goat *two. ITEMS: The name of the post office in Manor township, heretofore known as Turkey Hill, has been changed to Cresswell, in ac cordance with a petition to that effect from the inhabitants of the neighborhood. Our genial friend, Mr. L. B. Itnmel, is still the P. M. at that office. . . The commencement exercises of the Cone stoga, Collegiate Institute, of which Rev. H. H. Bruning is Principal, were held in Fulton Hall, this city, on Wednesday evening. The entertainment was a complete success. To say that the young ladies did well would be far from doing justice—they all did splendid ly ; and reflected great credit on their instruct or. We believe this was the first graduating class of the school, and Mr. Bruning has every reason to feel proud of it. The names of the graduates are Miss Mary E. Geist, Miss Lillie E. Martin, Miss Ada Fahnestock and Miss Mary W. Baker. We sincerely hope the in stitute will be more liberally encouraged here after. The " unterritied" held their pow-wow in Fulton Hall on Wednesday—the object being to select delegates to their State Convention, to convene in Harrisburg this month. Messrs. Carpenter, Tshudy, Knox, McGrann, Bru baker and Laverty were chosen delegates. H. A. Wade, of Elizabethtown, (who is he ?) presided, aided by the usual number of Vice Presidents and Secretaries. But little enthn , siasm was manifested. They see the hand writing on the wall. No go, gentlemen. The young ladies of Linden Hall, Litiz, gave their musical entertainment last evening. A seedy chap visited Lancaster last week, and gave himself out as General Long street, of the late rebel army. Immediately our copperheads were up and doing. The President of Select Council and the ' Jeffer sonian" President of the School Board, with other lesser lights of the genus copperhead, waited on him—the expounder of Parliamen tary law to the School Board introduced him self as the cousin of Gen. McClellan, and told him how much he admired "Cousin George" for not hurting the rebels muddy—he was paraded about and introduced to the faithful by his "democratic" friends—invited to the home of a distinguished member of the party, where he held a levee, and was regaled with .1. B. in profusion, and the "bonnie blue flag" by a lady admirer. His exchequer was renewed by some of his admiring friends— and all were happy—" everything was lovely and the geese hung high." The next morning the redoubtable General was sent up to Cas. tle Sensenig on the charge of obtaining money under false pretences—he was afterwards dis charged on habeas corpus—and thus ended the farce, our distinguished copperhead rebel ad mirers having bean most completely sold and done for. Served them right ! _ The semi-annual convention of the Grand Army of the Republic, Department of Penn sylvania, will be held at Altoona, July 14th, 180. Post 84 of this city will be represented by A. S. Brubaker, Samuel Hambright, J. P. Rea, A. C. Reinoehl, 1). P. Rosenmiller,jr. and W. D. Stauffer. The fare from this city to San Francisco, California, by way of the Pacific Railroad, is i 5170.70 in currency. B. Frank Heise, of West Bempfield town ship, this season raised a stalk of rye meas uring eight feet and two inches, exclusive of the roots. The new organ has been erected in the Duke street M. E. Church, this city, and was "con secrated" on Sunday last. Sufficient money was realized to pay the balance due on it. Adam Hoover, Geo. Sprecher and Gabriel Russel, have been held to answer the charge of highway robbery oa Reuben Grosh, a draver, on the New Holland pike, near New HMand, on Tuesday evening of last week, who was robbed of 5160. The hearing was had before Roland Diller, Esq., of New Hol land. It was proven that Grosh was "intox icated" during the afternoon of the day. A Temperance Harvest Home, under the auspices of the Good Tomplars of Manheim, will be held in Mr. Kauffmau's woods shortly after harvest. An excursion train will be run oa the eve nisi; of July sth, from this city to Litiz. The train will leave Litiz at 10:30 p. in., thus i i aff rding an opportunity of witnessing the fine d play of fire-works, illumination, &c., which a ually takes place in that beautiful village. W. F. Neel, of this county, has been ap pointed mail agent between Harrisburg and Philadelphia, in place of Alexander Russell. Jeremiah Whitson has been appointed by Capt. Rea, Assistant Assessor, "to have charge of the assessments on Tobacco