Father Abraham. (Reading, Pa.) 1864-1873, April 23, 1869, Image 1

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No. 13, South Queen Street, Lancaster.
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10 owieN " 12.00
15 c6pioi 6. " 16.50
'.lO c6pi,s " I. 20.00
A il 0, i•l.e9 fur cach addit 101101 subscriber.
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1)1 cvery iiv rril,l in', totally anti promptly exe
cute t], at short not tee, tool on the most
n•a.sonable terms.
it« if romls.
Trains leave the Central Depot as follows
Cincin. Ex....12:17 a. DI. ErM Aiai3 1:50 a. in
Plilla.Exiircss 5:12 " Exp... .2:10 "
Fa,l Line 7:02 " flail 11:15 "
Lane. Train.. 9:05 " ra , t 'ADV..— 2:35 p.m
Day ExpresA. 1:15 p.m. Columbia Ac. 2:15 "
Harrisb'g Ac..5:54 " Harrisb'g Ac. 5:51 "
Lane. Train.. 7:29 "
Ex....10:13 "
Teunk Lin( rom thc orth and Nortit
,Tst for Phil«d(lphia, Acre York, Read
n,l, Pottsville, Tainoqu«, Ashland, Slut
• mokin, I,cb niou ..Illtnlown, Easton, P.7ph
eala, Litiz, Lane(' site, Columbia,
Trains leave Harrisburg for New York as fol
lows: At 3.50, 6.50, 8.10 a. in., 12.40 imon, 2.03 and
10.50 p. m , connect ing with similar trains on the
Pennsylvania Railroad and arriving at New
York at 11.00 a. in., 12.20 noon, 3.50, 7.00, 10.05 p. m.,
and 6.15 a. in. respectively. Sleeping Cars ac
company the 3.50 a. tn. and 10.60 p. m. trains
without change.
Leave Harrisburg for Reading, Pottsville,
Tamaqua, Millersville, Ashland, Shamokin,
Pine Grove. Allentown and Philadelphia, at
8.10 u. m., 2.05 and 4.10 p. m., stopping at Leba
non and principal Way Stations; the 4.10 p. in.
train making connections for Philadelphia and
Columbia only. For Pottsville Schuylkill Ha
ven and Auburn, via Schuylkill and Snsque
hanna Railroad, leave Harrisburg at 3.30 p. In.
Returning: Leave New York at 9.00 a. in.,12.00
noon, 5.10 and 8.00 p. m., Philadelphia at 8.16 a.
in. and 3.30 p. m.; sleeping cars accompany the
9.00 a. tn., 5.10 and 8.00 p. m. trains from New
York, without change.
Way Passenger Train leaves Philadelphia at
7.34 a. m., connecting with similartrain on East
Penna. Railroad, returning from Reading at
6.35 p. in., stopping at all stations; leave Potts
ville at 7.30, 45 a. In., and 2.45 p. in.; Shamokin
at 5.25 a. ni.; Ashland at 7.00 a. ni., and 12.30 p. m.;
Tamaqua at 8.30 a. m.; and 2.20 p. m., for Phila
Leave Pottsville, via Schuylkill and Susque
hanna Railroad at 7.10 a. in. for liarrisburg, and
11.30 a. in. for Pine Grove and Tremont.
Reading Accommodation Train: Leaves
heading at 7:30 a. in., returning leaves Phila
delphia at 4:45 p. in.
Pottstown Accommodation Train: Leaves
Pottstown at 6.45 a in.; returning, leaves Phila
delphia at 4.00 p. m.
Columbia Railroad Trains leave Reading at
7.00 a. in. and 6.15 p. m. for Ephrata, Litt; Lan
caster, Columbia, to.
Perkiomen Railroad Trains leave Perkiomen
Junction at 9.15 a In. and 5.30 p. in.; returning,
leave Skip tack at 8.10 a. HI. and 12.45 p. iii., con
necting with similar trains on Reading Rail
On Sundays: Leave New York at 8.00 p. m.,
Philadelphia at 8.00 a. in. and 3.15 p. m., the
8.00 a. in. train running only to Reading; Potts
ville 8.(A) a. m.; Harrisburg 5.50 a. m., 4.10 and
10.50 p. in. and Reading at 1.05, 3.00 and 7.15 a. in.
