latk,!r Ahr4lin. 14111,PENDENT AND PROORENSIVE LANCASTER CITY, YA. =I PRIDAt APRIL 30,1888 Booncrmy, Retrenchment, Faithful Collection of the Revenue and Payment of the Public Debt—(:RAPT. FATHER ABBAH Alit EVERYBODY READS IT! Make up your Clubs! TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION I copy, one year 6 oopiee, (each name sddreeeed,) 10 mph*. " 15 oopierr gt 20 copies, " And $l.lO for each additional subscriber. POE CLUBS, IN PACKAORS. 5 copies, (to one address,) 10 copies, " 15 copies, " 20 copies, " Ando.oo for each additional enbseriber, Ur All subscriptions mist invariably be paid in advance. Iffeetkig of the Union Republican County Committee. The members of the Union Republican County Committee will meet in the Orphans' Court Room in the City of Lancaster, on MONDAY, MAY 10th, at 1134 o'clock. Punctual attendance is requested as busi ness of importance will come before the meeting. MAR TIN B. FRY, MISTAKEN I The editors of the Lancaster Intelligen cer say that they "used to think that the negro was not as good as we (the said edi tors) are. How very much mistaken people are sometimes. MORMONISM. The Lebanon Courier says that "it is about time Brigham Young's immoral and dsgraceful policy was squelched." That's so. The Republican party, at its first National Convention, declared itself op posed to those " twin relics of barbarism, prolygamy and slavery." The latter. no longer stains our national escutcheon or gives our Republican institutions the ap pearance of a miserable farce, but our civilization is shamed by Brigham's iniqui tous system of polygamy. Down with it. IXPORTA3T. On Tuesday next, May 4th, the School Directors of Lancaster county, will meet in Convention in the Court House, to elect a County Superintendmt for three years. We hope every Director will be present. An effort is being made by a well-known political trimmer to defeat our excellent Superintendent, David Evans, Esq., who by the independent and conscientious dis charge of his duties has offended the indi vidual ieferred to. We hope, for the sake of the cause of education, he may not succeed. INDIANA CORES! The Spring elections in Indiana show Large Republican gains in all parts of the state. Some townships which went Dem ocratic last year by large majorities are now either Republican, or have been car ried by the Democrats by very reduced majorities. The Republican candidates have been elected in nearly every town of importance in the State, and the ag gregate majority will reach nearly 30,000. And this in spite of all the hue and cry raised by the Democracy against the Suf frage Amendment. THE DEMOCRACY. We notice that Asa Packer has author ized the statement that he has not with drawn as a candidate for the copperhead nomination for Governor. The nomina tion lies between him and George W. Cass, of Pittsburg, both railway potentates, and able to spend thousands to reach any object they may have in view. They are not Democratic in anything but the name. Gen. McCandless, of Philadelphia, does not make any headway. He is so unfor tunate as to be, poor, and that is fatal to anybody who aspires to run for Governor on the Democratic ticket in Pennsylvania. TRAITORS IN CARP! Some rascally traitor belonging to the Cl. A. R.; it appears, has disclosed the great secret of the organization, to the editors of the Lancaster Intelligencer ! Ac cording to a long editorial in said paper, on Wednesday last, the great secret Mili tary Order of G. A. R., " which means Grand Army of the Republic, designs "the overthrow of the Republic and the estab lishment of a monarchy in its stead!" An emperor to rule this country—Copper heads and all; newspapers to be suppress et Church and State united; Education affiy to be afforded to the priveleged few; men, women and children, now free, to be come serfs and slaves! Isn't it startling? And all this to be brought about by the 0, A. R., and at the point of the bayorit But where's the traitor and spy who leaked out this great secret? Show us the fellow who thus posted The Intelligence? crowd! lie ought to be morganized with out. mercy, and kicked out of town and sent to the Legislature as a solemn warn ing to .traitors for all time to come! The necessity for great care in making nominations for the Legislature next fall is becoming every day more apparent. The success of the Republican State ticket depends greatly on the character of the nominations made for members of the Leg islature in the Republican counties of the State, and a little plain talk on this sub ject just now will do good. We notice that in Philadelphia a Reform Club has been started, as the nucleus of what is in tended shall be a movement for securing the correction of the intolerable abuses in legislation at Harrisburg, "which have grown to be perfect cancers on the body politic." This movement is participated in by members of both parties, and bids fair to be very tbrmidable. The determin ation is expressed to return to Harrisburg no member of the House of 1569. It is very evident that some such measure is absolutely necessary to render the condi tion of the people even tolerable, and abate a nuisance which every year is growing worse. • 1.60 7.00 13.00 . 18.00 .. 22 00 We sincerely believe that the Republi can organization is capable of redressing every wrong under which the community labors, and we urge the people to see to it that none but wholly reliable men are placed in nomination. Nothing short of such a course will save the party from crushing defeat. The disgust felt by the community for the practices which cause our legislature to be remembered only with loathing, is almost universal. The popular sentiment in this respect must be respected. There are no overshadowing issues now to favor the rigor of discipline which formerly sufficed to give success to the worst schemes of the worst of men. What should chiefly animate Republicans everywhere, is a determination to look the matter squarely in the face, and go forward resolutely to redress the evils of which every class of our people so loudly and justly complain. There is no other course whereby success can be achieved at the next election. No one pretending to have a grain of foresight will close his eyes to these things. No one with a particle of sense or who is worthy of occupying a post of influence, will hesitate for a moment to accept the situation as we have described it, and do his utmost to cause the action of the Republican party to conform to it. This is plain talk, to which those who engi neer nominations should take heed, if they have the welfare of the party and the country at heart. $ 6.60 . 11.00 . 16.60 . 20.00 Chairman The Lockhavcn De mociat, edited by a Simon-pure, out and out Ku-Klux "Dem ocrat," named Difienbaugh, speaks in plain english about Representative Mc- Miller, a fellow-copperhead from Mont gomery county. We publish the article as a specimen of " Democratic' , logic: " 0, for a Tongue to Curse the Slave-- We see by the proceedings of the Legisla ture of Pennsylvania, that a man by the name of Henry McMiller, one of the Re presentatives from Montgomery county, elected by the democracy, has basely be trayed his party, treacherously and assas sin-like stabbed - his friends, andlike a poor, miserable, cowardly - 1 abandoned, God forsaken, hell-deserving Judas, sold his honor, surrendered his manhood, forfeit ed his self-respect, seared his conscience, and damned his soul by voting for Her die's greenbacks to negative the bill re pealing the infamous law which annihilat ed the 29th Judicial District. May his children hate and despise him—women fear and tremble at his approach—honest men keep their pocket-books safe when he passes them everybody condemn and loathe him—for he has proven to be a charnel house of corruption—a sink of in iquity—an ulcer full of poison a leech without a drop of virtuous blood—a cess pool full of unpleasant smells—a liar with out brains—a villain without eapacityr—a traitor without cause—an old withered-up miscreant, who betrays the honest people of Montgomery county and sells his worthless hide to Peter Herdic for a few dollars. Let him everywhere be branded as a Judas, scoundrel, liar, traitor and corruptionist." Without making much noise, the taking of testimony in the Philadelphia contested election cases has been going on for several months before two examiners appointed by the Court of Common Pleas, showing the most scandalous and disgraceful frauds on the part of the Democrats. The Ger mantown Telegraph says that the work has progressed so far that twenty-one hun dred fraudulent rota have been proven, enough even to throw out Mayor Fox and install Tyndale. This carries all the other offices with it. All this, too, without throwing out any precincts, but it is pretty certain that particular precincts, in which the election was a farce, will be thrown out. The villainy of copperheadism knows no limit, but is sure to be exposed. Justice will triumph. Speed the day! Tun ODD FELLOWS of the United States celebrated their semi-centennial an niversary in Philadelphia, on Monday, by impressive exercises at the Academy of Music and a procession through the streets. The procession was over two hours in passing a given point, and is said to have been one of the finest displays ever made in that city. The ceremonies closed with a grand ball at the Race Street Rink, in the evening. The "Rink" had been ar ranged to accommodate three hundred seta of dancers. A fire at Altoona, Pa., on the 16th inst., destroyed seventeen houses and several stables. Loss $40,000. TEMBLY WUMING. SHARP AND DECISIVE. JUSTICE SURE! HEAVY I The Express is after our distinguished I (1) ex-representative, Dr. Gatchell with hot poker. Read! "It may be proper to mention, as a rare specimen of unequalled effrontery, that Dr. ' Gatchell, who was the special champion of the pasting and fblding swindle; who in troduced the bill got up by our court house ring in regard to forfeited recogni zances, which would have taken thousands from the County Treasury for the benefit of the District Attorney and a few other grasping speculators; who dodged the vote upon the proposition to increase the pay of ,the members of the Legislature from $lOOO to $l5OO for their three months ser vices; who voted in favor of the new tax bill to relieve railroad companies of their taxes and make up the deficiency by a tax upon spirits, coal and petroleum, to collected by a fresh army of tax-lath- ..• all over the State; who, as far as we are aware, voted for every scandalous and corrupt scheme, without exception, that was launched upon the Legislature—this roan has again announced himself as a candidate for re-election. Well, if the peo ple are prepared to sustain such a Repre santative' we can only say that they have less regard for the character ofold Lancas ter county than we have believed, and that they deserve to be swindled and rob bed, and 'then laughed at for their stupidi ty, by the man who has taken advantage of it to feather his own nest." Jes so ather Abrahaus'o Chip* SARAN SNYDER, living near Slatington, slept three days and three nights recently, without waking. ONE of the churches .f Reading, is get ting up an excursion to Central Park, New York.. A Cincinnati Judge has decided that an umbrella cannot be stolen, and that pos session is sufficient evidence of ownership. THE vote upon the nomination of Eben ezer D. Bassett, colored, of Philadelphia, who was confirmed by the Senate as Min ster to Hayti, was 48 yeas to 5 nays. ASA PACKER, contrary to what has been stated, has not withdrawn from the contest for the copperhead Gubernatorial nomination. IT is said that lion. Winthrop W. Ketchum has at last consented to be a candidate for the Republican nomination for Governor. Tux rumors of Cabinet clutuges are pronounced false, as neither Mr. Fish or Mr. Boric have signified any intention of resigning. No less than fourteen railway locomo tives have exploded within the past seven months in the United States, killing 29 persons outright, and severely wounding a much larger number. A Philadelphia merchant got drunk one night last week, and found himself, in the morning, in a dissecting room, having been taken by a party of drunken students for a stiff. EASTON supports eighteen milk wagons, and uses daily between three and four thousand gallons of milk and—well, we don't know how many hogsheads of wa ter. Dn. BENJAMIN Al ER, member of the Georgia Legislature, was found dead ow Friday, on the roadside near Louisville, Georgia, having been shot through the head, by "Democratic" kukiuxers. ILLINOIS sends cheering accounts of the Wheat crop. "More promising than ever before known," are emphatic words, and will have their effect upon prices in due season. DESPATCHES from cities in Indiana and Illinois report a terrible storm of bail and rain as passing over those States on Mon day week, causing considerable damage to life and property. LEGAL fees in Vincennes are not mu nificent. A young advocate received two pounds of feathers for his services in one case, and a jug of peach brandy for his defense of