Father Abraham. (Reading, Pa.) 1864-1873, April 09, 1869, Image 1

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No. 18, South Queen Street, Lancaster.
1 copy, one year, $ 1.50
10 copies
5 °vies, (each " name
name ackiressed,)
15 septa " It 18.00
24 " II 22.00
And $l.lO for each additional anbecriber,
10 copie, (to "
one ackiretts,) $ 12.00
copies II
lb copies I. 41 10.510
20 copies ', II 20.00
And WM for each additional subscriber.
as-All subscriptions must invariably be paid
in advance.
ar.0113 PRINTING
Of every description, neatly and promptly tore
(Med, at abort notice, and on the most
reasonable terms,
Trains leave the Central Depot as follows:
Cinatn.Ex....l2:l7 a. ni.l IN
Erie 1:50 a. rn
Plttla.Mapresss:l2 " Pbila. Exp... 2:40 "
Fast Line 7:02 " !Mail 11:15 "
Lane. Train .. A*s " 'Fast Line 2:25 p.m
Day Express. ISIS p.m.:Columbia Ao. 2:4 "
Harriet/II AO-5:61 "HarrLelPg Ac. 5:54 "
I Lane. Train.. 7:29 "
THURSDAY, NOV. 26, 1868,
Laneaster.....B:oo a. m.
.....8:25 p. m.
Columbia .....01)0 a. in.
8-24) p.m.
Reading ..... 7:00 a. in.
6:15 p. m.
PAO a. in.
8:11, p. m.
Reading 1010 a. lil
" .... 6:40 p. m.
II 10:20 a. m
It 6:40 p.m
Lancaster.....9:ls 5. m.
8026 p.m.
Columbia .....9:25 a. m.
9:25 a.m.
.....$:9O p. m.
Trains leaving Lancaster and Columbia as
above, make close connection at Reading with
Trains North and South; on Philadelphia and
Reading Railroad, and Weat on Lebanon Valley
Road. Tram leaving Lancaster and Columbia
at 8 A. M. connects closely at Reading with
Train for New York.
Tickets can be obtained at the Offices of the
NlBw Jersey Central Railroad, foot of Liberty
street, New York; and Philadelphian:id Reading
Railroad, 13th and Callowhlll streets, Phila.
Through tickets to New York and Philadel
uhia sold at all the Principal Stations, and Bag
gage Cheeked Through.
Trains are run by Philadelphia and Reading
Railroad Time which is 10 minutes faster than
Pennsylvaniarailroad Time.
GEO. F, GAGE, Snit a
E. E. HEWER, Gen. Frt. and Ticket Agent.
nov 90-tfl
real Trunk Line f rom the North a nd North
west for Philadelphia, New York, Read
ing p o u st ill e , Tamaqua, Ashland, Ma
mokinLcba non, Allentown, Easton, Eph
rata, Litiz, Lanexister, Columbia, &v.
Trains leave Harrisburg for New York as fol
lows: At 3.50, 5.51, 8.10 a. m., 12.40 noon 2.05 and
10.50 p. m , conneet ing with similar trains on the
Pennsylvania Railroad and arriving at New
York at 11.0 J a. m.,12.20 noon, 3.50, 7.00,10.05 p. m.,
and 6.15 a. in. respectively. Sleeping Cars ac
company the 8.50 a. in, and 10.5.1 p. w, tralas
7r,ithout change.
Leave Harrisburg for Reading, Pottsville;
Tamaqua. blinersville, Ashland, Shamokin,
Pine Grove. Allentown and Philadelphia, at
8.10 n, m., 2.05 and 4.10 p. m. stopping at Leba
non and principal Way Stations; the 4.10 p. in.
train making connect tons for Philadelphia and
Columbia only. For Pottsville Schuylkill Ha
yen and Auburn, via Schuylkill and Satique
harms Railroad, leave Harrisburg at 8.30 p.
Returning: Leave New York at 9.00 a. in.,12.00
noon, 5.10 and 8.00 p. m.. Philadelphia at 8.15 a.
in. and 3.30 p. ; sleeping cars accompany the
3.00 a. m., 5.10 and 8.00 p. trains from New
York, without change.
