Wellnotitranioch BREEF RUM SCHWEFFLEBRESINER. SenTAFFLETOWN, Mtertz der 22ta, 1.509 IniEn A Itl: MIA 31 : lch susp, ct dos de Schlitiletowner cop perheads a notion hen a trick of mich tsu shpeela-- tnich oln end 'loch Otis der Posht Oftlee rouse tsu tbola. Geshter war wil der aniobl der flee-dockter hei tiler un hut obsolut hawa went dos MI an breef slirciva set on caner was se der clt Simon beast wu drunna of in ‘Vashingtowner nawt littekt, on dos ich mnv influence yusa set geaye sell male'. of office bill tsu Er hut 4'nl-ant warm Hi un onnery head Incliner Ilk gyan selly law yuslit we se is, dont), dent olles reek ktuntna fun weaya der Schliilletowner Posht Office. for der we we ers cxpla;ned but is es an law so dos der Kitzelderfer ()us tier office rouse mus om (erslita un awer warm se de law now 7 peela, for sell meant se ob shotfa, dune w;er-• oil ferliei unit lacer. Ich lkol, 'cut g'sawt ich wet amohl a \veil drivver kunsiddera, un mil dur PAAVy ShWutZadUrwk.aya. Es is Tiler awer grawd suspicious fore kumma, dos of eamohl de latrls sheina in my favor tsu sci. We er whirler fort war hin ich aw grawd nut' in de shtub tsu der Bevvy. We inh nei bin war se yuslit draw om bubbally wesha un fitcalvvr aw du, un kir draw un hob er ulles .'s,(Nvt fun woaya dery tenner of of fice law, un hob g'froked eb se !tier roata dent for tsu shreiva on den olta simon tit Mcaya. hut :over grawd g'sawt (1(e-) su kens fuu dentin kterls draua that, un dos i it hesser narsht welter nosh frolo , (krweayn. Wel!. ties ding war hoot, ich of tin of) tsum nein, shoohneaster wu fun SimolkiU county kurmat an ons Sola kluppers in de kusht gent, for (er is an hurter I?lntliii( an un gnat nei for mich for Poshtmensliter. We Mr eam g'sawt hob we der kce-ducktcr hawwa hut wella dos ich nel set een for di s termer of office hill. t:ugeaya's tsu done hut er mers r(nlit un hut mich of arneld convinced des warm de law bleibt w( tun bleibt der Kitzelderfer aw iu ~, 2 f Oflice, awer wanns se's 'pecla, (loan IN a:rd woll der (.rant mer my com mission shicka. now, gea ich aw grawd draw un shreib on selly kierls un sogeana, yusht week mit so law dos mirth tsurick -1114.. n ranch( Mr so leit we seller olt Kitz ()Alert', r. left Wo'aS nw yetz exactly we's kumn“ dos is so long gent, un dos ich 11, - ,,•h nix grickt hob fun' yusht W,ilVa titer ferdeivelt termer law. ;( sitter hen titer amohl aus g'mocht dos :ii negsluit Sundog ivver octet (log wella iner's bubbally dawta lusssa, awer uf der nawma sin liter :welt net 14011 S eanich. 'We g'sawt in incini Ictsitta brief, de Ilevvy is in favor fors Alley tsu heasa, nit awer ich kin so holwer uf der notion furs is rigs 'olpeater Grant tsu dawfa, for sell mean ich evva cleat d. l'osht Office a sure ding raacha. Altey is uf course aw an guter nawma, awer Mt mean evva seller kent mer yusht so gout usa fur an miners mold, weil es kea g'fore hut dos Abey ous shtterbt in Amearikaw—anyhow net so long dos ich odder du um de weg sin. Wane awer de BeNvy druff insist dens, uf course, wterds evva v heasa missa. Awer noch cans, es mog now heasa we's will, mcr hetta gcern dos du un di olty kummet om Sundog ivver ocht dog furs ivver de dawf heawa. Per henna der guns weg uf de ears kumma his on der Yutza shteddler Siltation tin fun dort is es yusht about tswea mile uu a holwy his noch Sehlifiletown. I)er kennt Somshdogs kumma un wanit der dunet, dont: shpon ich ti tin bring eich rivver, un om Moon dog morya nemnt ieh eich aw widder tsu rick on der siltation. Now wann der im sin bend tsu kumma, donn konnsht uns slareiva, un dr,nn wella in. r olles mat shell ei richta. Der klea meant riozr awrr. s4•l net meld g'sund, for er kreisht pis sit greisel-heftich orrick in der nada. Dc olt Lawbucksy behawpt er is was mer aw ewocksa least, un meant to‘ 'r set lrauclut derfure. Se sawya. es weer an oily fraw drivva itn Lodwrerriekshteddle de kennt's aw wocksa ferdreiva mit warta, tut aw so a g'slimeer on: led) was se mocht mit wits fet,gekoelity tswivvella un a welluich guldingdoor un so ollerlea shtuft nci. craw sawya, sc ester a sidvvaty sit un a doehter fun earn titer sei dawdy nee net g'sea hut, un dos sci Bawdy un seigross-dawdy 01l tswea im nei licht gehora sin. tin sell gelit earn Sett de gewalt sit warm hraucha furs aw wocksa tsu ferdrciVii. Weil ich yetz draw UM fun weitya dem bubbally tstt mus ich (loch aw mentiona fun st , ina kleader. 1)e frocks, uu hemdlin, un unner recklin setsht aver amot.i ‘ , ana ! Was iniolt om terriCkwht so•:' frockly. Now. s'lo.d)hally n. t ;:11(7 dos about sivvatst-a wcr i.. 11 s ill de krk•uk warn tro.•kly net. ul Iveuniuhsla a yard long is: Sticks 11 , 0,1 101 V. any for nor gri-kt g( , r , tot t!-,1 ivcay:t (1(.111 kury4ksa wann - sytlAlt nct f. cid kr, , l- 1 .,,;‘\ for 54 . 11 b10(1111'11 1111111 Ir. nada. Ich ilf•rridlt any how (!,.- r kit !nth no,•1 1 ..r izvat,u NOW 111 . 111 d, Ulf olt'v orn Sumlog i‘ v. 7' a( itt toi , •11 anyhow Ivissa Met, Un no rnor at n:. ';•( 11 Nt MR. LINCOLN'S FORMER HOME. irs. Elizabeth C:idy `-tant, , il made a visit to formi.r hone iu Springtiold. h Ivritt , s : The same maps at.ti pictur , s he had gazed still (It .. , ,ratel the With the addition of :tn engraving Car penter's picture of Mr. Li n , o i n an d hi, Cabinet. A broken looking glass that had often reflected those -ad featurt s. hangs in its accustomed plaue. There, too, stands the old book case, with pi , :q holes of papers, Just ti Mr. Lincoln left then; no curious eye has vet seen their contents; no irreverent hand has yet untied a single knot. As I lit and that f( t. was lost in admiration the wonderful tl)rbearanee and self.cflatrol of the !routs Monty. In one corner of the hook casc was a large wasp's nest, showing' how undis turbed it is left from year to year. looked over the second volume of Mr. Ilcrtt don's manuscript of Mr. Lincoln's: life. which will he a deeply interesting and valuable work when completed. From what I saw of the aminor in a long conver sation the next day, I feel his will not be a mere Dutword history if 110.1.5., but of the inner life, of the sentiments, atlections and philosophy of clear tn ,, ral pt.rceptimi, of deep spiritual insight, a man of faith, of enthusiasm with what is called woman's intuition. Speaking 'if Mr. Lincoln's chronic melancholy, he said. in his poeti cal way, " Mr. Linvolu's sadness at times dripped from him like de W.. • Though we hear so much of his Jake- and .2,.0d st , his joviality was only on the surface, and seldom enjoyed Lt ?Iv NA hi, tart lain daily. D 04;%:. A man in l'ittshurg has t;air ilo ! , s whi c h he has learned to harness each other. In putting on their collars, one dog gets it over his nose, while two of them then get it between their teeth and pun it over his head. The saddle and traces which are attached to the collar are then lifted by these two dogs over the other dog's back, and that completes his outfit. He then turns in and helps to harness another, and so on until they arc all harnessed. The leader then takes one of the traces between his teeth and forces it over the button on the side of the cart. The other trace is served in the same way. They are then ready for work, and proceed in a dog-trot up to the front door of the house and wait until the man comes out and places his little boy in it, when they start off for the suburbs, the little boy driving