Ponotjtvattkich BREEF FUN SCHWEFELEBRENNER. SCIILIFFLET(»VN, June der 15t, 1.669 MISTER FODDER ABRAHAM: Ont ietAaa, Sumslitlog hub ich widder amold an job g'hot. .My subject war caner Joe Shnitzdriekler wer so about a mile nu a holwy fuin shteddle woont, (loft of der onner side's Bill Sensawetzer's shmidt shop. Er is an demokrat, nu is kumma for sei hop cxamina lussa. Er is aweran an 01(111 It hurter case—so we de demo krata evca sin f/11.• (..,111mon____rathkrilrvuk ish nu olsfort holver g , sutlii. We er kumma is war Cr so a wennieh how-kum -3-ou-s1), 16r cr war 1)115 Kitzelderfers tut lint of course aw a pair rounds fun seine nein-sidrike obgepetzt. des ding war gout. der Joe is nei ins house un sogt, "How-di-du, Pit." "So-so—tirst rate,'' bob jell g'sowt. Donn secht er, " Sc sawya du deatslit de 1+24 (qua bumps feela of de hell kennsht caul wohr sawya of so an weg wits se frinnollogy heasa." Mug ich—der alles ex plaina was for an kup dos du hush!, ; wits dei tollenta sin, un idles was de noddoor gedu hut for Bich, tin sell kosht olles yuslit en dallier. — Sell war cant awes tsu lie!. un er bill lour au huller gebutta wano ich draw gea nn cant on examina tion rel). ":ell hob ich uf course net p - numnia. awer tsuletslit hen mer com pl.omi of drei-farile. Donn hob ich enin a shtool gevva LIU Cam g'sawt er set s,l onna pucka, nu de Bevvy hut cant 11 w g'sawt er sot now keo wart shwetza, for sell Heat mich rusht boddera nu dent ferleicht mistakes geyva. Donn lint er rich ounu 'huekt, un " dolt mus mer o r tltuk felt ow der hoot obnem sog ich " of colu•se musht, for tio it et lull 11111111 On der mil S , nain hoot Or." I >oni hut er can ob gotta, till awor—inimor tin eawich was an kup i.i war demokratish all over, no &son konn ich can net, (loch will ich's prowiora. Ito iershta plotz is mers fore komina dos ich au shmelliug bottle noat- Wendioii hiaudia ken t, fin* du plain deitsch wohrat tsu swya, dent Joe sei kup hut orris v. costa g'slitunka. We vier der P•a.slit, dose in mei rums kumma is hob lob :;'unman( t.. tear yozda sui odatu—so a tepid ]c Kitzeldcril•rish du weasid, toyer der tsivot slinaufiT hut mich convinced dos all dmr whisky ha Kitzelderfer seiner gross:, shivartzy bottle keit so an shtink raisa wit we sell. 101 l hub awer pro wiort's !so slitanda, un bob amohl mci bond of doe kup, of so an scientilicker wog. do weaslit, un ,rated hob ich an bump g'leelt, awer er is tiler so a wennich koryoso titre kumma. on dorm hub id' amohl reguekt, un ('Coma dos er net yuslit Oats eawich dreekich war, awer aw grindich un lousiell all ivver "Joe" hub " dep.; ,t2(1010. 1111 reecht iner sheer gorly tsu demokratish doh of deim kup -ich konn ordlich feel slitanda, un awer eb ich fort macha konn muslit du amohl dorrich au seata bree un louse komm oporation gea.'' Donn hut aw do Ilevvy of g'shwetzt ull gsawt, " y ah , un noel] eat's, Joe, du bislit aw olle wed. un anyloov net tit for de bisness. Dcr .Too nicer but drat' insist dos or sei kup examined ha wa mus, un tsuletsht hen Dior ;:grued dos er sich arsht wesha 1111/S. Dc lit•VVy lint (101111 amohl au kivvel full warm wasser prepared, un a hotly full shmeer seat', un Iloilo is mein Joe amohl noose ill der bore un hut awfonga sich tsu wesha. Un do Bevvy is aw 'louse un sogt—•• now doh Joe, buck dick amohl onna mi honk dei dreckicher un lousicher grint-kup ]ewer den kivvel—ich will (lick amold shkuwera.” I.'n dorm is se on de tercet, un hut amohl de shineer-seaf ord lich dick druf gedu, un doom mit so a , sliteife hand brush hot se amohl des dem okratish shauft ob g'wesim. We er obge drickolt war hob ich amohl examined for de kleany " travellers " awer 5c warn, oil doat—selly shmeer-seaf hut se ob g'llx‘d. Doch liob ich noah a dell fun derma nis- ABOUT AuvERTISEMENTS.