Way Passenger Train leaves Philadelphia at
7.30 a. m., connecting with simiiartraln on East
Penns Railroad, returning from Reading at
6.35 p. in., stopping at all stations; leave Potts
villa at 7.30, 845 a. m., and 2.45 p. in.; Shamokin
:it 6.26 a. ui.; Ashland at 7.00 a. in., eihd 12.30.1). us.;
Tamaqua at 8.30 a. in.; and 2 . 20 p. in., tor Phila
Leave Pottsville, via Schuylkill and Susque
hanna Railroad at 7,10 a. in. for Harrisburg, and
11.30 a. m. for Pine Grove and Tremont.
Reading Accommodation Train : Leaves
)leading at 7130 a. in., returning leaves Phila
delphia at 4:45 p. m.
Pottstown Accommodation Train: Leaves
Pottstowu at 6.44 a. in.; returning, leaves Phila
delphia at 4.00 p. m.
Columbia Railroad Trains leave Reading at
7.00 a. M. and 8.15 p. In. for Ephrata, Litiz, Lan.
caster, Columbia, ac.
Perkiomen Railroad Trains leave Perkloillen
Junction at 9.15 a in. and 5.30 p. m returning,
leave Skippeek at 8.10 a. M. and 12.45 p. na., con
necting with similar trains on Reading Rail.
Oa Sundays: Leave New York at 8.00 p. m.,
Philadelphia at 8.00 m. and 3.15 p. ta., the
8.00 a. tn. train running only to Reading; Potts
ville 13.00 a. m.; liarriabarg 5.50 a. tn., 4.10 aud
10.50 p. to„ and Rattling at 1.05, &Maud 7.15 a. tn.
for Htutiaburg, at 115 u, and MO a. m. for New
York; and at 4.25 p. ut. for Philadelphia.
Coutaautetion, Mileage, Ramon, School and
Rattnotiott 'rickets, to and from all points, at
elltmeal rates.
Baggage *booted through; 100 ponudeallowed
each Paesettger.
General Superintendent.
JitiADIAIO, PA., Dee. 14, MS. (deolS-ltd&w
Trains leave York for Wrightsville and 00.
Inn** at &JO and Ilea.
York,nd 3:80 p. tn.
Leave Wrightsville for at 8:0J a. and
3:08 and 0:60 p. tn.
Leave York ibr Bailintore at 6alo and 7:16 a.
/:06 11._nt.; sad 12 asiduight:
Liar. York for Harrisburg, at 1:60, OM and 1106
a. tn., and 2111 and 10:16 p. in.
At 11116 a. tn., and 1:10 and 4:10 p. In.
At, SA and 146 a. In., and 12:80 and 10:46 p.
Photographs, &c.
Parents do ibmilies,
Father to Daughter,
Mother to Son
When take light has left the house, memorial
such as these - compound their interest.
Miniature or Opal Pictures, admitted to be
the bt , fu the city and no superior hi the Shift
OtmeteaVereasinf demand and grealczm
rheum in is ittyla o aduiatitu , give us
facilities and better results than any estiaik;
meat Outside of large attics.
Centre Th ule. Also, prhnnatie instruments.
Urge Co9ored Work by some of the best .4r.
batsln Philadelphia and elsewhere i n the high,
est style of the art. India Ink, Pustu le, Crayon.
and coleys, as
Jae 1 -IFr] No. 90 East KinpAt.
IL, •
1 . H. EMMINGER & CO.,
mii12,47) Proprietors.
, e right, let us strire on to finish Me work
we are in; to bind up the nations wounds; to
to tee t
ToL. 11.
Claim. Agency.
No. rol) East King-st., Lancaster, Pa.
Being duly licensed as a Claim Agent, and
having a large experience, prompt attention
will be given to the following classes of claims:
BOUNTY and PAY dne discharged Soldiers and
BOUNTY (additional) to Soldiers who enlisted
for not less than 2 or 3 years, or were honora
bly discharged for wounds received.
BOUNTY (additional) to Widows, Children, or
Parents of Soldiers who died from wonnds re
ceived or disease oontracted in said service.
PENSIONS for invalid Soldiers and Sailors, or
to their widows or children.
PENSIONS for fathers and mothers, brothers or
sisters of deceased soldiers, upon whom they
were dependent.
PENSIONS and GRATUITIES for Soldiers or
their Widows from Pennsylvania, in the War
of 1812.
DAY due Teamsters, Artificers and Civil em
ployees of the Government.