another. STRAWBERRIES have been selling in New York for some weeks at $lO a quart, and some of the luxurious citizens, bless ed with palates that relish the taste of sil ver, have been enjoying them, literally regardless of expense. ON Sunday west Illinois was visited with a most destructive tornado, doing great damage throughout the State. Sev eral lives were lost, and a number of bui ings were blown down and totally stroyed. ON Wednesday the Legislature of Illi nois paid a visit to the tomb of the late President Lincoln, that day being the an niversary of his assassination. Liberal subscriptions were made to the Lindoln Monument Fund. HonAcx Gnmes.EY was appointed by the President a Commissioner to examine the Pacific Railroad, but he declined. The duties of the office would occupy some thirty days, and would not commence un til August. Horace thinks it would not pay. A Pittsburg toper on being consigned to the lock-up the other day, gave his name as Abe Lincoln. On being told that be must give his true name, and further informed that the late Mr. Lincoln was not addicted to drink, he said his name was Andy Johnson, and he was positive that party drank. He pastecd. GEORGIA Democrats a short time since decided in their State Legislature that colored men should not hold office, and ousted all the colored members from their seats in that body. Gen. Grant takes a different view, and has appointed a colored man to be Assessor of Internal Revenue in the Third District of that State. CAIN MORRIS, the negro who was ar rested recently, charged with ravishing three white girls, was convicted at Cham bersburg,Pa., last week, and sentenced to solitary confinement in the Eastern Peni tentiary for 35 years. The trial lasted three hours, and the jury rendered the verdict without leaving the box. GENERAL GRANT, since his inaugura tion as President, has made the following appointments of colored men: Postmaster at Columbia, S. C., worth $3,000 a year; assessor of the first district of Louisiana, worth $1,200 a year; two justices of the peace in the District of Columbia, worth $l,OOO ayear each; minister to Hayti, worth $4,500 a year; minister and consul to Liberia, worth $5,000 a year. WASHINGTON NEWS AND GOSSIP. [CULLED FROM VARIOUS SOURCIAS.] " Before the Senate went intdprivate ses sion on Thursday, Mr. Nye made a per sonal explanation in reply to some recent strictures of Senator Sprague, and sharply criticised Sprague's course. Mr. Sprague replied, and the debate was participated in by other Senators. hate at night the doe were reopened for a time, and Sena tor Abbott, of North Carolina, had read SOTO : ' 4,1P11 - .Darks of Mr. Sprague, in which IdoalaVier used "a mongrel puppy-dog," en illustration. Mr. Abbott said he intended to ask if the term "puppy') -d to him, but as the Senator Island had skulked out of the he (Abbott) intended to "have ion out of the Chamber." Mr. er here rose to a point of order, and :nators demanded that Mr. Ab- gyp. his remarks. After excited colloquy, Mr. Abbott said he w a "dot a duelist," and did "not mean that sort of thing,sf and the matter ended there. The decapitating axe is swinging with terrible rapidity in ,the various depart ments. There is to be a thorough revision of the credentials and antecedents of the employees. Those who have always shift ed with the wind, suddenly see squalls ahead. Some few expert swimmers may safely reach land, but the majority will be engulphed. On the 16th the colored people turned out en masse to celebrate the day of their emancipation in this District. They de light in parade and show, and especially the few who act as officers see their names in print with great satisfaction. They have suffered enough in the last century to justify a little enthusiasm in the present time of jubilee. A party composed of the elite of the Salt Lake harems are in Washington. No single man has two wives in the expedi tion. Brigham Young has contributed his favorite, whilst both of his two sons, who help compose the party, have confined themselves to one apiece. Two single women arc added to this rare bouquet, but whether "sealed" or otherwise is only known to the "Prophet" pr the saints. he` party is stopping near the corner of d Fourteenth streets, under the pro tecting care of Mr. Hooper, the Delegate from Utah Territory. Just at the magic hour when the light and darkness were