Father Abraham. (Reading, Pa.) 1864-1873, May 07, 1869, Image 2

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ja4tt braani.
,p t 4 ,10 1 .4, a *era:WIVE
PRTDAY, MAY 7,1969.
peoskenty, Retrenchment, Faithful Collection
of the *avenue and Payment of the Public
Reethur of the Union Republican County
The members of the Union Republican
County Ocemnittee will meet in the Orphans'
Court Room in the City of Lancaster, on
MONDAY, MAY lOth, at 113 o'clock.
Punctual attendance is requested as busi
ness of importance will come before the
nesting. MARTIN S. FRY,
Ex-Gov. Pollock, Director of the 1.7. S.
Mint, at Philadelphia, who was compelled
to resign on the advent of Johnsonism, in
1866, and who has been appointed to his
old position by Gen. Grant, has issued an
orate to the employees, that all whose ap
pointments date since October, 1866, may
consider themselves discharged. Right—
hi, tiAan again
Ig - y'r7Tr(7ll
Gem Lee, in his interview with General
Grant, habrmed the President that he did
ea look upon the adoption of the fifteenth
onmodasent with such forebodings as had
best doom by leading men North and
Smith. The fact is that it is only your
iferthern dough-face copperhead that
rakes all the hullabaloo over the "nigger"
—the. Lancaster Intelligencer and sick.
Doiing the late Gould-Vanderbilt war,
in the New York Legislature, the Erie
and Centre/ both sought, the services of
aroeur-legishitor from the Western portion
of that State in the lobby. He contracted
witleboth parties, afihbly pocketed seven
ty thousand dollars from the one, and one
hundred thousand from the other, and in
stead of paying over the cash to its legiti
mate owners, the Senators and Assembly
men of the Empire State, left for the South
with it between two days. There is much
perturbation in legislative and railroad
circles. New York is ahead, as far as
heard from It even beats Pennsylvania!
l 4
On Monday last, General W. W. Irwin
retlrp from the office of State Treasurer,
the duties of which he has discharged
-with great faithfulness and acceptance.
He retires with the good wishes of all
who bad business transactions in his de
partment. He leaves to his successor, It.
W. ilLackey, the large balance of $1,135,-
1.34.211. [lf the proposition of Senator
DUlingildt bad been adopted by the Leg
islature, nearly that amount of the public
indebtedness Might be paid, thus saving
thousands of dollars to the people. But
that wouldn't pay the speculators.] With
thaseibreammt of General Irwin, M. H.
Taggart, "Seq., of this cotinty, the able
sal ediflbmt colihter of the Treasury, va
cs*" his plate. Where Mr. Taggart is so
Well known, as he is at home, it is idle to
say anitking in his commendation. He
was 'a courteous and efficient officer, and
Lie *mince from the position he has so
la* and worthily filled will be deeply re
gretted Thomas. Nicholson, Esq., the
c„" .succeeds him, and will, we
doulWbak,aflit4bs.plate ably and well, as
he bandana beftwe.
The re-election of David Evans, Esq.,
as Ossaty Superintendent, by the Conven
time( &heel Directors, en Monday last,
was it peat triumph over the arch politi
cal ;k...,er—the chief of the Thugs
000E. ihulaker. He did his last beet,
and.did it well.too; but the machine did
not work as he expected. His boast that
he had "set up" the Democrats against
Mr. .. to the great credit of that
portion of n Democratic party who had
too isash seltreepeet to go with the ar
nsailleasot; did not hold water, and Mr.
FiTiblur o ka those who voted for him, can
meipatulate themselves that they succeed
ed by taking high ground on the great
MOO of education. It was Mr Evans'
indspeadient course as County Superinten
dositLhia refusal to be made the tool of a
pollOcal charlatan, who sells out his party
in every position he occupies, whenever he
easithweby gain a personal advantage—
that drew down upon him the denunciation
of breaker and his toadies and camp
followers. Ile, Mr. Evans, will not give
aosethisats to a teacher not entitled to it
beams he is the friend of this or that man.
