Father Abraham. (Reading, Pa.) 1864-1873, April 02, 1869, Image 1

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4 BY
No. 18, South gasai Street, Lancaster.
espy, one year,
5 eoptes, (each name addressed,)
10 copies " 41
13 copies "
20 copies "
And $l.lO for each additional sabsoriber.
10 copies
5 copies, (to one address,) $ ll 0. .00 8:1
" ..
15 copies '• .. 10.00
20 •-ptea " 41 10.00
And $l.OO for each additiorusi subscriber.
SkirAll subscriptions must invariably be paid
in advance.
.LO AIL -V EiVIL "X 31.1V_Cit
Of every description, neatly and promptly exe
cuted, at short notice, and on the most
reasonable terms.
Trains leave the Central Depot as follows:
Cinein. Ex....12:17 a. m. Erie Mail._ 1:50 a. no
Phila.Kupress 5:12 " India. Exp... 2:40 "
l'hst Line 7:02 " Mail .11:15 "
Lane. Train.. 9:05 " !Fast Line..... 2:35 p. to
Day Express. 1:45 p.m.!Columbia Ac. 2:45 "
llarrisb'g Ae..5:54 " ;Ilarrisb'g Ac. 6:54 "
Lane. Train.. 7:29 "
iCinein. Ex....10:43 "
THURSDAY, NOV. 26, 1868,
Lancu4er.....B:oo a. m
61 8.25 p.m
ir_olumbia .....8:00 a. in
3:20 p.m
A 5.317
Reading ..... 7:00 a, m.
0:15 p. m.
7:00 a. in.
'• ..... C:l5 p. m.
Reading Railroad. and NI est on Lebanon Valley
Road. Tram leaving Lancaster and Columbia
at 8 A. M. connects closely at Reading with
Train for New York.
Tickets can be obtagned at the Offices of the
New Jersey Central Railroad, foot of Liberty
street, New York;and Philadelphiutind Reading
Railroad, 13th and Callowh Ell streets, Phila.
Through tickets to New York and Philadel
nhia sold at all the Principal Stations, and Bag
gage Checked Through.
Trains are run by Philadelphia and Reading
Railroad Time, which is 10 minutes faster than
Pennsylvania Railroad Time.
GEO. F. GAGE, Supt.
E. HEEVIGR, Gen. Frt. and Ticket Agent.
uov 20.11] •
- - .
real Trunk Line from the North and Nerth
tmot for Philadelphia, New York, Read
ing, Pottsville, 'Tamaqua, Ashland, Sha-
Lchanori, Allentown, L'aston, Eph
rata, Lalwa ter, Co/umbia,
Trains leave Harrisburg for New York as fol
lows: At 3.50, 5.5), 8.10 a. m. 12.40 noon 2.05 and
10.&0 p. ,sounveting with similar trains on the
Pennsylvania Railroad and arriving at New
York at 11.0 i a. in 02.20 noon, 3.50, 7.00,10.05 p. m.,
and 6.15 a. in. respectively. Sleeping Cars ac
company the 3.50 a. in. and 10.50 p. in. trains
without change.
Leave Harrisburg for Reading, Pottsville,
Tamaqua. Millersville, Asblaud, Shamokin,
Pine Allentown and Philadelphia, at
8.10 a. m., 2.05 and 4.10 p. m., stopping at Leba
non and principal Way Stations; the 4.10 p.
train making connections for Philadelphia and
Columbia only. For Pottsville, Schuylkill lie
von and Auburn, via Sohuykkill and Susan°
Wilma Railroad, leave llarrisburg at 3.30 p. in.
Returning: Leave New York at 9.00 a. m.,12.00
noon, 5.10 and 9.09 p. tn., Philadelphia at 6.15 a.
in. and 3.30 p. sleeping ears accompany the
9.00 a. m. 5.10 nail 8.00 p. tn. trains from Nuw
York, without change.
Way Passenger Train loaves Philadelphia at
7.30 a. m., connecting with similar train on Last
Penna. Railroad, returning from Reading at
6.35 p.m.,stopping at all stations; leave Potts
villa at 7.30, 845 a. m., and 2.45 p. Shamokin
at 6.26 a. m.; Ashland at 7.00 a. in., and 12.80 p. in.;
Tamaqua at 8.30 a. In.; and 2.20 p. m., for Phila
Leave Pottsville, via Schuylkill and Basques
hanna. Railroad at 7.100. in. for Harrisburg, and
IL3O a. m. for Pine Grove and Tremont.,
Reading Accommodation Train Leaves
Reading at 7:30 a. m., returning leaves Phila.
delphia at 4:45 p. ra.
Pottstown Accommodation Train: Leaves
Pottstown at 6.45 a. m.; returning, leaves Phila
delphia at 4.00 p. m.
Columbia Railroad Trains leave Reading at
7.00 a. m. and 0.15 p. m. for Ephrata, Lilts, Lan
caster, Columbia, /Lc.
Perklomen Railroad Trains leave Perklomen
Junction at 9.15 a, m. and 5.30 p. m. 4 returning,
leave Skippack at 8.10 a. in. and 1k45 p in., con
necting with similar trains on Read ing Rail
On Sundays: Leave New York at 8.00 p. m.,
Philadelphia at 8.00 a. in. and 3.16 p. m., the
S.OO a. m. train running only to Reading; Potts.
ville 8.00 a. m.; Harrisburg /5.10 a. m., 4.10 and
10.150 p. in., and Reading at 1.08, 11.00aud 7.10 a. in.
'or Harrisburg, at 12.60, and 7.81 a. m. for New
York; and at 4.85 p.tn. for Philadelphia.
Commutation, Mileage, Season, School and
Rinursiou Tickets, to and from all points, at
educed rates.
Baggage checked through; 100 pounds allow ed
each Passenger.
General Superintendent.
RRArmco, PA., Mo. 14, late. pleeleatelifim
Trains leave Tort for Wrightsville and Clo
lumbia, at 620 and 11:40 a. in., and &SO p. in.
Leave Wrightsville for YOrk, at 6:OJ a. in., and
1:00 and 6:50 p. m.
Leave York for Baltimore, at 5:00 and 7:15 a.
m., 1:06 p. m.; and 12 midnight.
Leave York for llarriebarg, at 1:89, 615 and 1106
a. tn., and 2:35 and 10116 p. in.
At 5;25 aon., and
eol l w d: p. tn.
At 8:45 and 5:114 a. in., and Mk and 10:46 p.
Photographs, &c.
Parents to Ilialaiiits,
k'utiter to Dougitter,
When the light has left the house, menioria
such As these compound their interest.
Miniature or Opal Picturek admitted to be
the beet isthe city, and no superior in thee.**
Constantly inereastng demand and great expe
rienoe in this style of - miniature give us greater
facilities and better results than any establish
ment outside of large cities.
Centre Table. Also, prismatic instruments.
Large Colored Work by some of the best Ar
tists In Philadelphia and elsewhere in the high,
est style of the art. India Ink, Pastille, Crayon
and colors, at
Jan 1-lyrj No. 90 East King-st.
Orroilvri.:PSAii4k. B. a. DZPOT,
- H. EMMINGER 86 00
mLl2•ly] Proprietors
... 1.50
. 7.00
. 13.00
. 10.00
Reading .....10:20 a. m.
6:40 p. m.
.10:20 a. m.
5:40 p. m.
Lancaster.....9:ls a. m
8.25 p.m
Columbia .....9:26 a. m
916 a. m
p. in
Mother to Son
to see the right, let us strtre on to finish the work
we are in ; to bind or, the stations wowed: tq
YOL. 11.
Claim Agency.
No. 56 East King-st., Lancaster, Pa.
Being duly licensed as a Claim Agent, and
having a large experience, prompt attention
will be given to the following classes of claims..
BOUNTY and PAY due discharged Soldiers and
BOUNTY (additional) to Soldiers who enlisted
for not less than s or 8 years, or were honora
bly discharged for wounds received.
BOUNTY (additional) to Widows, Children, or
Parents of Soldiers who died from wounds re
ceived or disease contracted in said service.
PENSIONS for invalid Soldiers and Sailors, or
to their widows or children.
PENSIONS for fathers and mothers, brothers or
sisters of deceased soldiers, upon whom they
were dependent.
their Widowiffrom Pennsylvania, in the War
of 1812.
PAY due Teamsters, Artificers and Civil em
ployees of the Government.
PAY due for horses lost in the United States
CHARGES.—rees fair and moderate, and in
no case will charges be made until the money
is collected. • deo lblyr•
After paying Losses to the amount of $1,120,000
All the Surplus Dividend amongst the Policy
Holders every year
For farther information apply to
P. 0., Lancaster, 1
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J. F. YEUEAUFF, General Agent for Penn'a.
