j. W. M. Wiley has resigned as collector of rnal Revenue for this district, and Dr. .. - 41vhlenberg has been appointed to the vacanc The water has been let in the Susquehanna and Tide Water Canals, which are now ready for the passage of boats. Up to the present, but few boats have passed through. A general resumption of business awaits the opening of the Pennsylvania Canal. The new iron a queduct over the Swatara creek, at Middle town, will be finished about the first of April, and the. anal ready for navigation about the 10th. The regular meeting of the Lancaster Coun ty Horticultnral Society, will be held on3lon day afternoon, tsth of April, when cuttings will be distributed to members and others. Hon. 0. J. Dickey, has been in town for a few days. He is here on Court business. The chicken thieves visited the coop of Rev. Dr. Appel, of this city, a few nights ago. Took fifteen. The house of Mrs. Stanley, in West King street, this city, was visitedlon Sunday even ing' last, and some fourteen dollars stolen, and some other valuables. It was Stephen, (not John) Hart, who was attacked by the hill rowdies last week. The occurrence took place at John Hart's place of business—hence the mistake. A man crossed the Columbia bridge, a mile and a quarter long, On a velocipede, on Sat urday last, in four minutes and eight seconds. Influenza, or "Tyler Grip," is very preva lent in Lancaster. The body of a new born male infant, was found among some drift wood on an island opposite Safe Harbor, on the 9th inst. Correspondents of the Express are hard on Cie eighteen School Directors of this city, for their action in separating the male and female. High Schools. Right—hit them again? A new frame stable, belonging to Capt. A. D. Rockafellow, situated on the Millersville turnpike, near the western limit of the city, was destroyed by tire on Sunday afternoon last. It was the work of an incendiary, anti a boy about 16 years of age was arrested, but the evidence against him was not sufficient to cause him to be bound over to court. A boy named James Steacy, from Illinois, who was on a visit to some friends in the vi• cinity of Millersville, with his mother, wan dered away on Saturday last, and had not been heard of on Tuesday last. Rev. Dr. Greenwald will preach a sermon on the evils of intoxicating drinks, on next Sunday evening, at o'clock, in the (Duke street) Trinity Lutheran Church of this city. On Tuesday we were visited by our esteem ed old friend, George S. Ball, Esq., formerly of this city, and now a leading business man of Dayton, Ohio. lenry W. Hager was yesterday nominated to the Senate as Postmaster of this city, vice John J. Cochran, whose term has expired. Capt. J. Miller Raub, of Providence twp., this county, recently cut down a white pine tree, on a property owned by him, in Schuyl kill county, which was 180 feet in length, and measured 52 inches in diameter at the stump. The tree made (3,943 feet of lumber. The Columbia Spy says the river is very high, and is still rising rapidly. The wharves are a:I immersed, and the water is encroach ing upon the lumber yards that line tile shore. The West Chester Reimbtie“ii says that a bill is now before the Legislature authorizing the West Chester and I'hil:vtelphia Rai I fort(' to extend their road to the Susquehanna river. The followirnr ' persons have been elected directors of theLaneaster Park Association : B. J. Mc(lrann, J. T.Mei ionigle S. 11. 'top,- o;d:4, Esq., James Stewart, A. 3 , leGinnis, W. G. Bernier, G. I). Sprecher, .1 R. !tinier, I'. Cline, S. S. Spencer, A. Hiestand. The statement made +m the a ithorit V Of the Railroad Register, that the Pennsylvania nail-- road Company had leased the York, Wright,- Vi::9 and Gettysburg road, was not correct. It is stated that if onion, are sliced and kept in a sick room they will absorb all the atmos pheric poison. They should he changed every hour. la the room of a small pox patient they blister and decompose very rapidly, but will prevent the spread of the disease. Their application has also proved effectual in the case of snake bites. While a party of eight men were enjoying an excursion in a sail boat on the Swatara creek, at Middletown, the boat nilset, and two of the inmates, Benj. C. Fralich, of Conestoga Centre, this county, and S. C. Zimmerman, of Middletown, were drowned. Fralich was on a visit to some friends at Middletown. His body was taken home for interment on Wed nesday last. GRAIN IN LANCASTER COUNTY : Grain dealers inform us that there is yet much of last year's grain crop in Lancaster county in the hands of the producers, who have been waiting for higher prices, which now then) is a poor prospect of realizing. On the contrary, grain is more likely to go down in price the next several months than to advance. The reports of the present appearance of the wheat crop in the South are very favorable. The quantity in cultivation there is unprecedent ed, and it will be in the market some weeks before the aoming Northern crop. The specu lation in the "staff of life" seems to be about "played out," as it ought to be, and we are glad to learn that some of those engaged in this business have had their "fingers burnt." So mote it be. FILING TAVERN PETITIONS : The follow ing rule has been adopted by the Court, in re gard to the filing of petitions for or remon strances against tavern licenses : All petitions and statements of citizens in favor of applications for license, in addition to that of the applicant, must be filed in the office of the Clerk of the Court of Quarter Sessions, at least twenty days before the time fixed by the Court for the hearing, and all re monstrances against such applications ten dap before that time. Where remonstrances haTe been filed, additional petitions and statements may be filed within eight days after filing the remonstrance. 811 ARP SET: Saturday afternoon, while a visitor from the country noted for his fond ness of lucre, was strolling along East King street, near the Court House, he saw a brace of bright boys on the sidewalk, apparently searching for something. One of the boys re marked just as he reached them : "Well, ten dollars is worth hunting after." So the gen tleman stopped and searched awhile. Finally, he got tired, and said to the boys : "Have you lost a ten dollar bill?" " No, sir," said. they, "hut we didn't know but what we could find one." I , l' OUR NEW OFFICE To substantiate the merit 80 universally accorded to Wheeler & Wilson's Sewing Machines, and nt the saml‘ time tojusti fy our claims to the favor of the citizens of Lancaster County, we will present to their attention a few strong►iaets : First—We assert (undeniably) that THE ONLY GOLD MEDAL awarded at the Paris Exposition for Sewing Machines for family purposes, was awarded to the WHEELER IWILSON after a fair trial be fore competent Judges, (appointed by the Em peror Napoleon,) whose duty it was to deal impartially in the performance of their COM -1:t1i081011 : (, 1 011MISSION larssx4r3„ 0 • Cukur-Ds•Xwits,_flth July lens I. Mr. R. Hunting, 139 Regent a"treat, Lbndon. DLLs Sin :—Replying to your inquiry, I beg leave to state, that the ONLY GOLD MEDAL for the manufacture and perfection of Sewing Machines, was awarded to Messrs. Wassuin WiLSON of New York. . Yours ' Respectfully, HENRY Y. Q. D'ALIGNY, Member al Me Inferno:tonal Jury and Reporter of the same. DEITARTEIRKT Or STATII, Washicgton t May, 168. 2b Wheeler Sr. Wilson , of New fork. SIR@ :—The Department has received one Gold Medalrawariled to your Ares for Sewing Ma chines, as the Parts Universal nxpositlon, of 1867. WM. M. BMWARD, Seersgory of Male. Second—We assert to the posntro sate of the LARGEST NUMBER OF SEWING MACHINES for Family Use of any Mannfacturing Company in the country (all combined). THE WHEELER & WILSON IS E KC LUSI FE LT A FAMILY SEWING MACHINE, and as such, It has, in defiance of all competition, whether it be manly and honorable, or ungen tlemanly and ignorantly discourteous, made its way, held its own ; and established the well merited reputation so universally extended to the Wheeler & Wilsort Sewing Machine. Nor is it necessary in introducing the R heeler & Wil son to the citizens of Lancaster, that we should speak in any way disparagingly of others. We claim to have A FIRST CLASS SEWING MA CHINE, complete, (with no single extra at tachments to buy after purchasing.) the beet in use for family work. In taking into consideration the unequalled popularity of this wonderful machine and its immense sale, it should be remembered that we have derived no benefit whatever from the sale of manufacturing machines. Withdraw the heavy machines from the sales of the different companies, and where do they stand 1 Far be hind the Wheeler & Wilson Co., who make the Family Sewing Machine a speciality. The Company's manufacturing premises at Bridre port, Conn,, occupy a space of 5 acres, enclosing en entire quadrangle, with spent on the N. Y. & N. H. Railroad side of a quarter of a mile less ii feet, filled with costly machinery Capital Employed, over.. Men Employed, Machines, Daily Product, Number In Use, In excess of any other, In of her words,this Manufactory has added to the industrial world the effective force of 1,700,- seamstresses, and is swelling that immense number by adding. 