He In not drag the ermine of his high
ogles in the dirt of political trimmers and
adventurers, and we rejoice that he has
bees sustained by the Directors of the
county. Let this result be a warning to
aspirants hereafter. Mr. Newpher stands
high as an educator, but the taint of Thug
ger* was *au him. That was enough to
defeat him, if there had been no other
The great length of the Registry Law
prevents us from giving it in fall in our
crowded columns. The law, as It passed
the Legislature, contains forty-three sec
tions; but the latter part refers solely to
the city of Philadelphia. The propriety of
some measure to check the progress of
fraudulent voting,is an admitted necessity
by fair men of all parties, and the new law
has been drafted to meet this want. It is
probable that the experience of a few years
will suggest changes and improvements in
it, but the principle of a careful registra
tion of voters will always be retained. One
of the best features of the new law ate the
guards it provides to prevent the polling
of fraudulent naturalized votes, and the
severe punishment imposed on ballot-box
stuffers, repeaters, &e. The Assessors are
required to commence making the regis
tration of voters on the first Monday in
June, and to complete and make public
their lists on or before the first of August.
A Washington letter-writer reports that
recently an Ohio Congressman received a
petition, signed by three hundred persons,
asking the appointment of a woman as
postmaster, and three days later had receiv
ed twenty-six confidential letters from the
signers, informing him that she was not
fit for the place, and that they had not the
courage to refuse to sign her papers. This
kind of thing is not confined to an "Ohio
Congressman." We know a Pennsylva
nia Congressman who was tried in the
same way. A more miserable specimen
of humanity don't live and never dies,
than the man who would sign an applica
tion and then go behind it and ask that
his name should not have consideration.
He is not only a despicable coward, but
one of the very meanest and contemptible
The New York Tribune contains the
following information from Washington,
which is of interest to people generally.—
We hope the "determination" will be car
ried out, and that there will be an end put
to whisky, as well as to all other kinds of
"rings." It is time to begin to punish
“The Internal Revenue Thireau has de
termined that hereafter no cases shall be
settled, dismissed, or compromised, except
by the decision of the Solicitor, and no
Assessor, Collector, or District-Attorney
will be permitted to negotiate on the sub
ject. Compromises will be made only
where the evidence shows an absence of
intent to defraud, and in all other cases
the law will be rigorously enforced. No
subordinate of the Bureau will be allowed
to confer with the claimants concerning
their cases.”
A bill to prevent railroad employees
from "smashing" baggage is pending be
fore the Massachusetts Legislature. It
roads as follows:
Any baggage master, express agent,
stage driver - 2 hackman, or other person
whose duty it is to handle, remove, or take
care of the baggage of passengers, who
shall willfully and wantonly injure or de
stroy any trunk, valise, box, package, or
parcel, while loading, transporting, un
loading, deli v, or storing the same,
shall bepunisliMby a fine not exceeding
fifty dollars, or by imprisonment in jail
not exceeding two months.
Of which the New York Sun says—and
its words have our hearty endorsement:
Would that some such bill were passed
in every State in the Union so that a man
could be fined or imprisoned for every
trunk he smashed. If this were the case,
the trunk-dealers might not do so thriving
a business as they now do, but the com
fort and good temper of the traveling
community would be greatly promoted.
The Mifilintown Sentinel says: "On
Sabbath a colored clergyman preached , in
the M. E. church of this place. When he
entered the pulpit several white Christians
(?) left the church. Comment is unneces
sary." The Lewisburg Chronicle adds,
"we suppose if this colored preacher goes
to heaven, these and other flunkeys will
back out and go to 'tether country."
