Father Abraham. (Reading, Pa.) 1864-1873, May 21, 1869, Image 3
GOOD TEMPLARS : The regular quarterly District Convention of Good Templars of Lan caster county was held OR Friday last, in the American Mechanics' Hall, this city. Four teen Lodges were represented, and the Con vention was the largest and most interesting ever held in the county. Among the distin guished individuals present was Hon. S. B. Chase, of Susquehanna county, the Grand Chief Templar of Pennsylvania, S. S. King, of Perry, and Rev. D. Hartman of Altoona. Strong resolutions were adopted, calling upon all Christian people, and especially ministers of the Gospel, to unite with the friends of total abstinence and prohibition of the traffic in strong drink. L. de W. Breneman, of this city, presided, and J. L. Allen, of Salsbury, was elected W. C. T. for the next meeting, to be held at Christiana, on August 13th, 1869. A CommtrrEF. was appointed by the Good Tomplars of Lancaster to make preparations for a grand excursion, sometime during the summer, to Vineland, New Jersey, and re turn. COURESPONDENCL =1 EditorA Futile,. Abraham: Manor township is ahead, and deserves the banner ! The resi dence of our highly esteemed fellow-citizen, Mr. C. 0. Herr, of Highville, Manor town ship, was the scene of a mammoth party on Saturday evening, May Bth. The affair was gotten up by persons residing in , Upper Man or, to surprise the Misses Herr, and there be ing in all thirty-three buggies, conveying about seventy persons, none of hom expect ed the number to he so great, it may be sup posed that there was a surprise all around. All enjoyed it hugely. As is usual on such occasions, Messrs. Le mons, Sugars and Cakes came along with the party, and rendered general satisfaction by their presence, the ladies, and if our observa tions were correct, the gentlemen also, pre ferring a "Lemon" aid to any other "aid" extant just then. To render a lively occasion more lively, Mr. Abraham Herr, of Washing ton, was there. From his oft expressed long ing for "schnitz un knep," it was supposed that hs had been quite recently favored with a repast on articles bearing that name, and that visions of those commodities still hung in vivid clusters over his mental horizon. Altogether, the party was a success. But, I regret to say, that a very few were ungen tlemanly enough to load their breath with the fumes of liquor, and their pockets with flasks of the same, thus marring the feelings of many, and detracting from the high tone of the society. If it is a deplorable fact that scattered over the land there are more houses occupied by venders of intoxicating drink than school houses or churches, the fact that whisky cannot be confined to those plates but must be dragged from filthy saloons to refined society is still more deplorable. We mention this partly by way of apology and explanation to Mr. Herr who could feel justly indignant were the short-comings of this few a proper criterion of the general statues of the society. ts. = of New York. Mr. Win. B. Astor re turned an ineoino for the last year of $1,072,212; W in. W. Cornell, i,, 4 149,131; 11. T. Ilehnhold, ii1.15,20:i; Henry D. Haight, i , ,lll.iii+o; W. C. Ithinelander, $103,057; l Vantkrbilt, 5.i469,220; James Sampson, .14.163,714. TIrE men who will never die are the man who voted for Washiwyton, the man who first nominated Grant, the oldest Freemason, the last soldier of the Revo lution, Jefferson's body servant, the old est American actor, and the man who originated the idea of the Pacitic Railroad. THE Hon. Edward Thornton, the Brit ish Minister, Baron Legerer, the Austrian Minister, the Hon. Captain Ward, Mr. Francis Clare Ford and Mr. Fane, of the English Embassy, have been on a tour of inspection of the coal and oil regions un der the direction of Senator Cameron. PLYMOUTH enuncu pricked up its ears and wandered whether Mr. Beecher had lost his wits when, on Sunday, he said: "I believe the time will yet come when our offices will be fined with honest men; that men can go to the Legislature and not be corrupted; that a man call be a judge, and yet go to heaven." CANDIDATES. rir Announcements of candidates tbr office MUST BE PAID IN ADVANCE. Th..1 , •.'