and Segars." A most excellent appointment, and highly creditable to Capt. Rea. A man named David Horst fell from a lad der in Christian Zook's barn, near Binckly's Bridge, on Tuesday of last week, and was severely injured. Among the graduates at Lehigh University, on the 24th inst., we notice the name of Miles Rock, of this city, who was in the school of Civil Engineering. The Duke st., M. E. congregation held an election on the question of lay representation on Friday evening last. The vote stood 126 in favor, and 11 against it. Miss Annie Keller, of Ephrata township, fell from a cherry tree on Tuesday of last week, and died on Friday from the injuries received. The Ephrata Mountain Springs Hotel is now open for visitors, who are arriving daily. Mr. J. W. Fredericks is the proprietor of the es tablishment, and "knows how to keep a hotel." Col. A. S. Feather, of Ephrata, was thrown from a buggy, near the village, on Thursday of last week, and was considerably but not fatally injured. The Linnam Society held their stated meat. ing on Saturday last; present Messrs. Rath von, Bruckhart,Bolton, Nauman and !Aquifer. A number of curiosities were donated and commented upon by the members present. An extensive rolling mill is shortly to be started in Columbia by Mr. B. Hatfield, if a suitable site at a reasonable prioe.can be se cured. Columbia again ahead of Lancaster. Robert M. Slaymaker of Paradise township, this county, was severely injured on Saturday morning last. While unloading hay the pulley split, a portion of it falling upon Mr. S's head and knocking him insensible. His injuries are quite serious The "Calico Hose Company," a, burlesque fire company of Philadelphia, are expected to visit this city on the sth and 6th inst., the guests of the Shiftier. The parade of the American Mechanics at Litiz on Monday next promises to be quit large and imposing igflplay. Twenty Coun cils have already notified the Committee of Arrangements of their intention to be present. The Vigilant Fire Company, of Columbia offer a reward of $lOO for the arrest and con viction of any of their number detected at in• cendiarism. The farmers Sr. actively etigsged just now in harvesting their hay. The wheat every where promises an abundant yield and 'in a short time will be ready for the rsapet. Corn is a little back. Rev. Jas. P. Franks, (son of R. R. Franks, formerly of this city,) was ordained a presby ter of the Episcopal church on Tuesday of last week. The ladies and gentlemen of "Tower So ciety" of Paradise held a festival several evenings of last week, in aid of their' society, who purpose erecting a tower on the Episco pal church of that pplace. The receipts were in the net The blackberry city promises to be very abundant this year. Also, peaches and apples.. A very serious and painful. Occident odellr-,' red at the Conestoga Furnace in this city,b Tuesday morning last, which resulted in th e death of one man and the injuring of two others. John Bchlereth, George Kleise and George Wolf, tke unfoTtainates, employed at the feeenabaweee engaged in kiting down part of the stack, when a mass of priolf, and refuse matter fell upon ale' scaffolding - , atiry ing it with the three men to the bottom, a distance of thirty feet. Schlereth died soon after being taken from the debris; Weiss is hurt internally and may not recover; Wolf though considerably bruised and cut will re cover. An election for officers of Conestoga Coun cil, No. 8, Order of United American Me chanics, of this city, was held last evening, which resulted as follows: Councillor, Justus Boggs; Vice Councillor, Marshall H. Webb; Recording Secretary, John B. Develin; As sistant Recording Secretary, Christian G. Herr; Financial Secretary, Wm. P. Obryon: Inductor, Henry Rudy; Examiner, Beuj. F. Benedict; Inside Protector, Levi N. Hart; Outside Protector, John C. Shirley; Trustee, Martin M. Grider; Treasurer, E. E. Snyder; Representative, J. Kahler Snyder. Inland City Lodge, No. 88, Knights of Pythias, of this city, held their pic•nic in the Grove at Litiz on Saturday last, which proved an interesting and pleasing affair. About two hundred and twenty persons participated. Thomas Neidigh, a boy about thirteen years of age, son of Mrs. Neidigh, residing in Washington borough, this county, fell from a horse on Sunday, and was so severely injured that he died in two hours after the accident occurred. Casper Weitzel, janitor of Fulton Hall, fell