PAY dne for horses lost in the United States
CRARGES.—Fees fair and moderate, and la
no case will charges be made until the money'
is collected. [dee 261 yr"
Attar paying Losses to the amount of $1,130,000
All the Surplus Dicidend amongst the Polley
Holders every year.
For further information apply to
no2o-tf] I'. 0., Lancaster, Pa
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J. Y. YJWKAUFF, General Agent for Yenn'a
(Above J. F. Long & Songs Drug Store.)
This Company offers more SOLID and REAL
inducements than any other Life Insurance
Company in the country.
Send or call and get a Circular.
Active solicitors, male or female. wanted in
every township in the State. (Jan 1.Om•
Sewing Machines.
As a Holiday Gift to a Slater, Wife or Friend ,
they are unsurpassed.
The Farmer wants it for his Family
The Dress and Cloak Maker prefers it.
The Seamstress wants it, because its work is
sure to give satisfaction.
beet The Tailor has long ago thudded it to be the
for his businese.
The Carriage Trimmer cannot do without it;
and the Shoe Pttter finds that, after all, the
HOWIC is the machine for him.
Sooner or later, everybody will have the
Every Machine is warranted.
Every one may be ase poSsessor of one of these
unrivalled =rightnes s as we endeavor to make
the terms of sale suit all our customers.
We earnestly invite all, whether they purpose
pnrebasing or not, to call and get specimens of
the work ezetnted by ns on the HOWE MA
CHINE, and compare it with the work done by
ot eOlherdt machines. We are willing to abide by the
C. FATE, Agent,
dee 1134 46+,{ in North I ueen Street.
Book Bfiading.
e r bieroliants, County °Sees, &A., made
to er.
BO it.sumnsta, in all its brandies, prompt.
ly attended to. [dm 4411 n
'UY Or
Eyes us
Right in the track where Sherman
Ploughed his red furrow,
Out of the narrow cabin,
Up from the cellar's burrow,
Gathered the little black people,
Where, beside their Northern teacher,
Stood the soldier, Howard.
He listened and beard the children
Of the poor and long enslaved,
Reading the words of Jesus,
singing the songs of David.
Behold ! the dumb lips speaking,
The blind eyes seeing !
Bones of the Prophet's vision
Warmed into being.
Transformed he saw them passing
Their new life's portal ;
Almost it seemed the mortal
Put on the immortal.
No more with the beasts of burden,
No more with stone and clod,
But crowned with glory and honor
In the image of God.
There was the human chattel
In manhood taking ;
There, in each dark brouze statue,
A soul was waking !
The man of many battles,
With tears his eyelids pressing,
Stretched over those dusky foreheads
His one-armed blessing.
And he said : "Who hears can never
Fear for or doubt you ;
What shall I tell tbe'ehildren
Up North about you ?"
Then ran round a whisper, a murmer,
Some answer devising ;
And a little boy stood up : " Massa,
Tell 'em we're rising !"
0 black boy of Atlanta !
Bat half wan spoken :
The slave's chain and the master's
Alike are broken.
The one curse of the races
Held both iu tether :
They are rising, all are rising,
The black and white together !
0 brave men and fair women
11l comes of hate and scorning ;
Shall the dark faces only
Be turned to morning ?
Make time your sole avenger,
All healing, all redressing ;
Meet Fate half way, and Make it
A joy and blessing.
"I'll keep a light in the window, :Sandy,
till ye come back."
"Never mind, mother," said the boy,
standing at the door in an uncertain
slouching kind of a way, "I—l might be
"Ws dark along the lane," said the
mother, "and a bit of candle light would
be ill-spared, if you got a tumble by it.
I'll keep the candle hunting till you come
She was a very hard h attired Scotch
woman, healthy and active, though no
longer young, and, as she talked, she
worked on, ironing the linen she had
washed and starched, and heaping it like
a snow drift, in a great basket beside her.
Four other children were in the room,
girls and boys, too young to do much for I
themselves, yet Sandy was eighteen, a tall, I
handsome fellow, with ripe lips and cheeks
and dancing eyes. "If Sandy only would
have been a little steadier," the mother
often sighed; but to be "steady," was not
Sandy's forte. On, ever and always, to
the river side, where the other lounging
boys watched the boats come in at the
ferry, or plunged stones into the water for
the village pet, the great Newfoundland,
"whiskers," by name, to "fetch." No
harm in that, the mother thought, if the
boys had all been good; but evenings at
the store, they were worse; and the decent
washer-woman shivered as she listened for
her boy's home-coming steps at night, lest
some day he should copy Squire Peeler's
boys and drink too much.
Peeler's boys were her terror, though
they were the sons of the richest man in
the neighborhood. But now, as Sg.ndy
stood in the door, so tall and fair, and
bony, the mother's heart grow light.
"He'd be sure to settle down and help her
-with the bairns some day," she said. N 044
doubt of that; he was a bit of a boy now;
and she ironed on until her work was done,
and then put the candle into the window
to light the boy along the lane at his home
coming. The candle burnt itself away
and sunk into the socket, and the very
wick smouldered out, leaving only smell
and smoke behind it, and still lit no Sandy
across the threshold of his humble home,
for that night Sandy ran away.
The life at home was too hard for him.
The restraints of his mother's watchful
eye irked him. To do his own will, to
have his own way, Sandy left his own
home behind him, but he had grace
enough to remember with a pang, these
words ;
" I'll keep the light burning till ye come
back, Sandy."
Some vague hope of being rich, and do•
in great things for those at home, was
in his mind, or he believed so, but a sel
fish desire to escape the drudgery and the
restraint gave the actual impulse to hht
steps. lie shipped as a sailor the next
day, and began in earnest a wild and
reckless sailor's life.
It suited him. Now and then when
the storm was at its height, and far in the
distance the lamps of some tall light-house
shone like a great red eye, the tiny flicker
of that window sheltered candle would
dawn upon his memory, and he would
hear his mother's •;6116')ittyllig, "I'll keep
it bunting till ye come, Sandy." Now
a4d then amidst the yarns and songs of
the fbrecastle merry making, he heard the
crooming of the tunes she used to sing
over her work—eld Scottish ballads, or
perhaps some hymn handed down from
the time when the old Conveuantors wor
shipped God and defied man amongst the
purple heather. They never lured him
home to her though.
The years rolled on, and even this one
sting of conscienet ceased its paining. In
those days there wei e no such beings as
sober sailors, nor captains of temperance
principles. Hard drinkers were most old
salts, and most young ones. ' Sandy drank
with the rest. lie grew broad and stout.
His cheeks were bronzed, his light hair
changed its tint, his voice grew deep and
coarse. He was in no way a good man,
but be was a good sailor. As the years
passed, he came to be au oilicer—first mate
of the Agamemnon. Ills pockets were
full enough for all his purposes. The sea
was better than land to him, and when on
shore he led that sort of life that drives
the thought of mother from men's very
souls. Ile had friends, at least he thought
so, men who knew when his pay jingled
in his pocket, women who did not blush
to receive the lavish gifts of the jovial
sailor. Ile Was not niggardly, nay—once
he emptied his last remaining dollar into
a beggar's hand. It happened to be a
prettyish beggar girl, and he had gone on
a year's cruise, shoeless, and during ship
wreck, or when the Agamemnon found a
sister vessel in distress, Sandy was bravest
of the brave; but he had never been gen
erous enough nor brave enough to go
back to the eastward seaport, where his
mother had left the candle burning for
him in the window—never, never.
Five years were gone, and ten, and fif
teen and twenty. A man nearly forty
years of age stood in Sandy Cameron's
shoes—a man who led the wildest life un
der the moon ashore, a man to whom fiery
brandy was as water to a child; a man
who remembered God only in his oaths;
when the Agamemnon came after a long
and stormy voyage just within sight of
the coast—within sight of its light house,
at least, for in the darkness of a stormy
night nothing else was visible. Battered
with storms already, bruised by the waves,
wounded by rocks, still the Agamemnon
fought her way hotneward; by the morrow
eve sound earth would be beneath the feet
of the wave weary mariners—for once at
least all longed for it, even wild Sandy
eimorou. He was glad. Ile watched
the towering lamps with joy, and swore
that they were pleasant sights. -Before
he slept he stood awhile leaning over the
tatrrail, smoking and thinking, if he ever
thought. It was an evil lingering for the
Agamenmon. A spark from the cigar
held in unsteady bands, regarded by eyes
no brighter for recent draughts of brandy,
makes its way somehow, wind-borne, or
demon-borne, into the places where the
cargo of the vessel had been stored away,
and at the dead of night they of the mid
watch saw stealing through the planks
beneath them red and yellow tongues of
flame. The vessel was on tire!