For Harrfsburg, at 12.50, and 711 a. m. for New
York; and at 4.25 p. m. for Philadelphia.
Commutation, Mileage, Season, School and
Excursion Tickets, to and from all points, at
Baggage checked through; 100 pounds allowed
each Passenger. _ _
General Superintendent.
REAWNO, Pa., Dee. 14, 1868
Lancaster..... 3:05 a. ni. Reading 10:3J a. m
3:10 p. in. " ..... 5:30 p. m
Columbia .....800 R. ut. I " 10:20 a. m.
3:00 p.m. ..... 5:30 p. m
It ET1.713.1411NU:
Reading 7:00 a. in. Lancaster.... Jas a. m
..... 6:15 p. in. .....E:2.5 p.m
" 7:00 a. in. Columbia .....9:25 a. m
6:15 p. m
Trains leaving Lancaster and Columbia as
above, make close connection at Reading with
Trains North and South• on Philadelphia and
Reading Railroad, and N = est on Lebanon Valley
Road. Train leaving Lancasterat 8:05 A. M. and
Columbia at 8 A. M. connects closely at Reading
with Train for New York.
Tickets can he obtained at the Offices of the
New Jersey Central Railroad, foot of Liberty
street New York; and Philadelphia and Reading
Railroad, 13th and Callowhill streets, Phila.
Through tickets to New York and Philadel
phia sold at all the Principal Stations, and Bag
gage Checked Through.
It? Mileage Ticket Books for 500 or 1000 miles,
Season and Excursion Tickets, to and from all
points, at reduced rates.
Trains are run by Philadelphia and Reading
Railroad Time which is 10 minutes faster than
Pennsylvaniaßailroad Time.
apl 16-094 f] GEO. F. GAGE, Supt.
Trains leave York for Wrightsville and Co-
lumbia, at 6:20 and 11:40 a. m., and 3:30 p. m.
Leave Wrightsville for York, at 6:03 a.m., and
1:00 and 0:50 p. m.
Leave York for Baltimore, at 5:00 and 7:16 a.
M., 1:05 p. in.; and 12 midnight.
Leave - York for HarriSburg, at 1:30, 6= and 11:35
a. m- and 2:39 and 10:16 p. m.
0011.4 G WORTH.
At 3:25 a. m., and 1:20 and 4:20 p. M.
0011.0 SOUTH.
At 3:45 and 5:25 a. m., and 12:30 and 10:45 p. m
Photographs, &c.
Parents to Fund/leg,
Father to Daughter,
Mother to Son
When the light bee left the house, memoria
such as these compound their interest.
Miniature or Opal Pictures, admitted to be
the best ha .the city and no superior in the State
Constantly increasing demand and great expe
rience in this style of miniature give us greater
facilities and better results than any establish
ment outside of large cities.
Centre Table. Also, prinniatie instruments.
Large Colored Work by some of the bent Ar
tists in Philadelphia and elsewhere in the high,
eat style of the art. India Ink, Pastille, Craybn
and colors, at
Jan I-Iyr] No. 90 East King-st.
211111%.1y1 proprietors.
; 1 51
1 .00
Vol,. 11.
No. 5G East King-st., Lancaster, Pa.
Being duly licensed as a Claim Agent, and
having a large experience, prompt attention
will be given to the following Musses of claims:
)I*NT IC and PAY due discharged soldiers and
BOUNTY (additional) to Soldiers who enlisted
for not less than 2 or 3 years, or were honora
bly discharged for wounds received.
roe NT.); (additional) to Widows, Children, or
Parents of Soldiers who died from wounds re-
reit:et' or disease contracted in said service.
PENSION s for invalid Soldiers and Sailors, or
to their widows or children.
PENSIONS for fathers and mothers, brothers or
sisters of deceased soldiers, upon whom the'y
were dependent.
PENSIONS and t7IIATUITIES for Soldiers or
their Widows from Pennsylvania, in the War
of 1812.
PAY tine Teamsters, Artificers and Civil em
ployees of the Government.
PAY dim for horses lost in the United States
CHARGER.—Fees fair and moderate, and in
no case will charges be made until the money
is collected. [dec 25-Iyr*
After paying Losses to the amount of *1,120,000
An the Surplus Dividend amongst the Policy
For further Information apply to
P. 0., Lancaster, Pa.
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J. F. FRUEAUFF, General Agent for Fenn%
(Above J. F. Long & Son's Drug Store.)