down a pair of stairs, and fractured several of his ribs. A number of our citizens have this week visited Gettysburg to be present at the college commencement and the dedication of the Reynolds' monument. Several military com panies passed through Lancaster en route for the same place. The commencement exercises of Franklin and Marshall College were held this week, and brought many old and familiar faces to our city. The proprimme was as follows: Tuesday evening, address before the Literary Societies by Rev. C. Z. Weiser, A. M., in the Court House. Subject: "His Excellency and his Accidency." Wednesday, evening ad dress before the Alumni Association, by J. M. Titzel, A. M., in Fulton Hall. Subject: "The Past, Present and Future." Thursday, ora tions by the graduating class, etc. The names of the graduates are 0. L. Ashenfelter, Sam'l A. Baer, J. D. Deshler, W. Dunat, 0. C. Her man, M. J. Hess, J. Finley Hoke, W. N. Kremer, D. B. Lady, Jos. R. Patterson, Geo. F. Breneman, Geo. W. Snyder, Natiel Z. Snyder, John M. Sunder, Albert E. Truxal, Benj. Weise and D. Henry Win gerd. ARTHUR'S PUBLICATIONN —The Holes: MAOA ZINE, (INCE-A-MONTH AND CHILDREN'S HOUR, for July, have come to hand. 1)f all the periodicals publishiltd, none are more highly prized by us than those of ARTHUR. The illustrations and reading matter are above all praise. The Mother's Department, and Hints to Housekeep ers, in the Magazine, are more than worth the price of subscription. The publisher proposes to send the first six numbers of this year of the ONCE-A-MONTH for .50 cents, thus furnishing three hundred and seventy-six pages of read ing matter for a trifling sum. Address T. S. Arthur t Sons, 809 and 811 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. HARPER'S MAGAZINE for July contains a large amount of reading matter, and is ' rofusely il lustrated. "Early Aeronautics,' " Border Reminiscence.," "Making Watches by Machi nery," and " Birds of Paradise ," are interesting articles and handsomely illustrated. There are other illustrations of the letter press, and the contents throughout are very interesting and useful. No money can he better invested than by subscribing for itarper's unrivalled Maga zine, the subscription price of which is .1 per year. Address, Harper ix Brothers, Franklin Square, New York. CANDIDATES. r4r Announcements of candidates for office 111IIST BE PAID IN ADVANCE. This r ,, le is imperative. NEN ATE it-W - We are authorized to announce JOHN M. STEHMAN, of Penn twp., as a candidate for STATE SENATOR, subject to the decision of the Republican voters at the ensuing pri mary elections. Rir We are authorized to announce How. ESAIAS BILLINGFELT as a candidate for STATE SENATOR, subject to the decision of the Republican voters at the ensuing pri mary election. fi=t*" We are authorized to announce Major B. W. SHENK, of Lancaster City, as a can didate for SENATOR, subject to the decision of the Republican voters of Lancaster County, at the primary election. r-igr' We are authorized to announce JOHN B. WARFEL, of Lancaster city, as a candi date for the SENATE,subject to the decision of the Republican voters at the primary election. ar We are authorized to announce Capt. CHARLES DENUES, of Millersville, as a candidate for STATE SENATOR, subject to the decision of the Republican voters of Lan caster county, at the nominating election. * PROTHONOTARY I We are authorized to announce Capt. W. D. STA:UPPER, for PROTRONOTARY, late of the Ist Penna. Reserves, and of the 195th P. V., present Clerk for Prothonotary, of Lancaster City, formerly of Earl township, subject to the nomination at the Republican primary election. CLERK OF QUARTER SESSIONS 1 We are authorized to announce BEN JAMIN F. ROWE, of Providence twp., as a candidate for CLERK OF QUARTER SS worm, subject to the decision of the Republi can voters at the primary election. CLERK OF ORPHANS , COURT pr'We are authorized to announce AMOS F. SWEIGART, formerly of Salisbury town ship, now of Earl, and late Sergeant 47th Regiment P. V. Infantry, as a candidate for CLERK OF ORPHANS' COURT, subject to the decision of the Republican voters at the pri mary election. larNire are authorized to annormee CAP TAIN JOHN Q. MERCER, at of Eladshury twp., now of the city of Lancaster, as aeste didate for CLERK or ORPHANS' Cotrirr, sulkiest to the decision of the Republican VG terh at the primary elections. LEGISL.kTURV Li" We are authorized to announce