2,000 per day. It has even .conquered British prejudice. Charles Dickens himself has made it the sub ject of a finely turned article in "Once n Week," and the London Times, in an exhaustive two column anti a half editorial, covering the whole subject of Sewing Machines, awards the highest merits of praise to the WHEELER & WILSON, as the one hest calculated for household work. It is on this mission of labor-saving in all parts of the world, London, St. Petersburg, Madrid, Constantinople, Calcutta, Cape Town, &c. its agents are everywhere throughout the habitable globe, wherever fabrics are sown in to human apparel We respectfully claim attention, and cordial ly incite the citizens of Lancaster county to vhs it our °Mee, inspect the Machine, examine the samples of the work performed, end compare them with others. We willingly abide the re sult. Orlt NEtv OFFICE Lam, NO. 64 Nolan QUEEN ST., 110SYNI,L'S LAN. cAs - rEu. Y.t. t CANFiI DATES. Arrii.VlLW , lllolltA of o—inaidittes fer office 11 . 1) IN ADVANCE 7-- .g rule , is MIMS IfOnt I'oo - W.- are authorized to auno•tnco PP :TER ,Ji)HNS, of Fast. Lainpeter township, for Co I.* N rr CO3IM I SSION BR, Wildect to the rules of the Itopublic in party. W , .! are alithoriz”it to ?tailwind Li'ut. A. '. HERR, of West Lainpetpr township, as a candidate for REGiATER, ,object t.o the nomination by the Itopub:ican voters at the primary electi,m:4 We are a Mime-zed to announce. H. K. STONER, of West Lampeter township, (manufacturer of agricultural implements) as n candidate for COUNTY TREASURER, subject to the nomination by the Republican voter , : at the primary election. We are authorized im) announce JOHN M. JACOTW, of Clay township, as a candi date for SUERIFF, subject to the rules of the Republican party. Cser We are authorized to announce ISAAC MISHLER, of Lancaster city, (late of East Cocalico township,) as a candidate for the office of Sitzlar re, subject to the rules of the Republican party. :=0" We, are authorized to anzioatim GEO. W. COMPTON, of Crernarvon township, as a candidate for REtirsTER, subject to the rules of the Republican party. TUT.. nr's Fat asp for April is embellished with a tine steel plate, entitled "Thu Fortune Teller," and forms the pleasing frontispiece of the last issue of this popular periodical, feNowed by a colored fashion plate, and this is succeeded by numerous wood engravings of ball coiffeures, ball dresses, in-door costumes, bodices, em broidery and names for marking. The contents arc varied and interesting. Deacon & Peterson, publishers, Philadelphia. We send FA'raxa A n a.% it M and the Friend, (the subscription price of which is $2,) one your for $3.75, and sup ply back No's. IfA RPRR'S MAOA7.I NM for April is on our table, and is replete with highly interesting articles. The Great South American Earthquakes of 1868" are graphically and accurately described with pen and pencil. " Alaska" is the subject of another illustrated paper, and the " Freaks of Lighnting" are recounted and Illustrated. "Catharine 11, of Russia," forms the theme of a condensed historical biography. " Wdmen's Work and Wages" is impartially discussed by one who has evidently given much time and thought to the subject. The short stories of the number are more numerous than usual. The "Easy Chair" is erudite and pleasing, and the " Drawer" is crammed with good things. Harper & New York, publishers. We send the Magazine (the subscription price of which is 00 and FATHER ABRAHAM for one year for 14.50, supplying back No's. ARTHUR'S MAOABINR, ONCE-A-NOMISH, AND CHILDRSN',I HOUR for April aro published and maintain their superious excellence. We know of no publications better suited for the family circle, than these publications of Arthur. In their pages are articles on the fashions, domes tic affairs, reading for the young and useful in formation for old and young. - Numerous line engravings add