quarrelling for supremacy we might have been found in the presence of one of our own countrywomen, a woman born in the great State of New York, educated, beauti ful, elegantly attired. It was Lady Zobeide, the seventieth double of Brigham Young. What did it, matter? Though she is a rib %privet his heart to-day, a woman with a ruddier cheek may crowd her aside to morrow. Woman, is she living, breath ing, poised on the edge of such a frightful precipice? Yee! but a woman with 1113 tire of life smouldering in the a shei—no rollicking flame. A woman who would leave a room colder for having passed through it. It appears that of the twenty-one Sena tors who signed Mr. Pile's paper of recom mendation for the Brazilian mission, five voted for his rejection when President Grant sent his nomination to the Senate. This is not a matter to be laughed at. These Senators ought to be ashamed of I themselves for asking Grant to nominate a man whom they themselves were unwil lito sustain with their votes. And yet, lifter this, Senators complain that dti thl President oes not give sufficient heed to their recommendations. The vigorous efforts which have been made for some days to get up a personal encounter between Senators Sprague and Abbot have all failed, owing to the inter vention of several Senators, who consider ed that the honor and dignity of the Sen ate was being impaired by this wrangle. Mr. Abbott wrote to Mr. Sprague, simply asking if he meant to allude to him in his remarks. Mr. Sprague answered that he did not and Mr. Abbott then asked him to consider his remarks as unsaid, and so it ends. The President is greatly worn down with the labors of the past two months, and says he means to take things just as easy as he can through the summer. Ile talks about a visit North by and by, but no arrangements have yet been made. The President has learned of so many cases in which he has been imposed upon, and persuaded to make appointments of persons either unfitted for the positions ", obtained or having no claim to them, that he has determined to cause all such cases to be reviewed and corrected. The prob. . •L , r a number of changes are ex- collent. President Grant himself' bears his duties well, and wears his honors with manly modesty. In appearance and man ner there is a marked improvement. He looks better and moves with more ease as Pre4Went, thanshe did formerly when re ceiving as General and hero of the war. As President, nearly every interview must assume more or less of a business aspect, and this suits President Grant. In dress, President Grant appears with scrupulous neatness. He receives visitors sitting at a desk and when they approach ninl t he turns in his chair so as to have the light behind him and in your Mee, into which he looks while you are talking, with a quiet steadiness that you must notice while yet it does not' specially embarrass you. lie hears what you have to say di rectly bearing on your business, asking a question if necessary, and dismisses promptly. Most persons are pleased with intirviews had with him. Colored clerks are now an established feature of department life in Washington. The Caucasian Democracy of the Nasby type, however hungry or dirty, will hence fort we presume, avoid the public crib n pull at the national hay with blac ttle. Government officers, like Government rations in war time, will now be issued alike to all citizens, and c e black man that can read and write stands as good a chance as a white one. Heretofore, under Democratic statesmanship, a white Democrat who could neither 'read, write, nor spell, was better qualified for the na tional service than a black scholar. TUB Chicago Poet is responsible for the following: "It is malignantly charged that Robert Johnson, son of the ex-President, owed hideath to his own intemperance. It was more likely the result of an acci dent. The devil came for the old man, and not finding him at home, took the son. STATI NEIVS. CliuSTllll COUNTY.