ransevanioch gtitoch. MEW FUME Sammarromr, Aprill.4, 1869. MISTER FODDER ABRAHAM: In meim letshta brief hob ich g'mention ed dos lob a notion het noch so an side bigness of kreeya for neavich der Posht ' Office aw tau dreiva, un hob Bidder ordlich feel drivver gedenkt, un bin sheer gorly ten der conclusion kumma for in des bit ters bisness nei tsu gee. De Bevvy hut net recht wells, awer se sogt now dos wann ich goot ocht geb un du kens fun dem meena whiskey nei, awer plenty kreiter shtuft, so we hulder beara blum ma, ebionga wartzel, woll kraut shtengel, dishtla, gordabenedick, kotza-kraut un so each, dorm war se's agreed, for so shtuft, wane aw nix bot so shots aw nix. Om Somehdog war ich in der shtadt un hob `mold noch rfroked tan ',mays, der bitters Maness. Eaner, hob ich 0118 g'funna, dar eel nawma ordlich weit bekont rmacht hut fun weaya seine bitters, meant es weer an money making bisness, wann mer yusht de leit so glawa macha konn. Er hut mer selwer g'sawt dos es ordlich feel Meaner ufe manetsha un bekonnt macha aw kummt dos of de cures. Er hut mer aw privately g'sawt we mer de bitters macht. lloh nemmt mer evva ea goll eommoner whiskey, ea goll wasser, tewea quart lager beer, un donn yusht ennich kreiterly shtuft nei mixa big es an rechter bitterer rshmock hut, un donn in de buttla nei un directions druf, un d'no is es ready for customers. Er hut mer teu fer shtea gevva dos sei beehty bitters trans action war we er ous •ferkawft hut on . saner doer ols noch der nawma of holt, un er hut meer aw gerota, ole an freind, dos wann ich nei gea in sally bisness donn set ich yusht proweera mei nawma of kreeya, for es is, Becht er, ordlich feel mehner im materna dos im shtuft, un donn weer mei iseit one tau ferkawfa. Er 'meant ich het an first raty chance, for well der nawma Schwelfelbrenner so lvver one popular is, deal de "Schwelliebrenner's Herb un flhtommick Bitters," ordlich goot nemma, ep doe de lefts ousfinna dente doe es aught a humbug is kennt ich ous ferkawfa sans geld in der sock ehtecka. Sell war krleicht an ordlich guter root for geld macha, awer ich hob gedenkt ich wet doch noch a wennich welter noch frohya der weaya, yusht for ousfinna eb se oil sell game shpeela, un warn se dune dorm dent ich's ferleicht yusht so goot aw so macha. Well, des ding war goot, ich bin donn tau ma onnera gongs, yusht a pear deem welter nunner, tau earn was se der Major heasa,un hob amohl mit eam awfonga tsu ahwetze. Ich hob eam g'sawt dos ich a notion het for in de bitters bigness tau gea, an giroked eb er net ous ferkawfa deat warn er a gooty chance het. Awer fun sellam hut er nix wissa wells. Er hut g'eawt dos mei beehter weg weer wann ich ousfinna kennt was for kreiter shtuft, un wartzla, un so shtuft goot is for de leit, un dorm in de bigness nei gee. un dertsu shticks. Er hut any how ken notion g'hot for Bei bisness ous tau forkawfa. Sell hut mich donn a wennich gebottert hob g'wnnnert we's is, eb se 01l humbugs sin odder yusht a dehl fun cans. Ich bin anyhow tsu der conclusion kumma amohl draw tau gea un seana eb ich an de Bevvy net a shtuft macha kenna dos de onnery 01l beet, for Bidder dos ich -mit sellam minors Bitters moan rshwetzt hob, bin ich so of de notion kumma dos ferleicht doch net olles humbug is was bitters heast. Any how es mug amohl proweert wierra. Was ich im sin hob tsu curs mit em " Schweffiebrennees Herb un Shtommick Bitters," is der dishpepsy, general ability, loss of obbadit, difus fever, kollera, narfus ability, gronnick deireea, rummatticke, tsahnwea, shmtertza im rick, kupwea, ousteearing, un olly