Father Abraham. (Reading, Pa.) 1864-1873, July 02, 1869, Image 1
PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY, RAUCH & COCHRAN, No. 13, South queen Street, Lancaster. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. copy, one year, $ 1.50 copies, (each mane addressed,) 7.00 10 copies " 44 13.00 15 copies " 64 18.00 20 copier " 44 12.00 And $l.lO for each additional subscriber. FOR CLUBS,'IN FACKAOEs. 5 copies, (to one address,) $ 6.ria 10 copies " 12.00 44 15 copies " 16.50 20 copies " ,t 01.00 And 441.00 for each additional subscriber. AllirAll subscriptions must invariably be paid in advance. J - C)l3 PRINTING Of every description, neatly and promptly exe cuted, at short notice, and on the most reasonable terms. itaihvads. pENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL R. R. The time of the arrival and departure of the trains on the Pennsylvania Railroad, at Lan caster, has been changed, as follows : EASTWARD. WESTWARD. Cinch]. Ex....12:07 a,. M. Pittsburg Ex. 1:27 a. m Phila.Excress 4:02 " Phila. Exp... 2:39 " Fast Line 6:35 " Mall 11:15 " Lane. Train.. 8:58 " Fast Line 2:35 p.m Day Express. 1:40 p.m. Columbia Ac. 2:15 " Htu'risb'g Ac..5:51 " Harrish's Ac. 5:54 " Southern Ex..4:00 " Lane. Train.. 7:29 Chichi. Ex....10:38 " READING RAILROAD. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT, MONDAY, APRIL 26, 1869 G icat Trunk Line jroan the Xorthand North wfstfor Philadelphia, IV - ew 1 - ork, Read- Pottsrille, Tamwpt, Ashland, Sha mokin, Lebanon, Allentown, Easton,Eph rata, Litiz, Lancaster, Columbia, Aw. Trains leave Harrisburg for New York as fol lows: At, 2.35, 5.20, 8.10 a. m., 12.25 noon 2.00 and 10.55 p. in., connecting with similar trains on the Pennsylvania Railroad, and arriving at New York at 9.45 a. m.,11.45 a. in., 3.50, 6.45, 9.30 p. m., and 6.00 a. W. respectively. Sleeping Cars ac company the 2.35,6.20 a. m..and 10.55 p.m. trains without change. Leave Harrisburg for Reading, Pottsville, Tamaqua, Mincrsvllle, Ashland, Shamokin, Pine Grove, Allentown and Philadelphia, lit F2WiL Imi - 2M anditafl - p..m4-tibilopping insbir. =in and principal Way Stations; thy 4.10 p. m. train making connections for Philadelphia, Pottsville and Columbia only. For Pottsville, Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Railroad, leave Harrisburg at 3.30 p. in. Returning: Leave New York at 9.00 a. in., 12.00 noon, 5.05 and 8.00 p. in., Philadelphia at 8.15 a. in. and 3.30 p. m.; sleeping cars accompany the 9.00 a. in., 5.05 and 8.00 p. m. trains from New York, without change. Way Passenger Train leaves Philadelphia at 7.30 a. nn., connecting with similar train on East Penna. Railroad, returning from Reading at 0.30 p. in., stopping at all stations; leave Potts ville at 7.30, 8 45 a. m , and 2.45 p. Shamokin at 5.25 and 10.35 a.m.; Ashland at 7.00 a.m., and 12.30 noon, Tamaqua at 8.30 a. in.; and 2.20 p. m., for Philadelphia and New York. Leave Vottsville, via Schuylkill and Susque hanna Railroad at 7.0 i a. for Harrisburg, and 11.30 a m. for Pine Grove and Tremont. Reading Accommodation Train : Leaves Reading at 7:30 a. in., returning leaves Phila delphia at 5:15 p. m. Pottstown Accommodation Train: Leaves Pottstown at 6.25 a. in.; returning, leaves Phila• delphia at 4 p. Columbia Railroad Trains leave Reading at 7.00 a. in. and 6.15 p. m. for Ephrata, Litiz, Lan carder. Columbia, sle. ,yerkiomen Railroad Trains leave Perkiomen limetion at 9.00 a in. and time p. returning, cave • , kippack at 5.15 a. m. and I.N p. con : ting with similar trains on Reading Rail- On Sundays: Leave New York at 8.00 p. m., Philadelphia at 8.00 a. tn. and 3.15 p. in., the 8.00 a. in. train running only to Heading; Potts ville 8.60 a. In.; liarrisburg 5.20 a. m., 4.10 and 10.55 p. in., and Heading at 12.55, midnight, 2.54 and 7.15 a. In. For Harrisburg, at 12.55 midnight, and 7.0 a. in. for New Xirklap# . 