to the attractions of these me ritorious monthlies. T. S. Arthur, publisher, Philadelphia. We club with each of those pub lications at reduced rates and persons wishing to übsoribe for either will do well 'e give us a call, at the office Of FATHER ABRAHAM. INTHR 40108 MAOALINn for April is before us. It is as usual sprightly and brilliant. and superb in illustrations. The pretty picture of "Grand father's Pet," is both home-like and happy in design; while tho editorial article upon '-Moses for Decoration," is suited alike for parlors or parterre. C. J. Peterson, 806 Chestnut st., Phila delphia. Subscription price Steeper year. We send FATHRR ABRAHAM and Peterson for *1.75 e. n per annum, and supply bank No.'s of the maga zi CIZI MARRIED. RUDY—JOHNS. March 23d, by Rev. L. Gerha rd, Emanuel W. Rudy and Elizabeth Johns. firusoins—HAtm. March 28th, by Roy. A. EL Kremer, Philip Sprecher, of West Earl, to Ellen Hank, of Ulmer Leacock, this county. RIBBBLR—HOFFMAN. March 18th, by the Rey. F. Pilgrim, Abraham Hobble to Anna S. D. Hoffman, both of Lancaster city. Zoox—Siitinc. March 26th, by Jacob Rein hold, N. K. Zook, of Strasburg, to Christiana Shirk, of this city. LEONARD—WHITH. March 24th, by Rev. G. T. Redcoat, John H. Leonard to Emma S. White, both of this city. KnAusKoP—HAAnisorr. March. 2sth, by Bev. G. T. Warlock, Frey W. Krauskop to Hannah A. Harrison, both of this city. ANDERSON—ATICIIIMON. March 26C4, by Rev. C. H. Forney, Merrell B. Anderson, formerly of Oneida co., N. Y., to Bila J. At kinson, of this city. March 1131, by Rev. Dv. Greetiwald, Loll' Mettle, of Mae Lam -11. peter, to Susan Huber of Strasburg., SiolifArr—Bnzzvx March 23d, by Rev. J. J. Strine, Henry igman to Anna C. Brenner, of Millersvil . . STAUTER - DISSINGER. March 25th, by Rev. J. J. Strine, Aaron N. Stanter, of War wick, to Linnie Dissinger , . of Ephrata. ICREADY—FRY. March 18th, by the Rev. John W. Hassler, B. C. Kready, Esq., of Lancaster city, to Kate A. Fry, of Ephrata. KINDIG-BRENF.MAN. March 25th, by Rev. J. M. Metzger, Isaiah M. Kindig to Barbara Breneman, both of Manor twp. BEMIER-HOLMES. March 23d, by Rev. George Robinson, S. G. Behmer, of the State Normal School, Millersville, to Ettle Holmes, of Chester county. ROONEY. March 28th, in this city, Thomas Rooney, in the 67th year of his age. STOBIKFEITZ. March 26111, in this 0117, Charles Edward, son or Jacob _iiti4g Stormfeltz, in the 18th year of kW" Invoarr. March 26th, in this c. Sarah Dugan, in the 68th year of her age. WiwAsts. March 25th, in this city, Mrs. Isabella Williams, in the 80th year of her age. SwAnTZWELDER. March 26th, in this city, John, Non of J. B. and Margaret Swartzwel der, in the 12th year of his age. KING, In Henderson county, Illinois, on the 21st ult., Jacob King, aged about 80 years, formerly of this county. SWEIGART. At his residence, in Salisbury, twp., George Sweigart, aged 32 years. Listvim.r. In Washington, D C., on the evening of the 23d of March, at tite residence of his son, George W. Linville, James Lin ville. t2,000,00h). 1,000. 300 _414,000. 110,000 to 200,00.) WA Tsom. March 24th, David B. Watson, M. U. ; ; 4 THS WORKINO CLASS: . am now prepsl to furnish all classes with constant employment at their homes, the whole of the time, or for the spare moments. Business neW,light and profi table. Fifty cents to $6 per evening, is easily earned by persons of either sex, and the boys and girls earn nearly as much as men. Great inducements an offered Shoos wise will devote their whole time to the business; and, that every person who sees this notice, may send e their address and test the business for them selves, I make the following unparalelled oiler To all who are not 'well satisfied with the busi ness I will semi ti to pe.y for the trouble of writing to me. Full particulars, directions, &0., sent free. Samples sent by mail for 10 ets. Ad dress K. C. ALLEN, Augusta, Me. [nahl'i-lm Butter, Lard, Eggs, doz Dressed Chickens, Veal, by the quarter, ft lb do itt, front, do. Potatoes, 14 bus do. WI half pk do. for planting, 1j) bus Turnips., I 1 halt pk Onions, 1 4l half peek Apples, half pk Small Onions, for seed 14 qt.. Cornmeal "It qt Dried Apples qt Oranges, 3 and 4 for Apple Butter,ll pint in the year, Ift bu Oats, 'fit bag of 3 bus MONDAY, March W.