kronkheita fun dejec tiff organs. Tlf course es nemmt ordlich feel aorta shtuft, awer ich glawb ich weas we mere Ich un de Bevvy geana any bow draw un shtudya des ding oh Arns, an yeades stint *sift prepare, un in a woch odder limos inshpect, ich kenna mer mob? anyhow a pear goila ready haws, an ousfinna- we's shoft, un ebe goot nemmt unnich de leit; un wanu's dut donn misset erg aw rechtihoffa adfer desbt. Weer weas eb ich net noch an grosser job one dem ding mach. Feleicht wars ken shlechter plawn wann ich so dinglin mit green bobbeer drucka dent htssa Ibr of de buddalin pasta mit meinn nawma druf ole der " Profess& Schwef ilebrenner." Sell drinkt mom, dent any how ordlich feel beseer nemma dos yusht dnckter, for heitich's dogs sin de duckter sheer to einhindi doe 'de Captains un d e Resembles ern dort in der semly pucka. .linytift wan seller dingrich wu so goot gedu hut mit seim bitters ousferlutwfa an duckter beast, konn ichs aw gea ols an Pirofessor, un sell is ca degree heather. Awer, ea ding will ich fershtonnahawa, un sell is, dos ich an 'United States Officer bin. De Posht Office suit mich ordlich goot, for es bringt de left bei, un sell gebt mer an first raty chance wann amohi mei bisness im gong is. Der klea Abey is net recht g'sund olle weil. Er hut so unfergleichlich dori ich 1011. De Lawbucksy behawpt er wter aw g'wocksa, un dos mer brancha set derfore. Awer de Bevvy meant sell deat nix botta, un se shtickt tsum kotza-kraut tea. Den merya, meant se, wars a wennich bee‘er, des is, a wennich mea hort leiwich, un deat aw meaner notice nemma fun sacha. Do fact is, mer meant'es wet shun lacha wann ols de Bevvy so mit em shpeelt. Ich mus selwer ols lochs warm de Bevvy tsu dem kleana dingly shwetzt, yusht dos wanns es fel shtea deat. Doh hut so can ols uf em shohs un fongt ols aw: " G uck a mully doh der mommy earn kleanes buwelly - duwellay - mus -net - kreisha - du kleanes Abely-a-dooty-dooty-kitza-kitza kitza- seeses - kleanes - bubbelley buwelly dooty-dooty, dooty, now gea shlofa hush by baby go to sleep." De &et, is, de Bevvy hut so an longy roy kleany warta for des Aboly dos ich mer se gor net mw r ricks konn. Ea ding awer g'folt mer net, un sell is, de koshta for den kleana Abey. Sheer oily 'dog beasts, Pit, du musht denk null in der shtore gea un ebbas kreeya— set tawea yord flannel' hawa; bring aw shtuft mit for hemdlin; mus aw noch a pear socks hawa un noch a klea frockly for in der mooch. Un ich mus aw ordlich uft in de obbadeak, for druppa, un oiler lea, un de sacha koshta geld. Awer, mer konn evva now net helfa—der klea Abey is doh, un mus aw uf getsohya wterra.: Geshter hob ich aw an breef grickt fum Shtate Lawyer. Er will wises eb ieh im sin hob rouse tsu kumm a for shreef; will hawa ich set nix du un nemond fersh precha for emter bis dos er mich seht un mit mer shwetzt. Er meant er kent es so flxa dos ich ebbas macha kent wann ich doh in Schlitlletown my influence uf de recht side geb. Er hut rshrivva fan weaya de semly leit , un hut mich ei gelawda bei eam aw tsu rufa wann ich widder in de shtadt kumm. Ferleieht will er mer so an bricks contract, odder ebbas aso awbeeta. Wter weal. Awer, ich mus ufheara shreiva for desmohl, weil de mail obgea mus in a paar minnutta. PIT SCHWKFIPLEBRENNER, ESQ. r!rr77. 'F'. 