Father Abraham. (Reading, Pa.) 1864-1873, June 18, 1869, Image 1

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No. 13, South queen Street, Lancaster.
copy, Nfl yew,
copicr. (cud& mime addressed,)
IO copie , ,,.
15 ropi,
i. 1.10 for each additional subscriber,
FOR CLUBS, IN rAcsaoiis
5 copies, (to one address,)
10 copier
15 copy's "
20 copies 20.00
And $l.OO for each additional subscriber.
EirAll subscriptions must invariably be paid
in advance.
Of every description, neatly and promptly exe•
elated, at short notice, and on the most
reasonable terms.
The time of the arrival and departure of the
trains on the Pennsylvania Railroad, at i.an•
caster, has been changed, as follows :
I'liila.Express4:o2. "
Fact Line.....
Lane. Train.. s:ss
Day Express. 1:10 p.m.
Ilarrish'g Ae..5:54 "
Southern Ex..4:00 •'
:11nNDAY, APRIL N, 1e169
G,•cot ;Jr Line
. 1 . mint the Nio•th mot .Yorth-
A ., 4 KW'
Mini - ulna., A:411(1nd, Nlut
mok i Ist»wi, Allentown, Easton, Eplt
t‘t, Loncoster, Colontleht,
Trains leave Harrisburg for New York as fol
lows: At 2.:15, 5.20, 5.10 a. in., 12.25 noon 2.00 and
1 ).55 p. m , connecting with similar trains on the
Pennsylvania Railroad, and arriving at New
York at ',IA.) a. "IL, 11.45 u. ut., 3.50, 0,45, 9.30 p.
and 0.0') a. ni. respectively. Sleeping Cars ac
company the 2.35,5:20 a. in. and 10.55 p.m. trains
without change.
Leave Harrisburg for Reading, Pottsville,
Tamaqua, Millersville, Ashland, Shamokin,
Pine Grove, Allentown and Philadelphia, at
6.10 a. tn., 2.00 and 4.10 p. m., stopping at Leba
non and principal Way Stations; the 4.10 p. m.
rain making connections for Philadelphia,
Pottsville and Columbia only. For Pottsville,
Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via Schuylkill
and susquehanna Railroad, leave Harrisburg
at 3.30 p. m.
Returning: Leave New York at 0.00 a. m 02.00
noon, 5 03 ;11141 5.00 p. In., Philadelphia at 8.15 a.
In, awl 3.30 p. sleeping ears accompany the
9..r0 a. in., 5.0.5 and 5.00 p. in. trains from New
York, a ithout change.
Way Passenger Train loaves Philadelphia at
7 3 , connecting wit h similartrain ma East
Penna. Railroad, returning from Wading at
4.3 d p. In_ stopping at 1111 stations; leave Potts
rill, at 7.:;0, 5 45 a. in , and 2 45 p. in.; Shamokin
Itt 5.'25 and 10.;:5 a.m.; Ashland at 7.90a.M., and 12.30
noon, Tamaqua at 5.30 a. In.; and 2.20 p. na., for
Phil:01(.1141kt and New York.
Leave Poll s•ville, via Schuylkill and Susque
hanna Lailroad at 7.0)a. In. for Harrisburg, and
11d;0 a. in. for Pine Grove and Tremont.
IL .ulia Aeeinitinoilat inn Train : Leaves
I;e:eling :it 7:::o a. in., returning leaves l'ldla
ilelphri lit 5;15 p.
imt: -town Aceominmlat inn Train: Leaves
n :it I;._.i ti. m.; returning', leaves
I.:b, p. lit.
I olumida IMilromt 'Train; leav - e lie:tiling :it
7 in. anit 6.15 p. tn. lilt Ephraim I.lliz,
. .
offi Railroad Trains leave Perkionien
. I tint•t ion at 9.1J0 a. ill. and t;.1).) p, ; retuvning,
ce ippack at sir, a. w. and 1.00 p. ui., con
nt•td int; 11itIi similar train., oil Reading Rail
, n ,andars: Leave New York al 8.00 p. M.,
lliila.klpliia at r.Ol a. in. and 3.15 p. la.,tin
a. M. train running Only to Reading; Potts
ville S, a. a.; Harrisburg 5.5) a. in., 4.10 and
1).51 p. and Beading at 12.55, midnight, 2.51
aad 7.15 a. in. For IlarriAmrg, at 1.2.55 midnight,
amt 7.05 a.m. for New '1 ork; antl at 0.40 a. in. and
4;25 p. in. for Philadelphia.
lonowita t ion, :lineage, Season, School and
Excursion Tickets, to and from all points, at
educed rates.