This Company offers more SOLID and REAL
inducements than any other Life Insurance
Company in the country.
Send or call and get a Circular.
Active solicitors, male or female, wanted in
every township in the State. (Jan 14me
Farmers and Dealers who send their orders
direct to us, can avail themselves of the
And save the Commission. Early orders will
be advantageous to buyers.
Manufacturers of
We sell only No. I—received direct from the
A splendid Manure packed in barrels.
We also otter for sale PURR LARD PLASTID',
HYDRAULIC OILKILST and, a full assortment of
fel:lll24m] Sole Agents at Lancaster.
CAUTION. - —.-
Whereas my wife CATHARINR ht. has left
my home without any just cause or provoca
tion, all persons are hereby cautioned not to
trust her on my amount, as I will pay no debts
which she may contract.
Manic township, April 914, 111119-4 to
With malice towards none, with char
n'ith firmness in the right, as God gi
to see the right, let us strive on to finish M
ire are in; to bind zap the nations woun
Claim _fgeney.
Holders every year
_ _
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A maiden is merely a gushing young thing,
Who can waltz, play duets, even possibly sing
A green little fool, either awkward or pert,
Who has learnr.d lots of nonsense, but not how
to dirt.
She's pretty to 'look at, but don't let her speak;
If you make an allusion, she'll fancy it's Greek,
And when you are wise will just give her a
Glance, and regret that she's come from the
A wife is a slave, you may say what you will,
But 'tis bitter to swallow the conjugal pill :
And the girl uninstructed, is always a martyr,
For every man is by nature a Tartar.
Imagine her, fresh from the boarding-school,
rich in
The science of bills and the art of the kitchen!
For men, you'll observe, are such gluttonous
They're a:4 savage as bears it' they don't get
good dinners.
a 'widow— I e
-74 plenty
~. toney—
,," hat's l
' -Ws learn 1
• free;
Wergeneral t
ild egad, the-1 er
'J perilous;
If your rent-roll is good, and your youth in its
Ware widow, my friend—er prepare for your
The widow her holiday fully enjoys;
She effaces the girls, and is followed by boys:
Fair visions she forms of a future divine,
But tlainks all the while—" All the Present is
Still at last comes a day when it certainly
Something real should replace her delectable
So she chooses her second—l pity the child;
May her temper be sweet, and her tyranny
"Katonahl ,, shouted the brakeman,
opening the car door as the train stopped
before a pleasant lit*. station on the Ifar
lett ltallroad. • " A 3
I do not know as I should have partic
ularly noticed that we stopped at all, for
I had been napping it for some miles; but
just as I was casting an inquiring, sleepy
look out of the window, and settling my
self for another sicsto, my attention was
attracted by the entrance of a young lady,
a way passenger, who perceiving the car
well tilled, paused before one in evident
I scarcely wish the reader to infer from
this that there were no vacant seats; on
the contrary, the chair I occupied, was
selfishly monopolized by my shawl and
valise which had excluded many an appli
cant, and so the moment I observed the
car door opened, I mentally resolved not
to budge an inch; but a glance at the new
comer changed my mind.
She was a young lady of exceeding
beauty, dressed in the rich and tasty style
of the present fashion. Whether it was
her genteel aspect, or the melancholy of
her dark impressive eyes, I cannot say,
but when she ventured almost timidly, to
inquire if the half seat at my side "was
engaged, I gallantly arose and proffered it
to hier at once. I must acknowledge I felt
somewhat flattered by her preference,
for though a young man and tolerably good
looking, I had the sense to perceive there
were far better men around, who like me,
might have shared their chair with the
handsome lady stranger. I fancied they
envied me too, as the fair girl sat plump
down, and her dainty form nestled close
to my side.
"I fear I have disturbed you," said my
companion, in a low, sweet voice, that
thrilled me with its soft cadence.
"Not at all, Mies," I rejoined with
stereotyped politeness. "I am too happy
to ohliL 4 e you."
She bowed and smiled in reply, and a
short pause ensued, as is usual upon such
sudden acquaintanceship. In the mean
while, the train had started, and we rattled
swiftly through the fields and woods, now
decked in the lovely tints of Spring. The
conductor came in, and went through his
customary routine of examining the tick
ets. I perceived hers was marked for New
York, and after some healillion, I said,
"You go to the city?"