The Philadelphia Sunday B,epublic says
that "Mayor Fox is hard at work, and,
as we predicted some months ago, the ad
journment of the Legislature has been the
signal for the removal of every loyal po
liceman. And for this who is to blame
but Senators Fisher, Robinson, Taylor
and the other Republicans who voted
against their party to secure the defeat of
the metropolitan police
Some of the most zealous friends of
School Superintendent Evans, in order to
make sure of his re-election, by some
means managed to induce Geo. Brubaker
to take an open stand against him and fir
Newpher, his competitVr. The dodge
was successful—the latter broke down
under the load, and Evans was trium
phantly elected.
TuE New York Senate has a Chaplain
who is manifestly an anti-lobby man, for
he recently prayed the Lord to "thwart
the designs of those bad men who loiter
about the halls of the Legislature with
bribery in their hands, and, still worse,
bribery in their hearts, to corrupt the rep
resentatives of the people, and promote
wicked legislation."—Exchange.
Why can't we have such a parson to
pray on the Hill at Harrisburg occasion
There are a few soft-headed Republicans,
and any quantity of solid-skit/led Demo
crats, who labor under the delusion that
the party that conquored the great rebel
lion for the perpetuity of slavery, and
saved the great Republic of the new world
for the interests of humanity through all
ages yet to come, has had its little day of
development, and is already wilting to de
cay. These shallow-brained and nervously
timid Union men, and these no-brained,
jackass-endowed Democrats, are given over
to believe a lie. True, the Ferforman :.
some of the men who have been elec
public trusti, have disgusted and •.r
enedmany good and true Republicans. But
the people are after these scurvy fellows,
and will take care of them. They arc
known and appreciated. But the people
know their old enemy too. They know
the men who did all they could to assist
the rebels to destroy the government in
their cowardly way, by professing a love
for the old flag, when they hated it. They
are well aware of their efforts to snatch
from the victory of our glorious army,
under the lead of our own Grant, its legit
imate fruits. They know that the re-es
tablishment of slavery, in some insidious
form, is still a reserved idea in the Demo- I
cratic organization, which Republican
ascendency can alone keep from practical
development. The repudiation of the na
tional debt, in some disguise less hideous
than naked robbery, is still cherished in
the Democratic creed. The Brick Pom
roys are the shameless burglars and high
waymen of the Democratic party. The
Manton Marbles and Seymours are its
pickpockets and sneak-thieves, and they,
and each as them, will not be permitted, to
get into power.
-1 10 r
The Republican party is of course -
tined to reverses, but these will purify
rather than destroy. Stupid and plesump
tuous managers, whose corrupting wealth
or crawling servility, has purchased them
the places due to worth and patriotism,
will disgust the true men of the party,
and weaken the efforts of the many, but
the end is not yet.. These clogs and draw
backs, together with the temporary lassi
tude that follows the labor of a great
success, will probably give some States to
the disciplined and vigilant Copperheads
in the skirmishes next fall, as in 1867.
But when the whole people are again ar
rayed in a national contest, with principles
broadly defined, and the disturbing ele
ments of local squabbles over appointments
to office are scarcely to be recognized as the
small dust of the balance, then comes Re
publican life out of seeming death, and the
Copperhead infidels will stand aghast at
the unexpected resurrection of the just.—
The Republican party is not "played out. ,
Not exactly
The Southern Opinion, a newspaper
which was conducted on the most approv
ed pro-Rebel principles, at Richmond, Va.,
has given up the ghost. It expired with
out a struggle—suffocated by its own false
doctrines—on the Ist inst. Its editor
penned a frank and candid obituary for
its tomb. What does he say? That the
"distinct Southern principles upon which
"the paper was founded are dead in the
"hearts of the people, is a fact we cannot
"but recognize." Evidently light has
broken in upon his mind. He realises the
"situation." Some four months since the
Charleston Mercury, another sheet of like
stamp, went the way of all error, and
found the grave of oblivion. Thus we see
the really "good cause," in contradistinc
tion to the "lost cause," gradually gain
ing ground. Is it not a hopeful sign of
returning peace, progress and prosperity,
to behold the people of our great Southern
land forsaking their false leaders? "When
the blind lead the blind, both fall into.tha
An exchange tells a rather suggestive
story of a member of the Legislature, who
left the cars temporarily, and left 14packet
book on his seat. A brakeman found and
opened it, and discovered eighteen hundred
dollars in bills, besides some papers, which
gave him a clue to the owner. 'While the
train was stopping, the brakeman went in
search of and found the owner, who
promptly rewarded him with twenty dol
lars. As the brakeman turned top away,
however, the legislator stopped him, took
him to one side, and whispered in his ear
words to this effect: "When you get up
to our place to-morrow, you needn't say
anything about my losing my pocket book.