7r7 ' r7 .. '7MTl How He Cleaned His Cistern, and What Came of it. (From the Cincinnati. Limeldle.] A few /lays since a well-known minister who owns a house in the West End which is now vacant, paid the premises a visit, for the purpose of examining their condi tion. .After taking a survey of the house and finding everything in good condition, the reverend gentleman took a look into the cistern, the bottom of which, to his sorrow, he found to be covered with sedi ment, old tools, tin pans, stones, bricks, etc. After viewing the filthy mess for some time, the frugal-minded old .gentle man came to the conclusion that, in view of the hard times and high price of labor, the wisest course he could pursue was to clean it himself; especially as his sermon was written for the week, and he, in con sequence, had plenty of leisure. Having once resolved, the old gentleman lost no time in executing. Proceeding to the house he divested himself of every article of clothing save his drawers, and thus attired entered the cistern, went manfully to work, with hands and shovel, until the whole mass was thrown up. Having completed his task, he wended his way to the house for the purpose of donning his costume of sober black, when, oh, horror of horrors! not a garment was to be seen where he had left them. All were gone. Thieves, it appears, who had not the fear of the law or the reversal cistern cleaner before their eyes, had entered the house, while the old gentleman was digging away to the tune of Old Hundred, and stolen his clothes. Here was a nice predicament to be placed inl Not a stitch of clothing to hide his nakedness, save the sadly dam aged drawers, and no means of procuring any save by an appearance on the street in his rather primitive costume, which modesty forbade, but the chilling temper ature of the house urged. Exercise was his only means of keeping warm, while racking his brain to decide upon a method of relief. So at it he went, and notwith standing his conscientious seruples on the subject of dancing some of the liveliest hoe-downs executed—by a minister, at least—in this city, the silent walls of that deserted dwelling then witnessed. The noise of the old gentleman% terpsi chorean performance finally attracted the .attention and brought to his aid a num ber of the neighbors, whose horror and astonishment can be imagined at witness ing the performance of a breakdown by their respected Ibllow-citizen in a costume almost as scanty as a' Greorgiafidl dress." Thinking, of course, that the' old gen tleman bad gone as near stark mad as he was stark na k ed, the neighbors approach ed him with great caution, and not fin , some time alter his discovery was it decided to ftirnieh him clothing: in order that he 'might go at large. One of the party, however, finally approached near enough to hear his explanation of his strange appearance—which the appear ance of the cistern.corroborated—when a suit of clothes was procured, the old gen tleman clothed, and warmed, and allowed to depart in peace, amid the suppressed titters and giggles of the spectators. He has, we believe, since decided to give up the cistern-cleaning business. THE Democrats in this vicinity are so much exfircised over the result of the Con necticut election that they refuse to per mit the bartenders to shake a nutmeg grater over their whisky punch. The de cline in the nutmeg market is quite per ceptible in consequence. *levied. A DETECTWI9B UP The A low, vine-clad Cottage , w l , green creepers shading the doorway. A young girl peered from the tangled foliage out into the darkness ; the young face wore an anxi ous look, and the eyes were sad with sorrow. The bright golden curls were thrown back and a little white hand was lifted to the ear as if to catch the first echo of a footstep. The light from the room Sashed over the sunny tresses that shone in the glare like a golden, crown. Suddenly theleport of a pistol rent the air, and a man staggered and fell at her feet; The noise of the street had lung died out. The busy city was sunk to rest; the wild fever that had burned along Its arteries had ceased ; in that secluded Spot Do sound was heard, save - the pistol shot and the death rattle as the eictim's pallid face was raised appeal,Y• " Them were the hots as they were relat ed to Mr. I— and myself," said Mr. F—, "an hour afterwards." The head of the deed man was pillowed on his daughter's lsp, and to the stiffened lips she pressed her own. repeatedly. But friends interposed and thb man was carried into the house. "Have you an idea who did it l'" I asked of theyoung lady. She hesitated for a moment . Not even her ovsrw had po the blirel lial =d ) na y neck an w d=rt burning, glow. "I have none I" she said falteringly. I did not believe her. Whoever the assas sin wss, she knew him. I was satisfied of this, although some reason, for which I weld not then account, kept her silent. This was all the public learned from the daily poem It was related in the Picayune as all, and for awhile it passed from mea's thoughts. Bat you know whets:Abets forget we remem ber. The detective's work is never done. The clue lost must be regained. But-in this instance the mystery seemed impenetrable. Still the belief that the girl knew by whom the feral shot was fired, kept hercon/ntly in my mind. I watched her incessan I. . searched out her history—learned, her loves—her Courtships and all the secrets that young ladles guard so sacredly. I ascertained from them that she had keen aftessed Jiy a young man of dissolute habits, and a wild, wayward character. She was an heiress in her ow4to but her fortune depended en her hog with her father's consent. I now settl in my own mind who was the murderer. But I had no proof. Since the night of the tragedy he had not come near her. But something assured me that an interview woultlit take place, To this end I waited paten It was Mardi- ras ht-4he carnival. The intlitth wild with excitement. he papule ' was on mask. The sound of music—the sound of echoing het—reached the serbet from many a palatial home and public building—a night of revelry. I stood in the centre of a room thronged with dancers, my eyes never stray ing from a bito domino. I had traced 'there. I knew the lady who wore it; I bad seen the miliner who fitsidoned it; bad seen it fitted to the beautiful face. I had not lost sight of her from early dawn. *h . was standing underneath the &andel! . a Ike. ,L man approached her Ike . << ' Instinct would have tot 1 ' had I not heard the so simpleary word— -46 Mp, The girl trembled 71000/4 tillir X hoard the reply— . ~., . -5 , "Murderer 1" "It was for love of yotOr "It was for love of largo have not and will not But will never willingly look on your Stein. " You will detest meth= r 1" " Would you have me marry the znairieho killed my patent I , " "Mary, what el I did not wait onough now. I followed me from "You are my !Mime "Fos whoht" "For Murder l' steadily in the e: flinchingly for a &vitt utterly. "Nary bas betra; "Not so I but " No matter, I It is useless to • such as a wild, inu Grime would be effort was made 1 but in vain. _ Th 4 too auel 7 the d middle age, _but face Is wriMled whom remorse has girl yet lives in thk a strange heart, am dam She refined' • ow Tux bletilOate dates It te one day throughout the year. EX-GIOV.•ANDREW G. CURTIN, Amerteaullintoter to Russia. Our glint gokto. 1, "How do yon get your ice?"sket 4.33 y maims," mlliqa the' • —A crusty old bachelor says Mthinks t is woman, and not her wrongs, that ought to be redressed. —What would the world be without a woman? A perfect blank—like a sheet of paper—not even ruled. —Why do girls kiss each other and men Inot? Because girls have nothing better Ito kiss, but the men have. —"We're in a pickle now," said a man in a crowd. "A regular Jam," said an other. "Heaven preserve us," mourned an old lady. —"I expect," said a young physician, on his way to Jamaica, on hearing exag gerated rumors of the cholera, "to witness a great many death bed scenes this sum mer." "Doubtless," replied a friend, "if you get much practice.' —Aunt Ilbtsy was trying to persuade little Jack to retire at sunset, using for an argument quit all little chickens Went to rest at that time. "Yes,'' said little Jack, "but the old hen always goes with them." Aunty tried no more arguments with him. —"Sambo. whar you get that watch you wear to meeting last Sunday?" "How you know I had a WilScht" "Bekase I seed de chain hang eat oh de pocket in front." "Go way, nigger/ Spose you see a halter round my neck—you tink dar is a horse inside of me?" —A French gentlemen having been res cued from a ducking in a river, and taken to a neighboring tavern, was advised to drink a glass of very warm brandy and water:"Sir, shall I thank you not to make it a fortnight." "A fortnight," said he, "hadn't you better take it direct ly?" "0 yes," said. monsieur "directly, to be sure, but not a fortnight, not to weak." —"Seventy-fivecesstspergall”exclaimed Mrs. Partington, on looking over the price current. "Why bless me, what is the world coming to, when the gals are valued at seventy-Hve canal , ' The old lady pull ed off her spectacles, threw down the pa per and went into a brown study on the want of a proper appreciation of the true value of the female gender. —A gay young fellow, of a deistical turn, travelling in a ch to Lon don, forced his sentimen s upon the com pany by attempting to ridicule the scrip tures. Among other topics he made him self merry with the story of David and flokishoorging tha hoprobabllity Of a youth like - David, being able to throw a stone with sufficient force to sink it in the giant's forehead. On this he appealed to the company, and in particular to an .elderly Quaker. "Indeed fliend,” replied he, "I do not think it impossible, if the Philistines' head was as soft as thine 18.' 1 —We heard an anecdote of a schoolboy the other ddy which illustrates the honesty of the youth. The little fellow had a dirty flee' . molls teacher told him to go and nnailtiL He meat out and stayed a few Oftutio/11411*ta ewe back with the Sane Vir l ie dountenance tolerably and r .s4e. ;Er half wet and dirty. 4 1*MIAT ) " 011iCher,__ t _ 44 W47 did YOU not washSur 1 4 * "I did „wash it,'" said :any. -4 .o l lWhy did you not wipe it then, all ewer? ll - "I did wipe it as high as Wet PhletAkitimuld reachl” was John aro cenchuoine gayly. Some idea of low We in New York may be obta _bsed from the following figures v: Van Meter in a Chicago recently. , in New York last .. -nine of which ). .ga inurdetr to tere were 6 40 Wises le to each block. children were run es 'York, homeless, ttless; 126 families tgle tenement built:l - the number of , sonde mile weeded and 224 families live mug of them below "ad often they are Mass- by the high .tntil the tide ebbs. use there were 146 • time of scarlet finer, hoo . ping cough, and ;hisbuilding one out A procession of childrei se Vito abreast and reaching elevenmiles, would onlyequal 4146 =low, who are now li