/ , ' iS iMperatire, 1, ZS ATE We are authorized to al.lllOI/lICH Capt. CHARLES I)ENUES, of Millersville, as a candidate for STATE SENATOR, subject to the decision of the Republican voters of Lan caster county, at the nominating election. * pe- We are authorized to announce DR. 11. B. BOWMAN, of Neirsyille, Manheim twp., as a candidate for the STATE SENATE, sub ject to the Republican nomination by the people at the primary elections. PHOMONOTARY tir We are authorized to announce Capt. W. D. STAUFFER, for PROTHONOTARY, late of the lat Penna. Reserves, and of the 195th P. V., present Clerk for Prothonotary, of Lancaster City, formerly of Earl township, subject to the nomination at the Republican primary election. CLERK. OF (87 Alt 114:1: z...ESSIONS r-0 - We are authorized to announce BEN JAMIN F. ROWE, of Providence twp., as a candidata for CLERK OF QUARTER SES SIONS, subject to the decision of the Republi can voters at the primary election. CLERK OF ORPHANS , COURT r" We are authorized to Announce CAP TAIN JOHN Q. MERCER, late of Sadebury twp., now of the city of Lancaster, as a can didate for CLERK OF ORPHANS' COURT, subject to the decision of the Republican vo ters at the primary elections. LEGISLATURE R" We are authorized to announce Dr. E. B. HERR, of Indiantown District, as a can didate for the Hausa OF REPRESENTA TIVES. subject to the nomination of the Re publican people at the primary election. * COUNTY TREASURE R. t-er We are authorized to announce JESSE PANNABECKER, of Clay township, as a candidate for COUNTY TREASURER, subject to the Republican nomination at the coming pri , iiary election,. LW - We are authorized to announce H. H. STONER, of West Lampeter township, (manufacturer of agricultural implements) as a candidate for COUNTY TREASURER, subject to the nomination by the Republican voters at the primary election. Ur We are authorized to announce that WM. ROBERTS, of W. Hemptield twp., will be a candidate for COUNTY TREASURER, sub ject to the decision of the Republican voters at the ensuing primary elections. REGISTER OF WILLS $ We are authorised to announce JERE MIAH ROHRER, of Lancaster city, late Major 127th Regiment, Pennsylvania Volun teers, 2d Division, 2d Corps, Army of the Po tomac, as a candidate for REGISTER OF WILLS, subject to the'decision of the Repub lican voters at the primary election. farWe are authorized to announce JA COB W. BEAR, of Marietta Furnaces, East Donegal township, as a candidate for REGIS TER, subject to the decision of the Republi can voters at the primary elections. r. rtrWe are authorized to announce MAR TIN S. FRY, of Ephrata township, a■ a can didate for REGISTER, subject to the decision of the Republican voters dif Lancaster coun ty, at the nominating election. 63" We are authorized to announce DE. WM. AL WHITESIDE, late Lieutenant of Company E, 10th Regiment first three months' service, and Captain of Company I, 79th Re giment P. V., of Lancaster city, as a candi date for the office of REGISTER, subject to the decision of the Union Republican party at the primary election. Vir We are authorized to announce Lieut. A. C. HERR, of West Lampeter township, as a candidate for REGISTER, subject to the nomination by the Republican voters at the primary elections. :-Cf - We are authorized to announce G EO. W. COMPTON, of Cwrnarvon township, as a candidate for REGISTER, subject to the rules of the Republican party. SHERIFF 11*I" We are authorized to announce JOHN HILDEBRAND, of Mount Joy, as a candi date for STIERIFF, subject to the decision of the Republican party, at the primary elec tion. 1-i1" We are authorized to announce AMOS GROFF, of Martic township, as a candidate for SHERIFF, subject to the nomination by the people at the Republican primary elec tion. WI - We are authorized to announce JOHN M. JACOBY, of Clay township, as a candi date for SHERIFF, subject to the rules of the Republican party. Czir We are authorized to announce ISAAC MISHLER, of Lancaster city, (late of East Cocalico township,) as a candidate for the office of SHERIFF, subject to the rules of the Republican party. • COUNTY COMMISSIONER I We are authorized to announce PETER JOHNS, of East Lampeter township, for COUNTY COMMISSIONER, subject to the rules of the Republican party. MARRIED. ABEL—ESCHDACH. On the 16th inst., by Rev. J. J. Strine, at his residence, Franklin F. Abel, of Manor, to Miss Anna T. Each bach, of Pequea. CABSEL—LONGIANBCHER. On the 11th inst., at the residence of the bride's parents, A. N. Cassel, of Mount Joy, to Annie, daugh ter of Jacob Longenecker, of Maytown. LINVILLE—McCuLLotrait. On the 6th inst., at the Reformed Parsonage, in New Holland, by Rev. Darius W. Gerhard, Wm. P. Linville, of Salisbury, to Bertie B. McCul lough, of Paradise township. Stitnx—KuNa LE. On the 11th ir.st., in Reading, by Rev. B. D. Zweizig, Henry C. Shirk, of Philadelphia, to Minnie N. Kunkle, of New Berlin, Lancaster county. DIED. BLACK. May 19th, 1869, Jane, wife of John Black, esq., in the 68th year of her age. G uIItSSINOBB. At New Texas, Lancaster county, Pa., May 17th, 1869, Anna, daughter of Adam and Margaret Gniessinger. COATBS. sth month, 18th, at the residence of his daughter, Ellen Jackson, in West Grove, Chester county, Levi Coates, late of Christi ana, Lancaster-co., in the 88th year of his age. ItAuGmitA 1.4. May 13th, in this city, Mrs. Susan J. Baughman, aged 77 years, 3 months and 16 days. LEIDIGH. On the 13th inst., in Paradise, Jonathan Lehi igh, aged 62 years. Mtt.t.F.n. On the 15th inst., in this city, Emily Hunter, daughter of Watson H. and Emily M. Miller, aged 17 years. BIZENEMAN. On the 12th inst., in Pequea twp., Charlotte lirenetuan, widow of John lireneman, aged 80 years, 1 month and 22 days. SHISSLER. On the 2d inst., in Manhelm twp., Jacob Shissler, aged 73 years, 5 months and 22 days. SotinEns. On the Ilth inst., in this city, Eve Ada, infant daughter of Cornelis w and Elizabeth Souders, aged 10 months alui 22 days. I!'LETTEn. On the 10th inst., in this city, Frank, infant son of Jacob :tot Catharine Vetter. MARTIN. On the 12th inst., in this city, Susan Martin, aged 80 years, 4 months and S days. FRANKS. On the 9th inst., suddenly, in Boston, Agnes 8., wife of Richard R. Franks, of West Philadelphia, formerly of this city. CURTIS. On the 17th inst., Barbara Curtis, wife of the late John Curtis, in her 91st year. BOWERS. On the 18th inst., in this city, Maggie A. Bowers, daughter of John and Mary Bowers, in the 19th year of her age. THE MARKETS. [a►ncaster Household Markets. Butter, VI lb Lard, VI to Eggs, ift doz... ...... ► Yea!, by the quarter, Dressed Chickens,.... Potatoes, Vt bus do. '4l half pk.. Beans 11 quart Sweet lotato Sprouts 101 100 Corn in the ear, lit bu Oats, IR Vi bag of 3 bus Shad pair Herring 'ft doz Herring 1100 Philadelphia Produce Market. ruit.AnimeniA, May 19.—The receipts of Cloy erseed and Timothy are trifling, anti there is nothing doing in either. Small sales of Flax seed at $2 70, at which figure it is wanted. There is rather more doing in flour for ship ment, but the home consumers buy sparingly. Sales of 2,000 bids. mostly Northwestern extra family at $6.5007 per bbl., including some Penna. and Ohio do. at 40 . 7508.25; and fancy lots at +9.50@11.50. There is Ito change in Rye Flour or Cornmeal; small sales of the former at 47. The Wheat market is dull and 5 cis. lower; sales of 3,000 bush. Western Red at 41.50; Amber at 41 60; and White at $1.80@1.t , 5. Small sales of Rye ut $1.45. Corn is dull and lower; sales of 5,000 bush. yellow at MOM eta. Oats are dull at Bl@n. Prices of Barley and Malt are nominal. Whisky is very dull, and freely offered ab 94 cts., tax paid. Philadelphia Cattle Market. MONDAY, May 17.—The market for Beef Cattle is extremely inactive, but holders are genet ally very tirm in their v ewe, and manifest no particular disposition to force sales. We quote choice at 10605 c., the latter rate for a superior lot; lair to good at 90)100 ; prime at 7 1 ,41. - 8;413.; and eterimon at s@7c. per pound, gross. Re ceipts, 1,900 head. he following sales were re ported : 65 Awed, Owen Smith Western 7 4 15 • 110 " A. Christy it'Bro., %Vestei n.. 8 a 9 45 " Dengler & McCleese, Ches. co 7 1 /0 sv 50 P. Mennen, Western 9 Q 914 711 " P. Hathaway, Western V 4 W 4 DO " James S. Kirk, Chester co. ... 7 9 , 4 100 " James Mennen, Western.... 9 9 40 " K. S. Mcloillen, Chester c 0.... 9 9 115 " Uhlman & Bachman, Western 7 13 145 " Martin, Fuller &Co., Western 7 9 152 " Mooney & Smith, Western.... 74 11 Sti 11 T. Mooney & Bro.,Virginia. 514 81,e, 60 " H. Chain, %VesternPenna. .. 5 6%4 50 " L. Frank, Western (1 1 1 7.4 80 " Frank & Schomberg,Western. W 9).4 30 " Hope & Co. Chester county.. 6. 40 st% " M. Dryfoos , * Co., Virginia... 3 9 55 " Ekon & Co. Virginia 6 7 57 11 Blum & Co.,' Virginia 5 ts 27 11 B. Baldwin, Chester county.. 7 S 32 " D. Branson, Chester county.. 5%e, 7 1 A 53 " Chandler&Alexander,Chester 7 9 61 " A. Kimble, Chester county... 7 91,4 19 " L. Horn, Delaware 6 7 45 11 John McArdie, Western 5 s 19 11 Jesse Miller, Chester county. 7 9 Cows and calves are in steady request at 1150Q90 ; and springers at $ 45 0)7 5 9 an advance ; receipts, 130 heal. Sheep are in good supply, and the demand has flatten off. Sales at 406 c. 1 111 IL gross ; re ceipts, 16,04./0 head. Hogs are unchanged ; sales of 4,500 head at e12Q13 for slop, and $134114.25 for corn fed. To Tit fr: WoRHINVo CLASS : I ant now prepared to furnish all classes with constant employment at their homes, the whole of the time, or for the spare moments. Business new, light and profi table. ififty cents to $.5 per evening, is easily earned by persons of either sex, and the boys and girls earn nearly as much as men Great inducements are offered those who will devote their whole limo to the business; and, that every person who sees this notice, may send me their address and test the business for them selves, I make the following unparalelled oder : To all who are not well satisfied with the busi ness, I Will senst id to pay for the trouble of writing to Me. Full particulars, directions, &c., sent free. Samples sent by mail for 10 cts. Ad dress E. C. ALLEN, Augusta, Me. [mhl2-3m Q EVEN PEE CENT. GOLD BONDS kJ of the I. t: SUPERIOR AND MISSUA SIPPI RAILROAD COMPANY. First Mortgage sinking Fund Bonds, Free of United States Taxes. Secured by 1,63 . 2,000 ACRES OF CHOICE LANDS, and by the Railroad, its rolling stock, and franchises; and yielding in currency near ly Ten per cent. per annum. Holders of 5w.20 Bonds can exchange them for these desirable securities, at a prodt of nearly 20 per cent. A limited amount for sale upon favorable terms, and full particulars furnished by T HE LANCASTER ilas neither Springs, Weights, Ropes or Pulleys. Can be put into any window. HOLDS TRH SASH AT ANY HISIGHTH, AND IS SELF-LOCKING; 18 very simple, cheap and durable. Rights for sale on liberal terms. For further particulars, call on or address SASH LOCK, at the Lancaster, Pa., Post Otlice. mhl2-lm T HE PLACE TO GO FOR GOOD W. F. DUNCAN'S, FLORENCE SEWING MACHINES, These may are made in the 13E.sT STYLE, And t.,r sewin; purposes cannot be murpassed by any I naohines of wttite‘tir name now in the market. They are warranted to execute in the best man ner every kind of STITCHINO, HEMMING, FV.LLING, BItAIDING, COlll/,\O, TIICKINit, BLIPPLINO, BIND ING, GATIIIMINI),,kr., &C., and will also make BUT TON BoLKS, EVNI.ET BOLNe4 and OVKII.SMANIg. They are not complicated, bat and within the capacity of all T HE HOWE SEWING MACHINE, As a Holiday Gift to a Sister, Wife or Friend they are unsurpassed. The Farmer wants it for his Family. The Dress and Cloak &faker prefers it. The Seamstress wants it, because its work is sure to give satisfaction. The Tailor has long ago decided it to be the best for his business. The Carriage Trimmer cannot do without it; and the Shoe Fitter finds that, after all, the HOWE is the machine for him. Sooner or later, everybody will have the HOWE MACHINE. Every Machine is warranted. Every one may be the possessor of one of these nnrivalled machines, as we endeavor to make the terms of sale suit all our customers. We earnestly invite all, whether they purpose purchasing or not, to call and get specimens of the work executed by us on the HOWE MA CHINE, and compare it with the work done by other machines. We are willing to abide by the result. LANCASTER, May 19. I 40 -b./ 1) (I§ 12 60 10 75 65 ke s et 12 10 @ 2) (d 5, 1.10 ga1.65 1.5) 4 , 1.75 25 (4 , IGO BAIR, & SHENK, NORTHEAST ANGLE OF CENTRE SQCARE, MECHANICS' BANX, UNITED STATES BONDS, STOCKS, GOLD, Collect ionA made promptly JONN M. STEHMAN, SAMUEL SLoKom, JOSEPH CLARKSON. El SHEET MUSIC, PIANOS, ORGANS, MELODEONS, an i Ilfu.qical Instruments Generally. Rm.% Agent for STEINWAY & SONS' WORLD RENOWNED PIANOS. Also Ascent for PRINCE a CO.'S OiWANS and MELODEONS Wit-Music sent by Mail Free of Postage. No. 3 NORTH PRINCE STREET, Lancaster, Pa. J. B. HBVINSKI SEIM MUSIC SHTORE. IKLOTVIIIIRA, ORYILLA, MiILODHONS, Un 811.3 aorta music Inehtrumental Der Kevinski is agent for de bereeinty Stein wehr Pianos—Kloffeera beast met se of deitsh. Der platy. is No. 3 NORD PRINCE STRRET, LANCASTER. N. B. For a first raty gooty Gem, odder an Aceordeon, odder a Tow , errioh-Peii, odder en nick onners musical Inshtrument, kiesi odder gross, shtept yuslit ni ons KiivinskPs, No. 3 Nord Prince Sbtrose, Lancaster. Miscellaneous. DAVID G. SWARTZ, No. 73 North Duke-st., Lancaster, Pa 111 7 It 1 Sash Support and Luck Sewing Mgehines. SEWING MACHINES 1:12111 85 NORTH QUEEN STREET We have the popular And the Celebrated AMERICAN BUTTON-HOLE AND SEWL,!"(I MACHINES By the REST WORKMEN, 4); tltn. 111 :41r MATEIZIALS, -IMPLE AND EIS)." To 'L,EARN asli- Don't forget the p1ac0,134 W. F. I)UNCAN'S, ORIEVF.S , OLD STAND, 05 NORTH QUEEN STREET myl4-Iml LANCASTIOi, PA GM EVERYBODY! C. FATE, Agent, 25 Li North Queen Street ‘lee 13-tt] Banking. DAVID BAIR BANKERS LANCASTER, PENN A vioN) 13 I NR 36 NORTH QUEEN STREET, (INQUIRER BUILDINk.;,) Deals in SILVPR, AND COUPONS Drifts given on all the principal Cities Intereet paid on Dopoatt Bankers as STEMMA N. CLARKSON & C , Entaff-Ini Musical Instruments. &c. B. KEVINSKI DE.1.1.E1l IN GOOK AMOHL DOW Rooft aw im JOHN D. SKILES, NO. :21 EAST RINt; STE E ET, SPIZINf; AND SVNINI ER DR V 6001)-; LADIES' I)1 ESS (.()ODs 400 pA.cA LICOES from 9 to per ya A Ilse assortment of SQUA RE StlA VV7,s of every description. All the Beat and Popular Makes GENTLEMEN'S WEAR FRENCH, ENGI,IsH & AMERICAN CLOTH', Which we will make up to order at short notice, best style, low prices. READY-MADE CLOTHING A large assortment of our own Manufacture for CARPETS!!! CARPETS!!! QyO ps. BRUSSELS THREE—PLY, INGRAIN, RAG AND HEMP CARPETS, -A LSO OIL CLOTHS, MATTINGS, RUGS, ,tc A fine assortment. of Window :Mattes at very Low Pricee. (my7-ly SPRING, 1889 HAGER & BROS. Have now open a full stock of Goods fop Spring sales, which will be tound complete in every department, and wilt be sold at POPULAR PRICES! A choice selection of DRESS GOODS FOR LADIES AND CHILDREN, In new styles of Silk, Poplittetts, Poplins, Mo. hairs, Dela!nes, Peresls anti Chintzes. ENGLISH & GERMAN HOSIERY, JUOLA & EMPRESS lUD GLOVES, THOMPSON'S CORSETS & SKIRTS. Black Bombazine, Tamiese, Poplins, DeMines, Alpacas, in all qualities, or LUPIN'S Manu facture. Black Thibet, Long and Square Shawls, English and French Crapes and Crape Veils. HOUSE FURNISHING LINENS & COTTONS, CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS English Brussels, Crossley's Tapestry Brussels, Lowell d Hartford Three-Ply and Veiled tan, Wool Dutch, Hemp and List Carpets. Floor Oil Cloths--all widths. COCOA AND CHINA MATTINGS.` 25 PACKAGES, PLAIN AND EMBOSSED ENGLISH GRANITE WARE, Of Superior Quality. PITTSBURG AND BOSTON GLASSWARE AT WALL PAPERS I 1 WALL PAPERS PLAIN AND DECORATIVE. 20,000 Pieces, new styles for Spring sales, the largest assortment ever offered in Lancaster. WINDOW SHADES, HOLLANDS AND FIXTURES. aii/-We invite an examination. HAGER & BROTHERS CLOTHS , C . kSSIAIERES &c. We have now open a laq 0 and eholeektielee tion of flue and medium FOHNIGN AND DO- M NSTIC COATINGS, CLOTHS, & MELTONS, In new Shades of Blue, Dahlia, Olive, Green, Plum and Brown. I= BLACK CLOTHS AND DOESKINS, from the lowest to fittest qualities. LiPpIT, E, HARRIS, BROADDROOK, SE GRAVES, BLACKINGTON, MIDDLESEX, and other best makes In 84 and 3-4 widths, with and without side bands, in all the new styles and colors suited to .MEN AND BOYS' WEAR. CU/THING MADE TO ORDER by eaneri• enoed Cutters, and satisfaction guaranteed. A full stock of our own manufactured READY MADE CLOTHING, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS or eveir Ie script lon. *irPIIIcEi LOW. ap2-tf] HAGER a BROTHERS. -AT TIT E BEE HIVE STORE, DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, GLASS AND QUEENSWARE, LADIES , DRESS GOODS, ALL THR NOVELTIES OF THE SEASON, KID GLOVES, CORSETS, HOOP SKIRTS. PRICES CHEAP AS EVER. BEST CALICOES IN THE MARKET FOR 12t; CENTS. THOS..). WENTZ, Stan of the Bee Hive, ap9-Iyl No. 5 East King-st., Lancaster, Pa. JACOB HARNISH, IC 8. H ARNISH, JOHN L. MILLER lIARNISH & CO'S No. 37 WEST KING -ST., L &NC ASTER, PA., Dealers in Foreign and Domestic DRY GOODS, GLASS AND QUEENSWARE, Cloths, Cassiuseres, Sattinetta, Jeans, Tweeds Lindseys, Flannels, Tickings, Chinks, Plaids, Alpaccas, Dress Goods, Calicoes, Muslins and Drills, White Goods, Notions, at No. 1 Feathers, Made up at astonishing Low Prices. sa- Ca II and examine our stook before put. chasing elsewhere, f febl24lo-ly Dry Goods. AT HIS NEW sTURE, ffas itUit (11)l UO4l 111()4T ELEGAN"F -( II' - Ever ()tiered to tlu ITIZN:Ns LANcA , T PI Of every description SHA W 131,FlACHED MUSLINS! A fine assortilient of UASSXMIERES AND VESTINGS, MFN AND BOY'S WHAR AT LOW PRICES WINDOW SHADES! SPRING, 1889 MOURNING GOODS. Low Prices WALL PAPERS ! CASSDIERES, WENTZ, lla4 refitored good old time. PRICES AS LOW FOR GREENBACKS AS GOLD CHEAP STORE, MEN AND BOYS , WEAR, Groceries. GEOC U ERI ES, FRITS, ANn )NFECTIONs FOU TILE IfOLIDAY LAtE SEEDLEsS AND VA LEN( IA RAISIN NEW CURRANTS, NEW CITRON, TURKISHN GREN ALES,. E PP DRIED APPLES, DRIED PEACHES, JIOMIN Y, SHAKER CORN, GREEN PEAS, SPLIT PEAS, CHOICE CRANBERRIES, CHOICE GREEN TEA, CHOICE BLACK TEA. EU'), LAGUYICI. AND JAVA COFFEES, SUGARS~ AND SYRUPS A VARIETY OF CONFECTIONS, GLASS A 111) Q UEENS WARE. LAMP GOODS OF' EVERY DESCRIPTION. All the above of the best quality and cheaper than the cheapest. At _ . _ D. S. &d. 8. BURSKIS, nov '2O-Iyr] No. 18 East Mug street, Lane Jewelry. ZAHM 4% JACKSON, DEALh;R.S IN WA 7'6'llES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SILVER AND SIUVRR-PLATNI) WARE, SPECTACLES AND FANCY GOODS, No. 1•; NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTHR, PA. tr-REPAININC; ATTENDED no•30-iy) WATCHES! WATCHES! CLOCKS, CLOCKS, CLOCKS The undersigned keeps constantly on hand a large and full assortment of the GENUINE AMERICAN WATCHES, of different weight and finish, to suit all, which are sold upon the most reasonable terms, and guaranteed to give satisfaction. Keeps also on band a good assortment of CLOCKS. (Jail and examine the goods before purchasing elsewhere. Thankful for past favors, I solicit a continu arms of the same. HENRY F. ANDREWS, Jan 1-6m*l : , trasbrirg, Lancaster co., Pa. Dentistry. LANCASTER, June 25th, la6B. EDITORS EXPRESS: Dr. Wm. M. Whiteside, the enterprising Dentist, has purchased from me a large stock of teeth and all the fixtures, the in struments formerly belonging to me, and also those used by my father, Dr. Parry, in his prac tice. In the purchase, the doctor has provided himself with some of the most valuable and ex pansive instruments used in dental practice, and has beyond doubt one of the best and lar vet collections of teeth and instruments in the State. Persons visiting the commodious offices of Dr. Whiteside, cannot tail to be fully accom modated. Thu Doctor loses no opportanity of furnishing himself with every late scientific improvement in his line of business. . . . VET M. WIIITESIDE DENTIST. OFFICE AND , RESIDENCE, EAST KING STREET, Next door to the Court House, over Fxthues tock'i Dry G 00,14 I, ANI: A S T I? , PE N N Teeth Ea./rooted o..ith6ot paid, by the ose of (Nitrous Oxide) Gas. no2o-tf Coal, Lumber, tte. EHLER, BRENEMAN & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN COAL, OF THE BEST QUALITY. YARD—CUR. WATER ST. AND PA. R. R. Orrice—NO. 2 EAST ORANGE ST., LANCASTER PA. [dcc 18-1 y B. R. MARTIN, HERBERT THOMAS, JOHN R. MASON. 5,000,000 FEET OF DRY LUMBER. MARTIN, THOMAS & CO., COLUMBIA, LANCASTER CO., PA., Manufacturers At LOCK HAVEN, CLINTON COUNTY, PA., AND WHOLESALE LUMBER DEAL ERS• WHITE PINE, HEMLOCK, POPLAR, WALNUT, ASH, FLOORING, SIDING, WEATHER BOARD:-, PICKETS LATH, mbl2-1y) BOX BOARDS, au., &c. Periodicals. THE DAILY EVENING EXPRESS, FURNISHES ITS READERS REGULARLY UM THE LATEST NEWS BY MAIL A ND MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH, And all Important Local and General In telligence. $5.00 A YRAR; $1.23 FOR 3 MONTHS. THE WEEKLY EXPRESS, A SATU RDA Y PAPER OF THE FIRST CLASS, Contains all the news of the week up to Friday night, and gives mere fresh reading than can be had elsewhere for the same amount of money. Timms: $2.00 PER 1119 AR, IN ADVANCE. Address PK A SOL .1 GEIST, Publishers, deo 1841 in I Lancaster, Pa. _Furnishing Goods, &e. HEADQUARTERS NOB UNDERCLOTHING, STOCKINGS, GLOVES, COLLARS, CUFFS, SLNEVE BUTTONS, aL cant's ware generally, at ERISM AN'S, ico.i pi NORTH QUEEN ST., Lancaster. ♦nt veer (ma grosser . ;htoek goon s--euttable for Krishdogs, h et-Yoltra tin onitery Presente— e° we Hola-Dither, Schnup-Dicher, Collars Item errant IC , nep,g'shtickfe Hemmer-fronts Pocket Bloher, Perfumery, Holir-Gail, Cigar Casa, un onnery fancy articles one P. .1. EITISMAN'S, 41 1 4 North Queen Street, Lancaster. (Om sign fun) gross Shtreatleh Hem.) [rnr9o.ly FREE EXHIBITION! MYKRS Akr FON, MYERS & RATHFON keep the largest assortment of READ Y- AI ADE C T H G, All our own manufacture. We guarantee the goods as represented or money refunded. We have just returned from the east witha full and complete stock of cLoTits, TRICOTs, l'1(t 1 ' i:s AND C OATTNGB, CASSIMERK!; in great varieties. which we are prepared to make up to order in the best style and the shortest notice, and at the very lowest Cash Price. Our stock of GENTLEMEN'S FI'IZNISIIINO 'MODS is ftlll. /4 Thankful for past patronage We hope by selling goods low to merit a continuance or public patronage. MYE•It' a HATIIFON, Southeast. Corner of Ventre Square, tpl6-Iy] Lancaster, Penn'a JUST OPENED BEAU MONDE HALL! 543 PENN SQUARE, 543 READING, PENNA., WATCHNIS CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, BOY'S CLOTHING, GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING 6-00DSI notiO t t 1 H. B. PARRY MARSHALL & SON'S BOOT AND SHOE , STORE, CENTRE SQUARE, LANCASTER, PA. ANOTHER FRESH ARRIVAL—GIv a Us ACALL. The only place for good and substantial work s at Where can be seen the lacy_ eat anti beat nasort meta of Men's unit 803',. BOOTS AND SHOES ever brought to this city. Ladies', Misses' and Children's plain and fancy Shoes, Bs'morale and Buttoned Gaiters. Sir Also, RUBBERS OF EVERY KIND, vatic!' we invite you to call awl examine; feeling con. thient that we can e a rrant all to no 20-Iy] REINHOLD & STUBlis No. 1041 North Queen St., 4 Square above the IL 11. Depot. BOOT AND SHOE DEALERS. have Just arrived from lhecitywith a large arnL elegant stock of Boots and Shoes, Gaiters. etc., superior to any ever before hi/ought to this market, which are offered at the fol lowing astonishing low prices : Men s Calf Boots V.OO to $7.00 " Box-toe Congress Gaiters.... 3.00 to 4.00 " Congress Gaiters 2.30 to 3.00 " Balmorals 2.00 to 3.00 " Lasting Congress tatters 3.00 to 575 " Oxford Tie 2.75 to :1.50 Boys' Gaiters 2.00 to 3.00 " Calf Balmoral,. 1.50 to 2.00 Youths Calf Balmorals 1.25 to 1.73 Ladies high-polish Lasting Gaiters. 2.50d0 3.25 " Lasting Balmorals 1.25 to 1.73 " Lasting Congress Gaiters__ 1.50 to 2.00 tine Glove Kid Button Boot.. :1.25 to 4.00 " Glove Kid Polish 800 t... -2.30 to 3.25 " Morocco Button 800 t.... 2.23 to 3.00 " Gout Balmoral 2.00 to 2.50 " " Turkey Morocco Button. 3.00 to 3.75 " " Kid Heel 1.23 to Lin " Goat Slippers 1.00 to I.:0 Misses Goat high-polish 1.73 to 2.30 " Lasting high-polish 2.00 to 2.25 Children's shoes of all kinds 50 to 1.50 Jtair An inspection of the stock is solicited. Alliir•Our work Is all warranted. !?All kinds of custom work manufactured in the very best style at , hort notice, at the lowest cash prices , may7-oml IIEADQUARTERs - SUP 6 MA SCHOOI, BOOKS AT FULTON HOW, WEST KIN 6 STREET. All the ?West helps for Superintendents, Teach -0114 and Bible Students, new charts with Ob ject Lessons, a new System of Rewards, mak ing every Scholar a worker in the interest of the School. ALL TA:, sUNDAY :Ursa: BOOKS, LIBRARY BOOKS,. RECORD BOOKS, LA.S BoOKs, &Lc Common School & Miscellaneous Books, STATIONERY AND FANCY GOODS. IDTCIICOCK , s HALF DIME SHEET MUSIC, BIBLES ANI► TESTABENTs. Vl' PHILADELPHIA WHOLESALE PRICES ar.Catl find see for yourselves. my 14411 I). S. BARN. REM O V A L BOOKS and STATIONERY, FOUR PCX)RS NORTH OF ORANGE-STRRRT ap9-tf] LANCASTER, P 4. loth i»g. Everybody Buys their Clothing , AND nAVEN NIONEI EZIM MEN, YOUTHS AND Buys, in all colors PORTICO ROW, I=l BEAVERS, VESTINGS, &c., &c., MID WINTER. WEAR A f -,t , CM LEVI G. ( oLEMAN, Cutter 14:C 1i & Boots and Shoes. MA IZ S II A S , WEAR WELL REINHOLD & r•TUBBA Books and .hstotiosiery. J.. H. ,‘;111.,',11'.F.E BOOKSELLER AND STATIONKR, Hai removed lr,v In rge stock 1:10=1 ISMEI NO. 62 NORTH QUEEN STRRKT Opposite Shober's Hotel, PROPRINTO3B