gltsizogivanigh gititot. RUBE' FUN SCIIIMIFFLEBRENUR. Sciumwarrowx, April 27, 1861). MISTER FODDER ABRAHAM: Des Posht meashter sci g'folt mer net recht. Es macht mer tsu fiel fuss un bod dermshun. Im tershta plotz, we shun amohl g'sawt, es bringt net fiel ei, awcr yusht leit, de kumma bei, un so boll - dos ich amohl ten a conclusion kum was for a side bisness das jell aw dreiva will, expect ich aw des ding betzahla tsu macha. De bitters bisness suit mich net, un will nix mit tsu du hawa; an candy shop mit tsuger shtenglin un grunduiss un leb-ku cim, sell is mer tau kleany bisness for au United States Government Officer. Awer des frennology, sell dinkt Teich cleat about om beshta du, for sell deat mich of amohl promota tsu ma Professor, un besides, wann de lest recht bei kumma un duna eara kep exa,mina lussa, donn machts aw geld. Awer dc ursach dos mer des Posht Meashter sei net Obit is well se so about oily dog kumma for collecta uu bettla for des un for sell. Se kumma, dos warm ich an office het de finf dausend dallier a yohr wtert weer. Doh for a paar dog sin tswea ladies kumma, un eany hut,so orrig neist awfonga tau shwetza un gedu dos warm se so froh wtcr dos ieh de Posht * Office grickt bob, un we se mich in an ordlich guter humor uf getuned g'hot hut, donn hut se amohl eara bichly rous un hut of so an ivver ous shlicker un friendlicher weg hawa wella dos ich er ebbas nei shrei va set fors Efongralium preddicha unnich de lieida dort dram in de Jerseys odder wu evva dos es is. \i arms net for de ' Bevvy gwest wx,r donn glawb ich so gwiss ch leab ich het eana an dahier odder so gevva. Awer de Bevvy, de hut grawd uf g'shwetzt, un but cana tsu ferslitea, gevva dos so long mer so 'Reida neshter hen we's liitzelderfers, grawd doh fore unser eay cue diera, het mer kea bigness uns tau boddera fun weaya denna in winery lender. 'Urn de Bevvy hut aw widder recht g'hot. Awer des collecta un bettla for do llcida is net olles. Om letsht Somshdog sin se kumma for geld raisa for em porra sei rent tsu betzahla, un dort hob ich aw an dah lar dertsu gevva, un de I3evvy wars uf course agreed, for de porra missa aw lea wa. Under miner dog doh sin se aw kumma for geld for a frei-kumpany doh ahteddle, un an onnery party is kumma mit a subscription buck for/a firehumpany wu se uf kreeya wella dokinateiteddle so das EC aw an Fort of July *elle hawa kenna. In 01l mein dog un des leawas sin se ne net so of mich gexunt for sub scriptions un geld dos we olleweil sidder ich Posht Meashter bin. 'Urn wann ich mich excusa will donn heasts evva grawd: ".Ach, holt mer doch's maul—an 'norm dos so an Government Officer is konn doch eppas gevva." Now so geboddert tsu sci mit denna subscriptions bettla g'folt mer net. Geshter bin ich shier gorly bas war ra. Sidder dos ieh kea drom mea sauf du ich aw nimmny tiucha, un awer dock will ich ferdeihenkert sei wann ich net resign liewer dos ich so gerunnt war for geld oily dog. Den morya, hob ich aw an brief grickt fun dem bier ousa duckter wu uf der Semmly g'huckt hut der letsht winter. Er shreibt dos er im sin hut widder tsu gea, providing .ister dung can widder,nei leckta. Er will, mf course hawa dos ich for can gea, un weil ich set hitters certificate net braucha konn, sell wu er met hut gevva wella, hut er met g'shrivva dos er amohl kumma, wet cans fun denna dawga for sei kup examiva lussa, un uf seller weg mich unnershtitza in meiner ncia bisness. Er hut mer aw g'shrivva fun weaye der FODDER ABRAHAM'S Tscitung, dos se so greiselheftich in can nei pitcht, well cr gongs IA for was se des peshter un foolder shwindle beam, un er will hawa dos ich my influence usa set so dos der can nit frieda lust un nix mea sawgt weaya eel ',am. De fact is, es kummt mer fore dos seller duckter dock keen so shlechter kmrl is, un dos wann mer for can gent kennt mer aw ferleicht a wennich fun denna shtamps ous cam macha, for so sawya er het an ordlieh gooter howfa geld Onacht