4o* ha,and 4.e) p. m. Ihr Philadetrita. Commutation, Mileage, Season, School and Excursion Tickets, to and from all points, at educed rates. Baggage , checked through; 100 pounds allowed each l'assengor. G. A. NICOLLS, GeneralSu V iint ttßEADlNG, PA., ApriF`6B. iriln w EAI)ING AND COLUMBIA R. R. ON AND AFTER THURSDAY, APRIL 15th, 1569, PASSENGER TRAINS WILL BE RUN ON THIS ROAD, AS FOLLOWS: LEAVE. Lancaster 8.05 a. in 310 p. m. Columbia .....8:00 a. m. 3.00 p. m. R ETU LEAVE. Reading 7:00 a. m. 6:15 p. 7:00 a. In. " 0:15 p. m. Trains leaving Lancaster and Columbia as above, make close connection at Reading with Trains North and South; on Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, and West on Lebanon Valley Road. Train leaving Lancaster at 8:05 A. M. and Columbia at 8 A. 81. connects closely at Reading with Train for New York. Tickets can he obtained at the Offices of the New Jersey Central Railroad, foot of Liberty street, New York; and Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, 18th and Callowhill streets, Phila. Through tickets to New York and Philadel phia sold at all the Principal Stations, and Bag gage Checked Through. ••Afileage Ticket Books for 500 or 1000 miles, Season and Excursion Tickets, to and from all points, at reduced rates. Trains are run by Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Time, which is 10 minutes faster than Pennsylvania Railroad Time. apt 104194 f) GEO. F. GAGX, Su NORT.HERN CENTRAL RAi WAY. Trains leave York for Wrightsville an.: lumbia, at 610 and 11:40 a. in., and 840 p. Leave Wrightsville for York, at 13:00 a.m. 1:00 and 6:50 p. m. Leave York for Baltimore, at 5:00 and M.. 1:05 p. ru.- ' and 19 midnight. Leave York for Harrisburg, at 1:39, 6:26 an a. in.. and 2:39 and . m. TRAINS LEAVE HARRISBURG. GOING NOILTN. At 3:25 a. in., and 1:20 and 4:20 p. m. GOING ROIITH. At 3:45 and 5:25 a. in., and 12:30 and 10:46 p decll-tfd Musical Instruments, &c. J T B. KEVINSKI, DEALER IN SHEET MUSIC, PIANOS, ORGANS, MELODEONS, And 4111.yieal Instruments Generally. Sole Agont for STEINWAY & SONS' WORLD RENOWNED PIANOS. Also, Agent for PRINCE 8 CO.'S ORGIN3 and MELODEONS air Music, sent by Mall Free of Postage. No. 8 NORTH PRINCE STREET, Lancaster, Pa. GOOK AISIOHL DOM Rooft aw 1m J. B. KEVINSKI SEIM MUSIC SHTORE. KLOPFZERA, ORYXLLA, 141ILLODZON8, WI albs aorta music Insbtrumentat Der Revinski is agent for de bereemty Stein webr Pianon—Kloffeera beast mer se uf deitsb. Der plats is No. s NORD PRINCE STREET, LANCASTER,. N. E. For a drat raty Booty Geig, odder an Aceordeon, odder a Trwlerrich-Peif, odder m ulch onners musical Insbtrument, klea odder gross, shtept yet pi one KevinakVs, No. $ Nord Prince Sbtrose, Tmmoster. Eno2o.ly ARRIVE. Reading 10:20 a. in " 5:30 p. ta 10:20 a. m 5:30 p. m 11NING: ARRIVg. Lancastor.....9:ls a. m ...8:25 p. m Columbia .....9:25 a. m p. m to see the right, let us strire on to finish tht we are in; to bind up the nations trona VoL. IL Claim, Agency. JAMES BLACK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MILITARY AND NAVAL CLAIM AGENT, No. 56 East King-st., Lancaster, Pa. Being duly licensed as a Claim Agent, and having a large experience, prompt attention will be given to the following classes of claims ; DbUNTY and PAY due discharged Soldiers and Sailors. BOUNTY (additional) to Soldiers who enlisted for not less than '2 or 3 years, or were honora bly discharged for wounds received. BOUNTY (additional) to Widows, Children, or Parents of Soldiers who died from wounds re ceived or disease contracted in said service. PENSIONS for invalid Soldiers and Sailors, or to their widows or children. PENSIONS for fathers and mothers, brothers or sisters of deceased soldiers, upon whom they were dependent. PENSIONS and GRATUITIES for Soldiers or their Widows from Peimsylvania, in the War of 1812. PAY due Teamsters, Artificers and Civil em ployees of the Government. PAY due for horses lost in the United States EDZI2CI CHARGES.