Iktggag , . checked through; 100 pounds ullOwea
(tell l'a,,enger.
(metal :-tiperintemleut.
I:1:A PA., April i1d,136 , 2z. [tipriltiu-ltd&w
TIII - UsDAY - , APRIL nth, 1569,
L.1:1(•:1-4.er 8:05 a. m.
p. ni.
COlll Ill! • ..... 8:00 a. al.
11 ETU:
11ea Img 7:00 u. in. Lancaster.....9:ls a. in.
• • 6:15 p. ttl. .....8:25 p.m.
•• 7:00 a. in. Columbia .....9:25 a. in.
6:15 p. .....8:30 p.
Trains leaving I.IIGCGA or and Columbia as
above, make close connection at Reading with
Tr a i t , NI I/ /111(1 Slnali /On Philadelphia and
Reading Railroad, nod West on Lebanon Valley
Roatl. Tram leaving Lancaster at 8:05 A. M. and
cot ambia at 8 A. M. connects closely at Reading
with Train for New York.
Tickets ran be obtained at the Otnees of the
New .Jersey Central Railroad, foot, of Liberty
st reel, New York; and Philadelphiaand Reading
Railroad, 13th and Callowhill streets, Phila.
Through tickets to New York and Philadel
phia sold at all the Principal Stations, and Bag
g.inse Checked Through.
an-Mileage Ticket Books for 500 or 1000 miles,
Season and Excursion. Tickets, to and from all
points, at reduced rates.
Trains are run by Philadelphia and Reading
Railrotol Time, which is 10 minutes faster than
Pennsylvania Railroad Time.
apl 10 , -09-lf] GEO. F. GAGE. Sn
Trains leave York for Wrightsville an -
lumbia, at 6:0 and 11:40 a. in., and 3:30 p. ni
Leave Wrightsville for York, at 8:00 a. m
1:')u and 0:50 p.
Leave York for Baltimore, at 5:00 and 7
p_ in.;
and 12 midnight.
Leave York for Harrisburg, at 1:30, 0:25 an
a. in.. and 2:39 and 10:15p.
At 3:25 a. in., and 1:0 and 4:20 p. at.
GOING sorra.
At 3:45 and 5:25 a, in., and 12:30 and 10:15 p
Photographs, &c.
ParentB to Families,
Father to Daughter,
Mother to Son
When the light has left the house, memoria
such as these compound their interest.
Miniature or Opal Pictures, admitted to he
the best In:the city and no superior in the State
Constantly increasing demand and groat expe
rience in this style of mtulature givens greater
facilities and better results than any establish
ment outside of large cities.
Centre Table. Also, prismatic instruments.
Large Colored Work by some of the beat Ar
tists in Philadelphia and elsewhere in the high,
est sty le of the art. Italia Ink, Pastille, Crayon
and eolors, at
Jan 1-Iyr] No. 20 East King-st.
.) •
W. 11. EMMINGER & CO.,
nalil2-1y) Ercprieton
' 1. +0
$ 3.50
Pittsburg Ex. 1:27 a. m
Phila. Exp... 2:39 "
11:15 "
Fast Line..... 2:35 p.
Columbia Ac. 2:15 V
Harrisb , g Ac. 5:54
Lane. Train.. 7:29 "
Chichi. Ex.— /0:38 "
IU;3U it. 111
Alp. 111
1U:.2 a. 111
5: p.
I - Leading
Pee right, let us strive on to finish the work
we are in; to bind up the nations wounds; to
to see t
VoL. 11.
Claim Ageitcy.
No. 5 East King-st., Lancaster, Pa.