der letsht winter, for sei sallcry alleanich war a dausand daliler, un ous sellam but cr ufs wennichsht tier dausand g'seaft, un sell heas ich ordlich slunart in caw. Awer, es is noch ebbas im gong olle- weal. De negsht woch kutataa de Shool Correctors tsonnua in der shtadt for an Superintender tsu leekta. liter wu yetz drin is, sawga se, hets about long genunk g'hot, un cans fun de Correctors doh im .Ehteddle mehut selly office deat mich ex actly suits, un ich hob ordlich drivver kunsiddert un bin fullens tsu der conclu sion kumma an kondidawt tsu sei derfore. Un now geb ich notice das ich's nein wann se mich nei leckta. 'eh du mien aw pletcha das ich nei .gea for all de hoehe warta ob tsu chaff t, un a ycader Shool menshter un Shoohnistressy im County recht ons l'enusylfitwnish deitsh mterrick bringa. Des hoeha collitch weasa is olles nix wiert. Was mer haWa wella is so a laming dos aw unser cans fershteat. Ich gea nei for so laming was mer grickt in de Aw Ilea Tsea Welter, shpelling bicher, Joekratfy, Reehelbieher un shlate pencils,. Sell is all dos Mt grickt hob, un doch bin ich yetz was ich bin—a United States Otlk.vr un aw an Professor im fall ich gea in de Frennollogy bisness nei. Any how, der misset es yetz bekannt macha dos ich an kondidawt bin for Shool Super intender. Per klea Abey is g'sund, un wackst we nn yunges hutchelly. Wann de Bevvy cam ols so an shlutzer ins maul nei shteckt shloaft er for common fun drei his fier shtund of amohl, un a bubbelly dos sell dut is ordlich goat. Eans fun denna dog kumma mer mold in de shtadt, un Bonn bringa mer can aw mit, un rufa aw bei ich in der Fodder Abraham Office. PIT Sell WEFFELBRENN ER A RIND WORD "'l' Sitting in a station the other day, I had a ittle sermon preached to me in the way I like ; and I'll repeat it for your benefit, be cause it taught one of the beautiful lessons which we should learn, and taught it in such a natural, simple way, that no one could forget it. It was a bleak, snowy day ' • the train was late ; the ladies' room dark and smoky, and the dozen women, old and young, who sat waiting impatiently, all looked cross, low-spirited or stupid. I felt all three, and thought as I looked around, that my ellow beings were a very unamiable and uninteresting set. Just then, a forlorn old woman, shaking with palsy, came in with a basket of little wares for sale, and went about mutely offering them to the sisters. Nobody bought anything, and the poor old soul stood blinking at the door a minute, as if reluctant to go out into the bitter storm again. She turned presently, and poked about the room, as if trying to find something ; and then a pale lady in black, , saw the old woman, and instantly asked, in a kind tone, " Have you lost anything, ma'am ?" "No, dear. I'm looking for the heatin'. place, to have a warm 'fore I goes out agin. My eyes is poor, and I don't seem to find the furnace nowheres." "Here it is" and the lady led her to the steam radiator, placed a chair, and skewed her how to warm her feet. " Well, now ; ain't that nice?" said the old woman spreading her ragged mittens to dry. "Thanky, dear this is proper comfort able, ain't it ? I'm most froze to-day, bein' lame and wimbly ; and not Benin' much makes me sort or dawn-hearted." The lady smiled, went to the counter, bought a cup of tea and some sort of food, carried it herself to the old woman, and said as reap ectfully and kindly as if the poor soul had been dressed in silk and fur, "Won't you have a cup of hot tea ? It is very com forting such a day as this." "Bakes alive 1 Do they give tea to this depot ?" cried the old lady, in a tone of in nocent surprise, that made a smile go round the room., touching the glummest face like a streak aleunsidne. "Well, now, this is jest lovely ," added the old lady, sipping away with a relish. " This does warm the cockles of my heart." While she refreshed herself, telling her story meanwhile, the lady looked