(Above J. F. Long & Eon's Drug Store.)
This Company offers more SOLID and REAL
inducements than any other Life Insuranee
Company in the country.
Send or call and get a Circular.
Active solicitors, male or female, wan in
every township In the State. (Jan I •
ASewhig Mu4*ines.
As s Holiday Gift to a Sister, Wife or Friend,
Lbey are unsurpassed.
The Panzer rvania it for his Family.
The Drees and Cloak Maker prefers, it
The Seamstress wants it, bemuse its work is
sure to give satisfaction.
The Tailor hall long ago (leekleal it to be the
best for Ws business.
The Oarriage Trfettner cannot do without it;
and the Shoe litter end. that, after all, the
HOWE is the machine for him.
Sooner or later, everybody have the
Every Machine is warranted.
Every one may be the possessor of one of these
unrivalled machines, as we endeavor to make
the terms of sale salt all our customers.
We earnestl3l invite all,
and get s mens of
whether tbi e y ei purpose
purchasing or not, to call
the work executed by us on the OWE MA.
CHINE, and compare it with the work done by
other machines. We are willing to abide by the
C. FATE, Agent,
doe 184 25 North $ en Street.
Book Bind .
For Danis, Merchants, County °Sloes, dc., made
to order.
BOOK NINDING, in all its branches, prompt
ly attended to. Nee 44m
r ri r 1I . 0
T P r
I met a child ; his feet were bare,
Hie weak frame shivered with the cold ;
His youthful brow was knit with care,
His flashing eye his sorrow told.
Said I, " Poor boy, wby weepest thou,?"
"My parents are both dead," he said;
I have not where to lay my head ;
"0, I am lone and friendless now !"
Not friendless, child ; a friend on high
For you his precious blood 1 a given ;
Cheer up, and bid each tear be dry—
" There are no tears in Heaven."
I saw a man, in life's gay noon,
Stand weeping o'er his young brid's bier ;
"And we must part," he cried "so soon !"
As down his cheek there rolled a tear.
"Heart-stricken one, "said I "vi e• p not!"
" Weep not!" in accents wild he cried,
"But yesterday my young love died !
"And shall she be so soon forgot ?"
Forgotten ! No, still let her love
Sustain thy heart, with anguish riven ;
Strive thou to meet thy bride above,
Ana dry your tears in Heaven.
4.111111P44.01$1•11111140111WW4111, , -
As to her throbbing heart she prest
An infant, seemingly asleep
On its kind mother's shelt'ring breast.
"Fair one," said I, "pray weep no more!"
Sobbed she, " the ideal of my hope
" I now am called to render up ;
My babe has reached death's gloomy
Yoang mother yield no more to grief,
Nor be by passion's tempest driven,
But find is these sweet words relief—
" There are no tears in Heaven."
Poor traveller o'er life's troubled wave,
Cast down by grief, o'erwhelmed by fear,
There is an arm above can save ;
Then yield not thou to fell despair.
Look upward, mourners, look above !
What the' the thunders echo loud !
The sun shines bright behind the
c:otai ;
Then trust to thy Redeemer's love.
Wherc'er thy lot in life be cast,
Whate'cr of toil or woe be given,
Be firm—remember to the last,
" There are no tears in Heaven "
1 am tired of moaping in this dull
town. It is four weeks since I left the
Seminary, anti I honestly wish taeaflor.
was over," remarked Blanche Merton,
sipping her coffee, after the family had
left the breakfast table.
"You certainly cannot wish to go
child, until you have seen Clarence Gray,
replied her auut Rachel, a wealthy and
aristocratic lady of sixty.
" It is of no moment to me to meet Mr.
Gray, or any other Mr. at present.
I am only nineteen ; besides I have too
much sprit in me to be bought and sold
by anybody. lam neither Oircassiati nor
" You talk very silly, Blanche--your
girlish follies pain me beyond everything.
You have heard me say, repeatedly, that
I should settle my estate upon Gray's
wife, let her be who she would. He is
very superior young man, and most girls
would have sense enough to appreciate
such an offer."
" But it has all been arranged. If I
had seen the fellow and liked him myself,
without any help from other people, the
affair would be entirely different ; but the
idea of marrying a man because somebody
says I must, is intolerable. You can set
tle your estate, Aunt Raphael, upon whom
you like," and Blanche took her Botany
and sauntered to the woods in quest of
flowers. Hour after hour she wandered
ou, regardless of the route, or the distance
she was straying. Blanche was a close
student, in spite of her gayety, and many
rare specimens were analyzed, and NAtural
Oder, Genera, and Species, carefully noted
on a slip of paper, as she now and then
rested upon the trunk of some fallen tree.
By-and-by she grew an y, as she was
unable to decide in which direction her
aunt's residence lay. Then there was a
rushing noise in the underbrush; not a
great distance from her • this rustling was
succeeded by two or thr ee: harsh growls.
This so much terrified Blanche that she
rushed towards an opening in the forest,
regardless of the direction. Leaping over ,
logs or whatever chanced to 110 hi her
path, ou, on she went, almost, eying—
sometimes sinking in marshy spots almost
to the tops of her gaiters but onward and
rapidly, furnishing herself with a new slit
in her dress at almost every bound. With
garments ruined, she at last found herself
in an opening and a little further on,
through a clump of maples, loomed the
stately walls of a mansion. The building
was both high and deep, with a gray stone
front and gray shutters. It was located
in the rear of a park,, constructed with
various drives, an artificial lake and foun
Everything was
smallprepossessing to the
eye ? and it was no relief to Blanche
to feel that she was out ofdanger ; but her
soiled garments looked shockingly--entire
ly unfitting her to appear among well
bred people. She at last concluded to vet
ture to the back door and enquire of the
servants respecting her route home. Sur
mounting a stone votil, she walked up a
grassy lawn, and passing through a small
gate, goon fouud herself in the ,garden.
" Will you walk in Ph said a gentleman
ly looking man, emerging from a group of
tire on the right.
"Do come in and rest you," urged a
young lady, apparently his sister.
Blanche glanced upon herself and then
blushed with mortification. The gentle
man was apparently only three or four
years older than herself; with a cast of
countenance decidedly intellectual. Ills
forehead was broad and high, surmounted
with glossy, black hair, a handsome
moustache curled gracefully upon the up
p3r lip, with heavy whiskers completing
the finish.
The first impulse which came over
Blanche was to tly ; the next was to pull
one little curl of the fellow's whiskers as
revenge for a smile which rippled over his
face in spite of his efforts to suppress it.
Her last resolve was to accept the young
lady's invitation and brave it out or con
quer through her sympathy ; for certainly
one girl can feel for another when gaiters
are mud to the tops and dress torn to
They entered the front hall, and, ascend
ing the stairs, were soon in Clara's own
room, where fresh gaiters and a clean mus
lin dress were at her disposal. Arranging
her hair carefully she was soon presenta
ble, for Blanche owned a bewitching,
coquettish looking face, entirely her own.
The two young ladies descended to the
library, where the brother was in waiting,
of course ; luncheon had been ordered, and
the young people were not long in getting
nuicig. man iAnversed most admi
ragny , and Blanche was fascinated: She
soon learned that he was a senior student
at Yale, and was to graduate at com
mencement. Hour after hour wore away
most agreeably, till at last the clock struck
five, and Blanche started in dismay.
She was two miles from home, and had
no time to Icse. Her new acquaintances
urged her to remain, and they would s,•nd
word to her aunt where she was ; but the
girl understood her position better than to
comply with such a request, however kind
in itself.
Promisin to return the 'sorrowed gar
ments in a tew days, she expressed many
thanks, fur Miss Clara's kindness, and
took her leave. As she stepped into the
front veranda, to her surprise a carriage
was in waiting. The brother handed her
in and ordered the drive to Mrs.
They were soon iu sight of the grounds
of her aunt's Inansion, but. Blanche urged
the propriety of walking the last gnarter
of a mile and going unattended. This
arrangement was readily consented to,
and thanking the gentleman for his pat..-
nese, the tired girl walked up the back
lane, entered the kitchen door. and rush
ed up stairs before anybody had time to
notice her. Hurriedly arraying herself in
ol je of her own dresses, she went down the
I'AM/it's and met her aunt at the tea
table. They took their repast silently.
As the illusion to Claranec Gray, in the
morning, had caused Blanche to rush from
the house and remain absent during the
day, her aunt thought best not to speak of
The next booming their breakfast pass
ed as silently as their tea the night previ
ous ; the determined girl, half pouting,
half sad, sipping hei• coffee and twir!ing
bier teaspoon.
As soon us the cloth eras removed,
Blanche took her Botany and wandered in
the direction of the mansion she had dis
covered the day previous, though she firm
ly resolved not to go near it. Some wild
flowers were gathered, and she seated
herself upon a log, to separate the petals
of the calyx and the petals of the carolla.
The stamens were counted, and Blanche
had given the plant its locality, in iiocord
am* with Linnaeus, and was about de
ciding upon Natural Order and tienus,
according to J ussel3, when sls ieurit
footsteps. Looking up, there :4 tnir..l Mr.
Charles Clifford, the gentleman wtu.si
acquaintance she had formed the day pre
He had started to go over to Mrs. Wit
h to call upon her, but finding her
upon the way analyzing flowers, conclu
ded not to go further. From Mr. Clif
ford's polite request there was an arrange
ment for them to review their Botanical
lesson for an hour each day, in the shade
of a maple which stood near them. The
young college student was in love, and
Blanche was not less fascinated.
• Three weeks elapsed, and the young
people were engaged, though each resolv
ed Upon winning aunt Rachael's consent if
"M sister will call upon you to-mor
row, Miss Merton she wonders every
day why you do not come over. You
may expect her without fail, so be on
lour guard, and look beautiful, just as
you do now.”
Blanche blushed and looked down, feel
ing indescribably happy, till the thought
came rushing over her that her aunt would
never consent to her marrying any one
but young Gray, a gentleman whom she
had never seen, and of course cared
nothing for.
Is there anything equal to being com
pelled to drag out a life time with one we
cannot love, while , . those most dear to us
are as unfortunately tied to some one else ?
Blanche grew giddy with her thoughts,
and for a moment reeled, then hurrying
. • u room closed the door and
rew heieelf upon her knees. Long and
earnestly she plead with heaven for help,
then rising, sank upon her couch, and
bathed her pillow in tears.
The next morning as she entered the
hreakfixst-room, the first words that greet
ed her were :
• Blanche, Blanche, you must have your
new moire autique made up immediately.
Mr. Gray . has got home, and will dine
with us in a few days. I have just re
ceived a letter from him saying . , •we may
expect him soon."
"For a moment the color rushed into
her face, then faded as it came, till she was
colorless. The poor girl now fully real
ized that her aunt would never consent
to her marrying Charles Clifford, intelli
gent and fascinating as he really was, and
the heir of as large a property as Clarence
Gray could lutve. How dark the world
looked to her—life itself a burden.
who shall have borne the battle, and
dow and his orphan, to do all which may
ad cherish a just and a lasting peace
' ' ogaliCelifivaiNAW*44,44*
"Why, child, what is the matter ? 1,
inquired Mrs. Wilbur, who noticed the
girl's emotion.
"I wish Clarence Gray were in Jericho,
or a thousand miles beyond it !" replied
Blanche, shaking from head to foot.
Mrs. Wilbur drew herself up haughtily.
Blanche Merton, hear me, once for
all. I wish you to treat him well. He
is a very superior young man, and my
property shall go to his wife—whether it
happen to be you or some girl of better
"Bestow your property where you like,
Aunt Rachael. I shall marry the man I
love. so help me Heaven !"
"And whom do you love?' inquired
the astonished aunt.
"One who is equally as worthy as
Clarence Gray."
" Where did you meet him ? Who is
he, and what is he ?" sternly demanded
the enraged Mrs. Wilbur.
Blanche saw her case was almost hope
less, and, throwing herself upon her knees,
clasped her aunt's hands in agony. It
was a burst of griefand she gave free veut
to a flood of tears.
Mrs. Wilbur was too much exc.ted to
notice approaching footsteps, and the
poor girl. at her feet realized nothing but
her own sorrow. Presently Blanche felt
the touch of a hand upon her bowed head.
Looking up. Charles Cliffiml was before
her. and in a na more he clasped her
in his arms.
" Why, Clarence, how OW .1 am to see
you," remarked Mrs. Wilbur, taking his
disengaged hand, for one arm was around
"Clarence— C;arence !" echoed the as
tonished girl, " what does this menu, Mr.
Clifford ?" extricating herself from Lis
embrace, as, half ossified, half petrified,
she stood gazing into the face before her.
" Forgive me dear girl, for winning
your heart as Charles Clifford. My name
is Clarence Gray—with heart, hand and
fortune at your feet. say, my it c, are
you to marry me now ?"
" Mrs. Wilbur had left the rw,;e. and
Clarence, leading Blanche to thi
tenderly wiped away the tears— the D . 5.11%,
of so much distress; and in an ho.,r
heart was happy enough to make .4.
its keenest sorrow.
The Morie-antique WaSlatit L:( :.u.
not \Try iongafterawhaehiv.;a(krolloy.,..
(!ommoneeinent watt-soon over Yale,
and young gray bore off his diploma 111;th
the highest honors; and, a few melts aft& r.
the very carriage that bore Blanche i'‘.l( !-
ton front a iefty mansion after her bot:0,; ,
exenfhior. ear; Let. g at
b , L kto its WAIF.
Mtt. A. T. Stewart is saki to be about
erecting a hotel for workitig women in
New York which is to cost 5.02,000,000.
A wfc Ern wretch, who claims to know
r;ch ue•n of fltwinnati and Mt. Louis,
-:lvs that "the great want of each city is
abiut thlry-tive first class funerals."
EN R %. WARD 13 KEC.II Ifai reported,
is to be sent abroad by his congregation.
Ten thw.isand dolLm. are Wing raised for
that purpose.
'Pitt, iioston Tian cript says: "Of all
independent men in the workl, he who has
served his time at and knows the secrets
of a trade is the most self-reliant."
A 0011PROAIWE has been made in Paris
between the long and short dresses. The
latter are to he worn by ladies with small
feet, while others arc to be allowed to
sport trains.
A CluAli Bent to Grant from a Y oungs
town, Ohio, tobacconist, is six feet long,
eight inches in diameter, weighs fifteen
and one-half pounds, and is made of the
choicest tobacco.
THE Copperheads are fussing and figur
ing as much about their candidate for
Governor as though they had- hopes of
electing him. It sounds oddly to hear it
--much like the braying of a dead mule.
Box. Edward Bates, Attorney Gen
eral, under President Lincoln, died at his
residence, in St. Louis, Mo., on Theirsday
of last week. He was over 70 years of
I•r is said that the bishop of New Jer
sey refuses to confirm young ladies who so
adorn themselves that he is obliged to lay
his hands upon a pile of false hair and
stuffing instead of their heads.
A NEtuto named Cain is in jail at
Uhambershurg, charged with an atrocious
assault upon three young ladies, near that
town. On Friday night a mob surround
ed the jail, and threatened to lynch him,
but were induced to disperse. The prison
is now under guard.
SENATOR RAINEY'S postal telegraph
bill will be reported with a recommenda
tion for its immediate passage. This is
good news, as the telegraphic monopoly
now In operation is the most fearful ofany
which has yet oppressed thi people of the
country. •
IittEELY is lively. In one week he
delivered two temperance legtures, ad
dressed a rural scientific society, talked
to*the Farmers' Club, made two trips to
Washington, and wrote an endless num
ber of articles fur newspaperi and maga
father Abrahatio
TILE orthodox. Quakers of Lla.6 country
munts..r T-1,000. They have 7tZ t:lairches
that ni:nish sittings tiir `.3till,OttO persons.
A f•'T ATUSTti lAN, of dorncstic turn,
report , that there ate 20,640 stitches in a
well-made shirt with a stitched collar.
A 31160113 , 1DED German publisher Lin
nounef s a complete edition of "Andrew
Johnson's Speeches and Message r."
Ten lines of Nonpareil ooluilltato $l. *Mil:
1 week
2 weeks..
3 woekst.
1 month. t
-2 months.
3 months.
6 months.
1 year....
Executors' Notice...
Administrators' Notion
Assignees' Notice
Auditors' Notice
No. 20.
u-ALL KINDS or JOB PRIN'PONIG execortett
with neatness and despatch.
A GI RL of ten, undergoing tiri operation
to straighten her eyes, in . New York, Last
week, died from the effects of the chloro
form administered.
IT is said that there is an unpreoedent
ed number of female office-seekers now in
Washington. They are chiefly in pursuit
of Post (e ftices. Very natural that they
should want to look after the males.
ONE hundred and sixtv-eight twins
were born in Philadelphia list year. We
have feared all along that the Quaker City
was carrying to a reprehensible extent
her rivalry with New York in the matter
of population.
PRESIDENT 14 ti.ANT has approved and
signed the bill securing equal rights in the
District of Columbia. This same bill had
been passed two or three times by 'Con
gress and as often vetoed by Mr. Johnsob.
IT is stated that Brigham Young has
sent twenty of his wives to Washington,
and they are gradually moving towards
that city. Is it his intention to bribe the
members of Congress in favor of admitting
Utah into the Union with polygamy ao-
one of its institutions?
EAcn and every Congressman has ono
or snore eandidatks for the different posi
tions in the Phiiaduiphia Custom flout4e,
and as there are 1 . 40 platies to till, the rush
taw be much better Imagined than describ
ed. Chi au average the re will be about
twenty ne.n dis;,l.si is.tetl to twety One ap
F;Esovohp townb.L:p, liedfOrd comity,
has a Dornocrat:e nominee (Or school
director who can :either read nor Write.
lie opposes the equal suffrage amendment
on the ground that "iligi.,rers are too dumb
to vote."' lie is also oppomql to the eo
education of the SOWS
THE election in Connecticut this year--
which occurs on Monthly, April s—is of
tinu.sual importance. 111 additioa to the
State ticket, members of Congress arc to
be chosen atid a Legislature which will
have to act upon the Fiftemith Amend
ment to the Constitution insuring impar
tial tutll,4p.
I' , F Llisyivar ia, boa 111 ,
'AC:I t.t 1,..)11,t1 *4,006 111 lit r treasury.
is r :ok.t a dollar; 'wt.
• she has a
i.'llivcr‘ity. I Schoc!, and t
Az prosperity Van be attrib
uted to Wit) ciretanbtaLll'e-- she has not
a 1k•1ti,,..;•,:t
lefu..lk.d to bo re-construct
. d The Legislature, after a good avail of
bat king :old bilutiting, finally toed the
luArk cis tlw SLl!rage A lovniiinent, voted
it down, :aid then adjourned. It is pro
bably well. IV hen finally re-confottruct
ed, it will le on 3 basis to secure the iuvio
lability of persoual rights to ail oho, of
~!very Luc and creel. . ;
THE "Ne‘.v Yurk Minibterienn," ,On e
or the Synods Lounectert with the new
(High-Church) General Counril 'of the
Lutheran Church, Lab at:hired fur closv
conunuciiini, iuterchange of
puipit;;:iud uieu.taxship 111 M'en t noeleties. -
'onder what 1.;11.1 c,fa heaven will be
prepared for those t.xclubively righteottb
TEXAS, kinnuleig one million kiabab
itants, does not supporta single bookstore.
,‘;everal Iran have failod trying to estab
lish such a store. Grog-shops abound
throughout the state. One of the most
ix)puilir candidates for governor is and
has bet n for ycara an habitual and eon
firmed drunkard':
TUE New York Tribune gives some
statistics Connected with the Ihmee of
Refuge on Randall's island near New
York, which is the oldest in the country,
having been established in 1825. Mace
that period 12,F78 boys were admitted;and
at the beginning of 1860 there were 901
inmates. Of this number there were 584
boys and 377 girls.
WE hope that Congress will notahernpt
,to adjourn without passing a bill protect
ing the voters from naturalization frauds.
If they do so, it will show a shameful ne
glect of duty, as several bills are •re
them, either one of which would an
improvement of the present mode. If de
fective after trial, it can be amended at the
next session. But do give us something
to stop the wholesale villuitiy.
111)/ - v of the Copperhead papers con
tinue the cry of " Nigger! Niggerli” AR
their only and never-failing rallying cry.
It reminds as of owls perched upon dead
snags hooting away after the sun has
shone an hou r;
. 19 (Ten
their eyes, an this only proves Mat they
have overslept themselves. Theit post
mortem cry of "Nigger! • Nigger)" dis
turbs no one now— least of all, Sasebo
ON Wednesday special eh:slims wore
held iu forty-six counties of Indivesa for
members of the Legislature, to fill vilettp
cies soused by resignations to avow the
passages of the Fifteenth constitoticini4
Amendment. In neatly every county ME
resigning members were reissnoiosik'd,
and in all they were elected, only auch as
were ver Win of re-election having resigned.
In vsmy few counties was there auy.impo
sitioii, and in all the vote was very light,
it being imposailme to awaken soberest
over the issue.
TWENTY of Brigham Youagl wives
are on their way to Washington, and (Jon
gress will probably extend the session a
few days or weeks—not on their ateetukt
particular)y, nevertheless the extettsii,
b lpti
will doubtless prove a pleasant • m+
stance to both sides. Of the o tof
their mission, nothing is known; t the
sending of the womiin is another proof of
Brigham Young's shrowduess in adapt
ing means to ends.
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