Being duly licensed as a Claim Agent, and
having a large experience, prompt attention
will be given to the following classes of claims :
BOUNTY and PAY due discharged Soldiers and
1101'NT y (additional) to Soldiers who enlisted
for not less than 2 or 3 years, or were honora
bly discharged for wounds received.
BOUNTY (additional) to Widows, Children, or
Parents of Soldiers who died from wounds re-
ceived or disease contracted in said service.
PENSIoNS for Invalid Soldiers and Sailors, or
to their widows or children.
PENSIONS for 'liners and mothers, brothers or
sisters of deceased soldiers, upon whom they
were dependent.
PENSIONS and. GRATUITIES for Soldiers or
their Widows from Pennsylvania, in the War
of ISI2.
PAY due Teamsters, Artitleers and Civil em
ployees of the Government.
PAY due for horses lost in the United States
CllAltGES.—Fees fair and moderate, and 111
no case will charges be matte until the money
is collected. [dee 21S-lyr*
After pitying Losses to the amount of $1,1•20,000
All the Nur),lois Diridi...ml amongst the Polley
Holders every year.
For further Information apply to
From " Father Abraham" ()Pico,
Lancaster, Pa
W 0111.1) . - Nll - 11"M. LIFE INS. CO
NEW 1'(//1/c.
J. F. FI(U AI'FF, Con , ral Agent for Pcnn'a
NORTIT QUEEN ••'1'1Z1•:1,:T
(Above .1. F. Long & tun's Drug Store.)
This Company carers more SOLID aml Itl AL
inducements than any other Life Insurance
Company in the country.
send or call and get a Circular.
Active solicitors, male or female. wanted In
every township in the State. D4ini •
Hats, Caps, Ears, tCe.
• Fa II and Winter
're are now opening the largest and most
- ornplete a ssortment of Ladies' and Children's
FANCY FURS ever offered in tins market, at
'very low prices.
Buffalo Robes, lined and unlined; Hudson Day
Wolf, Prairie Wolf, Fox, Coon, &e.
Of all qualities, to which we would particularly
invite the attention of all persons in want of
articles in that line.
KID, &e., 2te
Ladies' Fine Fur Trimmed Gloves, Gauntlets
Mitts and Hoods.
uo•?0-tf I
n 020,131
Deals in
Drafts given on all the principal Cities
Collections made promptly.
Interest paid on Deposits
Bankers as
And all Important Local and General In
Contains all the news of the week up_ to Friday
night, and gives more fresh reading than oan be
tmd elsewhere for the same amount of money.
Teams: $2.00 PER YEAR, IN ADVANCE.
dee /9-01 a) Lau ter,
D .... 1
1 D
. v.
- .:,
Ily for -
i . care/
Ws us„ hi
a n ti n e
CATER s -14---F ,
She is cunning—sometimes witty,
Free and easy, but not bold ;
Like an apple, ripe and mellow,
Not too young, and not too old ;
Half-inviting, half-repellent,
Now advancing, and not shy ;
There is mischief in her laughter,
There is danger in her eye.
She has studied human nature,
She is schooled in every art ;
She has taken her diploma
As the mistress of her heart !
She can tell the very moment
When to sigh and when to smile ;
Oh, a maid is sometimes charming,
But a widow all the while
Are you sad? Oh, then, how serious
Will her pretty face become !
You are angry, she is wretched,
Sadden'd, friendless, tearful, dumb,
Are you mirthful? How her laughter,
Silver-sounding, will ring out !
She can lure, and catch, and play you,
As an angler does a trout.
Ali, "old fossils," nearly fifty,
Who are plotting, deep and wise ;
" Adonises" of twenty,
With the love-light iu your eyes—
You may practice all the lessons
Taught by Cupid Stfiditheitall, _ ,
lint I know a little widow
Who can win and fool you oil!
Mr. Blinn*lt's Amendment—lnteresting
Debate in the State Serrate.
When the' Ist Section of the Appropriation
bill was under consideration in the Senate,
Mr. Billingfelt moved to amend by adding
to the end of the section the following :
" And that immediately after the passage
of this act the Commissioners of the Sinking
Fund be and are hereby required to anticipate
the payment of at least one-half of the five
per centwn loan, due an the first day of July,
11s70, the amount total of which is one million
six hundred and forty-two thousand one hun
dred and twenty-eight dollars and twenty
nine cents, in accordance with the provisions
of the sixth section of au act entitled, An act
to establish a sinking fund for the payment of
the public debt."
