Father Abraham. (Reading, Pa.) 1864-1873, May 21, 1869, Image 2

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FRIDAY, MAY 21,1889
atimorny, Retrenchment, Faithful Collection
alftbe Revenue and Payment of the Public
X 69.
The popular illustrated Radical Republican
Campaign paper, published with. the most
volifying success during the memorable con
timil in 1868, will be especially devoted to the
ammo cause in 1869, by a vigorous and cordial
imaipport of the Republican candidates for Go
eirtrror and Judge of the Supreme Court.
"The popular and highly amusing letters of
Pr" SCHWEFFLEBRENNER willappear week
-14 as heretofore. The paper has been consid-
Gobi y enlarged since 1868, as well as im-
moved in every respect.
at the following terms of subscription
Ow copy, for six months
Ten copies, 14
!Moen copies, " " ..... 8.00
"risealy copies, " " 10.00
Aged fifty cents for each additional copy over
twenty, and an extra copy for getting up a
club of twenty.
air All subscriptions mum be paid in advance.
Lancaster, Pa.
The Republican voters of the several elec-
Ifma districts of Lancaster county, are re
created to meet at the places where the last
Cleary meetings were held on Saturday,
mber 12th, 1868, (except in the district
lamed) on
,And hold primary elections, subject to the
index adopted by the Union Republican Coun
ty Committee, to elect SIX DELEGATES to
=present Lancaster county in the State Con
vention,, to be held on the 23d of June.
The election in Manheim township will be
'lettd.at Stealer's Hotel, Neffsville.
Tice polls will open at 3 o'clock, p. m., and
dew at 7 o'clock, p. m.
Ry order of the County Committee.
MARTIN B. FRY, Chairman
V" C. REED ' t Secretaries.
A, A. WymE.
or We would remind those few persona
who subscribed and paid for FATHER
Antsitem for six months from the 20th
cot - November last that their subscription
expires with this number, and unless re
mewed within a reasonable period, accord
ing to our rules, their names will be
abichen from the list.
The following named persons have been
:arnaranced as candidates for delegates to
taw State Convention, to be voted for on
Saturday, the 29th inst:
lion. John Strohm, Providence-twp.
John B. Livingston, City.
Capt. John K. Rutter, City.
:Jacob S. Shirk, E. Lanipeter-twp.
Andrew J. Kauffman, Columbia.
'Theodore A. Kinzer, East Earl.
Benj.. M. Stauffer, Mount Joy-bor.
l!red. Smith, Conoy.
Jacob F. Frey, Lancaster-twp.
Stuart A. Wylie, City.
The copperhead authorities of the town
of Frederick have lately torn down the
old house in which Barbara Fritchielived,
mad from the attic window of which she
threw forth the Stars and Stripes full in
the face of Lee's invading legions. Bring
mat your big rooster, Mr. Intelliyencer.
The dedication of the Soldiers' National
illtonament at Gettysburg next July will
'Fie one of the largest gatherings ever con
vened in the United States. Every State
at the Union will ho represented—the
South as well as the North. Senator Mor
ton, of Indiana, is to deliver the address;
Mr. Beecher to offer up a prayer, and
lillyard Taylor write an ode. President
Gant, General W. T. Sherman, General
Meade, General McClellan and an im
mense number of officers and soldiers will
be present.
"The Imperialist" newspaper has come
oat against the "Radicals" and in favor
et the Democracy. What is called De
mocracy, and what is Imperialism, thus
nit last "lie down together." Rear the
view pronunciamento against Radicalism:
"'Congress is the Dictator. Give us a
Jam of government like England's and a
lean like Gen. Lee for a Monarch. We
want no trash to rule over us, as it has
=pled and continues to rule."
What say our copperhead neighbors of
the Intelligeneer, now? A few weeks ago,
marly two columns of that paper were oc
e.pied by an article vainly endeavoring to
pane that the object of that noble organ.
iisalion—the G. A. R.—was the overthrow
of are Republican institutions, and the
aiabatitution of a monarchy; alleging also
Ds Imperialist was their organ, es
ilalbrahed to further that end. What say
pa now, gentlemen?