"Fire! tire! tirel" the word rang its
way to heaven, shouted by every tongue
on hoard.
The scene that followed beggars desta p
don. None who lived to remember could
ever forget it. There Wati no hope from
the first, none, save in the ,boats. They
were tilled at once. Who could tiwget it?
Oh, who can forget it? The old Mall
pointing to the lights on shore and crying:
" I wanted to see the children once be
fore I died."
The captain was deathly pale, showing
that strange bravery which sailors only
possess at such a time.
Changing from a dictatori ii old hard
drinker to to very hero; clinging in roman
tic fondness to his ship; and while he did
his best for every soul on board, forgetting
himself, and vowing to sink with her.
The young passenger and his bride—
she clinging to him; the mother with her
babe bound to her breast—praying on her
knees amid the tumult. The orphan
going home to Ats grand parents, w
stricken, and yet scarcely conscious o
danger. Amidst them all, giganpie in his
strength, sobered at last by the awful
scenes around him, toiled Sandy Cameron.
They remembered him well whose lives he
saved. The bronzed man with light hair,
and the grip of Hercules. So all the boats
and rafts—some to live, some to die—were
all afloat. All gone into the darkness,
and struggling forms had vanished from
the waves, and alone together, the dames
approaching them like dancing , demons,
stood old Captain Oaks and his first mate,
Sandy Cameron.
"Captain," said Sandy, " it's most
"Aye, aye, lad," said the captain,
"Give us your fist. We've sailed togeth
er a good while now. We seem bound fir
the long voyage now. Lord help us,
" There's a chance yet, maybe," said
the first mate. "Try for it, captain."
"No," said the sailor, " I go with her.
No wife waits for me, no child. She's my
wife and children, all in one. Try you, I
go down with her."
That was the last that Sandy Cameron
saw or heard of the captain. A rush rind
roar from below, where spirits were stor
ed, •ended the words. Then came blind
ness and silence and the time passed for
* * 1* • *
At last there was% sound again. The
sound of waters. bight, the red lamps of
the :light, house. Feeling, that the wet
sand against his face. Some strange pro
vidence had saved Sandy Cameron's life.
Bruiiied and weak ? he lay motionless for a
long while. Bruised and weak, still he
staggered to his feet at last.
Above him—bis sailor eye used to re
member such things—towered well known
rocks kissed by the struggling zuoonlight.
The sea bad flung hint into the arms of
him who shall have borne the battle, and
futon , and hie orphan, to do all which may
and cherish a just and a lasting peace
lurselyes and with all nations."-4. Z.
his native seaport; and up above, a man
wandering along the shore, latching the
light house signals, perhaps, was singing
a Methodist hymn,
"There's a light in the window for thee
There's a light in a window for thee ;"
and then the tears rolled down the sailor's
checks, and his softened heart yearnedfor
the mother who had said, " I'll keep a
light till ye come back, Sandy."
Twenty years ago, and sfie was nearly
fifty then. Probably she was dead; but
some one might be'in the house, yet who
could tell hun of her. And so, in the
midnight darkness the sailor staggered up
the river path through the changed
streets and, led by the compass of his
heart, to the-lane where his boyhood home
had been so long before.
The lane was no more—a street of houses
now—but at its end, or he dreampt, San
dy saw a candle gleam. He drew near.
No fancy misled him. Yes, between the
curtains stood a candle, in very truth; and
in the window of his old home. He stag
gered on, his heart beating wildly, He
struck the. door with his hand. I3e wait
ed trembling; and the door owned; at it
stood an old, old woman, with white hair
—his mother. le knew her stern strong
features and her blue eyes still.
"What's this?" she said, in her Scot
tish accent; and he answered.
"A poor sailor, shipwrecked and need
ing shelter."
"Come in," she said, come in and
warm ye. It's a bitter night. The can
dle led you here, no doubt. It's burnt
these twenty yearn. Ye wonder at that?
I'd • boy once. lie left me. The candle
burns for him. I've a fancy it will wile
him back, yet; and I've gone without•
bread many a time to keep it burnin'.
The others are all dead; but I'll not be
lieve he's gone:—and I said I'll keep a
light till ye come back Sandy—and I Will."
And then he flung himself upon his
knees before her, she knew that Sandy
had conic back, indeed.