—Do not lin g'seana,awer selly hob lel net g'meind, fail to read advertisements. The person who takes a paper now-a-days, and ne un bin aw widder on de frenollogy bisness, rdects to read over the advertisements, is Des kup wesha hut aw 'loch an guter ef to lose, touch valuable information. feet uf di.r Joe g'hot, for er is so ordlich i The advertising patronage of a paper sober warm. Ich hob eam an fuller ex- , indicates not only the enterprise of the city and county where it is published, plaited— dos lei noddoor er reehter , amination gevva, un hob cam alley ex ' but it is also au infallible proof that the • business men are possessed of vim and guter un shmarter 11101111, un dos waun er goaheaditiveness. Show us a business yusht net sowfa deat, un a wennich besser community which don't advertise, and uf scin korrockter acht gcvva deat, dorm we'll show you a community where business is stagnated. The man who ad kennt or aw an ordlich guter un re- vertices in a liberal yet discreet manner, slipect.abler monn sei. Mei explanation is sure to take the lead of his neighboi. hut den Joe g'pleased, un tsuletsht hut who don't spend a cent for printers' amohl de Jievvy awfunga, tsu earn tsu i It is also conceded that the man who ad sliwetza.vertises keeps a larger, better and more Se hut druf insist dos er now complete stock of goods, and sells them aw fershprecha mus nimmy tsu sowfa— , cheaper than the man who don't adver ise. If you want good bargains, call on t adver gor nix men fun drinks tsunemma except ; yusht kalt wasser, for donn Becht se, but I the man who advertises. ttiv -(•iu kill , fun' (I,nn L nut r :•••,11;- ("111 111:1( un hut a slily ivas g'seind er nix mea drinka Awer llt r Rev y war ols mull net fiertich tit taut. ••Now illicit eau.," seelit se. "du bisht an demo krat- +islit net?'• " secht er, I•ich (Loin," seelit tie Bevvy, " rater novV W fershprecha selly party of t u , ;.evva nn de llepulilicans tsu joina.'' Sell hut awer mein Joe net recta wella,7,awer de I;erry hut dertsu!r'slitickt --hut cam ollvs explained we kb aw ols noel' demokratish war—g•stat, un flreck ich tin ferloadlet, awer yeti, skitter it h an Republican bin hob ich an United Slitates office grickt un bin noel' gor aw an pro fessor fun frinnollogy. Uf ca mold is er awer of g'shtonna tilt sogt, " Well donut, doh is mei hoed. - Now bin ii It sawyer g'wesha, uu sober warra, tut aw ninuny lousich, un du aw yetz we dtt sogsht. Ich feel sous ouuersht—g,lawb l ei chucks dos 4_ll yetz aw reconstruekt bin. Anyhow, ich sog aw furrywell drool louttle; farry well travellers of em kup rum, un thrry well oily onnery dentokratishe Met hen noun aw olles ivver g'shwetzt, un tsuletsht is der Joe fort of der !wain weg, goes an 4.)nnerer ;noun dos er war we er kununa is. Wanner now yusht aw week bliebt funs Kitzelderfers donn is er all right. Awer ich hob int sin can close tsu watelut for a weil anyhow. Pl'!' SCIIIVEFFLEBRENNEL JOSH BILLINGS' SAYINGS. There seems to be four styles of mind Ist. Them who know it's so. 2d. Them who know it ain't so. :;(1. Than who split the difference and guess at it. 4th. Them who don't care which wa3 it is. There is hut few men who has character enutf to lead a life of idleness. Those who retire from the world on ac count of its sins and peskness, must not forget that tht.y have to keep company with a person who wants as much watch ing as anybody else. A puppy plays with every pup he meets, hut old dogs have but kw associates. It costs a (rood deal to he wise, but it don't cost anything to ho happy. When a man 11):-3es his health then he first i,egin take tare of it. this is. Mo,t people (lccline to learn only by their oaa a I . X . pt . rienCe. And I guess thug are more than half right, for I alo not sup pox a man can get a g0()(1 idea of molasses candy by letting annthrrli.lloactaste it for Suee , ss in apt to make us fia.get the time we wasn't much. ;it is just so with the frog On the jump he can't IT - menthcr tho time when he was a tadpole, but other hulks can, I wonder if there ever was an old maid who ever heard of a match that she thought was suitable. Precepts are like cold buckwheat slap jacks, nobody feels like being sass to them, and nobody wants to adopt them. If any man wants to be a bachelor, and get sick at a boarding tavern, and have a back room in the litirth-story, and have a red-haired chambermaid bring his