them. Their owner always accompanies them, mounted on a Canadian cob. They have been known to make their mile in loss than four minutes. NEAREST THE Film— During the sit ting of a court in Connecticut not long ago, on a very cold evening, a crowd of lawyers had collected round the open fire that blazed cheerfully on the hearth in the bar-room, when a traveller entered, be numbed with cold; but no one moved to give him room to warm his shins, so he leaned against the wail in the lack part of the room. Presently a smart young liml ) of the law addressed him, and tile foll))winc , dialousue took place: You look like a travelkr. — Wall, I suppose I am; I rome all way from Wisconsin afoot, at any rate.' '• From Wisconsin? to comeonone lair of Icgs, " Wall, I done it Crltlyhow." "Did you ever pass throu , i hell in any of your travels?" " Yes, sir; I've heen 01:4,110 the out skirts." "I thought likely. Wed. what are the manners and customs there? Some of us would like to know.- ' you'll find them much the same as in this plare. The lawyer , : sit nearest the tire.— Donns, the auctioneer. is a popular man. a wit and a gentleman. Ile was lately engaged at a sale of venerable household furniture, and had knocked down sundry articles of kitchen furniture and fixings. lie had just got to 'going, going. and a half, and a half—going!' when he saw a smiling countenance upon agricultural shoulders winking at him. A wink is al ways as good as a nod to a blind horse or an auctioneer: so Dobbs winked, and the man winked, and Dobbs winked, and the man winked, and tiny kept winking, and Dobbs kept 'going,, going, going! , with a lot of glassware, stove-pipes, carpets, pots. and finally the lot was knocked down. `To a-whoY' said D.,bbs. gazini4 at thy• smiling stranger. ? Go1lc:• said tia. , strair. • I claim) who!•' I Vliy you, • Sho l . Yes. VCS.. Said D o Ot,, lot •Mc 111 ditrned it' I .11,i said the stranger. Why, didn't you wink, tail kct•i) wink ing?' quoth the auctioneer. `Winkin'? Well, i did---so did you wink at me. I thought you were winkin as much as to say— keep dark, I'll stick somebody Oil this lot of shill: and 1 wink ed, as linte) as to Jr' 116tt , d4.,(4.' I Dun De:lllovratic filo - qi, arc :wriding up a dismal • wail' about thr //toad/mew of General Hancock, by being assigned to the department of Dakota, but no one thought it necessary to commierate th, gallant little rho. Sheridan, who has bee: out :n that rog:on Sol . a ycat r arc: LIM 11)1/1 ISM What a 'distanot VOU bid 011 JOHN .1. SMELL, ESQ., residcm Geri. of the House of Representatives of Pennsylvania. ffititcted. THE LENT HA DOL LA R. When t'harle, iileason was about ten years old, a bright hall-dollar was riven him by his g,randfather. to buy anything he pleased fur a New Year's present. The boy's mother had that. morning taught him the verse. lbe that bath pity on the poor lendeth to the Lord, and that which he bath given. will he pay him again." The word, were running in the bov', mind ou his way to the store to pUrchasca toy which be had ,een itt iii wind , tie shop MI the proviOtt,; day. Just before Charlie reached the ,t,re. lie met ;1 poor NVlanan, 1V11 , ) had , i•tiwthcs (10110 IVaShiII! , for his moth, F. and s , 'ined to ho in great distro.s. What is th. matter, Hannah this kind-hearted child •• master Charii , , 1 I“•tiiriiill hit', the street this cola all(i my littlo too.- " Turned into tlet x(pit and Bill for ?" Because I can't raise toy weekly rent. ' --" There is 0 num in town claiming to I've just been to se.r my landlord, ;IA he be the inan that murdered Sheriff' White says it's three days overdue, and he'll not ; some months ago, We consider him an wait another hour. There go the men now ' imposter. seeking admission into society to put my stove and a few other things on above his level. and hope people will stop the sidewalk. 0, what shall I do?" inviting him to their houses."— Frog •• I low much is your rent, Hannah?" ' ,s;uring herald. asked the boy, with a choking voice. ' —.•"A child of Whisky Ben had an al - It's half a dollar," said the woman. ' tereation with the Methodist preacher •• It will kill Bill to put him out in this I over at Michigan Gully last Sunday, and cold—and mire I will die with him." ended the discussion by caving in his abo "No you won't; no von shan't,'' said I lition head. The boy had been presented the tender-hearted child; and feeling in I with a new revolver by the Cumberhind his pocket he brought forth his treasured 1 Presbyterians."—Star and liars. half-dollar and placed it quickly in her I hands. Seeing she hesitated to keep it, ' —A good story is told of a German notwithstanding her great need, Charlie ; shoemaker, who. having made a pair of told her it was all his own, to spend as I boots for a gentleman, of whose financial lie pleased, and that he would rather give ! integrity he had considerable doubt, made it to her than have the nicest toy in the 'the following reply to him when he called store. Then walking away swiftl from for the articles 'Der poots ish not quite y the shop windows, which were all full of I done, but der bee/ ish made out." tempting New Year's presents, be went 1 A physician seeing Charles Bannis bravely home to Lis mother, sure of her ter about to drink a glass of brandy, said: approbation. "Don't drink that filthy stuff; brandy is The first person he met was his grand- the worst enemy you have." I know father. Ile had observed Charlie godown that," replied Charles, •` but you the street, and was waiting for his return, ' know, we are commanded by scripture to that he might see what he had bought. ' love our enemies." So his first salutation was, " Well, my —'• Why are women like churches?" child, what have you done with your I Firstly, because there is no living without I money?'' one.; secondly, because there is many as- Now Charlie's grandfather was not a i pire to them; thirdly, because they are religious man; and the boy knew that I objects of adoration: and. lastly, but by though hesometimes gave. money to his no means least, because they have a loud relations, he seldom or never bestowed it . dapper in their upper story. upon the poor, so he rather disliked to ten him what he had done with his money; I , —ln order to i amuse the . cliii i ill en i? 1 , 1, , but while he hesitated, the verse which he , Salthath, a hu y was engage( 7 - 1 ma( in, his I from the Bible the story of Dayul and (so had that morning learned came into :, , and, mind and helped him to an answer. Look- : coming h . that passage in Ilan . ; . ) , which t T oliali so boastingly and defiantly ing pleasantly into his graudfether's face, - he said: dared the young stripling, a little chap, I've lent it, sir." almost in his first trousers, said : "Sister. " I,ent your half-dollar. foolish 0 t6 . y .. .: .., skip that, skip that; he's blow ing! 1 You'll never get it again, 1 know.'' want to know who licked!" "Oh. yes I shall, grandpa. Mr I've got --The English gentleman who did not a promise to pay.'' want a " buffalo" when he went sleigh " You 111(1111 a note, I suppose; but it ing, in New York, preferring a horse, has isn't worth a cent." returned to his native land, and has pub "Oh yes, grandpa. it's perfectly good. lished the following examples of journal- Ini sure abmit it. for it's in the Bible.'' : ism prevalent in thefar west: "A stranger, " You mean you have put it there for I wearing a stove-pipe hat and a boiled safe keeping. eh? Let me see it." I shirt, 'arrived in town yesterday, and put Charlie brought the book and showed lup at the Nugget House. The boys are him the verse--" lie that hath pity on the I having a good time with that hat this poor leudeth to the Lord, and that which morning. The funeral will take place at he hath given will he pay him again.'' ' two o'clock. Dog Randle is unhealthy "So you gave your money to sonic poor : for swells."—Dog Randle ir«kly Howl. scamp. Well, you'll never see it again. , —A good story is told of a Connecticut Who has got it. pray?" railroad president who went into a large •• I gave it to Hannah green.. sir," and jewelry establishment in New York re- Charlie told him the sad story. cently to buy a watch. Some worth $1,200 0, fudge!'' said his grandfather. • • 'you . apiece were shown to him. " Are you can't pay poor folks' rent; it's all nonsense. sure they are reliable timekeepers?" asked And now you haw lost your New Yea r ' s present, or will. if I don't make it up to ;: the president. ''Certainly,'' replied the clerk, " and as proof of the fact let me you. here," he added, as he threw him : add that twoof the conductors upon the another half-dollar, "seeing your money and railroad" (mentioning the is gone where you will never see it again, road of which the purchaser was presi- I must give you sonic more, I suppose.'' : dent) "have them! — " Indeed," said ‘• Ob. thank you," said Charlie, hearti- I the president, "a very good rei-..ommen lv. •• I knew the Lord would pay me ! :stain.l.•ittldpit, because the Bible says 740; dation, but they are :too expensive for mep 7 but I didn't expect to get it so quick." —There iz wimmiu who are of easy to •• That boy's ton much for me," said court az lint. the old ;:eutlein:un. as he walked quickly , " Istw, at fast sight," i 2: like eating aivay. honey. It duz seem az thu you never I -nuff --- 't. could hit enuff uv • This kind ov lov iz apt to make blun t' it mu is nothing—no, nothing--beau- • ders, anthiz az hard tew back out ov az a titel and good that dies and i forgotten. , well. An infant, a prattling child, dying in its But thare ain't no rich thing az pure cradle, will live again in the better mathumaticks in courting. If it iz awl thoughts of those who loved it, and played nature, it iz too innocent for earth; and if its Fart. though its body be burned to it iz awl science, it iz too match like a job. asters or drowned in the deepest sea. Perhaps the best way to court iz to be- There is not an angel added to the hosts gin without match of euny plan whare you of heaven but does its blessed work on arc going tew fetch up, and see how you earth in those that loved it here. Death! and she likes it, and then tet the thing Oh, if the good deeds of human creatures kind ov worry along kareless, like throw ( ould be traced to their source, how beau- in g stones into a mill-pond. tiful would even death appear! How much You will find one thing tew be strickly charity, mercy. and purified affection true; the more advice you undertake to wend lde seen •u have their frcwths in I follow, the less amount of good courting you will do.—Billings. ERE BM Our elittle What ails your cyc, ‘To a man he lied," replied .11w. —A Peacock would be a ' ,rot ty bird if it would only keep its mouth shut. So would some angels we know, if they would only follow the same precept. - What is the difference between the outer wall of a bridge and two young ladies? The one is a parapet. and the other is a pair of pets. --The tidlowing rules ;ire posted in a New Jersey school house •• No kissing the !rills in school hours. no licking during holidays. •• The scoundrel who tipped over our office last month be hung to-morrow, and no paper will be issued next day.