fat4er Abratam. INDEPENDENT AND PROGRESSIVE LANCASTER CITY, i'A. FRIDAY, MAY 14,1889. Economy, Retrenchment, Faithful Collection of the Revenue and Payment of the Public Debt, —GR All?. 1869. FATHER ABRAHAM! FOR THE CAMPAIGN FOR GOVERNOR OF PENNSYLVANIA! PIT SCHWEPPLEBRENNER, ESC F,EADY FOR ACTION! The popular illustrated Radical Republica❑ Campaign paper, published with the most gratifying success during the memorable con test in ltitiB, will be especially devoted to the same cause in 1869, by a vigorous and cordial support of the Republican candidates for Go vernor and Judge of the Supreme Court. The popular and highly amusing letters of PIT SCHWEIPFLEBRENNER Will appear week ly as heretofore. The pager has been consid- &ably enlarged since 1868, as well as im- proved in every respect. NOW IS THE TIME TO GET UP CLUBS, at the following terms of subscription : One copy, for six months $ 75 Ten copies, " " 6.00 Fifteen copies, " " 8.00 Twenty copies, " " 10.00 And fifty cents for each additional copy over twenty, and an extra copy for getting up a club of twenty. r All subscriptions must be paid in advance. Address, RAUCH & COCHRAN, Lancaster, Pa. REPUBLICAN PRIMARY ELECTION. The Republican voters of the several elec tion districts of Lancaster county, are re quested to meet at the places where the last primary meetings were held on Saturday, September 12th, 1868, (except in the district named) on SATURDAY, MAY 29TH, 1869, and hold primary elections, subject to the rules adopted by the Union Republican Coun ty Committee, to elect SIX DELEGATES to represent Lancaster county in the State Con vention, to be held on the 23d of June. The election in Manheim township will be held at Stauffer's Hotel, Neffsville. The polls will open at 3 o'clock, p. m., and close at 7 o'clock, p. m. By order of the County Committee. MARTIN S. FRY, Chairman E. C. REED, Secretaries. S. A. WYLIE. A HINT. We call the attention of the Itepubliran state Senators, who voted against the Philadelphia Police bill last winter, to the list of appointments now being made by Mayor Fox. The 0' Flahertys, Murphys, o , l3ryans, Maguires, Reillys, O'Gormans and "sich like," ought to be thankful to the good-natured—to be mild—Senators who have helped them to positions, over good and true Republicans. Probably some of these same Republican Senators will want to be sent back to the Senate. We'll SPITE! The latest and smallest specimen of Cop perhead sore-headism and spite is in the objections made by journals of rebel in tinets in the North, to an accurate meas urement and survey of the Gettysburg battle-field, ordered by the Government. It is easily understood why Copperheads should be unwilling to have the remem brance of this battle-field preset ved. It is a daily offence to them. It reminds them of a pro-Slavery Democratic Rebel lion defeated. It reminds them of a Na tional Democratic Party beaten and dis graced. It is prophetic of the progressive growth of the cause of Liberty here and everywhere. And it is a perpetual mon ument to the faithlessness and treason of the Democratic Party, to whom the people blindly committed their government. "Father Abraham will deliver a tem perance lecture at the hamburg battalion." —Reading Eagle. arßetter be careful, Mr. Eagle, how you poke fun at temperance men. Worse places than Hamburg, and more formida ble gatherings of the ungodly than those attending the Hamburg battalion, have been reclaimed and reconstructed by means of the pledge. And in every district of old Berks in which temperance and re ligion gain foothold, democratic majorities become beautifully less. LIGHT BREAKING! The Republicans of Cumberland, Md., on Monday last, elected Lloyd Dowe, Mayor, by ninety-two majority, and two Councilmen. Last fall the rebel majority was nearly four hundred. Maryland will tome round all right in time. or'The Miners' Journal commenced its XLlst year on Saturday week. The paper was established by Benjamin Bannan, Esq., who has continued to conduct it up to the present time. The Journal is an able and independent Republican newspaper, among the very largest and best in the State and one of the moat successful. THEY WILL ! " A nigger will steal. "—Columbia Her u2d. And so will a Copperhead—especially a "Saur-Kraut guerilla." The party of Southern tourists who ac companied Col. Forney, has returned to Washington, and had an interview with the President on Friday last, and talked with him upon the state of affairs down there. One of them gave as an instance of the manner in which the South erners arc developing their own resources, that in Florida, where oranges, strawber ries and other fruits were now in season, the travelers were given stewed dried apples, which, on inquiry, they found had come from New York, and only twice were strawberries found at the hotel tables! They are unanimous in the opinion that the time has not come when Northern men can go down there to live, unless they go in colonies large enough to be indepen dent of all but their own circle. They con cur, also, in the belief that the day has not yet arrived for an indiscriminate removal of political disabilities, and that years will have to pass away before thousands of them will be restored to loyalty. Well, let theta wait until they learn how to be have themselves. 1869. OFF FOR THE PACIFIC. The last rail has been laid, and the iron track now traverses the continent from the Bay of Fundy to the Pacific ocean. From Pittsburg to San Francisco the time table and distances arc calculated as fol lows: Miles. Iloure. Pittsburg to Chicago, 11l 468 19 Chicago to Omaha, Nebraska 491 241, Omaha to Bryan 868 43 Bryan to Ogden, Utah 238 105; Ogden to Elko, Nevada, via Cen tral Pacific Railroad 278 12' Elko to Sacramento, Cal., via Cori. tral Pacific Railroad 465 31 Saoramento to San Francisco, via Western Pacific Railroad 117 3 Total At San Francisco the traveler may take the steamship lines on the Pacific, reach Japan in nineteen days, and in six more place himself in communication with the Celestials at Hong Kong or Shanghai. THE MARSHALLSHIP. Gen. John Ely, the recently appointed United States Marshall for the Eastern District of this State, died suddenly at his residence in Philadelphia, on Tuesday night of last week. The breath was hardly out of the man's body, before the "old sta gers," who had such an interesting time of it before, were at Washington, with their friends, to bore—that's the word— for the vacancy. Gen. Grant cut the matter very short on Friday last, by ap pointing Gen. E. W. Gregory, of Philadel phia, to fill the place. The question every where was: "Who is Gen. Gregory!" The "politicians"—that means, in this in stance, politicians by trade—didn't know him, but the President did, and that was enough. 'Rah for Gregory! A TRUE PICTURE. Brick Pomeroy seems to know the lead ing Democrats of New York as he himself is known. lie says : "If buying and sell ing, if fraud and corruption, if double dealing, trickery, dishonesty, and nothing but a love for gain is to mark the course of the leading Democrats of New York, I just ask God to spare my life for the next two years." Brick might with great pro priety have included in his description the leading "Democrats" of Pennsylvania, especially those of Philadelphia. The election rascality practised by that party in the "city of brotherly love" is now be ing unearthed, and presents a series of frauds and perjuries unequalled in the criminal calender even of New York. AN ENEMY'S OPINION. The Boston Courier, one of the bitterest Democratic papers in the country, says: " Two things are observable in Presi dent Grant—his power of holding his tongue and his grateful remembrance, in his day of prosperity and supreme power, of those early friends who gave him a start in life when he was poor, seedy, unknown, unnoticed and of no account socially, po litically, or professionally. Call it nepo tism or what you will, much worse traits than this have been exhibited by ruling men. After this, from a political opponent, one would think that the fault-tinding Re publicans whose party fealty is measured by their success in obtaining office, would hide their heads in shame. If they don't, they ought to. In connection with the election of dele gates to the State Convention, the names of the following gentlemen have been mentioned: JOHN B. LIVINGSTON, City. COl. EMLEN FRANKLIN, City. Capt. J. K. RUTTER, City. lion. JOHN STROHM, Providence. Col. JAMES MYERS, West llempfield. A. J. KAUFFMAN, Esq., Columbia. W. H. H. KINZER, East Earl. PETER S. REIST, Manheim twp. NATHANIEL MAYER, Drumore. The names of candidates for delegates should be handed in by WEDNESDAY, MAY 19T11, under the rules, in order to have them printed on the slips. "NEW YORK, April 24.—A white man named Kennedy, was to-day held to bail in $2,000 for raping a negro girl ina stable last night." GrThere's a text for the Lancaster bi telligenecr to grow eloquent over. Would n't it be a good thing for it to argue that the entire white race should be disfran chised because of Kennedy's act ? Come, " it's a poor rule that won't work both ways." Go for them! THE SOUTH. 2,910 DELEGATES. GO FOR THEN ! FLOORED AGALN ! George Brubakor, District Attorney, Chief of Thuggery, Ring Manager and Political Broker General for a number of years, was again badly beaten on Monday last, in County Committee meeting. The attendance was larger and everything was set up and fixed by George to proceed to the election of delegates to the State Con vention, by the committee. Even up to the hour of meeting, George believed he had a sure thing—the vote of Lancaster county in his own hands, to be disposed of and sold out to the highest and best bidy' tiers. lint, "es is a muck net g'folla jia " Immediately after the calling of the. and the reading of certitleates of substOz tutes, including one constituting Georgda member of the committee. Senater Bll lingfelt offered a resolution fixing the title for the election of the delogatos b, p/e, and under the rules governi, nominating elections. George a took the door and made a chase speech against the resolution, and i; of electing the delegates by the cf tee. Ire pronounced the so-called ford County System a failure; s, people have already been over-dose, it; that the ( lose which this system istered last year had already s them; that if it should be adhered would have yet more such doses; big dose is being prepared for the during the coming campaign for lo flees. Ibis speech was full of "1 and, as a whole, as the sequel prove too nauseous a "dose" even for th mittee which George had the aud:u claim as his own Mr. Billingfelt briefly replied, and defending the popular vote system true one, he admitted that last yk result did not entirely satisfy its f 7 as the nomination of Mr. George Br to the District Attorneyship, and was a very big "dose," and hard ti low! But as such a result could o) brought about by ballot-box a fraudulent counting and other dk .Iga. of rules, the republican people need ohly to have proper safeguards against such frauds and outrages in future, to make the system in question entirely acceptable. After sonic further debate in which Col. Dickey, Capt. McPhail, Mr. Kauffman, Mr. Ilouston and others participated, Mr. Ilillingfelt's resolution was adopted by a vote of 42 to U. George is about played out. Nobody is afraid of him now, simply because his boat is in deep mud. His support is cer tain defeat; his opposition calculated to insure success. He is among the leaders and dictators of the past, and nobody, except his immediate body guard, is sorry for it. His many pledges remain unre deemed, anti scores of politicians who have heretofore followed and confided in him, acknowledge themselves badly sold—and so are the politicians abroad with whom he had contracted for the coming delegates to the State Convention. Well done! RATS DESERTING ! It is amusing to see how fast some peo ple who have been willing tools of the great defunct—George Brubaker—are de serting him since he was beaten in his at tempt to elect a tool as County Superin tendent, and to "set up" the Old Guard for Governor. The County Committee settled the latter matter on Monday. It would be as well, perhaps, for candidates for the Gubernatorial nomination not to make promises for Notary Public, &c., so early in the race. And it would be just as well for candidates for local nomina tions to be careful in "fixing up things" about home. Thuggery is demoralized, and the " Barbary Coast " is in great' tribulation. More than a month ago we advised candidates to "be cautious," End►. recent developments ought to influence them to watch the progress of events closely. There is "luck in leisure." "Make haste slowly." Don't "tie to" any body, but "go it alone." This ad vice is given "free gratis for nothing." THAT'S HIM. Gen. Stokes, in his recent speech at Nashville, Tenn., complimented Andy Johnson as follows: " Now, I'll tell you what's a fact: There isn't a man nor a party that Johnson hasn't deceived. If there is 'a man in this crowd who can say that Andrew Johnson never deceived him, I should like to see him step forth. He has been a popular man in his day, for he has been with and deceived all parties in turn. He is full of deceit and demagogueism. He is like the old sow. You might take her up, put her in a bath tub and scrub her perfectly clean, turn her out and she would run five miles in a hot summer day . in August, through clean water, to reach her wollowing place in an old peach orchard. That's John son., REGISTRY LAW. The new Registry Law requires the assessors to commence the work of revsM' ing the list of voters appearing upon ttai transcript received from the County Coral missioners, on the first Monday in. June. They must strike off the names of al voters who have died or removed, an add such as have moved into the district, or have become voters, so as to provide a, complete alphabetical list of voters, with the street and number of those who reside in towns. Let Assessors procure a copy of the law, and prepare to commence their work at the proper time. JAMES M. WEAKLEY, Esq., of Carlisle, has been appointed Deputy Secretary of the Commonwealth, in place of I. B. Cara, resigned. THE NEXT LEHISLATURE. The Pittsburg Commercial of Wednes day last says that tie Republican press of Pennsylvania is waking up to the impor tance of steering clear of the old Legisla ture and nominating new and better men. In this matter the press has an important duty to perform in leading the masses, and giving public opinion an effective sup port. Last winter it had but one voice, which was raised in repudiation ofextrava pnce and corruption at Harrisburg. It did its whore duty then in awakening pub lic sentiment to the alarming evils attend ing every stage of the legislative proceed .gs. It is, no less its duty now to lead in the work of reforming these abuses; and this can be accomplished in no way but by electing true men. There is all the greater need of commencing the vifle, Ga. Retribution. THE proposition to dispense with the use of text books by scholars out of school hours, is being enthusiastically accepted all over our State. SAM SImPLE, it allusion to the practice of buying and selling wives, says his Je rusha Ann did not cost him a cent—yet he was awfully cheated when he got her. Soltliow Fu t. stories of the damage done to the peach crop, by the recent cold spell, are being wafted to us by speculators to pave the way for higher prices. THE running time on the Pacific Rail road from New York to San Francisco, 3353 miles, is six days seventeen and a half hours. TIIHRE is an organ-grinder at Novara, who recently returned from the "United States with $20,000 in gold, an amount lie had collected iu the streets during the last ten or twelve years. TnE work of discharging useless clerks is still progressing at Washington. Thirty were discharged from the office of the Au ditor for the P. 0. Department on Tues day last. A MAN living near McConnelsville, Ful ton county, is said to have died some days with the glanders. It appears that he had been dealing for some years with horses afflicted with that disease. THE Jersey Shore Herald man says that he went the other day to Williamsport on a collecting tour. He was unable to col lect anything, and, worse than that, every man asked him for a chew of tobacco. EVERY newspaper we see is emphatic in expressing the opinion that never, prob ably, in the history of this country, has the wheat crop presented, at this season of the year, such a promising appearance. MISS MARTHA J. CAIRNS, Who shot and killed Nicholas McComas at Jarretts vile, Md., last month, has been tried and acquitted, the jury being out but five minutes. PARTLp from Tennessee say . that Pres ident John ton has completely fizzled out, and no longer possesses any power to seri ously annoy the Republican party in that State. To sell a yard of tape for six cents, is designated by foolish fashionables as dig nitled—while to sell six apples for six cents as the late Abraham Morris expressed it—something mighty low. }ION. DANIEL W. SmvsEn, formerly of Adams county, has been appointed Asso c Ate „Law judge of the Seventh Judicial District—Bucks and Montgomery coun ties. He was formerly PreSident Judge of the same district. DANvriaat has a little virl who, several weeks ago, was run over by twe carriages. After she had recovered from that accident she fell into a stream, and was restored to consciousness the next day. What other mishaps are in store for her we must wait for the future and see. THE Mount Vernon estate originally consisted of 1200 acres. The ladies, with the aid of Mr. Everett, some years ago bought two hundred acres, including the Washington House, and the remaining one thousand acres is advertised for sale at auction next week. DISSATISFED married folks cannot now rely upon Indiana divorce courts for arti cles of separation with no trouble and little cost. Persons must reside in that State for one year before they can make applica tion for divorce. Let them go to Harris burg, with the "tin." BANISHING BED Buos. Take the whites of four eggs and ten cents worth of quicksilver; put them into a bowl and beat to a perfect froth. Take a feather and dip into the preparation, and apply to every part of your bedstea d where bugs conceal themselves; do this once a year, and you will never see a bed bug in your house. A STRIKE in the anthracite coal region commenced on Monday, and work is entirely . suspended in Lehigh and Schuyl kill regions. Nothing has been received from Wilkesbarre, but it is supposed the same state of affairs exists there. This is doubtless a combination between oper ators and wholesale dealers to advance the price of coal. '1•111( N. LAND KNEA.is and Jas. Worrall have been appointed by (governor icary- Commissioners to nettle, determine and locate the southern boundary line of this Commonwealth. JOSEPH ATKIN'S, a Republican mem ber of the Georgia senate, was assassinated by Ku-Kluxers the other day while re turning home, and when within three miles of his residence. Tim Pennsylvania railroad is said to have obtained control of the railroad from Covington, opposite Cincinnati, to Louis ville, Kentucky. This is with a view to southern business. A IliutlyittatA, Baptist preached in Harrisburg lately, and took for his text, "God made man in his own image." Ile then commenced "An honest man is the noblest work of God." Then he made a long pause, and looked searchingly about the audience, and then excblimed, "Bat I opine God Almighty hasn't had a job in this city for nigh on to fifteen years.- "Gov. CultTIN is the fourth Minister to Rus-sia from Penn'a. His predecessors were William Wilkins, James Buchanan and George M. Dallas." To these ought to be added the name of Ilon. Simon Cam eron, wlao was appointed by President Lincoln. Ile remained in Russia but a few months. BRICK POMEROY is Still severe upon the leading Democrats of New York. He says: "If buying and selling, if fraud and cor ruption, if double-dealing, trickery, dis honesty, and nothing but a love for gain is to mark the course of the leading Dem ocrats of New York, I just ask God to spare my life for the next two years." POTATO speculators in some sections of the country have been badly bitten, and are unloading their stocks at a sad sacrifice. A Michigan paper says that farmers in portions of that State are oblig ed to sell potatoes at fifteen cents per bushel, for which they refused $1,50 last fall, and that they have a very large stock on han. THE General Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church, which convened yes terday in St. Paul's Church, in Washing ton, will be composed of some two hundred or more members, clerical and lay dele gates. These gentlemen come from as far west as Kansas, and represent the North western and Middle States chiefly. The churches of this denomination in the Southern States have withdrawn from the General Synod and organized a Synod in the South. This large body represents largely the progressive and liberal school of Lutherans, so rapidly growing in the United States. STATE NEWS. MONTGOMERY COUNTY.-TIIC anni versary address of the Xi Rdo Delta So ciety, of Freeland, will be delivered by .1. G. Ralston, D. D., of Norristown, to-mor row (Saturday) evening. Subject—The Mistakes of Young Men Charles Wood, of Marble Hall, whilst driving a team on his way to Philadelphia, with a load of marble, fell under the wagon which passed over his body, and received injuries that terminated in death on the following night The Perkiomen Railroad is being constructed to Schwenksville Robert Iredell, the new Post Master, entered up on his duties on Monday The County Court will commence at Norristown next Monday. LEHIGH COUNT Y.- The Allen town Register, a very good and ably conducted paper, by the way, came to us this week, with an "Extra" enclosed, giving a long list of prizes drawn in a lottery at Allen town recently— a notorious Gift swindle. The publishers appear not to know that sending such an "Extra" is a clear viola tion of the post office law,and if prosecuted, would be "struck" to the tune of five dollars for each copy of the paper contain ing the bogus Extra. We believe there is also a State law intended to prohibit such ;rambling publications altogether Rev. J. F. Crouch delivered a temperance lec ture inthe Allentown Presbyterian church on Monday evening E. J. Young was elected County Superintendent. NORTHAMPTON COUNTY.- The old Lehigh Valley Railroad depot, at Bethle hem, was totally destroyed by fire on Saturday last. As the company have recently erected a very beautiful and extensive depot, at the junction of the North Penna. and L. V. Road, the removal of the old one, even by fire, is a decided improvement A company has been organized to erect extensive iron works at Freemansburg, three miles below Bethlehem. SCHUYLKILL COUNTY.—A Borough election was held at Pottsville, on Tuesday last week, and the democrats cable out victorious. But, unfortunately for them, the election amounts to nothing, as a gen eral law was enacted by the last session of the Legislature, that an - municipal elections throughout the State shall hereafter be held on the second Tuesday in October, and in consequence of this law, hundreds of Re publicans refused to vote B. F. Patter son was re-elected County Superintendent, at $l5OO salary The Schuylkill Dis trict Convention of Good Templars will be held at St. Clair on the 25th inst. Rev. D. Hartman, Grand Lodge lecturer, will ad dress a public meeting in the evening On Wednesday last week, Mr. McDivitt, of Gilberton, had his head almost severed from his body by a circular saw, while at work in his mill Joseph Meryan, a sol dier of the war of 1812, died at Pottsville, in the 75th year of his age The G. A. R. will give a grand entertainment at Schuylkill Haven on the 30th inst. A committee of ladies will superintend the decoration of graves James Daughney, aged 13 years, lost a leg at Middle Creek breaker, by being caught in the machinery There were 345 inmates in the County Alms House on the 30th ult The cops of Schuylkill don't like the new Registry Law. The Standard is very wrothy. Cause—it is designed to prevent their naturalization frauds by means of which hundreds of bogus Democratic votes were polled every year in the mining districts The Miners' Journal is the largest weekly newspaper in the State, and one of the best in the country. BERKS COUNTY.—The City of Reading contains only one "Christian Associa tion," holding monthly meetings in the Baptist Church Sixty-one licenses were granted by the Court on Monday last, for lager beer drinking saloons in Reading.... The Kutztowners are in a state of intense excitement on account of a number of stakes having been driven along a pro posed Railroad route near their town. Some cven far as to predict that, the iron M he along there._ The United American Mechanics of sinkinz Springs, will have a public parade, in rega lia, on Monday The Hamburg battal lion will take place next Monday. We learn from the Reading Eagle that there will be an abundance of Lager beer, whis key plain, Limberger Kies, pretzels, Bcrks county schnitz and other delicacies on hand by the hucksters, upon which men and women may become refreshed and in vigorated. The battallion will be intense ly democratic—judging from the Eagle'.i efforts to make it a success A man call ing himself Mortimer L. Dewoody hired a horse from Thomas High, at Reading. and failing to return at the proper time, Mr. If., on ascertaining the route he took, followed him as far as Palthyra, Lebanon county, where he succeeded in arresting him and also recovered his team. The thief is in jail. CIIESTEIt COUNTY.—On Wednesday morning last week the roof of the Ortho dox Friends' Meeting House at West Chester was considerably damaged by tire, originating from a pile of burning brush in the rear of the building Two barns belonging to Joseph Miller, in Cain town ship, were destroyed by fire on Wednesday last week, and the dwelling was also damaged, but saved from total destruction by hard work. A young man named Gilbert was arrested on suspicion of hav ing fired the buildings Benjamin Hick man of East Goshen drove a pair of oxen to Philadelphia market, weighing 4740 lbs On Tuesday night last week the car riage house and hog pen of Susan Skiles was destroyed by fire The Republicans of Chester county will elect delegates on the sth of June to meet in county conven tion on the Bth, in West Chester, to nom inate a county ticketand elect delegates to the State convention George L. Marts was elected County Superintendent by a vote of 179 against 95 for Miss Maria L. Sanford and eighteen for George Webb. The salary was fixed at $l2OO. DAUPHIN COUNTY.—The Harrisburg State Ottani says that it is a lamentable fact that a great proportion of the most serious crimes in that town are committed by boys of fifteen to seventeen years of age Building and improvement is going forward rapidly in Harrisburg The Police of Harrisburg are going to be uni formed A new camp of the P. 0. S. of A. was. organized at Harrisburg last Thursday evening A new Lutheran chapel was dedicated in East Harrisburg last Sunday A series: of out door reli gious meetings will be held in the city of Harrisburg under the auspices of the Young Men's Christian Association Elizabeth Robinson, whilst intoxicated, attempted to commit suicide last Monday by jumping into the canal at Harrisburg, but was rescued by a police officer who conducted her to the stone castle for safety against whisky Gen. Longstreet passed through Harrisburg on Monday, on his way to New York, stopping a short time at the United States Hotel. Sam Matt Friday, of the State Depart ment at Harrisburg, will please accept our thanks for a pamphlet copy of the general laws passed at the last session of the Legislature. goad JOB PRINTING. Handbills, Cards, Bill Heads, Programmes, Posters, &c., &c., printed in the best style and at reasonable rates, at the FATHER ABRA HAM Job Printing Office. Orders by mail promptly attended to. ITEMS: The 28th anniversary of the Go , • thian Society of Franklin and Marshall Col lege, was celebrated on Friday evening last. A large audience greeted the young gentle men, and the speakers acquitted themselves admirably. The barn of H. S. Landis, the keeper of a hotel at Petersburg, this county, was destroy ed by fire on Friday evening last, together with a horse, two buggies and a sleigh. Loss about $1,200. Ladies of this city presented a handsome banner to Metamora Tribe, No. 2, Red Men, on Friday evening last. It was in the grand procession at Philadelphia, on Wednesday. The Manheim National Bank, and the First National Bank of Lancaster, have declared a dividends of five per cent. for the last six months. The hotel at Ephrata Mountain Springs,will be thrown open to guests about the middle of June. It will be under the superintendence of Mr. John Frederick. The number of scholars on the rolls of the public schools of this city for April, is 2,462; average attendance 2,087. The Finance Com mittee of the School Board estimate the ex penses of the schools for the year commencing on the Ist ofJune, at $34,728.49, which includes the cost of altering several 'school houses. The rate of taxation will be 7 mills on the hundred dollars—an increase of one mill. The Columbia Spy of Friday last says that the river is in excellent rafting order and many rafts are passing down. The river along the shore is lined with lumber of all kinds. There has been but little lumber purchased, as yet, in comparison with other years. The law in regard to the destruction of in sectiverous birds should be rigidly enforced. Farmers and horticulturists especially are in terested in having it observed. Isaac Bradley has been appointed Post Mas ter at Wakefield, this county, in place of Geo. W. Zook, resigned. A chap up town is riding a hog in the alley preparatory to trying his skill on a velocipede. The Lancaster County Quarterly District Convention of Good Templars will meet in this City to-day, in the American Mechanics Hall, Inquirer Building. Hon. W. W. Ketcham, who is again a can didate for Governor, was in this city for sev eral days during this week. He was the guest of his friend, Gen. J. W. Fisher. Samuel P. Sterrit has been appointed by Gov. Geary, a Notary Public at Marietta. The Northern Central Railroad Company announces a quarterly dividend of two per cent., free from all taxes, payable on the 20th inst. The Pennsylvania railroad company an nounce* a semi-annual dividend of five per cent., payable in cash, free of tax, on the 30th inst. Almost everything in the way of eating is inclining downwards—we mean in prices. Flour is lower, wheat is falling, sugar has come down, beef and pork, also, but our butchers and bakers seem not to be aware of it. Who will jog their memories and remind them of the fact? There are a number of howling curs in Lan caster who had much better be in dog heaven than barking here on earth. Judgment on that! Win. B. Wiley, esq., proposes shortly to commence the publication in this city of a paper called the Lancaster Bar, which will be devoted exclusively to legal advertisements, Court proceedings and business transacted in the offices in the Court House. A disgraceful riot in this city, on Saturday night, participated in by members of the Humane, ("Hill Boys") Friendship and