The General Order of the Grand Com
mander, designating Sunday a week,
the 30th inst., as the day to be dedicated
to the ever precious memory of those who
NI during the Rebellion, commends itself
to the instinctive sentiments of the whole
community. The outward and visible ef
fects of that bloody strife are becoming
rapidly efiliced. Commerce has resumed
its accustomed channels; uew issues have
arrested and occupied the public mind;
and there is every reason to hope that un
der the guidance of intelligent and patri
otic statesmanship, the political relations
so needlessly and ruthlessly severed, will
soon be restored. But there is one part
of the bitter purchase of liberty and union
that cannot be replaced. The dead come
not back. The sons and brothers, whose
young lives were poured out on Southern
battle-fields, or wasted in Southern pris
ons, are not with us to share in this re
turning prosperity, and drink of the cup
of this great and increasing triumph.
Their familiar seats by the fireside and
around the table remain vacant, the places
that knew them know them no more.
Many, alas, lie where they fell, amid the
undistinguished carnage of the strife, or
where their weary spirits found rest from
sufferings that were far worse than death.
But many have found their last resting
places amid the lovely scenes which, at
the call of duty, they left with such alac
rity. With pious care they were laid
among kindred and friends, and returning
spring is now decking their graves with a
freshness and beauty that are emblematic
of their holy memory. Let affection vie
with nature ; let the precious remembrance
of the heroic dead be ever green and fra
grant as the unfailing seasons. This cus
tom which has been inaugurated by the
Grand Army of the Republic, is touching
and impressive as it is appropriate, and
will be observed, we doubt not, with each
return of May, as long as one survivor of
the great rebellion remains to totter to the
grave of a comrade, or one widow or or
phan to recall the dark day of anguish
and distress.
S 75
Some of the Pittsburg lawyers have an
interesting little libel case to try one of
these days, the result of which will be
looked for with considerable anxiety. The
case is substantially as follows: William
11. Ford, an ex-member of the Pennsylva
nia Legislature, and candidate for re-elec
tion, brought suit against John W. Pit
tock, publisher of the Pittsburg Leader,
for libel—accusing him of having received
bribes during the session of 1867. Un
fortunately for Mr. Ford, the defendant,
at the preliminary hearing, called Benja
min Singerly, esq., the State printer, to
the stand, who testified that during the
session of 1867 Mr. Ford had repeatedly
approached him in a manner that clearly
indicated that he was after a "dividend"
for his (Ford's) influence in preventing
the proposed investigation of Singerly's
account as State printer. Mr. Ford de
nies the charge, and the case will go to
court for trial. But Singerly's testimony
will be very difficult to overcome. Mem
bers of the Legislature, before appealing
to the courts for protection against public
criticism by independent newspapers,
should be very sure that no such witnesses
as Mr. Singerly are likely to turn up.
The Republican State Executive Com
mittee of Ohio have called a State Con
vention, to be held at Columbus ou Wed
nesday, the 23d day of June next, to
nominate candidates for Governor, Lieut
enant-Governor, Judge of the Supreme
Court, Attorney General, and Member of
the Board of Public Works. The follow
ing other State Conventions will be held
at the places and times specified: The
Pennsylvania Republican Convention,
Philadelphia, June 23; Kentucky Repub
lican Convention, Lexington, May 27;
Maine Republican State Convention, Ban
gor, June 24; Pennsylvania Democratic
State Convention, Harrisburg, July 14;
California Republican State Convention
at Sacramento, July 21; Texas Republi
can State Convention, June 24. In addi
tion to these there will be a State Temper
ance Convention held at Syracuse, New
York, ou the Ist of June.
From the list of names given in another
column, as candidates for delegates to the
State Convention, the Republicans of
Lancaster county will have no difficulty
in selecting six good, true and faithful
men, who will honestly represent the Re
publican party, and not a mere ring of
brokers and traders to be peddled round
in and about the convention. Whatever
may be done by the State Convention at
Philadelphia, let Lancaster county be
represented by true and staunch men, so
that we may be free from all responsibility,
should the convention seriously blunder
either in the selection of candidates or
the construction of the platform.
