Father Abraham. (Reading, Pa.) 1864-1873, July 02, 1869, Image 2

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Oer 4 -bral2am.
FRIDAY, JULY 2, 1869
Economy, Retrenchment, Faithful Collection
et the Revenue and Payment of the Public
Debt.—Cm A arr.
For Governor,
For Judge of the Supreme Court,
Mn. S. BAKEn Togo, the Lancaster News
D , aler, who everybody knows, is agent for
FATHER ABRAHAM, HIIII is authorized to take
Subscriptions and receive money for the same
FATHER ABRAHAM publishes a hide
ous, but life-like portrait of Gov. Geary.
It may be useful to paste up in corn-tields
this spring, as we are certain that no crow
would survive more than one peep at U.—
/Vat/big Eagle.
*(;rows, buzzards and copperheads
never did like Geary.
Westmoreland county, has been appointed
Chairman of the Republican State Central
Committee. His knowledge of the politi
cal intrigues of our enemies makes him
the right man for the place.
"IT appears that our remarks about
the platform of the Republican State Con
vention of 1868 struck somebody, heavy."
—Lancaster Inquirer.
Oh, no, not at all. No body hurt, but
the "empty-headed nincompoop" who
struts and swaggers in the editorial col
umns of the Inquirer. "Conceit is as
good as physic for a fool," and the vain
creature really thinks that " struck some
body !" " Oh, no ; not for Joe."
Andy Armstrong has announced bier
self as a candidate for the State Senate ! !
Well, well—that is rich and heavy.
Andy will have a nice mileage bill, and
any number of Illyus', should he be elected !
We make the announcement for Andrew
free gratis for nothing.
Now, we'll see how many votes Andrew
will get.
N. B. What's the distance from East
Donegal to Harrisburg ?
The Lancaster Intelligencer says Mr.
Geary is "dishonest, untruthful, undigni
fied, conceited, ignorant, stupid, and un
worthy of confidence and support." Fire
away. Such argument will make his elec
tion the more certain. Keep up the fire
in that way, we beg of you. And, of
course, you won't forget to lie right lustily.
That's your vocation.
An individual writes to the Manheini
Sentinel an anonymous letter from this
city, in which it is stated that Senator
Billingfelt, "in order to secure the sup
port of FATHER ABRAHAM for his re
election, succeeded in having $2OO appro
priated to this same Cochran out of the
State Treasury," &c. We only mention
the matter to say that Senator Billingfelt
opposed the appropriation, and voted
against it in every stage of the progress of
the bill. That the writer ever saw in the
Legislative proceedings anything to au
thorize the statement that Mr. B. either
tried to " secure," or that he voted for
the appropriation is a LlE—that's all. Let
the youngster throw another brick!
Hon. Adolph E. Rorie has resigned the
Secretaryship of the Navy, and Hon. Geo.
M. Robeson, of Camden, N. J., has been
appointed in his place. Mr. Robeson is a
distinguished lawyer, a radical Republi
can, and was Attorney General of New
Jersey at the time of his appointnient.
Poor Pennsylvania, torn and bleeding,
politically, by the fight of factions, is now
without a representative in the Cabinet of
President Grant.
We are surprised to learn that the dele
gates to the State Convention from this
county, with a magnanimity that is re
freshing, and a political sagacity that is
commendable, recommended the appoint
ment of that accomplished gentlentetn,Sheriff
Jacob F. Frey, as a member of the State
Committee from this county. In view of
the fact that Frey was badly beaten at the
election for delegates, and behaved very
much like a gentleman afterwards, by call
ing his betters S— of b----- and other
classic names, the recommendation is
much to be commended, and is highly cred
itable to those who have made it.
atructed—out in a beautiful new dress,
copsWerably enlarge& aped takes its place
aura ,th e number one county , papers.
pd .4pdowtorttoo. Is aud always WO,
ded ' y (Me Or Me ltandsomeet wen In
the te, when "seen from a distance, sky
fire u n fired yards or more.
The political campaign of 'Ai% in Penn
sylvania, is now fairly commenced in the
Republican ranks, the State ticket is in
the field, and the next duty is fi;r our
friends throughout the State to prepare
for the work before them. The wide cir
culation of Republican newspapers, ex
perience has proved to he an important
auxiliary in the successful prosecution of
a political campaign. There are many
voters in the State not identified with
either party, who receive their impressions
and are influenced in their votes, in a great
measure, by what they see in the papers.
They should be supplied with Republican
journals. We have every reason to be
lieve that FATHER A !MAHAN by its
numerous circulation of last year con
tributed its full share towauls the election
of Grant and Colfax in November, and
the State ticket, also, in October last.
We continue to have:t large circulation—
the largest of any paper published in the
county—but scores of subscribers might
still be added in every locality. 11",:: have
lately sent circulars to our friends
throughout the county, and elsewhere,
and trust that they, with each pre
sent subscriber, will act as Agents
in their respective districts in circulating
the paper more extensively among their
friends and neighbors. We have made
arrangements with an etrraver in Phila
delphia to furnish us with engravings,
and we intend makingFATHER ABRAHAM
as lively. and more so, if possible, than
last year. To accommodate those who
do not take the paper at present, but are
willing to subscribe for it for a shorter
period, we oiler it for six months at the
following terms :
One copy, for six months •$ 75
Ten copiw4,
Fifteen copies,
Twenty copies." . 10.00
And fifty cents tOr each additional copy over
twenty, and an extra copy for getting up
a club of twenty. inr All subscriptions
must be paid in advance.
Go to work at once and get up your
clubs. The campaign will be short and
conducted with vigor. Let your watch
and VicronY !',
We have read with great interest the
address of (01. R. Biddle Roberts. made
at the re-union of the Pennsylvania Re
serves at West Chester. Pa., on the Ist
inst. We especially admire the manner
in which he deprecated the sickly senti
mentality displayed by some people, in
their treatment of the scoundrels and mur
derers of the South, who not only did all
they could to destroy the Government, but
starved and murdered the gallant "boys
in blue," whom the fortunes of war threw
into their power as prisoners. We pub
lish a couple of paragraphs, and thank
Col. Roberts for his brave utterances :
" While I would be the last man to
utter unkind words or cultivate bitter or
unfriendly feelings toward the great ma
jority of those who were lately in arms
against the nation, I would also be the
last man to take by the hand the leaders
of that traitorous band, or countenance
them socially or politically. No matter
how lofty his position or career may have
been in the rebel ranks, or how high his
situation in the ctvic organization of the
rebellion, I would contemn all such men,
teaching them by years of bitter experi
ence that they had offended their country,
and I care not how high the example may
be—l care not whether it come from the
head of the nation or the humblest indi
vidual in it—l deprecate this thing of
noticing rebel leaders and rebel chieftains
and rebel statesmen upon the mistaken
theory that the war is over, and that they
are to be forgiven. I repeat, that while I
am the last man that would cherish senti
ments of hatred and vindictiveness against
the masses of the South, and while I
would be willing to extend to the people
of the South as such every forgiveness and
courtesy, towards the leaders I would
never extend the same forgiveness ; and
the higher the man's position in the at
tempted work of ruin, the greater the con
tempt I would feel for him, and the more
strongly would I resist every effort to re
store him to the inestimable rights which
he had so wantonly violated, or forget the
perjuries which he had so flagrantly com
mitted against his 'country.
" I observe with pain that some of those
who were most active upon the side of the
country during the war, some of whom
were distinguished in the field, some in
the Cabinet and councils of the country,
and some in the ranks of journalism—
some, indeed, who dealt the heaviest
blows and, perhaps, wielded the strongest
influence in their several channels of use
fulness in that great contest, are among
the first to notice and encourage those
who now, with an audacity that is abso
' lutely wonderful to behold, approach the
Government they have so much wronged
and injured and seek to take part in its
management, and insolently volunteer
their opinions and tender their advice to
the representative heads of the nation up
on the questions of the hour, fraught as
they are with danger to the future of our
country, and which would never have
arisen had they not played the traitors'
part and stained the peerless record of our
country's history with the word rebellion."