—Fees fair and moderate, and in no case will charges be made until the money is collected. [dec adyr* Insurance. THE OLD PENN MUTUAL —4S•MSLZRANdaIi- - -420441ikaNY,: ,- , OP PHILADELPHIA. ACCUMULATED CAPITAL, $2,000,000, After paying Losses to the amount of *1,120,000 CHARTER PERPETUAL All the .S'urplus Dividend amongst the Policy Holders every year THE ONLY TRULY MUTUAL COMPANY IN THE CITY OR STATE. For further information apply to JOHN J. COCHRAN, Agent, From "Father Abraham" Office Lancaster, Pa, no°o•tf I WORLD MUTUAL LIFE INS. CO NEW YORK, NO. 160 BROADWAY. .J. F. FRUEAUFF, General Agent for Penn'a NORTH QUEEN STREET, (Above J. F. Long Sc Son's Drug Store.) This Company offers more SOLID and REAL inducements than any other Life Insurance Company in the country. Send or call and get a Circular. Active solicitors, male or remale, wanted in every township in the State. pan Lam* Dentistry. LANCASTER, June 25th,1565. EDITORS Exrita .• Dr. Wm. M. Whiteside, the enterprising D 56 t v ,has .urc •. • d from me a • ~•AL t • I • 0 • ,a a lso r. • . o ~e •n• 0 " those used by my father, Dr. - arry, in his prac tice. In the purchase, the doctor has provided himself with some of the most valuable and ex pensive instruments used in dental practice, and has beyond doubt one of the best and lar gest collections of teeth and instruments in the state. Persons visiting the commodious olUces of Dr. Whiteside, cannot fail to be fully accom modated. Thu Doctor loses no opportunity of furnishing himself with every late scientific improvement In his line of business. 11. B. PARRY. TIT M. WHITESIDE, V V . DENTIST. OFFICE , I,ND RESIDENCE, EAST KING STREET, Next door to the Court house, over Fahnes took , ' Dry Goods Store, LANUASTER,.PENNA Teeth Extracted 'without pain by the use of (Nitrous Oxide) Ras. n0204f Banking. DAVID BAIR. B AIR & SIIENK, BANKERS, NORTHEAST ANUS OP CENTRE SQUARE LANCASTER, PENNA. nc4o-Iy] MECHANICS , BANK, NO. 86 NORTH QUEEN STREET, (INQUIRER BUILDING,) Deals In UXITLD STATES BONDS, STOCKS, GOLD SILVER, AND COUPONS Drafts given on •ll the prineipal Cities Collections made promptly. Interest paid on Deposits JOHN M. STIHMAN, SANNEL SLONON, JoeliPll CLAU J 4OX. Bankers as STEHMAN. CLARKSON & CO mh26.6in House Furnishing Goods. FARMER JOHN. Should you meet Farmer John in the city, You'd call him a country greenhorn ; You might look upon him with pity, Or perhaps with a feeling of scorn. His great heavy boots, minus blacking, His straw hat, with wide ample brim, With gloves and with necktie both lacking, And his bronzed face puzzled and grim. The fops step aside as he passes, And glance at their dainty pinched feet, And lisp their disgust to the lasses They happen to meet in the street. 0 I come from the dust of the city, Leave palace, and steeple, and dome, Put by both your scorn and your pity 'Till you see good Farmer John's home. Far back from the town's noise and bustle, Where meadows and pastures are wide, Where leaves on the apple boughs rustle, And comfort and pleasure abide. Where acres with beauty lie teeming, And promise large produce to bring A pleasant white farm-house is gleaming, And Farmer John reigns as its king. How changed is his face as he nears it, From that which he wore in the town ; A broad smile breaks over and clears it Meas peilidedWozpreesion and frowii" His good wife stands ready to greet him With a smile that thrills through his heart, And all are so happy to meet him, Though only a bright day apart. His deep voice grows sweeter and lower, As baby-lips press his brown cheek ; He is happy, he asks for no more ; He is loved, what more need he seek? His boys and his girls are so merry, The table so full and so white, And all is so happy and cheery, He envies no ruler his might. 