over the poor little wares in the basket, bought soap and pins, and shoe strings and tape, and cheered the old soul by paying well for hem. As I watched her doing this, I thought what a sweet face she had, though I had con sidered her rather plain before. I felt dread fully ashamed of myself, that I had grimly shaken my head when the basket was offered to me ; and, as I saw a look of interest, sympathy, and kindliness come into the dis mal faces around me, I did wish that I had been the magician to call it out. It was only a kind word and a friendly act : but some- how, it brightened that dingy room wonder fully. It changed the tacea of a dozen women ; and, I think it touched a dozen hearts, for I saw many eyes followed the plain, pale lady with sudden respect; and when the old woman, with many thanks, got up to go, several persons beckoned to her, and bought something, as if they wanted to repair their first negligence. Old beggar women are not romantic; neither are cups of tea, boot-lacipp and colored soap ; there was no gentleiniti pre sent to be impressed by the lady's kind act ; so it wasn't dose for effect, and no possible reward could be received for It, except the ungrammatical thanks of a ragged old woman. But that simple little charity was as good as a sermon to those who saw it ; and I think each traveler went on her way, better for that half hour in the dreary station. I can testify that one of them did, and no thing but the emptiness of her purse pre vented her from "comforting the cockles of the heart" of every forlorn woman she met for a week after. TELL YOUR WIFE. /If you are in trouble or a quandary, tell , your wife—that is if you have one—all about it at once. Ten to one her invention will solve your difficulty sooner than all your logic. The wit of a wotnan has been prais ed, but her instincts are quicker and keener than her reason. Counsel with your wife, or your mother or sister, and be assured light will flash upon your darkness. Women tare too commonly adjudged as verdant in all but purely womanish affairs' No philosophical student of the sex thus judges them. Their intuitions, or insights, are subtile, and if they cannot Peon oat in the meal, there is no cat there. In counseling a man to tell his wife, we wituld go farther and advise him to keep none of his affairs secret from her. Many a home has been happily saved and many a fortune retrieved man's full confidence in his "better half." Woman is far more a seer and prophet than man, if she have a fair chance. As a gen eral rule wives confide the minutest of their plans and thoughts to their husbands, hav ing no involvements to screen from them. Why not reciprocate, if but for the pleasure of meeting confidence with 'confidence We are certain that no man succeeds so well in the world as he who, taking a part ner for life, makes her the partner of all his purposes and hopes. What is wrong of his impulses or judgment, she will check, and set right with her almost universally right instincts. "Helpmeet" was nu insignificant title, as applied to man's companion. She is a meet help to him in every darkness, difficulty, and sorrow of life. And what she most craves, and most deserves, is confi dence—without which love is never free from shadow. * , • $ S . l I t‹-,4 11 1 1 1 s. j 'tinted. • NASBY. Tile Corners OUtrised—The Gailletine at Work-o_l4_ Noreiter Decapitated and a Nigger Dade Assessor in his Place. [From the Toledo Xede.) Posi ONTD3 . , CONFEDBRIT-X ROADS, (With is at the State otKentucky,) April 0, 1869. Ef the Dimocrisy uv the Perth arn't satisfied by this time that the ultimate in tenshen uv the Ablishnists is to subjoogate cm and redoose cm to the level uv the Nigger, the voice of one risin from the dead woodn't avail uothin. Yesterday the last outrage with a. chivalrous people hez been compelled to bear was perpetra ted Onto a citizen of the' Corners. A Nigger is now au otlis holder at the