—Willirkin Wheeler haft been elected Superintendent of the West Chester and Pluladelphia Railroad. The body of a daughter of Mrs. Hauck, twelve years old, was found in a milldam near Moorestown, on Friday of last week. Mrs. H. had severely chastised the girl on the same day for some offense, and it is supposed she committed suicide Eusi bus Barnard, whilst on his way home from Unionville, put his foot out over the carriage, when the vehicle ran into a rut and Mr. B.'s leg caught by the spokes of the weeel, breaking it in two places Two small children of William Steele, of Treddyffrin, after eating a considerable quantity of orange rind, commenced vomiting which continued nntilthey died. Physicians were unable to relieve them The office of Graham & Son at Coatesville, was entered by robbers on Thursday night last week' and the safe blovFn open with powder. ['hey only secured about $2O On Saturday last Mrs. Weaver, residing at West Chester, whilst going up stairs became dizzy and fell backwards striking her head on the steps, from the effects of which she died in two hours The house of John Worth, near Marshalton was almost totally destroyed by fire on Monday last. Most of the furniture was saved. NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY.—Many improvements going on at Sunbury, says the American The people of Shamokin have been considerably excited over a poisoning case in that town. A young girl, a g edfourteen, died on the 17th inst. from t he effects of poison which it is sup posed, was administered on the 27th ult., and between said date and the 30th five other members of the family were similar ly attacked, but recovered. A married woman named Kate Ogden, who resided in the same house has been arrested on suspicion, and committed to the county jail at Sunbury The old Methodist Church property at Sunbury has been sold to the Roman Catholics for $3OOO Christian Young of Watsontown had the fingers of his right hand cut off by a circu lar saw one day last week. MONTGOMERY COUNTY.—The hotel at Pottstown, belonging to the estate of Dan iel S. Daub, Was considerably damaged by fire on Monday last week. John Yocum, residing opposite the hotel discovered the fire and ran out to give the alarm, and whilst doiug so he fell down in a fit of ap poplexy, was carried home and died in a few minutes Matilda Swanger, of Potts grove township, was arrested on a charge of stealing $2B from a widow woman with whom she had been living, in East Covat try, Chester county. She confessed her guilt and was sent to the Chester coun ty jail for trial A mad dog passed through Moreland one day last week. biting a number of other dogs, hogs and other animals. He also killed a turkey gobbler on his route, and a Mrs. Buyer, having previously cut herself in the finger with a knife, imprudently handled the dead turkey. It was feared the virus has entered the blood. She was immediately placed under medical treatment. LUZERNE COUNTY.---OR Saturday, - be fore last, Arthur McNallen was shot and dangerously wounded by a man namel Mclntire, at Pittston. Both drunk at the time Wm. Loftus, employed on the Railroad near Olyphant, was run over by a train and had his right leg cut off' The dwelling of I. J. We,steott, at Scott, was destroyed by fire on Friday night, with all its contents, including $350 in money A large meeting of miners was held at Hyde Park last week which was addressed by Mr. Fincher. The object of the meeting was to promote their interests generally A new M. E. Church will be dedicated at Shickshinny on Sunday the 9th of May. YORK COUNTY.----The regular April term of the court of Quarter Sessions, commenced on Monday last, with a large number of cases to be disposed of On Monday morning last, Mr, Abraham Tay lor was founddead, lying upon a settee in the parlor of a hotel at York Terrace. Cause—rum Wm. F. Stair, a sound Republican, who was removed from the Hanover ost Office by the Johnson ad ministration, has just been appointed and confirmed by the Senate The Northern Central Railroad Company is now engag ed in building a new bridge at Mt. Wolf station Hanover is rapidly improving, many new buildings have been commenced. BEAKS COUNTY.