You see/Alley wouldn't know how I came
by that eighteen hundred dollars exactly;
in fact I don't think I ever bad so muoh
money with me before; so you had better
say nothing about it."
Those members of Congress who com
plain of being "bored to death by office
seekers," forget that they were office seek
ers themselves quite recently and bored
other people as much as they are now bored
themselves. They have no right to al.
plain when the quid pro quo (no doubt in
many cases promised by them) is now look
ed for and insisted upon with some degree
of pertinacity. Let only those who never
sought office themselves complain. Those
who have reached the goal by the boring
process, shouldn't interpose obstacles in
the way of other borers who have not yet
got through.
A few days ago, hi a conversation with
a leading Republican of Philadelphia, on
Legislative affairs, we found him to be
very decidedly of the opinion that, as a
general rule, the "country members," in
point of character and intelligence, are far
behind those of the city of Philadelphia.
He firmly believed that the shameful dis
regard or the people's interests, the fre
quent betrayal of party, the reckless ex
travalance, the open and unblushing sys
tem of buying and selling members to the
highest and best bidders, in the election
nators and in the passage of
very low standard of moral
which has characterized members of
the Legislature of late, particularly during
the last session, is owing to the fact that
HO many of our country districts, instead
of sending good, practical and substantial
MEN as their representatives, yield to the
importunities of mere "scalawags'? and
elect them—the smallest of small politi
cians and camp followers, who have jus
calibre enough to know that individuals
and corporations do go or send their
agents to Harrisburg when they need Le
gislation, and bring their stamps
with them, and passively comply with the
terms and conditions prescribed by pay
ing the highest market prices for the votes
of as many members as are necessary to
secure what they need as enactments by
the Senate and House of Representatives.
The gentleman referred to appears to be
quite familiar with some of the legislative
incidents of the last session, and he named
a number of "specimen" country mem
bers. According to his observations, per
haps more than a full share of the odium
of sending "sick like" to Harrisburg as
Representatives, justly belongs to the Old
ouard—even the great county of Lancas
ter, whose people have enjoyed the very
good fortune, in years gone by, to be re
presented by such men as Honest John
Strohm, William Mester, EBailta Kinzer,
and many others of the same stamp.
As citizens of Lancaster county, we
humbly confess that the picture drawn by
our Philadelphia friend, is a true we, and
anything but agreeable to look at. But,
we do most emphatically deny that we of
the " country districts" are alone to blame
for sending this kind of material to the
Legislature. When we take into consid
eration that the merchants, manufactu
rers and business men of Philadelphia are
among the most intelligent, high-toned,
patriotic and honorable men of this or any
other country, it is but natural to take for
granted that their representatives, elected
by their votes, are men of honor, patriot
ism, character and common sense. Some
of them, we are free to say, are of this
stamp but so also are some of our "coun
try members." But when we come to I
look over the list ofnotorious " bummers,"
we are unable to find any material differ
ence between those of the city and of the
country. Whilst we hang our heads in
shame when we see some of our "country
members" running round in the rotunda
among the Legislativt brokers, begging to
be "taken in" on this and that little job
for a share of the stamps, or in open dis
regard of law and common decency going
"snacks" with shysters and irresponsi
ble hangers on in petty treasury plunder
ing schemes, such as the pasting and fold
ing swindle, under the lead of such " coun
try gentlemen" as Strang, of Tioga, and
the irrepressible Gatchell, of Lancaster, it
is some consolation to know that several of
the Philadelphia districts—not merely
those of the down town democratic per
suasion, who year after year send their
most notorious blacklegeto represent them
at Harrisburg--but even some of the most
respectable and highly civilized Republi
can districts %) town, elect,year after year,
the reeet'pitiAa "specimens'? imaginable,
as thefireprifeentatives, such, for instance,
as "Giggling Jimitiy,» who enjoys the
reclaimr reputation of being always "on
hand,” and one of the very cheapest among
the cheap. As a 4 specinien'l we risk no
thing in, saying that this one at least, will
compare quite unfavorably with the small
est one of out tontary fellows of " low
forehead" notoriety.
The only way to secure max as our
fixture representatives, is for the Republi
cans of each Legislative district to " sweep
before their own doers.'' We of Lancas
ter county will endeavor to do so, and
send four true and ihithfta representatives
to the House and two to the Senate next
winter. It will probably be a new de
legatiort--one Senator, excepted—one
who has been faithful in the past, and in
whom the people's confidence will not be
misplaced in the fixture. How is it with
the Republicans of several of the Phila
delphia districts—will they do likewise by
keeping their "scalawags" at home, and
sending honorable, intelligent and respect -
Ste men in their stead ? We'll see.
In "setting ur the County Superin
tendency last Tuesday, George Brubaker
committed several serious blunders. Two
or three of his Directors, whom he had se
lected to make certain motions in the con
vention, when the time came, were not
even present. It was afterwards ascer
tained that two of them were too drunk
even to eat their dinners, and were sleep
ing off their loads whilst the convention
was running Mr. Evans through hand
[CULLED /nom veatiotre sotritcssj
One of the female clerks recently dis
missed from the Treasury Department
called there yesterday to ascertain if the
demand of a Congressman that she should
.be reinstated would be succseful. "
must know at once," said she it "sr I
have received an offer of mama*, and
although I don't fancy the man, if I
can't get reinstated 1 must accept.”
About eleven o'clock, General Lee, ac
companied by two friends, drove to t
White House and called upon • the Presi
dent, who received them very courteously.
This visit had no political significance
whatever, as has been intimated, but
was simply a visit of courtesy to the
President of the United States on the
part of the late eornntinder-in-chief ofi
the late rebel forces. This was their
first meeting since the surrender at Ap
The Pennsylvania appointments are
all made, and our people have gone home.
A few members of both houses still
linger around the departments picking
up odds and ends, but the capital is
practically deserted by the politicians,
much to the mortification of landlords,
and quite as much to the relief of the
President and his cabinet.
The clerks in the several departments
are more nervous now than they have
been at any time since the new adminis
tration came into power. It has been
understood for some time that the axe
would not fall very heavily until after
most of the Congressmen had left the
city, because the secretaries had no de
sire to be unmercifully bored to reinstate
clerks once dismissed. Now that the
Congressmen have mostly departed there
is nothing in the way. It would not be
at all surprising if the present week
should witness (in the lasiguare of a pa
triotic clerk who was dismissed some
months ago) " one thousand dissevered
official heads rolling upon the pavement
and shouting the battle cry of freedom."
lateralew batmen Gemara Carl
Schurz and the President, on Monday
last, was enlivened by a pleasant inci
dent. The President remarked : " Gene
ral, I see by the Democratic papers that
you and I have been having a fierce
fight." :'Yes," said Schurz, " that is
the first I have heard of it," " Well,"
said the President, "if it isn't fiercer
on your side than it is on mine, it isn't
much of a fight." " Well, if it isn't
fiercer on your side than it is on mine,
we can afford to make up," responded the
Senator, Jocularly. " Well, let's make
up," said General Grant.