"Yes," she replied with a smile of win
ning candor, "that I presume you have
already found out."
"I shall keep your company then," I ob
served pleasantly.
"Thank you, sir."
There was a slight dignity, I thought,
in her tone which repelled further familiar
ity, so, as I am a very modest man, I drew
back and said nothing further. On rushed
the steam horse upon its iron pathway.
One more station had been passed and I
was fast relapsing into my former apathy,
when m lady friend, to my surprise, lean
ed towa ?ds me and whispered.
"I am so very timid on the cars."
"Indeed," said I, quite charmed with
her abruptness. "You surely are well ac
customed to traveling?"
"Perfectly," she replied, with some non
chalance, "but that is not it exactly.
There are so many dreadful accidents on
the railroad."
"Dreadful, indeed!" echoed I.
"And," added my companion with
naivette, "It is so unpleasant to travel
unattended. I usually have my brother
Charley with me; he is a splendid escort."
No Org.
pretty, and witty—with
few years over twenty 1
iii for a woman to be—
le secret, she's perfectly
J sad, but not querulous:
,reature's confoundedly
_ _
care for him who shall have borne /he ballle„ and
for his widow and his orphan, to do all which may
ache/eye and cherish a fast and a lasting peace
amona ourselves and with till nations."—.4. L.
"If you will allow ino." will I quite
gallantly, "I will occupy that pi:•ii
"I am much libli!flql to you, sir," replied
the puny. , lady, with a grateful glance
from hCr dark orbs, —yet I alit half' fright
ened to think I am accepting the eseurt lit
a stranger, nut that I ti•ar you, sir; but
alas! I iiav a ;II alous father."
jealon, father!" 1 repeated, some
whatimzzled and surprised.
"Ah, yes,.. sighed the young lady. "It
health, and almost everything that tile
,J.K.,..prt van wish, to be under the tyranieal
codtr/0 of an old step-ffither, who treats
me oftentimes ill the most cruel manner;
and debars Inc front the society of your sex,
shuts me up in the gloomy confines of my
chamber, and treats me with pitiless rigor,
if I do so much as speak to or look at a
"What a monster!" I ejaculated with a
face of melodramatic sympathy.
"That is the reason," site continued,
lookin, , ?, around her half fearfully as she
spoke, "that is the reason why I am so
diffident about entrusting myself to your
care, hut I do it on one condition."
"Negate it," I rejoined, charmed and de
lighted with the strange confidence the
_young lady reposed in Me..
"That you leave me the instant the cars
reach New York."
I was so bewitched by the beauty and.
charming , ensousiance of my quondam
friend, that I readily gave the required
pledge; apparently quite relieved,the young
lady threw aside all reserve, and talked
and chatted with the most pleasant man
ner possible. It is needless to say that in
an hour's time I had so far advanced in
her good graces, as to venture to press
her land, and the sweet, half-coquettish
smile that played around the corners of
her cherry lips, did not seem to disapprove
of the liberty I had taken.
"Do you know," said she, as we sat
hattitag confidentially together, "that I
liked your face the first moment I saw it."
"It was sympathetic on both sides then,"
I whispered, drawing so near to her that I
could feel her hot breath fan my check.
"Yes," she murmered, gently withdraw
ing herself from my glowing embrace, for
we Nut passed through the tunnel, and I
had taken a lover's advantage and snatch
ed a hasty kiss,
,You area naughty man, the naughti
e,st min I ever saw," she said, in a low
• d tmolow,_tone. "If papa could be
in the train What would he say.*
"Never fear, sweet creature," rejoined
earnestly, "your cross old fater is miles
away, and let us improve the present op
"Are you aware?" she observed, half
mischievously, "that there is another tun
nel beyond, a great deal darker than the
one we have left?"
`•I know it," said I with a tender glance
at my fair enslaver. "We are drawing
near to it very fast."
Once more I placed my arm around the
waist of the young lady, and wrapped in
the gloom of the tunnel, took sweet pledges
from her lips. It was very gratifying to
my vanity—all good looking young men
are vain, you know—to perceive that my
lovely companion clung more affectionate
ly to me than before, indeed, I had scarcely
time to tear myself from her arms when
we emerged once more into broad daylight.
She had let her veil drop over her face,
but I could detect the crimson flush
through the fine net work of lace. Her
voice betrayed much emotion as she whis
"I have gone too far with you, sir; alas,
you have ceased to respect me."
"My sweet charmer," I rejoined, "let
us ever be friends; give me your name and
"My name and address," she responded
"you must never know; I already feel
frightened to think how far I have per
mitted myself to venture with a stranger.
Forgive and forget me."
"A flirt, a coquette!"
"No, no," she returned hurriedly, press
ing my hand, "I am not a flirt, but I dare
not—as much as I think of you, I dare
not let the acquaintance proceed further;
have pity upon me! have pity."
She looked so pleadingly so intreatingly
with those soft dark eyes gleaming through
tie-silken meshes of her veil, that I could
not persuade myself to be offended with
her. At last she reluctantly consented to
give her name, and handing me a prettily
embossed card, I read "Kate Darrel, No.
University place."
The train had reached thirty-second
street, and I could easily perceive that my
fair inamorata grew every moment more
restless and disturbed. First her head
peered out of the window, than she would
half rise and cast hurried and fearful
glances behind.
Already 1 was beginning to share the
uncomfortable feelings of my companion,
as visions of angry papa flourishing a cane
over my head rose vividly before my
mind's eye, when suddenly Miss Darrel
uttered an exclamation, rose from her
scat, and unceremoniously darted from the
I wondered at the ease and dexterity
with which she descended, though the car
was propelled quite rapidly by horse pow
er, but my wonder and surprise was des
tined to be considerably increased, when
a few minutes afterwards a thick set, stern
looking gentleman entered from the other
side, his eyes inquisitively scanning the
face of each lady passenger.
"Bono!" said he rather gruffly, passing
before me, "has a young lady been occu
pying this seat?"
"I es, sir, ,, I replied, somewhat discon
certed, and quite abashed.
"Light jockey, maroon colored silk and
grey traveling cloak," pursued the gentle
man interrogatively.
14 1 , -
, ; 1 )
that NV:IS 11(T co,tl.llllt':' I le-
she's given meth,. slip again!"
cri(.ll the slappin4 - his href
pocket. much emphasis.
ytm. tho rcimAtteil: zt
sudden and awrul lie - lit breaking upon Inc.
the jade is :is sharp as a needle."
"Pray sir," said I, with a slight s.at,a
tion stttliwation. "itiav I Ise s() tHittl as
to (an' ttiri. if you arc t littlter of the young
-' Father
-the devil no, sir---I ani
"Then," continued 1 with desperate
calmness, "who is the young lady?"
"Bless your soul, she is Nancy Decors,
the Ilishionable female pickpocket. By
Gad, sir, has she I.),•en playing her points
on von?"
The detective grinned, and the passen
gers, gradually comprehendin! , the "situ
ation,” smiled provokingly. I did not
reply—the itltelligenee was stunning and
mortifying in the highest degree, my
beautiful companion was nothing more
than a member of the "swell mob," and
I, while flattering myself upon having
made a conquest, In reality had been the
victim of a cunning and•designing deceiv
er, and well had she duped me, for even
while I was snatching those dear bought
kisses, she had dextrously relieved me of
my watch and purse, and, as I never saw
her or my valuables again, it may be read
ily believed that my adventure was not
without its moral, or that I was, thereaf
ter, quite as eager for a railroad flirtation
Wycherly, the comedian, married a girl
of eighteen when he was verging on eigh
ty. Shortly after, Providence was pleased
in his mercy to the young woman, to call
the old man to another and better world.
But ere lie took his final departure from
this, he summoned his young wife to his
bedside and announced to her .he was dy
ing, whereupon she wept bitterly. Wy
cherly lifted himself up in the bed, and
gazine; with tender emotion on his weep
ing wife, said:
"My dearest love, I have a solemn
promise to exact from you before I quit
your side forever here below. Will you
assure me my wishes will be attended to
by you, however great the sacrifice you
will be called on to make?"
Horrid ideas of suttees, of poor Indian
widows being called on to expire on fu
neral Pyres, With the bodies of their de
ceased lords and masters, flashed across
the brain of the poor woman. With a
convulsive effort and a desperate resolution
she gasped out an assurance that his com
mands, however dreadful they might be,
should be obeyed.
Then Wycherly, with a ghastly smile,
said, in a low and solemn voice:
"My beloved wife, the parting request
I have to make of you is—that when I
am gone (here the poor woman sobbed
and cried most vehemently), when I am
in my grave—(Mrs. Wycherly tore her
hair)—when I am laid low—(the discon
solate wife roared with grief.)—when I am
no longer a heavy burden and a tie on
you—(`Oh, for heaven's sake,' howled
Mrs. W., ' what am I to do? ')--I com
mand you my dear, young wife—(yes,
y-e-s, love, sobbed Mrs. W.,)—on pain of
incurring my malediction—(y-c-s dear,
groaned the horror-stricken wife)--never
to marry an old man again!
Mrs. Wycherly dried her tears, and in
the most fervent manner, promised that
she never would—and that faithful wo
man kept her word for life.
We were traveling through Canada, in
the winter of 1839, and after a long days
ride, stopped at the Lion Inn, and the
contents of the stage, numbering nine
persons; soon gathered round the cheerful
tire. Among the occupants of the room,
we observed an ill-looking cur, who had
shown his wit by taking up his quarters
in so comfortable an apartment. After a
few minutes the landlord entered, and,
observing the specimen of the canine
species, remarked.
"Fine dog that! Is he yours, sir?" ap
pealing to one of the passengers.
"No, sir."
"Beautiful dog! Yours sir?" addressing
himself to a second.
"No," was the blunt reply.
"Como here, pup! Perhaps he is yours,
"No," was the reply.
"Very sagacious animal! Belongs to
you, I suppose, sir?"
"No he doesn't," was the reply.
"Then he is yours, and you have a
treasure," throwing the animal a cracker.
"Nothing of the kind."
"Oh!"—with a smile—"he belongs to
you, as a matter of course?" addressing
himself to the last passenger.
"Wouldn't take him as a gift."
"Then, you internal, dirty, mean, con
temptible whelp, get out!"
With that, the host gave the dog such
a kick as sent the animal yelling into the
street, amid the roar of the company.
—The following conversation between a
colored prisoner and a temperance lecturer
who was in search of facts to fortify his
positions and illustrate his subject, ex
plains itself :
" What brought you to prison, my col
ored friend!"
" Two constables, sah."
"Yes, but I mean had intemperance
anything to do with it?"
" Yes, sah; dey wus bofe of , em drunk,
—Examiner—" Who was the strongest
man? " Smart boy—" Jonah." " Why
so?" "'Cause the whale couldn't hold
him after he got him down."
JN l'i.TliElt Al3l:.VEr.t`l.
11 lim f a ~j ~.are
I \
‘‘( 1.-
1 in ILI.
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I •211 I • 70 4 O( 14 . 00
;,0 2 :, 20 I; 10 pi 17 00
IWI ... 00 700 12 00 '2.0 00
. 7 - ) 4 I. 1). 10 %AI 71> 0, , :21 50
940 :5 oh .n 110 55 00
7n 11 ll> 1 ,- ",0 :5 00 40 (I 0 70 00
h.) :0 Lq 40 1:0 I) 00 120 00
ffir tt I
EN(" . 11( 4, •- •
, PI:( 1.11. Non( c. nt a En.• for the
•- , ,•Ncil Icr each
1:1.:.‘ I, I: . T.\ n cent:3 a
line fot 11) , 11r-111, , ,rtion.itint iivt•
for ont•ltadditional inw rt ion.
Nvith IMO 11 , - pal h.
,f tutee . vbraititin'o, (r.;hipo.
\ NNA i ( ;:. or2jl, :1 have
a haby ,-()1()w (al ti first Of _May. 1 1 1(( ju(l
- to In' yiaing% tmluarric(l 111(.11.
Nortlicrn Mral Railroad Com
pany will, 11111 .. 111'4 . the c0n1 . 11114 ~n nmer,
oilitinw of t 1 tionlY'. , track
from Itarri , lourr S11111)111..1'.
Ass PAcKrut, conscious of the impossi
bility of the Democratic party to elect any
rnan Governor of Pennsylvania, r e fuses
to accept its nomination for that position.