Corn ers! I shel state the case calmly: The posishen uv internal revcnoo for the deestrick uv which the Corners is the centre hez bin held since A. Johnson hez bin President by Capt. Hugh 31cPotter, late uv Morgan's cavalry, C. That he hez filled the posishen to the satisfac tion uv the citizens uv the Corners no one denies. lie is a distiller; in fact he and Elder Pennibacker run the two distilleries in the town, and they hey did a thriving biznes. MePelter wuz assessor and Pen nibacker collector, and ez a consekence none of the capital uv the Corners hez bin substractedi&nd carried to Washington to feed the ablishen theeves there. Ez no tax hez ever bin paid Ai 'the whisky at this place, Bascum hez bin enabled to eon tinyoo to sell it at five cents per drink, while everywhere else the reglcr price is ten and fifteen. There wuz other advan tages in having the assessorship and col lectorship in their hands. By simply hintin to em that it wuz my dooty ez Federal offis-holder to investigate their modes uv doin the Government biznes, I hey not only bin the happy recipient uv scores uv two gallon jugs, but I hey bin enabled, at divers and sundry times, to prokoor loans uv cm uv various amounts, the lowest bein $1.75, the highest reachin $2O. This happy condishun uv atiairs is bustid. Gabrel Babcock, a nigger—that 1 is, a half nigger, formerly the property of Deekin Pogram, and who looks enuff like the Deekin's oldest son Jehiel to be his half brother, wuz last week appointed and confirmed assessor in the place uv Capt. • IstePelter, and immejitly he entereed onto 1 the discharge uv his dooties. There are many feechers pekoolyerly aggravatin in 1 the appintment. To begin with, this Bab- tack wuz notoriously obnoxyus to the Corners dooring the 1. to onpleasantnis. At the beginn away from Decking Pogram and entered the Fedral servis. He wuz pertikerly activ and , cussid. His knowledge uv the country made him yooseful to the Fedderal officers ez guide and scout, and at least one Fedral victry is chargeable direct to the informa tion ho brot. Then his wife wuz knowd ' to hey hid five Fedral soljers who lied escaped from Audersonville. When he finally fell into the hand of Captain Mc- Pelter at Fort Pillow kin it be wondered at that he wuz left for dead? or kin it be , wondered at that the people uv the Corners wuz surprized when he appeared among. I' em at the close uv the war with one leg off ! and one arm stiff? Not much. Capt. Mc 'eltzer wusn't in thjg habit uv half doin his work, and thcillt ranee uv this ! niggar who had• rough his hands ruther astonished too Ceptin. Doering his absence he bed learned to read 'and rite, and he wuz made a teacher in the Freedmen's skool wick: was eatablisht in this place, and now he is assessor, with Pollock on his bond. Ez a matter uv courillt we despair uv the republic. Wet freedom kin these be for us with a nigger in omahal peiiishtm, to tyrannize over us? Vat man av cultur, uv educashun, uv refine ih afford to live in a community w. —ghtitin nigger is made not only our , but our sooperi or? Deekin Pogram sal 's indignantly to Joe Bigler, who inntly sold the Dee kin whether or not he didn't count Bab cock's mother his ekal thirty years ago ? Wich question, wielt was askt in the pres- , euce uv the Deekin's will), who has a tem per, wuz the occasion sv severe remarx between the worthy pair. Joe Bigler de- liter in opeuin old sores. The first act of this Babcock in his offishal capassity, wuz th e shuttin up of lifel'elter's and Penni backer's distilleries, and Bascom's bar, on the skore that none uv em had never ta ken out licenscs, or ever paid any taxes! There waz the most terrific ebulishun uv fcelin at this act of tyrminy that has ever been my lot to witness. • "Kill the nigger!" "Hang the black cuss!" "Down with the Afrikin Despotism!" Shoutid the enfuriated citizens.,With a refinenient nv crooelty 'wich cool only be the offspring uv a most depraved and HON. F. BILLINOFELT, State Senator from Lancaster County. vishus mind, he shut up these places at 7 o'clock in the .mornin, before the citi zens hed beta his morning bitters!