The "Democratic" party is a party of
organized fraud. Weakened by treason
it seeks strength in perjury. It potted at
least twenty thousand perjured votes in New
York city alone at the last election. Sey
mour, Democratic candidate for President,
and Hoffman, Democratic candidate for
Governer—both members of Christian
churches—knew of these frauds and per
juries, aid contributed money to carry
them out ! Behold the beautiffil harmony
of Democratic religion with Democratic
politics 1
IN ; 1 ; 4 :NI 34'4 *VA tiala :) 3 333
The democracy of such benighted dis
tricts as " Iletullebarrick," " Moxadaw
ney," "Albawney," "Meddle" un "Mee
bnibarrick," down in " Alt Barricks,"
were almost ready to accept the situation
--to concede the death of " Cheneral
Chackson," and hencelbrth quit voting for
him and acknowledge "de frei shoo' " as
a permanent institution. Under the ad
mirable eneralship of such leaders as
Jesse Hawley, der "Dan Cooney " (An
cona), Davy Butz, Larry Getz, Larson
Kohler, Dan Ermantrout and Casper
Reafschneider, they became almost con-
Wed evr to negro suffrage in the " A t of
securing at least a share of this new voting
material. When Dan Ermautrout, the
late District Attorney, over a year ago
hired a two horse carriage and an Irish
man to drive, and seated himself in the
carriage with three distinguished colored
gentlemen (formerly "niggers •,) and visi
ted Andalusia, the Mineral Springs, and
other places of interest in and about Read
ing, even the most perfect machine demo
crats became satisfied that after all the
coming man to whom the party must look
for support is of African descent. So
well was the democracy of "Alt Barricks"
reconstructed that the publishers of "Der
Adler," and of the Eagle, became entirely
neutralized in regard to the colored indi
vidual. The democratic farmers of the
upper districts, finding their pigs, poultry,
wives and daughters in no immediate dan
ger of being gobbled up, carried off,roasted
alive, devoured or marric 1 by gangs of
horrible " Biggers," began to manifest
considerable indifference about voting
during the last few years, and, as might
be expected, the party suffered genval
demoralization and defeat.
S 00
But the Adler, the old Berks Court) ,
Bible, and the Eagle, the New Testament
of democracy, have now a new rallying
cry—a powerful point against Governor
Geary. lie is a " demperanser "—don't
drink whisky nor even Lager Beer or
Scheidam Schnapps or anything of the
kind! The Old Adler has already sounded
the alarm all along the line of the Blue
Mountains, and the Young Eagle is at
work arousing the democratic lovers of
lager beer, bloot worsht un Limburger
kase in Seventh street, by telling them
that Geary is going to enact the Maine
Law and compel everybody to shut up
shop and go to church on Sunday! "Don
ner un blitzen dat ish not rite !" 'Rey
are willing to submit—cheerfully submil—
to negro voting: they are willing to associ
ate with them and even sleep in the same
beds, eat at the same tables, drink out of
the same bottle, and pass around the pipe
of peace and perpetual friendship with the
negro race, if necessary to save the paxty;
but, they cannot and will not stand this
cold water nonsense. To entitle a candi
date to dthsocratic support, he must be
fond of dilapidated cheese, raw onions,
and be able to prove that he drinks
whiskey at least occasionally, lager beer
frequently, and some kind of schnapps
But, as far as we are able to ascertain,
the Republican hotel-keepers throughout
the State who, as a general rule, keep the
most respectable houses, will do as they
did before, vote for and help to elect John
W. Geary, the present faithful and im
partial Governor. They are not going
to be caught in the trap set for them by
the feeders of democracy—the keepers of
low groggeries in the cities and towns
throughout the State. They have much
more cause to fear and shun these mere
drinking shops than all the temperance
organizations combined. If the demo
cratic leaders expect any help from the
Republican ranks by raising a hue and
cry against Governor Geary because he is
a consistent temperance man, they will
find their great mistake on the morning
after the second Tuesday of October next.
The Chairman of the Republican Com
mittee of Chester county, addressed each
of the newly nominated candidates for the
Legislature a letter, asking the following
Ist. Will you vote and use your influ
ence, if elected, against the further publi
cation of the Legislative Record, or other
documents, the substance of which the
people now receive through the public
2d. Will you steadily oppose any in
crease of salary to the members of the
Legislature, or any increase in the clerical
force of the House, over and above that
now allowed by law—and in all suitable
ways economize the expenses of that body?
3d. Will you oppose all appropriation of
the public money for new objects, unless
of great public utility—or to support the
public charities of the State?
These questions were promptly and
satisfactorily answered by Messrs. Abel
Drlington, Joseph C. Beech and James C.