Mr. Billingfelt. Mr. Speaker, my amend
ment simply states the amount of State debt
falling due on the first day of July, 1870,
and requires the Commissioners of the Sink
ing Fund to anticipate the payment of at least
one-half of said five per centum loan before
maturity, and thus save to the State the in
terest thereon for the next fifteen months,
amounting to the sum of fifty thousand dol
lars, a sum worth saving, in my opinion.
The only question that can arise is, wheth
er the State treasury is iu such a condition
as to warrant the redemption of at least
eight hundred thousand dollars of the State
loan before its maturity.
I will endeavor to show that it is, and
that the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund
have a sufficient balance left now to antici
pate the payment thereof.
I find upon examining the act of Assem
bly creating the Commissioners of the Sink
ing Fund, that it provides for and gives them
the power to anticipate the payment of these
loans, and the interest accruing thereon, be
fore the same falls due, whenever they have
the funds to do so. My object, however, in
offering this amendment is to require them to
do so now, not waiting until the same falls
due. And unless you require them, lam
very much afraid it will not be done in time
to save the interest as before stated, since we
all know it would be very unpleasant to the
Commissioners of the Sinking Fund to com
pel parties having the State funds in hands
to pay over the same and have it applied to
ward the payment of the public debt before
the same falls due.
But, sir, acting as each senator hero would
act in his own private and individual affairs,
or as any prudent business man in the State
would act, having a heavy load of debt to
carry, bearing interest, whilst at the same
time having a sufficient sum of money lying
idle bearing no interest, would it not at once
be applied toward the payment of our in
debtedness, and thus save the interest that
will accrue thereon, instead of loaning it
out to other parties from whom we would
derive no benefit whatever ? It would be
worse than folly—it would be considered
madness not to apply the same toward the
payment of our debts. Should we do any
less for our constituents and the State at
large in our representative capacity ? Why
not manage the affairs of this great house
hold of the State as we would, or at least
should, manage our own ? But let us now
look at the facts and figures as they appear
upon the books of the State Treasurer. I
find that the balance in the State Treasury
at presenti s $1,289,000.
Now let us run on the account as far as
the month of July next, and take the receipts
and expenditures for the months of April,
May and June of last year as a comparison.
The receipts for the month of April were
four hundred and nineteen thousand dollars;
for May, one hundred and ninety-five thou
sand dollars; for June, two hundred and
eighty-three thousand dollars, making a total
added to the balance in the treasury of two
million one hundred and eighty-six thousand
dollars. The expenses during the same
months, exclusive of loans redeemed, were
in April, four hundred and seventy-four
thousand dollars in May, one hundred and
ten thousand dollars, and in June two hun
dred and seventy thousand dollars, making a
total of expenses of eight hundred and fifty
four thousand dollars, which would leave a
cash balance on the first day of July next of
one million three hundred and twenty-two
thousand dollars. There is good and suffi
cient reason to believe that the balance by
that time will be considerably larger, since
the excess of receipts into the State Treasury
during the months of December, January,
February and March of this fiscal year were
two hundred and thirty-two thousand dol.
lars_over those of the corresponding months
R. W. 811EICIC.
r ...i
care Ibr him u'ho shall have borne the battle, and
/Or his widow and his orphan, to do all 'Mich may
achieve and cherish a just and a lasting peace
among ourselves and with all nations."—.l. L.
ME IS, 1869.
of last year, and the expenses of the govern
ment will be considerably less this year than
what they were last year.
Now, sir, if the Commissioners of the
Sinking Fund would anticipate the payment
of eight hundred thousand dollars of the State
debt at the present time, it would still leave
a net cash surplus in the State Treasury, or
wherever it may be deposited, of over five
hundred thousand dollars. The simple flues
bon now is, whether the balance in the State
Treasury should be more than half a million
of dollars or not.
Mr. Errett. I would ask the Senator how
the State Treasurer can pay the semi-annual
interest on the Ist of August, which is nine
Luadred thousand dollars, if there is only
five hundred thousand dollars in the trea
suri? I cannot figure it up.