• fled he postponed it an hour we might have fought it out, for some one else wood have pro koored a supply before noon, and things wood have gone on normal. But here was the entire populasben uv the corners at 7 a. in. with throats like lime-kilns and nary drop to be hed for luv or money. The skeem wuz well considered and successful. The citizins could hold out but fifteen minutes and they surrendered. They gave bonds to wich they all appended their marks, to indemnify the Government for back taxes, and compelled Bascom to take out license. This done, the nigger, who wuz backt up up by Bigler and Pollock, opened h. doors, and the multitood surg ed in and wuz satisfied. To think uv• nigger holdin the destinies uv the corners in his hands! Ez a matter uv aiourse El der Pennibacker will follow next; indeed, lie wants to resign now, for, sez he, with the assessorship in hostile hands, uv what avail is it to be collector? And then, how long will my head stay on my shoulders? Is a nigger to take my place? Already Bascom hez raised his price to ten cents per drink, and notified:me that likker from this time out is cash, and already hez Pennibacker and McPelter refoozed to lend me a cent. My kingdom is crumblin. The elecshun uv Grant wuz the wedge wich is rivtn me from stem to stern. I shel be compelled to go hentz a broken man. Good lievings, why coodn't I hey died while Johnson wuz still President! The blindness uv this present Adminis trashun is trooly astonishen. Things was settling rappidly at the Corners. McPel ter wuz becomin pacified, and Deekin Pen nibacker likewise. Thejbwuz not satisfied with the Government, nor did they ap prove uv anything it did, but they were passive. Now the old sores is opened.— Now McPelter is breathin slaughter, and is for lettin slip the dorge of war. And what hez Grant got in return? Why, a nigger who was already hizzen, and the two whites at the Corners who voted for him last fall, and will again anyhow. General Grant evidently don't mean to pacify us—he ain't on the soothe, nor has he a clear idea of what is needed to conciliate. I shel go next. There is to be a meetin held next week to protest agin these changes, but it wont avail nothm. We are all marked. PETROLEUM V. NASBY, P. M., {With means Postmaster.) The smallest animal of the brute urea tion and the most p: sky is the Flea. They are about the bigness ov an onion seed, and shine like a bran new shot. They spring from low places and can spring further and faster than any of the bug brutes. They bite wus than the muskeetoze, for they bite on the run, one flea will go aul over a man's suburbs in 2 minnita, and leave him as freckled as the measles. It is impossible to do anything Well with a flea on you except aware, and fleas ain't afraid of that; the only way is to quit biz ness on all kinds and hunt for the lien; and when you have found him he ain't there. This is ono of the Ilea misteries, the fakulty they have ov being entirely lost jist as you have found them. I it the killed, on ,year, more the United Ire is a ensu e/bile there and then 4 .4 7 0 : flax ,them az , t biz postifer- • Ask never s , . S mart upbes Otte ininyhowf .they I stay long hi* piece. If you ever ketch a dee, bin Nut before you do ennyitdag fie; Ihr if you do put it off I tekadte, Weierbe teibite. Meuey aAm bos mmlo awlY forever in less tan two admits. A canitinnwitnieNT describhkg the in fernal 'machine termed the "shower ath” employed at Sing Sing prison, wsplains the method of punishment. The victim is stripped naked before a dozen keepers or guards, who are anxious to "see the sport,” placed in a stock with hands. and feet ex tended and firmly fastened by the wrists and ankles—spread eagle fashion—with the chin resting