Vaittomitianiocit peitoch. BBEEF FIIIBSCHWEFFLEBREINER. ScHLIFFLETowN, Moy der 19t. 1869 MISTER FODDER ABRAHAM: l'ingsht Mondog kummt net oily dog, under letslit fergcss ich anyhow net in a hurry. Rh war in der Slitadt—bin so mit 'em crowd, un hob der dog g'shpend about we de onnery aw, except dos ich kea lager beer g'suWit hob, nu of course, ich hob aw ken kupwca ,'hot der negsht morya. \Vas awer au difference tswisha dens forram yearich un cm desyearich Pingsht Mondog! Isler meant net dos es sei kent dos in earn kortza yohr an mensh sei um shtenda so ferenncra kent dos ich hob Bid der de same tseit forram yohr. For in stance, forram yohr war ich noch an demokrat; bin oily dog g'suffa warm; de Bevvy hut sich un mich erneart mit extra hort eholfit un morrickt tenda; ich bin sellamohls oily dog ons Kitzelderfers; wann ich ols geld glint hob, donn hab ich's aw fersuffa, un wann ich ols g'shtrapt war hob ich for common g'managed mich so in de treats nei shaffa ue uf seller weg my whisky kreaya. Un forram yohr war ich aw in der Shtadt on' Pingsht Mondog, un bob drei dallier un a frertle im sock g'hot we ich derheam fort bin, awer hob ordlich shlecht ous g'macht, for im EC rslita plotz bin ich g'suffa warra uf lager beer; hob an dallier un a holwer ferlohra uf so a gamely wu se g'shpeelt hen mit drei korta un donn hob ich de balance g'shpend for whisky, un aw noch a wennich meaner lager beer, bin tsuletslit Boat g'suffa war m un ei g'shlofa uf em pavement dort hin nich em morricht house, un fun dort hen se mich in der lock-up gedu ivver nacht under negsht dog hob ich tsu foos beam gea missa un my drinks uf 'em weg uf borricks kreaya. Now, sell war demo kratish. We awer ware doh out letshta Mondog? Ei ich will der's sawya. Ich war widder in der Shtadt, un onshtadt dos ich my middog essa grickt hob in a lager beer shop, un uf lager, bellohney sossitch, Limborricker Kies wu so orrick shtinkt, un tswivvella, bin ich dort in sell hotel nei in der King shtreet un hob amohl tsu middog gessa we an gentlemann. LTn sell war aw an middog essa—roasht beef, ferdrickty krumbeera, wu se shmashl pitatoes heasa. in Anglish, un ollerlea on ner sash, un for 01l sell hen se midi yusht an holwer dahler gecharged. 'eh hob aw olles g'sea was tsu seana war; hob tawea oranges un drei so glesslin full grund-niss gessa; hob an holwer dahler gevva for an presarfed seat im Drummer Boy's show, un sell war's besht ding dos ich in all meim dog un des leawas g'seana hob, ex cept yusht sell ferdeivelt sheesa hut mer net recht g'folla. Ich bob aw ma moncha ding tsu geguekt we er uf de peafmenter rum g'shtackert is fum lager beer un nine shtrike whiskey. Ich hob aw ordlich feel fun derma pollydisheners g'seana. We ich dort om Court House ums eck rum bin hob ich caner heara kreisha, "hullo() Pit, wu nous?" un ich guck rum un hohl mich der bettle wanns net derGeorge war. Er but awer net fiel tsu sawya g'hot—yushter hut mer tsu fershteagevva dos er im sin het so a wennich a tickitly uf kreaya for delegates tsu leckta for in de Gufferneer's convention. Er hut mer g'sawt mer setta all nei gea for der Shtew ard, un aw for der Shmidt wu doh de yohr ols Shreef war, un aw noch onnery, awer, somehow, ich hob kea rechty notion for so kserls gea de yusht so unnich sellam George sei influence sin. Sell is so about ous g'spheelt. Awer, ich hob retch net all der differ ence g'sawt tswisha dent Pingsht Mondog forram yohr un des yohr. Forram yohr, we g'sawt, war ich g'suffa, un g'shtrapt, un ivver nacht im Lock-up. Des yohr war ich sober, hob ivver drei un dreisich dahler int sock g'hot we ich heam bin, un keakupwea. Forram yohr hob ich hussa aw g'hot we ich in der ahtadt war, un an ordlich meaner ruck; des yohr hob ich a pear neie finey tights according tsu der letslit fashion. Forram yohr hob ich fits grickt fun der Bevvy we ich g'suffa heam kumma bin, un des yohr hut de Bevvy g'sawt ich ww.e cans fun de beshty menner in der United Shtates. Forram yohr war ich evva an demokrat, un des yohr bin ich an Republican un an leading United Shtates office holder. De Bevvy lust eieh greesa.• Der klea Abey is g'sund un hearty, un de Bevvy aw. De Posht Office wter net so shlecht, wanns yusht a wennich besser betzahla, PIT SCII WEFFL Eli REN N Eli DIE Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows of Pennsylvania were in session at Harris burg this week. 1 Prom the Tided,. B Ile.] NAMBY. Mr. Nasby Tries au Experiment which Re sults not as he Expected—The New Feel ing Towards the Nigger in Indiana. CoN.FEDurr N i- in the State of Kentucky.) - May 1, ISti9. The Dia)erisy uv the country are not i n th a t h a ppy condishen jest at this time that I rood wish, as the satrap at the head uv the Government, and his subordinate satraps at the head uv the Departments, hey not left ez many Opening ez they ought to for our go)0(1, anti the reduckshen tiv the expenditoors uv the Government so persistently follered up is death to us. We want grosuin, but it must is uv the dismist clerks and army officers. I led Government put a garrison into every town cz we profcsied it wood, and coed INT hey hed this summer in addition. the potater rot, weevil, frost, locusts, floods. drouth, yeller feever and cholery, we mite hey stood some chance uv carrvin the fall eleckshuns, for the people wooa hey mur mord. lint ez long ez everything is smooth, they lafl' at us when we insist upon a change, and say, jeeringly, "Go up bald head!" And in addishen to these calamities we hey bin, or are jest about bein, deprived uv the nigger, wich hez bin our cheef and best holt. 0, wat a backslidin there hez bin in this matter! 0, wat a Leven there hez bin uv the walls uv the Dimocritic Zion! 0, wat a goin back there hez bin on Dimocratic cardinal principles! Feelin an uneasinis ill lily mind ez to the condishen uv the public mind in the Northern States en the adopshen uv the Fifteenth Amendment.l determined to try , a most hazardous experiment, I lied no 1 fears uv Kentucky, none. Kentucky will git ready to adopt an idea ninety years after date, but I felt that I wantid to be satisfied ez to the soundnis uv the Ohio , and Inji. any Dimocricy on this question. To this end I determined to resort to , strategy. I wanted to know precisely the feelin entertained in those States regardin the Afrikin. I wanted to see with my own eyes the skornt'ul look wlch wuz for merly slung at Afric's sons; I wanted to hereagin from Dimocratie lips that cheerin expression, "D—n the nigger, anyhow!" To accompish this, I determined to per sonate a nigger, and in that guise to go boldly into Ingeany, announce myself ez an Afrikin nigger, determined to assert his rites; and note the result. I expected, uv course, to be hooted and reviled. I ex pected be stoned and shot at, but I wood thereby kill two birds with one stun, viz.: I wood disgust the Ingeariions with nigger I ekality, ez they wood see to wat it wuz leadin, and I could exhibit my scars to Kentucky ez proof uv the stedfastnis uv I their northern friends. ! Wat I determine upon I do. In my younger days the feat involvin the posses sion uv a horse, wich resulted in my bein tried for grand larceny, and convicted thereof by 12 prejoodist poryinen, and my incarcerashen from which 1 wuz only re leeved becoz my vote wuz needed to carry Pennsylvany for Bookannon, this master peece wuz conceeved and execooted in less than four hours. Unforchnitly, the courts wuz nearly ez expedishus, for four days thereafter I found myself in a Basteel. I entered Ingeany ez a white man; I re jestesed my name at a hotel as a white man, but left it a nigger, wich transfor mashen wuz accomplished by means uv burnt cork, in my room; which transfor mashen wuz uv double yoose, ez it en abled me to leave my hotel without liki datin my account, wich otherwise wood hey bin impossible. The county in which I landed wuz a close one, the two parties bein nearly tied, neither heving fifty votes to spare, and there bein over a hundred niggers in the country, the Afrikin will, of he votes this fall, hold the balance uv power. With my face and hands black to the color uv nite, and assuming the character uv apreacher in the M. E. Afrikin church, wich character I rood assoom, ez the burnt cork hid the acquired color uv my nose, I sallied forth boldly. Procoorin the locashen uv the leading .Dimocra.t uv the county, wich wuz also the candidate for sheriff, I sought him out and demandid a subscripshen for a Afrikin church ) wich I asserted I wuz desirous uv erecting in the east part uv the county, and uv wich 1 wu.z, the pastor in charge, holdin myself at the time in such a posishen that a kick coed do but little damage. I wuz not kickt! On the contrary quite the reverse! The gushen candidate kindly, blandly and win ningly begged me to be seated; he asked me, with tears uv interest gushin from his eyes, ez to the prospex uv our Zion; ez to how many we numbered, male and female, adult and youthful, and wether or not we coodent indulge a reasonable hope that many more uv our color mightn't be in doost to leave the South and settle in the county. Ilopin to frighten him with nigger emi grashen, which I hod heard him denounce not a year before in onmitigated terms, I anserd promptly that I wuz even then arrangin for the removal uv three thou sand into the county. " Thank the Lord !" sed he. " The admirashen I feel for the Afrikins—the respek I hey for their manly qualities uv head and heart, make me say, in the lan guage of the inspired writer, The more the merrier.' Here is my humble contri booshen to your church," sed he, handen me $lO, " take it, and may the Lord bless its yoose. And next fall, after the amendment has been ratified, and yoor people get the rites which was alluz theirn, I trust you will remember them wich hey stood your friends, uv whom I am wich." , Dumbfoundid, I staggered over to an- ' other who wuz a candidate for Treasurer, and to my surprise and horror he not only give me $lO, but took me by the arm in a most ailbeshnit manner, and insistid on takin me round and assistin we in raisin the amount I needid. Feelin that so far ez hatin the nigger wuz concerned, all wuz lost, I recklessly went with him, and reely did raise 8100 cash off uv the candi dates for the county offices and one wich desires to orkepy a seat in Congris. Only wunst was this wretch non plussed. Turn ing a corner sharp, we came upon suthin like fifteen gintlemen who wuz a workin on the streets with a ball and chain at tached to em. The minit his eyes struck em he loosed his holt uv me and shot ahead, keepin in advance till we turned the next corner. " Why this manouver as kt I, thank ful that he had even that means of orlgi nel Democratic feelin in him. Aly dear sir replied lie. ' excuse me, but the fact is, l'; earfuls sitonashen. I'm a cand Them g,entlemen vi it's close and chain hey votes, and they 1. (Tool] prejudice agiii those uv y We must humor their idiosyn, we e:in ein•reet, em and I'm laboring for it cite and day. when it will be removed. My dear sir. at the polls this tall will yo“ and vom flock romember the hey made and am makin ?'' lint I did come to greet. One us , these candidates itn , istid on takin nigger uZ he sllpposed Me . 01 lie, Linn' , 10 his 110lise to dinner. Injoodishus vz I wuz 1 went. and ther I met my fate. Ile led me to a chamber. and without thinkin uv the burnt cork on lily hands. I undertook to wash em,wich I make a pint In; oloin reg lady twice a week. Thi' first =plash in the water showed me my blunder. Off came the color, and I stood atl)re him a white man intilsgnise. He gave ono look at my hands, and then the kiekin Ignoininyusly he led me to the front door, and one kick landid me on the sidewalk. Thank I leaven, he coodent kick that iIGO out of my breeches pocket! It is needles to pursoo this disgustin subjick further. Ez a nigger I wuz, welcomed ; when it wuz known that I wuz a white man 1 wuz ignominiously kickt! Is this the begin nin of a TICW order of things? Is the gers to reeeeve all the smiles hereafter uv Democrats who want office? I fear me. No sooner is ther a probability of this race gittin a vote than the Democratic leaders, forgittin ther proud Caucashen blood, forgittin the difference in the anato mical structor uv the two races, and for gittin that the minit they give the nigger a vote, their daughters must all mary nig gers; they forgit all this, and cuddle with em the same ez they allui have with other inferior classes. I returned home weary, sad and silent. I hed nuthin.tu say tu Bascom; no cheerin word tu sling at Deekin Pogram. They didn't know what I went for nor how I went, nor shel they ever know. I am, however, satisfied that I must immejitly make a shift into suthin. My time here is rapidly drawin to a close—the shedders is closin round me, and the nits is at hand. PETROLEUM V. NAsnY, I'. M., (Wieh means Post Master.) CLERKS, NOT TRADESMEN. Under this caption a New York paper delivers itself tersely and pointedly upon the difference between the clerk and trades man, as follows: "Of all the independent men in the world, he who has served his time at and knows the secret of his trade is the most self-reliant. What to him is the price or the fluctuation of stock—what cares he for goods up or down; he needs but a job, and where lives the good workman who is long without one? But our readers don't ngree with us. The older ones want their sons to be gentlemen' clerks, empty headed, smooth-handed, spindle-shanked dandies behind a counter or in an office. Our schools foster contempt, for ruder em ployments, our social atmosphere is health ful only for the hot-house life dependents and subordinates; and the boys are as bad as their parents. No early hours for them; no sturdy exercise for them, no manly self-support, but rather the sleek hair, the fancy dress, the bowing, the dancing, didling, namby-pamby scraping exist ence of a serf, a slave, and a servant. " All country lads despise the homely independence of the farm, and long for the drudgery of the city. All city boys turn from the red-checked future of a trade, and hanker after the pallid subsistence of clerkdom. Why is it? Why it is, we can not understand, for of every five ho enter mercantile life, three go to the devil of bankruptcy, the fourth manages barely to wriggle out an uncomfortable existence, and the fifth is able to stand steadfastly on his pecuniary pins and whistle "away with melancholy." Thousands of slim waisted, narrow-cheeked, lank-legged lads to-day walk up and down our streets and beg for clerkships. They are willing to sell tape by the yard, to sweep out stores, to run errands, to do the the bidding of master-merchants ' and take their chances for promotion; but they are not willing to learn a trade, which, when acquired, makes them free of master, thoroughly competent to support themselves, and as independent as the proudest meethant in the city. " A good trade is the . key to indepen dence, to prosperity, to success; and no man who has one need care a snap of his finger for the smiles of the rich or the sneers of the world. lie can be the archi tect of his own fortune, and the certain prop of his old age. '7 A PHILADELPHIA paper has the mys terious" piece of news that the rebel rain Atlanta," captured during Wood, of war and sold some time ago to Mr. Samuel of New York, is being fitted out in the in terest of the Cuban insurgen t ts. Arrange ments for putting her in working and sail ing order have been •made, it is said, and it is hinted that it will not be long before she is poking her nose into the Spanish fleet wherever they can be found. Tim following is an inscription on a tombstone in Massachusetts. It is beau tiful: I came in the morning—it was Spring, And I smiled ; I walked out at noon—it was Summer, And I was glad ; I sat me down at noon—it was Autumn, And I was sad ; I laid me down at night—it was Winter, .Azd I *O. —A man in Holyoke armed two of his neighbors with a mallet and a club to hunt a burglar the other night. They went around the house in opposite direc tions and meeting in the darkness behmd it, proceeded to pound and whack each other in a fashion that would have been terribly effective had either been the burglar. Jones, a hard drinker in Massachusetts, had a fit and was bled. A neighbor held the candle, and another warned him to be careful and not set fire to the blood. Jones heard the remark. "There's no danger," he growled, "it's Smith's rum." —"Come here, sissy," said a young gentleman to a little girl to whose sister he was paying his addresses, "you are the sweetest thing on earth." "No I ain't," she replied, "sister says you are the sweetest." The gentleman "popped the question" the next day. 'rlie tits, —Newspapers are not the only things in which there are items. Life is an item. Man is an item. Woman is an item. The little folks are items—not much to speak of in one sense, but often spoken of, not withstanding. The sky is an item, the earth, the ocean, are items—the latter a moist one. This is an item. Items arc essential. Neither the world, newspapers nor the ladies could exist without them. —A young gentleman in a certain busi ness house,having tarried much longer at his boarding house than was thought nec essary for the morning meal, was asked, on his return, in a joking way, what he had for breakfast. lie answered, candid ly, "a cup of coffee, a mutton chop, and some mystery!" "Mystery!" said the em ployer; "what is that?" not having been thoroughly enlightened in all the "myster ies" of boarding house fare. "Why," answered the other, "that's hash." the hour By rolling headlong down the stair - AV here's Mrs. Jones!" I cried to Ann, With hands upraised in blank despair, "she's at the rink,'' replied the maid, "A rid in the veloeypade!" - Sheridan gives; the followin2. humor ous definition: Irishinan--a In:whine for eonverthr potatoes into human nature. - tin•diseontented husbands: hots• Lo make borne liappy---o a wly some where. --Man may Lc a worm; but a glatwe at the dandy proves that he is not the worm that never dyes. --A young lady of Staunton, Va., keeps a list of her male acquaintances in a pock et diary, and calls it her devotional hitn hook. ---What is the difference between chari ty and a tailor?---The first covers a multi tude of sins; the second, a multitude of sinners. " Shingle weddings " are becoming quite fitshionable in lowa. They occur when the first child is old enough tospank. —"I hope this hand is no counterfeit," said a lover, as he was toying with his sweetheart's fingers. "The best way to find out is to ring it," was the neat reply. —"How long did Adam remain in Para dise?" asked a vixen, of her loving hus band. "Till he got a wife," answered the husband. —A Tavern near London has this sign out: "(;ood entertainment for all that passes, orses, mares, men and asses.'' --A bachelor editor, who had a pretty unmarried sister, lately wrote to another editor similarly circumstanced, "Please exchange!" —"What! tipsy agan?" said a wife to her husband. "No, my dear" said he, "not tipsy, but a little slippery. The fact is, somebody has been rubbing my boots till they are as smoothe as a pane orglass." —A good definition—A little girl in school gave as a definition of "bearing false witness against your neighbor'" that "it was when nobody did nothing and somebody went and told of it." —An invalid disturbed all the inmates of his boarding-house recently by imitating a dog. When asked why he did so, he said he had been ordered by his physician to take port wine and bark. --Jerrold once said: "Women are all alike. When they're maids they're mild as milk; once make them wivea,sand they lean their backs against their marriage certificates, and defy you." —The wit deservedly won his bet who, in a company where every one was brag ging of his tall relations, wagered that he himself had a brother twelve feet high. He had, he said, "two half brothers, each measuring six feet." —A Frenchman brought two mugs to the milkman in place of one, as usual, and on being asked the meaning of it replied: "I)is vor to mulch, and die vor to vater; an' I will mix them zo as to soote myself." —A little boy and girl had been caution ed never to take the nest egg when gather ing the eggs; but one evening the girl reached the nest first, seized an egg and started for the house. Her disappointed brother followed, crying, "Mother Moth er! Susy she's been and got the egg the old hen measures by!" —A young minister, whose reputation for veracity was not very good, once ven tured to differ with an old doctor of divin ity as to the efficacy of the rod. "Why," said he, "the only time my father ever whipped me it was for telling the truth." "Well," retorted the doctor, "it cured you of it, didn't it?" —A bashful young man escorted home an equally bashful young lady. As they were approaching the dwelling of the damsel, she said entreatingly, "Zekiel, now don't tell anybody you beau'd me home." "Sary," said he emphatically, "don't you mind; I am as much ashamed of it as von are." —Josh Billings was asked: "How fast does sound travel?" and his idea is that it depends a great deal upon the noise you are talking about. "The sound of a din ner horn, for instance, travels half a mile in a second, while an invitashun to git up in the mornin i have known to be 3 quar ters of an hour going up two pair of stars, and then not have strength enough left to be heard." —At a religious meeting among the blacks, a colored preacher requested that some brother would pray. A half-witted fellow commenced a string of words with out meaning. At this the pastor raised his head and inquired, `•Who dat praying? Dat you, brudder Mose? You let some body else pray days better acquainted wid de Lord." —"Typ me a ballad, my ladye faire, my ladye a ballad typ." And ye man he twirled ye black moustache that covered ye upper lip. She lays aside her "broid erie"—for hys love she stryves to win— and to the weird-like ayr the ladye faire attuned her mandolin. "I do not care for a wild romance of ye days of old, " says he, "but rather I'd hear, if my lady please, some touching melodie." And over ye ladye's music book ye gallant soldier leans, while she sings, with a sweet and angel voice, "Captain Jinks of ye Horse Ma rynes.'t Sewing Mizchi nes. R NEW OFFICE. )st ant kit. , tiO merit r) etnice rsully tie WHEELER. & WILSON'S SEWING !tiAti.HIN And :it the Stane tittle to jubtify our claims to the favor of the citizens of Lancaster County, we will present to their attention a few strong Et= First—We assert (=amiably; that THE ONLY oOLD MEDAL awarded at the Parte Exposition for Sewing Machinc , 4 for family purposeß, Wu awarded to tnc EMU & Wasp. after a fair trial before competent judges, (ap pointed by the Emperor Napoleon,) whose duty it was to deal impartially in the perfor mance of their commission : COMMISSION IMNIIRIAL_,S CHAMP-DE-MARS, 6th July 118b7. 5 sift. R. Ranting, 189 Regent Street, London. DEAR SIR I—Xs')lying to your inquiry. I beg leave to state, that the ONLY GOLD MEDAL for the manufacture and perfection of Sewing Machines, was awarded to Messrs. tirriaztica & WILSON, of New York. Yours Respectfully, HENRY F. Q. EPALIGNY, Member of the International Jury and Reporter of the same. DKPARTIIKIVT OF ETATK, Washington, May, 1868. To Wheeler & Wilson, of New York. Sine :—The Department has received one Gold Medal, awarded to your firm for Sewing Ma chine*, at the Paris l'niversal Erposition, of 1867. WM. H. SEWARD, Secretary of Mate. Second—We assert to the positive sale of the LARGEST NUMBER OF SEWING MACHINES DOR FAMILY USE OF ANY MANUFACTLIRLDICi COMPANY IN THE GiOUNTE,Y, (all oombineell) THE WHEELER&WILSON ie CECIUr iV64 t FAMILY SE WING MACHINE.,, and as such, it has, in defiance ofall competition, whether it be manly and honorable, or ungen tlemanly and ignorantly discourteous, made its way, held its own ; and established the well merited reputation so universally extended to the Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine. Nor Is it necessary in introducing the "W heeler & Wil son to the citizens of Lancteeter, that we should speak in any way disparagingly of others. We claim to have A FIRST CLASS SEWING MA CHINE, complete, (with no single extra at tachments to buy after purchasing,) the best in use for family work. In taking into consideration the unequalled popularity of this wonderful machine and its immense eale, it should be remembered that we have derived no benefit whatever from the sale of manufacturing machines. Withdraw the heavy machines from the sales of the different companies, and where do they ate nd t Far be hind the Wheeler & Wilson Co., who make the Family Sewing Machine a speciality. The Company's manufacturing premises at Bridge port, Conn„ occupy a space of 5 acres, enclosing an entire quadrangle, with a front on the N. Y. & N. H. Railroad side of a quarter of a mile lees 15 feet, tilled with costly machinery. Capital Employed, over *2,000,000. Men Employed, 1,000. Machines, Daily Product, 300 Number in Use, 400,000. In excess of any other, 120,000 to 200,100. In other words,th is Manufactory has added to the industrial world the effective force of 1,700,- 000 seamstresses, and is swelling that immense number by adding 2,000 per (lay. It has even conquered British prejudice. Charles Dickens himself has made it the sub ject of a finely turned article in "Once a Week," and the London Times, in an exhaustive two column and a half editorial, covering the whole subject of Sewing Machines, awards the highest merits of praise to the WHEELER k WILSON, as the one best calculated for household work. It is on this mission of labor-saving in all Parts of the world, London, St. Petersburg, Madrid, Constantinople, Calcutta, Cape Town, he. Its agents are everywhere throughout the habitable globe, wherever fabrics are sown in to human apparel. We respectfully claim attention, and cordial. ly invite the citizens of Lancaster county to vis it our Office, inspect the Machine, examine the samples of the work performed, and compare them with others. We willingly abide the re sult. MACHINE , : SOLD ON LEASE PLAN, AT THE OUR, NEW OFFICE IS No. 64 North Queen-St., HOWELL'S BUILDING, LANCASTER, PENN'A. PPoji , ssional. O• J. DICKEY. • ATTORNEY AT LA N% oprics: StiUTil QUEEN ST., second house be low the "Fountain Inn," Lancaster, Pa. JB. MVIN(;STON, . ATTORNEY AT I AW • OFFICE: No. 11 NORTH DUKE ST., west side, north of the Court House, Lancaster, Pa. CHARLES 7)ENI T ES, ATToRNEY AT LAW OFFICE: No. 'OUTI{ DUKE 'TItEET, . easter, Pu. ,JOIIN B. GOOD, ATTORNEY AT LAW OFFICE: N 0.56 EAST XING ST. , I.aneaker, Pa W. JOHNSON. SON. LI • ATTORNEY AT LAW. ()Irma: No '2.5 sOUTiI QUEEN ST., Laneas ter, Pa. IA P. IZOSENMILLER, JR., • ATTORNEY AT LAW Omer: With A. }leer Smittr, Forth Queen St., opposite the office of ~F ather Abra ham," Lancaster, Pa. A C. REINOETIL. A -- x. • ATTORNEY AT LAD'. Ozpien: NO. SOUTH DUKE ST., Lan ter JOIIN P. REA, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OFPICE: With lion. O.J. DICKEY, N 10.21 SOUTH QUEEN ST., Lancaster, Pa. MARTIN RUTT, ATTORNEY AT LAW. OFFICE of the Lute Hon. THADDEUS STatutne, No, 26 South Queen St., Lancaster, Pa. A MOS H. MYLIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. - - OFFICE: No. 8 SOUTH QUEEN ST., Lancaster j K. RUTTER, CJF_ • ATTORNEY AT LAW . OPPICX: With General J. W. FiBUKR, NORTn DUKE ST., Lancaster, Pa. F. BAER, • ATTORNEY AT LAW Ottawa: No. 19 NORTH DUKE Street, Lanese ter, Pa. [dee 18-Iyr Reading Advertisements . MALTZBERGER, JAL • ATTORNEY AT LAW No. 46 NORTH SIXTH ST., Reading, Pn. _T GEORGE SELTZER, GP • ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLER AT LAW. - \o. 604 COURT STREET, (opposite the Court House,) Rena Lug, Pa. DPI, Goods, &c. LITIZ GEAYA DE WELT! TSIIUDY UN BRICKER AHEAD? DER GROSS NEI ,SRTOR E RIi•ADY FOR CUSTOMERS! Dort geat iner onus for woblfebl itawia 1 AN NEIER SHTOCK GOODS! DRY GOODS fun oily aorta ; Queensware un Hardware; 011 y aorta Dialler: Goods for Moil sleit un Weibelea, for lere-yohr un Summer; Tsucker, Coffee, Kies, un oily onuery sorts Gra ceries ; sorts Hardware for bans; Paints, uehl un Varnish on de nidderehty Shtadt prices. In fact, shier olles was mer denka home is tea hawa, ivver one wobileal ins TSIIUDY UN BRICKER'S GEOSSA NEIA SIiTORE I Besides, an Snit rater, fuller shtock fun ably aorta Kleader for Monsleit un Buwa; Huet for Menner un Buwa, An firtt raty slatock, an orrlg wohlfetil bier clela aw in ollerlea bailers' produeo— BUTTER, OYER, SCHMALTZ SKUNK A., SIIMOKE-TiMEE, DRY-BEEF, HINKLE, IP PLE, SHNITZ, ac.—kaufa ma ferkawfa oa reg ular morrickt prices. Now is de tsei • macht etch bel, us judirt for etch seiwer. Kummt in foor-weasa; kummt uf geil ; kummt mit easle foora ; kummt uf em railroad ; kummt uf velocipedes, odder kummt tau foos. Mer sin gor net pertioular—yusbt so dos der kummt for wohlfeala un first raty goods, un bringt eir greenback's mit. Mind der rectt plats is ous TSIIUDY UN I3RICKER'S GRrsgA. NEIA If] Im GO-AHEAD SHTEDDLE, FVN LITIZ Varnishes, &c. AUG. REINOEHL. JAC. REINOEHL, JR. A J. REINOEIIL, MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN COPAL. WHITE, COFFIN, BLACK AND JAPAN VARNISHES, LINSEED OIL, TURPENTINE, Itc., NO. 109 NORTII QUEEN STIVEET, (In the Keystone Building,) LANCASTER, PA. Also, Mahogany Boards, Veneers and Mouldings of different sizes and pat terns. All kinds of Turning, such as Bed Posts, Table Legs, Spokes, Hubs, Felloes, &c,, &c. Also, AXLES, SPRINGS, ie. [jun S-lyy House Furnishing Goods. Book and Job Printing. RAUCII & COCHRAN, BOOK AND JOB PRINTERS PLAIN AND FANCY PRINTING OF ALL HINDS. From the largest POSTER. to the smallest OARD or CIRCULAR, executed, in the best style, min at reasonable prices. Mir Orders from a distance promptly attend ed to. OFFION.—NO. 111, SOUTH QUERN STRIBT LASCASTIMI,
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