Roberts, the candidates, each one square
ly pledging himself against any increase
of salary of members or addition to the
clerical force of the House, and for radical
retrenchment and reform in everything.
Mr. Darlington strikes the key-note of the
campaign when he says: " The action of
the recent Republictin :Nominating Con ,
vention has clearly demonstrated the fact
that, having made the subject of retrench
ment and reform, in our Legislative bodies,
and in other departments of the govern
ment, one of the cardinal principles of the
Republican Party, they have determined
to hold their Representives to a rigid ac
countability for their faithful adherenoe
The Old Guard will present similar can
didates who will heartily co-operate with
those of Chester in the much neeied work
of reform.
Hot Weather—Off for the &aside—The Resig
nation of Mr. Borie— The Coppers in Coun
cil—Plenty of Fights and the Fourth Ward
Triumphant—The First Senatorial District—
More Parading—Extension of Fairmount,
PHILADELPHIA, June 30, 1869
DEAR ABE: The thermometer is tip among
the nineties, and per consequence, all who
can possibly raise the wherewithal are packing
up and tanking oil for the country. The dit.
ferent railways leading to the seaside are bur
thened with human freight, the West Jersey
folks having placed an extra train on their
road during the past week to accommodate
those who wish to make Cape May their home
for the next )ponth. How the mint julips and
sherry cobblers, manufactured from pure
Jersey lightning, will suffer! Our theatres, as
a general rule, have closed shop, finding it too
unprofitable to keep open in the face of the
hot weather.
The fourth—the "glorious" fourth—is upon
us too, but alas, it does not come in the good
old fashioned style. I only know it is here by
the constant firing of squibs and crackers by
Young America. Fortunately our young peo
ple will not permit it to pass by without its
usual accompaniments, even if no :one else
will give us the benefit of at least a military
parade. At this time no one knows when we
are to celebrate the 4th, whether on Saturday
or Monday, or even if it is to be celebrated at
The resignation of our townsman, Mr. Rorie,
as Secretary of the Navy,caused considerable
of a flutter when first announced. Mr. Robe
son, his successor, as far as I have learned,
gives general satisfaction, probably from the
fact that he is so near a neighbor, living as he
does only on the other side of the river, and
having a reputation as a hard working and
consistent Republican. At the Navy Yard
this appointment is especially hailed with
pleasure, owing doubtless to the fact that he
is acknowledged to be in favor of ten hours'
pay for eight hours' work, to which Mr. Rorie
was opposed, claiming that the employees
should only receive pay for the number of
hours employed.
The " unterritied" have been amusing them
selves on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
last "putting heads" on each other. The
cause of contention has been the Delegate
Elections and City Conventions. The
scenes at the conventions are grand and
characteristic of the Democracy hi more
ways than ene. At the city convention it
seems that the delegates assembled for the
express purpose of breaking heads, and car
ried this little amusement so far as to drive the
respectable portion (if there are any such)
out of the Hall, after which they had things
all their own way, and nominated a man
named Fry for City Treasurer, and one Dun
can for City Commissioner. At the county
convention at Eighth and Spring Garden, I
ventured to take a peep, but soon found the
gentlemen (?) assembled entirely too belliger
ent to make my visit of any length The few
moments I was present I saw a big man occu
pying "the chair" on the platform, and en
deavoring to smash a table to pieces with a
cudgel in order to gain order, whilst in an
other portion of the room a down-towner had
an up-towner by the hair and was amusing
himself trying to break au empty whisky
bottle over the up-towner's head. Rings were
formed, (not political but according to the
revised P. Ra..) and amidst the cries of "fair
play," delegates assembled around to witness
the fistic encounters. I could picture hundreds
of such scenes, but time will not permit, so
I must stop, congratulating the Copper-Di -
mocracy that they have done more to tri
umphantly elect the entire Republican ticket,
than all electioneering would do in six months.
In the first Senatorial District Sam Josephs
unexpectedly withdrew at the eleventh hour,
and pitched in for Legislative honors in the
Third District, which were granted him by
"the boys." The nomination for Senator in
this district fell upon John Diamond, a mem
ber if the Whisky Ring. In the face of stu
pendous frauds, this district has been repre
sented by a Republican ; and next October,
with anything like a fair return, Mr. Watt
will undoubtedly go to Harrisburg.
