation Bill, whereby the
State would have at least been saved fifty or
seventy-five thousand dollars, and with the
surplus funds in the State Treasury, eight
hundred thousand dollars of the State debt
would have been paid off. Through the de
termined efforts of Senator Billingfelt, this
amendment, by a vote of 19 to 9, was incor
porated into the 21st Section of the appropria
tion bill, after which, in passing through the
Conference Committee, this important section
was stricken out. None the less indebted are
the tax payers of the State to the Senator.
True to the people, he never " gave up the
ship," but fought the " Treasury Bing" to the
last. This is but an instance of the character
of the man you delight to honor. A personal,
intimate acquaintance with Mr. B. for 4 years,
and more, at the Capitol, enables me to freely
say that never have I seen or heard the faint
est suspicion of his committing a dishonest or
dishonorable act. Even his bitterest enemies
and political opponents admire him for his
noble traits of character. Much as we desire
to bring to the notice of his constituents
many things that we are acquainted with
of his political life while in Harris
burg, that would do honor to the man,
we are satisfied it would not add one iota to
the popularity of Hon. Esaias Billingfelt.
BERKS COUNTY.—The Reading Daily
Times strongly protests against the erec
tion of the new city hall at the corner of
Fifth and Franklin streets, which lot is
entirely too small for such a building
An unknown man, apparently 35 years of
age, was found floating on the Schuylkill
canal, near Reading, on Friday last. lie
was poorly dressed in a woolen shirt
and blue woolen pants, and had an open
sore on his leg The Fourth street M.
E. church, of Reading, voted 30 for lay
delegation, and 4 against Ellen Dona
hue, aged six years, fell into a drain near
Seyfert, McManus & Co.'s pipe mill,
Reading, and was drowned on Monday of
last week Charles K. Robinson, a
member of the Reading bar, died on Sat
urday last, aged about thirty-eight years.
The Fourth was celebrated in Reading
by a procession of the several Councils
of American Mechanics, a general musical
entertainment in Penn Square early in
the morning, and by hiding a very con
siderable amount of lager beer during the
day. Also, by several Sunday schools in
the favorite groves for holding pic-nics in
the vicinity of the city Henry I)au
trich, a young man employed upon the
farm of Daniel Raudenbush, near the
Green Tree tavern, in Cumru township,
fell from a cherry tree, a height of about
twenty-five feet, on Wednesday evening,
dislocating one of his hips, and severely
bruising his head.
CfirsTEn COUNTY.—A little daughter
of Samuel Pierson, of East Nottingham, a
few days ago, jumped from a horse at
tached to a mower, while the machine was
in motion, and her feet were caught by
the knives, and lacerated in a frightful
manner Ground has been secured by
the Oxthrd Water and Gas Company,
with a fine spring, about half a mile from
the borough tbr the construction of a
basin The newly discovered ore mines
of John Overholser, near Lionville, have
proven to be quite rich, and are now
worked with good success 1. colored
man named Bill Edenton, said to be an
old offender, stole a pair of oxen and cart,
on the night of the 2:Ali ult., the property
of John Malin, of New Garden. Ile was
overtaken, arrested, and the property
recovered next day.... The barn of Frank
lin Seidel, in East Nantmcal, was struck
by lightning on Sunday before last, killing
two cows The Villayt leeenr(l gives the
following account of a heifer going after
greenbacks: Last week, John Yetter, of
Pocopson, while at his brother's, Edward
Yetter's, Mortouville, took off his vest
and hung it up, giving his a sistance to
the killing of some sheep. lie hid left
his pocket-book, which was pretty well
filled with greenbacks and valuable papers,
in the vest pocket. He had not been long
at work, when looking in the direction of
where he had left his vest, be saw the
latter lying on the ground, and a very
tine young heifer standing over it, busily
engaged chewing somet.iing that Mr.
Yetter thought looked very much like his
pocket-book. Hurrying to the spot, he
found a sad state of affairs. True enough,
the heifer was eating his pocket-book,
having previously devoured all its con
tents, embracing about $l4O in money,
and a number of vendue bills of different
amounts, ranging from $5O to $3OO. Mr.
Y. snatched up the fragments, but they
were nearly worthless. What was to be
done. The heifer could not be made to
"refund" by persuasion or other mild
means. It was at length decided to "force
a payment," and to do this it was neces
sary to kill the animal, which was done,
and three $2O notes were recovered, but
the balance of the other money, dm, had
been so "changed" as to be worthless.
was celebrated in various parts of the
county, and generally in an appropriate
manner, and without more than usual in
toxication and disorder Robert Hardy
was killed by a fall of coal in Thomas
Shollenberger's mine near Mount Pleasant
Erastus Klapp was caught in the cog
wheels of the corning works of Smith's
powder mills, near Cressona, and had his
left arm torn from the socket A little
jeirl eleven years old, the daughter of Ma
or D. B. Holmes, of Schuylkill Haven,
accidentally fell into the canal, near her
home, and drowned During a thunder
storm on Monday before last, cell No. 2
of the County Jail was struck by lightning,
but the only damage done, says the Stan
dard, was knocking a lighted pipe out of a
prisoner's mouth.
ORK COUNTY.—The farmers are har
vesting their grain, which is very abun
dant Wm. Wagner, Esq., for many
years cashier of the York County National
Bank, and an old and highly esteemed
citizen, died at his residence in York on
Monday morning last Saturday the 3d
inst., was observed as the anniversary of
our national independence The Young
Men's Christian Association is fully or
ganized, and their rooms in Ebert's build
ing were dedicated with interesting , and
appropriate ceremonies on last Monday
evening. The young ladies of the different
churches of the town presented the asso
ciation with a beautiful Bible ..... Euly,
Tuesday morning of last week, the store
room and dwelling of C. M. Itaffensber
ger, on Main street, was discovered to be
on fire, but the flames were extinguished
before much damage was done Mr.
Jesse Zeigler, of Jackson township, fell
from a cherry tree on Saturday last, and
was so severely injured that his recovery
is considered doubtfbl,