William S. Baseman, a colored man
from Troy, N. Y., has been appointed to
a first-class clerkship in the third audi
tor's office.
Tits "iron heel of military power,"
which the Democratic organs pretended
to have had such a crushing effect at the
South, is thus spoken of in the Richmond
Inquirer: "Our exchanges throughostVir
ginia, at every point where troops have
been stationed, refer to their departure In
kindly terms, and speak of the mutual re
grets expressed by the soldiers and citi
Gov- CURTIN, our new Minister to
Russia, will leave for St. Petersburgh
about the middle of June next.
pat few.
JOB PliaMMil.
Handbills, Cards, Bill Heade, PrograMmea,
Posters, &0., &c., printed in the best style and
at reasonable rates, at the FATRZE ASIA
HAIL Job Printing Office. Orders by mail
promptly attended to.
IT11118: Mayor Fox, of Philadelphia, fol
lowed a policeman into a drinking saloon on
Thursday of last week, on Sixth street, near
Race, and relieved him of his star, for violat
ing a rule of the department forbidding
men entering taverns, except on (Mk
nese. If such a rule existed in Lancaste_ ~h ow many of the present city police would
hold their office a day ?
Several mad doge were killed in this oily,
during the last week. Kill them, if notate*.
sled, is the demand of the times.
Jacob Hurts, a son of Henry Kurt -
fug nearilAWle, Salisbury to
killed by ng on Thursday of last
He, with h father and brother, were in the
barn, standing near together at the time. The
brother received a slight 'hock, but the father
was not affected by the electric stroke.
Henry Coleman, sentenced at the last court
to five years in oar *entity pitmen, for bur
glary, at Columbia, attempted to break jail
a few days ago. PLO is now in as tree-clad
cell. He it repreented to be a desperate
There was a pretty heavy frost in some
sections of Lancaster mrl ittn mt A Cipaltif Wm'
lug last. A fine oppo for csoakars.
The Express says that a sells butter
in our seashet, mad* from the milk et an AU
deruey cow', which sells from len to Moen
centi a rated Wife Thar Mean IMO*.
Oh, Rooky
The new Pennsylvania railroad time table,
*which gives us a down train Troll Uneasier
as 4 o'clock P. X., and arrives at Philadel
phia at 6)4 R. IL, is a veil ignisit improve-
By taldug said train, starting here
after bud entire evening may
be spent in and latch horns the
same night, either a I or 23f, A. M.
Two valeabie beat horses *Me drowned in
the canal on ?May loot, at Chloques. The
an i ma l s 6 0 ,* iNgtit ap=ll B ?oeotnotive.
Rev. Mr . Clatrilds, *lt deed at Ma
rietta for thirty yaws, is sheet to remove to
to DelaWarthibhe taught school
prior ti e.: ovias He will now
teacho iltisett Of Same* moils.
N.J.. . . Yoes Mu, on Saturday last,
on motion of John B. Livingston Esq., his
preceptor, admitted to practice J aw in the
courts of t Lancaster county. Maj. Y. is a
young man of ability and promise.
Collector Mableibetg and
appointed John
G. Martin Der o tta t Oollector of Internal Reve
nue for this d
Samuel Martin, of liperrais twp., has been
appointed Clerk in the Inland Insurance and
Deposit Company of this city.
In the Supreme Chart as Harrisburg, on
Tuesday last, Messrs. Charles Dames and
A. J. Eberly, Bags., of this city, were admit
ted to modes in that Court.
Samuel B. Richards, of Columbia, and John
Richards, of Liancastorr, have returned from
Texas, within the last few dams. They were
in Col. Hainbright's Seth V. S. Inflantry
Regiment, sad were discharged by reason of
the consolidation of regiments and a conse
quent reduction in the number of non-oom
snisrioned ofileers.