—Elizabeth Quinn was picked up in 6th street, Reading, a few days ago, dead drnnk. A little child was aside of her when found, which added very much to the beauty of the scene Ac cording to the Daily Eagle there are seven teen Odd Fellow's Lodges in Berks county .....JOhnHalticnian, aged 25 years, whilst drunk. one day !!fkt - week ; fell into the Schuylkill river, at Reading and drowned. His body was found on Monday A wild cat has been creating a sensation in Windsor township, near the Blue Moun tains Rev. Pennell Coombe, preached two temperance sermons in the 4th et. M. E. Church of Reading, last Sunday One mile of the new Colebrookdale Railroad is laid and the remainder of the work pro greming rapidly The removal of bod ies from the German Reformed grave yard, at Sixth and Washington streets is pro gressing. The property has become very valuabla, and Will be disposed of for build ings Daniel D. Snyder has been ap pointed a Notary Public at Kauiziowil .a...31e new anthracite blast furnace in cattrbe of efeetion dear the Lebanon Valley Railroad bridge, city of Reading, by Messrs. Eiushong, Merklo & Co., will be an extensive establishment of a capacity to turn out 225 tons of iron per week. DAUPHIN COUNTY.— A Methodist Episcopal Camp Meeting will be held at Lykenstown, to commence on the 12th of August next Jacob Moyer, a prominent citizen of Washington township, aged 64 years, died suddenly on Friday of last week while sitting in a chair Lodge No. G6O, I. 0. of 0. F. was instituted atllarrisburg on Thursday evening last week The dwelling of Messrs. Baxtresser & Bro., at Middletown, was entered by a thief and a set of valuable Airs stolen. The thief was caught and the furs recovered Charles F. Gracian got drunk, committed an as sault and battery on Catherine Henkel, at Harrisburg. Committed for trial The firemen of Harrisburg are making exten sive preparations for their parade to take place on the 26th of May..... The fair held at Harrisburg for the benefit of the A.. M. E. Church, was attended with considerable success The colored people of Harris burg have a Lodge of G.. U. 0. of Odd Fellows, a Lodge of A. Y. Masons and a council of Good Samaritans. Vocal JOB PRINTING. Handbills, Cards, Bill Heads, Programmes, Posters, &c., &c., printed in the beat style and at reasonable rates, at the FATHER ABRA HAM Job Printing Office. Orders by mail promptly attended to. ITEMS : Colonel Samuel Shoch has present ed to the Presbyterian church of Columbia, a very handsome and costly pipe organ. The organ is. now being put up in position in the church. A middle aged man, named Charles H. Miller, left his home at Wernersville, Berke co., on Tuesday of last week, for Columbia, this county. Since then nothing has been heard of him. A charter has been granted by the State Legislature incorporating the Manheim Slate Company, and work has again commenced at the quarry. TVs Western Union TalcsraPh Compan y have have opened an ones is the Mean hotel build ing, in this city. Entrance on South Queen Street. With the opening of spring, building is commencing very extensively in Madheim. Several new dwellings are going up. John Frey, aged about eighteen years, son of John Frey, of Ephrata township, had his left hand crushed so badly by some machine ry in his father's mill in Ephrata-twp., on last Monday afternoon, that amputation was found necessary. The new market house in Columbia has been completed at a cost of $17,000. The annual revenue to be derived from the rent of its stalls is $2,500. The two-story frame machine shop and foundry, and the dwelling houses of Wm. Gall and Wm. Brimmer, in Millersville, were destroyed by fire on Thursday morning of last week. The firs originated in the foundry. The loss is quite a heavy one, and is partially covered by insurance in the Lancaster County Mutual. By an act of the General Assembly of Pennsylvania, approved the 31st day of March, 1869, a penalty of twenty -fire dollars is imposed for the killing of any insectivorous bird; one-half of this fine is to be paid to the informer. Mr. W. Harry Rauch, formerly of this city, son of Mr. E. H. Ranch, Senior Editor of Father Abraham, has been appointed one of the Inspectors of Customs by Collector Hen ry D. Moore, of the Port of Philadelphia. The law requiring bread to be sold by woight ought to be enforced in Lancaster. Our ba kers are evidently not aware that the price of wheat and flour has come down considerably. On Sunday morning last a fire in Kitchen town (not on the map, but is somewhere iu the vicinity of Columbia) burned a frame carpenter's shop belonging to Henry Rupp. Loss from four to live hundred do:- lars—insured. A stable belonging to Joseph Goshart, in Clay township, was destroyed by fire one day last week. A horse and hog perished in the flames. The old Bellevue Rouse, at Columbia, and the stabling belonging to it in Walnut-st., to gether with several other buildings on Front et., are fast disappearing to make room for the new