Ars. Billingfelt. I thank the Senator from
Allegheny [Mr. Errett] for asking me that
T 3 meet that I would state partly what I
havt said before, that the excess of receipts
into the State Treasury during the four last
preceding months over the four correspond
ing months of last year were two hundred
and thirty-two thousand dollars, which,with
a co7responding increase, for the next three
coming months, with the excess of receipts
over Ixpenditures during the month of July
next, will be amply sufficient to meet the
1:11,4 44: • ' • • • Aft'
M Errett. I cannot see that. On the
first bf July there will be five hundred and
thirty thousand dollars balance, and on the
first Jf August there becomes due nine hun
deed,thousand dollars interest ; so that we
should still be short thur hundred thousand
dolhfrs. It would drain the treasury of every
centin it. That would bring the State Trea
sury down to nothing, and leave it without
any working bmance. There is half a mil
lion of overdue debt now, which the Com
missioners of the Sinking Fund can take up
at any time, which is payable on presenta
tion, aad drawing no interest.
It seems to me this matter Is wisely left,
by the law, with the Commissioners of the
Sinkrig Fund. It' they have more money
than is needed, they have the authority, and
can apply . it to the extinguishment of the
public de)t, if they choose.
Mt. Billingfelt. Mr. Speaker,
I admit
that did not take into account those over.
due bans ; but I took them into considera
tion when I made out my estimate. And I
knoll that neither the State Treasurer nor
the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund an
ticipttt, or have any reason at all to expect
that payment will be demanded for those
overdiue loans for sometime yet. Ever since
it was wade legal to pay these bonds in
money instead of gold, creditors are not in
a hurry o present their claims drawing six
per cent. interest. The amount of overdue
loans is pot so large as the Senator states.
They amount to a little over three hundred
thousand dollars.
Mr. Errett. I speak from the last report.
The difference has been paid off in the mean
Mr. Billingfelt. I take into my account
the receipts that came into the treasury last
year, and it shows that there is now a large
excess. Even for the last four months,
there is an excess of two hundred and thirty
two thousand dollars, nearly equal in amount
to the over-due loans. That the State Trea
surer was obliged to travel over the State
and call upon the county treasurers for their
outstanding accounts, I will not attempt to
dispute; )I.lt, I will make this allegation,
which the State Treasurer, or the Senator
from AllTheny [Mr. Errett] will not deny:
that while our State Treasurer was going
over the State and demanding of the county
treasurers to pay their outstanding taxes,
which is his duty to enforce at all times,
there was at the same time over double the
amount required deposited in the various
banks throughout the Commonwealth, from
which the State derived no interest or benefit
whatever. Why not also call upon them?
Mr. Tuner. The Senater from Lancas
ter [Mr. Billingfelt] made the remark that
while the State Treasurer was going over
the Slate and hurrying the county Treasur
ers to forward the funds belonging to the
State, at the same time the State Treasurer
had a large amount lying in banks at inter
est, fron which the State received no Inter
est. I would ask if that is the case ?
Mr. lillingfelt. I say that is the case.
Mr. Nrner. Then there is eminent pro
priety It asking if we should not adopt the
amendnent of the Senator. If the State
Treasuier has large amounts in bank, draw
ing interest-
Mr. Billingfelt. I did not say that the
money drew interest. I say the money was
lying idle, so far as the State was concerned.
Mr. Turner. If this money is lying idle,
and the State Treasurer was hurrying up
this money from the county treasurers, there
is eminent propriety in the amendment.
Mr. Errett. There is no evidence of the
fact. I know that the State Treasurer did
make earnest calls upon the county treasurers
for the payment of dues, and urged as the
reason that he had not money enough in the
State Treasury to pay the interest due on
il l
the first of A gust.
Mr. Stirs . I would ask whether the
State Treas r, during every month last
year, did not how a balance in his hands of
over a millio
Mr. Errett. I cannot say.
Mr. St I find, on the 31st of July,
one millio et ty-four thousand five hun
dred and thirtee dollars; on the 31st of Au
gust, one millio one hundred and forty-six
thousand one h dred and eighty-three dol
lars. Every monthly statement shows over
a million of dollars in his hands.
Mr. Billingfelt. Mr. Speaker, when I
started out with this project, I started out
deliberately, and I knew just exactly what I
was doing at every step. I did not expect
to meet with any opposition at all. since I
find that I am meeting with such formidable
opposition, I am only glad that I am so well
supported by facts and figures that I dare
any Senator von this floor to dispute them.
I merely wish to say that I find no fault
with the State Treasurer for depositing this
surplus in the banks. I would do the same;
I would rather leave it in the hands of sate
banking institutions than locked up in the
safe, liable to be stolen at any moment. I
call that a wise act, but I think it would be
still wiser to follow the recommendations of
our worthy Governor, as expressed in his
last Annual Message, wherein he says,
46 Whenever there may be surplus funds in
the treasury, they can,with safety and benefit
to the State, be employed in the purchase of
its outstanding bonds, and in saving the in
terest on them which would accumulate
prior to their maturity."
Mr. Lrrett. Did not the same Governor
recommend us to invest the surplus in pay
ing the over due debt, and saving the inter
est on it ?
Mr. Billingfelt. Yes, sir, and I cannot,
for the life that's in me, imagine more appro
priate words than those contained in the last
annual message of the Governor. We know
this, that every officer in the Commonwealth
has a certain duty to perform, and we know
that even here, amongst ourselves, it is al
, most necessary to put on a face like brass,
and harden our hearts like stone, to perform
our duty, for fear there may be a friend in
power somewhere whose feelings may be
hurt thereby. I think it is our duty here to
rise above all personal feelings, and only
know our duty to the Commonwealth.
I stated before, that in making out my es
timate, I took merely the estimate of the
three months of last year—April, May and
. 1 14v4 Vareaii of Ave hunctred thousand
dollars in the State treasury up to the month
of July. There is anothermonth intervening
before the State Treasurer will be called upon
to pay the semi-annual interest on the State
debt. The month of July.
Mr. Errett. The receipts for the month of
July last were one million fourteen thousand
and twenty-two dollars, and the expendi
tures were one million seven hundred and
thirty-seven thousand one hundred and forty
six dollars. The State Treasurer paid out
seven hundred thousand dollars more last
July than he received.
Mr. Billingfelt. That is all right. Tithing
all into consideration, and making an
estimate and comparing it with last year,
and with the receipts that go into the treasu
ry, I claim that the excess of the receipts
over Expenditures in the month of July alone
will be enough to meet the payment of the
semiannual interest on the State debt, pay
able on the first of August next.
Mr. Fisher. I understand that the expen
ditures last July were seven hundred thou
sand dollars more than the receipts.
Mr. Billingfelt. That is all true, if we
may call the payments made toward the li
quidation of the public debt expenditures.
The account of the State Treasurer shows
that in the month of July last he paid the
commissioners of the sinking fund eight hun
dred and twelve thousand three hundred
and forty-one dollars and twenty cents,
which amount was applied toward the pay
ment of over due loans, which would leave
the actual expenditures for said month less
than a million dollars, including seven hun
dred and fifty-six thousand nine hundred and
1 thirty-five dollars and eighteen cents applied
toward the payment of interest on loans.
Now, Mr. Speaker, I never like to intro
duce into my arguments the names of any of
the Heads of Departments ; but, sir, after I
had drawn that amendment, and after having
requested the State Treasurer to show me
his accounts, which he has done to my en
tire satisfaction, I submitted my amendment
to a majority of the Commissioners of the
Sinking Fund, and their opinion was that
the provisions therein contained could be
complied with.
Mr. Errett. Then they have the power to
do it, and do not need any more authority
to do it. This is merely a matter of super
erogation. If the money is there, they have
the power to apply it. Here is the report of
last year, showing that the expenditures of
July last were seven hundred thousand dol
lars more than the receipts. The Senator
has not been able yet to show that there will
be a sufficient amount of funds next July to
meet the interest, after taking every dollar
in the treasury to meet that purpose.
Mr. Billingfelt. Will that item of eight
hundred and twelve thousand dollars, paid
to the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund,
and seven hundred and fifty-six thousand
nine hundred and thirty-five dollars and
eighteen cents interest paid on loans, all paid
in July last, come in ? I say it will not. That
makes a difference of over a million and a
half, and shows that the actual expanses of
Government, exclusive of the interest paid,
were less than two hundred thousand dollars,
whilst the receipts of said month were one
million fourteen thousand and twenty-two
dollars and seventy cents.
Mr. Errett. I suppose not. Where is the
difference between four hundred thousand
dollars and nine hundred thousand dollars ?
That would leave the other expenditures a
million, and the receipts a million. Where
is the rest to come from ? The expenditures
being the same in the month of July, how is
the treasurer to pay the interest. Take out
the eight hundred thousand dollars paid to
the commissioners and where is the treasu
rer to get his money ?
Mr. Billingfelt. I was surprised to find a
single Senator to dispute these facts staring
us in the face. We know that under the
provisions of our various acts of Assembly
taxing our railroads, mining corporations,
etc., throughout the Commonwealth, that
there has been a large amount of money
that should have gone dirperlF to tho tatia-
Bury, which was held in litigation. Nearly
all those suits were decided in favor of the
Commonwealth, and brought in a large
amount of money that did not flow into the
treasury previous to July last. Those funds !
are coming into the treasury now, and the
resources of the Commonwealth are becom
ing so fully developed, that corporations are
perhaps taxed twice the amount this year to
what they were last year. We have the ex
perience of four months already. During
the last four months there was an excess of
over two hundred thousand dollars. This is
an indication that our receipts are largely in
excess of those of last year. You can call
in these bonds any day, and the holders are
only too willing to have them redeemed.
Call upon them and tell them you are ready
and they will come forward to-morrow and
tender you their five per centum bonds, and ,
turn around and invest their money in six
per centum bonds, or United States bonds
Ten lines of Nonpareil enu>lltnti• a :4(inare
75 $1401( 2 10 3 504 00 1$ 11 50
2 weeks... 120 1 80, 270 4 50. 8001 14 00
3 weeks... 150 2 20 , 830 tlO 00' 17 00
1 month... 1 75' 2 00' 3 00 . 7 12 00 20 00
2in ont hs.. 2 75. 4 00; 000 10 00 20 00 33 50
3 months.. 400 000 .9 131 15 00, 30 00 66 00
0 months.. 700 11 00 10 50 25 00. 40 00 70 00
1 year 12 00 20 00 30 00 40 00 (0 00 120 00
Exectitors , Notice
Administrat ON' Notice
Assignees , Notice...
Auditors' Notice I'so
SPECIAL NOTICES—Ten cents a line for the
first insertion, and Seven cents a line for each
subsequent insertion. ►
REAL ESTATE advertisements, Ten cents a
line for the first intertioiLand hive essrias Una
for each additiorairThsv..ierr
N 0.31.
igii-ALL WINDS of JOE PRINTING executed
with neatness and despatch.
bearing eight, nine, or perhaps, ten Per cent.
Mr. Errett. The argument of the Sena-
for is a most remarkable one. He demon
strated at the opening of his argument that
the owners of the over-due bonds did not
want their moue'.
Mr. Billingfelt. That is quite a different
loan, bearing six per centum interest, is held
mostly by foreigners, and, as I said before,
they are looking fbr payment in gold.
Mr. Errett. It bears no interest though ;
the interest has ceased. The Senator says
that those holding money tor five per centum
would rather present it at par than hold it.
Why do they not present it and get six per
The sentiments of the Senator are all cor
rect ; I endorse them ; but he has not got
over the two difficulties I suggested, nor can
anybody. If the money is in the Treasury,
the commissioners have this power already.
The Senator admits that they say they can
do it. In the next place, he has not been able
to show where the money is to come from to
pay the interest on the first of August, if this
payment is anticipated ; it leaves the Trea
sury absolutely bare, a thing that never oc
curred in Pennsylvania during its financial
Mr. Wallace. Mr. Speaker, it seems to
talk' lessorlimmeefial-- eamekseetter — di Thir
balances, that there can be no difficulty about
the adoption of this amendment, and that we
ought to adopt it for the benefit of the Com
monwealth. Whilst it is true that the com
missioners have the power to do this, it is
very well understood that they do not wish
to exercise that power against the protest of
the State Treasurer. When an actual balance
is found in the treasury applicable to this,
their oath obliges them to apply the money
thereto. We cannot shut our eyes to the fact
that there is a large amount of money in the
hands of the treasurer which can be applied
and ought to be applied to those overdue
loans. By the report of last year, we find
that there was in tile treasury an actual aver
age balance of over one million each month.