A German organization known as the
Order of 'Unwed made quite a line street
parade ou Monday. The procession was com
posed entirely of oqr Teutonic friends, with
ten or twelve bands of music,
and after a few
hours' marching proceeded to Washington Re
treat, where the Order and invited friends
spent the day in feasting.
The formal opening of the Fair Mount Park
Extension took place on Wednesday of last
week, and we can now boast of a Park that
rivals the great Central of New York. The
drive is more extensive than that of Central
Park, and by the time it is completed will be
much more handsome in every way, the
scenery being grander and more natural than
that of our neighbor's.
It is rumored Hon. B. H. Brewster is to go
into the Cabinet in the place of Mr. Hoar, who
will resign
MESSRS. EDITORS : It is said, and I
believe it can be proven, that our State
Treasurers have been in the habit of lend
ing or depositing with certain favorites
and friends portions of the public money,
which is clearly in violation of the Act of
Assembly, and subjects the offender to
line and imprisonment, whether such
lending be " with or without interest or re
turn therefor. ,, As the money in the
treasury is the property of the whole peo
ple, and not of the treasurer, or any one
individual more than another, it follows
that any one is as mach entitled to the
use of the motley as another, and no one
particular on man has a right paramount to
that of his neighbor, for neither has any
right. The . State Treasurer, therefore,
has no right to prefer one man to anotb.er,
because, as the law declares that he shall
not lend or give the use of the public
money, with or without interest, to any
one. or upon any terries, doing this is
strictly forbidden. But we know that it
has been time, and the custom has been
to lend to favorite banks or bankers, ten
thousand dollars or more to each, upon
the suggestion of members of the Legisla
ture, who' have been known to receive in
some instances two or three per cent.
therefor. Now, if one bank or banker is
thus favored why should not all be ? If,
for instance, a bank in Lancaster city,
should be favored with a deposit on a
a low ' rate of interest, or on no inter
est at an, why Should not every other
bank or banker in the county or State be ?
I think it well enough for the banks and
bankers 'to enquire and ascertain, and if
such should prove to be the fact, should it
not be well for their stockholders and
friends to ask for similar favors, and fail
ing to receive them, to use such measure
as they can to break up this system of
prefelrencc,by electing members co,ssembly
who will be Able to control the Stalk
Treasurer, and compel him either to cease
this illegal conduct, or to do equal and
exact justice to all by a general distribu
tion of his favors. crrizaw.
Handbills, Cards, Bill Heeds, ProgIMPIMIS
Posters, &o„ &0., printed in thebestialle tiM
at iralklNlCllol4l Mb" at the MITIMIL AillnitA•
HAW Job Printing Office. Orders by mail
promptly attended to.
atha twaham'o flap.
LINCOLN is to be married again.
Jonx H. Suanarr has become a com
mission merchant of Baltimore.
Tim Post-office at Charleston, S. C., is
run by colored clerks.
THE highest store rent paid in New
York is sixty thousand dollars; the high
est in Chicago, fifty-two thousand dollars.
As LATE as the sth ult. travelers in
Northwestern Maine were delayed by deep
snow drifts.
ONE of the recent " notions" in Chicago
is a white hearse, which is described as
"attractive, not to say inviting."
THE Pennsylvania Teachers' Associa
tion will convene at Greensburg, August
STRANGE—that when flour has become
so cheap, the baker's loaves still retain
their usual dimensions.
A DESPERADO has been arrested in
Missouri who is charged with the murder
of 78 persons.
A COLORED preacher in Georgia can be
heard two miles when he gets warmed up
to his work.
GREEN fruit is coming into market,
and people who don't want the cholera
morbus should beware.
A servant girl in Syracuse poisoned a
baby and set tire to the house, because she
disliked the family she was living with.
Gov. GEARY'S majority against Clymer
in 1866 was 17.17 S votes. We expect this
to be doubled this fall.
PUNISHMENT by death is executed in
Utah by shooting. Three murderers are
to be disposed of in this manner on the
16th of July.
ONE-Foutunt of the population of the
earth die before the age of seven years,
and one-half at or before the age of seven
A SAUSAGE vender of New Orleans has
procured the arrest of all the neighboring
butchers because they barked and mrked
when customers came to buy of him.
A COUPLE of shop-lifting women from
Jersey City in league with a salesman have
victimized the merchants of St. Louis to
the extent of $19,000.