depot of -the Penna. Railroad. We had a Circus in Lancaster on Monday last. Several pockets were picked in the eve ning, Mr. A. S. Bard losing a valuable gold watch, and Mr. John Weaver, of Rapho township, a pocket book containing over twenty dollars. The many wheat fields surrounding our city, now present a beautiful appearance in their luxuriant livery of gorgeous green. Gardening has commenced hereabouts— and early vegetables will likely soon alleviate the appetites of our citizens. Any business is better than loafing, but it is wonderful how so many hang a round the corners and have nothing to do. New mail routes have been established in Lancaster county, and contracts awarded as follows: Lancaster to Neffaville, Mr. Stoffer, $175; Lancaster to Chestnut Level, John Creamer, $766; Union Station to Cburchtown, J. A. Styer, $299. A young lady of this city, while crossing Orange Street, at Shober's hotel, on Saturday last, was knocked down by a passing buggx, and was in imminent danger of fatal injury'. The recklessness displayed by drivers of ve hicles, in this city, is very reprehensible, and it is wonderful that more accidents do not ac cur. A man was caught secreted in the house of Mr. Joseph Hatay, in Marietta, on Monday night of last week. He was arrested and committed to prison. E. D. 'loath has been appointed Deputy Coroner for Marietta and vicinity, in place of John Auxer, Esq., deceased. Joseph Mulholland who was sent to prison at January Sessions, for deserting and failing to maintain his wife, was discharged by Judge Hays, on Saturday last, on a arit of habeas corpus. D. P. Rcsenmiller, Jr., Counsel for petitioner. The dwelling house of Joseph Goodell, Prince-at., this city, was robbed on Thursday afternoon last while the family were absent, of a gold watch and chain and some money. The following verdict was rendered in the case of Mrs. Sella Evans, who was found dead in bed last week, in Columbia: "By hemorrhage and inflammation of the bowels, produced by natural causes, but aggravated by the use of intoxicating drinks." A large number of Odd Fellows from this city and county participated in the grand pro cession of the Order, in Philadelphia, on Monday last. Lancaster, Monterey, and Rebel Lodges of this city, and Earl Lodge of New Holland were represented—numbering about 500 members. An opposition Gas Company has been or ganised at Harrisburg, and ground has been purchased for erecting the works. This is the secret of the reduction of the price of Gas there. A similar organization in Lancaster would produce a like result. The congregation of the Union Presbyteri an church, in Colerain township, this county, are about erecting a new house of worship on the site of the old building. The fish market of this city has been quite well supplied for several days i past, with shad, herring, rock-fish, perch and trout. I=== 'FIiB )L ii JcQnttnued Od Wednesday afternoon Barbi& N'eltiberger was tried on a charge of Assault and Battery on Mary Ann Horner, but although Mary Ann did get a beating from Barbara, the Jury cleared her. On Thursday morning the case of Henry Hess, charged with manslaughter, by killing Reuben kiregg, near the smelting works, in Paradise township, was attached. In Novem ber last the parties had a fight, both throw ing stones and other missies at each other. Hess threw a stone which took effect on the head of Gregg, and killed him. They were both under twenty-one, awl it appeared from the testimony that they had not been on gocd terms for some time, and that threats had been made by both parties. The regular panel was exhausted after eleven jurors had been obtained, and a special venire was order ed. Oa the return of the venire th► twelf Is juror was obtained. The testimony was then heard, and the case given to the jury, after the arguments of counsel and charge of the Court, who in a short time returned a verdict of not guilty. On Friday morning a verdict of not guilty and County for costs, was taken in the case John Trestle, indicted for perjury. Henry B. Brenizer was found guilty of steal ing a horse blanket from the Leopard hotel, of this city, and buffalo robe from our good natured friend John Brady, of Millersville, and sent up to the brown stone castle for six months. Addison A. Bowe was charged with em bezzlement, He was an agent of the Dela ware Mat zal Life Insuranoe Company, and