The new store of our friend, John D. Sidles,
in East King street, next to the County Bank,
is a magnificent *SW. His stock too, is very
fine and attractive. Go and see him.
John R. Lonoecker, Req., editor of the
Baltimore Co. (Md.) Unioil, formerly of this
county, has been appointed to a prominent
podia= in the Baltimore Custom :Thom Kr.
L. is a Republican of the strips of the Old
t nn..a ns n I: adical of the Itadicals.
We chronicle Ins success with great pleasure.
The Intelliyencee is hard on our "City
Fathers," especially with regard to the mis
erable condition of many of our side-walks.
and with reason. But what can be expected
of "common people," when the pavement in
front of the residence of the "Democratic"
President of Select Council, in South Queen
street, is one of the worst—if not the worst—in
the city. Stir him up, for be is one of you, Mr.
The Columbia ,s:py says that splendid Sus
quehanna shad, caught at that place, are re
tailing on the street at from fifty to seventy
five cents a pair. Send some along, friend
Rambo. Don't be selflah.
H. W. Hager, Esq., the new P. M. of
this city, assumed his duties on Monday even
ing last. Jacob Martin, clerk, and C. F.
Eberman and Edw. Edgerley, letter carriers,
having resigned theirpositions, Scott P. Lytle
has been appointed a clerk, and Henry Hartley
and Samuel Musselman, letter carriers.
Messrs. Martin and Ebe rman go into the
Assessor's Office, under Capt. Rea. Capt.
Leibley, Semi. Etchells, J. H. Marshall, S. M.
Hambright and our worthy and esteemed old
friend "Pap" Wright, still continue in the
service of Uncle Samuel, in their old posi
tions, as they well deserve to do. We wish
the new P. AL and his corps of attaches, a
pleasant and prosperous career.
Spring bonnets have made their appearance.
They are smaller than ever, so small that
some of them cannot be seen with the naked
eye. The price does not falloff with the size.
The lees a bonnet weighs, the more it comes
to. A cabbage leaf, trimmed with three red
peppers and a dried cherry, sells fir $35. It is
called a jockey. Has one great advantage—
can be eaten as salad when the fashion
The State Legislature recently passed an
act authorizing the appointment of a Milk
Inspector in every city and borough in the
State. As there is much codiplaint by con
sumers of milk in Lancaster, as to the quality
furnished by milkmen, it would be well if our
authorities would appoint an officer to inspect
it. The price charged is sufficient to insure a
good article, and if dealers are determined to
impose on their customers, some effort should
be made for their protection.
The Harrisburg Gee Company have reduced
the price of gas arty cents per thousand feet.
When our brilliant company come down, we
will make a note of it.
Thirty-two non-commissioned ofticers and.
privates is now the minimum for all military
organisations, except when called into actual
The General Assemblies of the Old and
Now School Presbyterian Church will meet
on the twentieth of May, to settle finally the
question of re-union.
A big battle between May bonnets and close
pocket books is now being fought by bright
eyes against husbands and fathers all over
this great country.
Fragrant flowerets bedecking the windows,
gardens and lawns of our citizens, are objects
of universal attraction.
We observed a fancy fellow in town last
Tuesday wearing a very large ring with aruby
setting—but he displayed it in rather a prom
inent place—around his eye.
Collectors of specimens of money will now
do well to save a clean piece of each kind of
fractional currency—as it is all to be called
in, and no more issued.
W. S. Birdlemay, formerly aAtudent at the
Millersville State Normal School was, on
Monday, the 3rd inst. on motion of Non.
John W. Killinger, ad mitted to practice law
in the several courts of Lebanon County. •
David Evans, Esq., was on Tuesday last
re-elected County Superintendent of Common
Schools of Lancaster County, for three years,
at the annual salary of the three last years,
$l7OO. The vote stood, for Evans, 111: A. 0.