water gruel to him in a tin wash-basin, I have always said, and I stick to it yet, he has got a perfect right to do it. It is dreadful easy Work to repent of other folks' sins, but not very profitable. THE DEACON'S JUDE. I n a village not from Cleveland the followimr incident happened : Tom D---- and Hill W-- were two wild boys, who delighted in mischief. One evening, while walking through the village, they saw an old sow rooting quietly in the street. This sow they drove quietly toward the church. which stood on a slight elevation in the center of the hamlet. When they arrived here, Bill, by some means, opened the church, and with their united exer tions they got the sow safely in, then re locked the door. Soon the sow commenc ed a loud rumpus in the church among the seats and chairs. When the boys heard this, they ran through the village shouting that a ghost was in the church. Soon nearly all the inhabitants of the villa ! re were assembled before the edifice, frown the inside of which a great noise proceeded. It lutppeued that the minister was absent that evening, and so it became the duty of Deacon Gray to open the church to see what caused the noise. The deacon was not one of the bravest men, and it took considerable coaxing to make him proceed with the investigation. Slow ly he Walked to tho door, while the cr)nwd kept in the background more slowly he unlocked the door, then after some hesitation he opened it: but no soon er had he done so than out Caine the old sow, a large one of her species, passing directly between the legs of our Deacon, which were none of the longest, who fell astride of the old sow with his face toward her rear. Clutching her tail tightly with both hands, he rode, as fast as the fright ened porker could go, through the crowd of astonished, dumblOunded, gaping vil lagers, exclaiming as he sped along, i loud, stentorian voice, "Oh, good Lord ! send my best respects to my family, for Satan has got ahold of me and is taking me to the regions in-fer-nap !" fatitcr Abraltant'o Thip. THE corner stone of a n, rd univyrsny has het.o laid at .:Itlanta, I ieorgia. iniated that thrty-tier thousand American , (itTlllalll - ill Tx (,rtli Carolina a man sentenced to he haw:, Was reprieved . hy tele , ;raph un the seallold. 11un.11.131 Youti , is said to he ~ hocked at the discovery that several of his wives exhibit au unmistakable tendency to flirt. Ilepublicans expect to carry five of the six Congressional districts in Alabama. pct. .14n. hut lii NEARLY all the ladies of the Society of Friends in Europe have discarded the peculiar dress of the sect. NEA ur.l" every policeman of Philadel phia under the old regime has been re moved by the new democratic Mayor. E9l" A TATA" means being a little richer, better looking, finer dressed and more favored generally than your neighbors. A movEmENT has been set on foot for a reduction of postage on letters to one cent each. Such a reduction, at no distant day, is thought quite probable. THE Baptists of Philadelphia have nearly doubled their membership since 1S:";11. They now have 14,000 members and 40 churches. HoLmEsevuo, Bucks comity, boasts of the oldest grist mill ill the State, having been built in 11179, or one hundred and ninety years ago. TilF, Episcopal Convention of the diocese of Pittsburgh, now in session, by a vote of to 0, refused to admit the All Saints Ritualistic Chareh. SEVEN . colored and one white man have been nominated for the Legislature by the Republicans of Richmond, Va. How the F. F. V.'s (1)110W1 1 HENRY ITOITK, Esq., of Lebanon, has been appointed Deputy Superintendent of Common Schools, vice C. R. Coburn, de ceased. THE Democratic government of Ken tucky is running behind hand financially, and it is accused of great extravagancy. PHOMINENT Virginians at the capitol say that the iVells ticket will carry Vir pinia by thirty thousand majority, and that the Democrats admit that defeat is sure. Miss AmAxn.s CuA to, of Cincinnati, a few days ago, oltain4ql a verdict against .1. I'. Sprague, of Chicago, tbr 110,000, for lm•ach of promise of marriae . e. Heavy! That broken heart i 5 effectually healed. Tt E Lebanon ('heihi• says that a good many thriners in that county still have on hand their last year's wheat crop. It could have I Well 5101(1, :•3nlllC months ago, f0r2,.51/ per 1)115114.1. Now it 15 worth but 1.1 5. Tll F. Young Republicans of l'hilatlel phia have orgitnized themselves into a bo(ly to prevent tho nomination and elec tion of had and corrupt rn , ..% to places of public trw,t. ItANY Es sohl ill New York on - Wednesday of last week :LS low as six cents a quart, the best quality selling for In cents. Whole cargoes of Norfolk ber ries were thrown into the river. IT takes three editilrs to start a palter in New 4)lle:lns—one to ~ e t killed in a duel, one to the of the yell° \V fever, and one to write an obituary of the defunct two. ]tru • nxis , of dress contributes nothing to a man of sense, but rather makes his sense inquired into. The more the body , is set MY, the mind appears the less. THE best specimens of saddle and har ness horses can he bought in Texas tbr lifty dollars per head. Other horses in the greatest profusion can be bought for from live to fifty dollars. T;n annual session of the Grand Lodge of' Good Templars was held at Scranton, Fa., last week. Five hundred and sixty three Lodges, with a membership estimat ed at .10,000 were represented on the oc casion. _Mils. SPItAo 1 - P: has transferred her head-quarters front Sew York and Wash ington to Atlanta, Ga., and is steadily working to secure Southern votes for her father, Chief Justice Chase, in the next Presidential election. TILE Council of Washington city has passed an act compelling all licensed places of amusement to admit all persons, with out distinction of color, to any and every part of the house, provided the price of admission is paid. IlExuy CI.IFFOILD, a desperate burg lar, after receiving sentence of four years in the penitentiary' at St. Louis, sprang out of an open window in the Criminal Court room, leaped a high iron fence, and . escaped. IT is estimated that the maple sugar product of Michi, , an this year is one-third larger than ever before. This would give 7,000,000 pounds, which, at the average price of sixteen cents, would amount to IT IS stated from Washington that the last official act of the President before leaving was to refuse the application of the white Republicans of Macon, Georgia, for the removal of Turner, the negro post master there. AN exchange says, persons who use kerosene lamps will be glad to learn that if the wicks are soaked in strong vinegar for twenty-four hours and thoroughly dried before being used, all smoke will be avoided, the wicks will last twice as long and increased brilliancy will be obtained. THE society of Friends, has been re ported to be dying out, but according to their official statement this does not ap pear to be the case. At the just ending yearly meeting of the Orthodox body in I'hilada, it was reported that their num bers had increased by about 1,500 during the past year, and there are signs of renewed activity and vigor in the body which give promise of long life tenure. ow that summer Imscommenced in earnest, and the heated term is approach ing our local latitude, let us all remember that it is not the great calamities of life that embitter existence, it is the petty vexations, the small jealousies, the minor miseries that make the heart heavy and the temper sour. 1) nit let them. Anger is a pure waste of vitality; it is always foolish, always disgraceful, except in some very rare cases, as when it is kindled by seeing wrong done to another; but even in such cases auger seldom mends the matter. Our litt (,r• ;iv hotter. \\lien is a wife like a ureat mat?' in ien is wrappeil tip in her. —The way to treat a wile is to treat her to a new dress. —Novin! , cora new trial-- second wife! —A woman was recently arrested for carrying, a concealed Iveapon. It was her tongue. —Young men, anxious to get rid of their wild oats, will do well to get a sewing , machine. —Carlyle says, "if you are in doubt whether to kiss a pretty girl, !rive her the , benefit of the doubt." -e—litte first day a little boy went to school, the teacher asked him if he could sp/ " Yes sir. " Well, how do 3-ou spell boy:'' "Oh, just as other tblks (10.7 , —"Marriage," said an unfortunate husband, "is the churchyard of love." "And you men," replied his wife, "are the grave diggers." —lt may not indicate that intemper ance is spreadin , , hut the fact is evident that the ladies are all pretty high when they go into the street—on their heels. —lt is reliably rumored that the lady who knit her brows is now devoting her time to the same operation on a worsted lap-dog. ---The man Nvho tried to sweeten his coffee with his wife's smiles, has gone back to sugar. Nothing like first principles after all. —A medical student says he has 11,Ner been able to discover the Tone of conten tbm, and desired to know whether it is not situated very near the jaw bone. —At no moment of difficulty does a husband, knowing his own utter helpless ness, draw so closely to his wife's side for assistance, as when he wants a button sewed on. --A love-sick swain who wanders 'neath the light of the stars, says he could live forever on the lips of his lady. We think it a lingted location for a permanent resi dence. —.Jennie June has issued a call for a parliament of women to fISSOM hie next October. As parliament is tieriy, tl rr , lll a word s'ernifying ho hi.rh el , l talk un that uyyasiun. --Almost all the ladity; in fty Lite haVe Icon Shutt— in t 'i is pleasant to have it ocoithrly ilyintin strateil that they have real ti•et, thou4h in some eases they arc not, as small as mustard seed. --Snooks wonders where all the pillow cases go to. Ile says— and sick is our own experience--he never asked a woman en gaged on plain sewing what she was making, Nvithout being told that it was a pillow ease. —A man who paid his attentions to the ladies did not take a receipt, and was ac cordingly called Ilium for a s, , cond install ment. lie discounted without hesitation, and even appeared to take pleasure in it. —"Did I understand you to say that I was lousy, sir?" "Oh, no: I merely told inyfriend that when it rained lice in I.;,rpt, I thottifht that you must have been walk ing about without hat or unthrella—that':3 all." —Little Frank was taught he was made out of dust. As he stood by the window watching the dust as the wind was whirl in!, it in eddies, he exclaimed, seriously, "Ma, I thought the dust looked :s though there was going to be another little boy made." —A. clergyman, who was consoling a young widow on the death of her husband, spoke in a very serious tone, remarking that he was one of the few—such a jewel of a Christian—you cannot find his equal, you well know. To which the sobbing one. replied, with an almost broken heart, `•I'll het I will." —Ai a debating club the question was discussed whether there is more happiness in the possession or pursuit of an object. "Mr. President," said an orator, " sup pose I was courtin , a gal and she run away, and I was to run after her; would n't I be happier when I coteli'd her than when I was running after her?" --The " oldest inhabitant " has been reading a series of articles on the adulter ation of liquors, and has arrived at a somewhat singular conclusion. The an alysis of those liquors showed an average of about sixty-five parts of water, to thir ty-live of spirits. "They don't give the spirits u fair chance," said an aged bach anal; they'll keep On fooling with water till it depopulates the earth again." WORTH A TRIAL The Boston nal if Chemithw gives the following amusing and instructive ex periment : " Procure four glass tumblers or common glazed teacups, and having wiped them dry as possible, hold them over the the to evaporate any moisture that may still adhere to their surface ; for if there is the least moisture it makes a connection and spoils the experiment. Place them upon the floor in a square, about one foot apart ; place a piece of board upon the tumblers, and have a per son standing upon the board. This per son is now completely insulated, the glass being a non-conductor of electricity. Now take a common rubber comb, and having wound a piece of silk round one end of it, rub it briskly thrtaigh your hair, and draw the teeth parallel to the insulhted person's knuckles, leaving a little space between the comb and the person's hand. The result will be a sharp, crackling noise; if dark, there will be seen a succession of spark* Repeat the process until the pile nomeda cease. The person is now charg ed with electricity, the same as a Leyden jar. To draw off the electricity, approach your knuckles to the person's hands or his nose (being careful not to allow any portion of your body to come in contact with his,) and there will be a loud snap and the sparks will be very brilliant. It' a cat be held so that the charged person call place his knuckles in proximi.y with the animals nose, it will suddenly appear as if it were in contact with an electric • battery. A glass bottle may be used in ' lieu of the comb, but it is not so well adapted for the purpose." Much amus?.- tneut may be derived from this extremely simple experiment ; and some of our nu- , merous young readers should try it. OUR NEW OFFICE, To substantiate tin. merit univez,ally ac foriled to -uourting your WHEELER & WILSON'S and at the same time to justify our chums to the favor of the citizen.: of Lancaster County, we will present to their attention a few strong fucts : First—We assert (undeniably) that awarded at the Paris Exposition for Sewing WHIM 11 WILSON, after a fair trial before competent judges, (ap pointed by tlu• Emperor Napoleon,) whose duty it was to deal impartially in the perfor la/11We of their commission : COMMISSION IMPERIALS, / Chantr-Dx-MAkes ' 6th July 1t , 67. Mr. R. Hunting, 139 Event AS'irect, London. Dena tint :—Replying to your inquiry, I be leave to state, that the ONLY (301.1) MEDAL for the manufacture aml perfection of :•ewing, Machines, was awaraekt to Messrs. \V nuELF:a WILSON, of New York. Yours Respectfully, DEPARTMENT OF STATE. Washington ; May, 1; 4 6.3. C T Whetter St. Wllsrm, of New lock. sins :—TIII. Depal'illlPl,l. has received one Gold aWI - 11 , 1141 to yOill' firm for sewing Ma chine,, ai the Paris Univer , al Exvosilion, of WM. 11. sl`. \VAUD, .S',ceclar, q 1 Vole. : o ihr po,it Ivo ,Alo of the SEWING MACHINES %NV MANUFACTI.IIINE; WHEELER &WILSON A FA3PILY SE WING MACHINE, andas such, it has, in defiance of all competition whether it be manly and honorable, or ungen tlemanly and ignorantly discourteous, made its way, held its own ; and established the well merited reputation so universally extended to the Wheeler ,sc. Wilson Sewing Machine. Nor is it necessary in introducing the NY heeler t Wil son to the citizens of Lancaster, that we should speak in any way disparagingly of others. We claim to have A FIRST CLASS SEWING MA CHINE, complete, (with. uo single extra at tachments to buy after purchasing,) the best in use for family work. In taking into consideration the unequalled popularity of this wonderful machine and its immense sale, it should be remembered that we have derived no bettellt whatever from the sale of manufacturing machines. Withdraw the heavy machines from the sales of the different compames, and where do they stand I Far be hind the Wheeler & Wilson Co., who make the Family Sewing Machine a speciality. The Company's manufacturing promises at Brichre port, Conn,, occupy a space of 5 acres, enclosing an entire quadrangle, with a front on the N. Y. & N. H. Railroad side of a quarter of a mile less 15 feet, filled with costly machinery. Capital Employ:! 1, Men Employed, Machines, Daily Product,.. Number in Use, In excess of any other, In ot her woi ds,this Manufactory has adcrld the industrial world the effective force of 000 seamstresses, s ud is swelling that 'mittens. number by ad.U.ng 2,000 per day. IL has ever conquered Lritish prejudice. Charles Dicke qs himself has made it the sub ject of a finely turned article in "Once a Week's and the Load a Times, In an exhaustive two column and a II:41f editorial, covering the whole subject of Sew tog Machines, awards the highest merits of praise to the WHEELER. & WILSOY, as the one best calculated for household work. It Is on tliti4 mission of labor-saving in RI: parts of the world, London, St. Petersburg, Madrid, Constantinople, Calcutta, Cape Town, &c. Its agents a.rs cverywhere t brongtout habitable glot f. wherever Li brics awe flown in • to human apparel. We respectfi . 1 :i claim attention, and cortitto - invite the citizens of Lancaster county to vis it our °nice, inspect the Machine, examine the samples of the work performed, and compare them with others. We willingly abide the re sult. MACHINEs SOLD ON LEA4II PLAN, AT THE OUR NEW OFFICE IS No. 64 Borth Queen-St., LANCASTER, PENN'A. Neirilly _Mach' SEWING MACHINES. THE ONLY GOLD MEDAL Machines for family purposes, waq awaritol to tuo HENRY F. Q. IPA I,RiNV, Member of the International Jury and Reporter of the Bante. 1.11:(,E,T N-1-)11;I:1; FOR FAMILY IN THE N y (s]l co:ul)iIU i) THE excitt , lvel+. 1;000. 300 400,060 120,000 to 200,000. HOWELL'S BUILDING, J'l Of i ,4. O 1111 I. n .F. Y. v • ATTMZSVEY AT LAI% Oy?Ter,: CA' EPA sT.,s,con,l low the "I'ollllh - till Inn," Lancaster, Pa. J I,IVINIisTON, • Arrroltsm - AT I,A \c iorrn...E: No. 11 Ntßalf DUKE. ST., yost . north of the Court House, Lancaster, l'a. HARLES ATTDRNEy LAI% /FFICE: N 0.3 sDt 111 DUKE STREET, caster, Pa. JOHN B. GOOD. ATTORNEY AT LAIN ) FFICE: N 0.56 EAsT KINI.; sT., Lancaster JW. JOHNSON - , • ATToRNEY AT LAW. OFFICE: No 25 SOUTH. QUEEN ST., Lao ter, ra. P. HOsENMILLER, • A 1.10/1 NEY AT LAW. OFFIcE: With A, MEWL SMITH, Eery., Queen fit., opposite the office of "Father At Imm,"l,anCaster, Pa. AC. TIEINOEHL, . ATTORNEY AT LAW. oisricu.: No. 3 SoUTH DUKE ST., Laneas. e j 0 N P. REA, ATTOILN EY AT LAIN OFFICE: With Hon. DicKEr, No. t:f Sot QUEEN ST., lAtueaster, In. MARTIN lIFTT. ATToWNEY AT LAW oFFIee of the into lino. ToArtoEvs STEVE No. 26 South Queen M., laneaster, A',NIos.MYLIN, A7"IOIINEY AT LAII = RUTTER, ATTimNEy AT LA T K U . )I , NICE: With General J. W. FISHER. DUKE sT., Lancaster, Pa. F. BAER, ATThIINEY AT LAW. I/FF . IOE: No. 19 Nowrii DUNE ST EVet, Lail( ter, Pa. Idec IS-l} Reading AdrertisemeJets. TZ BERG ER, A TTuirs; El AT LA IR =tM=M tGEO fif ;-.F.; SELTZER, • ATTORNEY AN D tot - N AT LAW. No. COUIIT STREET, (opposite the Co liouse,) Reading, l'a. Coul, Lumber, tee. F'IILEU, 1311ENEAIAN c()., IVIIOLEALE AND RETAIL IWAI.EIt IN COAL, (1.1 , ' 77/E OZ. WATEI:,-T. AND 1 , 1. }; )1.1 , 1', IN6E • A•41—,.:1; \. IL I:. NAIITIN. •‘. \ 5,000,00( FEET ()F 1.1"MBElf. S Co.. tol.ummA, I.INI _1 , 41.1: I u., 1'.1.. :11:tiliiractur•r.• At Lin't; HAN EN. CLINT‘ , IN ( Ni',. ANI) V. \ LIT:1113E1Z I)LA 1, EllS. 11111 - 1"1: PINE ' lIEMI.4)CK, 11 A I.NUT, NV EATII PM 11:1)-, PICK ET- , . inlll2-Iy] 1141 X MI 11W,, ~ fUrnishes. S'e. UG. RElNlfl JA( fININGEIII.. A. J. 11EINOE1l mANuFAcTunEnsAND DEALER (.lJpm.. WHITE, C) FIN, AN! 'JAPAN V A II V 1 S 11 E 1. IN , EED TURPENTIN 6:c . NO. I'u sown' EE x sTIIEET (In the licp4one LANCAST EP. PA Also, liallogany Boards. Vt.wvr, an Mouldings of ditierent a n,l pot terns. All kink (frforitin. , . as Bed Post-;, Tnl,lr 1,e2 , Spokes, flubs. Also, AXLES, : 4 1.1t S, Bons(' ,Mtriash (;Dods. Furnishing GOO6ISI HEADQUARTERS FOR UNRERCLOTHING, STOCKINGS, GLOVES, COLLARS, CUFFS, SLEEVE BUTTONS, s 4 limit's ware generally, at ERISMAN'S, No.l Ill; NORTH QUEEN ST., Lancaster. Ant ever ous grosser slitoek goods—suitable for Krlslutogs, ter-Yohrs nn onttery Presents— so we Hols-Dicker, Sclmup-Dicher, Collars, Hem. tunnel K'nep, g , slitickte hemmer-fronts, Pocket Dialler, Perfinnery, llohr-GE.DI, Cigar Casa, uu onnery fancy articles ons ERISMAN'S, 41.4 North Queen Street Lancaster. (Om sign tutu gross shtreatich teem.) [no2o.ly Book and Job Printing. RAUCH & COCHRAN, BOOK AND JOB PRINTERS PLAIN AND FANCY PRINTING OF ALL KINDS. From the largest POSTER to the smallest CARD or CIRCULAR, executed in the best style, and at reasonable prices. sir Orders from a distance promptly attend. ed to. OFFICE..—NO. 13, SOUTH QUEEN STREET Auviu.ktizza, PasNA. [Jan