GEN. GEORGE W. CAss has severed
his official connection as President of the
Pittsburg, Fort Wayne and Chicago Rail
road Company.
THE National Intelliyenrer of Washing
ton, D. C., has recently suspended publi
cation, and all efforts to revive it have
thus far failed.
SOME heartless scoundrels in Altoona
got a young boy intoxicated by giving
him lager beer. Ile is now a helpless
Tim Hearth and lbw says that the
first thing for a farmer to find out is what
grows best on his soil. After he has
learned this,it thinks he should not be dis
couraged by low prices for a year or two.
SEVERAL prominent members of the
Cuban Junta in New York have been
arrested and held to bail to answer for
violation of the neutrality laws.
BEAUTIFUL was the reply of a venera
ble man to the question whether he was
still in the land of the living: "No, but I
am almost there."
A COPPERHEAD journalist philosophi
cally remarks that nature destined the
Radicals to be in the minority, "which
purpose man in his perversity for some
years has been defeating."
MRS. STANTON advises that every
pretty girl should be taught to fire a
pistol, and allowed to carry one for de
fense. Instead of shooting glances, to
shoot men.
IT appears duelling did not go out with
slavery. Two Virginians the other day
tried to kill each other, and so did the
editor of a Spanish paper published iu
New York and a Cuban.
Minister to Spain, will sail for Madrid
early in July. Hon. Henry T. Blow, our
Minister to Brazil, will sail for Rio Jan
cro on the 23d of July.
THE Vermont Republican Convention
at Rut'and, nominated General Peter T.
Washburn for Governor, George Whendle
for Lieutenant Governor, and John A.
Pace for Lieutenant Governor.
A YOUNG couple in Joliet, Illinois, di
vorced after a short wedded life, have
met, reloved, and remarried after a sepa
ration of only a few weeks.
Ihs Accidency, Andrew Johnson, is in
Washington, and rumor has it that he
contemplates writing a history of his ad
ministration, and is there to obtain the
records of the several departments. Rich,
isn't it?
GEN. VAN WYCK, of New York, Col.
Forney, and several other speakers from
the North, have gone down to Virginia
to take part in the campaign. lioth
parties are working with great energy.
Election takes place on the 6th.
IT is needless to say anything of John
W. Geary. Iris three years' administra
tion has shown him to be an honest, con
scientious, efficient Governor, as his six
years' military service proved hint to be
a brave, honorable soldier.
COFFEE-POT WALLACE declines serv
ing as Clutirtuan of the next Democratic
State Committee. The party will have
nu Irettbiein netting a, man - equally un
scrupulous. Of course no other will, be
Fos months past an in ea ' 4. tine , has
been gqing oa in , •-• . : • nee
to fmudOwt, vote .1„, ~!'. t.ii
r` . - iber
election. Over bill '4 7 .... " . :dy
been dissovaised. An , ..votes
that gave that city ovOr-In( 41l bit the
Demo:x:llW party
tain. 4
ever this fall.
THE Hartford (Ct.) Poet says of the Re
publican nominee for Governor of Penna.:
"Certainly no more popular candidate for
Governor could be chosen than Governor
Geary. His reputation throughout is
high and needs no comment."
A MARRIAGE took place at Leominster,
Mass., lately, under somewhat singular
circumstances. The bridegroom is seven
ty-two years of age, and has lost three
wives, and the bride is sixty-two, and has
lost three husbands.
THE Louisville Cw'ru•r •Imo says
that as a member of the senate Mr.
Andrew Johnson would be a terror to the
Radical party. lie would certainly be a
terror to any decent liody. Saulsbury
ought to be enough in the terror line for
one Senate.
THE ability of the female tongue to
keep a secret is proved by the conduct of
a St. John's girl, who did not tell her
lover that she was worth four millions hi
her own right until after the marriage.
But who will believe that he didn't know
A. NEW YORK lady recently ordered a
trousseau at Stewart's for her daughter's
doll, which received a complete outfit in
underclothing, silk and lace. One of the
I articles ordered was an India shawl, min
' iature size,at iF 4 .30. and a lace handkerchief
valued at
TILE annual State fair of the Pennsyl
vania Agricultural Society will be held
at Harrisburg, the committe having de
cided on that location. The fair will com
mence on the last Tuesday of September,
and will be continued four days.