He never again forsook her. A better
son and a better man than liantly came to
be, those of the seaport say they may never
see him again. • And if you go thither,
they will point you out the little cottage
window at which, strong in her fiith for
his return, Captain Cameron's mother
kept a light burning for all the nights of
twenty years—that, and the mansion
where, with her son, now married Itml
Captain of an mean steamer, she yet 'iv( s
to bless him.
The following most romantic, yet well
authenticated story, comes from Ohio.
After rea(line it, we can almost believe
that sweetest of all stories, Evangaline, to
be a truth, and not a poetic fiction ;
In 18-10, henry lAAlingwell, a young
mechanic, living near London, was accus
ed of larceny, tried, convicted, and sen
tenced to ten years of hard labor in the
penal colony of Australia. his wife, be
lieving him to be innocent, prepared to
follow him, to remain near him during his
confinement, and to be the first comfort
and cheer him when his time expired.
But the ship on which Mrs. Leffingwell
embarked encountered a fearful storm and
sunk; the passengers and crew barely es
caped upoiva raft. They were picked up
b e y an American ship bound from New
ork to China, where the wife found her
self farther than ever from her destina
tion. Through the kindness of friends
she obtained a passage to Cuba, and
thence to Australia. A year and a half
had clasped meanwhile, and how was she
to know of her husband's locality. Each
convict in Australia receives a number,
by which only he is known to his koTers;
and as Mrs. Leffingwell did not know her
husband's number, all her inquiries were
useless. Yet for four years she persevered
--attpporting herself the while by menial
labor—when one (lay she read in a news
paper an account of her husband's release,
the real perpetrator of the larceny having
been discovered. She made immediate
inquiries, only to learn that the object of
her search had left the island for the
United States two weeks after his release.
To follow him was her desire, but her
means were scanty. Yet at the first pos
sible opportunity, which was in 1847, she
took passage to New York, where she re
mained some years, with her mission still
unaccomplished, though she made every
exertion to find her husband. When the
war broke out she responded to the call
for nurses in the hospitals, and faithfully
tended the wounded.
In one of the hospitals at Washington,
Mrs. Lettingwell took care of a soldier who
had known her husband well. She learned
he was in a Pennsylvania regiment, and
wrote to him at once. But the letter
never reached its destination; and after
weary waiting, the devoted wife went to
Pittsburg, only to learn that her husband's
term of enlistment was over, and his
identity again lost. Advertisements prov
ed of no avail, and time crept slowly on.
A short time ago, hope having quite died
out, she unexpectedly heard that her hus
band was living near Cincinnati. She
started at once to go to him. lie also
had been apprised of her coming, and as
she alighted from the cars at Cleveland to
procure refreshments he met her. They
started at each other instantly—twenty
eight years has silvered the head of each,
and left lines of care upon their brows—
then, regardless of the gaping crowd, with
a simultaneous impulse they rushed into
each other's arms. At the latest accounts
the trials of the past were forgotten, and
happy in the present, they had departed
in the train for Cincinnati. Whether
during all these years, the husband. had
also been searching for his wife, history
deer Dot reveal.
Ten lines of Nonpareil con.litnte u Square-
• i f
I -
1 week .... $ 75 sl4os2los 3 50 $ 6 00
2 weeks... 1 20' 180 270 4-50' 00
3 weeks:.. ,, 150 220'3 114:6 600 10 00
1 month... , 175 2 601 3 90' , 7 00' 12 00
monthe..l 275 400 i 600) 10 001 90 00
8 months.. ' 4 00, 600 900, 15 00; 50 00
6 mbnthe.. l 7 001 11 00 , 161 50 25 00 40 00
1 year 19 00, 20 00' 00 . 19/ 40 00 60 00
Executors' Notice .:.
Administrators' Notice...
Assignees , Notice—.
Auditors , Notice I
SPECIAL NOTICES—Ten cents n line for t
first insertion, and Seven cents a line for ewes
subsequent insertion.
REAL ESTATE adivertisehients, Ten seats*
line for the trot Insertion and Five cents* Imme
for each additional insertion.
No. 21.
with neatness and despatch.
c fatker Abishatuto Chips.
GREEN PEAS have made their appear:
ance in Savannah.
TitERE are said to be over 16,000 nob
masons in Georgia.
AT the New York Metropolitan Meet
guests are carrel up and down by a vac&
cal railway,
WALL street is one of the smallest
streets in New York, yet its influence ie
felt all over the world.
THE Newark Courier thinks the while
velocipede subject is being rapidly propell
ed into the ground. So it ought to be.
MINNESOTA does not allow any of QS
school fund to go to schools from whim
colored children are excluded.
THE newspapers say that the prospedt
for a fine peach crop in Delaware, Mop
land, and New Jersey is excellent.
THE members of the Legislature haw
badged Postmaster Knipe, Harrisb r z i
for doing his duty. Pity the same ca
be done to them.
A NEW YORK thief did a kind busi
ness for a Brooklyn congregation by slid
ing a bag of manuscript sermons from its
pastor the other day.
GEN. Sherman announces a good raw
lution in his purpose to send all army
officers away from 'Washington, and thus
prevent the army from !.eing used as lob
hying politicians for corrupt purposes.
ABOUT seventy thousand Odd Fellows
are expected to participate hr the semi
centennial anniversary of the establish
ment of the I )rder, which is to be held is
Philadelphia the '2l. ith of April inst.
Tow NSI (IP clerks arc required to make
out and publish a complete statement alf
the financial condition of their townships'
within sixty days after the annual ekm
lions, or submit to a penalty of fifty del
IT is a miserable thing to live in sus
pense; it is the life of a spider. ThatlS
what many visitors to Washington dur
ing the pnst loofah have realized—and
some that didn't visit it, as well
IT is certainly very agreeable to those
who care I>r the financial condition filthy
country to he able to reflect upon the fast
that the public debt has been reduceddati
ing the month of March by the mom&
of over live millions and a half of dollars.
THERE are two kinds of public men at
Washington and throughout the United
States at the present time; one that steak
and the other that is afraid to stop them.
Of the two, the thieves' are, perhaps, invo
ferable to the cowards.
IT is said that since Grant has shows
his preference for Quakers to ma.napin
dian Maks, all the Indian ring politicians
have suddenly become possessed of broad
brim hats and drab coats. But the tai*
won't go down. Grant will lift the - What,
and display the cheat.
Swim personal friends of Secretary
Stanton propose to present him with*
sum of money as a testimonial of regard
for his great services and sympathy in his.
present, and it is feared permanent Mal
of health. For this purpose a sti
tion has been put in eirs*tion in W
A 3rALlclovs writer says, that some
lawyers make a great fuss about the value
of their time, and with reason, because
they charge folks not for what they do
for them, so much as for the time their
take in doing it, which is one great rea
son why law-suits are so prolonged.
Oun exchanges say that the disease
known as chicken cholera prevails to as
alarming extent in many sections of the
country. A great many remedies have
been resorted to, by way of checking this
malady, but without much anixtrent
IN some of the Episeopal churches is
New York on Monday, there were excited.
contests at the elections of Wardens ant
Vestrymen for the ensuinc , year. The
issue was Ritualism and Anti-Rittu=
and with varied success in di
churches. In some cases the attemlasses
of the police was required.
Navas. chase your own hat when It
blows off in a gale of wind; just stars&
still, and you will presently see half adm
en persons in pursuit of it:. When oss
has captured it, walk leisurely towards
him, receive it with a graceful acknovii
edgment, and place it on your head• be
will invariably act as if you had done hiss
a favor. Try it.
THE Legislaturehaving refused to nods
an appropriation therefor, the dedicatiesa
of the Mexican Soldiers , Monument, eit
llarrisburg, has been indefinitely pear
poned. Although only some $1,200 was
asked for the payment of the expenses cif
the dedication, it is understood the Legis
lature is still engaged in efforts to seem
au appropriation of fifteen or twenty
thousand dollars for the payment of Hiegel
Itow brittle are friendships welded ontr
by political cement. No man did so ma&
for the nomination of Vice President Oslo.
fax, as Mr. Defrees, as all who were sit,
Chicago can certify. Now the defeat d i
Mr. Defrees as public printer has broke,
that friendship, Mr. D. complaining that
the VieePmsident made noefibrt to Pea=
his re-election. It is said that Mr. Colas&
considers it undignitied in him to take ILIPIN
part in office getting, while his old friend
thinks he has had too much bol steriat
from others to now shelter himself b.
official dignity. That's the way it the
world. Get a fellow in position,_aad test
chances• to one he will I cut " the tngss
who put him there.
a 1.
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