0! ye with your city notions, There's something more precious and sweet Than graceful and elegant motions In walking the close, dusty street. And Farmer John, green as you call him, So awkward and so coarsely clad, Has had this great fortune befall him, And his whole life is joyful and glad. pioctilatteouo. • [From Ballou'sTrtzlne.] M Y RAILWAY COMPANION. f d A year a o I was a confirmed old bache % .f. ititc! •,,,....M . tik94rnniatk,r.God bless theca —an in the club-room, on the street, at the evening party, and every where else where I could get an audience, I always took the opportunity of discours ing at large on the faults and failings of the gentle sex. And I am going to tell you what made one thus misanthropic. If it had not been for Fanny Gray, it would never have hap pened. Naturally, I am happy to say, I am one of the best tempered, most generous-heart ed fellows in the world, but early in life I had a disappointment in love ; and you know a disappointment of that kind is sufficient to change the whole course of an individual's life. I could instance a great many distinguished men as cases in point, if I was so disposed. My disappointment occurred, as I said, early in lite ; very early, in fact. I was but seventeen, and she was fourteen. We went to school together, and I used to help her over the bad places in the road, and in vulgar fractions ; and from helping her in difficulty, I got to loving her. And here let me throw out a hint to mankind at large. Never get to assisting a woman in trouble, unless you are willing she should win your heart ; for she'll be sure to do it, whether she wants to or not. Man is an animal that enjoys being asked advice of ; and if a woman once defers to him, and gets him to decide things for her, helljust as surely fall in love with her as he's living. Fanny was a pretty girl. Every body said so, and it was an undeniable fact. She had yellow hair, all crinkles and curls ; and brown eyes, and such a white skin, and the prettiest little feet :and hands in the world. Why, my hand isn't a large one, but I could hold both of hers in one of mine and not half try. How well I remember the night I told her that I loved her. It was in October EN=l3l —moat cross grained things happen in October, I believe ; we had gone together over into the lake pasture after the cows ; and I had got down on my knees right in the wettest, spongiest part of the path— nearly ruined the knees of my new gray pantaloons, I recollect—and poured out my passion at her feet. She laughed in my face. Perhaps you have noticed that girls in general have a habit of giggling. Yes, she laughed in my face, and told me to go home, and eat my bread and butter like a,good boy, and not be troubling her with talk like that. She said she was a great deal to young to think of marriage ; and that when she was old enough, it was her intention to marry a duke at least ; and live in a palace, and go to the queen's drawing rooms, and be called "my lady," etc. And then she laughed again. I rose from my knees very hot, and angry, and told her she was a heartless dirt, and mentioned to her that my heart was broken ; but she only laughed the more. And in the midst of it, along came Harry Smith, whistling '" Hail Columbia," and she let harry take down the bars for her and lift her over the brook, and I was jubilant when in the middle of the stream, Harry's legs failed under him—for he was a small fellow s and she was us plump as a partridge—and be slipped down with her, awl both got as wet as mink,: Well„that was yearsago, but I neverfully LANCASTER, PA., FRID fairy. BY OLA RA AVM:SISTA -JULY 2 1869. recovere from the sting her unkind refusal gave me. If I have said anything about the female sex of which I ought to be ashamed, anything which was wrong, Fanny Gray ought to be held accounta ble, not I. I went home feeling as if I did not care a straw for life. I did not eat my supper, and Aunt Peggy made me drink sonic ap petite bitters, in the virtues of which she had great faith. I went up to my room early, packed a few things in a valise, and the next day ran away to New York. I intended to ship on a whaler, but there was no chance at that time, and I got on a coaster instead. The Polly Jane only ran with freights to Philadelphia, but that voyage was enough. I wanted no more of the sea. I thought I should never live to reach land ; and the sailors, unfeeling wretches, did little else but laugh at me. Once back in New York, no money could tempt me to try my luck again on the briny deep. I got a chance as errand boy in the mercantile establishment of Storey, Johnstone & Co. It was a good place, and my employers did the liberal thing by me. I wrote home, and informA my anxious parents where I was ; and I made up my in ., d to make trade my life business. .t by step I advanced, for I was &ill fa and lam happy to say possessed con si rable business talent. I: arrived at the dignity of clerk in due e ; then I was book keeper, and three I : . 5 ago, when Mr. Storey retired from limn, I became the junior partner. . hteen months afterward Johnstone and I bought out his heirs, so I any head of the establishment. conic call me a good looking fellow, au t I don't pretend to dispute with them. It is extremely impolite to contradict fol s, you know. I think myself that, I aitt 'Kissable, though I have always wish ed tiny hair had been bla lc, instead of retitlish-brown. But I won't color it ; I t ha c got a little too much pride for that. 'ell, about a year ago, I found that hu iness required my presence in Chicago. A hour or two before I was ready to t, my particular friend, Tent tler, ca e rushing into my counting-room. Stanford," cried he. "I've got a gr at fityor to ask of you." Any thing, my dear fellow," said I. " ~fkny thing I could do for you will be a gr4st pleasure." I told Nettie you would," said he ; "*t. she insisted you wouldn't ! She—" ***liimpla 1" said I " Women , are selfish creatures, and judge everybody by themselves. lam sure, Tom, I should be delighted to oblige you !" "Thank you. It will be such a relief to me. You see I was going to Chicago myself, to hunt up some claims the first of the week—" "Give them into my hands, Torn," said I ; " 11l attend to them." "Oh 1 ,, said Tom, coolly, "John Nason wont last night, and he's going to see after that business. I should have gone myself, but you see the baby was taken sick, and Nettie will not consent that I should leave it. And, indeed, I do not wish to." • "Confound the babies !" said I mental ly, but not audibly ; for Tom. Jasher, gocd fellow as he is, is a perfect spooney on babies. So I said, aloud : " Well, trust your business to me, old friend." "I shall always remember it in you, Fad," said he, speaki ig a little hesitat iugiy, as if he feared, after all, that Nettie might have judged me more correctly than himself. ` t l want to get you to take charge of a woman--a lady—as far as Chicago." " Goodness gracious, Tom Jasher !" ex claimed I, "you know I detest—" "Oh I now don't be foolish, Stanford," replied he. " This is none of your gig gling young girls. She is my wife's ear liest friend—they love each other like sisters ; and she is a very nice, sober minded, cultivated lady. She never faints away, nor carries band-boxes ; and she will give you no trouble at all. She is going to her family in Chicago. I should have gone with her, but as I was saying, the batty took cold, and he's croupy, and there are spinptoms of pneumonia ; and all the relief he gets is in onion poultices and yellow snuff." "Babies are a nuisance," a tid I gruffly. "Oh! no indeed!" ejaculated Tom. "Why my dear fellow, we can't think of living without our little Freddy! Named him after you, my boy. Named him last night. Nettie decided on it. She said there was no one in the world, after me of course, that she thought so highly of as Frederick Stanford; and she thought Fred mice was such a pretty name!" "Indeed!" said I, a great deal molifled, and not a little pleased at having a child named after me—we all have our weak nesses, you know—"indeed, Jasher, this is unexpected, decidedly so." "It is nothing more than you deserve, Stanford," said Tom, enthusiastically, grasping my hand; and I thought there were tears in his eyes but it might have been the effect of my cigar smoke, for the room was fall of it. " You area good fellow, Stanford--a deuced good fellow? Your principal failing is your dislike of women and babied); but I live in the hope that you will get over it in time. If you could only see Freddy, od now! The darling! it would do you to hear him try to say Papa. It is perfectly charming!" And Tom rubbed his.handa, and got very red in the face, and looked as happy as if he had just heard that his grandfather was dead, and had willed him half a million. After a moment he partially subsided, and went back to the old subject. " What do you say to taking charge of the lido?" r him svho shall have borne the battle, and Won , and his orphan, to do all which may and cherish a just and a lasting peace , urselrer and with all nationt."-4..Z. Is wallowed down the lump in my throat, and answered bravely: " I'll do it, Jasher. I suppose, if she's the responsible person you represent her to be, that shell not be expecting me to do the agreeable to her? All I shall have to see after will he her luggage, and getting her sometkin,r to eat?" " Yes," said Jasher, in such a peculiar tone that I could not tell whether the fel low was ridiculing me or not. All a woman wants is to have her baggage seen after, and some victuals to eat now and then." Jasher took his leave, 'promising to be at the station in good season, with my traveling companion. I need not tell the reader how blue I felt over the arrangement to which I had con sented. I wanted to oblige my friend but I had much rather he had asked me to en dorse his note for ten thousand. I was at the depot early. If there is anything I hate, it is being hurried on my way to a depot. flurrying destroys a man's dignity, and it wilts his collar, es pecially if he wears paper; and it generally makes him sweat, and then his hat pro duces a red streak on his forehea,d; and he is apt to get out of breath, and out of tem per, also. I bought my tickets, and paced the platform impatiently. I wis'ied Jash er would come. I felt some curiosity to see the lady who was to be my traveling companion. Nothing more than a natural feeling, you know. Time wore on—the first bell struck, and still he did not arrive. I was nearly de termined to go on board the cars; for I am one of those men who have an aversion to the rush hr seats at the last minute. I have no special ambition to get my name into the newspapers, by falling between the cars some day in getting into them and having my legs cut off, or my head crushed. Not at all! Just as I was going on board, Jasher came, hot and flurried, and breathless. He had a lady on his arm whom he pre sented to Inc, I understood the name, Mrs. Graves, or Gaines, I could not tell which, Jasher was so out of breath that he could not articulate very plainly. She was rather a small woman, for width I was thankful; for if their is anything 1 deprecate it is a woman of the Amazonian mould. It is too much of a good thing. I saw in the newspaper the other day that the most disagreeable way women have with them is to weigh two hundred! Anti the genius who wrote that paragraph is wise. It is the trutl, double distilled and boiled down. Mrs. Graves wore a gray traveling suit, just short enough to show her charming little foot; and a small foot was always my admiration, notwithstanding I was a wo man-hater! Her dress was trimmed in black, and she had on a brown hat with a scarlet rose in front, and a blue veil over her head and face. " Homely as sill," said I to myself ; "pretty women never wear veils—that is thick ones." Jasher got the baggage checked and the tickets bought. These were transferred to me, together with the neatly-gloved hand of Mrs. Graves, and I escorted her into a car. It was not very crowded, and I gave her a seat just in front of mine, for I had decided that I would not sit on the same sofa with her. I did not care to be quite so near a woman as that; for if I did she would expect me to talk to her, and tell her the names of the stations, and buy her lady's-books, and oranges, and photo graphs, and peanuts, when the venders went through the cars. Not that I grudged the money, but you see I did not want to be agreeable to any woman. I had just got myself comfortably fixed, with my overcoat ou the seat beside me, and my newspaper spread out, when in sailed a woman six feet high, and stout in