—The inclement condition of the weather to-day tended to restrict opera tions somewhat, and the demand for the better descriptions of beef cattle was only moderate, while inferior lots were extremely slow of sale. About 1439 head wore offered within the range of from 10e. to 10 1 ,4 c. for choice ; 9c. to B%e. for prime ; 8 to B%c. for fair to good ; and 8 to 7y 4 e. per pound for common. The following are the particulars of the salt*: 45 head, Owen Smith, Lane'r co .. 9 10 0 1 70 " A. Christy & Bro., Lan. Co.— 8A 10 1 23 " Dengler & McCleeBe, Chester. 8 1 08 " P. IreFillen, Lancaster 9 10 80 P. Hathaway, Lane'r co 7% 9,4 80 " James S. Kirk, Chester c 0.... 8 10 100 James Merillen, Lanett. c 0.... 8 9.7,1 !V) 6, R. S. MetVillen, Tano l r co 8 9% 90 '• Martin Fuller & Co., Laner co. 8 10 14) Mooney & Smith, Lan , r c 0.... 7 1 10 " T. Mooney, Bro., Lanc'r 00.... 6 8% " H. Chain, Lane'r o 0 7 9 57 " J. &L. Frank, Lancaster co.. ei,4 57 Frank & Schimberg, Lan. co. 6 9% 104) Hope & Co., Lane'r co. 7 9% 18 " B. Baldwin, Chester county.. 8 9 15 " Chandler&Alexander,Chester 20 " Kimble & Wallace, Chester oo 8 34 " John MeA.rdle, Western 8 1 1 Cows and Calves met a steady Inquiry, with sales of 130 head at $354150 for springers, and $B5 1315 for Cows and Calves. There was considerable firmness in the mar ket for Sheep, and the demand moderate. Sales of 10,000 head at the different yards at $6@9%0. lit lb gross. Hogs were less active, andprices hardly so firm. Sales of 4,000 bead at 41@1t1.25 18 100 Be. not. SPRING, ISCO HAGER Sc BROS. Have now open a full stock of Goods for Spring sales, which will be found complete in every department, and will be sold at POPULAR PRICES ! A choice selection of DRESS GOODS, FOR LADIES AND CHILDREN, In new styles of Silk, PoplineZts, Poplin, Mo b:Lira, Delatnes, Peresls ant Chintzes. ENGLISH & GERMAN HOSIERY, JUGLA & EMPRESS KID GLOVES, THOMPSON'S CORSETS & SKIRTS. MOURNING GOODS. Black Bombazine, Twines°, Poplios, Delaines, Alpacas, in all qualities, of LUPIN'S Manu facture. Black Thibet, Long and Square Shawls, English and French Crapes and Crape Veils. HOUSE FURNISHING LINENS & COTTONS, CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS English Brussels, Crosslers Tapestry Brussels, Lowell & Hartford Three-Ply and Venetian, Wool Dutch, Hemp and List Carpets. Floor Oil Cloths--all widths. COCOA AND CHINA MATTINGS. PACKAGES, PLAIN • AND EMBOSSED ENGLISH GRANITE WARE, Of Superior Quality. ' PiTTstillito AND BOSTON GLASSWARE AT Low Prices. WALL PAPXBS! I WALL PAPERS!! PLAIN AND DECORATIVE. 210,000 Pleoes, new styles for Spring vales, the largest assortment over oilerecrin Lancaster. WINDOW SHADES, BOLLARDS AND FIXTURES. ...firWe invite an examination. HAGER ar. BROTHERS. CLOTHS CASSIMERES, We have now open a large and obolee Lion of fine and medium FORNICiIt MASTIC COATINGS, CLOTHS, & MELTONS, In new Shades of Blue, Dahlia, Olive, Green, Plum and Brown. BLACK CLOTHS AND DOEEHINS, from the lcfweet to finest qualities. LIPPIT, R. HARRIS, BROADBROOR, M ORA:YRS" BLACRINGTON, MIDDLESEX, and other beet makes In 8-4 and 34 widths, with and without side bands, to all the newstyles and colors suited to MEN AND BOW WEAR. ICLOTHING MADE TO ORDER by eeri eased Cutters, and satisfaction guaranteed. A full stock of our own manufactured READY MADE CLOTHING, MINTS , FURNISHING GOODS of every de. j sortpUoo. IfirPaiells LOW. Vain jiA,GHR & BROWRa& DIED. THE MARKETS. • Lancaster Household Markets. LANCASTER, March 31. (g. 50 Philadelphia Cattle Market. New Advertisements. SPRING, 1869. WALL PAPERS! CASSIMEItES, '714,07rit awtt lIMITOnWey. SELLING AT COST. The undersigned wishing to BO.KS and STATIONERY, ON ACCOUNT OF REMOVAL jan29-tf] THE CIIEAPEST BOOKS A:s:1) STATIONERY AT TH3 comfits. OP WEST KING & PRINCE-.STS. English and German Bibles, Testaments, School Books, Miscellaneous Books, Blank Books, Diaries. Special attention given to SUNDAY SCHOOL BOWLS, andirals Helps of all kinds. Ob jest Less Ons Charts. The latest OOKS. if - SHEET MUSIC for five cents a piece ! STATIC/NI:KY AND FANCY ARTICLES of all kinds. WHOLKSALE AND RETAIL. MUDS for 85 cts. TESTAMENTS for 10 etc flsb 4f D. S. BARE. Fruit Tree In rig() ra to r. FARMERS, LOOK TO YOUR FRUIT TREF, ! TRH GREATEST DISCOVERY OF THE AGE MIT'S FRUIT TREE INVItiORATI)R AND INSECT DESTROYER. It is the most useful combination of ingre dients ever known for Fruit, and the evidence we can produce from men of the highest stand ing in society of the benefits to be derived from its use in Fruit Trees, Vince, Wheat, Corn, Flow ers, and all kinds of Vegetation, cannot be doubted by any honest man. When applied to trees, it *penetrates every pore, destroying the worm in the beat t of the tree, and by connect ing with the mineral substance of the earth, destroys the cause and prevents the creation of any destructive insects. It will prevent Curcu- Ito from stinging the plum, and every person using it will have sound plums. It will kill the peach grub, and make peadh trees bear healthy fruit. It will prevent dry-rot in grapes. It swells the tree, causing the old bark to peel oil from the body, while a beautiful new green bark takes its place. It will kill potato bugs and prevents potato rot. It will prevent weave!, mill-dew, or rust in wheat, and prevent the fly from touching it. It destroys the cut-worm In corn—in tact, it will kill any kind of insects that attack Fruit Trees, and cause all Fruit Trees to bear sound fruit. It is now extensively used in the Western States, and those who have used it would not be without it, for a thousand times its cost. It has been used in the southern parts of perks County, this State, on grain, trees, 4c., and there has not been a single failure. Any person wishing to see its effect upon growing grain and fruit, can be gratified by calling on its, or by writing, and we will refer them to per sons (with residence) who are using it. We warrant it to do just what we claim for it. To be maid as soon as the frost is out of the ground. Township and Single Rights for sale for the County ot Lancaster. The public are notified to purchase no Right of J. AHEARN, alias Geo. W. JACKSON of Boat men, as we will prosecute all who b uy from him to sell or use. 20 _ V. ft 25 45 i 75 12 73 . 10 SO 1.01 12 15 43 / 15) . 6 8 . 25 . 40 6 45 20 6 25 5 n 12 @ . 10 . 18i 20 100 1.40 1.00 Circulars will he sent to coy one, with name of tboso who havo usi:xl it, by applying to jan29-2.na.7 Small Ern its, Imes, etc. SMALL FRUITS, VINES, &c I offer an unusual tine stock of small FRUITS t strong well-rooted plants, and 1 flatter myself that I can till orders with entire satisfaction. My stock embraces Wilson's Early Kittatinny and Lawton BLACKBERRIES, Philadelphia, Clark, Black Cap, Purple Cane, Ohio Everbear ing and Thornless RASPBERRIES. GOOSEBERRIES, STRAWBERRIES AND CURRANTS of leading varieties. Linens and Victoria RHUBARB, ASPARAGUS, one and two years old. GRAPH VINES of approved varieties, one, two and three years old. En. close stamp for Price List. CYRUS N. HERR, Strasburg, Pa. TREE 8, FLOWERING SHRUBS, &c. Apple, Peach, Pear, Cherry and Qnince Trees of large size, clean and thrifty in lir r owth iin gtad a e ss anLO en Ta o r ; I ntel ering shrub:for sale cheap, hy ow. CYRUS N. HERR, Strasburg, Pa. Enclose Stamp for Price List. fetr2.o-tapi* SEED OATS PRINCE EDWARD ISLE BLACK OATS. MINNESOTA BLACK OATS. ILLINOIS WRITE OATS. lOWA WRITE OATS of very fine quality. For sal z 4 at the Seed Store C. R. ROGERS, No. L. 33 Market-et., Philad'a mlilXlll THE LANIASTER sash Support anti Lock. Haa.neitber Springs, Weights, Rapes or Pulleys. Can be put into any window. HOLDS THE SASH AT ANY HEIGHTS, AND IS SELF-LOCKING; is very simple, cheap and durable. Righl4 for sale on liberal terms. For further particulars, call on or address SASH LOCK, at the Lancaster, Pa., Poet Oilloe. mht2-lm • FARM FOR SALE, IN CULPEPPER COUNTY, VA., two miles southwest of the Court House, on the Orange and Alexandria R. R., and sixty-five mites from Washington, D. C., of 2 2 0 , ACRES, naturally dry soil, and no better Virginia ; beautiful location, and re markab y healthy. Pric , ‘, if; per afro if ap applied for soon. rot fullpartioularti, apply by letter to JAMES BAXTER, Mamaroneck, Westchester co.. N. Y., or to the editor of this paper. [mhl9-51 OOURT PROCLAMATION. Whereas, the Honorable HENRY G LONG, Pretdent, and Honorable ALEXANDER L. HA,S, and JOHN J. LIBHART, Associate Judges of the Court of Common Pleas in and for the County of Lancaster, and Assistant Jus tice@ of the Courts of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery and Quarter Sessions of t Peace, in and for the County of Lancaster, e issued their Precept to me directed, re quiring me, among other things, to make pub- Ho Proolansatitm throughout my bailiwick, that a Court of Oyer and Terminer, and ageneral Jail Delivery, also a Court of General Quarter Sessions of the Peace and Jail Delivery will commence in the Court House, in the Cit y of Lancaster,An the Commonwealth of Pennsylva nia, Oa the THIRD MONDAY IN APRIL, (the 19th,) 1519 . In pursuance of which precept Pummel Norica is HAMMY GIVIIIN, to the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Lancaster, in the said county, and all the Justices of the Peace, countyner and Constablee, of the said city and f Lancaster, that theybo then and there in their own proper persons with their rolls, records and examinations,and inquisitions, and their other remembrances, to do those things which to their offices appertain, in their behalf to be done; and also all thee who ;will lirose outs against the prisoners who are, or then shall be in the jail of said county of Lancaster are to be then and there to prosecute against them as shall be just. Dated at Lancaster, the lid day of Mandl, 19410. mar444tlawdidtw]JACol3 F. FREY, Sheriff. REDUCE iTIS LARGE STOCK OF WILL SELL AT CqJr.ll .J. H. FFEn, No. 32 North Queen street, I.ancaster, l'a ME EVANS & CO., Reading, Pa Miscellaneous. Dry Good x. THOS. J. WENTZ ! Having purchased of Charles E. Wentz an Henry C. Wentz. their interest in the firm of WENTZ BROMIEtts, now offers the immenSt stock - of DRY GOODS, CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, NOTIoN•4. GLASS AND QUEENSWAII At the Lowest Possible Prices, in order to reduce his stook. Having a large stock of DOMESTIC GOODS, on hand, purchased before the late ad vance, he oilers them at the Uhl Prices. Cali coes, Muslins, Sheetings, Skirtings, Ttekings, Checks, and all Housekeeping bloods. Sold at Inducing Low Prices. Ile calls special attention to the Gla,4 and Qneensware Department. THOS. J. WENTZ, Successor to Wentz Brothers. Sign of the Bee Hive, No. 5 East King street, Lancaster, Pa. [febls-09-1y JACOB HARNISH, M. 8. If Alt818:4, dnif'S 1.. MILLER HARNISH & CO'S CHEAP STORE, NO. 27 WEST KIWI-ST., I, kNt AsTF,E, Dealers in Foreign and DomestiA DRY GOODS, GLASS AND QUEENSWARE, Clothe, Cassimeres, Sattinetts, 'loans, Twepds, Lindseys, Flannels, Tiekings, Cheeks, Plaids, Alpaccas, Dress Goods, Ginghams, t all a, Muslins and Drills, White Goods, Notions, & No. 1 Feathers, MEN AND Boys' WEAR Made up at astonishing Low Prices. aif - Call and examine our stock beton, pur chasing elsewhere. [feb12'69.13- Hats, Caps, Fars, 1868. 1868. SHULTZ & BROTHER, II A 1' TERS, No. 20 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PENN.% Latest style Fall and Winter HATS an‘l CAN in all qualities and colors. LADIES' FANCY FURS, We are now opening the largest and most complete assortment of !Aviles , and Children's FANCY FURS ever offered in this market;•nt very low prices. ROBES! _ROBES!! ROBES!!! Buffalo Robes, lined and unlined; Iluason Bay Wolf, Prairie Wolf, Fox, Coon, &el BLANKETS AND LAP RUGS Of all qualities, to which we would particularly invite the attention of all persons in want of articles in that line. GLOVES, GAUNTLETS and Mirrs OTTER, BEAVER.. NUTRIA, ...EA L, I.u4lies' Fine Fur Trimmed Gloves, Gauntlets Mitts and Hoods PULSE WARMERS and EAR MITTS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Coal, Lumber, &c. E IMER, BRENEMAN & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN COAL, OF tHE BEST QUALITY. YARD—CUR. WATER ST. AND PA. R. R. OFFICE—NO. 2 EAST ORANGE ST., LANCASTER PA. [ilec 18-ly B. B. MARTIN, HULBERT THOMAS, JOHN S. MASON. 5,000,000 FEET ®F DRY LUMBER. MARTIN, THOMAS & CO., COLUMBIA, LANCASTER CO., PA., Manufacturers At LOCK HAVEN, CLINTON COUNTY, PA., AND WHOLESALE LUMBER DEALERS. WHITE. PINE, HEMLOCK, POPLAR, WALNUT ASH, FLOORING, SIDNG, WEATER BOARDS, PICKETS LATH, rahl2-Iyl BOX BOARDS, d;,•. Fertilizers. WE HAVE NO TRAVELING AGENTS Farmers and Dealers who send their orders direct to us, can avail themselves of the LOW EST PEIC ES And save the Commission. Early orders will Tie advantageous to buyers. ALLEN & NEEDLES, Manufuottiren3 of IMPROVED SUPER PHOSPHATE OF LIME, AND THE AMMONIATED FERTILIZER PERUVIAN GUANO. We sell only No. l—rooeived direct from the Government. FISH GUANO. A splendid Manure peaked in barrels We also Mier for Sale PURE LAZED PLASTER, HYDRAULIC CEMENT and a full assortment of OILS and CANDLES. A DISCOUNT TO DEALERS. ALLEN & NEEDLES, 42 SOUTH DELAWARE AVENUE, PHILADtA ESTABLISHED IN INS GEO. M. STEINMAN & CO., fcbs2-3m] Sole Agents at Lancaster Periodicals. THE DAILY EVENING EXPRESS, FURNISHES