— Calacf fas .heft!: I. END --•• Margaret, what did you do with the tallow that Mr. Jones greased his boots with to-day?" " Please, ioann, I fried the griddle eakcs with it." "Lucky for you. I thought you had wasted it." LANCASTER, June "_sth, LIG& EDITORS EXPRESS: DT. WM. M. Whiteside, thf i enterprising Dentist, has purchased from inn large stock of teeth and all the fixtures, the in struments formerly belonging to me, and also those used by my father, Pr. Parry, in his pro.e. lice. In the purchase, the doctor has providetl himself with some of the most valuable and ex pensive instruments used in dental practice, and has beyond doubt one of the best and lar gest collections of teeth and instruments in the ~fate. Persons Visiting the commodious OiRCW of Dr. Whiteside, cannot fail to be fully &ODOM modated. The Doctor loses no opportunity of furnishing binielf with every late scientific improveml”•lll in hi' lice of business. It. B. P.l,lloltr. . WHITESIDE, DENTIST. orticE AND RESIDENCE, EAST KIN 6 STREET, Next door to the ourt House, over Fulines Lock's Pry Goods Store, N 4, %STE . 1' N N A 'rb: vd y-itiviitt poi!, 1., ! / f;f (o.ricio (.1(! no.( rf) ZAHM & .lACKON WA TO I E Zoe KS, EWEL R Y, .V.lO ARP :, id SPE( TAILES AND rIN Y 4)0 D No. Ir, NORTH QUEEN STHEE'I Ai.TER, r\ 4*-1: 1-.l'.k '1"11-.*, licr2o-Iy] ATU111:.! 'LH( The undersigned keeps constantly 01 , ilit)4ll large and full itsortment 01 the t:ENt 'IN E AMER"' 'AN N 1 Es, la different weight and finish, to suit all, which are sold upon the most reasonable terms, and guaranteed to give satisfaction. keeps also on band it good astortme>ol of C1A)4,303. (Jail and examine the goods before purchasing elsewhere. Thankful for past favors, I solicit a continu ance of the same. HENRY F. ANDREWiz, Jan 1-0m•1 -trnsburg, Lancaster co., l'a. Musical Instruments. de. TB. KEVI.NKI C./ . SIIEET MUSIC, PIANOS, ORGANS, MELODEONS, .trusie.•q/ Instruments Gov,rnll j. Sole Agent for -TEINWAY & SONS' WORLD RENOWNED PIANOS. Also, Agent for PRINCE & CO.'S ORGANS and MELODEON iritM ask' sent by Mail Free of Postage. No. 3 NORTH PRINCE STREET, Lancaster, Pa. (ioaK Amoirt, Dorn Rooft aw lin J. B. KEVINSKI SEIM MUSIC SHTORSE. KLOPPEERA, ORTELLA, MELODEONS, OD ails sorts music Inebtrumental . _ . Der Kevinski is agent for de bereantv Stein wehr Pianos—Hlotreera beast trier se adeitsh. Der platz fg No. 3 NORD PRINCE STREET, LANCASTER. N. B. For a first raty Booty Geig, odder an Accordeon, odder a Iswierrieh-Pelf, odder eu nich °liners musical inelitrument, Idea Wait gross, shtept ynsht. ni ons KevlnskPs, Nord Prince Shtrose, Lancaster. [no2o.ly G ROCIMI FRUITS, AND (_ON I'EI.TIONS, I'OH, T If E 0 LIDAYS. L.tYER,NEEDLESS ANP 2.A. :SIN NEW CURRANTS. NEW CITRON, TURKISH PRUN Es, BEEN APPLE`. DRIED APPLES, DRIED PEACII).-, HOMINY, , ITAK ER CORN, EEN PEAS, s PUT PEAS, 'VOICE CRANBERRIES. (If OICE GREEN TEA, CHOICE BLACK TEA. LAGUYI:A AND JAVA COFFEES, '- , U(.:AR.S AND SYRUPS. A VA RI ET Y OF CONFECTIONS, L A ND Q UEEN. 11 7 ..4 RE. LAMP tiOODS (I EVERY DESCRIPTION. All the above of the best quality and cheaper than the cheapest. At D. S. &J. S. BLUISH'S, No. le East Mug street, Lame. nov 20-Iyr] &c. AUG. ItEINOEHL. ..lAC. REINOETIT., JH A. • & J. REINOEIII,. MANI:FACTUREIV!'. AND DEALERS COPAL. WHITE, CorYIN, BLACK AND JAPAN VA R. N ISHBN, I.I)•EED on., TURPENTINE, tte., he NO. 109 NORTH QUEEN STREET, (In the Keystone Building,) LANCASTER, PA. Also, Mahogany Boards, Vena?rs anal Mouldings of different sizes and pat terns. All kinds of Turning, such a.. 4 Bed Posts, Table Legs, Spokes, Hubs, Felloes, , ke. Also, AXLES, SPRINGS, &e. (Jan S-lyr Book and Job Printing. RAUCII & COCHRAN, BOOK AND JOB PRI2s/TEII . PLAIN AND FANCY PRINTING oF ALL KINDS. From the largest POSTER to the smallest cAp,D or CIRCULAR, executed in the best style, at reasonable prices. e AMP - Orders from a distance promptly attend- d to. OFFICE—NO. 18, SOUTH QUEEN STREET, LA . /COASTER, Pane. • Dentistry. Jewel ry. ItEALEII , IV SILVER IS Alt Hti:•l' VAli DE ALE G roceries. Profess to)tal. O J. DICKEY • ATTO' ANEYY AT LAW. Orrleg: SOUTH QUEEN ST.,second housebt low the "Fountain Inn," Lancaster, Pa. B. LIVINGSTON ATTORNEY AT LAW. OFYIer: \O. 71 NORTH DUKE ST., west aide north of tho Court House, Lancaster, Pa CIIARLE•S DENUES, ATTORNEY AT LAW. OFFICE: No, 3 SOUTH DUKE STREET, 14n caster, Pa. JOAN B. GOOD, ArronNEY AT LAW. OFFICE: N 0.56 EAST KING ST., Lancaster, Pa. JW. JOIINSOZg, • • ATTORNEY AT LAW. OFFICE: No 25 SOUTH QUEEN ST., Lanai*. ter, i'a. P. 110SENMILLEH„Tn., • ATTORNEY AT LAW. - OFFICE: With A. liElta B.IIIITLI, Esq., South Queen St., opposite the office of "Father Aka*. ham," Lancaster, Pa. A• c. REINOETIL, • ATToitNEY AT LAW. liISFICE: No. 3 SOUTH DUKE ST., Lancaster. JOIN P . It E A ATTORNEY AT LAW. OPPICK: With lion. O. PICKEY, N 0.21 QUEEN ST., Laneamter, Pa. AItT I N RUTT, ATTORNEY AT LAW. otrriec of the late lion. THADDEUS STEVENS, No. 2,1; South Queen St., Lancaster, Pa.. A Avis 11. ATTORNEY AT LAW. OFFICE: No. S SOUTH QUil EN ST., Lancaster MEMMIM OFFIcE: With General J. W. FISHER, NORTH 1)121.i E ST., Lancaster, Pa. - Pt F. BAER, ALP • ATTORNEY AT LAW OFF ICE: No. 19 NORTII DUKE Street, Laneag ter, Pa. [dcc 134 yr Read rfl Advertiseme-nts. MaiNEMME No. 44; NORTH SIXTH ST., Reading, Pa j (GEORGE SELTZER. T., • ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLER. AT LAW. No. 604 COURT STREET, (opposite the Court house,) Reading, Pa. FRANCIS M. BANKS, ATToRNEY AT LAW 'AND NOTARY N 0.27 NORTH SIXTH ST., Reading, Penna. Boots owl Shoes. MA SON'S o 0 7' _1 Xi/ ,•;/.IOE STORE, CENTRE SQUAI: E, LANCASTER, PA. A NOTII ER FRESH AR RIVAL—Giva US A CALL. The only place for good and substantial work. MA NS A L Where ran be seen the largest and be e t assort 'wilt of Men's and Boys' BOOTs _IND SHOES ever brought to this city. Ladles', Misses' and Children's plain and fancy i•iboes, Balmoral./ and Buttoned Gaiters. Alkir Also, IWIII3 FAS 0 F EtYK IN wbich we invite you to call and examine; feeling eon , ildent that we can warrant all to WEAR WELL. ko 20-Iy] Brushes. JACOB ROTIIAIMEL, PREMIUM BRUSH MANUFACTURER. DEALER. IN Co_ll B,‘_+: _LSD FANCY NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA. MCI Fit rat ish ing Goods, &C. H EA I) Q ARTERS "On UNDLRCLOTIIING, STOCKINGS, CiLOVES, COLLARS, CUFFS, SLEEVE BUTTONS, and (,onl ware generally, at ERISMAN , S, Nn. 11%, NORTH QUEEN ST., Lancaster An fever ous grosser shtock goals—suitable for Krishdogs, Net•Yohrs un cutlery Presents— SO we hchnup-Dither, Collars, Hem a•rtuel Ilemmer-fronts, Pocket Perfunwry, ,Ifolir-CEnl, Cigar Casa, un omit, ry fancy artic>ca ons E.. 1. El/ISMAN'S, 41 North Queen Street, Lancaster. , D 1 Sign fum gross Shtreufich llem.) tuo2o.ly Clothing. t jt - '•'l' OPENED BEAU MONDE HALL! Ili) ROW, 54. PENN 'Qt7.4 RE, 543 f it EA DINO', L ENNA., I=l nEAVER CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, &f.., 01118 WINTER WEAH BEIM BOY'S CLOTHING, Me i TLEDI EN S FURNISHING GOODS! LEVI G. COLEMAN, Cutter BITCH & BRO., no3G-tf ] Bank keg. I= B AIR & BANKERS, NORTHEAST ANGLE Or CENTRE 5Q1141.112, LANC'Ai3TIM, PENNA n024-Iy] ARTICLES, PROPAIETOII2 11
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