The Philadelphia Sunday Republic of
the 16th contains the following:
"We are glad to hear that there will be
no opposition to the renomination of Sen
ator Billingfelt, of Lancaster, save from a
few corrupt and discontented individuals
who could not use him. His name is a
synonym for honesty, and the people of
the entire State ask that he shall - be sent
back. The sentiment is not so unanimous
in regard to his colleague, Mr. Fisher."
Some of the evils and corruptions at
Harrisburg during every session of the
Legislature have been very thoroughly
discussed by the honest and independent
Republican newspapers throughout the
State, and a large majoritv of the people
of all parties are really for any movement
calculated to bring about radical and posi
tive reform.
The system of special or local legislation
demands particular attention and consid
eration. Fully nineteen out of every
twenty legislative enactments are of a
local or special character, in many cases
granting extraordinary privileges to indi
viduals and local corporations, and Nr A t
frequently at the expense of the tats-pay
ers and people generally. If, for instance,
the members of the Legislature from
Lancaster County and some local official,
individual or combination of individuals.
desire to get their hands into the County
Treasury, and need a special enactment
for this purpose, they have only to secure
or bribe their members, prepare their bill,
read it in place and put it through without
having its character at all inquired into
by the General Assembly. All the nu
merous bills of this character are put
through without the least consideration on
the floor of either house; they are put on
the calendar as local bills, and no one
thinks of ever questioning the right of the
members of the county or district immedi
ately interested to enact the iniquity and
make it a law, as 'fully and e&ctually as
if it were passed, after due consideration,
by the General Assembly of Pennsylvania.
To cure this growing evil, and secure
wholesome legislation for the people, we
must amend the Constitution of the State
so as to prevent all mere special or local
enactments. This can safely be done by
simply giving the Court the same power
which is now exercised by the member of
the Legislature from the particular district
interested. That such business would
be much safer in charge of the Court,
where all parties concerned could be
heard, and represented by counsel, after
due notice, than in the hands of the mere
political adventurer who goes to the Leg
islature as the tool of a corrupt ring, to
be bought and sold almost every day dur
ing the session by the brokers, middle
men and lobbyists, no one will question
for a moment.
The only way to secure radical reform
is by means of such a constitutional
amendment, and if the Republican press
and people will move in this direction, and
demand it, we will soon see the last of the
abominable system referred to. If not,
the probability is that the tax-payers will
continue to suffer a little while longer.
/ father 4brahaneo Chip.
THE New York Tribune made $200,000
last year.
GEN. GRANT has recently bought a
Ilambletonian colt for 0,000.
THE Legislature of Connecticut last
week ratified the suffrage amendment.
PRESIDENT GRANT has presented his
war saddle to Mr. Washburne, father of
the lion. E. B. Washburn.
TAMMANY'S DAY, the 12th of May,
was celebrated by the Order of Red Men
with a grand parade at Philadelphia.
CUBAN ladies are holding a fair in New
York to assist the sick and wounded of
their army.
A 75 YEAR Old goose is still living in
Kent county, Maryland. She has raised
goslins annually until within three years.
'lox. B. F. WADE, of Ohio, has been
appointed one of the Government commis
sioners to examine the Pacific railroads.
BARON ROTHSCHILD'S estate, which
has just been settled up, amotiolied to
$:140,000,000 in gold.
THE Philadelphiarity Councils have
decided that the Lincoln Monument shall
be placed at Broad and Girard Avenue
in that city.
Tim Philadelphia Sunday Dispatch
wants the whole Legislative delegation—
both Republicans and Democrats—from
that city left at home next winter.
Gov. CURTIN was serenaded at the
State Capitol Hotel, Harrisburg, on Mon
day evening last, and delivered an elo
quent speech.
THE Massachusetts Legislature pro
poses to prohibit card-playing on railway
trains, and give the conductors power to
eject all players. This is to prevent
gambling and confidence swindling.
ess, is said to be rich, while she leaves
her old father in the poor house, at New
Haven, Conn. Her books excel in senti
ment over poverty and suffering.
J. V. McLaughlin, Esq., of Allegheny
county, announces himself as a candidate
for the office of Sheriff, at the same time
promising to donate one-half the fees for
the benefit of soldiers' widows and orphans.
MERE is another candidate fQI_ the
dame in Whittietos poem of Barbara Frit
chie. Mary A. Quantrelle insists, in the
Washington Star of Saturday, that it was
she who waved the old flag at Frederick,
Tux extremes of climate in California
are well illustrated by the editor of a
paper in Alpine county, who rides to his
office in a sleigh, the snow being five feet
deep in some places, and writes behind a
bouquet of flowers plucked in the open
air, within sight of his office window.
AT a recent meeting of the stockholders
of the Atlantic Telegraph Company, it
was officially announced that the income
from the messages averaged £7OO or
$3,500 in gold per day. The receipt of
this amount shows that 2000 words pass
over the cable every day.
DELAWARE, with the eyes of all the
world upon her, erects and inaugurates a
bran new whipping post. Ten persons
were publicly thrashed at New Castle on
A moNG the solid men of Pennsylvania
aro Asa Packer, a prominent Democratic
candidate tbr Governor, worth $20,000,000,
and A. Pardee, of Hazletown, whose pro
perty is estimated at $2,5,000,000.
GENERAL .Tonic A. LOGAN has been
elected Uonunander-in-Chief, Gov.. Fair
child, of IVisconsin, Senior Vice Com
mander, and Dr. S. B. Wylie Mitchell.
Sur g m
eon-General of the Grand Array of
the Republic,
TUE Pennsylvania Reserve Corps Asso
ciation will hold their annual meeting at
West Chester on the first day of June
next, at which the usual business of the
Association will be transacted. The an
nual oration will be delivered by Colonel
R. Biddle Roberts, of I'ittshut7, late
Colonel of the First Reserves.
GEN. G. H. THOMAS' army comrades,
I nt Louisville, on Wednesday a week, made
arrangements to present him with a mag
nificent Silver Service, but the General de
clined its acceptance, on the ground that
he had determined never to receive a do
nation under any circumstances.
SEIWKANT ItomsoN, the soldier who
saved the life of Secretary Seward at the
time of Payne's assault, has received a
I ' , old check for !':100 from citizens of Neva
! (la. Ile is at present a clerk in the Qua r
termaster's Department.
A SOAP and stationery vender in Phila
tielphia rings at the . door bell. :ends up
his card to the lady of the house, waits in
the parlor till she appears, when he greets
her warmly, like an old acquaintance,
and asks her to buy a cake of soap or a
box of stationery. Cool.
A NEW Yon K paper tells of a cat flt.
every morning wipes his paws upon the
hall mat before entering his mistresses
bedroom. If his feet leave a mark on the
white coverlet of the bed, he is told of the
fact, and again resorts to the mat, and
then if not satisfied that his paws are
clean, he dries them by the stove.
PERSONALITIES are a dangerous game
to play with Prentice. Thurlow Weed's
paper having ventured to say that " the
Louisville Jour»al has a chip on its shoul
der which it dares any one to knock off"
Prentice responds, "The editor of the
New York Commercial has a block on his
shoulder which ought to be knocked off."
IN a printing office in Gosport, Ind., is
a blind compositor. His average day's
work is 5000 ems, and on several occasions
he has set from 7000 to 9000. His letter
is distributed for him, and his copy is
read by his partner, his memory being so
perfect that he can retain from four to six
lines ; when this is finished, he cries the
last word set, when another sentence is
read, and so on.
(ien. Sickles has been appointed Minister
to Spttin, vice Minister Ilale. whose resig
nation takes etkct on July I.
The State Department on Monday last
completed the somewhat voluminous in
structions of Mr. Motley, and will send
them to him at New York. Al
though their precise nature upon the
Ataba»ta claims has not leaked out, it is
well known here that Mr. Motley agrees
entirely with Mr. Sumner, and that the
President has read Mr. Sumner's speech,
and tinds no fault with it. The first busi
ness of Mr. Motley will be to negotiate a
Naturalization treaty upon the basis of
the protocol which the :Senate confirmed
last winter.
The State Department has not, within
the last week, received any official advice
from Havana, relative to the insurrection.
The rumored tripple alliance between
Great Britain, Spain, and France, against
the United States, proves to be, a foolish
canard. A private despatch from a relia
ble friend of this Government in London,
whose position gives him opportunities of
knowing, was received hero to-day, de
nouncing the story as sensational in the
extreme, and without foundation in fact.
The preparations for the decoration of
soldiers' graves in the numerous ceme
teries adjacent to this city, on the 29th
instant, are quite extensive. The cere
monies at Arlington particularly will ex
ceed even the display of last year. Gov.
Harriman, of New Hampshire, will be the
orator of the day, and Francis De Haes
Janvier, author of the " Sleepidg Senti
nel," " Widow's Son, a poem of Antic
original poem,' which he will deliver on the
tam," and other odes, is now writing an
occasion. The vocal music will be sup
plied by the different choirs and musical
associations of Washington.
General George B. McClellan, accompa
nied by Gov. T. F. Randolph, of New
Jersey, urrived here on Wednesday, 12. th.
They called on the President and were im
mediately admitted to a pleasant inter
view, which lasted three quarters of an
hour. They also visited the Navy De
partment and had an interview with Vice
Admiral Porter. It is said the visit of
these gentlemen is for the purpose of ob
taining the consent of the Government to
put the Stevens floating battery, of which
Gen. McClellan is the engineer in charge,
in use for the defense of New York harbor.
President Grant has appointed Hon. J.
B. Edmunds as Postmaster at this place.
Secretary Boutwell has appointed Miss
E. Ketchum (colored), of Philadelphia, to
a clerkship in the Treasury, Third Audi
tor's office.
Mr. Clapp, the Congressional printer,
gave a situation to a colored man, a son
of Fred. Douglass. He came from a town
where there was no "Printers' Union."
On Saturday evening last, at a meeting of
the Columbia Typographical Union, his
application for membership was refused.
Trouble is anticipated.
The General Synod of the Lutheran
Church of this county in sessien here,
numbering over 200 ministers, paid their
respects to President Grant on Saturday.
They were received in the East Room.
The President has issued a proclama
tion designating the 6th day of July next
as the time for submitting the new con
stitution to a vote of the people of Vir
ginia. Appearances indicate that the
whole Democratic and conservative vote
will be thrown against it, and may secure
its defeat.
About one-third of the clerks employed
in the Secretary's office, Treasury De
partment, will be removed in a few days,
and new appointments made to fill the
vacancies. The force of this office con
sists of about one hundred and fifty male
employees, a majority of whom were all
pointed by Secretary McCulloch, and one
third of whom have enjoyed perfect sine
cures for the past two or three years.
' , 10;"1“(pMEIIC COrNTN. lAA
day night a horse, harness and carriage
were stolen from le barn of Mr. Daniel
Springer, near foyers' Ford, Montgomery
county. The carriage was owned by Mr.
Amos Ilayeoek, Mr. Springer's assistant.
The horse was Ilium! by the Horse Thief
Detectives on Friday, on Chestnut Hill,
about five miles from Pottstown. The
carria! , e and harness were found on Sat
urday, near the same place, in a heavy
thicket. No trace of the thief On Sat
urday night a horse was stolen from the
stable of Mr. Joseph Godschall, near Boy
ers' Ford, by two boys, aged respectively
twelve and fifteen years, and taken as far
as Limerick Station. In the morning
Mr. Godschall tracked the horse to the
above place, and also got the boys, and.
put them in safe keeping. They say that
they are from Reading and their parents
live there, that their names are Wilder.
They intended to sell the horse, and ex
pected to "get a thousand dollars for
him." Word was sent to their father.
They were taken to Norristown jail. They
also got into the Boyers' Ford Foundry,
and took some moulder's tools The
Pottstown Ledger says: While James Lud
wig, of Pottstown, was driving across the
Hanover street crossing, on Wednesday of
last week, seated in a skeleton wagon and
leading a horse behind, an engine com
menced blowing off steam, a short dis
tance from the crossing, which caused the
horse in the rear to jump upon the wagon,
thereby breaking the hind axle, which
threw young Ludwig to the r ,ffround.
About this time the horse attached to the
wagon took fright and commenced run
ning, dragging the body of Ludwig some
distance over the stones, before he became
detached from the vehicle. When picked
up he was found to be apparently lifeless,
his head being literally covered with cuts
and bruises, and blood flowing from one
of his ears. He was conveyed home, and
it was found that in addition to the bruises
on his head, he had sustained severe
sprains to both his arms, and was other
wise severely injured.
YORK COUNTY.—On Friday night the
office of Messrs. Cook Sr, Co., at Wrights
ville, was entered by burglars, and robbed
of about $3O On Monday night, says
the Wrightsville Star, Mr. Jacob Wagner,
jr., of Kellam, while asleep, swallowed
several artificial teeth attached to a silver
plate. He waked up and experienced
great difficulty in breathing, when a doc
tor was sent for who succeeded in re
moving them from the throat York
Commandery Knights Templar will visit
Erie on the 7th June A committee of
Methodists are about making arrange
ments for an extensive camp meeting
during the ensuing season at Shrewsbury.
The locality is in every respect f avora bl e ,
----only objectionable on account of' the
numerous dram shops in the neighbor
hood The store of Mr. Daniel Gulden,
at his station on the Gettysbury railroad,
was burglariously entered on the night of
Thursday last, and robbed of some goods
and some cash to the ameunt of fifty dol
lars The corner-stone for the new
church of the United Brethren, will be
laid at York on next Sunday, 51 o'clock,
p. m.
BERKS COUNTY.—They have a new
kind of beer in Reading called "salvator."
The drunk lasts longer than on lager, and
generally puts the subject to sleep The
new tailoring establishment just opened
at 531 Penn street, Reading, by Buch
Bro., is the most perfect and extensive in
the State, outside of Philadelphia A
church was dedicated at Leesport on Sun
day last, on which occasion a consider
able quantity of whisky was punished.
Among other incidents on the occasion,
was the following, which we obtain from
the Reading Daily Eagle: "We noticed a
man at the church dedication at Leesport,
yesterday, engaged in a most brutish act
of clubbing a mule. It seems that the
animal stepped over the tongue, and the
driver being unable to get the mule over
without unhitching him, flew into a pas
sion and secured a heavy club, about three
feet long, and began to pound it, and
several times struck it over the head and
caused it to stagger. This brutal exhibi
tion brought together a large number of
spectators, and no one saying anything
against it, he continued, and only quit
abusing the animal when he was too tired
to handle the club. This man should
have been arrested, and we arc only
surprised that the trustees of the
church did not take such steps
A correspondent of the Eagle gives a
full account of the Hamburg Battalion
on Monday. The attendance was large,
but every one disappointed at not seeing
either soldiers, Father Abraham, or the
circus. Dancing commenced in the several
hotels at 8 o'clock, A. M., and continued
until after the correspondent left—late in
the night. Ile "saw a woman coining
out of the dance with perspiration rolling
down her face, her waterfall hanging on
her back, and she sank down in a corner,"
when some one aroused her by the en
couraging wards, "_ea nei Sal," and in
she went for another dance, as good as
new. The exercises during the day were
dancing, drinking whiskey and lager beer,
eating oranges and peanuts, and every now
and then taking a little more lager beer.
Kohler, aged twelve years, of Milton, was
severely burned by the explosion of a
Hack, from which he was pouring powder
on a fire, just to see whether it would go
off The boiler of an engine on the Sha
mokin:Division, N. C. H. NV., exploded on
Saturday, whilst pushing some cars at
Locust Gap Junction. Jacob Peifer, the
engineer, and Daniel Baldy, the fireman,
were instantly killed, and three or four
others were severely scalded Mrs. An
na Maria Fowler, at Sunbury, after six
weeks' suffering, died front the effects of
poison on Saturday last.
DAUPHIN . COUNTY. —A Harrisburg Al
derman was before the Mayor the other
day and fined 55 for violating an ordi
nance An exhibition by the Free Tem
perance Union will be given in the First
Free Baptist Church of Harrisburg on
the evening of the 27th and 28th Nine
fire companies from abroad have formally
accepted invitations to participate in the
Firemen's parade at Harrisburg on the
26th inst. The localities are classified as
follows: Two companies from Altoona;
two from Columbia; one from Carlisle;
one from Beading; one from Lebanon;
one from York, and one from Lancaster.
Two or three other companies are expect
ed to accept the invitation, and some fif
teen hundred or two thousand firemen will
probably be in line.
= Local News.
Handbills, Cards, Bill Heads, Programmes,
Posters, &c., &e., printed in the best style and
at reasonable rates, at the FATHER ABRA
HAM Job Printing °thee. Orders by mail
promptly attended to.
IvEms : The smoke house of Daniel For
ney, who resides in Manor township, four
miles southwest of this city, was entered on
Tuesday night of last week and a lot of bolo
gna sausages, hams, an,l nine shoulders taken
therefrom. The thieves escaped.
The shad fisheries at Columbia continue to
do a thriving business, and the shad, of
course, command a high price—selling at
from Si to $1.25 per pair.
A Colerain (Lancaster county) farmer says
we will not have a good crop of apples this
season, because the trees blossomed in the
dark of the moon. Wonder if ho tells the
truth. Perhaps he was born on Friday.
A patent has been granted to Henry S.
Shissler, of Neffsville, this county, for an im
proved Gate Spring and Holder. Martin
Weaver, of East Earl twp., has also received
hitters patent for an improved Feed Regula
tor for mills. Both were obtained through the
agency of Mr. Jacob Stauffer, of this city.
The different Orders of Red Men of this
city and county returned from Philadelphia
last week, whence they had gone to partici
pate in the celebration of St. Tammany's day.
All pleased with their trip.
A violent rain and hail storm passed over
this city on the evening of the 13th, doing
considerable damage to fruit trees hereabouts.
We have not heard of much injury done to
the fruit outside the city.
Harry C. Hopkins, of this county, son of
Hon. James M. Hopkins, has been appointed
an inspector of the Postal Service for the Se
cond District—composed of New York, Penn •
Sylvania, New Jersey, Maryland, Delaware
and the Eastern shore of Virginia. Lucky
The letter-carriers of this city are about to
don their summer uniform.
The Lancaster County Park will be inaugu
rated on the 13th and 16th of next month by
holding a horse fair, horse and velocipede
racing and the like.
Lancaster is to have a decent post-office--
thanks to the generosity of our City Fathers.
The plan proposed will considerably enlarge
the room now occupied as the post-office, as
well as add to the convenience of our citizens.
Let the improvement be made without delay.
We learn from The Guardian, published at
Bernard City, California, that John Hasler
Keiser, a native of this county, committed
suicide by means of a pistol. His mind was
The parties charged with rioting on Sato:-
day night, 9th inst., had a hearing before His
Honor, the Mayor, on Saturday last, and
were discharged, there not being sufficient
evidence to sustain the charge.
Burglars e&cted au entrance into the resi
dence of Mr. B. B. Martin, in Prince street,
this city, on Saturday night last, by cutting
out a pannel in the door leading to the dining.
room. The noise awoke Mr. Martin, who
gave the alarm, when the thieves skedaddled.
Fortunately nothing was taken.
fln Monday last ( Whit-Monday) our streets
were'crowded with our young
country friends,
as well as strangers from abroad who visited
Lancaster to see how we celebrate Whit-Mon
day. Councils having prohibited the sale of
patent medicines and " sich Centre
Square was free from the crowds that were
in the habi tot* gathering there. Excepting a
few slight disturbances by those having too
much benzine aboard, which were promptly
quelled by the police, everything passed oft'
quietly. The drummer Boy of Shiloh was
exhibited in the afternoon to a crowded hall.
Frequent attempts at burglary have lately
been made in the village of Ephrata, and the
residents are considerably alarmed in conse
Another mad dog was killed in one of the
principal thoroughfares of this city on Tues
day. The Mayor has very properly extended
his proclamation of the 30th ult., requiring
all dogs to be muzzled, for twenty days longer
front and after the 13th inst.
Several young bloods from York made an
attack with pistols and billies on Mr. Law
rence Knapp and his bar keeper, at his beer
saloon in East King street, on Monday last,
and after a hearing before the Mayor on Tues
day, were bound over to appear at Court to
answer the charges preferred against them.
The officers of the Grand Lodge of the
Knights' of Pythias of Pennsylvania are ex
pected to visit Lancaster this evening.
As Mr. Christian Herr, of Manor township,
in company with a Miss Funk, were starting
from Christ Shenk's Hotel, this city, on Mon
day evening last, the front wheel of the bug
gy came off, throwing out the occupants, and
dragging the lady some distance. The horse
was stopped before he had gone a great dis
tance, and Miss Funk rescued from her pert•
lous situation. Both escaped with slight
The Columbia Spy states that one Zeigler,
a conductor on the Harrisburg accommoda
tion train, is in the habit of taking a passen
ger's hat if he does not promptly produce his
ticket or pay his fare. We agree with that
paper that " it is well known that Zeigler is
not tie most popular conductor on the Penn
sylvania Railroad."
The Herald says the borough authorities of
Columbia are at work enlarging their supply
of water.
The Diagnothean Literary Society of Frank
lin and Marshall College will celebrate their
34th anniversary at Fulton Hall this evening.
The speakers are Walter M. Franklin, Lan
caster; D. B. Lady, Arendtsville; Will Uhler
Hensel, Quarryville; James It. Patterson,
Lancaster; Joseph A. Reed, Bedford; Geo. F.
Itosenmiller, Lancaster; Dan. H. Wingerd,
Greencastle; N. Z. Snyder, Milford.
Coroner Leonard on Wednesday held au
inquest on the body of an unknown man found
dead on the Harrisburg pike near Landisville.
$195 in money, a silver watch, a key and sev
eral other articles were found on his person.
No marks of violence were visible.
Mr. Amos McCartney and lady, formerly of
this city, reached Lancaster on Tuesday from
San Francisco, California, having made the
trip over the Pacific Railroad to New York in
about nine days.
Tile Lodge Room of the Odd Fellows, hi the
third story of their hall, in South Queen st.,
is being refitted in handsome style, and when
finished will be one of the handsomest and
most convenient lodge rooms in the State.
The anniversary of the Page Literary So
ciety of the Normal School, Millersville, takes
place this evening.
SPRINGS: The Order of United American
Mechanics had a parade at Sinking Springs,
Pa., on Monday, at which Councils from
Sinking Springs, Reading, Harrisburg, Ma
honeville and Leesport, Berks county, and
Ephrata, Reamstown and Manheim, in Lan
caster county, participated. Speeches were
made by Hon. J. Lawrenee Getz, of Reading,
and E. H. Ranch and E. E. Snyder, of Lan
caster. E. H. Rauch, in behalf of the ladies,
presented a Bible to Charter Oak Council,
No. 48, of Sinking Springs, which was receiv
ed on behalf of the Council, by E. E. Snyder,
SACRED CONCERT : Philip Phillips, Esq.,
of New York, the popular and effective
Dingor of sacred music, will give a concert in
St. John's Lutheran Church, this city, on
Monday evening, 31st inst., for the benefit of
the Mission Sunday School attached to said
church. The Chicago Republican, alluding
to his entertainment in that city, says:
" Philip Phillips' Concert last evening was
one of the most delightful entertainments of
the kind that we have ever had the privilege
of attending. No man can hear Mr. Phillips
sing without being not only entertained, but
made better, as there is not only music but
gospel in what he sings."