That fact is shown by the Auditor General's
and State Treasurer's reports. Why cannot
that he paid out? The Commonwealth is
drawing no interest. Is it to benefit some
body else ? Is it kept there so that the
State Treasurer can make money out of it ?
It seems to me that we had better have our
debt paid, and get rid of it. If this amend
ment is adopted, and the commissioners are
compelled to pay this debt just as rapidly as
they can, we are adopting the policy of the
general government—paying off the debt as
rapidly as possible. And thus we prevent
the expenditure of a large amount of money
which might otherwise be spent. The Fin
ance Committee state that the revenues are
becoming larger, and that we do not need to
take any money out of the sinking fund.
Then why not appropriate this money to the
payment of our debts ? Can any one gainsay
the fact stated by the State Treasurer that,
for the last eight months of the year ISGS,
there was in the hands of the Treasurer an
average monthly balance of over one million
of dollars ? Until the fact is shown that we
are to be in a worse condition than last year,
I think it is our bounden duty to pay this
debt just as soon as we can. We will be
able thus to get rid of half our.indebtedness.
Mr. Lowry. Mr. Speaker, lam surpris:
ed at the course that Senators are taking
here in regard to this question. How would
the State Treasurer live if you adopted this
amendment ? [Laughter.] Does it not
cost the State Treasurer a vast amount every
year to obtain his election ? Does he not
button-hole members all over the State,
asking their votes ? Do not the peotle of
Pennsylvania believe, with many Sentffors
here, that the vote of any member for State
Treasurer is worth from fifteen hundred to
two thousand dollars ?
The people all over the Commonwealth
understand this subject just as well as we do.
We are not cheating anybody. Thig, money
should go to pay our debts. As has been
well said, the General Government has
adopted this plan. Why should we not
adopt it.
On the question, Will the Senate agree to
the amendment offered by Mr. 13illingfelt ?
The yeas and nays were required by Mr.
Wallace and Mr. Billingfelt, and were as
follows, viz :
Yeas—Messrs. Beck, Billingfelt, Brown,
(Mercer),Burnett, Coleman, Davis, Jackson,
Kerr, • Linderman, Lowry, M'Candless
M'lntire, Nagle, Searright, btinson, Taylor,
Turner, Wallace, and White-19.
Nays—Messrs. Connell, Errett, Fisher,
Graham, Olmstead, Osterhout, Robinson,
Stutzman and Worthington, Speaker -9.
So the question was determined in the af
When the appropriation bill went to the
Committee of Conference, Mr. Billingfelt's
amendment was stricken out, in obedience
to the behests of the State Treasury "ring."
WonKis° CHEAP: " What does Satan
pay you for swearing?" asked one gentle
man of another. "lie don't pay me any
thing," was the reply. " Well, you work
cheap—to lay aside the character of a gen
tleman; to indict so much pain on your
friends and civil people; suffer yourself to
do what can be done as well by the most
ignorant blackguard; and lastly, to risk
losing your own prAcion.. goiil- —and An for
notmng; you certainly do work cheap—
very cheap indeed.
IromE : Home enjoyments, home affec
tions, home courtesies cannot be too care
fully or steadily cultivated. They form
the sunshine of the heart. They bless
and sanctify our private circle. They be
come a source of calm delight to the man
of business after a day of toil; they teach
the merchant, the trader, the working
man, that there is something purer, more
precious even, than the gains of industry.
NEARLY all the Democrats have been
weeded out of the Treasurs Department,
at Washington, by Mr. Boutwell, with
the exception of the Chief Clerk and a few
subordinate bureau officers. It is under
stood that he will soon complete the job-11
a strong hint that the resignation of L ae
parties will be accepted.
J J ~_ Q
id 50
2 50