proportion, with her arms full of a poodle, a band box, a big paper parcel, a satchel, and a pot of verbenas. And before I could lift head or voice to prevent her she had dumped herself down beside me, bundles and all, spread her stiff-hooped petticoat over my knees, and set her band box and parcel into my lap with the remark: "Here, misterjust you hold them things. I've got the verbenas and pet to take care of, and that's enough for me. Dear me! can't you set over a little? I'm awfully crowded! " I was on the point of dropping her lug gage, stepping unceremoniously over her, and taking a seat with Mrs. Graves, but just as I was rising for that purpose, a nice looking young gentleman, with curly black hair, entered the car, laid his daint ily gloved hand on the back of her seat, and asked the question: " Is this seat engaged, madam?" "No sir," replied the sweetest voice I had ever hard; and I have a fine ear for music. " May I sit here?" as deferentially as if he was asking a sovereign to spare his life. " If you please," said she. And I could have throttled him as he sat down beside her, his arm touching her shoulder, and his handsome face bent down to talk to her. I could not help feeling angry with him; but thtm ' of course, it was not of any special interest in her, but because he had so much better seat than I had. For my partner smelled of musk and onions; and one of these odors alone is bad enough, but combine them, and it is dreadful! The curly headed fellow made himself intensely agreeable to her. He bought a comic paper, and they laughed over it to gether, and by and by he bought some popped corn, and they ate that together. I was fairly boiling with rage, when Mrs. Poodle addressed me aquestion, I answer ed her so sharply that the poodle barked - and snapped at my elbow. Sagacious lit tle cuss! he must have known that I had murder in my heart. TO WE CONTINTACD. CASH SATES OF ADVERTISING Ten lines ci Nonpareil conwl.llute a Square,r TIME. X 1 week .... $ 75 sl4us 2 tu $ 50$ 6OW 2 weeks... 120 180 270 4 50 1 800 t 20 1 weeks... 150 2 3 :X) 6 00. 10 00 1 month... 175 260 300 7 001 12 00 2 months.. 275 4 Of) 000 10 00 '2O 00 3 3 mouths.. 400 6uo 3) 00 15 001 80 00i 6 months.. 700 11 001 10 50; 25 00 40 00j 1 year " ' 12 00 20 00 30 00, 40 00 CO 00 I.:xecutors , Notice Administrators , Notice Assignees , N0tice....... Auditors' Notice SPECIAL NOTICEK—Ten cents a line tor the first insertion, and Seven cents a line for each subsequent insertion. REAL ESTATE advertisements, Ten cents a line for the first insertion an Inn" for Five cents a I" for each additional insertion. WALL KINDS OP JOB PRINTING executed with neatness and despatch. • Oft* MP& A. 33. My brief career is over, and now I will take my last race over my ,old carpet, 'a blank sheet of paper, scribble a few " last words," as all great celebrities do, and then throw myself over on my broad back, turn up my stubby legs in the air, like a dead beetle, and give up the—witch. Many a belle of a seasen will sympathize with me, and own it is hard to retire and give place to a rival, particularly to such an ill conditioned, long-shanked, wabbling uneasy thing as I must yield to, the two wheeled velocipede One short year ago I was the pet of so ciety, caressed by young and old ; but, alas I success made me saucy, and I told some unpalatable truths. When not in use I was carefully placed in a neat little box, and carried up to my lady's chamber, where I was supposed to sleep until called for. But I was slyly peeping out and lis tening to family secrets. The girls called me a "little beauty," a "heart shaped darling," a "sweet heart." Belles asked me which beaux would pro pose. Young matrons consulted me, even misses iu their teens asked sly questions, and blushed at my answeys. Every evening I was brought into the parlor for the amusement of company • if I told fibs I was believed and praised ; ;nit if I ventured on telling the truth I was called the D—l, or made to write myself so. Now what a change ! lam neglected, or given to the baby to bang around. My downfall is so sudden and complete that I am benumbed, my pour little wheels are already rusted, and I give in. My old mistress who petted me so much one year ago, said the other day that I looked like a bed-bug ! And her daughter said, "Yes, she believed I was the mother of all bed-bugs I" The lazy thing ! she has been wasting her time of late trying to learn to ride on a velocipede, and has neg lected her own bed-room, and so learned what bed-bugs were ! "Bed-bug" indeed ! I never wrote so mean a name before, and never shall again; but to compare me, "thc heart shaped darling," to such a monster. Oh, don't I hope they may bite her Johnny had me out on the side-walk yesterday, and I had the pleasure of seeing Miss Angelina's pet bear go flying past on his velocipede ; and as he raised his hat to his lady love at the window, he lost his balance and away went his unsteady steed and my gentl:man lay sprawling in the gutter. How 1 longed for a piece of paper on which to scribble my delight. I did write "humbug" all over the dusty door step, but who noticed it? Well, other wheels may be rusting before the year is over, and then what next ? TIIE Republicans of Maine have nomi nated Governor Chamberlain for re-elec tion, and the Republicans of Ohio have re-nominated Governor 'Hayes. MRS. ANN 13aftLow, of Philadelphia, aged seventy-nine, has just finished a quilt containing five thousand seven hundred and twenty-seven pieces. During the last seven years this industrious old lady has made twenty-nine quilts, containing in the aggregate sixty-two thotpand nine hundred and ninety-two thousauil pieces. TILE nomination of Henry W. Williams is as deserving as it is popular. A con scientious jurist, a gentleman of great legal experience and conceded ability, his nomination for the responsible position of Judge of the highest Court in the Com monwealth, will meet with au earnest re sponse from all men interested in a pure judiciary and an honest interpretation of the laws. A VERY destructive fire, involving the destruction of an entire square and a loss of over $400,000, took place in Philadel phia on last _Friday afternoon. The scene of the conflagration was in the vicinity of Sixth street and Columbia avenue. Among the property destroyed were several fac tories, and a number of persons are re ported injured. JUDGE SIIARBWOOD'S Nig pries decis ion declaring the Registry Law unconsti tutional is just what was to be expected from him. He owes his place on the bench to fraudulent votes, and false na turalization papers. The case will come before the full bench for final adjudication in July. When the question is fairly argued and considered, Judge Sharswood may find himself over-ruled. Tax New York Star has these personals as the New York press gang : Mr. Bennett is the tallest editor, Mr. Dana the fattest, Mr. Greeley the slouehiest, Mr. Nordhoof the Quilipest ? Mr. Erastus Brooks the solemnest, Mr. Tilton the shanks marest, Mr. De Nyse the shortest, Mr. Van Buren the reddest, Mr. Rosevelt the politest, Mr. Oakey Hall the wittiest, Mr. Winters the toualeist, Mrs. Stanton the prettiest, Mrs. Anthony the prettiest, Mrs. Sheppard the prettiest, Eleanor Kirke the prettiest, Nellie Hutchinson the prettieit. TUB Ocean Bank, corner of Firlton and Greenwich streets, New York, was robbed between Saturday evening and hfbilifist, morning last of an amount variously estimated by some as high as $2,000,000 in securities, currency and gold. The President ofjhe bank, however, puts the loss as low As, $20,000. The robbery was committeitil a very cool and premeffitated manner. The thieves, three in number, rented an Office in the basement of the basement of' the bank three weeks ago, under pretense of opening a branch office of the Chicago Insurance Company and have ever since been perfbcting their Ar rangements lbr this grand stroke. Tin bank proceeds with business as iso* IN FATHER ABRAHAM. :5 U I t It 7 GENERAL N E WS. 1160 14 00 17 00 20 00 38 50 55 00 70 00 120 00 *a 4u) s5O s5O 150