Father Abraham. (Reading, Pa.) 1864-1873, May 14, 1869, Image 1

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No. 13, South Queen Street, Lancaster.
copy, one year, .4 1. 1 2
copies, (each name addressed,) 7. 00
10 copies " « 13.00
11 copses " 18.00
20 copies " 22.00
And $l.lO for cacti additional subscriber.
5 copies, (to one address,) N. 50
copies " 10.00
16 copies 16.50
20 oopnes " // W.OO
And $l.OO for mob additional subscriber.
11TA11 subser:ptlone must invariably be paid
in advance,
ot v rlr a
• !IL
reasonable terms,
Ha Broad s.
The time of the arrival and departure of the
trains on the Pennsylvania Railroad, at Lan
caster, has been changed, as follows :
Ex....12:07 m. Pittsburg Ex. 1:27 a. in
Phila.Empress 4:02 " Phila. Exp... 2:39 "
Fast Line 6:35 " Mail 11:15 "
Lane. Train.. b:SS " Fast Line-- 2:35 p.
Day Exprebs. 1:40 p.m. Columbia Ac. 2:•15 "
Harrialiog Ae..5:54 " liarrisWg Ac. 5:54 "
Southern Ex..4:00 Lane. Train.. 7:29
Cinein. Ex....10:38 "
Grcat Trunk Line from the Nortliond North
west for Phikdelphist, New York, Read
ing, Pottsville, Tamaqua, Ashlawl, 'Sha
mokin, Lebanon, Allentown, Eaton, Eph
rata, Diaz, Lammtster, Columbia, (tr.
Trains leave Harrisburg for New York as fol
lows: At 2.35, 5.20, 6.10 a. m., 12.28 noon 2.00 and
10.55 p. in.,connecting with similar trains on the
Pennsylvania Railroad, and arriving ut New
York at 9.45 a. na.,11.45 a. In., 3.50, 6.45, 9.30 p.
and 6.00 a. m. respectively. Sleeping Cars ac
company the 2.35,5. N a. m. and 10.55 p.m. trains
without change.
Leave Harrisburg for Reading, Pottsville,
Tamaqua. Minersville, Ashland, 4liamokin,
Pine Grove. Allentown and Philadelphia, at
e.lO a. m., 2.00 and 4.10 p. In., stopping at Lebtt
non.and principal Way Stations; the 4.10 p.
train making connections for Philadelphia,
Pottsville and Columbia only. For Pottsville,
Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via Schuylkill
and Susquehanna Railroad, leave Harrisburg
at 3.30 p. m.
Returning: Leave New York at 9.00 a. tu.,12.00
noon, 6.05 and 8.00 p. in., Philadelphia at 8.15 a.
tn. and 330 p. ns.• ' Sleeping cars &company the
9.00 a. rn., 5.05 and 8.00 p. m. trains from New
York, Yor without change.
Way Passenger Train leaves Philadelphia at
7.30 a. m., connecting with similar train on East
Penna. Railroad, returning from Reading at
6.34 p. m., stopping at all stations; leave Potts
ville at 7.30, 8 45 a. m., and 2.45 p. m.; Shamokin
at 5.25 and 10.35 a.m.; Ashland at 7.00 n.m., and 12.30
noon, Tamaqua at 8.30 a. m.; and 2.24)p. m., for
Philadelphia and New York.
Leave Pottsville, via Schuylkill and Susque
hanna Railroad at 7.01 a. in. for Harrisburg, and
11.30 a. in. for Pine Grove and Tremont.
Reading Accommodation Train : Leaves
Reading at 7:30 a. ru., returning leaves Phila
delphia at 5:15 p.
Pottstown Accommodation Train: Leaves
Pottstown at 6.25 a. in.; returning, Wayne Phila
delphia at 4.30 p. m.
Columbia Railroad Trains leave Beading at
7.00 a. in. and 6.16 p. m. for Ephrata, Lats., Lan
caster, Columbia, Ice.
Perkionieu Railroad Trains leave Perk iomen
Junction at 5.00 a. in. and 6.00 p. in.; returning,
leave Sk ippack at alb a. in. and 1.00 p. m., con
necting with similar trains on Reading Rail
On Sundays: Leave New York at 8.00 p. m.,
Philadelphia at 8.00 a. in. and 8.15 p. m., the
S.OO a, in. train running only to Reading; Potts
ville 8.00 a. in.; Harrisburg 5.20 a. m., 4.10 and
10.55 p. in., and. Reading at 12.55 midnight, 2.54
and 7.15 a. M. For Harrisburg, at'12.55 midnight,
and 7.05 a. m. for New Yerk; and at 9.40 a. in. and
4.25 p. in. for Philadelphia.
Commutation, Mileage, Season, School and
Excursion Tickets, to and from nil points, at
educed rates.
Baggage checked through; 100 pounds allowed
etuoh Passenger.
General Superintendent.
I:NADI:Co, PA., April 2,1868. [april3o-ltd&w
THURSDAY, APRIL 15th, 160,
LZAV R. AltitlV E.
LanCaster 805 a. m. Reading .....10:20 a. m
...3:10 p. m. " 4:30 p.
eel amnia .....8:00 a. In. _10:W a. at
64 n 5:30 p.
3:00 p.m. "
iteailing 7:00 a. in. Lancaster
6:15 p. m.
7:00 a. in. Columbia
6:15 p. m. " p. m.
Trains leaving Lancaster and Columbia as
above, make close connection at Reading with
Trains North and Sont,h• on Philadelphia arid
Reading_ Railroad, and West on Lebanon Valley
Road. Train leaving Lancaster at 8:05 A. M. and
Columbia at 8 A. M. connects closely at Reading
with Train for New York.
Tickets can be obtained at the Offices of the
New Jersey Central Railroad, foot of Liberty
street , New 'York; and Philadelphia and Reading
Railroad, 18th and Callowhlll streets, Phila.
Through tickets to New York and Philadel
pbia sold at all the Principal Stations, and Bag
gage Checked Through.
/ffrMileage Ticket Books for 500 or 1000 miles,
Season and Excursion Tickets, to and from all
points, at reduced rates.
Trains are run by Philadelphia and Reading
Railroad Time which is 10 minutes faster than
Pennsylvaniaßailroad Time.
apl 18411)-tf] GEO. F. GAGE, Supt.
Trains leave York for Wrightsville and Co-
lumbia, at 6:20 and 11:40 a. in., and 3:30 p. m.
Leave Wrightsville for York, at 8:13.) a. m., and
1:00 and 6:50 p. in.
Leave York for Baltimore, at 5:00 and 7:15 a.
in., 1:06 p. m.; and 12 midnight.
Leave York for Harrisburg, at 1:39, 6/5 and 11:36
a. in.. and 2:39 and 10:16 p. on.
At 11:25 a. m., and 1:90 and 4:90 p. m
GOING Stitra.
At 3:45 and 5:25 a. m., and 12:34 and 10:45 p. in
Photographs, &C.
Parents to Families,
Fatlar to Daughter,
When the light has left the house, memorin
such as these compound their interest.
Miniature or Opal Pictures, admitted to be
the best in:the city and no superior in the State
Constantly inereasing demand and great erpe-
Hence in this style of miniature give us greater
facilities and better results than any establish
ment outside of large cities.
Centre Table. Also, prismatic instruments.
Large Colored Work by some of the beet Ar
tists in Philadelphia and elsewhere in the high,
est style of the art. India Ink, Pastille, Crayon
and colors, at
jan 1-Iyr) No. 90 East King-st.
mhl2e) y J Proprietors
No. 56 East King-st., Lancaster, Pa.
Being duly licensed as a Claim Agoni, and
having a large experience, prompt attention
will be given to the following classes of claims:
But; NTY and PAY due discharged Soldiers and
BOUNTY (additional) to Soldiers who enlisted
for not less than 2 or 3 years, or were honora
bly discharged for wounds received.
BOUNTY (additional) to Widows, Children, or
Parents of Soldiers who died from wounds re
ceived or disease contracted in said service.
PENSIONS for invalid Soldiers and Sailors, or
to their widows or children.
PENSIONS for fathers and mothers, brothers or
sisters of deceased soldiers, upon whom they
were dependent.
PENSIONS•and GRATUITIES for Soldiers or
their Widows from Pennsylvania, in the War
of 1812.
PAY due Teamsters, Artificers and Civil em
ployees of the Government.
PAY due for horses lost in the United States
CHARGES.—Fees fair and moderate, and in
no case will charges be made until the money
is collected. [deo 25-Iyr.
A ccu VL A TED CAPITAL, $2,000,000,
ktter paying Losses to the amount of 11,120,000
An the &trpla.s Dividend amonvet the Policy
For further information apply to
From "Father Abraham" Office
Lancaster, Pa
no2o-tf ]
J. F. FRUEAUPF, General Agent for Penn'a
(Above J. F. Long & Son's Drug Store.)
This Company offers more SOLID and REAL
inducements than any other Life Insurance
Company in the country.
send or call and get a Circular.
Active solicitors,. male or female, wanted in
every township in the State. Ljan 14m*
Farmers and Dealers who send their orders
direct to us, can avail themselves of the
And save the Commission. Early orders will
be advantageous to buyers.
Manufactorers of
We sell only No. I—receaved direct from the
A splendid Manure packed in barrels.
We also veer for sale PURE LAND PLASTER,
HYDRAULIC CEMENT Mid a foil assortment Of
Glilo. M. STEINMAN & CO.,
febll.24co] Bole Agents at Lancaster.
.9:15 a. m
—8.26 p. m
..9:26 a. m
1868. 1868.
Latest style Fall and Winter HATS and CAPS
in all qualities and colors.
We are now opening the largest and most
complete assortment of Lattice' and Children's
FANCY FURS ever catered in this market, at
very low prices.
Buffalo Robes, lined anti unlined; Hudson Bay
Wolf, Prairie Wolf, Fox, Coon, &c.
Mother to Son
Of all qualities, to which we would particularly
invite the attention of all persons in want of
articles in that line.
KID, &e., &e.
Ladies' Fine Fur Trimmed Glover, Gauntlets
Mitts and Hoods.
Whereas soy wife CATHARINE ld. has left
my home without any just canoe or provoca
tion, all persons are hereby cautioned not to
trust her on my aooonnt, as I will pay no debts
which she may contrast.
Mastic township, April 91b, INN--Ito
he right, let us stripe on to Dint
u'e are in; to bind up the nations
to see t
Claim Agency.
holders every year
Hats, Caps, Furs, &c.
" Alas they had been friends in youth,
But whispering tongues can poison truth,.
And constancy dwells in realms above 1
And life is thorny and youth is vain.
And to be wroth with one we love,
Doth work like madness in the brain 1"
Mabel Clarendon and Julia Montgomery
had been friends from childhood. They
were, each, only daughters of wealthy
parents; but the great financial crisis of
ten years ago had reduced them to com
parative poverty, and had left them both
orphans. From the wreck of their for
tunes each secured a trifle; and, in their
trouble, being closer together than ever '
they vowed eternal friendship, called each
other "sister,” put their scanty fortun6s .
into one common purse, and tbund that
with great economy and proper manage
ment of the talents which Heaven had
given them, they could escape the grasp of
Mabel's specialty was music—to which
accomplishment she added drawing and
French. Julia's chief accomplishments
were a thorough knowledge of German and
Italian, and the art of making wax flowers
of a delicacy and beauty such as was abso
lutely marvelous.
These gentlewomen did not lack pupils;
it was a very tine thing for scores of com
paratively rich women to boast that their
daughters were being finished in the matter
of education by the once rich, fashionable,
and well-known Miss Clarendon and Miss
After three years of industry and econ
omy, theseyoung ladies felt that they could
afford to make each other a gift of the
whole summer time, and enjoy it in their
own way. This female "Damon and Py
thias” took up their abode in a pretty cot
tage, close by the sea; and there, with the
assistance of a little French maid, who hid
clung to Julia through all the changes of
her fortune, they dwelt in thd most chana
ing manner.
The first two months of this delightful
retirement passed as pleasantly as life in a
fairy tale. But one day in the first week
of July the wicked genius of the fairy
stories found out this little paradise. His
name was Victor Lansing, and be was
handsome as an Apollo.
Both Julia and Mabel were heart-free.
In their days of wealth and fashioa they
had merely danced and flirted with their
male friends, like others of their els* and
since then, opportunity had never tempted
either of them to lose her heart. Now
it was different; they were unemployed,
and a chance acquaintance soon derned
into something much more serious.
Julia gave itp her whole mind to the
admiration of Victor Lansing's wonderful
blond beauty, rendered still more remark
able by the pallor of recent illness; and she
discovered that i blue eyes in a man were
even more attractive than in a woman.
In short, she loved for the first and only
time in her life.
With Mabel, admiration and kindly re
gard were at first the only feelings she en
tertained for her new friend, and she oc
cupied mole the position of a quiet looker
on than an active party in the trio.
As for Mr. Lansing, if he had any de
cided preference at first, it appeared totale
for Miss Montgomery. Julia was a vb
man to captivate a man's fancy, and
engage his profoundest attention, and I:
to; and for the first time, she exerted
fit rself to win a man's heart. Perhapi if
she had exerted herself less, her sucoss
had been greater; although the object of
her attentions often questioned himself,
seriously, as to whether she had not can
quered. That he found Julia faseinat ng
and almost irresistible, he could not deny;
although he believed he thought Mabel
the more beautiful of the two. Often he
smiled to himself to think he could not, on
a wager, have decided with which of the
two he was in love, if with either. " Non
sense!" he declared to himselfat last. "I
love neither of theselovely women, or else
by this time I should have found out which
it was. I've had enough of sea-bathing
and solitude. I shall go home.
But that evening, when Lansing called
to bid his friends adieu, he suddenly dis
covered Mabel to be unusually brilliant in
conversation; so that he forgot the object
of his visit, and thought no more of going
home for several weeks.
" Certainly, I love Mabel Clarendon,"
he thought, as he walked slowly and medi
tatively toward the'little country inn where
he was staying. "She's the most beauti
ful girl I ever saw; and quite as accom
plished and brilliant as Miss Montgomery;
more modest too, for she never makes anv
display of her accomplishments. Not that
Julia does so, either. She has too much
taste; but she contrives perfectly to make
one feel what a superior creature she is."
After Victor had left them, Julia took
up her candle and left the room without a
word. She did not know she had neglect
ed to say "good night"—her mind was
too thoroughly preoccupied. The first
pang of jealousy had torn her heart when
she perceived Lansing's devotion to her
friend, and the storm thus raised within
her breast had frightened her. She dared
not understand her own feelings, and she
resolutely forbade herself to think of Mabel
at all in connection with them; that was
vhy she forgot her. Alone, in the silence
gym room, she placed both hands
ier throbbing, tortured heart; but all
ier efforts could not repress the groan that
burst from her lips.
" If Victor Lansing does not love me, , '
she thought, " I shall die. Well, if I must
die, I shall try to die quietly and show no
Mechanically she prepared for bed, put
out the light, and closed her heavy eye
lids; but all that night she never slept for
one instant.
Next morning, at the breakfast-table,
Mabel observed and could not refrain from
remarking Julia's death-like pallor. She
kissed her tenderly, and anticipated every
wish; but Julia turned away with a sick
heart and shuddered at her touch. Mabel
understood, but did not resent this con
"She loves Victor," she thought mag
nanimously; "and Ido not. Yes, I will
school my heart to look upon him as my
best friend's husband, and as my brother,
before it is too late. I think-1 hope Vic
tor loves Julia."
With this idea first in her thoughts,
Mabel retired in the back-ground; and on
the few occasions when accident left her
and, Lansing in each other's society, she
occupied every minute of the time in
praises ofJulia.
But this did not prove the way to oh
literate the impression that she had al
ready made upon him. While Julia ex
ulted in once more possessing his undi
vided attention, Victor was admiring the
pure unselfishness of Mabel's conduct, and
repeating again and again, " What a
truly noble nature this girl must have!
Here indeed is a heart of gold. I love
Week after week passed on; and at
length Victor announced his intention of
leaving the seaside, and returning to his
home and his duties. Ills health was tho
roughly re-established; and although a
man of wealth and position, he had too
much intellect to waste his time in a life
of elegant leisure. lie was a barrister,
and longed to be back again among his
books and papers. But still he did not go.
The holiday of the two friends was also
drawing to a close; and, indeed, it became
necessary for one or the other to return to
London at once; and it was finally decided
that Miss Clarendon should go first, to
attend to the gathering together of the
school, while Miss Montgomery remained
to pack up and buperintend the removal of
certain articles from their summer retreat.
In the meantime Mabel's efforts to pro
mote the love affair of her friend, and ren
der herself indifferent on the subject of
Victor Lansing, had resulted disastrously
for the whole party. Julia, confident
that she had won Victor, gave up her
whole heart and soul to the entrancing oc
cupation of idolizing him; no longer in
doubt as to the state of his feelings, he knew
that he adored Miss Clarendon; while poor
Mabel, from her constant schemes to avoid.
Lansing, and throw him into Julia's so
ciety, contracted such it habit of thinking
of him, that, at last, she could do nothing
else, and discovered with dismay that she
was hopelessly, irretrievably in love with
him herself.
But Mabel was capable of heroic self
sacrifice; and she hailed with delight the
urgent business which called her to Lon
don and her duties. The friends parted
tenderly, promising each other the plea
sure of meeting again in a few days; and
Julia blessed the absence of Mabel; " for
now," she thought, "Victor Must speak. ,,
And Victor did speak. but in a totally
unlooked-for manner.
On the day following Mabel's depart
ure, he called on Julia, and his hurried
and absent manner betrayed the agitation
of his feelings. He carried a travelling
bag in his hand, and announced that he
was on his way to catch the first train for
town. Could he exeute any commands
for Miss Montgomery?
"No,” Julia thanked him, " nothing;''
and her voice was scarcely audible.
" Could she favor him Ni:it h Miss Claren
don's address!" Victor asked, and Julia
gave it with a dreadful sinking , of the
heart; and then, as in a dream she heard
a great many cordial expressions of
friendly regard, a kind " good-by,” and
she knew she was alone.
She sat quite still, for a long time, just
where he left her; She neither moved nor
spoke; she scarcely breathed, till at last a
long sigh escaped her lips, and she mutter
ed drearily, " I thought I would die if it
ever came to this; Heaven help me! I
live, and am likely to live. Oh! why am
I so young and strong that I can not, can
not die?'"
:M who shall hare borne the battle, and
!ow and his orphan, to do all which may
td cherish a just and a lasting peace
•selres and with all nations."—A. Z.
1869 . '
But this state of feeling passed away,
and, instead of the despair which had first
almost benumbed the sense of pain, she
felt a burning jealousy take possession of
her, an insatiable desire to be with her
rival, to watch the conduct of the man she
loved, and place some eternal barrier be
tween both. As soon done as thought.
On the following day, Julia was in the
school room again, and talking over with
Mabel the arrival of new scholars and the
loss of old ones, while her heart beat loud
ly at the sound of every step that ap
paoaehed the door..
She had not long to wait. Toward even
ing Victor Lansing called; and, except a
few commonplace remarks to Julia, which
stung her more than utter neglect would
have done, he devoted himself entirely to
Julia's heart was on lire. In that one
evening, the friendship of years crumbled
away in an hour beneath tke devouring
jealousy that racked her inmost soul. Her
whole nature seemed changed; and while
she watched every look and movement of
the lovers with a calm, unruffled face, in
her heart she cursed and hated both, and
tortured her brain with schemes to accom
plish their misery and overthrow.
It would be tedious to dwell upon this
painful time. Day by day Victor became
more deeply attached to Mabel; and (Lay
by day the fiend within Miss Montgom
ery's bosom became more unmanageable,
although she still maintained an outward
semblance of unbroken serenity. But
Mabel noted the wild light in her great
dark eyes, grown so large and weird-I(mk
ing, and trembled at the thought of stand
ing toward her in the light of a rival. So
well did Julia command her feelings that
Mabel's fears were lulled, and she even
doubted, at times, whetherher friend had
ever really loved Victor at all, and so al
lowed herself more and more to become
absorbed in her own love for him.
One night, after Victor Lansing had
gone, Mabel went softly to Julia's room,
and seated herself on a low ottoman at her
feet, while she endeavored to calm her flut
tering heart sufficiently to make the avow
al that had brought her there. The flick
ering lire cast a ruddy erlow through the
room, making ofthe two beautiful women,
who sat half in shade and half touched by
its bright light, a picture which• Rem
brandt would have loved to paint.
"Julia," said Mabel, at last, "I have
something to tell youto
.1 ulial s groat, Oa tif-A.yesi tittFlied like living
coals. Already she knew what was
coining; but she only placed her cold and
trembling hand lightly on the shining
coils of AlabLl's hair. The unsuspecting
girl shuddered at that touch, without
knowing why; and, after a moment's hesi
tation, went on hurriedly, •• You have
seen, perhaps, .Julia, that Victor loves
me. We are engaged—in a few days I
shall be his wife!"
A terrible sound, that was neither a
groan, a cry, nor an artificial word, burst
from 'Julia Montgomery. She wreathed
her hand in her long black hair of her com
panion, and draggingher back ward, quick
as lightning inflicted a deadly blow upon
her white bosom with some long, sharp
knife that had lain on the table beside her.
A piercing shriek broke from the wounded
girl; and, struggling from the grasp of her
companion, she tried to rush from the
room, but fell insensible across the thresh
old. Cries of mad, demoniac laughter
burst from the lips of Julia Montgomery,
and when Barbette and the assistant ser
vant rushed into the room, a ghastly and
appalling sight met their view.
In a confused heap in one corner, with
hair disheveled, livid face and glittering
eyes, Julia Montgomery, sat grinning,
anti ever and anon emitting fearful cries,
a hopeless, incurable mad woman. Their
screams soon brought help, and the maniac
was with difficulty secured, anti borne
shrieking from the room.
The unfortunate Mabel was, at first,
thought to be dead; but her timely swoon
had saved her life. The wound, though
deep and dangerous, was not fatal; and her
falling insensible had prevented much loss
of blood. But weeks of patient watching
went by before she was pronounced out of
danger; and, to her dying day, she will
bear the scar of the wound that nearly cost
her her life. But in the love and tender
ness of her husband, she has almost for
gotten that terrible episode in her exist
ence; and long ago forgiven the unfortu
nate who still leads a wasted, ruined life
within the strong walls of a mad-house.
Many persons have read, at one time or
another, a little anecdote about the late
Lord Palmerston, which tells how that
jovial nobleman once gave eleven of his
associates in the Cabinet a sentence to
spell, and how not a single one of the
eleven got through without blundering.
The sentence was: "It is disagreeable to
witness the embarrassment of a harrassed
peddler gauging the symmetry of a peeled
potato." There are here several words
easy to misspell, but a correspondent
sends to the New York Evating Post a
sentence which he says (on the authority
of Lord Robert Cecil) was actually given
out to a school in Ipswich, by the side of
which the Palmerston tesebecomes ridicu
lously easy. It runs thus:
"While hewing yew, Hugh lost Lim ewe, and
put in the Hue and Cry.
To name its face's dusky hues
Was all the effort he could use
You brought the ewe back, by and by,
And only begged the hewer's ewer,
Your hands to wash In water pure,
Lest nice-nosed ladies, not a few,
Should cry, on coming near you, 'ugh?'"
—A paper wedding—Marrying an edi-
Ten lines of Nonpareil constitute a Square
- - - - 0 --- ,
1 week .... $ 75 $14052 10 $ 3 6,04 6 00' 11, 1
2 weeks... 120 1 80, 2 701 450 800 14 00
3 weeks... 1 30 1 220 ; 330 1 600 10 00 17 00
1 month... 1 75i 2 601 390 ,7 12 00 W6O
2 months.. 2 75 1 4 001 600 10 00 90 001 33 DO
3 months.. 400 600' 900 15 00, 30 00 66 00
6 awnths.. 7 00, 11 00 , 16 50 25 001 40 00 70 00
1 year 12 00 1 20 00: 30401 40 00 LO 001 120 00
1 2
Executors' Notice
Administrators , Notice?.
Assignotiii , Notice
Auditors' Notice..
SPECIAL NOTICES—Ten cents rt line for the
first insertion, and Seven cents a line for each
subsequent insertion. •
REAL ESTATE advertisements, Ten cents a
line for the first insertion and Five cents a line
for each additional Insertion.
itBr-i4~►c .~
„ 1 4r9LWZMiWINTING executed
The wife of Tom Gordon is a victim to
imaginary ailments, and is never so con
tent as when living 'according to the di—
rection of her medical adviser. I'r. Val
entine now understands her whims and
oddities so well that he humors her in
every caprice; if she imagines rheumatism
in her complaints, he agrees with her and
prescribes some harmless potion; if she
thinks her appetite decreasing, some bread
pills to keep her in good spirits until she
fancied symptoms of some other disease
induced her to send again for him.
During the last four years Tom has often
wished that his wife would roll down stairs
and break her foolish head, for the reason
that the physician and apothecary's bills
made a serious inroad upon his fortune.
About three months ago she complained
of a pain in her side, and, as usual, the
doctor was summoned. After prescribing
three or four bottles of different com i pounds
—all harmless, but rather expensive—he
"All you want to assist medicine in
effecting a cure is a little rousing. Al
though your ailment is serious, it is not
dangerous. Assume a little energy and
you will recover. Remember, rouse your
After the doctor retired, the patient
fancied that at last some serious disease
was beginning to manifest itself, and, like
a fool, she went to bed in despair.
Toni understands the case thoroughly
from long experience, and said mentally,
"She wants rousing, does she? Well,
PH give her a surprise that will startle
Mrs. hake, an attractive widow, was
engaged to act in the capacity of nurse to
Mrs. G. The widow is young, buxom,
amiable; and Tom thought her attractive
qualities might be made available in giv
ing the patient the necessary rousing.
A short conversation with Mrs. Hake
resulted in the arrangement of a plan, the
execution of which was to induce Mrs. G.
to forever afterwards throw physic to the
Late the next evening, while the pa
tient was fretting and groaning, and an
nouncing her intention of giving up the
ghost. Torn called Mrs. Hake aside, and
said to her, in a pretended whisper, but
loud enough to be heard by the invalid:
" Poor Fanny! she is about to die at
last, and so you acid I may as well arrange
for our marriage."
Torn threw a glance over his shoulder as
he spoke, and observed the dying patient
cease her groaning, and began to rouse
herself. Arising quickly to a sitting pos
ture in the bed to note every word of the
conversation, she stared at them with
eyes as big as small onions peeled.
"'Twill be a relief to her," continued
Tom, for she has always ben an inva
lid. I too have sufThred as well as she,
but with you, the ricture of health, as my
wife, my happiness will be complete."
The widow threw herself upon Tom's
shoulders, her arms about his neck, and.
began to chew his vest in mouthfuls, te•
smother her laughter.
llow soon shall we get married after
she is dead?" asked Tom, passing his
arms around the widow's substantial waist.
" I suppose you will be willing to wait
a week or two?" simpered Mrs. Hake, as
she leaned her head on his shoulder and
took another mouthful of vest.
The invalid tittered an exclamation and
landed on the floor.
" You think I am going to die do you?"
she exclaimed. "I'll live to spite you
both! and as for you"—she turned and
grasped Mrs. Ilake by the hair—" out of
my house you designing vixen I I will act
as my own nurse hereafter."
From that day to this Mrs. G. has en
joyed good health, and Torn has enjoyed
good spirits, because he has not had a
doctor's bill to pay. lie knew how to
cure her, for she only need rousing, and
Tom roused her.
The .Joliett (Ill.) Signal says: A short
time since, just at dark, a pedlar, carrying
a large pack, appeared at the door of a
wealthy farmer in the town of Green Gar
den in this county, and requested the priv
ilege of remaining over night. The farmer
being away from home, he was informed
hy the hired man that he could not stay.
He then requested the privilege of leaving
his pack until morning, as he was very
tired and could not carry it further that
night. This was granted, and the pack
deposited in one corner of the sitting room.
During the evening some of the females of
the household had occasion to move it,
and taking hold of it discovered that there
was something suspicious about the con
tents. The hired man was called, and
taking hold of it, found that it contained
a man. Ile quickly stepped into the ad
joining room and returned with a revolv
er, motioned the family to stand aside,
and at once proceeded to fire three shots
into it. A piercing shriek issued from it,
and on ripping off the outside covering, a
man with e. large bowie knife and a re
volver clinched in his hand, was found
weltering in his blood. Two of the shots
proved fatal. The neighbors were alarm
ed, but no traces of the man who left the
precious pack could be found. Thus, by
mere accident, doubtless a shocking case
of robbery, and perhaps murder, was pre
vented. It was doubtless a plot to rob
the farmer, as it was known he had alarge
sum of money in the house. An inquest
was held over the body on the following
morning, and the verdict was that the
killing wasjustifmble homicide. No clue
leading to the discovery of the name of the
victim or his accomplice has as yet been
ascertained. Such summary justice is
seldom meted out to the guilty.
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