Newpher, 106. A close shave.
George Brubaker has retired from the firm of
Stehman, Clarkson & Co. Bankers, of this
The Farmers National Bank of Lancaster,
has declared a semi-annual dividend of 6X
per cent., Odasity Bank 8 per cent. and the
Strasburg Bank $ per cent.
Mayor Sanderson has dismissed Samuel
Shroad anti Leonard Krause, policemen of
the 7th and let Wards of this city, at the re
quest of the Finance Committee of Councils.
Cause—failed to account for city and county
taxes collected.
The Grand Jury of Dauphin county, last
week, found a true bill against - H. G. Smith
and A. J. Steinman, of the Lancaster Intelli
genoer, for libel on Mr. Kleckner, a member
of the Legislature from Philadelphia.
Oar genial friend, Mr. Alfred Sanderson,
formerly of the Lancaster intallipencer, now of
the Pottsville Standard, visited his old home
in this city, for a Om days, arriving on Satur
day,. Barring his politics, Alfred - is a good
fellow, and we are glad to learn is succeeding
admirably, pecuniarily, at his new home.
Two dogs were killed in this city on Mon
day, having all the symptoms of hydrophobia.
One was killed in Itanheim township on
Saturday, on the premises of Isaac F. Landis.
Charles Olinger was on last Friday commit
ted to prison by Mayor Sanderson, on the
charge of stealing a mule, wagon and harness
belongin to John Hartman, of this city.
Then Of all "cusses" is the man
who will employ a bootAdaekand then refuse
to pay him. A thing of that kind, named
Frank Weidler, the Inielligeneer says, did that
on Saturday, and then assaulted the
boy for demanding pay. H! was prosecuted,
and was glad to theb a bonus, and the
costs, to have the Salt 110 i ,
The entertainment given by Mr. John Hart,
assielei by Miss Hindle and Profs. Hall and
Bteinhauser, at Fulton Hall, this city, on
Tuesday evening bat, was a great succom.
The audience was largeand apposelative, and
the lady and gentlemen well sustained their
parts. Hr. Hart well sustained his reputation
Is an Bkocutienist and Header, and the
pplanse of the large audience must have been
highly nattering and encouraging to hing.
Miss Hindle possesses rare talent as a vocal
ist, having a tine clear voice which she has
under perfect control. We don't fancy the
operatic style. Probably our education has
been neglected, but give us the plain ballad
singing, in prefirreneotothe "scientific Wks."
We should like to hear Miss Hindle in such
pieces as "The Old Arm Chair," Av. Mr.
Hall added to his reputation as au un
surpassed tenor singer, and Mr. Steinhauser's
accoespanissentsen the Plum worse:tented
with grace and expression. The City Cornet
Band added Its fun share to the entertain
SERVED THEM RIGHT : "A young blood
living net half a dozen of miles away from
here, was the violin' of a huge joke last Sun
day night. lie was trying to be particularly
'sweet on a young lady, and had paid her
several visits. The old folks thought that
the children wire too little to kgep corny,
and conveyed the hint by calling the rl out
of the room and sending her to bed, t e lady
.of the house astonishing the young gent by
bringing into the parlor a huge piece of bread
and butter and sugar, staying in her kindest
manner : 'There, Bub, take this, and run
home to your mother ; it is time little boys
were in bed.' "
Beaver lays claim to the above, but it ought
to apply in Lancaster. The way the young
sters of both sexes, who have just laid off
their "swaddling clothes," play the bean and
belle in this Inland City, is perfectly amaz
ing. Wonder if their "Mother's know their
To BumEss Max : If you have an adver
tisement running through our own or any
other good paper, you have good servants out
at work for you, whether you wake or sleep,
whether you be sick or well. No monarch a
slaves ever scattered at his bidding so fleetly
or faithfully, or in snob bewildering numbers,
as the literary messengers that bear your in
dividual ward to the people.