ITS READERS REGULARLY OM THE LATEST NEWS BY MAIL A ND MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH, And all Important Local and General In telligence. Teams: $5.00 A YEAR; t 1.25 FOR 3 MONTHS. THE WEEKLY EXPRESS, A SATURDAY PAPER uF THE FIRST CLASS, Contains all the news of the week np to Friday night, and gives more fresh reading than can be had elsewhere for the same amount of money. Trams: $2.00 PER YEAR, IN ADVANCE. Address PHA BSOL & tiELBT Publishers., deo I$& N L&uoaster, IfCK~KLN, FLEtill ER, &e., &c ilenth!477y. I...tscssrsu, June 26th, lee& Eocroas ESP/MIS: I )r. Wm. Id. Whiteside, the enterprising Dentist, has purchased from a large stock of teeth and all the fixtures, the - struments formerly belonginAg l ime,and Dr.those used by my father, r. , hails lice. In the purchase, the ddctor as prim , ' himself with some of the most valuable and ex pensive instruments used in dental practice, and has beyond doubt oue of the best and lar gest colleetWas of teeth and instruments in the voroodivisittus the commodious 01110438 of Dr. W hiteside not fail'to be fully *mons modeled. The Dooltor loses no opportunity of fwnishing himself with every late sclealUnc improvement in his line.of business. 11. PAMIR% IM!Ml W M. %I'IIITE'IDE, DENTIST. OFFICE AND RESIDENCE, EAST KING , STREET, Next door to the Cowl liotuoe, over Fahnee toek's Dry goods Store, • LANCASTER, PNINNA TecTh Extrq , tol wit'loot pqin hi the use of ( Nitr0;,...1 Oxidt) (ills no2o-t I I Jewel rye ZAHNI .JACKSON, I)KAl,liltti IN WATCHES, C LOCKS, JELVELRF ILV E R VND SI W ARE, SPECTACLE . ; AND FANCY,GOODS, No. 15 Nolan QUEEN STREET, ;..‘sr.‘.s.rEit, no2o-1y) WA TC E 'V H ! CLOt:E.'s, CLOCKS, CLOCKS. The undersigned keeps constantly on hand a large and full assortment 01 the GENUINE AMERICAN WATCIIEr=, of different weight and finish, to suit all, which are sold upon the most reasonablo terms, and guaranteed to give satisfaction. Keeps also on hand a good assortment or CLOCS. Call and e xa mine the goods before purchasing' elsewhere. Thankful for past favors, I solicit a eontinu 1111CC of the same. HENRY' F. ANDREWS, jan Strasburg, Lancaster co., Pa. JfllNirrtt histrtrutents, tte. J. It. K INSKI DEALER. IN SHEET MUSIC, RI ANON, ORGANS, MELODEONS, And Musk'? Inst,•' , morts Generally. Sole Agent for ST EIN NV A & SONS' WORLD RENOWNED PIANOS. Also, Agent for PRINCE & CO.'S GROANS and MELODEONS. *47 - Music scat by Mail Free of Postage. No. 3 NORTH PRINCE STREET Lancaster, Pa. GOOK AMOIII, I►0I1! Rooft aw im J. B. KEVINSKI SEIM MUSIC SHTOIRE KLOPFEERA, ORVELLA, MELODEONA, tin alio sorts music Inslitrumen t Der Kovinski is agent for de bereenity Stein trehr Pianos-41011'cent !least mor se of dettsb. Der platz is No. 3 NOR I.) PRINCE STREET, LANCASTER. N. B. Fora first raty goofy Geig, odder an Accordeon, odder a Tswwrrieli-Poif, odder M ulch onners musical Inslitriunent, ilea odder gross, shtept ynsht ni otts Keyinski's, No. 3 Nord Prince Shtrose, Lancaster. (noto-/y Groceries. G ROCECIES, FRUITS, AND CONFECTION:S, FOR THE HOLIDAYS. LAYER, SF:EDLESS AN I) VA T. E NCI A RAISIN NEW CI RRANTS, NEW CITRON, TURKISH PRUNES, GREEN APPLES, DRIED APPLES, DRIED PEACHES, HOMINY, SHAKER CoRN, tiREEN PEAs, SPLIT I 9 CHOICE CIIAN BERRIEt , , CHOICE GREEN TPA, • CHOICE BLACK TEA. RIO, LAt.:U Y RA AND JAVA eurvErs, SUGARS AND SYRUPS. A VARIETY OF CONFECIIIONS, GLASS AND QUEENSWARE. LAMP GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION.. All the above of the best quality and cheaper than the cheapest. At 1). S. & .J. S. BURSK'S, nov 0-Iyr] No. 18 East King street, Inc.a fdratishes. &e. AUG. ILEINOKIII.. ' JAG. RHINOEUL, dB ri 4.% J. RXINCYFAIL, MAN t: EACTU EHs AND DEALERii COPAL, WHITE, COFFIN, BLACK AND M 2311 VABNISHBS, LINsEED OIL, TURPENTINE, ate., NO. 109 NORTH QUEEN STREET, (Inutile Keystone Building,) LANCASTER, PA. Also, Mahogany Boards, Veneers and Mouldings of different sizes and pati r terns. All kinds of Turning, such as Bed Posts, Table Legs, Spokes, Hubs, Felines, &e , &e., &.e. Also, AXLES, NPR INGS, &c. Din &lyr Book and Job Printing. RAUCii & COCH II AN, BOOK AND JOB PRINTERS PLAIN kND FANCY PRINTING 0? ALL KINDS. From the largest PO4T ER to the smallest CARD or CIRCULAR, executed in the best style, Mat at reasonable prices. ailir Orders from a distance promptly attend ed to. OTPIC R.-140. LI, SOUTH (Watts scum,. LAXOiIiTILIII. Aaisa. WATCIII2.'B