PAllsoN BilowNlow's paper at Knox
ville says there is no more probability of
Andrew Johnson being elected Governor
of Tennessee than there is of his flight
by railroad to the north star, and that
there is just as little probability of a coati-
Um between Johnson and Brownlow.
LAsT week two car loads of apostates
from the Mormon Church left Utah for
the East, purposing never to return.
The party had been gathering for some
time, and swelle,d during one or two
periods of delay. Some of the number
were early settlers of Utah. They pro
mise to make some startling revelations.
AGAIN has the Republican party of this
State shown that its profeesions of` fidelity
to the men who saved the country are
real. It has again, with an unanimity
equalled only in the nomination of Gen.
Grant, declared that the man who braved
the battle-fields of two wars should con
trol the government of the great State of
GENERAL F. P. BLAIR, late Democratic
candidate for Vice President on the Dem
ocratic ticket, has gone to California to
establish a Western department of the
Life Association of America. If General
Blair expects to derive any favors from
the Democratic party he should by all
means get its life insured before it dies
out altogether.
THE war in Cuba still continues, an.
victory is with the Cubans. In a recen
battle they captured an extensive train,
containing a large amount of provisions,
arms, ammunition, clothing and hospital
stores. The loss of the Spaniards was
over two hundred killed. A number of
Americans participated in the tight.
ROBERT OULD, the former Rebel com
missioner on the exchange of prisoners,
made a violent speech in Richmond on
Tuesday, in which he notified Northe
carpet-baggers that after the election o
the 6th of July they would have to pac
up and leave the State. That infernal
rebel's windpipe ought to be cut.
OLDSTER COUNTY—Gleanings . /ma the
Record.—Franklin B. Gowan was elected
President of the Pickering Valley Rail
road, and vigorous efforts are being made
to have the work commenced without de
lay Samuel Gartley, of Warwick, had
one of his fingers cut off on Saturday be
fore last, by one of the knives of a mowing
machine Washington Lodge No. 156,
A. Y. M. of West Chester, will partici
pate in the ceremonies of dedicating the
new Masonic Hall at I)rumere Centre,
Lancaster county, on the 17th inst
Dennis Heron, wh ) was employed at the
Phoenixville Iron Works, was drowned in
the branch canal while bathing on Monday
last week During the thunder storm
on Sunday night, five cows, belonging to
David Harvard, of Tredyifrin township,
were killed by lightning; also, during the
same storm, two cows, belonging to Jona
than Baldwin, of Cain, were killed.
BERKS COUNTY—Gleanings from the
Daily Times.—The Reading Railroad
Company will issue excursion tickets upon
the main line and all branches of their
road, good from the 3rd to the 12th of July
inclusive. On the Reading and Columbia
road excursion tickets will be issued on
the 3rd and sth, good until the 6th, inclu
sive, and to Philadelphia good from the
3rd to the 12th inclusive • The Reading
Railroad Company have decided to run a
through accommodation train between
Pottsville and Philadelphia. The Mozart
Musical Union of Readin",, will participate
in detetrmatvg the national anniversary, in
PeartVgittare, on the morning of the sth
All the public schools of Reading closed
last Friday for the summer vacation
The Liberty Cornet Band (colored) of
Reading received their new instruments
last Friday One of the Robisonia fur
naces will be considerably enlarged during,
the present season The corner stone of
the new Baptist mission chapel, in North
Ninth street, Reading, was laid on Sunday
last. It will be erected by the congrega
tion of the First Baptist.chureli Items
from the Eagle—Elizabeth Leiss was sent
to jail the other day for appearing very
drunk in the streets of Reading.. The,atrical
performance commenced in Library Hall
on Thursday evening last, week Daniel
Albright has been appointed postmaster
at Robinson John Jenewine had ois leg
broken by falling from a horizontal bar, in
Fulton Garden The Eagle is out in favor
of General Hancock for Governor, from
which we infer that the General must have
become a confirmed copperhead Two
cows belonging to Mr. Hahn,
of Muhlen
berg township,were killed by lightning on
Sunday last Poultry thieves are operat
ing in Reading The Universalist Sun
day School of Reading will visit Litiz
Springs on the 15th Marks
Bean, of Reading, has in his possession
a White' robin, which Was caught by Mt
Schildt, in Alsace township.