Major A. 0. REINOMIL, of Manheim township, as a candidate for the L2I6IBLATI:Inn, sub ject to the decision of the party at the Re publican primary elections. r4rWe are authorized to announce Capt. A. GODSHALK, of East Cocalico township, as a candidate for the LnoraLATurtn, sub ject to the decision of the party at the Repub lican primary election. rer We are authorized to announce JACOB G. PETERS, of Conestoga township, as a candidate for the LnetteraTtraz, subject to the decision of the Republican voters of Lan caster county, at the primary election. * IgrW'e are authorized to announce Dr. E. B. HERR, of Indiantown District, as a can didate fo te ROUSE, or. 144.1114114 T- A Mee 110 the noviiiiiktion b f•the Re publican people , at the primary election. * eourvrt TREASURER Lir We are authorized to announce ,TRISSE PANNABECKER, of Clay township, as a candidate for COUNTY TREASUREI . I t subject to the Republican nomination at thlif colfultng primary elections. A . * tar Wain authorized to announce H. K. STONER, of West Lampeter township, (tnaaufactnier . of agrionitural implements) as a candidate for COUNTY TREASURER, subject to the domination by the Republican voters at the primary election. yrrir We arert authoriz edepoy to announce tdM that 14. 11.9tATs. Heinptle., will MIA candfdifter Mt-Vatter? Twisset7icett, jeot to the decision of the Republican voters at the ensuing primary elections. REGIVICTER OF 'WILLS Igor we araotuthorized to announce HEN RY BECHTOLD, of Mount Jo borough, as 4andidarsilaSt RastarlEala, intim; to tie de cision of the Remshligan sisters, at the prim ary election. ' ' W' We are authorized toannounce JERE MIAH ROHRER, of Lancaster city, late Major 127th Regiment, Pennsylvania Volun teers, 2d Division,2d Corps, Army of the Po tomac, as a ctitdidate for REGISTER OF \Vttts, subject to the decision of the Repub lican voters at the primary election. W .- We are authorized to announce JA COB W. BEAR, of Marietta Furnaces, East Donegal township, as a candidate for REGIS TER, subject to the decision of the Republi * - can voters at the primary elections. Rf We are authorized to announce MAR TIN S. FRY, of Ephrata township, as a can didate for REGISTER, subject to the decision of the Republican voters of Lancaster coun ty, at the nominathlg election. Qom' We are authorized to announce DR. WM. M. WHITESIDE, late Lieutenant of Company E, 10th Regiment tirst three months' service, and Captain of Company I, 7Jth Re ghnent P. V. of Lancaster city, as a candi date for the office of REGISTER, subject to the decision of the Union Republican party at the primary election. r - We are authorized to announce Lieut. A. C. HERR, of West Lampeter township, as a candidate for REGISTER, subject to the nomination by the Republican voters at the primary elections. Pgr We are authorized to announce GEO. W. COMPTON, of Caernarvon township, as a candidate for REGISTER, subject to the rules of the Republican party. SHERIFF 1:47 - We are authorized to announce JOHN HILDEBRANI), of Mount Joy, as a candi date for SHERIFF, subject to the decision of the Republican party, at the primary elec tion. I - 4r We are authorized to announce AMOS GROFF, of Martic township, as a candidate for SHERIFF, subject to the nomination by the people at the Republican primary elec tion. r4r We are authorized to announce JOHN M. JACOBY, of Clay township, as a candi date for SHERIFF, subject to the rules of the Republican party. VW' We are autherized to announce ISAAC MISHLER, of Lancaster city, (late of East Cocalico township,) as a candidate for the office of SHERIFF, subject to the rules of the Republican party. COUNTY COMMISSIONER r4r We are authorized to announce JOHN ARMSTRONG, of Martic township, as a candidate for COUNTY CO2•11dI88IONE8, sub ject to the decision of the Republican voters of Lancaster County, at the primary election. "We are authorized to announce SOLO MON DILLER, of Earl township, as a can didate for COUNTY COMMISSIONER, subject to the decision of the Republican voters of Lancaster county, at the primary elections. r-ir We are authorized to announce PETER JOHNS, of East Lampeter township, for COUNTY COMMISSIONER, subject to the rules of the Republican party. MARRIED. BOYL:.:-MA LONEY. On the 27th ult., at the Par sonar., of St. Mary's Catholic Church, by Rev. T . J. Reilley, Lawrence Boyle to Lizzie Maloney, both of this city. SCRWlNEll%ivr—Softr,lGx. On the 17th ult., by the