Nnythumborland and Chester coun
ties, ladies arc candidates for School Su
perintendents. Why not? A lady is as
capable of superintending as of teaching
a public school.
THREE or four gold fish, which were
introduced into the Patrunle from the
fountain of the Capitol ounds a lew years
since, arc said to he rapidly populating
that river.
A bridal dross at a recent New York
wedditur was trimmed with 60,000 worth
of lace. A lace merchant in the city has
enou"11 d'Alencon to trim a dress which
he will sell for ..e.2,0,000.
Tim St. Louis Demo rot of Tuesday
says: There is now enough grain atloat
for this city from Minnesota alone to load
a thousand cars! So much for the grain
IT will be observed that no soonor does
the new administration get fairly under
way than a decrease of about ten millions
in the national debt is announced by
Treasurer Bout well. Copperheads and
their newspapers, please take notice!
A LADY was telling a young man of a
child, a few weeks old, whose grandmoth
er was only thirty-eight years old. The
young man replied that that was nothing.
lie knew a young lady whose grand chil
dren were not born yet,
TEXAS has now within her borders more
than 3,000,000 head of cattle, and can ex
port annually 1,000,000 beeves. With the
proper packing establishments, Texas can
send to the cities of the world better beef,
and at lower figures, than can be obtained
in any other part of the United States.
TEE Boston joitinat says: "Mr. Joab
Whipple, of Squawkboro', does not see
the use of building school houses and pay
ing teachers to educate a parcel of boys
and girls who know a darned sight more
than their parents do already."Joab
relatives in nearly every community.
ANDREW JOHNSON, as a Union man
was a hypocrite. He spoke his real senti
ments in a recent speech at Knoxville,
Tenn., when he said:—"l lc‘mhi to God
that the Gorcenment had not had thr credit
to borrow a (bOllO r to co rry on the war. ,,
JACOB BARKER, the veteran Banker
and financier, late of New Orleans, has re
turned to Philadelphia, at the age of nine
ty years, with faculties unimpaired, but
almost without capital, and intends to en
ter into mercantile business in that city._
Spunky 01(1 chap!
TAKE the whites of four eggs and ten
cents worth of quicksilver; pqt them in a
bowl and beat to a perfect frog: Take a
feather and dip into the preparation and
apply to every part of your bedstead
where bugs conceal themselves; do this
once a year, and you will never see a bed
bug in your house.
A CURIOUS puzzle has been whittled out
with a penknife by a man in Norwich
Conn. Ile has taken an eight-ounce vial
and set up in its interior a perfect keg
about two inches long, with four hoops on
it and both heads in ; and he has stopped
the bottle with a wooden plug which fits
perfectly tight and is keyed inside, the
keit dinned and the pin toggled.
To remove warts and corns, take a
small piece of raw beef; steep it all night
in vinegar, cut as much from it as will
cover the wart, tie it on, or if the excres
cence is on the forehead, fasten it on with
strips of sticking plaster. It may be re
moved in the day and put on every night.
In two weeks the wart or corn will die
and peel oft; and no scar left.
IN one of the rural towns in Rhode Is
land, through which swept a recent reviv
al, there dwells a father and three sons,
all of whom had long voted the Demo
cratic ticket. But at the last election, the
father brought but one son with him and
to queries about the others said,
with a
mournful head shake, "They don't vote
with us any more; they've experienced
Tim new postage stamps are now in
use. The three cent stamps are smaller
than the old "sorrel " stamp, square in
stead of oblong, blue, finely engraved, and
have the picture of a locomotive under
full headway. On the whole, we don't
see where the improvement on the old style
comes in, unless itconsists in the "divvy"
made by Johnson's P. M. Gen. It is said
that Randall lives in great style at Elmi
ra, New York. We guess that was what
was the matter with the old stamps.
TILE other day, says an exchange, a
lady called at the house of a friend, and
seeing a couple of not large sized pin
cushions lying upon a table, which,
upon inquiry, she found bad been in use
for five years, suggested to the lady of the
house that it would be a good idea to rip
them open and get the needles. At this
the lady laughed, and replied that she
thought it would hardly pay; but upon
the other insisting that she would find as
many as 300, the experiment was finally
tried, when to the astonishment of all, 1,-
500 needles were counted outl We don't
charge the ladies anything for this bit of
:J G
4 , 2 60
2 60
2 50