American fire companies. The ring-leaders are said to be the same scoundrels who did the rioting at the Republican county meeting last fall. But, nothing else can be expected when there seems to be no punishment for such transactions. Sheriff Fry brought the first installment of four criminals from the Eastern Penitentiary to our county prison on Saturday last, under the law passed by the Legislature last fall. There are twenty-three in all to be removed. The Lancaster Fencibles decorated the grave of their late deceased comrade, Lieut. Keneagy, with flowers, on Sunday last, in accordance with the provisions of their by-laws. Monday next will be Whit Monday, and if the weather is propitious, we shall have our oonntry lads and lasses in Lancaster by the thousands. J. D. Pyott, of this city, leaves next week, to take charge of the editorial department of the Citizen, a Republican paper published at Honesdale, Wayne county. Joseph can, if he will. SOLDIERS' DECORATION : The G. A. R. of this city, have fixed upon Sunday, May ' 30, at 1 p. in., as the time for the strewing of flowers on the graves of the soldiers of the Union in the Itebellion. A general invita tion is extended by the committee of arrange ments to all civil, military and benevolent as sociations, and to soldiers, sailors and citizens to join in the ceremonies. No special invita tions will be given. Rev. E. H. Nevin will preach a sermon suited to the occasion in St. Paul's Reformed Church, in the evening, and I the choir of the church will aid in the ser vices. The chime of Trinity Church will be rang at 1 o'clock, and the bells of all the churches will be tolled after the chiming. As a few graves were missed last year, be cause the location of the graves could not be ascertained, the committee request relatives and friends to communicate to them the names of such, and the location of the graves. They also request that offers of flowers, boquets, wreaths and crosses be made and sent to the Orphans' Court room on Satur day morning, May 29th. We hope that the rem quests of the committee will be complied with, and that the occasion may be one of interest and solemnity. Let all assist in this work of respect to the honored dead. THE REPUBLICAN COUNTY COMMITTEE met on Monday last, in this city, to make arrangements for having a representation at the State Convention. The attendance was large. After considerable discussion, it was resolved that the Republicans of the several districts should meet on Saturday, May 29th, at the usual hours, and elect delegates to the State Convention on the 23d ofJune, at Phil adelphia. An effort was made by a well known politician to "set up" the committee to elect delegates so that he could sell out to the highest bidder, but he was snubbed most effectually. Several motions were also offered to fix some kind of instructions, but they were all tabled by a large majority, and the proba bility is that MEN will be sent as delegates who will act independently of any interfer ence, and for the best interests of the party and the people. A resolution was also offered to take the sense of the people on the continu ance of the Lancaster ( not Crawford) county system, but it was tabled emphatically—yeas :.18, nays 10. The action of the committee gives universal satisfaction to all exempt Gen. Brubaker, and his corporal's guard of fol lowers. POSTMASTERS APPOINTED : The follow ing postmasters have been appointed by Poet master General Cresswell for Lancaster coun ty: Buyerstown—Peter Eby, vice .T. F. Her shey, resigned. Durlach—H. S. Eberly, vice 0. W. Stein metz, removed. Neffaville—J. B. Waechter, vice D. Hoff man, resigned. Quarryville--George W. Hensel, vice B. Witmer, removed. Elizabethtown—Miss A. M. Wealand, vice W. H. Wayne, removed. Intercourse—Amos Rutter, jr.,vice J. Eaby, resigned. Ephrata—J. Gorges, vice J. H. Gross, re signed. Bwortzville—W. A Neibel [perhaps Von Nelda], vice A. W. Swartz, failed to bond. Soudersburg—A. E. Moore, vice J. H. Grey bill, removed. Cambridge—Mrs. M. Stevenson, vice D. Plank, removed. Enterprise—J. Froelich, vice J. Dunlap, resigned. Landis Valley—H. L. Brackbill, vice Mrs. H. Albert, resigned. THE DRUMMER Box : Crowded and de lighted audiences have greeted the presenta tion of this allegory every evening this week. No other exhibition of the kind has equalled the popularity and success of this in Lancaster in our experience. The parts are admirably sus tained throughout, and great credit is due the lady and gentlemen amateurs for the manner in which they render the characters they re present. The singing of "The Vacant Chair," "Star Sangled Banner," S:e., is touching and effective in the highest degree. The intrinsic merits of the piece, and the objects to which the proceeds are to be devoted, should secure a full attendance during the week. We learn that it is in contemplation to give a matinee on Monday, (Whitsuntide) for the benefit of our friends from the country, who will be in town in force on that day. This is not fully determined on, but it is very probable that it will be done. The exhibition will close on Monday. IN another column will be found the adver tisement of Mr. W. F. Duncan, who has lately removed his trimming store to the room formerly occupied by Mr. Thos. Grieves, in North Queer. street. He is agent for the Florence and American Dutton-Hole Sewing Machines, among the best in the market. Give him a call. CAN-MA=3. tar Announcements of candidates for office WEST BE PAID IN ADVANCE. This r ,, le is imperative. SENATE igir We are authorised to announce Capt. ORARLXB DENIMS of Millersville, as a candidate for &rata *TOR, subject to the decision of the Rep voters of Lan caster county, at the nom election. * gar We are authorized to announce Dn. ff. B. BOWMAN, of Neffsville, Manheim twp., all a candidate for the BOATS BaNATE, sub ject to the Republioan nomination by the people at the primary elections. PEOTRONOTARY gar We are authorized to announce Capt. W. D. STAUFFER, for PROTHONOTARY, late of the lst Penna. Reserves, and of the 198th P. V., present Clerk for Prothonotary, of Lancaster City, formerly of Berl township, subject to the noinibation at the Republican primary election. CLERK OF 44EAWFIR SESSIONS. LEI' We WO authorized to announce BEN JAMIN E. ROWE, of Brovidence twp., as a candidate for CLERK or QuAnvrat SES atoxs, subject to the decision of the Republi can voters at the primary election. CLERK . OF ORPHANS* COURT rfirWe are authorized to announce CAP TAIN JOHN Q. MERCER, late of Sadebury twp., now of the city of Lancaster, as a can didate for CLERK OP ORPHANS' COURT, subject to the decision of the Republican vo ters at the primary elections. LEGISLATURE Vir We are authorized to announce Dr. E. B. HERR, of Indiantown District, u a can didate for the HOusit or RIPBESENTA- TIVES, subject to the nomination of the Re publican people at the primary election. * COUNTY TREASURER. E - 4 - We are authorized to announce H. IC STONER, of West Lampeter township, (manufacturer of agricultural implements) as a candidate for COUNTY TREASURER, subject to the nomination by the Republican voters at the primary election. 114 - We are authorized to announce that WM. ROBERTS, of W. Hemptleld twp., will be a candidate for CousTv TREASURER, sub ject to the decision of the Republican voters at the ensuing primary elections. REGISTER OF WILLS. 114.' We are authorize&to announce J 14.111 I:- M 'All ROHRER, of Lancaster city, late Major 127th Regiment, Pennsylvania Volun teers, 2il Division, 2d Corps, Army of the Po tomac, as a candidate for ItEcitsTni: of WILLS, subject to the decision of the Repub lican voters at the primary election. I[ 'Weare authorized to announce JA COB W. BEAR, of Marietta Furnaces, East Donegal township, as a candidate for REG ts- TER, subject to the decision of the Republi can voters at the primary elections. i-irWe are authorized to announce MAP, TIN S. FRY, of Ephrata township, as a can didate for REGISTER, subject to the decision of the Republican voters of Lancaster coun ty, at the nominating election. Irir We are authorized to announce DR. WM. N. WHITESIDE, late Lieutenant of Company E, 10th Regiment first three months' service, and Captain of Company I, 79th Re giment P. V., of Lancaster city, as a candi date for the office of REGISTER, subject to the decision of the Union Republican party at the primary election. 11-43 0- We are authorized to announce Lieut. A. C. HERR, of West Lampeter township, as a candidate for REGISTER, subject to the nomination by the Republican voters at the primary elections. Cam - We are authorized to announce G EO. W. COMPTON, of Cwrnarvon township, as a candidate for REGISTER, subject to the rules of the Republican party. SIIERIFI. We are authorized to announce AMOS GROFF, of Martic township, as a candidate for SHERIFF, subject to the nomination by the people at the Republican primary elec tion. t4ir We are authorized to announce JOHN M. JACOBY, of Clay township, as a candi date for SHERIFF, subject to the rules of the Republican party. Cam' We are authorized to announce ISAAC MISFILER, of Lancaster city, (late of East Cocalico township,) as a candidate for the office of SHERIFF, subject to the rules of the Republican party. COUNTY COMMISSIONER rir We are authorized to announce PETER JOHNS, of East Lampeter township, for COUNTY COMMISSIONER, subject to the rules of the Republican party. MARRIED. MAUTI x—DooLurTLE. At Hartford, Conn., on the lid inst., by Rev. It. Turnbull, D.D., Mr. John C. Martin, of Harrisburg, late of this city, and Mi.•s Emilie Doolittle, daughter of the late Adrastus Doolittle, M. I)., of New York. STIO UTC ItoN. On the 4th inst., by the Rev. W. T. Gerhard, Joseph S. Stigler to Annie McCutcheon, both of Rapho-twp. Cuou—Eranicu. On the 6th inst., by Rev. J. N. Metzger, Henry J. Cook to Hattie A. Embich, both of Lancaster county. APPLE—Kopp. On the 4th inst., by the Rev. T. 0. Stein, Daniel Apple to Lizzie Kopp, both of Manheim borough. CIIAILLES - I.IRuBAKEu. On the 4th inst., by the Rev. Dr. Greenwald, Chr'n H. Charles, of Manor, to Lizzie Brubaker, of Lancaster twp. BRUBAKER-TUCKER. April 29th, in Cam bridge city, Ind., by the Rev. Mr. Wakefield, 11. Clay Brubaker, of Lancaster, to Mary E. Tucker. IlinunLE—KNumT. April 27th, by Rev C. F. Turner, Wrn. F. Humble to Margie A Knight, both of Lancaster, Pa. DIED. BRACKRILL. At Strasburg, on the sth inst., Bertha, infant daughter of Harvey and Carrie C. Brackbill, aged 24 days. SIyyDER. On the 7th inst., in this city, Ann M. Snyder, in the 45th year of her age. NISSLEY. On the 4th inst., Maria, daugh ter of Joseph and Mary Ann Nissley, cf Mount Joy-twp., aged 17 years and 15 days. CARTER. On the 3d inst., in this city, Edward Carter, in the 50th year of his age. BRENEMAN. At Centreville, Lancaster-co., March 29, Elmer Breneman, son of Franklin and Annie Grosh, aged 5 months and 1 day. THE MARKETS. Lancaster Household Markets. Butter, V lb Lard, V lb Eggs, V doz.. Veal, by the quarter, Dressed Chickens,.... Potatoes, V bus half pk.. Beans V quart. Oats, bag of 3 bus.. Shad, 100. Shad pair Herring VI doz Herring V 100 Philadelphia Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA, May 12.--The trade in Flour is exceedingly flat, and prices of the medium and low grades favor buyers; sales of a few hundred bbls. in lots forborne consumption at 45@5.50 for superfine; 5.76430.26 for extras; WNW for lowa. Wisconsin and Minnesota extra faintly; 40.75@ 7.50 for Penna. do. do.; 147.7508.25 for Ohio do. do. and *lo@l2.L'O for fancy brands, according to quality. Rye flour sells at 1 17@7.25 31 bbl. Nothing doing in Cornmeal. The Wheat market is devoid of spirit, and Iprices have a downward tendency; sales of red at $1.58(01%5; amber at $1.70@ 1 ,75, and white at 61.84. Rye 3 2 is held at $1.4001.43 31 bus. for western. Corn is steady at former rates; sales of 4,000 bus, yellow at 88 @ SOo., and western mixed at 85€1198e. Oats are unchanged,• sales of western at 82(p Nothing Penna. at 65270 c. doing in Barley or Malt. Prices of Clover and Timothy seed are nomi nal. Flaxseed is wanted by the crushers at s2.6s@ 2.70. Whisky ranges from Ale, to .1 per gallon, tax paid, for large and small lots. Philadelphia Cattle Market. MONDAY, May 10.—Beef Cattle were in lair demand this week at about former rates. 1,670 head sold at 9 1 40: lde. for extra Penult' western steers; 7. or fair to good do. and 6@7c. /ft lb. gross, for common as to quality. The fol lowing are the particulars of the sales : 66 head, Owen Smith, Western 8 1 ;10 & 80 " A. Christy Bro., Western .. WlX 83 4 14 " Dengler & MoCleese, Lan. co. 7 1 9 109 " P. Melyilleir, Lano'r eo.. ...... 8 1 010 1 100 " P. Hathaway, Lan. co ... 84 9)4 94 " James 8. Kirk, Chester 00. ... 8 10 1 4 24 " B. F. McMillen, Lanc'r co 9 10 83 " James MeFillen, Western.... 8 9 1 4 75 " K. S. Mori ll en, Lister co 8 911 113 " Uhlman & Bachman, Lan. co 8 9 1 / 150 " Martin Fuller& Co.. Lan. co.. 8 (.1 9 4) 1 $ 150 " Mooney & Smith, Lano'r 00.... 8 § 4 85 " T. Mooney & Bro., Penna.... 8 9 40 " S. Chain, Western . 7 8 54 "J. L. Frank, Western 8 1 4 9 9 1 ? , 80 " Frank & Schamberg,Western. B'% 91 4 109 " Hope & Co., Western 18 " M. Dryfeos ` Co., Penn I 4 8 " Ba l dwin, Chester county 8 8 4 22 " J. Clemson, Lano'r co., 8 8 4 37 " Chandler&Alexisnder,Chester El i 9 1 4 9 " Jesse Miller, Cheater 8 1 4 9 IS " Chas. Duty, Penna 08% Cows were unchanged. 140 head sold at 8.35 e 65, for springers, and $40@7.1 0 head for cow and calf. Sheep were In demand. 4 000 head sold at 6 1 ,0j9c. b. gross, as to condition. Hogs were rather dull. 3,000 head sold at the different Yards at "124613 for slop, and $13@14.23 vp 100 pounds net for corn fed. ; ; ;; ; ; ; ; To THE WORKING CLASS : I GM now prepared to furnish all classes with constant employment at their homes, the whole of the time, or for the spare moments. Business new,light and profi table. Fifty cents to $5 per evening, is easily earned by persons of either sex, and the boys and girls earn nearly as much as men Great inducements are offered those who will devote their whole time to the business; and, that. every person who sees this notice, may send me their address and test the business for them selves, I make the following unparalelled otter: To all who are not well satisfied with the busi ness, I will send id to pay for the trouble of writing to me. Full particulars, directions, &c., e,% sent fr. Samples sent by mail for 10 cts. Ad dress F. C. ALLEN, Augusta, Me. [mhl3-3ni HEAINUARTERS -BOP.- SUXDAY SCHOOL BOOKS AT FULTON' ROW, WEST KING STREET. All the latest helps for Superintendents, Teach. ers and Bible Students, new Charts with ob jeet,, a new System of Rewards, mak ing every Scholar a worker in the interest of the School. ALL TAR LATMAT SUNDAY SCHOOL MUSIC 1:0C/BS, LIBRARY BOOKS, RECORD BOOKS, CLASS BOOKS, So. Common School & Miscellaneous Books, STATIONERY AND FANCY GOODS, iirrencocK , s HALF DIME SHEET MUSIC, BIBLES AND TESTAMENTS, AT PHILADELPHIA %YIP H.ESALE PRICES. /fir Call and see for yourselves. znyl4-tf] D. S. BARE. T HE PLACE To GO FOR GOOD W. F. DUNCAN'S, FLORENCE SEWING MACHINES, Those maahines are made In the BEST STYLE, And for sewing purposes cannot be surpassed by any machines of whatever name now In the market. They are warranted to execute in the beet man ner every kind of STITCHING, RFAIMING, lONLLING, Hu...lmm', CORDING, TUCKING, RUFFLING, RIND. GATH}:II,INO, &C., &0., and will also make Bel*. TON ADEN.%, EYY,I.hiT HOCKS and 017NR.. , EAMS. They are not complicated, but and within the capacity of a II EVEN PER CENT. GOLD BONDS AJ of the LAHR SUPERIOR AND MISSIS SIPPI RAILROAD COMPANY. First Mortgage Sinking Fund Bonds, Free of United states faxes. Secured by , 1,632,000 ACRES OF CHOICE LANDS, and by the Railroad, its rolling stock, and franchises; and yielding in currency near ly Ten per cent. per annum. Holders of 5-20 Bonds can exchange them for these desirable securities, at a profit of nearly 20 per cent. A limited amount for sale upon favorable terms, and full particulars furnished by THE LANCASTER Has neither Springs, Weights, Ropes or Pulleys. Can be pvt into any window. HOLDS TRH SASH AT ANY kSIOHTH, AND is SRLF-LOCKING; Is very simple, cheap and durable. Rights for sale on liberal terms. For further particulars, call on or address SASH LOCK, at the Lancaster, Pa., Post Moe. FARM FOR SALE, IN CULPEPPER COUNTY, VA., two miles southwest of the Court House, on the Orange and Alexandria R. R., and sixty-five miles from Washington, D. C., of 220 ACRES, naturally dry soil, and no better In Virginia; beautiful location, and re markably healthy. Price, st 7 per acre if sip applied for soon. For full particulars, apply by letter to JAMBS BARTER, Mamaroneck, Westchester co.. N. V., or to the editor of this paper. [mhl9•bt LANCASTER, May 12. $ 0 @$ 20 0 18 0 20 10 0 13 60 75 70 48 90 to 88 13 10 0 ...... 1.40 01.65 20.00 02 , ,00 40 01.00 25 CO 1.76 02.00 Mewing Machines. THE HOWE SEWING MACHINE, As a Holiday Gift to a Sister, Wife or Friend they are unsurpassed. The Farmer wants it for his Family. The Drees and Cloak Maker prefers it. The Seamstress wants it, because its work is sure to give satisfaction. The Tailor bas long ago decided it to be the best for his business. The Carriage Trimmer cannot do without it; and the Shoe Fitter Ands that, after all, the HOWE is the machine for him. Sooner or later, everybody will have the ROWE MACHINE. Every Machine is warranted. Every one may be the possessor of one of these unrivalled machines, as we endeavor to make the terms of sale suit all our customers. We earnestly invite all, whether they purpose purchasing or not, to call and get specimens of the work executed by us on the HOWE MA CHINE, and compare it with the work done by other machines. We are willing to abide by the result. dee B AIR & SHENK, I BANKERS, NORTHEAST ANGLE OP CENTRE SQUARE, Drafts given on all the principal Cities Collections made promptly Interest paid on Deposits JOHN M. STEMMA:4', °SOROS BaUSAHNH, JOBBPH CLARK4ON. SAMOHL SLOHON, Neill Advertisements. SEWING MACHINES lIIM 05 NORTH QUEEN STREET We have the popular And the Celebrated AMERICAN BUTTON-HOLE AND SEWING MACHINE'S By the BEST WORKMEN, Of the BEST MATERIALS, SIMPLE AND EASY TO LEARN, air Don't forget the plaee,lai W. F. DUNCAN'S, (;RIEVEs , OLD STAND, NORTII QUEEN STREET, myt4•lm] LANCASTER, PA Miscellaneous. DAVID G. SWARTZ, No. 73 North Duke-st., Lancaster, Pa ruy7 it ) Sash Support and Lock FoR EVERY B O D Y! C. FATE, Agent, 25g North Queen street Banking. I= LANCASTER, PERNA noWly) MECHANICS , BANK, NO. 36 NORTH QUEEN STREET, (INQUIRER, BUILDINU,) Deals in UNITED STATES BONDS, STOCKS, GOLD, SILVER, AND COUPONS Bankers as STEHMAN, CLARKSON & Cif mb2S-3m JOHN D. SKILES, MI TIIi MOST ELEGANT STotli SPRING AND SUMMER I)RY GOOD~ CITIZENS ('F I,ANCATEP LADIES. URGES' GOODS ;$OO pB. CA LICONS from 9 to 1.2? c. per yard A flrie aAiortment of SQT! t ILE SHAWLS' of BLEACHED MUSLINS! All the Best and Popular MAlrea GENTLEMEN'.' 4 WEAR AM EIIIC'.I.N CLOTHS, Which we will make up to order at short notice, ' best style, low prices. READY-MADE CLOTHING A large assortment of our own Manufacture for CARPETS!!! CARPETS!!! ps. BRIT6SELS THREE-PLY, . INGRAIN, RAG AND HEMP CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, MATTINGS, HUGS, &c A fine assortment of W Ind OW Shades at very Low Prices. [my7-ly SPRING, 180 HAGER Sc, BROS. Rave now open a full stock of Goods fop Spring sales, which will he tbund complete iu every department, and will be sold at POPULAR PRICES ! A choice selection of DRESS GOODS FOR LADIES AND CHILDREN, In new styles of Silk, Poplinetts, Poplins, Mo hairs, Delaines, Percals and Chintzes. ENGLISH & GERMAN HOSIERY, JUGLA & EMPRESS KID GLOVES, THOMPSON'S CORSETS & SKIRTS. MOURNING GOODS. Black Bombazine, Tamiese, Poplins, Delaines, Alpacas, in all qualities, of LUPIN'S Manu facture. Black ThWei l Long and Square Shawls, English and trench Crapes and Crape Veils. HOUSE FURNISHING LINENS & COTTCiNs, CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS English Brussels, Crossley's Tapestry Brusels, Lowell & Hartford Three-Ply and 'Venetian, Wool Dutch, Hemp and List Carpets. Floor Oil Cloths-411 widths. COCOA AND CHINA MA.TTINGS.- g. 5 PACKAGES, PLAIN AND EMBOSSED ENGLISH GRANITE WARE, Of Superior Quality. PITTSBURG AND BOSTON GLASSWARE AT Low Prices. WALL PAPERS ! ! WALL PAPERS !! PLAIN AND DECORATIVE 20,000 Pieces, new styles tor Spring sales, the largest ussortraent ever tattered in Lancaster. WINDOW SHADES. HOLLAND 3 AND FIXTURES. 4a-We invite an examination. HAOER & BROTHERS. CLOTHS C ISsINERES - & c. We have now open a large and ehoieei.selee tion of tine and medium FOREIGN AND DO MESTIC COATINGS, CLOTHS, & DIELTONS, In new Shades of Blue, Dahlia, Olive, Green, Plum and Brown. BLACK CLOTHS AND DOESKINS, from the lowest to finest qualities. LIPPIT, E. HARRIS. BROADBROOK SE GRAVES, BLACKINGTON, DIIDDLESE X, and other best makes CASSIMERES, In 64 and 3-4 widths, with and without side bands, in all the new styles and colors suited to MEN AND DOTS , WEAR. CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER by experi encod Cutters, and satisfaction guaranteed. A full stock of out ow•n manufactured READY MADE CLOTHING, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS of evow Ae scription. SirPRICES LOW. apt-tfl HAGER it BROTHERS. -AT THE BEE HIVE STORE, Has restored good oh timea. PRICES AS LOW FOR GREENBACKS AS GOLD DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, GLASS AND QUEENSWARE, LADIES' DRESS GOODS, ALL THE NOVELTIES OF THE SEASON, KID GLOVES, CORSETS, HOOP SRIRTs. PRICES CHEAP AS EVER. EMCEE= REST CALICOES IN THE MARKET FOR 32% CENTS. Taos. .T. WENTZ, Sign of the Bee Hive, ap.3-Iy] No. 5 East King-st, Lancaster, Pa. JACOB HAREM!, H. 9. tIARIYI9II, JOHN L. MILLER HARNISH & CO'S CHEAP STORE, No. 27 WEST L ANCASTER, PA., Dealers in Foreign and Domestic PRY GOODS, GLASS AND QUEENSW ARE, Cloths, Cassimeres, Sattinetts, Jeans, Tweeds Lindseys, Flannels, Tickings, Uhg~►►ks, Plaids, Alpaocas, Dress Goods, Gingliadls, Calicoes, Muslim+ and Drills, White Goods, Notions, & No. 1 Feathers, Made up at astonishing Low Prices. air Call and OXSTIIiCke our stook before pur chasing eLsewhere. / Dry Goods. AT HIS NEW STORE, :4 BAST KIN(! 'TREET, Ila 3 Just opoued -OF Ever offered to t.:11 Of every description :74I1AWLS every description A tine asiort inollt of CASSIMERES AND VESTINGS MEN AND FR)Y'A WEAR, AT LOW PRICES IMIZEIE WINDOW SHADES! SPRING, 1369 WALL PAPERS ! WENTZ, MEN AND BOYS' WEAR, Groceries. G ROCERIES, FRUITS, AND CONFECTIONS, FOR TILE HOLIDAYS. LAYER, SERDLIIISS AND VALENCIA RAIAIN NEW CURRANTS, NEW CITRON, TURKISH PRUNES, GREEN APPLES, DRIED APPLES, DRUID PEACHES, HOMINY, SHARER CORN, GREEN PEAS, SPLIT PEAS, CHOICE. CUANBERRIIIs, CHOICE GREEN TEA, CHOICE BLACK TEA. RIO, UAGUYRA AXE) JAVA COFFEES, SUGARS AND SYRUPS. A VARIETY OF CONFECTION, GLASS AND Q UEENS WARE. LAMP GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. All the above of the best quality and cheaper than the cheapest. At. D. S. &J. S. RURSK'S, nov No. 13 East King stroet, Lanc. Jereelry. ZAHM & JACKSON, DP:ALP:IIA IN WA Te HES, CLOCKS, JR IVE LR V, S , 'ILVER ANL) SILVNIt•I'LATRU WARK, SPECTACLEs AND FANCY GOODS, No, 1 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA. AirILEPAIERYG ATTENDED no2o-Iy] WATCHES' WATCHES! WATCHES! CLOCKS, CLOCKS, CLOCKS. The undersigned keeps constantly on band a large and full assortment of the GENUINE AMERICAN WATCHEs, of different weight and finish, to suit all, which are sold upon the most reasonable terms, and guaranteed to give satisfaction. Keeps also on band a good assortment of CLOCKS. . . . - _ - Call and examine the goods before purchasing elsewhere. Thankful for past favors, I solicit a contain ance of the same. HENRY F. ANDREWS, Jan 1.-6m.] strasburg, Lancaster co., l'a. Musical instruments, dte. T B. KEVINSKI. I)K %LER IN SHEET MUSIC, PIANOS, ORGANS, MELODEONS, AO Musk , ll Instruments Gtmeraity. :ol() Agent for STEINWAY a SONS' WORLD RENOWNED PIANOS. Also, Agent for PRINCE a CO.'S OItUANS and MIgWDEO2O3. sor Music sent by Mall Free of Postage. No. 3 NORTH rurscE STREET, Lancaster, Pa. GOOK AMOILL DOM Rooft swim J. B. KEVINSKI SEIM MUSIC B}ITORE. FLOE/HERA, ORYELLA ' MELODEONS, LIR nile soma music Inshtrumenta! Der Kevbaski is agent tor de bereemty Stein wehr Pianos—Kloffeera beast mer se of deitsh. Der platz is No. 3 NORD PRINCE STREET, LANCASTML. N. B. For a first raty Booty Oleng, odder an Aecordeon, odder a Tawcerrieh-Peit odder en nick onners musical Inahtrument, klea odder gross, alitept yusht ni ons Kovinski , s, No. 3 Nord Prince Shtroac, Lancaster. (n0.33.1y Dentistry. LANCASTRII., June :sth, 1888. EDITORS Expanse: Dr. Wrn. M. Whiteside, the enterprising Dentist, has purchased from me a large stock of teeth and all the fixtures, the in struments formerly belonging to me, and also those used by my father, Dr. Parry, in his prac tice. In the purchase, the doctor has provided himself with some of the most valuable and ex pensive instruments used in dental practice, and has beyond doubt ono of the best and lar gest collections of teeth and instruments in the State. Persons visiting the commodious offices of Dr. 'Whiteside, cannot fail to be fully accom modated. The Doctor loses no opportunity of furnishing himself with every late scientific improvement in his line of business. li. B. PARRY. W . M. WHITESIDE, DENTIST. OFFICE AND RESIDENCE, EAST KING STREET, Next door to the Court Rouse, over Fahnehs took's Dry Goods Store, LANCASTKR, PiiNNA Teeth .F.Ai'lracte4 without vain by the use of (Nitrous Oxide) Gas. no2o-tf] Coal, Lumber, &c. EHLER, BRENEMAN & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN COAL, OF THE BEST QUALITY. YARD-coß.w ATER ST. AND PA. R. R. OFFIcE—NO. 4 EAST ORANGE ST., LANCASTER PA. [dec 18-ly B. B. MARTIN, HSRBRRT THOMAS, JOHN S. MASON. 5,000,000 FEET OF DRY LUMBER. MARTIN, THOMAS & CO., COLUMBIA, LANCASTER CD., PA., Manufacturers At LOCK HAVEN, CLINTON COUNTY, PA., AND WHOLESALE LUMBER DEALERS• WHITE PINE, HEMLOCK POPLAR WALNUT ASH, FLOORING, SID ING WEATHER BOA RDS , PICKETS LATH, mhl2-ly] BOX HOARDS, Do., &a. Furnishing Goods, &c. H EAD Q UARTERS 10E UNDERCLOTHING, STOCKINGS, GLOVES, COLLARS, CUFFS, SLEEVE BUTTONS, iient's ware generally, at ERISMAN , S, lio.l 1 ki NORTH QUERN ST., Lancaster. Ant ever ous grosser shtock goods—suitable tot Rrishdogs, Nei•Yohrs tin onnery Presents— .. we Ho's-Dicker, Schnnp-Dicber, Collars, Hein terms! K'nep, g'stitickte Hemmer-fronts, Pocket Bicker, Perfumery, Liolir-tEhl, Cigar Casa, uu eunery fancy articles ons E. J. ERISMAN'S, 41;‘ North Queen Street, Lanoester. (Ow sign funs gross :Mtn*Soh Hem.) fuo9o-ly Clothing. FREE EXHIBITION! Everybody Buys their Clothing MYERS 1-lArtiFoN, AND RAVE.-; MONEI MYllltS 3c RAT H FON" keep the largest aimortment of READY-I‘IADE CLOTHING, FoR • MEN, YOUTII . S AND BOYS, All our own manufacture. We guarantee the goods s represented or money refunded. We have just returned' from the east with a full and complete stook of CLOTHS, TRICOTS, PIQUES AND COATINGIB, in all colors CASSIKETIRN in great varieties, 'which we are prepared to make up to order in the beet style and the shortest notice, and at the very lowest Cash Price. Our stock of GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHIG GOODS is full Tha Ilk ful for past patronage we hope by selling goods low to merit a continuance of public patronage. M DES & RATTIFON, sow honAt Corner of Centre Square, apl4-Iyl Laneaater, Penn'a JUST OPENED BBAU MONDE HALL! PORTICO ROW, 543 PENN 64 - CARE, 543 READING, PENNA., I=l BEAVERS, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VESTINGS, &c., &c., CM WINTER WEAR ALSO, BOY'S CLOTHING, A GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS! LHVI G. COLEMAN, Cutter. BUCH & BRO., nol.ll-1.1 Boots rind Shoes. MAILSHALL & SON'S BOOT AND SHOE STORE, CENTRE SQUARE, LANCASTER, PA ANOTHER FRESH ARRIVAL—Gm!' Us seem. The only place for good and substantia/ work sat MARSHALL'S, Where can be wean the largest and beet %molt went of Men's and Boys, BOOTS AND SHOES ever brought to this city. Ladies', Misses' and Children's Plain and fancy Shoes, Balmoralrs and Buttoned Gaiters. sir Also, RUBBERS OF EATERY KIND, which we invite you to call and examine; feeling con fident that we can warrant all to WEAR WELL. no oil-1y J REINHOLD & STUBBS, No. 104 i North Queep St., Square above the R. R. Depot. BOOT AND SHOE DEALERS. Rave just arrived from the city with a large and elegant stock of Boots and Shoes, Gaiters, etc., superior to any ever before brought to this market, which aro offered at the fol lowing astonishing low prices Alen s Calf Boots Box-too Congress Gaiters... 8.00 to 4.00 Congress Gaiters • 2.50 to 100 " Balmorals 2.00 to 3.00 " Lasting Congress Gaiters 3.00 to 3.71 " Oxford - Tie 2.75 to 3,50 Boys' Gaiters 2.00 to 3.00 " Calf Balmorals 1.50 to LOU Youths Calf Balmorals ' 115 to 1.75 Ladies high-polish Lasting Gaiters. 2.50 to 3.25 " Lasting Belmontls 1.25 to 1.75 " Lasting Congress Gaiters..... 1.30 to 2.0) tine Glove Kid Button Boot.. 3.*.t3 to 4.00 It " Glove Kid Polish 800 t... 2.60 to 3.:5 " " Morocco Button Boot.— 2.26 to 3.00 " " Gout Balmoral 2.00 to 2.50 " " Turkey Morocco Button. 3.00 to 3.75 " Kid Heel ..... 1.23 to 1.75 t 4 " Goat Slippers 1.00 to 1.25 Misses Goat high-polish 1.73 to 2.51) " Lasting high-polish 2.00 to 2.911 Children's shoes of all kinds 50 to LW .114 - An inspection of the stook is solicited. - Our work is all warranted. 'All kinds of custom work manufactured in the very best style at short notice, at the lowest cash prices inar-tan] Ft EINHOLD & STUBBA Books and Stationery. REMOVAL J. H. SHE AFFE BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER, Hai removed his large stock UM= BOOKS and STATIONERY, CHEM NO. 52 NORTH QURRN STRRRT, Opposite Shober , s Hotel, FOUR DOORS NORTH OF ORANUE-STRRRT, ap9-tfj LANCASTER, PA. Periodicals. TFEE DAILY EVENING EXPRESS, FURNISHES ITS READERS REGULARLY WITH TIIE LATEST NEWS BY MAIL AND MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH, And. all Important Local and General In telligence. TERMS: a 3.00 A YEAR; 11.2 f FOR 3 MONTHS. THE WEEKLY EXPRESS, A SATURDAY PAPER OF TDB FIRST CLASS, Contains all t he news of the week up to Friday night, and gives mere fresh reading than can be bad elsewhere for the same automat of money. Timms: 12.00 PER WAR, IN ADVANCE. Address PEAFOWL h GEIST, Publishers, deo 18.8 m Lancaster, Pa. PROPItraTOII.B 1 .413.00 to 37.0