on a plank, and head thrown back on another plank in such a way as to receive the deluge directly in the mouth. In from three to five minutes a man is drowned into unconsciousness, and a very few repetitions of the torture wrecks the strongest constitutions. IT is suggested that riding a velocipede is too mud' like working your passage up on the canal by leading the head mule. JOSH BILLINGS ON FLEAS. Dentistry. LawoAsesta, June 25th, ISA Enrroas Earl:ass: Dr. Wm. M. Whiteside, the enterprising Dentist, has purchased from me a large stock of teeth and ail .the fixtures, the in struments formerly belonging to me, and also those used by my father, Dr. Parry, in his prac tice. In the purchase, the doctor has provided himself with some of the most valuable and ex pensive instruments used in dental practice, and has beyond doubt one of the best and lar gest collections of teeth and instruments in the State. Persons visiting the commodious offices of Dr. Whiteside, cannot fail to be fully aceem. modated. The Doctor loses no opportunity of furnishing himself with every late scientific improvement in his line of business. H. B. PARRY. MT M. WIIITESIDE, • DENTIST. OFFICE AND RESIDENCE, EAST KING STREET, Next door to the Court louse, over Felines tock's Dry Goods Store, LANCASTER, PIINNA. Toth AV.r.tructed without pain by the /tse cy (Nitrous Oxide) Gas. no2o-tf Jewelry. ZAHM & JACKSON, DEALERS IN WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SILVER AND SILVER-PLATED WARE, SPECTACLES AND 'FANCY GOODS, No. 15 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA. sirREFAIRRio ATTENDED TO.IES WATCHES! WATCHES! WATCHES 1 CLOCKS, CLOCKS, CLOCKS. The undersigned keeps constantly on hand large and full assortment of the GENUINE AMERICAN WATCH - Es, of different weight and finish, to suit all, which are sold upon the most reasonable terms, and guhranteed to give satisfaction. Keeps_ also on hand a good assortment of CLOCKS. Call and examine the goods before purchasing elsewhere. Thankful for past favors, I solicit a continu ance of the same. HENRY F. ANDREWS, Jan 1-6m*j Strasburg, Lancaster co., 1 .21fusical Instruments, tee. B. KEVINSKI, to • !'E &LER IN SHEET MUSIC, PIANOS, ORG..A.NS, MELODEONS, Anil ..11usical Instruments Generally. Sole Agent for STEINWAY it SONS' WORLD RENOWNED PIANOS. Also, Agent for PRINCE 4 CO.'S ORGANS and MELODEONS. Jairlifu.ic sent by Mall Free of Postage. No. 3 NORTH PRINCE STREET, Lancaster, Pe.. GOOK AMOIIL DOH Rooft aw tin J. B. KEVINSKI SHIM MUSIC SIITOBB. KLOYFICICEA, OaTELLA, MBLODICWIXI3, nn elle aorta music lnsbtrumental Der Kcvinski is agent for de bereemty Stein wehr Planos—Kloffeera beast mer soul doitsb. Der plate is No. 3 NORD PRINCE STREET, LANCASTER. N. B. For a first raty gooty Geig, odder an Accordeon, odder a Tswcerrioh-Pell; odder (m -ulch onners musical Insbtrument, klea odder gross, shtept yusat one Kevinski's, No. 8 Nord Prince Shtrose, Lancaster. [no2o-ly Groceries. (1 ROCERIES, FRUITS, AND CONFECTIONS, FOR TILE HOLIDAYS. I. AYER, SEEDLESS AND VALENCIA RAISIN NEW CURRANTS, NEW CITRON, TURKISH PRUNES, GREEN APPLES, DRIED APPLE S, DRIED PEACHEs, HOMINY, SHAKER CORN, GREEN PEAR, SPEW PICAS, CHOICE CRANBERRIES, CHOICE GREEN TEA, CHOICE BLACK TEA. RIO, LAGUYRA. AND JAVA COFFEES, stiGARS AND SYRUPS. A VARIETY OF CONFECTIONS, GLASS AND QUEENS WARE. LAMP' GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. All the above of the beat quality and cheaper than the cheapest. At 1). 8. &J. S. BURSKIS, nov 20-Iyr] No. 18 East Ring street, Lau°. Varnishes, &c. AUG. REINOEHL. JAC. REINOEHL, JR. A. & J. REINOMIL, MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS COPAL, WHITE, COFFIN, BLACK AND JAPAN VARNISHES, LINSEED OIL, TURPENTINE, do., ao. NO. 109 NORTII QUEEN STREET, (In the Keystone Building,) LANCASTER, PA. Also, Mahogany Boards : Veneers and Mouldings of different sizes and pat terns. All kinds of Turning, such a Bed Posts, Table Legs, Spokes, Hubs, PoHoes, Also, .AXI,ES, SPRINGS, IC Drugs and Chein.icals. DR. WEAVER'S DRUG STORE! The subscriber having purchased and taken possession of the Drug Store of Dr. Samuel Keneagy, Northeast Corner of Centre Square, Strasburg, Pa., respectfully solicits the phkron age of the people of Stradburg and viclnity, to a large and saratally selected stock of MUGS, CHEMICALS, PAINTS, „ OILS, DYE STUFFS, VARNISHES, FANCY ARTICLES, WALL PAPER, 4c. Beside, every other article usually kept _by ; an theLow.he best quality, WhirM will be atIIIIIT PRICIEI. T. G. WEAR, febt.W) Strasburg, VE Pa. Or J. DICKEY.AIrO INEYY AT LAW. onttes: SOUTH QUEEN sT.,second bousebe low the "Fountain Inn," Lancaster, Pa. Jl3. LIVINGSTON, • ATTORNEY AT LAW. OFFICZ: No. 11 .NORTII DUKE ST., west aide, north of the Court Rouse, Lancaster, Pa. CHARLES DENUES, ATTORNEY AT LAW. !Puce: No. 3 SOUTH DUKE STREET, Lan caster, Pa. JOB B. GOOD, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Orrwin N 0.56 EAST KING ST., Lancaster, Pa J . W. .10EINSON,_ T.. J • ATTORNEY AT LAW °mos: No 25 SOUTH QUEEN ST., Lnce& ter, Pa, P. ROSENMILLER JR., D ATTORNEY AT LAW. 0771 CZ: With A. limas SMITS, Esq. , South Queen St., opposite the ofnee of ' , Father Abra ham," Lancaster, Pa. A C. REINOETIL, • ATTORNEY AT LAW. Osries: No. 8 SOUTH DUKE ST., Lancaster JOHN P. REA, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ossics: With Hon. 0. J. DICHRY, N 0.31 SOUTH QUEEN ST., Lancaster, Pa. MARTIN BUTT, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Omen of the late Hon. THADDIWEI STZI/1014 9 No. 96 South Queen St., Lang/aster, I'a. AMOS 11. MYLIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Omen: No. 8 SOUTH QUEEN ST., Laneaetar. K. RUTTER, T.P • ATTORNEY AT LAW. Orrics: With General J. W. YIBRIM, NORTH DUKE ST., Lancaster, Pa. Ilia F. BAER, • ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ounce: No. 19 NORTH DURK Street, Lanoaa ter, Pa. [dcc 18-Iyr Reading Advertisements. ffiMINIEMM N 0.403 NORTII SIXTH ST., Reading, Ea JGEORGE SELTZER, • ATTORNEY ANI) COUNsELLER AT LAW. No. 604 COURT STREET, (opposite the Court House,) Reading, Pa. Boots and Shoes. Nir ItSl EA & SON'S BOOT AND SHOE STORE, CENTRE SQUARE, LANCASTER, PA. ANOTHER FRESH ARRlVAL—Givstra ACALL. The only place for good and substantial Work s at AI A R A L S , Where can he peen the largest and best assort rueta of Mena and Boys' BOOTS AND SHOES ever brought to this city . Ladies', Misses' and Children's plain and fancy Shoes, Balmoral! and Buttoned Gaiters. AP Also, RUBBERS OF EVERY KIND, whioh we invite you to call and examine; feeling eon. Ildent that we can warrant all to no *4y] JACOB ROTHARMEL, PRIIMIUM BRUSH MANUFACTtiRER COMBS AND FANCY ARTICLES, NO. Q NORTU QUEEN STE F.ET, dec 18 LANCASTER, PA. am FREE EXHIBITION! Everybody Buys their Clothing —OP— MYERS & RATH FON, MYERS & RATRFON keep the largest aseortment of READY-MADE CLOTHING, FOR MEN, YOUTHS AND BOYS, Ail our own manufacture. We guarantee the goods us represented or money refunded. We have just returned from the cast with a full and complete stock of CLOTHS, TRICOTS, PIQUES AND COATINGS, CASSlktitßiti in great varieties, which we are prepared to make up to order in the beak style and the shortest notice, and at the very lowest Cash Price. Our stook of GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS 18 full. ST Thankful for past patronage we hope by selling goods low to merit a continuance of public patronage. MYERS & RATIIFON, Southeast Corner of Centre Square, aplaay) Lancaster, JUST OPENED BEAU MONDE HALL! 543 PENN SQUARE, 543 READING, PENNA., CLOTHS, CASSIMERES,, VESTINGS, &c., &c., (Jan B.lyr ALSO, BOY'S CLOTHING GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS LEVI G. COLEMAN, Cutter. BUCH & BRO., no2olf] PROPRIETORS. Professional. WEAR WELL Brushes. DEALER 1N Clothing. AND SAVES MONEY in all colors PORTICO BOW, ICEEMEEZED BEAVERS, BO WINTER WEAR. AND