Rev. A. H. Kremer, -Josiah B. Sehwinehart, of Quarryville, to Harriet F. Schenk, of Eden township, this county. GREYBILL—MINICH. On the 23d ult., by Jacob Reinhold, at the Keystone House, Herman W. Greybill of Petersburg, to Kate G. Minich, of Sporting Hill. GAMBICR—WERTZ On the 15th ult., at Jona than Sprecher's hotel, by the Rev. W. T. Ger hard, .Jonathan B. number, of Manbeim town ship, to seine Wertz, of East Hemplield town ship. DIED. Hess. On the 31st day of May, 1869, Jacob, son of Samuel Hess, of East Hemptleld township, aged 21 years and 5 months. HALLER. On the 19th ult., in East Lampeter township, Maria Heller, wife of Isaac Heller, aged 42 years, 8 mont•zs and two days. Dosasos. On the 28th ult., in this city, Lydia Kate, daughter of Philip and Lydia U. Doer son aged 4 years, 8 months, and 8 days. 11 Aiken. On the 211th inst ,In this city, Min nie Orica, daughter of Abram L. and Hannah W. Walker, aged 8 months and 3 (lays. TRIVITTS. At the Children's Home, in this city, Benjamin Trivritts, in the 7th year of his age. THE MARKETS. Lancaster Household Markets. LANCASTER, June 30. Rutter, tp is 25 Lard, 34 lb 20 29 Eggs, V doz 23 25 Live Spring t %tokens 'fl pair 60 90 Dressed Chickens each 40 65 Pot a;:coes (old i 13 half pk 6 9 New potatoes, id ball' ph 15 25 Green Peas ip 3,4 peck 15 20 Cherries IR qt 6 15 Raspberries 15 25 Strawberries perquart 12 1 15 Oats, fl bag of 3 bus 1.50 1.75 Cabbages fl head 5 19 Apples V , A pk. ..... 35 Squashes each 5 Cucumbers each 3 et 5 Philadelphia Produce Market. PRILADIMPRIA, June 80.—There is less doing in Flour, the demand having fallen off both for shipment and home consumption, but prices are unchanged; about 700 bbls. changed hands, including superfine et ;;;(415.25 1 1ft bbl.; extra at $5.5046.814; Northwestern extra family at $867; Penna. do. at $8€115.50; Ohio do. at $768.25, and fancy lots at $9010.50. Rye flour sells slowly at $8(01.25. In Cornmeal nothing doing. The Wheat market is heavy, and prices favor ba; sales of 8000 bus. of choice western red at 1.4561.49; some amber at $1.55, and white at `1.96®1.75. Rye is rather better; 1000 bus, of Penna. sold at *l.BO. Corn is in rather better request; sales of 8000 bee. yellow at 920911 e.; high mixed at 900.; and western mixed at MOM. Oats are in fair request at 73676 e. for Ohio, andool7oe. for southern and P• 0 0111111. With; y *sibs slowly at 940..06 per gallon, tax pal . Philadelphia Cattle Market. Moxtur, June 28.—Beef cattle were in fair demand this week, but prime were unsettled and lower. About 4500 head arrived and sold at 91004 c. for extra Penn% and Western steers; 708 W. for fair to good do.,and 54014 Vb. gross for conunon as tio qualit i i „ i , The following are the particulsrs Of the : 05 head, Owen Smith, Western 50 44 A. Chnsty & Bro., do tB3B Bl 41111 80 " Dengler & McCleeae, do 57 44 P. Mennen; do 119 " P. Hit do 7 % WI, /10 " .114101 rk, do 25 " It. F. e en. do 8 83 " riles lleFillen, do 8 SO " S, MoriLien 130 " artin, Fuller & Co., do 8 . 7 190 44 Mooney & Smith, do 74 4 4 80 " H. Chain, d 0.... 90 " Frank & Schamberg, do 77 % 1 0 85 " Hope & Co., do 8 50 " XI. Dryfeca & Co., do 8 IA 45 " Elkin I Co, do 7 14 " A. Kimble. Chester county... 8 24 " Chandler &Alexander, Chest. 7 23 44 L. Horne, Delaware 5 Cows were without change; 150 head so lid at for springers, and $454)/70 gl head for cow =lf. Sheep were dull and lower; 10,000 head arrived and sold at. the Park and Avenue Drove Yards at 41491014 c. %l b. gross as to condition. Hogs were dull; 4,400 head sold at the differ ent yards at $13613.75 gl 100 not, for corn fed. New Advertisements. NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an appli cation win be made at the next session of the State Legislature of Pennsylvania for the crea tion of a corporate body with banking privi lazes, to be located in the village of New Hol land, is Lancaster county, to be named and styled the "NEW MILL AND EXCHANGE, DIHOOUNT AND DEPOSIT COMPANY," the specific object of which shall be to receive moneys on deposit, and to do a general banking business. and the amount of capital of which shall not exoeed the sum of .40,000.00. ity the Committee. D. P. RORENMILLER, JR., jya.rinj Attorney. Mkgreuadtanoastar,and Harrisburg Weekly relteraPh copy- llatteous. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. Estate of Ray'. W ASIIINGTON V. GOT WALD, late of Lancaster, dec'd. Letters of ad ministration on I,Aid estate haring been grunt ed to the understated, persons inflated there to are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the same will present them for settlement to the undersigned, residing in Lancaster. I e25-6t] I:. if. Zt 1151, Adm'r. F STATE OF CATHARINE GO sHEN, late of New Holland, Earl town ship, deceased. Letters of administration on said estate haying been granted to the under signed, all persons indebt ed thereto are request ed to make immediate payment, and those hay ing Claims or demands against the same will present ILem for settlement to the under signed, residing in said township. je4-6tAl CHRISTIAN JOHNS, Adm'r. A D. ROCKAPELLOW & 13R0., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 1311E31121 FRUITS AND NURSERY PLANTS, lEMEI WHITELAND NURSERIES STORE—No. 50 NORTH QUEEN STREET, I,RAPES, & ~ IN SEASON my2S. 5.1 `EVEN PER CENT. GOLD BONDS kJ of the LAKE sUpERI3R AND buss's. SIPPI RAILROAD COMPANY. First Mortgage sinking Fund Bonds, Free of United states Taxes. Secured by 1,632,000 ACRES OF CHOICE LANDS, and by the Railroad, its rolling stock, and franchises; and yielding In currency near ly Tan per cent. per annum. Holders of 5-20 Bonds can exchange them for these desirable securities, at a profit of nearly 20 per cent. A limited amount for sale upon favorable terms, and full particulars furnished by DAVID G. SWARTZ, No. 73 North Duke-st., Lancaster, Pa. my7•tuug2R*] PITTSBURG COMMERCIAL. DAILY AND WEEKLY, NOW IS TUE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE EVERY MAN SHOULD KNOW WHAT IS GOING ON The election of Grant marks an era in the his tory of the country. The future is full of pro 11liSt`. We stand on the threshhold of a period of remarkable interest. If the Presidential campaign awakened a desire for reading and intelligence, the election of Grant must create a wish among all classes to be well informed at every step in the career on which, as a people, we are about to enter. The people baying elect ed a President by an unexampled majority, they will naturally wish to observe him at every step, know of every event as it happens, and have an intelligent understanding of men and things not only in our own country, but throughout the world. More than ever now a good newspaper be comes essential to every man, who would keep himself informed concerning passing events. No man can pretend to know what life is or keep up with even the most moderate compet itor, without lie is the constant reader of a good newspaper. A good newspaper is the best in vestment any man can make—a poor one the poorest. Although established but recently, comparatively, TILE PITTSBURG COMMERCIAL has won a place among the first journals of the country, and by common consent is the BEST PAPER IN PENNSYLVANIA. We might give from our correspondence and the notices of the press in this and other States, columns of commendation—testimony sustain ing the claim we have set up. The reason is evident. We GIVE ALL THE NEWS. And the habitual reader of the Coax saciAt will find himself well informed on all topics of general interest. Few papers in the country have so extensive a correspondence; none has so complete arrangements for gathering the news, and no other pays so much attention to adapting what it prints to the wants and asso ciations of its readers. The tlommicaciAi is NOT MERELY A POLITICAL PAPER. An advocate of the principles of the Republican party, it returns to political friend anti foe a thousand times what be pays. THE DAILY COMMERCIAL, ever since it was established, has been ahead in giving the latest, fullest and most reliable news. It is not too much to say—for it is a common remark—that locally it has caused a revolution in Journalism; and it exerts an extended influ ence on the public mind. Not professing to be a party organ, and wishing not to be under stood as the instrument of any set, sect or com bination, yet devoted to the great principles which have so signally triumphed in Grant's election, the ComxtsctAx aims to be an educa tor of the public mind, the medium through which it will find expression, and the advocate and friend of truth in all things. If it is the organ of anything, it is of PENNSYLVANIA INTERESTS, more especially of the great industrial classes, with whom it is in the closest sympathy, and of whom it is a part. As a commercial paper, es pecially in its EXTENSIVE AND RELIABLE MARKET REPORTS, the -Conazacizt is recognized everywhere as authority, and it is daily read and relied on in Banks, Counting Rooms, by the Mechanic, Tradesman and Representative Man of every calling. In this respect we spare neither labor nor expense, and we take pride in believing that we have won a position which older papers have striven in vain to obtain. In a word, if you desire the LATEST AND ALL_ THE NEWEL THE FULLEST AND DIOST oompl, TE MARKET REPORTS; THE CHOICEST OERER A L READING AND LIT ERATURE, AND A COMPLETE NEWSPAPER IN EVERY RESPECT, READ THE PITTSBURGH COMMERCIAL. There are thousands who cannot afford to take a daily paper, and to whom a weekly is all-suffl cleat, provided it be a good one. To meet this want we publish THE WEEKLY COMMERCIAL, a very large sheet, each number containing an amount of reading equal to a dollar volume, prepared expressly for those who desire in one paper all the News, and Newspaper reading enough for a family. To this end we give in the WEEKLY COMMERCIAL the partioulars of leading events, whether of POLITICS, FINANCE, HOME OCCURRENCES OE FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE To render the W REKLY ColllmEacieL of egkxdal value to the rural portion of the population, we give extensively of AGRICULTURAL READING, for which we have special arrangements ; so that no number of the paper shall fail togive whet to any man with au acre of ground will be worth many times the cost of a year's subscrip tion,- Besides this each number of the weekly is storKl with CHOIOE FAMILY AND FIRESIDE READING Inelaiding entertaining rtketches ofßlography, Traveland Discovery, interspersed with Poetry, Stories and light reading. To this we add what has already wised the WEEKLY COMMERCIAL to be sought after very widely—a FULL WEEKLY REPORT OF ALL THE MARKETS OP PITICSBURG AND THE 1- RINCIPAL CITIES AT HOME AND ABROAD. These reports occupying nearly an entire page,and to the buyer and seller of whatever our population makes, grows or trades is in valuable. The Commuter/a. is published Daily and Weekly at the following rates : Daily Paper, one year 0.00.1 (Lifieral terms to News Dealers.) Weekly Ptkw, single copy one year.... 2.00 In Clubs of Twenty, and a copy free to the getter-UP 144 Address, COMUMEIRCILUd g 70 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. DRY GOODS LADIES DRESS GOODS C1,()TIIS. CASSIMERES VESTINGS, Ready-Made Clothing, CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS, LANCASTER, PA THOS. J. WENTZ, SIGN OF THE BEE HIVE, Now offers a full assortment of DRESS GOODS, SILKS, SHAWLS. WHITE GOODS, GLOVES and HOSIERY, CARPETS, Floor & Table Oil Cloths, GLASS AND QUEENSWARE AT THE LOWEST INDUCING PRICES. Kind attention paid to all. 'Peclal care taken to show oar stock. JOHN D. SKILES, SPRING AND SUMMER DRY GOODS 500 Ps. c.l Lieu ES from 9 to 12%e. per yard A Sue assortment of SQUARE SHAWLS of every description. BLEACHED MUSLINS! All the Best and Popular Makes FRENCH, ENGLISH S AMERICAN Which we will make up to order at short notice, best style, low prices. A large assortment of our own Manufacture for 30 pe. BRUSSELS THREE-PLY, OIL CLOTHS, MATTINGS, RUGS, ttc A fine assortment of Window Shades at very Low Prices. JACOB BARNUM, H. B. HAUSISH, JOHN L. MILLER. HARNISH & CO'S CHEAP STORE, No. 27 WEST KING-ST., LANCASTER, PA., Dealers in Foreign and Domestic DRY GOODS, GLASS AND QUEENSWARE, Cloths, Casaimeres, Sattinetts, Jeans, Tweeds Lindseys, Flannels, Ticking*, chpeks, Plaids, Alpacoas, Drees Goods, Gingha, Calicoes, Muslin. and Drills, White Goods, Notions, &No. 1 Feathers, MEN AND BQYS' WEAR, Made up at astonishing Low Prices. sir Call and examine our stock before pur- chasing elsewhere. Etebureso4y THE DAILY EVENING EXPRESS, 'FURNISHES ITS READERS REGULARLY THE LATEST NEWS BY MAIL And all Important Local and General In telligence. Teams: Woo A YEAR; SIM FOR 8 MONTHS. THE WEEKLY EXPRESS, A SATURDAY PAPER OF THE FIRST CLASS, Contains all the news of the week up to Friday night, and gives mere fresh reading than can be had elsewhere for the same amount of money. TOMS: .2.00 PEE YEAR, IN ADVANCE. Address PBANOOL GMT, Pubnines% dee 184nt] Lancaster, to Dry Goods. SPRING AND SUMMER -AT HAaR & BROTHERS, 6ENTS , STORE, FRENCH AND AMERICAN COATINGS, HOUSEFURNISHING GOODS, WALL PAPER ISE WINDOW SHADES. A full and complete stock at the je4-tf(l] LOWEST PRICES No. EAST KING STREET, WENTZ BEE my2B•tf) No. 5 East King street NT HIS NEW STORE, NO. •S 4 EAST KING STREET, Has just °petted THE MUST ELEGANT STOCK -or Ever offered to the CITIZENS OF LANCASTER LADIES , DRESS GOODS Uf every description SIIA)VLS GENTLEMEN'S WEAR. fine assortment of CLOT 1.,, t•ASSIMERES AND VESTINGS, READY-MADE CLOTHING MEN AND BOY'S WEAR, AT LOW PRICES CARPETS !! ! CARPETS !!! INGRAIN, RAG AND HEMP CARPETS, -ALSO WINDOW SHAPES! Periodicals. I=l AND MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH, Groceries., G ROCERIES, FRUITS, AND CONFECTION S, FOR THE HOLIDAYS ; LAyER,SEEDLEsS AND VALENCIA RAISIN 1 NEW CIIIIIANTs, NEW cITRoN, TrlthlsH PRI'NEs, 4.; RE EN APPLEs, DIU E 1) A PP i.Es, / I Ht I E I) PEACHES, lIONIINY, . 7.• Il AKER CORN, GREEN PEAs, SPLIT PEAS, ' CHOICE CRAN Bill It lES, CHOICE GREEN TEA, CHOICE BLACK TEA. RIO, LAGUIRA AND JAVA COFFEES, SCIiAILS AND SYRUPS A VARIETY OF CONFECTIONS, GLASS AND QUEENSWARE. LAMP GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, All the above of the best quallty'and cheaper than the cheapeet. At D. S. &J. S. BUIthK , S, nov 20.1yr] No. IS East King street, Lane Jewelry. ZAKM & JACKSON DEALEIZS IX WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SILVER AND SILVER-PLATED WARE, SPECTACLES _IND FANCY GOODS, No. 15 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA WREPAIRING ATTENDED nO2O-131 WATCHES! CLOCKS, CLOCKS, CLOCKS The undersigned keeps constantly on hand a large and full assortment of the GENUINE AMERICAN WATCHES, of different weight and finish, to suit all, which are sold upon tlie most reasonable terms, and guaranteed to give satisfaction. Keeps also on hand a good assortment Of CLOCKS. Call and examine the goods before purchasing elsewhere. Thankful for past favors, I solicit a contlnU ance of the same. HENRY F. ANDREWS Jan 1-Btu*j Strasburg, Lancaster co., Pa. Coal, Lumber, cte. EIILER, BRENEMAN & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN COAL, OF THE BEST QUALITY. Ywan—COß. WATER ST. AND PA. R. R. Ovricz—NO. 2 EAST ORANGE ST., LANCASTER PA. [dec. 18.1 y B. B. MARTIN, HERBERT THOMAS, JOHN S. MASON. 5,000,000 FEET OF DRY LUMBER. MARTIN , THOMAS & CO., COLUMBIA, LANCASTER CO., PA., Manufacturers At LOCK HAVEN, CLINTON COUNTY, PA., AND WHOLESALE LUMBER DEALERS. WHITE PINE HEMLOCK, POPLAR, WALNUT, ASH, FLoORING, WEATHER BOARDS, PICKETS, LATH, m 1112431 BOX BOARDS, &c., &c. Varnishes, cue. AUG. IZEINOEHL. JAC. RBINOEIII., JR. A &J. REINOEIIL, MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN COPAL, WHITE, COFFIN, BLACK AND JAPAN LINSEED OIL, TURPENTINE, &c., &c. NO. 109 NORTH QUEEN STREET, (In the Keystone Building LANCASTER, PA. Also, Mahogany Boards, Veneers and Mouldings of different sizes and pat terns. All kinds of Turning, such as Bed Posts, Table Legs, Spokes, Hubs, Felloes, &c, &c., &e. Also, AXLES, SPRINGS, &e. [janl3-Iyr Photographs, de. GOLDEN GIFTS. Parents to Fanrilies, Father to Daughter, Mother to Son. GENTLEMEN TO LADIES When the light has left the house, memoria such as these compound their interest. GILL'S SUPERB PHOTO Miniature or Opal Pictures, admitted to be the best be.the city and no superior in the State Constantly increasing demand and great expe rience in this style of miniature give us greater facilities and better results than any establigh merit outside of large cities. STEREOGRAPI[S OF HOME VIEWS for the Centre Table. Also, prismatic instruments. Large Colored Work by some of the beet Ar tiste in Philadelphia and elsewhere in the high, est style of the art. India Ink, Pastille, CrayOn and colors, at GILL'S CITY GALLERY, Jan 1-lyr] No. 20 East King-st. Furnishing Goods, dtc. H E A DQUAR TE RS NOR UNDERCLOTHING, STOCKINGS, GLOVES, COLLARS, CUFFS, SLEEVE BUTTONS, Ali Gent's ware gexerally, at EIitISMANIS, lot 1g NORTH QUEEN ST., Lancaster Ant veer one grosser shtook goods—suitable .ter Krishdogs, Net-Yohre un onnery Presente— e° we Hoblancher, Elchnup-Dieber, Collars, Ham arms' g'shtickte Hemmer-fronts, Pocket Bicker, Perfumery, Holm-CM'', Cigar Casa, un onnery fancy articles one E. J. REISMAN'S, ti/t North Queen Street, Lancaster. (Om sign nom gross Shtretileh rhem.) [no2o-ly Book and Job Printing. RAIJCH & COCHRAN, BOOK AND JOB PRINTER& PLAIN AND FANCY PRINTING OF ALL KINDS. FTMON largest POSTER to the emalleirt OVID or VIROULaIt, executed to the beat style, gad otz=re bleLprieee. teem• • diatom promptly Wan& el to. OPITIOE.—NO. WWI QUYLItlit STRAIT LAwo•efts, PrasA. WATCHES! WATCHES!
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers