LICENSES : The Court met on Saturday for the purpose of hearing and determining ap plications for license, against which remon strances were filed. The following is a list of licences refused : Frederick Friend, new stand, Columbia • Samuel Young, new stand, Ephrata. J. Buckwalter, East Larnpcter. Leonard Heilig, new stand, Mount Joy. Rachel McCardel, new stand, Martic. Jacob Herzog, new stand, 9th Ward, City. Fred'k Hester, East Donegal. H. Killian, new stand, East Earl. Jos. Weidman, new stand, Elizabeth. M. J. Cain, new stand, 2d Ward, City. W. Margnett, now stand, 4th Ward, City. F. Waltz, new stand, 7th Ward, City. Aug. F. Specht, new stand, 7th Ward, City. THE Datratmint BOY OF SHILOH : We announce with pleasure that this admirable Allegory is to be re-produced in this city, on Monday evening next, and will be repeated every night during next week. As before, the exhibition will be under the auspices of the G. A. 8., the proceeds to go to the fund for the relief of disabled soldiers, their widows and ehildren, and to the Children's Home, of this city. Those who did not witness this very interesting and affecting production on a former occasion, should avail thereeelves of this opportunity, the last they will probably have. N. I.l.—We hope the intelligencer, its editors and reporters, will possess their souls in pa tience, and not go into everlasting fits over it Be allay, now—be aisy ! BURGLARY : On Friday night last, four men broke into the house of Mr. George Arm strong, near Bird-In-Hand, this county. Mr. A. heard them and met them at the bead of she stairway. The scoundrels made him go to bed, displaying pistols and threatening his life, if he made any noise. They then search ed the house for valuables, and took a consid erable amount of money from Mr. A. and a sister occupying an adjoining room, who they also threatened with death, if she did not keep quiet. They left the house with their plun der. What a pity it is that somebody is not prepared for these prowling villains, when they make their appearance. ---0.4.- THS NEW A 8933303 : J. P. Rea, Bsq., sew Assessor of Internal Revenue for th is district, took possession of his office on Satur day last. R. J. Houston, Assistant Assessor for the First Division, having resigned, the new Assessor filled the place by the appoint ment of Captain H. R. Breneman, Thomas Griest and S. L. Kauffman, the former Assis tant Assessor of the Ninth, and the latter of the Tenth division, have also resigned. Jacob Martin and C. P. Bberman, of the Lancaster Poet Office, are to take positions in the As sessor's office in a few days. BERMS ARITHMETIC: Lippincott's Maga zine contains the following hard hit, showing how they calculate in our neighboring county of Berke : "A schoolmaster In a Berks county public school was drilling a class of youngsters in . arithmetic. He said to them : "If I cut an apple in two what will the parts be?" " Halves !" was the answer. "If 1 out the halves in two, what would yon call the parts?" "Quarters !" "If I cut the quarters in two, what will the parts be t"' Answer (unani mous,) " SNITS !" LI en 01 , JEFFERSON DAVIS, WITH A SE CRET HISTORY OF THE SOUTHERN Con n RDEBACY.—We have received from the Na tional Publishing Company, of Philadelphia, advance sheets of the Life of Jeff. Dacia and rte Southern Corfederacy, by Edward A. Pol lard. It will pruve a very lifteresting work, and give us some startling developments from "Behind the Scends in Richmond;" also cu rious and extraordinary information of the principal Southern characters lathe late war, in connection with President Davis, and in relation to the various intrigues of his ad minietration. We here give a synopsis of one of the chapters. The South Intoxicated by the Victory of Manassas; Who was responsible for not Pur suing the Enemy to Washington; A larger and more Important Question than that; The True History of a Secret, and Notable Council of War; President Davis Rejects the Advice of his Three Principal Generals; He Decides for the Policy of Dispersion or Frontier . De fence; A Glance at the Character of General Johnson; President Davis's Quarrel with General Beauregard; An Interval of Infam ous Intrigues at Richmond; How Mr. Hunter was Driven from the Cabinet; Conceit of the President; "Waiting for Earope;" Demorali zation of Inactive Armies; Rapid Corruption of Society in Richmond; "The Wickedest City" Mr. Davis at a Fancy Dress Ball; Un popular Conduct of his Wife; Anecdote of the President; Criticism of a "Tar Heel;" Mr. Davis and the Faithful Sentinel of the Libby Prison; A Historical Parallel; Connubial Fondness of Mr. Davie; His Collection of Smell and Mean Favorites; A Curious Sort if Obstinacy, and some Reflections thereon. No doubt this book will have a very large sale,as everybody, especially our soldiers, will be curious to see and read it. It will be sold only by subseription, and agents are wanted for every county. Address, National Pub lishing Company, No. 26 South 7th street, Philadelphia. CANDIDATES. igir Announcements of candidates for office MUST BE PAID IN ADVANCE. This r . . le is imperative. =I tar we are authatited to announce Capt. CHARLES DENUES, of Millersville, as a candidate for STAT/I SZNA.TOR, suhJect to the decision of the Republican voters of Lan easel* 'minty, at the nominating electioq. lir We are authorised to announce Ds. It B. BOWMAN, of Neffsville, Manheim twp., as a candidate for the STATI SMELTS, sub ject to the Republican nomination by the people at the primary elections. PROTHONOTARY. tar We are authorised to announce Capt. W. D. STAUFFER, for PROTHONOTARY, late of the Ist Penna. Brooms, and of the 1950, P. V., present Clerk for Prothonotary; of Lancaster City, formerly of Earl township, subject to the nomination at the Republican primary election. CLERK OF QUARTER SESSIONS. Vir We are authorized to announce BEN JAMIN F. ROWE, of Providence tarp., as A candidate for CLERK or QUARVIER Szs mows, subject to the decision of the Republi can voters at the primary election. CLERK OF ORMANS , COURT rirWe are authorized to announce CAP TAIN JOHN Q. MEROMR, late of Radebury twp., now of the city of Lancaster, as a can didate far CLSZN OP ORPHANS' COURT, subject to the decision of the Republican vo ters at the primary elections. LEGISLATURE rir We are authorized to announce DrPE. B. HERR, of Indiantown District, as a can didate for the House as REPRESENTA TIVES, subject to the nomination of the Re publican people at the primary election. * COUNTY TREASURER. tar We are authorized to announce H. K. STONER, of West Lampeter township, (manufacturer of agricultural implements) as a candidate for COUNTY TRZASUREN, subject to the nomination by the Republican voters at the primary election. Cam" We are authorized to announce that WM. ROBERTS, of W. Hemptleld twp., will be a candidate for COUNTY TREASURER, sub ject to the decision of the Republican voters at the ensuing primiry elections. REGISTSR OP WILLS. /airy,* are authorized to.annoance JA COB W. BEAR, of Marietta Furnaces, East Donegal township, as a candidate for REGIS . TER, subject to the decision cf the Republi can voters at the primary elections. I We are authorized to announce MAR TIN S. FRY, of Ephrata township, as a can didate for REGISTER, subject to the decision of the Republican voters of Lancaster coun ty, at the nominating election. Igtir We are authorized to announce DR. WM. M. WHITESIDE, late Lieutenant of Company E, 10th Regiment first three months' service, and Captain of Company I, 79th Re giment P. V., of Lancaster city, as a candi date for the office of REGISTER, subject to the decision of the Union Republican party at the primary election. IlW" We are authorized to announce Lieut. A. C. HERR, of West Lampeter township, as a candidate for REGISTER, subject to the nomination by the Republican voters at the prim y elections. piff -We are authorized to announce GEO. W. COMPTON, of Caernarvon township, as a candidate for REGISTER, subject to the rules of the Republican tarty. SHERIFF 1.4" We are authorized to announce ADIOS GROFF, of Marti° township, as a candidate for SHERIFF, subject to the nomination by the people at the Republican primary elec tion. tgy - We are authorized to announce JOHN M. JACOBY, of Clay township, as a candi date for SHERIFF, subject to the rules of the Republican party. * ti' We are authorized to announce ISAAC MISHLER, of Lancaster city, (late of East Cocalig_o township,) as a candidate for the office of SHERIFF, subject to the rules of the Republican party. * COUNTY COXIKISSIO NBR 1.47" We are authorized to announce PETER, JOHNS, of East Lampeter township, for COUNTY COMMISSIONER, suhlect to the rules of the Republican party. • I To TES OINKING LARS :I am now preim to furnish all classes with constant employment at their homes, the whole of the time, or for the spare momenta. Bodiless new, light - and profi table. Fifty cents to gi per evening, Is easily earned by persons of either sez, and the boys and girls earn nearly as much as men. Great inducements are offered those who will devote their whole time to the business; and, that every person who sees this notice, may send me their eddressand teat the business for them selves, I make the following unpanikelled oiler To all who are not well satlided with the busi ness, I will sane el to paSor the trouble Of writing to me. Full parMu directions, ara.i sent free . Satnples sent by for le els. Ad dress B. C. ALLAN, Augusta, lie. [mhl94m HARRIED. RYON—Huirrussint. On the 29th nit., by Rev. Thos. B. Barker, of Lancaster, Geo. W. Ryon, Esq., of Shamokin, to Phebe, daughter of William Huntzinger, Esq., of Schuylkill Haven, Pa. KAHL—MCCLAIN. On the .99th ult., by Rev. W. V. Gotwaid, John H. Kahl to Mary L. McClain, both of this city. KAIITIMAN—MILLER. On the 28th ult., by Jacob Reinhold, Christian Kauffman to Elisabeth Miller, both of Sporting Hill, Lan caster county. NISSLY—LANDIS. On the 4th inst., by Rev. B. F. Beck, John L. Nisely to Addle K. Landis, both of Middletown, Dauphin co. STROMR—SMITH. OR the 22d ult., by Rev. Dr. Greenwald, William A. Strome, of West Lampeter, to Emma Smith, of Lancas ter township. DIED. On the 2d inat., in this city, WHITEHILL. James Whitebill HARKINS. On the 2d inst., at Witmer's Bridge, Ann Catharine Harkins, in the 17th year of her age. ELY. On the 2d inst., suddenly, at Wilber ham, Mass., Samuel Ely, recently of Lancas ter. in the 38th year of his age. KURTZ. Near Sprier/111e, Lancaster co., by a stroke of lightning, Jacob Kurtz, son of Henry Kurtz, aged 26 years, 5 months and 25 days. BIDER. On the 20th ult., in Elizabethtown, Barbara Rider, wife of Joseph H. Rider, aged 37 years, 8 months and 15 days. WILSON. On the 26th ult., at Coatesville, John W. Wilson, formerly of this city, in the 53d year of his age. FLICK. On the 26th ult. in this city, John Flick, in the 52d year of ids age. LEMAN. On the 27th ult., in this city, John K. Leman, in the 35th year of his age. THE MARKETS. Lancaster Household Markets. LAIIRIASTia, May 5 Rutter, iis 60 Lard, 29 90 Eggs, ot os. 18 ',, Dressed Chickens, 80 7 , Veal, by the quarter, front 10 do do do hind 12 1' Potatoes,tus 76 do. half pk 10 • Turnips II f peek 8 Rhubarb 91 bunch 6 1. Radishes" bunch 8 1 , libelled Corn is bu5he1,....... ........ 90 Oats, ll bag of 3 bus • 1 40 1.: Shad, 11 100. Ib4 .. $2O ". Pld~a traduce larket. PHILADELPHIA, Ma s.—Market dull and yes terday's quotalloas eoatinued; no demand for shipment, and ntakkibr bona consumption alantir limited • sales of . etdedy northwestern emus at Mk tee latter tar choice; Pena. do, 7.111 t, 0111c4o_. MOWS" Amoy brandsatal ; mese as ts.7sale.m, and super. flue i t sttli6 • Ilse oir sells at 1707.2$ 11l bbl. _r_ibtldn deism la umpumiat. - - -"-- , eliiinged hands at and Springers at pie is. oeipte, if has . Sheep were in active request at very full prices. Sales of MINX, head at eMilnio. fit b. gross. The supply of Hogs was quite light, and the offerings were all taken En sharp at gitelLllo for slop, andIiOULIMI.I4.SO 100 Is. net for corn fed. About MOO head e ged hands at N. Glass , Union Hog Drove yard within the above range of Aimee. New Advertisements. SEVEN PER CENT. GOLD BONDS of the LAKR SUPERIOR AND MDSSIS SIPPI RAILROAD COMPANY. First Mortgag e Sinking Fund Bonds, Free of United States faxes. Secured by 1,032,000 ACRES OF CHOICE LANDS, and by the Railroad, its rolling stock, and franchises ; and yielding in currency near ly Ten per cent. per annum. Holders of 5-20 Bonds can exchange them for these desirable securities, at a profit of nearly 20 per cent. A limited amount for sale upon favorable terms, and full particulars furnished by DAVID G. SWARTZ, No. 73 North Duke-st., my7.4t■j Lancaster, Pa. ItEINIIOLD & STUBBS, No. 104} North Queen St., 1 Square above the R. R. Depot. BOOT AND SHOE DEALERS. Have just arrived from the city will a large and elegant stook of Boole and Shoes, Gaitels, etc., superior to any ever before brought to this market, which are offered at the fol-. lowing astonishing low prioes : Dien a Calf Boots $3.00 to $7.00 " Box-toe Congress Gaiters.... 8.00 to 4.00 " CYntgress Gaiters 2.30 to 3.00 " Balmorals 2.00 to 8.00 " Lasting Congress Gaiters 3.00 to 375 " Oxford Tie 2.75 to 3.50 Boys , Gaiters 2.00 to 3.00 " Calf Balmorals 1.60 to 2.00 Youths Calf Balmoral)] 1.25 to 1.73 Ladies hie-polish Lasting Gaiters. 2.50 to 3.25 Lasting Balmorals 1.25 to 1.75 1, Lasting Congress Gaiters 1.50 to 2.09 " fine Glove Kid Button Boot.. 3.25 to 4.00 " " Glove Kid Polish 800 t... 2.60 to 8.25 " " Morocco Button 800 t.... 2.25 to 8.00 " " Goat Balmoral 2.00 to 2.50 " " Turkey Morocco Button. 3.00 to 3.75 " " Kid heel 51ipper5......... 1.26 to 1.75 " " Goat Slippers 1.00 to 1.25 Mimeos Goat high-polish 1.75 to 2.60 " Lasting high i r, 2.00 to 2.25 Children's shoes of kinds al to 1.50 aff•An inspection o the stook is solicited. Mirth= work is all warranted. /Wall Mods of custom work manufactured in the very best etyle at short notice, at the lowest esuM prices. may7-6mj BILKHOLD k STUBBS. JOHN D: SKILES, aT HIS 10119 STOWS, NO. M EAST KING STREW, Has just °petted TSB MOST ELEGANT STOCK -07.- SPRING AND SUMMER DRY GOODS Kver offered to the CITIZENS OP LANCASTER LADIES' DRESS GOODS Of every description 509 pO. CALICONS from 9to 12 1 ,i0. por yard SHAWLS A due assortment of SQUARE 1311AWL3 of every description. BLEACHED MITSLINS! All the Best and Popular Makes GENTLEMEN'S WEAR A fine assortment of FRENCH, ENGLISH t AMERICAN CLOTHS, CASSIMEHES AND VICSTINGS, Which we will make up to order at short notice, best style, low prices. READY-MADE CLOTHING A largo assortment of our own Manufacture for MEN AND BOY'S WEAR, ♦T LOW PRICES CARPETS II I CARPETS TJ! 60 pe. BRUSSELS THREE-PLY, INGRAIN, RAO AND HEMP CARPETS, -ALSO OIL CLOTHS, MATTINGS, RUGS, &c WINDOW SHADES! A tine assortment of Window Shades at very Low Prioee. Misedianeotes. THE LANCASTER Sash Support Old Lock. Has neither Spina% Widabbakepsser Pulleys. COM be put lase stay limey._ TZX Bssa A? ANT 111011TH, AID IS S ILL-LOCKING ; is vemshaple, show and durable. algle g • for sale OR dal terms. 81 1 4 Z ar a 7,41247. mug -ft FARt FOR SALE, IN CULPIIPPE : ._-et)V.A.,grk na dlotemithweet of . Conti Nouse, on the and Vr o t a s It R., sod eta =lee W , D C., of WO, iiittnnilly ilsi and better 1 beouLtrultoestfoo, sad re Price, sfl per mere if a . spoiled I Itfat i li gi tir illagas illr=siletb to JA N; or to • ildit=t i pitper. rtnitaat Mato, ON" Puri, ate. 18418. 1868. SIMI= & BROTHER, HATTERS, No. 90 NORTH _QUERN STREET, LANCASTER,. PENNA. Latest style FaU and Winter HATS and CAPS is all qualities and colors. LADIES' FANCY FURS, We are now opening t largest ocm ~ ~~ eo p rtment of Dies ' and Nita% F CY FGs<OS ever offered in tine market, at very low prices.. • ROBES! ROBES!! ROBES!!! Build° Edna, lined and unlined; Hudson Bay Wolf, Prairie Wolf, lox, Coen, dc. BLANKETS AND LAP RUGS Of all qualities, to which we would particularly invite the attention of all persons in want of articles in that line. GLOVES, GAUNTLETS and MITTS. OTTER, BEAVER, SEAL, BUCKSKIN, ?LEMUR, KW, do., de Ladies' Fine Fur Trimmed Gloves, Gauntlets Mitts and Hoods. PULSE WARMERS and EAR MITTS. tt WHOLIMALB AND RETAIL. maill- Sewing Machines. OUR NEW OFFICE. To substantiate the merit so unive2 , 3ally ac corded to WHEELER & WILSON'S SEWING !MACHINES Ci f irdarro time to justify oar claims to the citizens of Lancaster County, we will present to their attention a few strong facts : First—We assert (undeniably) that THE ONLY GOLD MEDAL awarded eb the PaVi4 Exposition for Sewing Maolliae3 lbr family parpoies, vrai awarded to toe hall & WI it after a Aiir trial before competent Judos, (ap pointed by the Emperor Napoleon,) whose duty it was to deal impartially in the perfor mance of their emntuission : Commission letrastAts, Cnamr-Daleans, 6th Jul, ISM Mr. R. Ma taw, PS Begenl Reed, London. Dean Sts :—Zeplying to your inquiry I beg leave to state, that the ONLY GOLD MEDAL for the maaallacture and perfection of Sewing Meeatimorwits awarded to Messrs . WHBELIR Wilson, of ew York. fteepostfully, •• HENRY P. Q. D'ALIGNY, Member ol Me .fietensational Jur nt y end Reporter the sae. D6PART in MIXT or STATZ, . Washgton, May, To Moder Mans, e/ Mow Pork. 1918 Sum i—The Department has received one Geld Medal, awarded - to your arm for Sewing Ma chines, at the Paris Universal Exposition, of 1887. WM. H. SEWARD, Swamp (41 State. Second—We assert to the positive sale of the LARGHST l' OF SEWING MACHINES inuiLy OP ANY, MA.NUFACTURINti COMPANY IN THE COUNTRY, (all combined) THE WHEELER&WILSON eXCiIIArCI7 A FAMILY SEWING MACHINE, and as such, it has, In deflanee of all cowpetit ion, whether it be manly and honorable, or ungen tlemanly and ignorantly discourteous, made its way, held its own ; and established the well merited reputation se universally extended to the Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine. Nor is it necessary in introducing the W heeler & WH OM to the citizens of Lancaster, that wo should speak in any way disparagingly of others. We claim to have A FIRST CLASS SEWING MA (MINN, complete, (with no single extra at tachments to buy after purchasing.) the beat in use for family work. Ia taking into consideration the unequalled popularity of this wonderful machine and its immense sale, it should be remembered that we Oro lisdped no bereeilt whatever from the sale of nuiniliketining machines. Withdraw the heavy machines from the sales of the different companies, and where do they eta nd I Far be hind the Wheeler a Wiliam Co., who make the Xaebine a speciality. The Compaad►s nesaufsoturing premises at Pedro port, Cam" occupy a spate of i sores, enclosing as entirequadrangls, with a front on the N. Y. t. N. 8. Railroad side of a quarter of a mile less le fest, Vied with costly machinery. Capital Imployed, over .200001290. kin SliT - pyr: 7- liaakines, inlay Product, Soo 1;000. Ninalwr ts Use, In Uses. of any other, 120,000 to 200;00u. In other words,this Manufactory has added to the 1:144064A1 world the effective force of 1,700,- 000 seatastremtes, and is swelling that immense numbime by adding 2,000 per day. It has even conquered British prejudice. Charles Dickens himself has made it the sub ject of a manly turned article in "Once a Week," and the London Times, in an exhaustive two column and &half editorial, covering the whole subject of Sewing Machines, awards the highest merits of praise to the WHIRLER sc WILSON, as the one best calculated for household work. It is on this mission of labor-saving in all parts of the world, London, St. Petersburg, Madrid, Constantinople, Calcutta, Cape Town, It•s agents are everywhere throughout the habitable globe, wherever fabrics are sown in to human apparel. We respectfully claim attention, and cordial. ly invite the chimes of Lancaster county to vis it our Mee, inspect the Machine, examine the samples of the work performed, and compare them with others. We willingly abide the re sult. MACHINES SOLD ON LSAsE PLAN, AT THE OUR NEW OFFICE IS No. 64 North Queen-St., HOWELL'S BUILDING, LANCASTER, PENN'A. Books and Stationeiw. THE CHEAPEsT BOOKS AND STATIONERY =I WEST KING /t. PRINCE-STs. Engli3ll and German Bibles, Testaments, School Books, Miscellaneous Books, Blank Books, Diaries. Special attention given to SUNDAY SCHOOL BOOKS, and Teachers Helps of all kinds. Ob ject Lessons on Large Charts. The latest MUSIC BOOKS. SHEET MUSIC for five cents a piece ! STATIONERY AND FANCY ARTICLES of all kinds. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. BIBLES for 85 eta. TESTAMENTS for 10 cte feb2o-tfl D. S. BABE. REMOVAL • ,T. 11. ,UHF, AFF'F,R, BOOKSFILLER AND STATIONER, Has removed Ma large stock Ira: BOOKS and STATIONERY, MEM NO. 52 NORTH QUEEN STREItT, Opposite Shober'e Hotel, " • FOUR 900113 NORTH F ORANGE-STREET, ap9-tf] LANCASTER, PA Banking. DAVID BAIR. BAIR & SHENK, BANKERS, NORTHEAST ANGLE OF CENTRE SQUARE, LANCASTER, PENNA noto-Iy] MECHANICS' BANK, NO. 36 NORTH QUEEN STREET, (INQUIRER BUILDING,) Deals in UNITED STATES BONDS, STOCK'S, GOLD, SILVER, AND COUPONS Dnifts given on all the prineipal Cities Collections made promptly. Interest paid on Deposits JOHN M. ST OH DIAN 030E01 BRIIIIIAR62, ,JOSE.PH C'LAIIH4ON. SAMUEL SLOZON, Bankers as STERIKAN, CLARKSOI &CO mh2S-Gm Sewing Machines. THE }IOWE SEWING MACHINE, FOR EVEUYBODY! AA a Holiday Gift to a Sister, Wife or Friend they are unsurpassed. The Farmer wants it for his Family. The Dress and Cloak Maker prefers it. The Seamstress wants it, because its work is sure to give satisfaction. ' The Tailor has long ago decided it to be the best for his business. The Carriage Trimmer mina do without it; and the Shoe Fitter Ands that, after all, the HOWE is the machine for him. Sooner or later, everybody will have the HOWE MACHINE. Every Machine is warranted. Everyone may be the possessor of one of these unrivalled machines, as we endeavor to make the terms of sale suit all our customers. We earnestly Invite alt whether they ipurobasteg or not, to call and get • ens of the work executed by tut wi t h t he work W CHINE, and compare it with the done by other machines. We are willing toablde bythe result. C. FATE, Agent, 25&; North Queen Street ace 13-t n Varnishes, &t,. AUG. REINOEIII.. JAC. REINOEHL, JR. AA & J. RE ENOEHL, e MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN COPAL, WRITE, COFFIN, BLACK AND JAPAN VARNISHES, LINSEED OIL, • TURPENTINE, de., &c. NO. 100 NORTH QUEEN STREET, (In the Keystone Building,) LANCASTER, PA. Also, Mahogany Boards, Veneers and Mouldings of different sizes and pat terns. All kinds of Turning , such as Bed Posts, Table Legs, Spokes, Hubs, Felloes, &c., &c., &c. Alio, AXLES, SPRINGS, ho. (jan &In Coal, Dumber, 40e. E IMER, BRENEMAN & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN COAL, OF THE BEST QUALITY. YARD—COB. WATER ST. AND PA. R. B. Oritos—NO. I EAST ORANGE ST., LANCASTER P.I. (C 10018.17 B. B. MARTIN, URIMICRT 111011118, JOll.l mAsos. It* 5 9 000 1 00 0 FEET @F DRY LUMBER. MARTIN, THOMAS & CO., COLUMBIA, LANCASTER CO., PA., Manufacturers At LOCK HAVEN, CLINTON COUNTY, PA., AND WHOLESALE LUMBER DEALERS. WHITE PINE, HEMLOCK, POPLARvrAiurtrz ASH, FLOORING, SIDING, WEATHER BOARDS, PICKET% LATH, mbl2-171 BOX BOARDS, Re., Av. For Sale. ROLLING MILL PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SALE. The subscriber offers at private sale, the pro perty known as the Rolling RUPP in the Bor ough, of Shamokin, Northumberland county, Pa., adjoining the Shamokin Furnace, consist ing of about two (2) acres of ground. The Roll ing building a 5 x 2811 o f, together with a lam Brick &tack about S feet in - height. The building Is substantially built of the best mater ials, covered with a slate roof, and stands with in seventy4ive feet of, and on a level with the Enterprise Railroad, (an extension of the Phil adelphia and Reading Railroad) It is well adapted for manufacturing purposes of almost any deseriptioa, sue& as Rolling lac- Beingaee Sp Foun Shop, Re., he. Masted near the centr e s of one of the richest anthracite mining districts in the State, presents a rare chance for investment. Price fibers]. For further particulars apply to or address THOS. BAUMGARDNER, or R. A. A MKRIMAN, Shamokin, Laaraster, Pa. Pa. April 30, lac —tf BEE HIVE STORE , Ms restored good old times. PRICES AS LOW FOR GREENBACKS AS GELD. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, CARPETS, CLOTHS, WIN OW SHADES, GLASS AND QUEENSWAEE, T.ADIEEP DRESS GOODS, ALL THE NOVELTIES OF ,THE . SEASON, KID GLOVES, CORSETS, HOOP SKIRTS. PRICES CHEAP AS EVER. BEST CALICOES 'IN THE MARKET FOR 11 CENTS. TKOS, J. WENTZ,. Sign of the Bee 111 - 1% ap9-Iy] No. 5 Enid King-et., Laneeden SPRING, Ma HAGER & BROS. Have now open a full stock of Goods for Elprtng sales, which win be toured complete in every department, and will be sold at POPULAR PRIORS ! A choice itelection of DRESS GOODS FOR LADIES AND CHILDREN, In new styles of Bilk, Poplinette, Poplins, Me hairs, Detainee, Penals and Chintzes. ENGLISH & GERMAN HOSIERY, JUGLA I EMPRESS KID GLOVES, THOMPSON'S CORSETS & SKIRTS. MOURNING GOODS. Black Bombazine, Tannage, Poplins, Delataes, Alpacas, in all qualities, of LUPIN'S Manu facture. Black Thibet, Long and Square Shawls, English and French Crapes , and Craps Veils. HOUSE FURNISHING LINENS I COTTONS, CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS, English Brussels, Crossley's Tapestry Bruasekr, Lowell di Hartford Three-Ply and Venetian. Wool Dutch, Hemp and List Carpets. Floor Oil Cloths--all widths. I=3l COCOA AND CHINA MATTING S. RS PACKAGES, PLAIN AND EMBOSS/ID ENGLISH GRANITE WARE, Of Superior Quality. PITTSBURG AND BOSTON-GLASSWARE AT Low /twee. WALL PAPERS i ! WALL PAPERS It PLAIN AND DNCORATIVIL 20,000 Pieces, new style+, for Spigg soles, the largest aiwortment over offered in Lancaster. WINDOW SHADES, HOLLANDS AND FIXTURES. 4/I - We invite an examination. HAGER & BROTHERS. CLOTHS CASSIMERES &c. We have now men a large and ehoieopolee tion of tine and medium FOREIGN AND DO MESTIC COATINGS, CLOTHS, & MELTONS, In new Shadca of Blue Dahlia, Olive, Green, Plum and Brown. BLACK CLOTHS AND DOESKINS, from the lowest to driest qualities. LIPPIT, E. HARRIS, BBOADBRCK)K, GRAVES, BLACKINOTON, MIDDLESEX, and other best makes In 6-4 and 3-t widths. with and without side bands, in all the new styles and 001018 suited to MEN AND ROTS) WEAR. CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER by expert enoed Cutters, and satisfaction guaranteed. A full stack of out own manufactured READY MADE CLOTHING, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS of eves" de. scription. ifir•PRICES LOW. apS-H] HAGER & BROTHERS. . ,tI 0' If L. I I HARNISH & CHEAP STORE, No. 27 WEST KING-ST., L ANC'ASTEII, PA., Doalers in Foreign and Domestic DRY GOODS, GLASS AND QUEENSWARE, Cloths, C'assimeres, Satcinetts, Jeans, Tweeds Ltnctseys, Flamels, Tiektugs, choiks, Alpaooas, Dress (locals, tiinghattls, Calicoes, Muslin and DrillS, White Goods, Notions, & No. 1 Feathers, MEN AND 11()1s 9 WE, , Blade up at astonishing Low Prices. 4ifirCall and examine our stgptbefore pur chasing elsewhere. 1teb12,69-ly LITIZ GEAYA DE WELT! TSUUDY L'N 1113 TOR ER AHEAD I DER GROSS NEI EHTORE Dort guit filer onna for wohlfeld kawfa AN NEIER siurocK GOODS! DRY GOODS fun oily aorta ; Qneensware an Hardware; Oily aorta Licher* Goods for Mon cleft un Weibsleit, for Fre-yohr nn Summer; Teacher, Coffee, Krea, an oily orrery Darla Gro ceries; Ally sorts Hardware for imighl-riguis. Gehl an Varntsh on de niddershty Shtsat p oes. In fact, shier °lies was mar denim ktpon is tau hawa, irver ons wohifeal ins TSHUDY UN BRICKER'S Besides, an first, rater, fuller shtoek fun oLly Kleader for MonaMit un Buwa; Huet for Meaner au Buwa, An first racy ahtock, un orrig wohlfehl 1 .Mor dela aw in calories boners' produce-- BUTTER, OYER, SCHMALTZ, SHVNKA, SHMOKE-BEEF, DRY-RKEF, HINKLE, RP PLE, SHNITZ, &c.—kuuftuu ferkawfa on reg ular morriekt prices. Nowde Wits macbt etch bed, un judg't for eioliselwer. Kummt in foor-weasa ; kummt uf II; kummt mit easlo foora ; kummt uf em railroad ; kummt uf velocipedes, odder kummt tau fool. Mar singor net pertioular—yusbt so doe der kummt for woblfeala un drat, raty goods, un brine eir greenback's mit. Mind der reedit plats is one TSHUDY ti N BRICKER'S . GRCSSA NEIA EIRTORE, tn IN GO-AHEAD SHTEDDLE, VON 'arm THE DAILY EVENING EXPRESS, FURNISHES IT3 LtEADRES /INGULIIILY THE LATEST NEWS BY MAIL A ND MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH, And all Important Local and General In telligence. TARNS: S.OOA YEAR; $1.2.5 FOR 3 MONTHS. TIIE WEEKLY EXPRESS, A SATURDAY PAPER OP THE FIReT CLASS, Contains all the news of the woek up to Fridar night, and giver mere treat' rending than can be had elsewhere for the same automat of money. Tanta: OM PER YEAR, IN ADVANCE. Address PS 411801, £ GEIST, Pub li sher*, dee 114Trui Lanoaster, Pa. Dt 7 , GOO4B. . WENTZ, , opal:NG, 100 WALL PIPERS! CASSIMERES, RF.A DY FOR ( USTOMERS ! GROSB A NRI A @MORE I =I Period i cals. 11=
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers