Abralpm. INDEPENDENT AND PROGRESSIVE LANCASTER CITY, l'A FRIDAY, ,APRIL. APRIL 9, 1889. Economy, Retrenchment, Faithful Collection Of the Revenue and Payment of the Public Debt-6 RANT. FATHER ABRAHAM! EVERYBODY READS IT! Make up your Clubs! TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: t copy, one year.B 1.60 .. 6 copies, (oach name addressed,) 7.00 10 copier. 64 13.00 15 copies, " 18.00 80 copies, 66 64 22.00 And 41.10 for each additional subscriber. POR CLUBS, IN PACKAGSS. 6 etoples,l(to one address,) ILO copies, " 44 15 copies, " 64 20 poples, " 64 And 41.00 for each additional subscriber tar All subscriptions must invariably be paid in advance. GOOD! The defeat of Dixon, ex-Senator from Connecticut, for the lower House of Con gress in Connecticut on Monday last, is especially gratifying. He was one of the 'coadjutors of Doolittle and Cowan, who went with Andy Johnson in 1866, and al though the District in which he was a candidate was represented by a "Demo