th o at deaWs fioor . Tox want of proper food and ttiiititint. LOW WE 111 NEW TOR• Dentistry. a _2, Emmonsne EZPIneII3L .aic/Arch WM. Api .Itesl,llllitlesthe enterprising Dentist, bee varobased from me a large stook of teeth andall the fixtures, the in struments formerly belogginii4 l ) toe, and also tauter Dr those need by my faer , Furs, in his Pm* Moe. Io the purchase , the doctor as provided himself with some of the most valuable and ex pensive instrumente used in dental practice, and has beyond doubt one of the best sad lar gest coDections of teeth end instruments in the State. Persons visiting the aOmmodlous offices Of Dr. Wbitefdde, cannot fail to be fu ll acoom modated. The Dootor loses no op witty of furnishing himself with every la acientiflo improvement In his line of business. It. B. PARRY. W M. WHITESIDE, DENTIST. OFFICE AND RESIDENCE, EAST KING STREET, Next door to the Court Rouse, over Felines tookl Dry Goods Store, LANCASTER, PENNA. Teeth Extracted without pain by the use of (Nitrous Oxide) Gas. nollo-tf I Jewelry. ZAHM & JACKSON, DEALERS IN WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SILVER AND SILVER-PLATED WARE, SPECTACLES,AND FANCY GOODS, No. 15 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTICR PA. APIREPARUNCS AIEIiNDED no2o-Iy] WATCHES! WATCHES WATCHES I CLOCKS, CLOCKS, CLOCKS. The undersigned keeps constantly on hand a large and full assortment or the GENUINE AMERICAN WATCHES, of different weight and finish, to snit all, which are sold upon the most reasonable terms, and guaranteed to give satisiketion. CLOCKS Keel* also on hand a good assortment of Call and examine the goods before purchasing elsewhere. Thankful for put t_a_yors. I solicit .a continu• once of the same. IMMIX F. ANDREWS, Jeri lane] Strasburg, Laneastea 00., Pa. Musical Instruments, &c. B. KEVINSKI, • CY • DEALER IN SHEET MU S IC _ _SW PIANOS, ORGANS, NDELODEONS, And Muskat Instruments Generally. dole Agent for STEINWAY & SONS' WORLD RENOWNED PIANOS. Also, _Agent for PRINCE & CO.'S ORGANS and lOWA/MONS. iirlltudc sent by HMI Gres of Postage. No. t NORTH PRINCE STREET_, Lancaster, Pa. GOOK AMOHL DOH! Rooft caw im J. B. lERVINSKI Malt YIISIO SHTORE. Ktosirsana, Oasstt.a. Idateintens, nn silo aorta made Inshtsumentai Der Kevinskt Is agent lords bereemty Stein wehr Pianos—KW ffeera beast liter se at delta& Der plats Is No. 8 NORD PRINCE STREET, LANCASTER. N. IL Fora Met ratygooty , Gez ira , odder an T odder = Anoardeon, odder a Tawoerrtc&- WO omen misdeal Insbtrument, ea odder ='Wept ynsbt ni ens gevblskre, No. 8 Prime Shtrose, Lancaster. (n0204y Groceries. GROCERIES, FRUITS, AND CONFECTIONS, FOR THE HOLIDAYS. LAYER, SEEDLESS Ann VALENCIA RAISIN NEW CURRANTS, NEW CITRON, TU REEN APPLESRKISH PRUNES, G, DRIED APPLES, DRIED PEACHES, , SIEMER CORN, GREEN PEAS :rie WiA il i me —l O - CatiFFHTMW i l r E illSl CHOICE "LACK iht A. RIO, LAGITYRA AND JAVA COFFEES, • SUGARS AND SYRUPS. • A VARIETY OF CONFECTIONS, GLASS AND QUEENSWARE. LAMP GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. AU the above of the best quality and cheaper than the cheapest.At' - D. S. iJ. 8. BURSICIS, nov SIM No. 18 Mat Efas street. Lana. Varnishes, Ate. AUG. SUBINOKUL. JAC. IittINOEHL, A &J. BELWOEIEL, .T7N177T ' n7r: . 1 4 COPAL, WEITZ, A C PAN OFFIN, BLACK AND J VARNIIiH.IIB, LINSNED OIL, TUEPENTINR, Le., As. NO. 109 NORTH QUBTO STREET, • (In the Keystone Bull 046) LANCASTER, PA. - Also, Mahogan Boards Veneers and MoVI ngs of and. b g • as Bed AB , BUM Posts, Table Up, Spokes, nubs, Palm, Sco., &e.. Also, AIL , SIMMS, Ise. lean Silyr hooka& .Drugs and wzAvzirs - DRtTG STORE The ledi e= ll, ak. en limas tek : 41% 1 1 tarthiilPOl ' "7' =Straw & iv and - or a DIMS, 11111100.0014 "WNW Oalle DVS STW/ VAIMIL 1 1 .1310 Y ARTICLE% I44 a W r ALL PAPILR, Ao. ornterrtestim= WAS. king LoWsollo94. 3 tt it nAM lOW] Professional. J. DICKEY ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ormuz SOUTH QUEEN ST., second house be low the " Fountain Inn," Lancaster, Pa. B. LIVINGSTON ,_ _• ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ossion: No. 11 NORTH DUKE ST., west side, north of the Court House, Lancaster, Ps. CHARLES DENUES,_ ATTORNEY AT LAW. 02 , 11011: No. $ SOUTH DUKE STREET, Lan caster. Pa. t rFflf B. GOOD ATTORNRY AT LAW. Oz ties: N 0.58 EAST KING ST., Laneaster, Pa. _T W. JOHNSON, _ ty • ATTORNEY AT LAW. teOrmPe: No 95 SOUTH QUEEN ST., Leucite r, a. D.P. ROSENMILLER,_ ATTORNEY AT LAW. - Osman With A. II IRA Swim, Esq., South Queen inn uPPudte the office of "Father Abra ham;4u Lancaster, Pa. A C. REINOEHL, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Oisszca: No. 3 SOUTH DUKE ST., Lancaster JOHN P. REA, ATToRNEY AT LAW. Osstos: With Hon. 0. J. DICER; Ito. 21 SOUTH QUEER ST., Lancaster, Pa. MARTIN BUTT, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Oman of the late Hon. IliAnnatrs &rams, No. 98 South Queen St., Lancaster, Pa. Am° B 11.MYLIN5 ATTORNEY AT LAW. Omni: No. 8 SOUTH QUEEN ST., Lancaster. K. RUTTER, co• ATTORNEY AT LAW. Osites: With General J. W. Fninsn, NORTH DUKE ST., Lancaster. Pa. BF. BAER, • ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ortneo: No. 19 NORTH DUKE Street, Lanese ter, Yu. [dee 1.4.1 yr Beading Advertisements. H e MALTZBICBG t • A NET AT LAW No. 48 NORTH SIXTH IMl`, k ßeading, Pa. - GEORGE SELTZER , ,• ATTORNEY AND COUNBELLER AT LAW. No. Ohl COURT STREET, 4oppoette the Court Hone%) Reading, Po. Boots and Shoes. mAR.sHALL & SON'S BOOT AND SHOE STORE, CENTRE SQUARE, LANCASTER, PA. ANOTHER FRESH ARRIVAL—Gtva Us A Cam.. The only place for good and substantial work apt MARSHALL'S, Where ()gab° seen the largest and best assort ment of Men's and Boys' BOOTS AND SHOES ever brought to this city. Ladies', Misses' and Children's plain and ftney Shoes, Balmoral& and Buttoned Gaiters. Also, RUBBERS OF EVERY SIND, whisk we invite you to call and examinel feeling eon Went that we can warrant all to WEAR WELL. no SO-131 Brushes. JACOB ROTHARMEL, PREMIUM BRUSH MANUFACTURER. DEALER IN . COMBS AND FANCY ARTIOLBS, NO. tog NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA. deo 111 Furnishing - Goods, &c. H EAZ Q UARTERS VOII UNDERCLOTHING, STOCKINGS, GLOVES, COLLARS, CUFFS, SLEEVE BUTTONS, and (lentte ware generally, at DMA'S, No.. 41% NORTH QUEEN ER ST., Lan N caster. -,.,- An lover one r shtook goods—suitable tor Krishdoirs, et-Yohrs un onnery Presents— so we Hols-Dioher, Behaup-Dicher, Collars, Hem armel li , nep e rshtiokft Hemmer-fronts, Pocket Eicher. Perfumery. Ilohr.Ml, Cigar Casa, nu onnery hinny articles one B. J. SMAN , I3, 41% North Queen Street l Lancaster. (Om sign rum grass Shtreatich Hem.) (nul l-ly CkAking. JUST OPENED AT • BEAU MONDE HALL! PORTICO ROW, 543 PENN SQUARE, 543 READING, PENNA., • ♦ LA*OI LOT ow BEAVERS, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VESTINGS, &a., &c., • FOR WINTER WEAR. '"ALSO, ALSO, BOY'S CLOTHING, AND GENT N'S FURNISHINGOODS t LEVI G. COLEMAN, Cntier. BUCK & BRO., Sof* and Job Printing. RAUCH & COCHRAN, BOOK AND JOB PRINTERS. PLAIN AND NANCY . PRINTING OF ALL HINDI. g rcantk. "B"E f t ar nall igliZ i Nalaslge . MOSPUF Woad orincE.—xo. soufnumis 02X XT LAXICIAIITIIOI4